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Mods keep deleting
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Being dead won't stop me. You all should know that by now.
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Suicide Watch General
>/v/ mods tell us that this is vidya related but to take it to /vg/
>/vg/ mods delete threads even though they're remade almost instantly

Sounds about right.
Explain the SpoonyGate
What's with the thread deletions? We were TOLD to come here if we want Spoony threads.
the shitstorm continues
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Just listen to this, and please stop pretending like Spoony is some kind of saint. Yeah, Lupa is a major bitch, and I don't back her on this, but Spoony is still the cunt he always was and he'll keep posting one video every three months.

This. Why can't I hold all this incompetence?
I need more info about that LordKat getting mad thing.

Who's Greg and what was he saying to warrant such a reaction ?
Each board has their own mods and they don't generally communicate much.

Blame moot.
I don't think any of us think spoony is a saint. Half of us were trolling him a week ago. Now we see the greater of two evils though, so we're changing out stance a bit. Doesn't make spoony less of an ass though.
bitches and whores
No one is truly defendable in this besides JessOtaku and even then getting a little pissy over a Twitter joke isn't very on the level.
Bet the mods would tolerate a yahtzee thread.

Fucking casuals.

Mods are global. Janitors are board specific.
The story so far:

>JesuOtaku: Target of the rape joke, got a full apology from Spoony for it like almost right after and has not given a fuck since
>Scarlett: Spoony's ex girlfriend, crazy bitch that went full holocaust on Spoony's forums, cheated on him, dumped him and is taking part on shitting on him at the present
>Lupa: Started the whole shitstorm by digging up the rape joke month old and gathered an army of white knights and femnazis to poke Spoony even more
>Holly: PR Staff of channel awesome, joined in with two previous ones and probably pulled strings with other site staff to kick Spoony out, rape victim which makes her the last person to be able to reasonably handle any matter in which a rape joke is involved
>LordKat: aka. LordFat, had a complete meltdown and ranted on several days about Spoony, jelly and mad as fuck, told his own fans to fuck off and raged like the fist of the north star, hypocrite extraordinaire, self destructed on his stream
>Doug Walker: Out on a whaling trip, will return into a huge shitstorm
>4chan janitors: can't tell what's vidya and what isn't
>AngryJoe: stood up for Spoony like a bro, thinks the whole thing is ridiculous
I don't see what the problem is as long as there is only ONE spoony thread at a time.

I mean it's not like it's killing other threads, and it's a topic that people enjoy discussing, if nothing more to make fun of everyone involved.
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A lot of people seem to think he is though. In one of these threads just a couple days ago, some guy said he could drive to Spoony, and give him a gun so he could shoot Lupa.

Maybe he was joking or something, but it still shows what an undying love some people have for that cunt.

I think he acted like a dickwhich is something i dont have an issue with AT ALL but im genuinely hoping the guy sets himself straight

Whether he does it or not is something i cant say

I am however glad LordKunt screwed himself over this as well
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I got your last thread deleted.
Don't force me to do it again.
You guys are gonna need some of this:
>Maybe he was joking or something


G2bed Lupa
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Spoony looks like he's on his way back. Fingers crossed. His link contained the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ADh8Fs3YdU
Get back in the cage Phelous - DON'T MAKE ME GET THE HOSE AGAIN!
Still have hopes
do women hate spoony?
Spoony needs to get a buzzcut
The longer his hair, the more unfunny he becomes
Just the ones that suck.
I'm still leery. Spoony literally looks like he's aged a decade in just two-three years. There's far more changes that need to be made than just shedding TGWTG, though him getting fired was a great start. Noah has an absolutely terrible lifestyle and it's amazing that he's not a fatass by this point.
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This >>8168780 is exactly what I'm talking about. Anything that in any way can be interpreted as criticism towards Spoony fandom is immediately shot down as being forgiving of Lupa.
sucks eh Lupa?
Totally understandable. I'm just glad to see that there is at least hope. His return is probably not going to be that great, as he's going to need to iron out some bumps before he's himself, if that's even possible really.
Spoony should be shot. You do NOT joke about rape under any circumstances.
Exactly what i have kept saying.

He needs to sort himself out.

Leaving that wretched place was good thing but now he really has to fix himself
sup femanon
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>Listening to Queer
>The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twelve Anno Domini

I shig that dig, but I'm glad he's back, sort of.
2/10 not very impressed troll harder
Fuck off.
When it comes to humor there are no limits regardless if you are offended by it.

Someone post some clown rape
I'm coMminNg mY sweEt. YoU sHalL knOwW tEh joYS oF mY gracEFful PeneEtration.RAeP iS DEEELICIOUS
>Implying they aren't known for being one of the best Rock bands for the majority of two decades, and containing one of the best vocalists in rock

I won't make a joke about you liking Justin Bieber, but you should get better taste. Also, 7/10
>Lupa: Good boy, now go report threads on /vg/

Sup motherfucker?

It's almost painful to see how much of a pussy he is.
It's funny because Noah insists that he likes long hair and hates his short haircut. I highly doubt that he can be convinced to cut his hair.

Does he still have that heart condition and shit?
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>Listening to dadrock

Stay pleb. I bet you probably like the Beatles or some shit like that.
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I guess so
>Being a /mu/tard
>Any minute of any hour of any day of any year of any century of any millennium

shig dig

Enjoy your hipster shit. Beatles are vastly overrated anyways. I won't let you derail this thread though. 4/10
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Sup motherfuckers, we're having a cinema snob/spoony marathon on Synchtube. Get the fuck in here.

Hey guys, we're having a Cinema Snob marathon on Synchtube. Get in here.

Mang, I love me some Counter Monkey videos

The pathfinder campaign ones are shit

suuure, and then its just gonna be gay porn or something like that, fuck your channel
>thinks the beatles are overrated
>clearly doesn't know shit about music

What music do you listen to then?
currently streaming blood feast
ignore him mate

Looks like spoony has gone stable now
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>Listening to pop from any era

Would make sense if pop was always the same.

>inb4 bieber is the same as beatles
Both of you fuck off somewhere else.
I'm the one who responded to him. Honestly, to say that the beatles are vastly overrated doesn't say anything about the Beatles themselves, just their fanbase. At least that's what I intended. He is clearly trying to get things off topic though, I suggest you ignore him.
Stop feeding him. Please.
What happened with Lordkat ? Someone fill me in please or give me source to some information.
fuck everyone, washed long hair is awesome
So Noah was exiled from TGWTG but does that mean that he's also no longer part of their Blistered Thumbs website?
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to be fair to spoony hair length is really something where no one else's input is going to matter in the final decision.

FatCat got mad jelly at Spoony and invited Lupa to his rantfilled live stream where they bitched for an hour or two about him.

Second livestream where FatCat wished Spoony would get his brother's gun and an hero. Then ragequit his own stream in a rocket of liquid shit and buttpain.
see this guy has short hair and oozes spaghetti.
don't be that guy
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You said it yourself.
So, if they get Scarlett to replace Spoony in tgwtg in a couple of months should we DDOS just the site or the various blip channels as well?
Im all for it
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I'm game.
I understand CA having a stance on what is acceptable behavior for the people who represent them on twitter. Shame they had to make an example of Spoony though.
But with that kind of standard for acceptable behaviour he is better of without them if he is planning to be funny again.
Sounds like /b/ level shit. Why not just let them slowly turn the knife into themselves? A DDOS isn't going to solve the problem at the end of the day anyways.


just chill and watch it collapse on its own

So, do nothing then ?
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>AngryJoe: stood up for Spoony like a bro, thinks the whole thing is ridiculous

Not sure i get this post
So could someone chime in why these topics are deleted and where is their appropriate place ?

I mean... they are videogame-related but not a videogame per se, so they would by all logic go to /v/ but mods there said this should go on /vg/.
At this point there isn't much left to discuss about, a bigger shitstorm is brewing but it's probably on hold until the higher ups get back.
Fucked if i know.

Mods are useless here

Considering their frequency and post count, they should be in /vg/. Guess janitors must be confused.
Doubt it.

Only one that has to get back is Doug and i dont thinkhe can do much
Pretty much. Doesn't exactly help that it's the early morning either though.

Lupa white knights reporting like mad.
Why is it a bad thing?

Sure Spoony acted like an ass butt Joe acted like a bro to him as a true friend should

Oh, I agree it's /b/ level shit. I just think it'll be fun to knock it down for a couple of days and whip the forumtards who are on there 24/7 into a frenzy.
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Sorry man, responded to the wrong post. While we're on the subject though...

I haven't seen linkara say anything about the subject other than a tweet saying that the rape joke ahd nothing to do with spoony having to leave. So he's being the typical good company man and not rocking the boat. I can't really blame him, if I had as little talent as he, I wouldn't want to endanger my popularity. Him and Spoony used to be bros for life, but now he won't even stand up for his friend. What a pussy.
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I was paraphrasing and was a little bit off. Seriously, fuck Linkara.
Linkara has always been a whiteknighting beta pacifist.

He doesnt have the balls to outright say that he is on spoonys side regardless of what noah did
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Woah, easy there, mate.

I'm sure he already got fucked.
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Awwww, here it goes.
I'm talking about the general silence behind this, it's like almost everybody on TGWTG has nothing to say about something this big or they took a safe approach, which is weird to say the least.
Something is up behind the scenes.

I'm sure they are being careful not to say anything wrong on twitter, since Spoony's behaviour on twitter was what got him fired. We probably won't find out anything new unless another one of them leaves the site.
we need a fucking /internet news/ section for this crap.
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Hey boys :3
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>not animated

Get on my level, casual
Will say that ill always be glad that it was due to spoony Brad got the recognition he deserved
I also found razorfist indirectly through him so thats also a plus
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What fucking video is that from? Did it get deleted?
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Why do you have this on your hard drive, bro?
Better be post OP. I hate trannies with a dick.
Is she really a tranny?
thank is a fucking man, there is no way that thing has a fucking vagina. Fuck you I love me some dick, but fuck you!

I can't stay long, i work at TGWTG and let me tell you this whole Spoony incident is bullshit, there's a lot more happening than you know, it's a conspiracy and it reaches right to the top, if you want to know the truth, you need to examine the hairline of Ron Paul with a magnifying glass, the answer to this entire drama is there.

Good luck i gotta go the feminazis are here
>Not saying your dad works at nintendo

2/10, best I can give you.
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>What fucking video is that from?

It's called "journey into the North woods" a video log of his/her trip or something. Either way, it might as well be a horror movie if someone replaced the music with something more "appropriate"

Skip to 6-7 mins in if you want to dig out your eyes with a rusty knife afterward.
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Thanks for the tip bro.
There isnt an issue with "feminism"

Lupa is just a bad person
Doesnt matter what she swung in her crotch

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