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Servers down until full release comes out on the 4th.

>How to register:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
>lisa will never force you down and shove a rifle in her ass ;_;
>trying to make the new thread myself
>"The connection to the server was reset." "The connection to the server was reset." "The connection to the server was reset." "The connection to the server was reset." "The connection to the server was reset."

Damnit Firefox, you never work for me when I actually NEED you to.

...Anyway. For those as of yet unaware, the AC charge server goes online on July 3rd at 2:00 AM EST (in 2 hours or so as of this post). Pictured are your payment options. Who's going to test the waters and seize the market first thing?
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...Seriously, I'm going to punch this browser.



You'll either have to use a thir party which'll charge nearly 200%, or hope Sega makes cards like they did with PSU.
then explain >>8755010
They won't accept a card with a foreign billing address.

Some of the allowed payment methods can be piggybacked on by eWallets like PayPal, as someone in the previous thread explained for which I am quite grateful. So thankfully you only have to worry about the currency conversion, and USD/CAD to Japanese Yen isn't too bad.

I may test it myself with a minimal charge if I can get one of the sites to work without any fuss. No promises though.
You sure? They were happy to take my Visa for PSU.
Lost track of question in another thread, but has sega stated whether AC bought items are tradable?
Assuming the things like mag/stat reset/skill resets/skill trees/new char etc etc stuff are all in a ticket kind of form.
>Spend all day waiting for PSO2 to install
>PSO2 finishes patching
>Servers are down

All unbound items are tradeable; your question depends on whether or not AC items auto-bind to you upon acquisition... sadly I'm not sure if they do or not.

And on the subject of trading, I have a question of my own: I know only Premium users (or people who simply bought the trade function) can initiate trades, but does the person you're trying to trade WITH need to buy the option too?

CBT every single thing was tradeable
Do you think servers will be global at the end of it all?

And by tradeable I mean being able to buy it from the auction house without premium.
By the end of the world ala 2012?

How sure are we that they won't bill foreign cards?
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Anyone else get this sword?
T'was my second goal for the OB. First was lvl to 30, but it didnt workout
you can buy from player shop, for free.
to set up a shop to sell, costs arks cash
had it downloaded since closed beta.
U mad?

im going to have a wonderful Independence Day.
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So much FUN. I just wish there were more people out there to have bombastic adventures with.
There's a million of those on the AH
When are the servers going up?
Also, how do you add NPCs to your party?
no i mean, get one from vol dragon.
Update is live.



First question: July 4th at 1:00 AM EST.
Second question: When you're in the campship, check the circle-! symbol. First tab is NPC bots, second tab is Friend bots.
mine is on the AH
servers go up July 4th, you have to do a quest to unlock NPc's. in the campship (room where you jump into the pool/portal thing) and on the left is a window with a yellow circle
and you click on it and can summon NPC's
have you actually used it?
If it's on the AH, obviously he hasn't.
Anyone else have Avira saying that this is a virus?
Phantasy Star Universe was the best in the series.
tbh, when i got it and used it, i thought it sucked major dick
but once you start using it and set the PA up that matches perfect with your style or combat.
fucking hell, its an awesome weapon.
Server is down for days? fuuuckk

down for a day and a half`
Ethan was a likable and well-written hero that really distinguished himself as both a man and a hero.
You make it sound like it has different properties or something.

All I see is a sword, the requirement, and the damage.
Also, the combat system was unique and had a lot of depth. It is rare to find a game with such an impressive array of combos and attacks to choose from.
thats basically it. but people fight different.
i always have a wide selection of PA, which is always good. no matter what weapon your using.
the sword sucks it your just holding down REFT CRICK button.
im saying PA's make it better to use
Ambition of the Illuminus is also the greatest expansion in recent history. I really felt engaged tagging along with Laia and sharing her experiences. And going from offline to online a third of the way through the story helped me learn how to get online so I could play all of the online games on my PS2.
Poorfag reporting in.
>holding down the button

Out. Get out.
I just got to the desert and didn't get to fight any desert bosses, the servers went down in the middle of the mission. Why..?
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im done with this games. It's way to grindy. I love the anime style and the combat. I just don't like the fact have to grind for hours for a kawaii maid hat. Just gonna wait for guild wars. Was fun while it lasted. Later bros
Servers will be up 24 hours from now

Servers are down because they said so 500 times.
>he never did city mission burst parties!
You sound like someone who played it alone and didn't do the quests.

This, a thousand times this. The sword with just its basic attacks is lacking compared to the other three Hunter weapons, but once you get suitable PAs, it's your best method of DPS. Getting the Sword Gear skill takes it a couple steps further if you're patient.

Is Sword Gear worth it since you have to basically waste 3 points on Guard Stance to get it?
You have to do that to get S-ATK Up anyways.
How did everyone's last minute shopping go before the servers went down?

I snagged myself a ton of rappy souls for units. Also all of the 9-star unit sets for cheap.
they will open 1am tomorrow JP time. JP is 13 hours ahead
so it will be up EST at 12 am (AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY)
FUCK, 12 "pm" i mean.
I don't think you calculated that right.
it's 14:00JST for release

sword gear is a must for sword user. Sword gear is also for a hunter that doesn't want to kill 10 guys at once and still heavenly fall all over bosses.
well shit.
An hero time!
if you go sleep now there will be 12 hours less to wait!

make that 15.
Heavy sleeper here
T-the servers are down for 2 days? And this was my last night off this week... FUCK THIS EARTH UGH. I was just starting to fucking understand the game.
It's free to play though I would pay money for it not to be in moonrunes
fuck you
one day

this is probably the worst place to ask but does anyone know if the inventory expansions are permanent?
the game is free.
I'll befriend you and help out with speedruns if you stay~

Oh, very much so. Here's a list of what the PAs do with the Gear:

-Rising Edge: This is one of the two charge-up attacks that aren't normally practical, but if you max out the Gear, the charge-up becomes nigh-instantaneous. Hurts like the devil if you can Just Attack-chain three of them.
-Twister Fall: Honestly not sure what this does with Sword Gear, as I've never tried it. I'll find out later.
-Nova Strike: The other charge-up attack, same deal as Rising Edge.
-Stun Concido: The stun time increases drastically with maxed Gear. As a protip, this makes dealing with the Gilnas enemies a LOT easier, especially if you stun them with their core opened up.
-Sonic Arrow: The blades get bigger and hit more times as the Gear gauge fills up. At max, this will rip through whole groups of enemies like a hot knife through butter.
-Cruel Throw: A straight damage buff. With my current sword, I can max-Gear-Just-Attack Cruel Throw an El Arda (the other kind of Darker flier) for over 1.5k damage.
Well that sounds lovely.
What the fuck is taking so long to update the english translation patch?

Thanks for the info. Now I can't wait to play again!
Game refuses to take their files in.
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Trying to make a decent Lambda... Opinions? Help?
protip: no one is working on it
That's what I thought. He runs into one snag and quits. Ironic he has a list of 'script kiddies' on his blog.
>mfw nobody linked the new thead in the old one until after 70+ posts
>mfw no jew tutorial image
They also NEVER put the Character Creator in OP.

We seriously need a new person to do the OP

Enjoy PSE Burst!
It's a problem, it is the OP's job to fucking link these things. It's rather rude to leave the old thread die and then make everyone who did not get the memo just scouring around. If OP cannot just take the link and link it to old so everyone from there know to forward to new one the OP should not make a new thread at all and leave the job to someone who DOES link it.

Yeah I vote somone else to do NEW THREAD everytime. Even Hyperdimension Neptunia generals have better OP.
Fucking Vegas stop blanking out my videos.
Huh? What happened?
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( `_ `)
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None of this shit are mine
Stop being an exhibitionist, you slut.
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>faggot posting his shitty youtube videos

get out.
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>cropping the image so it doesnt get detected as duplicate
I'm also very bad at this.
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>mfw I read this as "likes cats"
>8 people photon blast at once

And that was my first City Mission.
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moonrunes for grinder
>shit that's wrong and incomplete

Save the other version, delete that one
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last one
>mfw I have to take a friend to the airport in 3 hours
>sleeping for 12 hours
I mean sleep is good and all, assuming you actually do something besides sitting on your ass all day playing games and having fun
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just post the good one dammit, you god damned faggot
I don't know why people spam Photon Blasts when it starts. I don't know if it helps, if it's just for show, or what.

But damn if it isn't orgasmic.
Didn't notice there was another version

Was about to
but i don't have any left, I spent it all on scratchcards
Always bet on FOnewearl ass.
Well go notice it in the old thread and hurry up.

Shit it even has wlance and partisan mislabeled.
S-someone saved my image? ararara
hurry up on what? You already posted it
Wasn't me, I was replying to a backquote and hadn't scrolled down.
I get pretty hard when there's shit blowing all over the place and a huge countdown timer ontop of my screen yo
So, is there anything you guys need translated from the JPWiki? Got nothing to do right now.
So who let all the faggots join the team and let them start taking over the team chat with all their role playing.
How about a translation of the menu that pops out when you click on someone? Or a translation of the art editor

yes I know this requires to be online
Hard mode "collect X shit from X mob" repeatable quests please?
I think the first is already done. I might do the latter when it comes back online.

Okay, gimme a sec to see if I can find 'em.
Who hands 'em out?
23 hours.

Someone prepare new shit for the OP for when the game launches.
Whatserface. The ugly chick just South of Xeno. Franka.

Most of them are on the Bumped blog, anyways.
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Am I going the right way with this? Decided to try out hunter after being bored with launcher spamming everything to death as a ranger.

I prefer using swords so I went for sword gear. However, I'm not sure if I should get Fury Stance over S-atk up 1 and 2 instead.
Yes. That second S-ATK Up's only giving you, like, 9 points at 3. Take those eight points and get the first rank of Fury Stance.
Drop S-ATK UP 2 and a couple of ranks from HP Up 2 and grab Just Guard and Just Counter. Sword can guard cancel damn near anything and has the worst dodge.

Alright, thanks for the input. I'm curious as to why automate halfline has 10 points though. Why does it need that many points?
doesn't always proc; more points=more chance of procing

either way it's a waste of points
Because it's a useless piece of shit. At 10 you only have a 50% chance of it even working. There's so many better things you could be doing with it. Besides, with decent gear and learning how to into guard/dodge, you'll rarely take over two-digit damage.
Higher % chance to trigger. 50% chance at max, with how valuable skill points are it's an absolute waste of points.
Are the servers back up yet?
I'm assuming there won't be a wipe of characters? I'm not seeing anyone panic or whatnot...
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thinking of going tanky partisan build; good idea/bad idea?

So any news on the english patch? Like, real news? Does anyone know anything? Are they still working on it? Sources, progressions, anything of the sort? If there's only one thing blocking them, it seems like they'd be able to talk about it, or at least say they haven't tried in days.
alright, I'm new at this game. How do you allocate stats and crap like this?>>8761925
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>servers go down
>suddenly, skill tree faggotry

Que sera. Need to fork out for a second tree, now that I know how useless Fury Critical is.
Does anyone else play as Force? Any hints or tips for a 20~ Fonewm who only understands the basics.

...There's no way that's accurate. My Hunter is Lv. 28 and he can't even break 500 HP without weapon/armor boosts like Vol Soul.
That's for level 100.
They explained multiple times that the problem holding back the patch is that the open beta used a new encryption that they've been having trouble breaking. I'll laugh my ass off if they say full release has yet another new form of encryption that sets them back to square one.
talk to the male npc at the left counter in the gate room, opposite of the nurse station; he manages your skill trees and swapping between classes.

skill tree simulator is in OP
>my HUnewearl with four +30 HP souls equipped has over 500

Are you even trying?
Since PSO2 is coming PC, PSV, and Smart Phones, what do you guys think the chances are that it'll come to PS3
I wish they'd give you a chance to try out all 3 gears but alas, that was back in CBT.

Here's what I can say about Sword Gear though, since you seem interested in that one - Sword is one of the most versatile gears in that the normal attacks are somewhat fast (compared with Wired Lance), and the gear doesn't deplete as long as you are doing damage. This makes the gear ideal for boss fights, since the longer you fight, the more your DPS climbs.

The S-ATK Up skill's purpose is to allow you to equip higher tier weapons sooner rather than later, and this is particularly useful if you are not maining Hunter and your Mag's points are elsewhere, such as R-ATK or T-ATK .

For both Guard Stance and Fury Stance, both the bonus and penalty are improved by investing points, and I'd recommend 5 points in either.

Just Guard allows you to not only negate lots of damage if you guard at the right moment, but you also start reflecting damage. I'd recommend dodging rather than blocking, though.

The way the tree is looking right now, it seems like Sword-HU has all the tools you need to keep enemies' attention and weather attacks from a mob, or else simply keep the aggro of a boss and allow your party to DPS without dodging. Not to mention that the typical drop in DPS that most RPG tanks suffer is somewhat negated by the fact that Sword Gear is such a great boost. I'm not recommending that you tank though, just food for thought.

Ffffff, really? There goes my dream of being a Hunter with full Vol Dragon armor (not enough base R-DEF). Unless I buy a new Mag that's pumped with R-DEF but why would you even aefuiahegtouaehoiy

Guess I actually have to do a Ranger spec.
get your goddamn just counter son.

then dump the rest in fury stance for extra bonuses; remember, the cap will be raised to 40 so that means 40 points to play with
Partisan PAs cancel with dash or jump, so guard isn't as useful with them.
only if you're a full retard minmaxing faggot; once you factor in equipment and skill trees and whatnot really it's all the same. it's the OTHER PS games where race had hard impacts on your performance
Partisan-class weapons have somewhat lower damage than other weapons types. I would recommend making room for 5 points in Fury Stance, which will net you over 100 S-ATK while it's active. I would also suggest dropping the Guard talents, Partisans are a fast weapon and are generally easy to dodge cancel, even their lengthy PAs can be dodge-canceled at almost any moment.

If you want to tank, I suggest using a sword, since a Partisan's attack animations are your method of generating Gear meter, and if you spend a lot of time blocking instead of attacking from blind spots, you'll be reducing your effectiveness.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the input. I'm not too keen on blocking though, since I'm pretty okay when it comes to dodging and invincible frames (thank you Monster Hunter)

I guess I'll be getting fury stance then.
Yeah, I know about the encryption thing. I'm just wondering if they've made ANY progress, or if they're essentially STILL at square one.
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I used most of the Bumped monster names since it looks like everyone's more used to them.
Is this what you wanted?
I don't think Fury stance is worth it, because of a flat increase. Even JA's 10% for 10 points might be a better deal in the long run.
>being a HUnewearl was nerfed to hell and back
>go braver instead

I couldn't survive two consecutive Dark Falz Dios hits, and that's the way I liked it, dammit.
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yes no maybe try again?
Is 40 gonna be the end limit, or will it go up later?
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Thinking about this for an all-around kind of Hunter build, I know that wired lances are typically considered the best of the weapon choices but I'm not a fan, I do love me some Sword and Partisan though.
Keep in mind that currently the Level cap is going to be...40, I think. That's not very high, and still low enough for 100 attack to give you some great mileage. Supposing you have about 1k S-ATK, 10% of that is 100 ATK. You're getting that much out of 5 points into fury stance, without the need to JA any attacks, as well as applying the attack bonus to your PAs (which the JA bonus does NOT do for HU).

I would go as far as to say that should the numbers climb higher after a level cap increase, SEGA will retool the skill trees to include more %-based talents.
needs more just counter.
Those two S-ATK Ups combined won't be as goos as just macing the first.
final cap will be 200

actual cap will go up as new areas are released/story progresses
My human male (read: highest defense in the game) still got one shot by bosses at S and infinity rank. Your character's race wasn't the issue. It was the fact that defense meant jack shit in PSP2 and even less in Infinity. A newman with maxed evasion was a far better tank than a human because evasion tanking was the only viable tanking in the game.
good to know.
Assuming flat increase from S-Atk (i.e 2 S-Atk would double the damage of 1 S-Atk), J-Bonus is equal to Fury Stance at 1.5k S-Atk and better from then on out.
Wire Lance isn't the best by any means. I'd drop Fury Stance if you're only putting 3 points in it, put 10 points in S-ATK Up 1 before starting on 2 since you get more from higher levels.
打撃アップ1(Striking Attack Up 1)
Raises Striking Attack.

Lv1 +3
Lv2 +6
Lv3 +10
Lv4 +14
Lv5 +18
Lv6 +23
Lv7 +28
Lv8 +34
Lv9 +40
Lv10 +50

Look at dat scaling.
>150 S-atk bonus
>equal to 20 levels worth of s-atk
Welp. I'm off to sleep. See ya lads.
That's pretty much the default of all the stat boost skills. As said by >>8762641 that 4 and 5 would be worth 32, while 9 is worth 40 and didn't require HP Up 2.
S-ATK Up lets you equip weapons earlier (at 30 cap it was literally the ONLY way to equip the best weapons in the game for both Sword and Wire Lance). There's also no defence penalty and he had to put a few points in it for Sword Gear. Shit is situational bro.
>now that i know how useless Fury Critical is

wait what? why is this useless?
Crits just make you do the max of your default damage range, not a multiplier.
... well fuck, when was this learned?
fury critical makes you do the maximum of your damage range, which isn't bad per se, but JA/Satk points raise your overall damage and are easier to get to in the tree
Crits make you do top end damage of your standard damage range. Rather than the standard 1.5x, 2x or whatever that most games use. If you have a very wide range of damage crits are pretty good, but if not they're pretty mediocre. For 10 extra points spent you get an absolutely miniscule damage increase.
Here's a testing video so you can see for yourself:
Bonuses for buying AC have been announced. For every 2000 AC you buy, you'll get 2x rare item drop +50%.

Not much of a good deal, but I was contemplating buying 10,000 AC any way just to get it out the way with.
Did anyone try to buy AP yet?

I mean AC
AC purchasing is now up.
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As long as we're being skilltree faggots, let's get some other trees in the mix. Thoughts?
Just tried using my gaijin card for 1,000. Looks like it went through. We'll see if it stays that way.
good lord, why....
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Time to waste money on a reset.
Why not put points in PP up? Just curious. It's similar to the build I'm going for.
Hey that's my skill tree exactly.

I think I picked badly, Ice seems kind of terrible especially when I could be spamming SaZonde.
>only had to put in card number
>no other information

Everything went better than expected.
I'm quite fond of Rafoie, it only costs 20 PP and is AoE. 20 PP is nothing.
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this is some pay to win pullshit
>pay to win

Win what?
pp up is a scam; you only get 1pp per skill point spent
For <target>, do you have to lock on?
>pay real monie for AC
>get drop rate boosters for buying a set amount
Seriously?!? I'm so glad I didn't invest in PP up yet.
No. Just shows the last thing the game targetted (displayed info box for). Even if you don't currently have an active target it shows your last one. It's nice for letting Japs know a boss has spawned in multiparty areas.
No, what do you win?
>Getting things for buying things
>rare drop boosters
>thinking it's pay to win

sooo you just get cooler looking weapons than everyone else...and that's somehow pay to win becaaaaauuuuuse?
So you used a regular credit card? Did it already transfer on your Transactions?
That's why I wanted to know.
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I had my PA autoword to say something about the enemy i was whacking on and it kept turning out like "19+2moonrunes"

what the fuck?
No, pay to win would be Sega will sell you the rares directly, complete with grinds and bonuses and make it so playing without it is impossible.
Incredibly situational. You'll feel very gimped except when you're on Amduskir. Freezing happens very infrequently, freeze boost is a mere 10% boost, and freeze ignition is pretty much only useful against vol dragon and catadran. I'll admit freeze ignition is powerful, but a generalist force can put out the same damage WAY more regularly with charged techs on weak points that have been hit with weak shot. It just doesn't make sense to gimp yourself in every other tree just to be really good on one planet.
Last thing you had targetted was 19+2 Meseta, I'd wager.
Which techs can allow you to target weak points? I never tried aiming Gizonde with TPS mode, I only know of Foie.
Normal card. Won't be able to tell til morning.
how exactly would a bolt tree work anyway? isn't the philosophy behind that branch of the tree 'screw charging', meaning you don't take the 'required' charge pp?
Going full charge doesn't seem to take much more PP considering it does like quadruple damage.
what tree setup would you recommend then?
For the zip code can I just put any japanese zip code?
Just about any tech can hit a weak point. You just have to put a talis close enough to where you want to hit. As for techs that make it mindless to hit a weak point, ra foie, barta (assuming the weak point is on or near ground level), and grants are good spammers.
Please stop asking if your skill tree is good or not.

If there's any game where your efficiency and DPS doesn't mean SHIT, it's PSO. Just have fun
The PSO-W people have just been using Sega's HQ.


東京都品川区東品川1丁目39番9号 カナルサイドビル

I don't consider paying for resets or more trees fun
>get 10,300AC
>spend it all on AC scratch for the Lisa outfit
>10.3k AC

how much was it?

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As the file name states, this is my current build. It's very much a generalist build that banks on the inevitable payoff of percent over flat stat increases, but I consistently do 900-1200 damage per ra foie with this setup. Barta tends to do 500-650, and gi zonde does 600-800. I'm not blowing the lid off of damage rankings, but I can wreck shit on any planet.
Why pay for resets when you can just get a new tree for cheaper?

I'll give you the fact it's retarded that having your tree simply reset costs 1000 AC, double the 500 it asks you for in exchange for a new tree.

But you can have a maximum of 20 trees per character, so you wont need a reset any time soon.

10K yen
I'm guessing like $130

Implying the rare drop rate wasn't already fine the way it was. Just look at the bloody Player Shop and you'll see rares by the dozens.

These boosters are a transparent moneygrab, through and through. Spend as much money as you THINK you need to spend, don't blow more of it than necessary on something that may not even yield the desired result.

You can have your fun but there'll be moments where shit hits the fan where party leaders will kick players from left to right, due to shitty stats. I hope this game never reaches this point.

Yeah, I just need to get the inventory expanders and that's it.

Oh, and maybe a new MAG
God damnit they have the hair I originally wanted although it looks uglier now
>Implying the skills won't be rebalanced or they won't add to the skill tree in a way that makes you completely regret your choice.
>Looking through the AC prizes list
>+100% Rare Drop Increase
>30 Minutes

I have the solution: never buy anything more than the first 3 points in the first skill for the first year or so, or until the first expansion.
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Blue eyes.
I am not pleased.

Hurrah! Now I may have a chance at that Pycho wand with a .0002 chance

seems to me like everyone and their mother that has a female cast is going to sport these....

they'll lose value almost instantly and most likely nobody will ever wear them again
Good thing I'm a male human and the FOnewm duds are already the pimpinest outfit that will ever be in the game.

Enjoy your AC sponge.
>Meseta Gain +100%

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Even the jewiest of companies(read nexon) give 1 free respec if they drastically change talent trees.
Every MMO reaches that point. Power gamer scum always find something to latch on to (whether it be stat distribution, skill tree builds, or gear), spend months autistically calculating min-maxed "uber builds", then get on anywhere people talk about the game to embark on a campaign to make it so that anyone who's not using "xXx1337sNiP3rZ420_247's uber (fill in class) build" is ostracized from the game's community. I never got into PSO before it was on private servers, but I can well imagine that anyone whose mag didn't follow a certain, exact build for their race and class, and woe be to the poor bastard who picked an inoptimal race and class combo, was persona non grata in any room.
extra skill path.
so i can swap between builds?
Will additional skill trees add a skill tree for all classes or is it per class?
only one for one class
On hard mode most of the meseta drops are like 200+. Only monster drops are small like 5-10.
Given that, its still quite ineffective, yes.
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>get a couple of AC scratch cards
>all of them are meseta boosters

I can actually see this happening. Seriously, fuck this gambling bullshit.

BALLS, fucked up both ranger and hunter trees.
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Its like mobamas all over again
See that makes sense in a game where you are actually doing something challenging and a bad or undergeared player can ruin the whole operation. Basically, an actual MMO.

PSO is NOT an MMO, it's a co-op game where you run and slash at stuff, you have to be playing very stupidly to actually die and if you do die there is no penalty except you have to try again, which you can do immediately with no cooldown.
I mentioned this in another thread, but the Japanese government is trying to outlaw this after a bunch of teenagers were found to be spending the yen equivalent of thousands of dollars a month on this kind of lotto system. Not sure how the companies would make money without constantly fucking over the players, though.
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>people putting points into improve charge
>people ignoring gizonde and sazonde

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in alpha people were presented with a bunch of AC points, like 1000, while every draw costed 10.
I'd say it drops more or less fair. Its exactly how its shown in the drop chart - lots of expendables and furniture with 20-30% chance of getting outfit. So, in the end I had quite a bunch of outfits on my hand. In comparison to mobamas its very democratic.

BUT there are two issues you should consider:

1. You will get a bonus item for getting ALL outfits in gacha draw. In alpha it was a rappy costume
2. You can exchange your unwanted gacha outfits for a free coloring ticket

so, don't worry, even if the gacha will be fair, you will still waste all your estate business in it.
so if I want to start playing I have to wait until the 4th?
heh, just wait for time attack missions.
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Don't care, I just want this.
Nobody gave a shit in PSO1 because it's not that type of game, and this isn't either. The only place where anything mattered was challenge mode which favored certain races and classes, but it was easy enough to work around and even a fun challenge.

It's just not that type of game. Realistically, you are going to enter a game, if you don't have a good weapon people will just assume one never dropped for you, and no one will even know what the fuck your skill tree is because they can't see it.
They actually made it illegal in Japan to do the whole "collect X amount of items from gacha to get real prize" thing, so it probably won't be like that now.
>1. You will get a bonus item for getting ALL outfits in gacha draw. In alpha it was a rappy costume
This was outlawed by Japanese government right after the beta ended. Japanese game companies aren't allowed to offer a larger prize you unlock by getting all the individual gatcha prizes.
They also made pachinko illegal long ago, did something change?
thats what they said every time gacha assortment got refreshed
There is a reason the place where you earn Pachinko balls and the place you exchange them are separate buildings. They would not be allowed to pull that outfit within a single game (product)
Why throw 1 point into ice instead of just getting just reversal?
First of all we don't even know if the time attack mission has any reward other than just being on a stupid ranking quest, and second I doubt most people are going to start their serious time attack runs by making an open party and waiting for three strangers to join.

Even back on PSO1 which had Challenge Mode, the attitude was less like "You brought a FOmar to Cmode and doomed us from the outset!" than it was "Yeah! We managed to do Cmode with a FOmar! How good are WE?"

>new dance emote

Whoever wins this is gonna be really popular in the lobby.
I use gi zonde a lot more than sa zonde. Maybe my level in it is too low, but sa zonde barely stays on the enemy long enough for me to hit it with zonde to get it running. Even then, I could have just spammed gi zonde for similar, if not better damage to an entire group of enemies. As much as I love gi zonde, I couldn't possibly consider spending that many points to reduce its cost when it's the rare case that anything is left alive by the time I start to get low on PP even with no points in PP bolt save. The way I figured, my points were better spent in tech charge advance, which I had already unlocked through charge PP revival anyway.
lots of people will. It didn't have ultra super rare items in the draw, they have approximately even distribution, just like lots of people drew vintage room and all back hair in FUN scratch

Well, in the list the difficulty in obtaining it is rated 5 stars.
Not that guy, but it's because a force is rarely going to get knocked over thanks to the ridiculous amount of invincibility from mirage escape and the first point in the mastery skills gives a 5% increase compared to 1% for the next 3-5 points after that. A single point in the mastery skills is more bang for your buck than just reversal.
>time attacks
>very hard
>ultra hard
There might even be a 5th difficulty if we're lucky.
The bottom line is that PSO1 didn't have a lot of elitist min-maxing shit and neither will this game. There is no death penalty, no problem that can't be solved by grinding to a higher level. It's a far cry from an MMO where you have a team of 30 people sitting at level cap and they have to use their skills wisely to avoid losing EXP and gear.

The only reason PSU had elitism while PSO didn't is that your EXP was dependent on the rank you got in the mission, and that's not a problem here.
>First of all we don't even know if the time attack mission has any reward other

It's the only form of competition right now. Think of it liken to diablo 2's ladder. It's essentially end game content. I hope they differentiate between solo and group play though.
what will become of enkou's room?
Not him, but my experience in DCUO directly contradicts what you're saying. DCUO is a piss easy game, way easier than any Phantasy Star game, has no death penalty, and end game content doesn't give experience because you can't do it until max level. Endgame crap gives marks that are turned in for tier gear, so there is nothing lost when you die except time. Despite that, it's still full of those "GET ON MY LEVEL" elitist twats that refuse to play with you unless you have a certain, exact gear setup and a certain exact skill tree build. Some people are just out to ruin shit for everyone else, and somehow, game communities always bow down to the tiny, but incredibly vocal, community of power gamer scum.
Where can I find the Character Creator and english patch that goes with it?
>Endgame crap gives marks that are turned in for tier gear,
That's another difference between Phantasy Star and an actual MMO.

PS has no "endgame." Leveling IS the game. All your gear is randomly dropped.
I can already see in people discussing skill tree, even if all it does is tiny additional numbers. Also mag faggotry.
Just give it time, pso is no different from other multiplayer games.
Here's an idea how about you just never fucking tell anyone how your skilltree is set or what your mag stats are and they'll never know.
Are friends lists bound to account or character? In other words, if I delete my character and recreate it, will I still have my friends?

In b4 I have no friends.
mag faggotry is already here
>lel u put 1 point into tech and not full strike, such a baddie
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So what do you guys think? Crap?

Should I drop a gear or two and get JG and JC? I was thinking I'd be all pro-dodging and shit
I'm stupid when it comes to timezones. When does the game go back online?

There's a chance that the AC will have resets or purchasable mags

How would anyone know you have a point in there unless you told them yourself? I think that lone point would bother me more than anyone else.
I managed to register my credit card, I think, however now I'm being asked for a whole bunch of personal info when I try to make a purchase.

How on earth do I get through this nonsense?
Then third form and level 100+ appears.
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Tried that in another MMO once. Ended up on a blacklist that circulated around the power gamer scum because I didn't have end game gear when I was nowhere near a level where I could do the content that gets me that gear. It's been four years since then, and I can't buy or sell to other players in that game because that power gamer blacklist was pushed on the rest of the community, and they just bent over backwards to do whatever the power gamer scum said.
The skill shop shows both extra skill builds and skill resets available.
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>yfw everyone has their skills reset after the trees are redone
>Hey guys, I played the game that came before this for years and I know from experience most people didn't act like this, here's my reasoning about why it didn't happen last time and how those same elements carry over here, also PSO is not an MMO.

>No you're wrong every MMO is the same I played a shitty WoW clone so I know my MMOs, I can just see how the game will look a year from now.

Welp, looks like I'm not getting anywhere.
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my first ranger tree is shit anyway

It's retarded, but keeps the cost down.
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Pso2 is just another shitty tera clone: notarget mmo with no content and boobs everywhere
How about we just agree not to listen to power gamer dumbasses?

Also, let's make fun of them when they show up. So far the community has been doing a fine job.
I'm going to try my hardest to convince myself I can still have fun with this game by only spending enough to get 2 additional mags and maybe an extra skill tree (if it adds 1 for all 3 classes at once) but it will be very difficult for me not to be able to trade at all in a PSO game.
well, while others worry about power gaming elitist bullshit, I am more annoying about people playing AH instead of the game.
Wait until you have enough items you absolutely need to trade, then buy the ability for a month. Nothing with a monthly charge is necessary for gameplay, so pay up when you feel the need for it.
>Person payed $50 for a PSO episode 1+2 disc plus $10 per every month they played back in 2002.

>company makes new game.

>"Oh dear I hope I can still get the most out of the game when I only want to spend $20 for the entire time I play it."

I never understand the weird connections people make when it comes to F2P versus subscription game payments.

But that's exactly the issue I have with the AC options. You can buy monthly MyShop, MyRoom but NOT trading. You have to shell out 1300 yen a month for premium if you want to trade. I'd be ok with it if I could just buy a trading permit every other month or so but having to pay the equivalent of $16 just to unload some rares is bullshit to me especially since I don't give a fuck about MyRoom and other shit tacked onto Premium.
Best PSO?

PSOv2 PAL version had a free hunters license.
PSOBB on private server for absolutely free is superior.

I only played Version 1 for DC. Played Xbox version of Ep1 and 2 and that didn't require a monthly fee as I remember it. F2P only pisses me off when the price racks up for you wanting to enjoy the game to the absolute fullest. Want to conveniently have access to economy? Monthly fee. Want to experiment and play around with skill builds? Pay for resets and additional trees each time. Want to FUCKING TRADE? Monthly fee inflated with stupid shit like MyRoom.
Fun fact: In Japan, PSOv1 was not only free to play online, but buying the disk came with A YEAR OF FREE DIAL UP.
you see, its completely fine to preorder 50$ for a five hour long game you havent actually seen yet, but when you are allowed to play for free, with additional 5-10$ extensions, its absolutely unacceptable and hurts your feelings.
is there any porn of lisa yet
Is it even possible to charge points with a foreign, i.e. non-Japanese, credit card? Because it's not possible for many games.
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I successfully did with a visa with euros on it. Its not japanese.
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I've done it, went fine. We'll see what happens in the morning.
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it's time like this that make me wish I knew moonrune.
>dont know any moonrune
>remember menus
>enjoy the shit out of PSO2

If you can press buttons you can enjoy the game.
You typed a random jap address for this ?
Not him, but I used SEGA HQ's address, and it went through just fine.

I should have 2000 AC points waiting for me when the servers come back up.
Absolutely. You'll have to pay a small Foreign Transaction Fee on most cards, but it's like 5% of the transaction value. I buy stuff all the time from Japan and as long as you have a valid credit card, no problem.
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>find out the wedding dress has a relatively high chance of being scratched

I hope RNG is gentle tomorrow night... I only bought 1000 points and want to spend 300 of it on a mag, so I'll only have 700 leftover to scratch for the dress...

so... will they be accepting paypal after all?
No. You can buy Webmoney or Bitcash through Paypal and use that to buy AC though. If you're incapable of doing that, give it a couple of days and people will have guides up for how to do so and reputable sites for buying Webmoney at.
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Trying to learn how to make gifs.
Gee, I've never played a japanese online game before, I don't know anything about their obscure payment methods. In fact, I'm used to things going the other way around (helping japanese people get on Eve Online). Anyways thanks for the info, I'll look into that.
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shame multiparties never get repopulated, and lilipa missions glitch out.
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> look at AC scratch rarity
> Rappy suit 0,5 Star
> Cast new head 5 stars
Oh come on Sega, i don't want to see my lobby full of Rappytards.
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>that emergency code event with the giant robots that almost always bugs out
>Sega's faces when. Every time.

God damn, that shit pisses me off.
I think you might be reading the stars backwards. All of the mag food items and the cards and shit were VERY common scratches in CBT, and they are among the 4/5 star rarity items.

Unless they completely moved around the scratch chance of almost every item, I think the higher star items = higher scratch chance.
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Rest assured, I've been playing the Phantasy Star series for years, and have always, always played this game with absolutely no concern for the levels, gear, etc., etc. that any party members have beyond "Holy shit man, your gear is cool as fuck".

PSO gives you a very introverted way to play. PSO2, from what the beta has offered, appears to only amplify that. Besides this, the absolute chaos of the battles makes it near impossible to tell if someone is royally fucking up unless they keep dying. That's the only thing that makes you stand out in PSO.

Talking about skill trees and all the little fixin's can be fun for those who like to micromanage, and no matter what game you play there are people who enjoy stat maxing, and of course people who bitch when something doesn't go right and you're in their party. But it's constructed in a way that makes these tree changes invisibly negligible to others, and only really important to you if you're isolated.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling about what I think and just tell you that I think you're absolutely right. PSO2 may focus on groups and have this seemingly huge and sophisticated map of damage outputs and gear-related power deliberations, but it actually rewards players and groups by focusing them in on what they're doing and what they want individually. You can grind the whole game by yourself, nobody else required, but it's always fun when a few bros show up and you can slap the shit out of some Rappies together.
I find it funny i use your bot more than i see you in game.

Also, i have no idea how you beat me to 30 when all i ever see you do is dance in the main lobby?
>Blue eyes.
Lisa has a darker infection and that is why she is batshit. The story will eventually lead you to removing said infection from her, turning her into a deredere cast. You heard it here first folks.
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It's a shame that my Stellar Twinkle might become obsolete sooner than I thought.

I absolutely love the look of it, so I'll probably be stubborn and hold onto it for a while until I find something that's of a significant improvement.
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Its a costume concept art.

why not just keep it in your 200 space storage? at the end of the day I'm pretty sure you're not going to have 200 items that you need that are always stuck in the storage.

I've kept all my rares and I'll continue to keep them until I get bored of them or I run out of space and can't afford to keep them
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So, time for another terrible build for a DPS Partisans. This is supposing trees don't change and we don't get a reset on release. For reference, the only reason I have 4 points in JA 2 is because I was going for Fury Critical before I realised how bad it was.
>butt hats
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and thus, Sega lived through another day.
Of course I'll keep it. I'm not just gonna toss it when I outlive its usefulness.

I was speaking more in the sense of it no longer being of use to me in the practical sense of benefiting my character. Being someone who is obsessed with min/maxing sucks because I can't wear things just because they look cool, even if not the most ideal item I could be using.
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Do you even lift?
all those potted plants lost forever left alone to fester and mutate

and then he opens it after finally getting premium and steps inside and EMERGENCY CODE: AVOID
mother of god
Nice shop

You messed up on the 2nd and 7th lines

>thinking that's somehow better then 999999

you need to do better math

shop, i can tell by the pixels
oh god what

did you really just spend $15k on pso2
>tfw i cant even afford ONE AC
All dat AC, all dem AC Scratches, all dem hamboigahs
So how long until SuToCorp send me my webmoney code?

it's been over an hour now!

be the dark knight everyone needs you to be...buy premium, spend scratch on tons of costumes, recycle some copies for color tickets, and give costumes to your fellow bros

oh and get yourself a bitching MYROOM with mirrions of expansions that makes you the most popular guy out there
I don't think you can get Webmoney through Paypal, at least not on the official Japanese Webmoney site.
this, do people actually input fake japanese credentials in order to purchase ac or is there some other way around it?
all i had to do was put my name and (sega's) address then my CC info
I can imagine quite a few, not all of course, fucked up their mags pretty well, so does the cash shop offer an option to reboot it or do you have to start over on a new one which I still don't really know how to get.
There are resets as well as additional mag tickets
So with the market now being pay2sell only, what happens if you're a freescum and had stuff for sale when the servers went down?

Still remains for sale, you just can't add more?
you can buy a mag reset for 500 AC points, but you can also buy a second mag for 300 AC points.

Don't ask why it's the other way around because nobody knows.
>yfw that 1000 AC you blew on scratch only got you shitty strengthening items
it goes into your storage automatically
Obviously I meant

>why it's NOT the other way around*

Sorry, it's 6 AM
Why would anyone pay extra to reset a mag or skill tree when you can get an additional one.
For the level probably
Is the reset MAG specific or can you do your entire MAG army?
There are some people who are too OCD and/or autistic to put up with the mag clutter that'd come consequence of buying an extra one in place of resetting the one you fucked up on.

>Not doing research beforehand so you know how mag feeding words, and don't accidentally fuck up your mag

People are retarded sometimes
What if your storage is full? Inventory is also full.
Your items are destroyed.
Yea that sounds pretty retareded by sega, one can only assume there is some limit or else its cheaper to fail at mags then to reset them.
Thanks for the info though, both of you, might have have to open my wallet for this one, just have to defeat the last boss of the internet .. moonrunes.

It goes into it's own type of storage box which doesn't expire.
>actually giving a fuck what your mag evolves into

those are the real retards.

Most likely they temporarily put it in the AC storage until you remove it

You receive an item, which you then feed to your mag, causing it to have all of its stats reset to as it was when you first got it.

In other worse, 1 mag per reset
Buying 90 day shop ticket 5 mill pst!
>5 mil

...yeah, right. That'll be the 30 day price. Rappy Suits when for 5 mil in cbt until people started buying them. In this case, the price won't drop. Try 30 mil
Well it's much less caring what it evolves into as much as it is the actual stats on the mag, or the photon blast(s) it gets.

The best of the end-game loot required having a 100% pure mag, as well as having allocated skill points to the passive skills that give those stats, so the min/maxers would be all over that shit if they are stupid enough to mess up their precious mag

Then again, the people who actually CARE About min/maxing most likely did research beforehand anyway, and wouldn't fuck up their mag in the first place
1500 AC.. can't wait to get all dos synthesizers

Until we know what the level 40 weapons are, and what the requirements are to use them, expect to see a lot of more people fucking up their mag.

I wouldn't be surprised Sega going into troll mode and making people who placed in a few ability get shafted of the best available weapons.
So far Im more concerned about how to get a specific photon burst rather than its form or stats. I keep getting stuff I dont want, and its not possible to predict at all.
How long until this goes back up. My hands are shaking here,

No one had more than a mill in cbt. That and no one fucking bought rappy suits when they were basically handed out.

18 hours
That's why I'm doing this

>Level my starter mag as 66/33
>Quick, easy method of leveling my mag so I have something to use while leveling
>Buy second mag with AC
>Level it 100% pure so I will be able to equip that 1 staff that requires a fuckmillion T-ATK, and you can only equip it with a pure mag.

300 AC and half a brain is all it takes to remove all of your mag troubles. Maybe more if you are into the whole multi-class thing, but I don't plan on leveling other classes anytime soon.
Hey guys. I've seen a lot of jap beta screens. PSO is a part of my childhood as I am sure it is the same for all of you. Is july 4th the engrish release or japanese release?
will there be changes after release? like buffing the rifle because everybody seems to want to go luncher

yfw best staff requires 500 ability
I'm expecting mapping changes at least, because in videos naberius jungles had new patterns. Maybe they will bring codes and monsters from alpha version.


I've only seen the Talis require ability to equip, so I hope I'll be fine
Sega is scrambling offices from all over the world, so I doubt they will ever give a fuck about non-japanese release. I can understand them.

I've only seen rare Talises, rather, require ability.

I probably wouldn't ever equip a rare staff anyway, assuming Sega actually makes one. Unless the T-ATK it has is enough to offset the amount you lose in using a pure mag, there'd be almost no point in using it.

wouldn't ever equip an ability staff*

Holy fuck, I need to go to sleep. Typos and shit fucking everywhere.
Well that went smooth. Now to see if I get my AC tomorrow.
Did you use the fake address? Or did you use one of the third-party sites?

The sega address everyone's been using. Hope I don't get banned for it. I just want to give them my money. ;_;
Probably not banned, but I don't see how your credit card company would accept the charges. I mean it's not like it looks suspicious or anything, but suddenly getting charges from japan might set off a few alarms.
Nothing a call to your bank normally can't fix. I know I had my account locked when buying a figma because the charge came from Japan, but got it resolved in a matter of minutes with a quick phone call.
Anyone else have to play through a VPN? I know most people don't, but I cannot get into the game without my Japanese VPN, I don't mind I guess but I'm paying for the VPN just for this game, luckily the game is free but now it's not =\ maybe an ISP thing?
I don't know of anybody other than you who is playing this game through a VPN. SEGA isn't locking out gaijin IP addresses yet
The game is free, always has been free and always will be free.

You're the first I've heard of needing a VPN to play.

its probably because you live in canada
Then wtf, at first I was having trouble patching just timing out right away, so I got the VPN and it patched first try, and I can play fine, then took off the VPN to see if It was just the patch, Nope. But it seems like for whatever reason the game is more accepting to my connection through VPN, it didn't seem like it was locking out my ip at all it just seemed like my connection was so slow it was timing out during patch, but through VPN it doesn't, makes no sense to me.
To the guys who are chilling to use Sega of Japan address : Most of jpPSU players used the same trick to play the game so cool down.
Just bought 2000AC for now, not sure i'm gonna be premium every month still, it's can become really expensive. If they can give some free AC scratch with premium it would be more interesting.
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>mfw I learned what fury critical does after putting a point into it

It's only a point but I still feel so cheated that I might get a new skill tree, though I'll wait until I'm sure I won't need to skill it anyway to get points in newly released skills that I want.
Don't forget to put outfits on AH for a million meseta each.
The storage tickets are monthly too, right? Think I'll just stick with shop ticket alone and hopefully strike rich with my luck.
Wish they buff rifles
Rifles are fun in their own right but I agree they could use a bit of a buff.

What buff? Weak hit advance 1 and 2 combined with weak bullet is already overkill.
They don't need a buff.

Weak Hit Advance + Weak Bullet + Shotgun + Full Auto Spam = bullet hell
What is weak bullet?
A weak bullet, rifles are so good they have an ability to make them worse so people don't complain that they are imba.

But weak bullet + divine luncher is better
>Cooperative game
>People complaining about balance

It's like whining about diablo 2 classes. NECROMANCER OP NERF NERF NERF.
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Wish they buff hunters
But being rooted in a big fight is a death wish.
Rifles are also much easier to knockdown lock those flying darkers.

Run up, shotgun and then keep shooting until it needs another shotgun.

Can do the same with that dash in launcher attack but that's much easier to miss.
>timed mission
>boss is so fat, dps is essential
>support is entirely on damage dealer shoulders
At some point it doesn't matter if its cooperative or not. The only thing that actually important is that everyone could switch from scrub class to a good one.
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>If the information registered is false, your account may be cancelled.

Oh god guys, I'm scared now.
PSO2 would be pretty cool with a necromancer type of character
>Be Ranger
>See the Hunter attacking the same spot
Don't worry, they might refund.
>Be hunter
>enemy shows up
>before you even start running its getting burned to the ground
>run around and loot
They'll only do that if using stolen credit cards/charge backs are issued.
This reminds me, what are loading times based off?

I zone in the same time as my party and most of the time they are a full minimap screen or two away already.

Unless it's HDD based and everyone is using a SSD then I'm not sure how I can be that far behind every time.
So, since 70% of characters are female, does this mean that male character will be fodder for color change tickets, while females ones = gold mines?
You stupid fuck, you left in a censored part of the address, no wonder you got caught. Enjoy your ban, it's well deserved.
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>not living in saitama
>Living in Saitama
>Not living in Osaka
> お前らそんな事をしなければええやで~。
I seriously hope we get an extra character slot or something
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>mfw I did stupid shit just because I thought there was going to be a character wipe
500 AC each.
Any idea on how big of a download the Release update will be from open β client?
Apparently it's already up for download, and it was tiny.
Then just delete your character and make a new one. It'll be your own personal character wipe.
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i need more
Speaking of character wipes, is there any way for me to delete my character and make a new one while maintaining the things in my storage?

Or just a way to transfer some things from my account to a new one? Preferably one that doesn't involve spending cash.
stuff everything into your storage. they stay even if you delete your character
You can just put your stuff inside your storage and delete your character.
does this game have any special characteristics that makes it stand out from more mainstream MMOs?
It's Phantasy Star.
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Dunno if its been said yet but, UPDATE NOW, ITS AVAILABLE
i've never played phantasy star so i don't know what is stands for, really

it seems a bit interesting
its a hack and slash rather then a "click on enemy and watch it do its animation", Also its Sci-Fi rather then fantasy, and the only other Sci-Fi MMO on the market that i'm aware of is SWTOR.
The Stars are Phantasy.
free to play action hack and slash with loads of customization and group teamwork required

only thing that could make it better is if it werent instanced
>in space
Its not magic, its Photon Arts, they manipulate the photons in the air and in their bodies
its not magic, its technology yo.
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Yes: the fact that it's not an MMO.

It's a lobby and instance based game with more action. Think vindictus or DFO but in 3d. There's also this neat thing where other people can enter your games so up to 12 players in one instance
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uh, and why is that?
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Ships are reversed now in order. If you are going to just create a character please try to not mistake the ship you wanted to get on.
> 10mb patch
My Ragne sense is tingling... This can't be the real patch...
The files were already in our clients. They simply unlocked it
Nobody data mined so ? Or i guess no new weaps/armor for now...
I'm guessing there hasn't been any recent data mining because of the new encryption.
So the Hisaka Youko voice will only be available through AC Scratch? Why, SEGA?
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Because they know you want it.
Any idea when servers will be back up?
they arent comming back up

In 7 minutes.
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1am eastern
a couple days from now
this weekend at 1 am eastern

So which one is telling the truth?
Launchers are so much fun, you just kill and kill and kill! <3 <3 <3

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It's really 1AM EST July 4th.
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>The AC Scratch is separated into two Gachas, the cheaper option contains boost items, costumes, hairstyles and additional voices. The AC Scratch GOLD only contains costumes.
AC Scratch: 200 AC
AC Scratch GOLD: 500 AC

whelp, i know how sega is getting MY money
Don't worry, they're going to ip block it from now on.
but lisa uses a rifle...
I wish.
So let's say theoretically you did invest in getting costumes and voices and whatnot. Would you continue to play on the JP servers should they announce a NA version? Or would you just hope and pray in vain that those things are added into the NA version?
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Okay, so I clicked that big button at the top, what's it doing?
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...wait. cast parts are divided into arm/torso/leg sections, right? do we get them all at once in a scratchcard or do we need to scratch each part individually?
SEGA have an absolutely terrible history of western servers. I don't know why anyone would want to suffer the same thing again with PSO2.
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i think you already know the answer to that
no, casts are getting shat on with scratch system, because you need to win thrice the amount of desired items.
Each part individually. That's why they're the most common item.
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>finally get the game working after days

>try to login


Let me guess, the servers are down?
i would probably just make an NA alt that uses a different race for the sake of playing with my less-moonspeak inclined friends for the short period the game is up before it inevitably fails like most ventures into the US market SEGA does nowadays. probably won't spend money when i've already got some in JP servers though.
It's patching. The game is down because they're about to open. Try back at 1 AM Eastern Time/12 AM Central when the game opens. Beware, it will be packed between WHITE PIGGUS and YELLOW MONKEYS being on simultaneously for the open.
login server is up, ships are in hibernation
No, they're up. Keep trying bro.
This game is not for white pigs.
Japanese ONLY.
Please go back to playing Call of Duty.
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>most common item
>premium non-casts will get them and try to sell them right away, flooding the market and killing the value immediately
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Make me. I'm not even white
Seeing this I feel happy.
I am not into this "WAIFU KAWAI UGUU~~" shit you weeaboos are so I am pretty much happy with the parts I have.
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deformed as fuck
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Everyone heard the yellow master, close the thread and go back to DFO.
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Into space.
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White Piggu stuff aside, I do think that if you have no knowledge of Japanese, you're going to be constantly begging those of us who do for help when you get to higher levels and can't read the Matterboard.


Most of you can't even figure out how to register for the game without extensive help.
Ship 4 symbol art
Ship 2 symbol art
Katakana is so hard to learn

i spent 2 days learning, i know all the symbols and can read most of the things in pso2
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But Its perfect. There are people that don't know how to play videogames, use computer or type. Are you going to teach all of them as well?
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Most of us aren't weeaboo/autismal enough to learn a new language - an incredibly difficult one at that - Just to play a game.

As long as there are english players, there will be english guides to assist us.
I want this as symbol art so bad. I already have the American flag with the White Pig on it and GO HOME, and several of the Persona 4 dub ones that are going around.

Is there going to be a way to get more Symbol Chat pages? Buying them or earning them? One is not enough.
>when you get to higher levels and can't read the Matterboard.

Every Matterboard objective is already translated, and if they add more it won't take long before they're added to the guide.

There's no reason you can't play through this game if you have no knowledge of moon language.
I'm not the same person, but I wanted to chime in that learning ANY foreign language isn't necessarily weeaboo/autistic. It's a pretty useful skill which can actually be used in Real Life as opposed to just vidya.
Useful for what? Unless you're going to live in Japan there is no point in spending years to learn their language
You're all just lazy fucks. It takes a few days tops to learn Hirigana/Katakana, it's like the goddamn ABCs. Once you learn that, you suddenly stop asking really retarded shit like "DURRR I clicked the game and now this blue bar says ダウンロード, wut duz it meen!!"
And this is why spoonfeeding is bad, but nooo they never listen. Gotta be helpful and nice to everyone.

You dont get it. everything outside ones' sphere of interest is weird and funny. Learning ANYTHING you cant immediately put into making profit is autistic.
If it take you years to just learn kana then you probably have a learning disability. You don't need to know all the kanji in the world to play this game.
Useful for, I dunno, playing many video games without needing someone to tell you what a simple menu item says?

Seriously, there's more in it for you than you realize.

Also, you're playing PSO2 in Japanese, on a Japanese server. It's too late for you to be feigning a disinterest in being "weeaboo."

people are stupid if they think katakana is hard.
spend about 2 hours here http://www.realkana.com/katakana/
and youll know about half of all of it
"do" fuck didnt see the "
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Wonder how much money it will cost me...

Except I can understand Japanese people fine most of the time through context and the kanjis and the menus through trial and error. If your motivation for learning a foreign language is to pley gaemz lel you won't get very far at all and it will likely just be a waste of time
the pleb means da u n ro do
>and it will likely just be a waste of time
just like videogames
There's a default voice that's similar to her but yeah, in CBT the good one was AC only.

I learned to play foreign games and succeeded quite fine.

Interestingly, I think I succeeded since I learned to enjoy things rather than make money.
If you know Kanji already, you've already spent more than enough effort that warrants learning Japanese.

As for how much time you are actually wasting, I am saying that if you have any interesting in playing the game without irritating 90% of everyone else that plays, then learning at least hirigana/katakana is a VERY small investment that will pay off and save everyone some trouble. What I'm saying is, it's not a huge commitment on your part to learn this shit, particularly if you plan to play this game for a long time, in which case you'd probably learn some of it just by wading through the menus.

For my part, I have people I need to communicate with in Japanese, and the skill carries over nicely.

So stop being a little bitch already and learn this shit. It's BUTT-PICKING-RETARDEDLY EASY.
Learned hiragana and katakana in about a week, reading and stroke orders to write them propery, it shouldn't take more than a couple days to learn just to read them, they're extremely simple, and what people don't understand is once you learn your first few characters, and you kind of get a feel for the rules, learning more and more gets easier and easier, and another mistake they make is they confuse Hiragana and Katakana for Kanji, no you won't have to learn 2k symbols.
>implying japanese didn't steal from the chinese
>機嫌, kigen(humour, disposition).
>機嫌 is composed of two kanji. 機, meaning machine, mechanism. 嫌, meaning hate.
>machine hate.

Oh Lisa. You clever mass murderer, you.
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I get everything on the AC scratch here

But look at the bottom right, don't we already have that? why is it there? is there something different about it?
How is that implied ANYWHERE? you illiterate troll.
You're the one trolling me here
>implying I'm not a third person that just read both posts and decided you're a fagot.

lrn2 differentiation motherfucker.
How is that implied anywhere?
b-but... its a male cast... their parts are not split into a handful of colors like other races, we can pick any color out of the giant pallet like picking the eye color is for other races.
hn.... mn..... fn..... YOUR MOTHER!
>Ballistic Coat
Do want.
The caseal high heel legs look like horse legs
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is this okay?
or more step advance points are useless?
i'm going full sword with little/medium partisan use

and are gunblades usefull as hunter?

captcha: avows exusess
It's 12:16 central... Servers up yet?
This is the "Crystal version" of parts. It's like a shiny paint version.
Apparently some of Gunslash's PA are good, but there's no Gunslash Gear yet, so I'm not too sure. I wouldn't pump that many points in S-ATK Up. Step Advance is okay I guess, if you don't plan on using Fury Stance.
1AM eastern 4th july, so SHUT THE FUCK UP NO, god damnit.
>no Gunslash Gear yet
I dont think there will be, since its an universal weapon. Im more concerned about additional weapon types, since current skill tree heavily implies there will be none.
If you're going Sword you should get Just Guard and Just Counter. JA Bonus 1 doesn't boost Photon Art damage, so it's debatable how worthy those 10 JA Bonus points are (though Sword standard attacks are pretty damn good, too). Partisan Gear is meh (range increase only), so your call if you really need it. You can use Partisans just fine without it unlike Swords without Sword Gear where it's basically a necessity.
it's a recolor; your paint scheme will show up differently on those parts
I'm fairly certain they'll both expand upon and add new skills to the skill trees for all classes. Hunter will be missing future weapons, Force is missing elements (Light, Wind and Dark spells are coming in future) and Ranger will.. well, who the fuck knows what they'll get. Maybe new traps that don't blow or more status effect shots (though pointless since you can just make rifles with all the good effects).
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I dont understand this armor. At all. Its like... the anti-armor.

Why male outfits in this game are mostly terrible?
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because the only males worth playing are cast?
Well, thats what I thought during alpha, when there were no cards, partisans and rocket launchers, and not a single little hint that would lead to them. Autogun did all the stuff other firearms do with PA, and it looked pointless to add other ranger weapons. But it went better than expected, so I still have faith they will eventually add more weapons, and fill up the vertical bar in skill tree with subclasses.
>try and charge AC

No inventory expansions for me
Oh, I have no doubt in my mind they'll add Ranger weapons. I just don't know what they'll add to the skill tree. Hunter has skills on the tree for specific passive boosts to weapons which Ranger doesn't get. Their current status effect bullets cover just about every status effect I can think of, so I dunno what they could add for new stuff. Maybe some buffs you can pop (Berserk as a buff you can activate at any time? Sign me the fuck up) or something.
Servers back up yet?
maybe some kind of cloaking, more weird stuff about general shooting (rebound, better lock on), setting up engineering devices like turrets, calling those dropships et cetera.

So far its looks bland, because people either shotgun things or rocket launch them. I rarely see people placing mines.
Yeah, playing right now. Boy am I having fun.
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Turrets would be pretty awesome. The reason nobody uses traps is because SEGA made them absolutely garbage. I was excited to get them in CB and they were completely useless, why they didn't buff them in OB I don't know. I really hope they make them more viable in the future because right now there's basically 1 single build worth doing on Ranger.
Those are fairly far down the skill tree and they suck so its no wonder no one uses them over shotgun and full auto spam with the occasional grenade launcher.
well the current traps kind of suck and there isn't much motivation to use them as the only things worth bothering with a trap set-up on are bosses and they're mostly immune to the effects
I recall it was possible to poison ragne pretty bad with one of the traps in cbt, and it did like 1000 damage or so. Might be mistaken though, as I was only watching.

Now darkers are pretty much immune to poison, so yeah.

first thanks for the imput
JG is not so my case i'm more for the dashes and yea i'm don't plan to skill FS either
Partisan gear is only for the range? thats not so good..
maybe 2 less points in S-atk up and for this maxing out SA?
poison worked on all the bosses back then and did a ridiculous amount

then it got nerfed for all the bosses except the slinky twins
Guys, where I can find the PA names translated to english?
Either way, the only thing poison is useful against is catadran and fighting it is already easy to begin with. It may become a bit more difficult in higher difficulties but even then there's no reason to waste the skill points on traps when you could just use a weapon with poison on it.
I used to be all about Partisan gear, since the PAs are lots of fun, like Trick Rave. It's too bad the damage on Partisan is comparatively low. They really ought to buff Partisan gear.
from closed beta, I know it's missing quite a few PAs
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what does this mean..? incorrect password?
I would say after some consideration that it says something about the pleasure of being cummed inside.
your foreign ID is banned
Yeah, these are the gear boosts
Wire Lance: Damage boost based on how many bars you have, no other changes.
Partisan: Range increase to all skills, projectile is much wider too. No damage boost to any.
Sword: Crazy charge speed increase (makes the charge PAs go from ass to great), number of hits on Sonic Rain increases (damage boost is either nonexistent or minor, but it's amazing for keeping the meter maxed out for the duration of the entire boss fight) and the range on Twister Fall and Stun Concerto increases.
Basically, Sword Gear is an amazing boost, Wire Lance Gear is a nice boost and Partisan is very situationally useful. There's absolutely no reason you can't use a Partisan without the Gear skill for it, whereas with Sword the jump with and without it is so big you'd be a fool not to grab it if you intend to use Swords.
Oh yeah, don't take what I say the wrong way. I'm not writing off Partisan at all and I make use of them myself, it's just the Gear skill for it is completely unnecessary. Wastes time to charge and doesn't benefit your damage in most situations. You can use the skill points elsewhere.
> First 2 sentences of the OP
> Can't read
>ID no omanko no shiawase wa tte masu
Probably it says how it checks your ID right now.
wlance has damage and range boosts
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> the slinky twins
I like this better than CaterDragons.
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Y-you're kidding, right?
So servers are down? What does that have to do with my ID...
Which PAs get a range boost? Never noticed it but I mostly abuse Heavenly Fall. The description for Wire Lance Gear only mentions a boost in power.
All of the long range ones. So all of them besides Fall and I think the kick
I'm thinking about making a "support" force, can anyone give me tips?
Neat, I'll keep that in mind and mess with em a little more once servers are back up.
how its supposed to work? You dont need to sacrifice anything to make use of restoration skills.
Server are down + your id/pw are stuck in identification process = You can't connect to the servers because servers are in maintenance
I know, I won't try to be a "full support", so what I'm asking is basically how to play a force.
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u gonna get rappy
I miss my Rappy Costume. Ranger was 100x more fun as a giant Rappy. Dem Rodeo Rides.
>slinky twins

>not Caterpie
I'll have to do some tests once the servers are back up. Just to see what the respective ranges are with different levels of Gear meter.

In a way, this sort of frees me up on certain enemies, because this means I can use PAs on flying enemies without worrying that I'm losing damage.
Alright, show me your stash of money sir.
oh, thanks. I am so excited to play this..
My id/pw should be out of the identification process by the time servers are back up, right?
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>rodeo driving in a rappy costume on a rappy cannon

I gotta get me one of them as soon as they're available.
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> Going premium only for My Room and 2x Fun points for more furniture.
Selling ? Why the fuck i want to sell my bathtube ?
Trading ? Just dump your stuff in my room ! Gahahaha !
Well, since healing is either projectile or aura, you could use cards to aim at distant players and heal from a stationary card. But I suspect its going to be very hard. You will also need antidote, which I could only find on Lilipa, it has bigger rarity for some reason.
You also pick light arts to confuse enemies while you arent healing. But certain statuses only work on certain kinds of enemies.

There is also a bunch of stat boosting arts too.

The problem for me was that in a big parts enemy is basically gets steamrolled, so you dont get much time to be helpful by any other way than throwing a charge fireball in the crowd.
Its just a short informational state, like "loading...", dont think about it too much
I see... will think this over then... will keep what you said in mind.
The only way to really play "support" is by keeping yout technics up to date. Highest level possible and be sure to pump your T-ATK stat so you can get them as quickly as possible.

That's basically what I'm aiming for, T-ATP up 1 and 2 on max and charge PP revival
11 hours.

I am hype.
I only hope that Forces in this game are not underpowered like in psp2
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>that feel when I will wake up a bunch of hours after the servers will begin getting raped worldwide.

I found FO to be easy mode in pso2, you have superb dodge, versatile and powerful attacks, status attacks, and dont need to get close.
I maxed out ranger first and then decided to give the other classes a chance. Hunter felt useless at lower levels so I changed up to Force and had quite a bit of fun with it. Of course I had already had all the techs unlocked.

When I went back to playing Ranger to help some teammates level I died a few times because I forgot how shitty everyone else's dodges are.
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Foreigners are IP banned to allow a smooth transition for Grorious Nippon.

They had to do it to keep the BRs out.
They better make another burning rangers-like mission with that theme song.
Forces are very similar to their PSP2 counterparts, just the ridiculously overpowered, "everything fucking dies because I commanded it" forces from PSP2's Infinity expansion. If they add foverse to PSO2 and keep it functioning the way it did in Infinity, unlike poor sa zonde, I'll be happier than a pig in shit.
Americans aren't banned, its only Europeans. Asians don't like yuros because they have a history or being rude cunts and shitting up everything.
I didn't play infinity because of the language... Is it good if I've already finished psp2?
I would say yes. In fact, since you already beat the first one, you don't have to waste your time with a low level character and can take your already high level character into the episode 2 content.
I always wanted to play infinity mostly for Nagisa. Is it worthy?
but even if I have a US version save, can I import it into infinity?
Even if Nagisa is your only reason to play, it's a good one. She's voiced by Nana Mizuki. That alone is worth it.
>Servers up in 10 hours
>Downloaded remembering hiragana, katakana and kanji
I shall be ready by the time the servers come up.
No, but you're on 4chan, so there's a 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% probability you have a hacked PSP. There's some application or whatnot that converts US saves to JP, but I have no idea what it is or how to do it since my PSP isn't hacked.
Will search for it.
>translate client
>open a couple of ships intended for international players
there you go...
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you probably saw this shit a billion times already, and everyone got a mail with but anyway
No such thing. Force does EVERYTHING.
wait, did they actually ban foreign IPs or are the servers down?
They banned all foreign IPs. Sorry bro.
So I've got a pretty bad ass cowboy motif going on with my new Ranger, and I like being him. However, I fear running around things and shooting them with my rifle will get old very quickly.

I can't think of a cool theme for a Hunter either.
God dammit I want that fucking wedding dress, thoughts on it's price in the AH as soon as it goes live?
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all gaijin ip's are banned
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One Million Meseta
;_; I only have 200k
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Everything besides take a hit.
>inb4 casts cant wear dress but find it out after spending gorillion dollars.
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Totally not a Rockbear recolor. Still it has new attacks so bonus points for the effort Sega.
Also Time attack's reward seems to be a Trophy to put in your room.
>Get grabbed by Antlion
>Ask for revive before animation even finishes
There are also fuangarufurus. Its still happening on naberius, so its kinda justified.
Whats bugging me is the chapter structure, 2 is in ice location, 3 is on lilipa and only 4 is in volcano. Does that mean level requirement will be reshuffled, and current 30s will be fucked over and forced to replay lowlevel ice, then grind lvl30+ volcano?
>antlion grab
>oh its okay, I totally have more health
>get hit by tentacles through the 15 second animation and die before even getting thrown on the ground.
I see what you're driving at, but FO takes hits like a champ as long as it isn't a one-shot. Resta is too good.

FO can't out-DPS the other classes vs. bosses, but it's not hugely behind them either. I won't say it's the best class since that's subjective ("the best class has to have the best DEEPS, hurr"), but it's certainly the most versatile and forgiving.
>maxing fury
>not maxing fury crit for that glorious +20% chance to crit
Gunslashses are pretty good, regardless of what others might say. On my hunter I can keep aggro indefinitely on vol and catty, and with Serpent air you can hit ragne's weak point while he is standing very easily.
Crits are not classic crits.
Crits are just hitting the top of your damage range. Having a lot of ability is the same as having a high crit rate. infact it's better
They're different.
I think it's gonna be 20-40 level range. 2nd Matter board end at return to Forest (Normal, but doable at hard)
Also, it seems that Story quest scale with your level. I have done the first one with lvl 5 enemies and done the second route later with lvl 15 enemies. Not sure about it.
It's really funny when players think the flat stat boosting skills in the skill trees are useless.

50 extra points in a stat? HOW USELESS
It's as he said. Crits literally hit your top end damage range. If you don't have a very high damage range, crits are pretty meh, for 10 points the damage increase from +20% crit rate is poor.
I have had
Happen while playing with buddies. Those one hitters are only a third to half health hits for other classes.
Not to mention those passive boosts are literally the only way to raise your "base" stat that lets you equip things outside of your MAG. At 30 cap it was literally impossible to equip top end Hunter weapons or the best Rifle without the passive boost. Even if you had 99 attack on your MAG.
What are you? Human?
It becomes useless in the long run, where %'s start to shine.
That Antlion grab will fuck you up on Hunter too on Hard mode though. I have 2 +10 units (tech def oriented, but still decent s.def) and it still does 400 damage without Deband. Throw in those fucking tentacles hitting you during the animation and there's a good chance it'll kill me unless a Force party member hits me with Deband or they take out the tentacles quickly.
>ever getting caught by the antlion

Seriously? How? I don't even understand how it's possible. That's like finding a way to get hit by the Dragon's fireball it shoots while it's flying. Dodging those is literally a matter of not standing around like a Turkey caught in the rain.
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hey guys check out my awesome hunter build +^_^+
Gotta have a nice base for the percentages to work off of don't ya?

Percentages don't net you better gear either.
The reason people say that is because the game will eventually have the level cap raised (in fact, it's already being raised 10 levels when the server comes back online), and respects cost real money, so everyone is thinking about character viability in the very long term. 50 extra points would account for about 25% of my character's attack stat right now, but what about at level 180? I have a feeling Sega will retool the trees and give out free respecs long before then, but we don't know what Sega will do for sure, and nobody wants to be stuck with +50 in a stat at a level where the +10% to, say, charged techs would pump out more damage.
What is Melee
Can't you get out get of the grab by mashing your move buttons? Or is that only with tentacles?
Except that +50 helps you equip stronger gear
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tbh I always assumed people were getting caught on purpose for the screenshot value of taking it while the antlion throws you in mid air...other then that I don't really get caught by the antlion
Only earlier, not in the long run
Rockbear grab you can, tentacles too. I don't think you can for the Antlion grab itself. I've come out of it a couple of times but it's either the other Antlion in the arena doing the suction shit or party members finishing off the tentacles and making him stagger.
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I just love passive agressive stances about certain things being too simple. You can almost feel dirt and feces being gentle smeared in your face
You would have to actively walk over to its draw range when it pops up, then. You could do something crazy like stay away until he's done inhaling.
Well they're all idiots. Just goes to show you how smart the general player base is these days.
>static 50 extra points that will be with you forever
>doesn't help in the long run

needs common sense plz
>moving goal posts
Go back to reddit
>10% of my 850 base attack is 85
>85 greater than 50

needs math plz
You get the flat bonuses first then the percent bonuses as they become more useful.
>highest level 40 base attack is 378

Yes, but 10% of 850+50 = ?
>Sega will never continue lifting the cap

Yea ok have fun waiting for that 10% to kick in 3 years later. Meanwhile, there will be new classes with new skill trees.
Assuming you have the skill points to spare of course you'd pick both flat boosts and percentage boosts
>new classes
how new are you
I don't see that anyone has posted this, but the update from beta to full release is already up for download.
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> Meanwhile, there will be new classes
> there will be new classes
> new classes
I've been here since the beginning of time.

You can ask Sakai himself about new classes in the future. He's the one that said it.

Wait a second. Are you trying to cheat me again?
Hey man, PSP2 had Vanguard. I doubt they'll add any new ones either though. Also +100 S-ATK from the 2 Hunter passives is fucking huge. That's like 17 or 18 level ups worth of base attack added on.


a lot of speculations about subclasses were going since alpha.
and space allocated to list the classes is way too wide, even if you buy a dozen of additional build sheets.
japs said so, bro
WOW this game really IS Jew Star Online 2

from what I can tell in the AC scratch the prices were 500+ AC per scratch..and since 1 AC is 1 yen that means you're paying $5 for 1 scratch....are you fucking kidding me?
>1% of the game is ac
>the other 99% is easily playable without paying a cent

Stop being a retard.
in before exodus of angry hardcore PSO fans.

japanese online games
by your powers combined, I am phantasy star online 2
that seems like a reasonable price for a space lottery ticket
keep in mind that it takes place in the future
$6.2 for a guaranteed costume is pretty cheap compared to other games with cash shops. All the actual utility stuff is reasonably priced and you don't have to drop $50-$60 on the actual game itself. People bitching about the pricing always seem to ignore that. The only issue I have with the model is no trading without premium, but whatever, the whole point of the game is grinding forever for loot. Might aswell get the drop myself rather than buying it off someone and being done with the game.
$5 ain't SHIT unless you're underage.
Cosmetic items... See Team fortress 2. People want them, you can't stop that.
ignoring that it's only ~$6 converted to gamble on cosmetic items either way, remember that the prices are tuned to be resonable to the japanese economy, which is currently much better off then the US one
Except that trading and being able to sell your shit to something that isn't an NPC is kind of a big deal. Player rooms, resets, extra build sheets and whatnot, I can deal with, because those are for people who like to dickwave or fuck up all the time, but locking tradign and selling does fucking nothing. Subscriptions and shit won't stop gold farmers. It is just there to jew the everloving shit out of you.
>Subscriptions and shit won't stop gold farmers.

Maybe not but at least SEGA makes money off of them before they start to fuck up their game.
>gain tens of thousands of meseta per mission
>get items out the ass
>noooooo i need more

Entitled as fuck.
>people who like to dickwave or fuck up all the time
Well that also counts in traders, flipping grinders all days etcetera. Every assclown could scam the shit out of you with free trading, but its less likely now.
If they would want to jew, they would introduce 10 piece item sets that would be essential to finish the game, like in dfo.
>$6.2 for a guaranteed costume
but it's not guaranteed it's $6.2 for a lottery ticket you scratch for a random costume...it's not like the $6.2 is for the rappy costume or something it's for a random costume or hell you might end up with a grinder if anything
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>get rare as fuck weapon for class i'm not going to play
>worth millions in player shops
>worth 2.9k meseta to NPC

I'd be better off throwing it out and then bragging about throwing it out over the chat.
The Gold Scratch that costs 500 yen is GUARANTEED random costume/part.

200 yen scratch has costumes but you can also get other shit like grinders or boosters.
The 500 AC scratchcards literally only have costumes in. Yes, you can't pick what you want, but most games use these models and have far worse odds stacked against you. This is very generous by comparison, not that I don't agree that the model itself is kind of sickening.
>play as all classes
and then everything was ok
Sell it to a buyer. Only one person needs trade ability to make a trade. But then you'd have to do something crazy like become a productive and contributing member of the game's palyer base.
why people give so much shit about 5-10$ pseudosubscription you aren't even forced to purchase? Would Sega sell 90 dollar boxes with obligatory 20$ sub, I bet no one would raise a voice.

okay well that makes more sense now...still a shame that it's goddamn gacha I wouldn't mind paying the 500AC if i could pick what I want...but if it's for a "chance" at getting what I want then I'd rather just pay for premium for a month, farm grinders all day, sell em to make millions of meseta, and then buy the costumes on the AH when people decide to sell em there instead.
you are now realizing manually that every game is pay to win, because you have to buy it to play, finish and brag to other people about it.
They are going to add new hybrid classes. They've stated this. We just have no idea how they'll work.
>Only one person needs trade ability to make a trade


unless they changed it from CBT I needed to get premium to be able to trade with someone else who had trade already
Scam how? Buying underpriced shit and selling it for a profit like what will happen regardless of trading and selling subscription fees? I mean, it's not like the item and its abilities are hidden or anything. Also, jewing isn't necessarily making the game p2w, its selling pieces of the game that are already in there for profit, a la Capcom, or Activision.
>mage hunter phases around and cast enhance attacks with element, but cant block
>hunter ranger bashes enemies with rocket launcher
I don't care. I just want the ability to cast Resta as a Hunter again. Is that so much to ask?
>using PP for heals instead of combos

So who else is staying up for launch tonight?
No I mean literal scam with personal trade.
Not really a serious issue maybe, but they made etiquette/security guide about that.
I don't really understand it as well, but I can't see a huge problem either.

all I want is a class that uses Talis as a weapon and can summon monsters....come on I can't be the only one that thought this when I saw the ygo duel disk talis weapon
A mage hunter!
Healing bullet! Medkits! Snare traps!
>summon explosive or spiked monsters
>catch them with talis and throw into enemies.
It opens at 10:00pm for me so I'm naturally awake. But yes I will be playing like hell afterwards.

It's closer to $20 with conversation rates
Ship 4 block 44? I'm on the east coast so it's 1 for me but I'll see you there.

Also any word on if double sabers are in this game?
Open at 7am for me... Guess i will join 1-2h later to sleep a little more.
not at release obviously.
For anyone who bought the 5000AC package, can you tell me how much it was after conversion rates?
when is it opening?
Comes alive at midnight precisely locally for me.
Not for now. They will release more on future contents.
$63 usd
Well, 1300 yen is about 16-17 dollars, I remember correctly. Do the math.
oh same
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wait what the fu--
okay, god dammit, don't scare me like that
The kanji says "degree of difficulty" so it might be the other way around.
this game would be a lot more interesting if the people playing were not so afraid of joining people's parties.
B-but they might not appreciate my company!
What ship? Never really had this issue on Ship 2 aside from when I first hit 30, since I nolifed it not many other English people were high enough to join the Free missions. Even had a handful of Japs join and talk in broken English. There's a pretty ridiculous number of solo only, passworded lobbies though.
>Browse some hard mode quest's party list
>fucking none
Wat do
I join parties all the time so long as I can
Get friends.
>mfw 4 hours later and it's still patching
I avoid people and avoid talking to them. remote presence in multiparties is the most convenient way to play. I don't really know why do I keep playing online games, seriously.
Player trading IS an essential part of the game.

Free2play arguments break down when a core part is behind a paywall.

Enjoy trying to grind up that weapon. Assuming you did a quest and ended up with some great merchant weapons, you might even be able to pay for 1 grinder.

Also, what is the 'C' currency? Grinders were being sold for 10-20 of that in the store on the lower levels of the shopping district (next to the room store).
Do they sell them at convenience store now? Guess not, faggot.
Go to block one. Play with nihojins.
>Do they sell them at convenience store now?

If you have enough money
>Player trading IS an essential part of the game.
grinder flipper detected. Go fuck yourself with a sword.
meant for
>all of my weapons and units are fully ground naturally to +10 using grinders I got off of missions

Maybe you should learn how to not suck at the game, first.
Try grinding rares and not 3or4 star weapons.
you get points for playing at lan cafes. JP onry of course
Why would I grind a rare when the non-rare I have equipped is better?
why would you grind rares if 2star weapon is more powerful. Or, rather, how are you going to suck with a rare that is better than any 2star weapon? Just admit you are grinding for the sake of grinding.
>Fail a 24% combine 15 times in a row
>+10 combine on a 9 star item is only 26%
>It also costs roughly the same amount (20k)
>If you fuck it up though you go back 1-3 spaces
I'm never going to try grinding.
Rares upgrade better than non-rares

1-3 stars get a 150% boost
4-6 stars get 160% boost
7-9 stars get 175% boost
10+ stars we don't know yet
So when's the NA or INT beta test? Sorry for being lazy scum.
>I suck so much cock I can't kill shit without grinding

Nigga, I got my HU AND RA to the level cap, and all I used was the goddamn 2 star weapon drops from the shit you kill. I did fucking fine. Why don't you just learn how to play the fucking game.
Which doesn't matter if the non-rare still has better attack at the end.
additional 25% is not even worth to break yourself so much
Unfortunately, there is a chance of never, considering how little of shit sega gives.
>game goes down
>/vg/ starts tearing itself apart

Every time.
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Having higher attack to start doesn't mean it will have higher attack to finish.

The tier 7 star wlances have 316 or something at +10.

Only a 5 star weapon can be better than the 7 and 8 star weapons at +10, and it will still not be as good as a 9 star weapon.
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Er the Tier two 7* wlances.
I only discovered grinders later into the game (I grinded a shitty low level weapon 2-3 levels so I could sell it for more than 1000m. Managed to sell it for 2-3k, turns out the grinders cost about 15k).

I first started my jew ways after finding out where the player market was and trying to buy ranger force art.

Made a decent sum off flipping those, but that doesn't really compare to the grinder market.

Was also too lazy to research other classes' force arts to find the pricey ones. Managed a tidy 145k profit on a Hunter one a day or so before close.
I feel that you don't necessarily need to go straight to +10 on some 7-9 star weapons, seeing as the risk usually isnt worth the cost. Sometimes you don't really need anymore than +7 which I find isn't that hard to attain.

That's just me though, I've been able to be effective enough with that as opposed to other people.
So no news about bringing the game over? That's sad, still since shit-tier companies bring just about any MMO Korea shits out they'll bring this game eventually.
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I know right?
At least its game related this time.
More people could also talk in game.
"Hey, anyone up for doing ____?"
Instead of assuming people will join their game.
well, people are more willing to play some chinese wow rip off low quality shit, rather than a good game they never heard about.
that crappy monster hunter copycat was more successful and got more news articles than monster hunter online itself.
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The worst part about AC scratch costumes is that all those people who roll for costumes will recycle the costumes for Color Change items instead of putting the excess costumes for sale on the shops.

So anyone who thought they'd be getting a cheap excess costumes, even shitty male costumes, you are mistaken.
>one day when there's an end-game
>6★ uncommon will have 600 base attack and cost you 50,000 to make with good chances
>10★ rares will have 612 base attack and cost you 10,000,000 to make with bad chances

People only use high stared weapons because they are 'the best'. If they were happy with mediocrity they'd use a lower star weapon that could also be traded when you've finished with it.
Don't be silly. Those costumes will be worth a fortune, they'll do 1 or 2 for color change tickets and sell the rest.
I ask around for stuff I'm planning to do often enough but still don't get anyone sometimes. Probably because of being behind the leveling pace of most of the players.
Exactly, they'll be worth a FORTUNE.

I am saying they will not be cheap due to huge supply > demand. All excess supply will be dumped into color change items. The rest will be sold for LOTS of meseta. I hope you guys saved up all your monies during OBT.
You make your 6 star, then start working on your 10 star.
Do you guys think I'll be able to use my PS3 controller with the keypad attached on this?

you guys don't seem to be familiar with AHs and basic undercutting
But this game is a shitty monster hunter clone.

It's just got a central hub and can have 12 people in the same area.

>Can't equip stuff unless the right race/pure MAG/stat skills
No shit the game is about min/max.
I was swimming in those costumes during alpha testing. But it would be naive to think they will keep chances from alpha, and costume chance will be 10% instead of 0.1%
These ain't grinders, you dipshit.
I said copycat, not a clone. Im not talking about concepts, you just haven't seen that piece of shit. It was literally stripped through, with interface design and such.
>monster hunter ripped off PSO originally
>But this game is a shitty monster hunter clone.r
yeah, nah...
>monster hunter invented real-time rpgs

Rare and limited to people who want loads of e-dosh for their real dosh.
> But this game is a shitty monster hunter clone.

Monster Hunter: March 2004

Phantasy Star Online: December 2000

PSO2 isn't a rip-off of anything. Sega has been doing this before anybody else. Get your shit together.
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>my face when modern players call action rpg a mmo with no-target system.
That's like trying to credit microsoft with inventing the computer when Apple did a better version first.

Shitty prototypes do not count when deciding who invented what.
>Play ranger
>It's a FPS/TPS
Doom did it first.
MMO means a great number of players connected online to play a game. It's massive, it's multiplayer, and it's online.
>Only no target
Play a HU to any decent level.
god eater is a better monster hunter anyway.
eat shit

>MH did it better therefore PSO2 didn't start the trend.

What is inventing.
Why are you telling this to me? They think tera invented aiming.
> shitty prototype

> saying Microsoft invented the first personal computer, when in fact, Apple built the first PC
Okay, I get. IHBT.
Because the image of a typical WoW landwhale doing 'quirky' trick inspires no confidence.
What are you really trying to achieve in arguing with mh fanboy? Its the worst possible audience to contact with, dark souls fags have nothing on it
Desperate strawman I see.
>6★ upgrades at 150% rate
>ends at 900 power
>10★upgrades at 200% rate
>ends at 1224 power
How is PSO2 massive?

That's like saying Diablo II is an MMO, with a chat room/channels replaced with a lobby.
>Put Power 3 on 6* since its easier to find a multi slot 6*
>Suddenly they are about even.
But D3 IS an MMO.
The servers are still down, right?
Uh, rarity doesn't matter for adding or transferring affixes. You can literally use a 1* weapon on a 9*. Including Souls.
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What does a PSO2 timeline have? A bunch of the same stuff and palette swapped bosses.
Look at this conversation, is there any doubt?
Its on the edge, really. Such Games with serverside lobbies and player interaction appeared much later the notion mmorpg appeared, so part of the people are confused and part just calls "mmo" everything that is online.
>power 3
>about even

Power 3 is 30 attack power. It becomes 930.

Also why would you have to find slots? The rarity of a weapon only affects the cost of ability synthing, not the success. Throw some cheap and easy to synth abilities on the base one until it has the amount of slots you want, they're 100% if you aren't forcing a new slot and 80% if you are.

Then use some cheapass 1 stars and put Vol+powerX+abilityX+whateverelseyouwant until they both have the amount of slots you want.

Then pass Vol, power 5, ability 5, etc onto your 10 star and give it 1304 attack power, 50 ability, poison 5, burn 5, etc
>rarity doesn't matter when adding abilities
>30 attack on Power 3 comparable to 324 higher attack
Higher slot numbered lower star weapons are more likely available in the auction house.

Also they'll cost less to try add an attribute.
every game except monster hunter is absolute shit, their players should be ostracized and game creators should be lynched. MH is actually the only true videogame.
B-But that's minmaxing.
Eeking out the most damage you can with what you have.
You don't need to buy slots and the increase in cost for ability synthing isn't very much at all.

I think 1 stars cost 1000 and 8 stars like 2500
Well, okay. Power 9 for example. Or late game Soul with high power.
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>Power 9
>90 attack is almost the same as 324 attack
>Implying it'll be 90 attack.
It might be a % increase for all we know.
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And this is just the Wii version.

A PC version would have 10x the content.

Not my fault CAPCOM hates my money.
Power V is 50 attack.
There's no reason they would suddenly boost the amount higher ranks give going by the data mined so far.
it will be in 2014 if not later, why do you care so much.
jesus fuck.
sage for not monster hunter
go play a real game
You pleb, playing monster hunter is a privilege. You should find a way to pay capcom yourself, possibly moving to another country if needed.
Um, Power IV is 35 - or at least ranged is.

Not sure why V would increase +15 when IV was only +5.
This. The level 5 attack up affixes add 40, not 50.
I can already see it
With the expanding of level cap, number increase lowers. Soon, the difference between skills, abilities or weapon power drops below 1, and players are forced to assume their magnitude only by name and rarity.
You'll need to get that 10 star weapon to 3-4 slots to be able to attempt to transfer them over.

Then when some/all fail you'll be left to repeat the process all over again.
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>want to play PSP2
>figure I'll buy it so I can play on my Vita
>Sega actually removed the game form PSN
Grinding the absolute best 9-star rares to +10 is not necessary to kick ass in this game. It was true in PSO, PSU, and PSP; it'll be true in PSO2.

If you want to be the very best, like all the other minmaxers ever were, feel free to spend 10 million meseta grinding your weapon to +7 and crying tears of blood. Some people really enjoy doing that. Other people take a nice weapon, grind it up with little trouble, and beat the shit out of enemies anyway.
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Yeah, that's right. It's ok to be jealous, don't worry.

Seriously why do all the rare items suck
>what they want you to see:
Incredible level of variety
>what it actually is
Same shit over and over again, in 4 different environments, 300+ hours of dodge>hit>hit>run>dodge>hit>hit

kindly shut the hell up, even shadow of the colossus was nothing more than 20 hours of cimbing on top of golems, and it would not be nearly as epic or unique if you had to do it for a 100 hours, there's no such thing as a game that's entirely unique, MH fans are no worse than any other fans, you're all still just a bunch of stuck-up pricks trying to sell a finely polished turd as gold.
Then I got a better sword from Ozu, with 255 base attack, and every rare that dropped more than 10 times went to shit tier.
>bought rappy launcher with rappy soul for 100k
>+10 it

Rappy souls are the shit. Mainly for units though.
but... none of those are actually rare... I NPC'd like five of those 7* gunslashes yesterday alone.
>normal mode tier 7* weapon
But that's not a hard mode item bro.
>People were bragging about getting their 9 star weapon to +10
>Spent all their beta gold on it
>Now with release and a 10 level increase the new weapons will shit all over it
>They spent all their money on the old stuff
>Need to pay to work the market to afford to grind the new stuff
what does rappy soul do?
Ability +30
PP +3
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>? drop normal mode
>Get this
>? drop hard mode
>Get vendor fodder
hard mode gunblades are what, 180 attack?
... so nothing of value?
>no abilities

fuck outta here

I'm sorry, does it hurt being that much of a fagot?
wow he hit a damn nail, didnt he?
calm down
4* hard mode gunslash starts out stronger than normal 7* IIRC
There is new stuff in 7 hours though.
I started to collect them after a while, because they were the only thing that dropped ever. So I completely forgot their stats too.
He can take solace that there won't be any better stuff on the market for at least 10 hours.
>no element
>no abilities
>still bothered to +10 it
you could have gotten one with abilities and an element for like 10k from AH, you make more money doing an easy-modo nab rappy mission.
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so wait, do i need to create another account for that pet??
If you signed up before OB you got one too. There's also one from one of the first Hard mode quests you get (weekly repeatable too I think? Maybe not).
Wasn't "in 7 hours" a week ago was it now, dipshit.

Don't wanna play a game? don't fucking play it, you're coming here and bitching that everyone is retarded for playing it now because at some point eventually you'll get something new so anything yuu do now will get obsolite? I'll take angry over being a fagot with a prolapsed asshole any time of the day you sack of shit.
hard mode repeatable for 20 nab rappies. People said it will be revoked soon though.
pretty useless unless you're paying to use a room.

What a fagot, playing a Japanese open beta when NA is getting a full release in five years.
Obviously everyone is cranky from withdraw. Stop being bitches. Name you're favorite partners/players.

>I have none
>inb4 alfin
Yeah, it's repeatable weekly. Requires killing twenty Rappys which can be kind of a pain though. (The regular cute and fluffy rappy, not that Nab Rappy penguin-hybrid abomination)
>Don't wanna play a game? don't fucking play it
Seriosly take some pills. You either missing a point or having a seizure.
Ma lu
Spending 30 million to grind obsolete gear sort of does that to you.
>NA is getting a full release
yeah, like that's ever gonna happen
>Favorite players.

I love everyone from /vg/ before I got off I added a bunch of people so I can use their friend partners.

>Everyone ITT picks Lisa.
its supposed to be another rappy kind from portable games.
I was lucky to get rappy attacking wave against a crashlanding, so it didnt take much time.
Aren't you adorable.
>30 million

How is it having shit luck?
he is bitching that people overestimate upgrading shit, since in the future something better will come up.

you are missing the merit of his judgement, probably.
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never forget
lol niggers.
Bitching? Merely gloating that tards like you dropped who knows how many millions on stuff that is now shit tier.

At least you'll be able to sell your old stuff to recoup some of the costs ...oops.
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Has anyone been taking screenshots? All I got is shitty dance ones and this.
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any idea how retarded you sound right now?
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I didn't try too much because it makes you vulnerable.
the main problem so far is your overreaction.
Howd you change your underwear?
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ITT white pigs discussing a game they're about to get IP banned from. Prepare for crushing disappointment when you log on tonight and find a screen saying that you can only connect with a Japanese IP.

Reason why: 2ch bawwing about lag.
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its okay, all jp games I have been playing so far were IP blocked.
play through Tor out of spite to dance in lobby
I know this is a troll but can I just say I found that post hilarious?
I can stop overreacting, you can't stop being a nigger.
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>mfw he doesn't know about proxies
12-15,000 for grinders per attempt, plus how ever much the NPC charges.

Let's say 20,000 per grind attempt.

200,000 if every attempt is successful, which it won't be.

Probably closer to 800,000 for a +10.

Now attributes - between buying up the market and getting the two attributes on the item at ~60/40 or whatever the percentages are you'll be looking at probably at least 25,000 per attempt. With luck you'll get it first go, unlucky and who knows how much you'll fail. Let us assume 100,000 here.

You have 4 items, so assuming 900,000 each around 3,600,000 was dropped.

Not far off 30,000,000.
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they should sleep when white pigs are playing anyway.
>12-15,000 for grinders
Wow, ship 4 economy blows. I bought hundreds of Grinders before OB ended at under 4k each.
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I have to play in lowest resolution due to old PC, but I have some.
Lag is only there during Japanese prime time.

Issue is with the servers, not waito piggu.
Power IX is actually 64 attack
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if only those operators would hide their faces too
but but i have no friends!

I doubt an IP ban will ever happen. SEGA is going to need the money from both japs and non-japs to stay afloat. Also, they fixed the servers to the point they barely lag during japan prime time.
3 Japan times ago grinders were going for under 4k.
2 Japan times they were going for 5k.
Last Japan time the servers were down, but grinders were ~4.4k about this time yesterday.
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no one really has. Its just a delusion.
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That's alright, besides that one all I have are character create shots and lobby shenanigans.
What lag? I play on Ship 4 and Ship 2 and ever since the 27 hour maintenance there's been next to no lag.
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>hide Brigitta's face
No. Brigitta is love, peace, and all that is good in the Phantasy Star universe. Melitta is okay, too. Hilda, you may have a point.
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Yes all my characters use the same haircut cause I'm unoriginal.

I always get random 630s despite little latency (damage showing up fine etc) whenever it's 10.00pm-12.00am JST.

But I always take that chance to take a nap, eat etc.
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I think that's more of on your side. I live in a developing country and I can connect fine to larger ships and play in JAP rooms around that time.
she's fucking ugly with her twin pigtails
I've only had one which wasn't caused by my own internet crapping out.

Delayed numbers/warping monsters has happened far less frequently than before the 27 hour patch, but has still happened occasionally.

Auction house lag is pretty noticeable though. Press search and it sits there for 2-3 seconds before showing the results.
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At least you had people with you
BR confirmed
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>level 5 FO
>level 11 ragne

How fucked were you on a scale of 10/10?
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I don't even buy grinders either. I can't get rid of enough of the shits. They just pour out of monsters during city invasion PSE bursts.

I +10 junk items for the thrill.
A red/enraged Ragne at that
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Not from Brazil.
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ragne is also boosted
Still a potential 4-5k.

Considering grinders are as good as raw cash in this game (they always sell) the cost must be accounted for.
Let's just say it took WAY too long. And of course some people showed up the second I killed it, claiming EXP and items for just being there. Fuck them.
They got like 4 items for not contributing to the duel.
Also protip, if you get change over duel, dont lose hope, the second boss has somehow less amount of health.
Doesn't matter what level the monster is.

Provided the area you're fighting in is big enough you can kill anything without being hit.
Fucked? It's a FO with a heal spell.
It wouldn't be quick, but between the invinci-dash and heal spell, she'd have to get one-shot, and I'm not seeing that happen too easily at such low levels between the both of them.
>Get quest to do hard mode
>Get random beetle duel during one of the missions to unlock free desert
>Free desert mission
>Beetle duel
>That chains into change over beetle duel
>Boss fight time
>Double beetles
>Got 4 beetles in the one quest
>32 stacks of gold
What? All FOs have to do is get a lock-on onto the weak spot and just rafoie all day. I don't think any class has a more brainlessly easy time on Ragne.
I took the hard mode unlock quest at the same time as the free desert unlock because I knew those fucking guwanas would start spawning everywhere, which would let me kill two birds with one stone.
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>move across the desert with gilneas faggots and a dozen of other robots on the tail
>someone was fighting antlion near
>code duel: completed!
>gilneas run away and teleport
>Locking on
Don't see how people can do this. Where is the fun? Where is the playing vidya games?
I've just bought $10 worth of AC, just to see what I can get from the scratch.
you can see item scratch drop before drawing anyway.
Gold one I hope. Unless you want furniture and mag food.
It's fun when you can hit things without having to aim in a sea of 5000 rockets and explosions.
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In a sea of rockets I wouldnt even lift a finger, its probably already dead.
I got 3000AC. Getting inventory expansion x5 and two mags. Leaves me with 800AC which I will probably spend on a My Shop ticket.
Rafoie gets there before rockets do
>translated character creation

I'd like to try that but is it something you can get banned for?
there's a translated character creator, which you can save your characters in and load them in the game.
They released the creator before the beta(s) to allow people a sneak peak and pre-game creation at the characters.
So we're 100-200 posts away from needing #30: Release Edition. What sort of shit do we need to update for the glorious OP?
maybe a link/guide to buying AC, translated AC menus, etc, since they'll actually be of importance.
- monster hunter is the best pso
- 9star items are always better than 4star
Newbie here.
Is the game down for today or what? Can't log in any ship.
Everything's on bumped.org/psublog though
welp, sounds legit.

Anyone west of Central Daylight Time is a filthy commie
But I live in Alaska... 9PM at -9GMT AK, come at me son.
Any known maintenance periods in EST/PST. I know it won't stop the questions, but you can at least point the people who refuse to read to the OP like for every other question.
So I take it's down? Ok good, this means I managed to register correctly.
too bad about the IP block though
>IP block
...What? I though it didn't have one.
But now does.
Holy shit, for reals?
For fucking reals?

I- I can't handle this, game I had fun, met new people in for two weeks, was actually one of the rare games in FIVE YEARS that I had TRULY fun with enough to openly get know people online again and not be just miserable faggot?
And now that gets taken all away from me.
Fucking thank you sega.
I go play Portable 2 alone and go back being a miserable faggot...
He's trolling, you're an idiot.
I am unsure what is going on, my client has been fucking up weirdly every launch trying to update and the ships are down - I wouldn't know.
This is why I asked "For real?"

Thank you, I am now alright.
It's funny that people fall for it numerous times in the SAME thread. It's almost like they don't bother reading it or something!
Anyone who used a prepaid card mind stating which type of card you have?

I just wasted money on two only to find out they're only good in the US after buying them because nothing on the outside of the cards state that.
I don't like using bots. They're annoying and they're terrible at the game.
This thread updates far too much compared to other /vg/ threads that also do not go over any solid info, and I am bit too tired tho go through it all.
But you're his aibou, aibou.

Also, that HanaKana "huhuhuhuhu"
On it.

>First, you need to set up billing info. Log in to:

>Katakana for Retards:

>Find the button under:
ファンタシースターオンライン2 メールマガジン 配信中

>Now put in information. If you want generic info, just use this for Sega's HQ address:
Surname - given name in Hiragana
みやもと - むさし
Surname - Given name in Katakana
セガ - セガ
東京都品川区東品川1丁目39番9号 カナルサイドビル

>Now to actually purchase AC, go to:

Click the top button.

- First set of options is amount of AC to purchase. 1:1 AC to Yen ratio.
- Second option is payment type. Optionsare:
>Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express)
>WebMoney (jp version)
>NETCASH (jp version)
>Mobile Suica
- Click left button at bottom to "accept" (read: disregard) TOS.
- Put in payment info. All they want is card information. The set-up is pretty typical, but they won't ask for billing address. The bottom option is the card holder's name (be sure to go surname - given name). Most foreign cards have been getting accepted.

You'll get one page to confirm, then the order will go through. Hit Escape when the game pops up and look to the bottom of the dialog box to see your current AC.
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>mfw you call her to be a partner and she tells you to be careful
We have to admit that the pastebins are poorly organized and nowhere near as newbie-friendly as the bumped blog. It should be moved higher up and given the READ THIS treatment.

The pastebins have a lot of detailed info that's useful after you've gotten settled in, but they shouldn't be the first thing new players read.



I don't like playing with people. They're annoying and they're terrible at the game.
Bots use atomizers at you.
5.5 hours for you OCD out there.
I particularly don't like playing with people either.

the default bots suck, but there's a solution. add random high level forces to your friends list, then use them instead. 3 sources of resta, nearly permanent shifta/deband and grants/gigrants all the time? it's the best
I actually like Alfin, afin, whatever, blonde fag with a gun
(I think) he points out weakspots on monsters and bosses, every time I have him there for accordian dragon or that first monkey boss parts of them get marked and take extra damage, kicks ass.

Whenever i'm not running with a friend of mine I run Afin and Echo, because her healing and buffs are nice.
Please finally add the character creator to OP.

fucking newfag OP makers
this, and fucking link the thread to this thread!
That's weak bullet. All rangers should have that skill. Rifle only.
God damnit.
Look in the FAQs pastebin linked in the OP

Where do I download the Character Creator? Does it have an English Patch?
CC: http://http.download.nvidia.com/downloads_apac/benchmark/nvidia-sega-pso2-benchmark.zip
English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=99
>Sitting in front of the heater because it's cold as fuck
>Range appears behind the couch
>Switch to can weapon and spray it
>It goes who knows where
>Look for it for a few minutes
>Finally spot it running along the side of the couch
>It lands with a sickening thud
>It's weak spot is exposed, finish it off with paper towel
>Can feel it popping under hand
>No real loot to speak of, but feel pretty... ugh
It should on the OP, not the pastebin that NO ONE EVER READS
I've never read the pastebin because I have the problem solving skills that allow me to not ever need it.
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>use npc team mates
>get set on fire
>they group up so close they catch on fire
Maybe you should read it

Similar to >>8808683, I know more than what the pastebin says so it's irrelevant to me. Hell, half the stuff in the OP is because of me...
>12-15k grinders per attempt
Seriously dude, just say fucking no to drugs.

We could save our money and just get them off missions or not try to +10 everything as soon as possible.
Weapons from the earlier levels can last you til about level 13ish. Ones you get from around there can last just as long with upgrades over time.

It's really not that big of a deal I don't see why everyones shitting themselves over it and that's granted the economy stays the same as you guys predicted at launch in which it probably will not.
Alfin and the old guy both apply weakspots. I run with them + echo for buffs, perma shifta and weakspot spam fuckin sweeeeeet

anyone who runs with xeno/lisa is a giant weaboo faggot that probably plays with 1 hand on the mouse and 1 hand on their small dick
Why not just use friend partners from your friends list?
People are just being faggots about the prices, leave them to hyper ventilate in their padded rooms.
because alfin

dude sounds like klonoa yelling that
>not picking who you like
>being a min/maxing faggot
>calling someone a weeaboo when playing a game that's in Japanese only
The only reason to bring Afin along is so you can use his trail of urine to find your way back to the telepipe.
They are, but its still a fact that the prices for most things will increase by quite a lot, at least for a few weeks.
>People rush to 40
>All these new weapons
>People who didn't stock up on grinders suddenly starting to run out
>Less people selling grinders due to premium/shop requirement

Once the hardcore'er crowd settles with their gear and just start farming, the cost of the grinders will go down again.
or yaknow press N and look at the map but, whatever.

captcha: yellow trailblazer
That's only assuming that no one finds a single grinder ever again. Totally likely so I can see why you would think that.
Ggjoeriojgriojg it's not letting me post

Is there a way to change your global? I accidentally entered one of the keys they emailed me as my global handle, lol
>people who stocked up START to run out

how do i into comprehension


Afin is your husband from the future, and the person he's looking for is you, baby.
The fact of the matter is you can't start to run out unless you're not constantly finding them anyway.
Don't confuse that ass for me. Fact of the matter is prices will even out in a few weeks and no one is never going to see another grinder drop again within that time.
B-but that's forbidden PSO Burst!
I can't tell who is trolling and who is actually retarded anymore
>PSO Burst
burning rangers.jpg
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>checking through titles
>character titles
>clear 100 quests with jean
>title name: Jean opponent bitches
Game is out and people are still dancing in block 44

god dammit /vg/ i thought you would at least be trying the tundra area first why the fuck is dancing the first thing you do
because thats what they did through cbt? Did you miss a billion of screenshots of people sitting in room and posing? People will treat anything as mmo, as long as there is a chat engine.
this nigga fell for it
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Thanks m8.

Someone screencap this for future babbies.
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also, is the patch up for downloading yet? I want to get it done before the launch so I can play when the servers come up, not spend forever downloading the patch when the servers come up.
m-my hips are JAing on their own!
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I just ran the patcher and it patched for me.
1000 AC is exactly $12.36 judging from my credit balance. Not too shabby since I really only wanted 2-3 new mags to start me off.
You mean 10,000AC.
People who want information who aren't self-entitled assholes do read them.
1000 AC = 1000 Yen = Around $12

No... 1000AC = 1000 Yen = roughly 10 US dollars. I wish 10000 AC = 10000 Yen = 10 bucks, then that'd mean a premium sub would only cost 1.6 dollars a month.
Yea I'm sure they all read it, especially when they come in here asking the same shit all the time.
You're confusing us with the lazy bastards who don't read the pastebin and bumped blog like a religious manuscript.
Those would be the aforementioned self-entitled assholes. Nice reading comprehension.

Whoops, meant

It lies here.

500 AC = 500円 = $6.29 USD
1000 AC = 1000円 = $12.59 USD
3000 AC = 3000円 = $37.59 USD
5150 AC = 5000円 = $62.95 USD
10,300 AC = 10000円 = $125.91 USD

Premium Set 30 days | 1300 AC
Premium Set 60 days | 2500 AC
Premium Set 90 Days | 3600 AC
My Room 30 Days Use | 700 AC
My Shop 30 Days Use | 700 AC
Expanded Storage 30 Days | 500 AC
Expanded Storage 90 Days | 1200 AC
10 Item Pack Expansion +10 | 350AC
10 5個 5xItem Pack Expansion + 10 | 1600 AC
Additional Skill Tree Pass | 500 AC
Skill Tree Reset Pass (For Additional Skill Tree) | 1000 AC
Additional Mag Ticket 300 AC
Mag Reset Device | 500 AC
Aesthetics (Makeup Counter) Pass | 500 AC
Additional Character | 500 AC
Scape Doll | 100 AC
3個 Scape Doll x3 | 400 AC
5個 Scape Doll x6 | 600 AC
3個 Cosmo Atomizer x3 | 400 AC
5個 Cosmo Atomizer x6 | 600 AC
EXP Boost+100% x3 | 500 AC
EXP Boost+100% x10 | 1600 AC

Calm the fuck down and read the other posts, I was correcting the guy who thought 10000 AC only cost 12 bucks.
>EXP Boost+100% x3 | 500 AC
>EXP Boost+100% x10 | 1600 AC

I-I'm not sure I can handle this.
>Paying to run out of content faster
Why wouldn't you? Don't you know what happens to people who buy those things? Most are retards and end up out leveling their gear way too fast.

Faster leveling just leads to monetary problems unless you're smart about it.

Not that guy, but that's the point- you can either put the info in the OP and lower the number of idiots begging for it, or you can say "find it yourself" and get what we're currently getting.
But a lot of the info IS in the OP.

For whatever else isn't there I usually end up finding on Google.
It's there if you have the sensibility to check the links and do a little digging. It's not there if the sight of Japanese turns you into a gibbering idiot.

We have a lot of gibbering idiots here so we have to adjust the OP to accommodate.
4 hours.
>so we have to adjust the OP to accommodate.

No we don't.

Do you want to give them more links to ignore? It's impossible to fit all the information inside the OP itself
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Can someone please do a TL:DR version of the lore?
Dark Falz did it
What lore?

We're in space.

Evil shit is being evil.

Some creepy future scientist lady is not-helping you, and you found an amnesiac girl who wants your cock/vag00/ethernet port. Your partner is a little girl named Afin. You're an ARKS member. Echo wants Xeno to S-Rank her.

Let's blow shit up.
Defeat endboss
"Not over yet"
It was Dark Falz!
Defeat Dark Falz
Congratulations! You are the hero!!
also lisa is your waifu. whether you like it or not
>Echo wants Xeno to S-Rank her.

okay...I'm gonna need a high five for this motherfucker right NOW!
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is there a list of PAs and what they do? maybe one on the jp wiki someone can decode?
Almost perfect, but you should mention the future scientist lady's man voice.

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Also, her legs are made of blue jello.
So why are we going through space defeating evil? Are we just there to fight them or are we looking for a new home planet?
We'll tell you when we get a plot. We're getting three new Matter Boards, so maybe this time we'll get some actual exposition.
I want fewer stupid questions, and if adjusting the OP will make even a few of these people shut up, then it's worth it.
Adjusting the OP will not stop the stupid questions.

The cause of the stupid questions is people not reading the OP. No amount of changing will make them read it
Doesn't matter, the new OP hasn't changed.

I'm just going to ignore the shitstorm of "WHAT DO I DO NOW" that the thread will inevitably become.
How would you change the OP then

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