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Server maintenance complete. Hopefully things will be faster and more stable!

Reminder: Be sure to check status.4chan.org when the site is unreachable, and follow @4chan and @moot on the Twitter.

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Four hours until marathon maintenance.

Previous Thread: >>>/vg/8316093

>How to register for Open Beta:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
Guys, my patcher is stuck.... wat do?
Download the game off piratebay or here:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7YKmojlJL6WR2hHX3pTU1BIMzg/edit?pli=1
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>grind partisan to +8
>hell why not, let's go for +10
>back to +4
>struggle to get it grinded back
>use every grinder i had to get it at +6

this is such bullshit
does anyone have the times for the upcoming maintenances?
Begin: June 27th at 10pm EST
End: June 29th at 1am EST
What's a decent price for selling weaker weapons with boss souls?
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>win some base looking thing that goes on the floor on a scratch card
>it displays a hologram of any weapon you have

We need some Lisa art in here

Look at the bright side: it's more merciful than other games where grinding weapons and armor can them it straight back to +0, or destroy them completely. In THIS game, you can keep trying for +10 indefinitely.

If you want bullshit, try getting things like Souls and Mutation onto your equipment. Failing those can not only break a transfer slot, but also destroy whatever else you might have put on it earlier. Oh, and they only have a base 50% success rate.

In my experience, this is what you should strive for:

1) Find your preferred equip with Mutation or the preferred Soul already on it - preferably fresh so you have all the slots to work with.
2) Get throwaway equips with the missing modifier and try to forge it onto the preferred equip. It IS possible to put both the Soul and Mutation on at once, but the odds aren't in your favor (25% chance), and having a free slot is better so you can slip a Power/Shooting/Technique onto it later.
3) If all goes well, grind the equip up to +10. As far as I know you can't lose modifiers from grinding, so as long as you have meseta and grinders, you're home free. (Correct me if I'm wrong here.)

Stuff like this is why things with Souls or Mutation are so expensive in the player shop. So unless you're filthy stinking rich, your best bet is to beat the boss with the Soul you want repeatedly and hope it drops your equip.
>your best bet is to beat the boss with the Soul you want repeatedly and hope it drops your equip.

Easier said than done for Forces ;_;
I have like 10 pieces of equipment with Vol's soul on it. It's not as hard as you make it out to be

Get to 30, free roam desert hard mode.
Ragne drops errwhere.
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>tfw I haven't seen a single Ragne spawn in desert, and I've been farming HM Free Roam Desert since I hit 30 2 days ago.
Hey you other Rangers, what sort of damage are you or where you doing at level 14 with the launcher? I'd just like to know if I'm doing things wrong or not.
600 r-atk with rocket launcher and lv25 mag at lv 17
around 500-600 on weakspots with that rocket PA that shoots 1 strong shot. though I have lv10 weak hit advance 1
>Last mission of the night and want to get through it quickly to sleep
>Those flying balloon things. 4 of them
>Another Ragne and the above 2 aren't even dead yet
>Get kidnapped and party fights off whatever's left over
>Run into Catedran and Vol Dragon in rapid succession of eachother
>Finally beat the actual boss Vol Dragon

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This game looks like shit. Why are you playing it?
Yep, I'm doing it wrong.

I'm just going to make a new character.
Because you think its shit.
So we don't have to deal with faggots like you.
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Ok guys, so I found this weapon, and my friend told me that I needed to get it identified.

Now it appears that I can pick the element, but I'm wondering what this second drop down menu says. I see EXP, does that indicate an EXP boost of some sort?

Also, what element would you guys recommend? Is one necessarily better than the others?
>Get curious about Ship 2.
>Make another account and character on Ship 2.
>Riddled with faggotry.

/vg/ was right for once...
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Because PSO was a huge part of my childhood. I don't care how shit the game is honestly. I'm still going to play it. It's just like the D2 fanboys who are still playing D3.
They're all 10% boosts in something..
1st is a 10% boost in drop rate, 2nd meseta, 3rd, exp.

Get whatever element you want. It doesnt really matter that much at the moment.
I thought people here were just being faggots as usual when they talked about it. Then I went and saw it for myself. I'll take you guys anyday over people who use "kawaii desu ne" and "me gusta" unironically.
I've never actually seen this happen in 2. But I'll say that the image spamming is getting obnoxious.
Atleast its better than the faggots just dancing in the lobby on Ship 4.
I'll take the dancing over the shitty emotes atleast it's something to do while idling.

I shove idlers into elevators when I'm waiting on a party.
Cant do that to people dancing though, their position resets after a while.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, the third evolutions of Mags.
But what are they connected to?
Also Orion is too kawaii for its own good.
Why do I want Cygnus so badly.
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Reposting from the other thread.
Thanks for that
Dolphinus will fuck you up.
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How do you get NPCs to change their opinion of you? Do you just keep doing orders for them?
Cygnus all ninja star up in this shit
What's the ? ? ? quest?

Solo only?
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It's coming along quite nicely
go with ice lightning or fire, they are basically the only ones needed right now

ice for slinky and the cave areas
fire for darkers and the rock bears
lightning for the robots
How do I add this game on Steam so that it records my hours? Tried all the icons but they didn't work.
i love it
post more later
Fucking hell. Reposting from last thread because I didn't know it was dead.
I just tried out ranger and hunter and loved them. This is an issue with hunter because I'd like to get the gears for every weapon, but I realize how many points that will take. Is it viable to get every gear, or would I be spreading myself too thin?

Dude...when you select which character you want to log on with, have you ever noticed some numbers under the name? Take a wild guess what that is.
The game shows how many hours you've played when you choose your character

I probably won't be able to finish it tonight as there will be the mega maintenance
Probably spreading yourself too thin until we get more levels.
>babby's first force build.
shit build? or the shittiest build?
So how do I make one of those icon picture things I see in chat all the time?
Lose the points in tech up 1, burn, and PP up. They really are wasted points since just one point does so little. If you want to invest them in something, do tech charge advance since you have charge PP revival. Also, there's no need to put a single point in both tech charge advance 1 and 2 because, sadly, it's not like other advances where you get a decent boost from the first point followed by shitty boosts until point 7 and up. Each point in the tech charge advances is 1%, so feel free to just pick one. If you want to get a little more bang for your buck, and single point in bolt mastery will give you a 5% boost there.
Esc>3rd option from the right (gears)>1st from the top>click on an empty space>2nd option

Have fun. I've spent at least 8 hours drawing mine (though I'm a slow drawer in general)
Thanks man.
How's this look for a partisan/dodge build?
Er. Forgot the URL.

>Tekking an item
>It's not a wired lance.

I wish I were you. Can I see what you got from it?
Cool. Thanks for the help
>Eyes aren't as bright as I want them.
>Hair color isn't just right
>Fuck around in character create, make entirely new character, play through tutorial with it
>Go back to previous design
>Legs too skinny

I really need to get over this.
Because you are a massive faggot and your opinion is wrong.
Phantasy Star and 4chan are both gonna be down in about an hour, what the fuck do I do tonight??
You could go outside.
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What abilities are good for a HU? I'm assuming S-atk is the most important.

Also is this weapons abilities any good or is it mag food?
>You could go outside.
Fuck that >>8426230
Actually, now that I think about it I'll just watch anime porn.
>and 4chan
wait what?
What's the max level that mags go up to? 40? 50? 200?
one hour until you have to say goodbye to your daughters and waifus for a whole day.
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I played a little PSO1 today. I have to say I miss the atmosphere of that game.

Then again, I played PSO for so many hours it's completely impossible for me to tell what my objective opinions about the game are and what's my nostalgia.
It's pretty nice, depending on your level. Vol Soul + Power 2 is good stuff. Grind it up and beat the shit out of something.
>At night

Enjoy being mugged.
Energency Code: Faggot.
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I just want to snuggle and rub against my Casts cold body.
Do we know exactly how mag evolutions branch yet?

And are Photon Blasts like PSO where you can have more than one depending on the order you evolve in?
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nobody knows for both
So, I can't get this to run. Signed up, installed, and downloaded the patch just fine, but when I click the run button, the launcher closes and...nothing. No error message, it just never opens. I can see the process under the task manager, but nothing ever happens. Any idea what the problem is?
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>NPC glyph appears
>activate it
>character standing facing camera
>camera changes to this

what the fuck?
She likes to shoot at you for fun.

Shes fucking crazy.
conversation in a nutshell
>oh did I scare you? I was just kidding
>i never get to shoot humans though
>wouldn't it be neat if darkers possessed humans? then I could shoot at them all I want
>just kidding~ ahahahaha well then gotta go
Don't we all

>not huhuhuhuhu

the perfect woman
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I've been messing with the eyes and the mouth because her eyes are kind of derpy and the mouth doesn't seem quite right. I can't exactly fix the eyes because there isn't enough space there for me to work with. I feel the whole face doesn't even have that yandere feel to it. Ugh it's so subtle I don't know what's wrong with it
Think they'll announce maintenance over the big screens in the lobby?
So do I use my next 10 levels are Force to get PP revival or just go with my current skillset hoping they'll eventually realize putting an essential ability 10 pints deeps on the fire branch was stupid and fix it.
It's always worth it to pick up Charge PP Revival. More than half the game is weak to fire anyways.

By level 15 you should have PP revival. If not you fucked up

If they change the skill trees then they owe us a free reset.

I'm not worried
Is there a stat that improves the healing received from the Force's skills?
T-atk and tech level
Alright. If its based off T-ATK, does that mean skills that increase "damage of charged techs" would also affect those techs?
Damned i need to get gucci mane too
>4chan going down at the same time as PSO2

Fuckdamn shitcunts.
How do you guys manage to play Force? This waiting for PP thing is killing me. Is there PP recovery items or something?
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Melee attacks restore PP, (including card throws) and a skill on the skill tree lets you recover it while charging techs.
Can I get some opinions on this? Does it look fine or I've just been staring at it for too long
Wow I wasn't aware people even still made God Hand edits.

I don't think PSO1 has one.
Is that melee attacks with all Force weapons, or just specific ones? I just started today, and I don't know anything about these cards. I do like the Gunslash though.
I fucking hate the skill trees.

I want all the skills.

For every class.

And despite wanting them I still feel like I chose the wrong ones.
Any standard weapon hit restores PP, for every class. That's how you keep the Photon Arts rolling.
I know this has been answered before but... How do I beat the rare ore excavation level?
What's the rarest attribute?

I've only seen a few panics in the market, but never recall seeing any stuns.
If it's any help, we'll have 10 more points when the game launches.
>Servers about to go down
>Toying around, eyeing off the 3000R revolvers
>Neato Panic2 is for sale at 150,000
>One last check before I log off
>Panic2 gun at 28,000
>Buy buy buy
Guess it was a typo on his behalf :3
630 general

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Emergency maintenance to add region lock has begun.
People were speculating that their idea of fixing lag was IP bans on gaijins

I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
>Getting bored of the grinding spot.
>"this aint worth it lets go somewhere else"

Then the server went down.
I'm hoping it does. Figuring out how to bypass it will be fun.
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Who's this fellow?
Doing that would mean that they would start banning people who were obviously foreign.

well at least I had FUN while it lasted
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>Find ???? item
>First one in this game
>NPC wants to charge me 18,000
>Broke as fuck
>Dungeon grind for items to sell
>Get 18,000
>About to id item
>6:30 hits


Also fucking S rank rockbear mission Jesus always A rank.
Japs can't handle my shrewd marketing tactics.

Started the day with 20k, ended the day with 120k and probably a further 100-150k worth of stuff for sale.
Oh shit, this guy is serious. Way beyond our level.
Any truth to this? You would think people would be making a big deal if this were the case.
Sort of makes sense. But gaijins are mainly on just ship 2 and 4 right? Can't be the main cause for all that lagg.
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>Play Forest missions.
>Get cutscenes for those fucking twins 6 times in a row.

>that business battle suit

I must have it
it's going to be only available for real money isn't it
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Now that servers are dead, anyone have any idea what this weapon ability(another history?) does?
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>Get cool person I've been grouping with to help me at S free caves under 15mins
>Get to Dragon boss
>All is well, more than 6 minutes left and message he is almost done appears
>Try to log back in
>Servers are down for two days


I should have read the updates, but nooo, I was too happy to just farm and get lewt.
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Why is the future so buxom?
I doubt it severely. They know full well that all they need to do to get all the gaijin off the ship is to drop the tiniest hint at there might be a US release, so they probably wouldn't resort to something so drastic.
Assuming they don't region lock all non elevens out/ How do you make it so you can see player levels such as in this >>8430856 image.
The lag is only there during Japanese prime time.

So basically the servers will be stuffed, waito piggu or no piggu.

Can anyone answer this? No idea what to do with those drills.
Same here dude. Brofist. I'm still level 3 I've only played a few missions and I'm fucking rich. Got about 500k atm. Richest mofo on the ship. Haha. camping the shops ftw. Anyway servers down now. cant wait till tomorrow to play the AH some more. :P
>Implying they care about us baka gaijins in the first place

Would this even be successful in NA?

Pretty sure PSO2 is about to be announced for US anyway.

I knew it would, but the real question is if we will be as horribly behind in updates as PSOBB and PSU were.
I miss you already.
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>Thought my waifu was pretty hot
>Get a cutscene during one of the missions
>There's a side on shot
How do you remake your character?
how long are the servers going to be down?

doubtful. Phantasy Star games have tanked in the west ever since Universe ruined everything.
>Doing free Desert burstan.
>Find nothing good forever.
>Check my inventory to sell stuff.

The suspense will kill me.
>Kick gaijins off the server
>You got own server now! GO WAY!
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>those elbows
>those tits
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27 hours
I dunno about you guys but I'm gonna go play tf2 with pyrovision on like the faggot I am

two days
アナザーヒストリー Another History
Increases EXP gained by 10%
>default RAmarl
>your waifu
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I see. Thank you.
We Shaft now.
>Get shown PSO2 by brother
>"We're playing on ship 10"
>Wanna play without bro for a bit, but not alone
>Moonrunes as far as the eye can see
>"An english name! I'll join his party"
>More runes of the moon variety

Fuck everything, I want to play with you guys, but I can't imagine restarting. Soloing everything sucks.
Has anybody seen

バインド - バインドLV?を付与する - Paralysis 1-3
スタン - スタンLV?を付与する - Stun 1-3
on any weapons?

Are certain attributes reserved for high end/rare weapons only? パニック - パニックLV?を付与する - Panic 1-3 seems to only be on the 100,000+ market gear.
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I'm outta here
Go to block 20, those are where most of the english players are.
Is Wired Lance a good weapon for boss fights?
Tell your brother to stop being stupid. Who picks the most obscure server in a MMO/multiplayer game?
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Like oh my gad. Ship 2 was like, totally talking about you.
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So do you guys all know how to read Japanese or is there some english patch I'm not aware of? I know about the blog but that's barely enough to give me any idea what the fuck I'm doing. My biggest problem right now is all of the little terminals and upgrading weapons/armor.
buttmad person who got kicked from /vg/ team confirmed
Some people know Japanese and help out. Most people just trial and error it, while following a few basic guides.
It's an action game you don't need to fucking read anything you idiot.

Even in most RPGs you can get through without speaking the language.
Research and having played all the games.
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Fine. Be like that.

trying to decipher moon runes is part of the experience
i know abyssion, last few comments on the pic. ship 2! FTW
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Doesn't matter to me, dude.
lel i know right.
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Why I am so flat?
But what will you do when foreigners are banned from all the Japanese ships after maintenance!?
all the English speakers are on 2, 4, and 9. this particular group is on 4
They look like saggy flat tits
Why are you so flat, pink hairred Echo?
Some deep fear inside of me thinks this will happen, and they won't even release this in the west.
Fluent in moon here. It's hilarious to see the English players get nervous when I walk by just because my name is in kanji.
Can't read shit, but have learned where things are.
I've been on ship 4 since the obt wen't up, I didn't even know there were teams.. I haven't really tried to talk to anyone. I'm Lilitu from this picture

hey guys my game isnt working? is anyon elses not?

i have to feed my mag.
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Here we go again. Nothing but constant shit-flinging and ship wars in the next 27 hours.
Why would they? Until they enforce IP blocks, were not doing anything wrong by being in the beta.

It was scary as fucking being a foreigner in Korean MHFO.
At least 4chan should be down soon.

A rank means you just needed to kill more things
>Implying thats not one of our guys

guide list
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This gave me quite a laugh
Wish sega would release an offline symbol art creator already, just to pass the time.
We're a bad community. Ships 2, 4, 9, whatever has an English speaking community.

If they had to get temporarily or permanently get rid of people to alleviate server problems, as a last resort, we would easily be the first ones to end up on the chopping block.
Is that you Nia
I don't think they will remove foreigners for being mean. They will do it for lag issues, and nothing more.
>PSO2 down
>4chan down
>Should probably do something
>Will likely just sit here pressing F5 and trying to log in
Or maybe sleep.
Actually PSO-World has a deal with SEGA mods that won't let that happen, at least on ship 2.
Im going to go play visual novels and get me some virtual women.
We can always ghost and shitpost there.
The lag is only there when the nipponese log on.
i know him. he's european actually.

>virtual women
>not virtual kemono men
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These two aren't twins right?
I mean, can't be identical twins at least.
Go back to fchan.
Can anyone provide more detail on what the bottom three lines mean?

The 11/12 one in particular as that one seems to be all over the place when looking at games.
Did they make her boobs bigger?
11/12 thing is how many people are actively in that quest area. A lot of quests put groups together, up to 12 players in an area.


that sites like so 5 years ago.

besides theres hardly ever any bara men there just swizzle stick girls with penises.
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This game has WAY too much waifu potential.
Anellize - calm, refined, elegant, and beautiful. The kind of woman who gets shit done.
Rebecca - casual, easygoing, gorgeous, and good at what she does.
Brigitta - dem twin tails, dat sexy voice, probably fucks like a tiger.
Melitta - a pony tail is fine, too, energetic, easily excitable.
Echo - a tsundere that actually shows the dere.
Lisa - need I say more?

>no delicious kuudere Maloo

You disgust me.

that's the biggest reason i dislike the game.
no decent hasubando material.
Maybe. It's more likely we will be forced onto English ships whenever Sega releases PSO2 internationally.

I'm only saying don't be surprised if an IP block locks out everyone other than Japan. It's a very real possibility and we should prepare for it.
Well there's... Normal guy who's pretty normal on the normal scale normal ol' Xeno.
Black Japanese grandpa Jean
And.... uh....
I swear to god, the more maintenance they do the more often I get disconnected. It's just been getting worse and worse. If I'm lucky I can finish a mission in forest, but caves never fails to disconnect me within a minute or two now. I rarely saw a 630 back in CBT, too.

No dual mags? What the fuck
What are these mag things for anyway? Do I get to pick which one I want?
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Become much stronger to impress me...

Ha, ha, ha...
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Ugh her Michael Jackson nose just creeps me out. Also think they gave her too much blush and made her breasts way too pronounced. It's just crass. I wouldn't call her a tsundere, either. Her 'tsun' doesn't extend beyond playful joking which every girl does.

I'm liking Aki, although I've only see one or two cutscenes with her and nothing else; if she's in the lobby I haven't found her. Don't recall her being in the CBT, either.
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They're like an in-game virtual pet that raises your stats. You start off with a blank, base mag and depending on what stats you raise/what you feed it, it evolves into new forms.

At their second form, you can use them in a special move called "Photon Blasts", where they summon a big creature to attack enemies.
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We are sitting together.
patti is older
LOL awww :3

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>Michael Jackson nose
There's always Ouza, I guess? Not much personality there, though.
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Of course I shall! I'm glad you are enjoying my screenshots so I shall post more!
Stop saging you faggot. And I dont really give a fuck if they IP Block me, i'll either figure out how to play anyway or move on with my life
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We found an incompetent pilot in city. They really attract a lot of scary monsters. (´;ω;`)
>international PSO2 release
>BRs and pinoys everywhere
Oh fuck no. I think I'd rather just keep playing on the JP version, even without a translation. As long as they can sort out the connection stability issues I've been having.
Man that dragon in caves free mission is pretty harsh on hunters. Some of his moves are barely telegraphed. Any advice on soloing him when no parties are around?
That fucker's everywhere! How he hasn't been fired yet I'll never know.
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Switch to Gunslash and cherry tap his tail to death. That's pretty much all you can do to solo it as Hunter.
make a new account, roll on ship 4 block 44 with us
Soul Eater is in huh?

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Rappy launchers for everyone. Aren't they cute!
stay behind him and tailfocus. no charge moves and no fancy attacks or you'll get raped post-animation
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>free roam desert for a client order
>Brigitta getting suspicious readings
>darker vortex opens in front of me
>dark ragne
>ragne is close to dying
>new darker vortex
>another ragne
>just barely survive the battle
>Brigitta freaking out over more readings
>ant lion boss spawns
why do I feel like the only +25 ranger without a rappy cannon

is there a specific mission to farm them on or something?
>Level 15
>Haven't spent any skill points since level 6 or 7
I-I just don't want to screw up.
I'm on Ship 2 with PSOW, and Gigrants is roughly 100k meseta and Rappy Cannon is about 300k. Next to nobody has it or cares it exists
Luck. Heard they drop mostly from the baby rappies.

I'm still using a 4 star I found on HM city myself.
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It seems some Rappy launchers have arms and legs however.
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I can't use mine.
(屮 `Д´)屮
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>mfw I already screwed up mine.


Never get bind shot and panic shot as a ranger

Also, seems like they nerfed jellen shot. It doesn't last as long it was in CBT.
Can you go on missions which you have yet to unlock if your party leader has?

I was doing free forest rockbear and then the next quest we're in some lava place and end up fighting a dragon/lizard.

I'd already unlocked the fire world but had yet to do any quests, and I somewhat doubt the dragon boss is part of the first quest.
I dodged that bullet

as long as it was*

Welp, time for bed.
this 1000000 times this
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You must think you're soooooooooooo cool.

well having friends isn't everything you know. You guys make me sick with your dancing and socializing. Every time I finish a client order you're right there. You make me sick.
holy fuck I think I'm going to die

I haven't been this addicted to a game in years
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i have some ship 2 info from PSO-W to whomever was asking information on it last thread/some threads ago
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also this thread here made me chuckle

ah good times

sage because im not really contributing with this :x
As was mentioned previously, all the English speakers are on block 20. It's a smaller community, but it's really not that bad. Big enough to not be monotonous, but small enough to have regulars.

Also, don't fear remaking your character. I did just that today, and not even grinding hardcore I was able to get 14 levels in one day.
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I got bored and made this during downtime.

>tfw I rolled on ship 9 on a whim because some guy said something about how we could "fill ship 9 if we all rolled there" a few days ago

>tfw no english and no bros to party with

>tfw almost level 30 now, but too late to roll on ship 2

I mostly hang around block 50 and most of the symbol art spam hasn't even been from english players, but from spanish/br players. I wasn't fucking surprised to find that one out.
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the /jp/ players are on ch42 or ch1
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what the fuck xeno I don't even
Oops, I meant it to quote >>8434868

Hmm, I never really bothered to activate those NPC event things since I don't understand a word they're saying.
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I just realized how cute your boots are.
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If you don't lock your room, people will draw swastikas all over the floor.

How rude!

>emergency code: avoid

Fuck that winged pitcher plant thing, seriously.
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>Buy a 7 star Assault Rifle at a cheap price.
>2 grinders per upgrade
>elemental upgrade is almost impossible, due to the scarcity of the rifle.
>Can't even feed it to my mag
>My 2 star Assault Rifle with around the same stat requirement does better damage, easier and cheaper to upgrade.

So what does it mean to own a higher star rated weapon? Surely I'm missing something here.
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That was the worst day I ever had. Ragnes kept spawning over and over. CODE: CHANGE UP
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>Emergency Code: Avoid
>in desert
>wide open area in the center
>run in circles, easy mode
>10 seconds left
>get stuck in a explosive snare trap

I love this game but seriously, fuck this game sometimes.

But there's already a character creator in which it's separated from the game.
Rarer weapons have better end attack power once grinded higher, some much higher.

But if you cant afford to grind it then yeh its a waste of your money. I would avoid paying too much for anything if you have under 100k, simply because the game has been up for like 4 days now? Once more people hit 30 things will drop in price.
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Is there a better way to enter a mission than this
omg you can get mounts? or is that a robot mount? fuckk what drops those?

>get home from work
>4chan still down
>PSO2 gave me an error message
>"guess its still down"
>play some smite and dota 2
>check 4chan
>its up
>check PSO2
>launcher loads
>try to log in
>servers are closed
At least I can talk to you guys

Its a launcher PA
btw, where does the game save its screenshots?

2 days of maintenance.

God, the withdrawls...
Sure, just take a seat, we will be here for another 20 hours

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Owow. If that ever happens to me I would hide in my room for a really really long time.

That bird looks like a pair of demonic eyes.
Get down from there goddamnit
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(chainsaw onomatopoeia)
>not liking crazy huey
I still want to know where these hidden npcs are meant to be on the ship.
Is there a way to redo your face in game without paying cash? I unintentionally made an uglier, creepier Lisa and I hate it. I'm only level 15 so its not too big a deal if I have to restart, but just wanted to check.
>Try to log in
>Something about moonrunes IP
It has begun ;_;
You could cover your face with hair.
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>people still dont know there's a 27 hours maintenance
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The thing I don't get about this is:

What do they expect me to do with my life for 27 hours?
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It's the best game ever and guess what?


why would things drop? am i the only one who thinks everything in this game is dirt cheap? all you have to do is pick everything up and vendor it, and you can afford anything.
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Open your pictures folder and glance over the ~thousand-odd images you took of your in-game waifu?
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I needed to look through what I've taken anyway. Glad I work tomorrow to take some of the WAITING away.
Hey espyburger, you playing on ship 4?
I am having trouble clearing the free roam forest with an s-rank in 15 minutes, am I a big dumb idiot?
So did they announce what they're doing with the maintenance?

I fear they're going to block out all non-jp IPs

What? That would be a pretty dickish move.
They're just upgrading the servers.
Rumors gonna rumor. Of course random asshats are going to say that.
Buying up several more hamster wheels to run the game better.
They didn't expect this many gaijin to be playing, they are setting up better servers to accommodate for piggus
Level until you can kill the Rockbear in 5 minutes or less. Kill whatever enemies you run across with the other time for points.
Foreigners actually take up a really small amount of the population, believe it or not. Don't ask how I know this; I just know.
So they're letting int'l IPs stay? Will this become f2p?
>Don't ask how I know this; I just know.

He does. Don't ask me how I know; I just know.
It already is f2p
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There is only ONE true Monado.
Because it takes 27 hours to block foreign IPs.

the actual reason is a database thing was causing slowdowns on the server so they are probably migrating the old data to a new format.
In other words; the hamsters escaped

>"Why don't you look at me anymore during?"
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All hail the great Shazbot.

I want that staff badly but its too expensive for me atm
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>MFW I realised you get your own house.
Welp, that's going to add another 12 hours of gameplay pimping it out.
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>There is apparently a house feature where you can spend all night with your waifu on the bed
>Haven't looked at it
>Instead feed all my furniture to my MAG
Pure ranged attack master race reporting in.
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Any chance this could be the new general image?
What does the ability stat do on a mag, does anyone know?
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He got a bit jealous really.

what ability is that

yfw you have to pay for it past OB. Monthly.
Well, at least i'll still have my mag... right?
Premium is about 11€ a month
>monthly mag license fee
Hey whats up Ferryl here and OH MY GOD I HAVE A FEW DAYS OFF WORK AND ONE OF THEM IS DURING THE PSO2 MAINTENANCE such is life in soviet space japan
>People will pay $15 for a house
That's some real waifu pandering bullshit.
My waifu will never love me if I don't have a house to take her to.

How were they able to hang up that Vol Dragon head mantle?

When I try to place it in my room, all I get is an orange "no-no" grid instead of blue when I move it to any surface
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ffff I want one of these
So how many rares have you guys gotten to drop off bosses? I keep grinding and grinding and nothing pops outta those damn crystals.
Gotten like six of that same fucking gunslash off regular mobs though.

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