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Previous Thread: >>>/vg/8033183

>How to register for Open Beta:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
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>3 hours

You're basically invincible forever if you do short hop dodges due to no recovery times.

Give it a try next time for all you Force players.
Anyone try fury stance yet? Does it make a big difference in damage?

It does. Level 5, it adds 100 S-ATK. I'm hitting 1000+ Sonic Arrows with buffs.
>3 hours
Every time i go to play.
What level are you and what is the attack on your weapon?
0 skill point run

too afraid to screw it up
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How do you remove your ui for screenshots?
If going for max damage with HU, what should I go with?
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when we last left the thread...
>fuck back to back code: duel
>fuck code: rescue
>Forces: powered by the heart of the cards

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How's this for a sword-only build?
What do the Gear skills do? Like Sword Gear, Partisan Gear, etc?
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My documents > SEGA > PHANTASYSTARONLINE2 > user

change ShowUI to false

That whole force card thing is intriguing. Might just drop launcher and go for force, I'm only 6 levels in on the whole ranger business.
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Hey guys, what's the best cannon in game right now?

I've got a +10 yellow rocket launcher cannon thing with like ~240ish att. Can I go any better?
Looks good, going for something similar.
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Me? I'm only level 22 and I don't remember what my weapon's attack power.
Highest I've recorded hitting a Sonic Arrow was 1155, but my S-ATK is 100-200 points lower than a few people I know, so we want to try to hit more.
gear as in like a cog?

Best I've seen is a 5* launcher. Looks like the one you probably have if it's the cylindrical yellow one, only orange.
Man, is it me, or do PSO2's male android designs seem to be taking design references from all kinds or Sega mecha shit?

I'm seein' Border Break and Virtual-On in there already.
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here's the original just to fuck with you even more
I'll copy and paste the other post here since the other thread will 404 soon-ish.

About cards:
It's great for positioning and ranged party healing. (You can heal the melee Hunters without running in yourself)
Makes the Force crazy fun.

>Force dodge has horrid ground recovery time
>Dodging in the air removes the recovery time
>Cards have horrid recovery time
>You can dodge cancel attacks
>Use cards in the air, dodge cancel, continue movement in one fluid motion

Effectively allowing you to wavedash with short hop dodges.
There are two sword skills that you can "charge" up to have increased damage. The bad part is it takes five seconds to charge these skills up, and in those five seconds you can easily outdamage a fully charged attack by just regularly attacking.
What sword gear does is it reduces the charge time from five seconds to one second. So basically, it makes the attacks spammable.
They're really only good during bosses, though. You have to keep the meter fully charged to make the charge almost instant, and to charge it you have to be constantly hitting enemies. It's a lot easier to do this on a boss.
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>mfw no rare weapon drop since CBT

How on earth are you guys so lucky with your drops?

I didn't get any drops in CBT in 140 hours.

I deserve this!
Partisan and Wired-lance gear are not the same as sword gear by the way.
I like how hunters have about 10x more risk than a ranger and still do less damage overall.
This game makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Since the closed beta, I haven't thought of playing GW 2 or even glanced at the general.
I have no idea what I'll do when both games are available at once.
So each gear skill works differently? so any idea what it affects for wired lances? I mostly use those and swords, so trying to figure out if its worthwhile to get those skills.
There's an in-game option too, but I can't take a screenshot right now for obvious reasons.
I can't wait for the English patch so I know what the fuck is going on. It's frustrating having to look through the guides every few minutes
For me it kinda depends on when translation is done. Will be hard to get my mates to play the JP version with me, unlike gw2.
i second this, what does the wire lance gear do?
I primarily use swords so I don't know how the wired lance gear works. The only thing I DO know is that it's completely different, and when the meter is charged and you use a skill, it depletes it (correct me if I'm wrong?)
Nobody really seems to know what it does, so I guess you'll have to experiment.
Anybody here that can actually read moon, where would you recommend learning? I don't care about speaking, just reading. This game is too awesome and I refuse to sit there and have to look up everything online in the years to come.

We all know NA release isn't happening
Can anyone help me with some questions I have about the skill tree?

First of all, what does this whole "Access to *X* gear" or whatever mean? It is needed?

Also, what are JA (Just Attacks?) Does upgrading it actually help? Or would I rather upgrade S-ATK.

Thanks to anyone who can answer this
the easiest and most fruitful would be kirikana? or something, and the other one

fuck kanji
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That antlion is a boss in a desert, snakelike, and has little bulbous tentacles sprouting from the ground.

Shambertin is a boss in a desert, snakelike, and has little bulbous tentacles sprouting from the ground.
An english patch will though
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So mags. What other skills can you get on a mag, and how exactly do you get them besides those mag disks? Here's mine, has a power up skill for some reason.

Wired lance's gear makes your attacks build up stock (like a super meter in Street Fighter). You can store up to three stocks. The meter doesn't disappear over time like the sword gear does.

Any time you use a PA, one stock disappears and you do more damage. It wasn't bad but it isn't going to make your eyes pop out of your head.
The hunter's Gear skills seem to upgrade your capabilities with that weapon in some way, though it's different for each one

Just Attacks are basically timed combo hits, you'll see a flash when you do one.
JA (Just attacks) are the little blue/green bubble that forms around you when you attack

if you use the next skill or attack when the bubble turns green, you get a damage bonus on it

this guy here

explained sword's gear and this guy
explained wire lance's gear

no idea about partisan's
i've been doing namasensei with a bit of some iphone app until i learn katakana then i'll eventually do genki/tae kim
So how do you guys trigger a PSE Burst? I'm really confused at how this system works. Even googling is more confusing.
it won't translate everything, and it won't help you play with japanese people
I've been looking to learn japanese Kana, specifically for this game.

One of the best tools I've found for just learning the alphabet is this old win95 game called TileTag.

Unfortunately, all the internet seems to have is the demo version!

what to do, what to do...
the more and faster you kill enemies, the higher it gets

it reaches 10 and its burst time
Is it a good idea to go down and get Just Counter at a cap of 30?

I like using all the weapons, so I'd like their gears (unless some are really not worth it) but if I take Just Counter I won't be able to get all 3 gears.
>That feel when you fucked up your talent tree hard
>you're playing force
>become walking heal bot for your ranger

makes me so sad ;;
Are those like the super moves I saw when I first started the lvl 5 mission? In the pictures? I didn't get what it was talking about lol

Ohh I see. So what does it mean when it does it mean by doesn't increase technique damage?
Could someone add these to the pastebin? I see people ask about gears a lot.
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>super meter
>like street fighter
>all wired lance PA's are throws and grabs

Fuck. I'm Zangeif, aren't I?
which is better? guard or step?
>what does it mean when it does it mean by doesn't increase technique damage

um... uh... okay ill try

if you meant, what does it mean by it doesnt increase tech damage

well i didnt know it doesnt, but i assume it means it doesnt... right...
Keep in mind that triggering a PSE burst solo is basically impossible. If you're playing solo and really want one, I recommend going to a crowded block and joining a multiparty mission there.
If you wrestle the bears, sure you are.

How's this: http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/hunter.html?00HU!IEebInqnGSbn6
for a partizan build? I'm really digging the normal attacks and can pull off the JAs really quickly. The question is: will they be still useful at higher levels? Or will techniques basically completely outdamage and make JA normals obsolete?

Menu's quest objectives skill tree and items really all you need.
Tech damage is for forces, none of the gears will work unless you're a hunter and you're using that specific weapon. So gears are useless for everyone except hunters.

Looks more like you're Guy
What's the rest of your skill tree look like? Also, I'd say it depends on your preference regarding blocking or dodging. I prefer step myself and I wouldn't take both at the same time, at least not until they raise the level cap
Oh sorry about that... I wasn't paying attention haha. Thanks though. Good thing I don't use and spells or anything.
I only got the wired lance gear during closed beta (my time for open beta has been really short because of bad luck and maintenance) but I think it makes your PA brighter or something- there's some sort of visual effect. You definitely do more damage with that PA, so if you stacked it with Fury Stance or some other attack enhancer it'd probably kick ass.

Not sure what super moves you're talking about, I don't remember that tutorial screen.
The only sword skills that are worth a damn are:
-the chargeable upper slash (sword gear)
-the stab that lets you throw the monster (for throwing monsters at each other while on hills and such)
-the long ranged attack
the way our skills are made, we will be required to work in normal attacks no matter what, our abilities on avg take about 30 of our mana each, and a normal attack restores about 13

just rotate that hoe
or if youre not retarded you use:

sideslam (one that stuns)
horizontal slash (uppercut is decent too)
and yes the sonicboom
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So if I pull this, I'll basically control the battlefield?
Sideslam's useless, why stun when you can just outright kill the thing? And it doesn't work on bosses or minibosses last time I checked.
Are you talking about the chargeable horizontal slash?
What sonic boom?
Do you guys go on runs with fellow channers to help the learn the ropes?
Or just runs in general? Would be nice to have a group to play with.
Oh, and how does one get out of a party? I don't want to end up like that one anon who disconnected because he didn't know what else to do.
Transfer those 7 points from war cry/guard stance to fury stance/critical and we'll talk.
Do i even need to worry about my Ranger talent tree?

Looking over the skills, all of them are miniscule passive boosts and shitty trap skills that will never be used.

Is it okay just to dump all my SP into evade+ and gun dmg+?
PA?... :P
But ahh I see. I think I go for it then, I like wired lances a lot.
CBT vets will tell you Weak Shot and Jellen Shot are OP as hell. I don't think that's changed, so make sure you invest in those.
>Not immediately going for Jellen shot
No, but seriously, grab Jellen shot.
PA = Photon Art. It's the term for any of the skills you assign to your weapon that aren't the basic attack.
You'd want to JA your skills anyway.
the stab and slam leaves you open for the bosses to attack you too, AND it doesnt work on them either, the stun is at least a quick hit into the next combo

yes horizontal charged slash and the uppercut are interchangable, personal preference

and the sonicboom is the ranged thing we do

What exactly do they do? I can imagine Weak Shot lowering enemy defense and shit, but jellen shot sounds like a fruity alcoholic beverage.

Also are these passive, or do I have to put Jellen/weak shot onto my hotkeys?
3rd box, first option
bottem of the first minimizable section is the leave party

click it then the one on the left and youre free
Oh right... Sorry I've been really rusty with all the acronyms. Last time I played was like 2 years ago on PSU.
Doesn't it not work for skills, though? Or am I reading it wrong?
You can JA any attack option.
So normals, skills, force techs and their chared techs.
Always JA everything when possible.
You actually attack faster than mashing if you time JA's just right.
Tech, not PA.
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>that face
I think the stun is useless both on bosses and regular enemies. It's pretty weak. The stab is alright in certain situations and it's pretty powerful plus it can hit more than one enemy if you aim it right.
Do you think the horizontal or vertical slash is stronger? I couldn't test it since my skills were always on different levels.
Weak bullet (not weak shot, my bad) makes anyone who hits that spot do incredible damage. If you stick it on a boss's weak spot it makes a huge difference. I think it stacks too.

Jellen shot weakens enemy attack. I've seen Dark Ragne do 1 damage to me after getting Jellen'd, and it wasn't even maxed out.
So I picked hunter and so far it's boring as shit but I'm probably not even tapping the surface of the game because I'm scared to go into menus.

I don't even understand how to get a quest yet, people have been doing it for me somehow.

Either way, watching rangers and forces I feel like they'd be more interesting to me. Playing Hunter I find myself switching to the knife with the gun on it and just shooting shit until they get close.

Anybody want to show me the ropes and spoonfeed me knowledge? I'm like, level 5 right now or something. Ship 4.
Is Step Attack really worth the SP?
>not realizing you can just hold the mouse buttons down and attack repeatedly
i think they are of parity of eachother really

i still prefer the stun, its a quicker strike and can hit multiple enemies as well, all be it more difficult to line up, it just gives you and your team a bit of breathing room and doesnt toss monsters around for the rangers to rage at you for throwing their targets across the map

i know the stab does a ton more damage than the stun but i like the utility of the stun more
Properly timed JA's are faster than holding down the button too.
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what a fuck, man?
I meant like

Didn't think it worked with PAs. Gotta remember it's different from "techniques".
Thanks everyone.
If I want to make a new character and throw away my old one, can I keep my same account or do I need to make a new account? Can you delete your characters?
Is pso2 worth playing since CBT? I couldn't get myself back into playing it
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All those are shit when you can kill mobs of enemies with 3 Sonic Arrows.

As a HU, you're limited as fuck in terms of your range, so you really have to make the most of your hits. That is why it's rather wise to get into the habit of switching PA sets for the occasion. I use 3 different sets of PAs, all for different things.

For bosses, Rising Edge -> Twister Fall -> Twister Fall will wreck shit so fast.
If it's an attack of any kind you can JA.
What would be better, Fury 10 with no critical bonus, or Fury 5 Fury Crit 5? Is the crit rate high enough to compensate?
Is there an option for that? Or are you using 3 weapons?
Excuse me for being stupid

But what is a JA and a PA?
June 24th Emergency Maintenance

In yesterday’s maintenance, some adjustments were made in an attempt to curtail the lag on the server. However, this did not prevent the problem from occurring, so on June 24th, PSO2 will be undergoing emergency code maintenance!

Emergency Maintenance Schedule:
Today: June 24th @ 13:00 ~ 16:00 JST
Tonight: June 24th 12:00 AM ~ 3:00 AM Eastern

Maintenance Purpose:
Continue to investigate the cause of the network delays.
Please do not connect to the servers until after maintenance is complete.
I never really got a complaint from rangers when I throw enemies around. I would use stun a lot more often if it didn't wear off when the enemy gets hit once, also I find the stab to be a lot more fun than the other skills.
You can delete your character and make another one on the same ship or a different ship, there's no need to make a new account. It's an option on the character selection screen (the one after you pick your ship), choose the option that isn't "start playing" then follow along. When you get to the "delete yes/no?" dialog you'll have to hold down CTRL to un-grey the "yes" button.
Yes. You would be retarded not to get it. Seriously, dont be a retard. It makes everything flow so well, its just beautiful!
JA is a Just Attack. If you attack while the circle is red around you, you do more damage. That's a just attack. PA is Photon Arts. These are your skills, that aren't FO skills like Foie or Zone or whatever. Those are your Techs.
JA is "Just Attack", which means attacking in a certain frame of time after your first attack. You'll see a flash coming from your character to confirm you hit in the right time.

PA is "Photon Art", which are the attack techniques for melee and ranged weapons, opposed to "Techniques", which are for mages.

As a ranger this hardly bothers me, I was grouping up with someone who had those whip-katar things and she was throwing people for days. I just sat back with my launcher and chilled, if possible throw them closer towards us though, and not behind corners. If you have half a brain about it its great to use in conjunction.
Meh, personal preferences then, i just dont like how it spoils the flow of things.

Being in mumble with a few bros tossing shit around like that is fun, but i have had some feedback about how much of a pain it is to deal with when they are rangers mixed with the P2P shitfest we get due to latency.

Two words, Warping Monsters
Its somewhere on their screen, the moment you pick it up, the monster vanishes and is instantly over where you were, regardless of where they saw it. trippy shit seriously

On a side note, i think its easier to land the weak points with the horizontal slash rather than the uppercut. Wider range and such. Might be my imagination though.
you can bind the same weapon to any of the slots that you want just so you can have different skill sets with it
Does ice do much to bosses as a force? IE Freeze Ignition
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Saw this as a rifle in a shop
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>mfw I discover the joys of using talis with the third person shooter view
I'm glad I finally set up my dualshock to standard FPS style control setup while in TPS mode. Makes it way easier to do things like constantly hit a rockbear's head or the bee looking darker's ass.
I think with a fully charged sword gear, where the weak point is would determine if the skill is useful or not.
For the rockbear, since the face is so far up you obviously can't hit it with a charged horizontal slash, so the uppercut would be more useful.
The horizontal slash would be more useful than the uppercut against the worm boss, etc.
I hit more frequently with the horizontal than the uppercut on the rockbears though, its a simple jump and release charge and youre golden, an easy 5x hit compared to the ~3-4 if youre lucky not to get smacked away before its finished

also, when hes on the ground you can hit his face with the horizontal
How do you get the fancy room and shit? I bought the item to change the room but I don't know how to use it.
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Yay for maintenance!
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pew pew....gotcha
Maintenance is when Lisa goes out and eats the corpses of the monsters we leave strewn among the planets...
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Ah, I forgot you can jump while charging. My mistake.
I honestly have no idea how well freeze ignition does, but I do know how often I manage to freeze enemies, and that's hardly ever. I, for one, refuse to dump all those points into such a ludicrously situational skill until freeze boost gives +10% to chance to freeze per point instead of +1%.
>favorite weapons is gunblade
>no skills or gears for it
Any way to feed a mag faster?

Oh, fair enough, I didn't know it was only 1%, thats shit. Back to launchers.
Search em on the player shop network

stay logged in
They're loaded with everything you need, just contact your local visiphone.
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taking this long to load
That's patching

Why does Lisa and her creepy face/laugh make my dick so rockhard?
no no, i mean there is nothing in the skill tree for the gunblade.. like a gunblade gear or something.

Download the version off the pirate bay, patches a million times faster.
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>favorite weapons is gunblade


wait your telling me the big blue button is for patching?
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heres a guide to navigate and search for what you want
I thought My Room was going to be an Ark's Cash thing only.
Is it available for free now?
Or if it's limited, what are the limitations?
Pretty sure he's talking about skill tree shit like maybe gunslash gear or gunslash normal strike advance.
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Anyone know why im getting a fucking error when I launch the game and it closes automatically? I was in the closed beta and had no problems with this shit.
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Who knows?
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Not going to lie I love PSO2 mission complete theme. Compared to PSO and PSU victory themes.


>expecting open beta to work as well as closed beta
Unexpected error. Something funky must've happened with the game files.

How do you even get it to start?
its to connect, moron

cant connect if your version is not up to date
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we get access to MY ROOM and to MY SHOP temporarily in the OBT....they'll be part of the premium package once the game releases...so enjoy while you can
You can rent your room for a month with Arks Cash, but the fun lotto gives you a chance to win 3 day My Room tickets. Since Sega gives out fun just for logging in, I'm quite okay with this.
The gunblade is quickly becoming my favorite weapon. It may not do that much damage but the versatility and attack speed make up for it. Not to mention the attacks stylish as fuck.
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Because she's Cast her spell on you

Any word on keeping that stuff once it releases as a thank you for beta?
watching this video
so.. step attack is just the little kick move?
how useful is it?
seems pretty weak.
>Gun mode
>Shoot while in the air
>Bypass reload after 3rd shot
>Rapid fire like a boss

No chance.
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I'm messing around with the character creator while the client finishes downloading.

What's the deal with accesories? Can you equip/unequip them or are they permanently glued to your character once you start playing? I'm guessing the latter is the case since they're on the CC, right?
There's a delay after you dash that makes you unable to attack for a second.
Step attack basically fills second of you not doing any attacks with an attack depending on your weapon (kick for sword, slash for wired-lance, punch for no weapon)
At least that's what I think it does.
When you dash/dodge there's a brief moment where you can't do anything afterwards (recovery time).
With Step Attack you can attack during this recovery period instead of being a free target.
It's more useful in letting you be reckless than it is for dealing more damage.
It just makes playing a Hunter more fluid in general.
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yeah I love it too...makes me feel like I'm playing Devil May Cry with a character creator...which is good because I needed something like this to take my mind off of the piece of shit Tameem self insert known as "DMC"

here's a video I made using gunblade only on a rockbear solo...was pretty fun despite the beatdown:

So goddamn predictable, yet why do I laugh so much?

Aw, really? Damn. Guess I'll take it out of my build. Doesn't seem really that useful.
I already sold my furniture and such realizing this would happen
Firstly, that person recording that is fucking terrible.

Secondly, its not about the damage, its about making your combat and combos as smooth as possible. She doesnt use her dash kick often enough.
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they can be exchanged whenever you want...there's a beauty shop on the 2nd level of the 2nd floor of the lobby that lets you change your character...some stuff for free (hair, accessories, etc.) and some for AC (body/face mods, etc.)
Am i the only one cringing when he gets hit by those pathetic little monsters?
Besides from making combat more smooth it keeps you less vulnerable and allows you to get right back in after you dodge.

>Dash backwards to avoid an attack
>Derp for a second
>Run back in slowly to attack

>Dash backwards to avoid an attack
>Step Attack to immediately get back in
>JA your first attack in your combo from it
>using rising edge against normal enemies
nigga what
It doesn't even launch them into the air half the time, and when it does you can't land more than 2 or so hits on the enemy before they crash to the ground
freeze igniton does about 500-800 against mobs not weak to ice, without hitting a weak point. multiply it x2 if it's strong vs that monster, and x2 again if the monster has a hitpoint (the explosion hits it always)

this is with freeze igniton level 4 or 5. I chose to be an ice mage. I an dissapointed with my damage sometimes but it is nice to randomly freeze a boss (like the slinky dragons, but it wont work on the big caves dragon, since that's a scripted freeze, you cant freeze ignition it)

Also, tier 1 ice has a 25% to freeze (+1 every level according to pso2 jp wiki iirc) and tier 2 and 3 have a base 15% (increasing 1 per level).

im not sure what the damage for FI is based off of, but i feel like my freezes last a very long time right now, unless the mob is hit of course.

in other news, pure 30 F-ATK mag? it's on it's way and ability is a shit stat.
So are the servers are coming back up in 25 mins?
Ooh, so it is JA-able and also moves you forward? That's nice, I guess.
yep and it doesnt count as one of your combos so itll start you off with JA 1
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This guy just crawled away after he was supposed to explode along with his legs
I see. Guess I'll keep it in. Could do no harm, I reckon.
note: my biggest problem with this ability is that the range is horrendous. you need to be a little closer than melee range for it to hit. and it has a 60 second cooldown. it's a guarenteed kill for any normal mob, though.
whats the step attack for the gunblade?
hour and 20 mins
It's one of those things that kind of sounds useless on paper but ends up being incredibly useful when you learn to use it right.

It comes out really fast too so you could use it to approach and immediately JA a PA if you'd like.

why would you even think of doing such a horrendous thing
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I think it's a stab. I can't remember.
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thrusting the gunblade like if you're a fencer
why not?
i love using the gunblade.
or are you saying the ranger would be more suitable for it?
That's good to hear. Thanks, bro.

it's useful if you're actually GOOD at using one

but I guess you suck so I can understand why you'd think like that

Maybe you need to tone down the graphic/shader details in options before you start up the game.
I like using the stabbity stab stab PA with it.
Feels like I'm playing a Tales game.
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no prob dawg
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>Name yourself Farah
>fall in love with the wire lance's combos

its a shame my best weapon right now is a fucking sword...
note about step attack, you can cancel that attack into guard, so yes it's really useful
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>sword rain

yeah it's a cool technique...it's my 2nd PA out of the three because the way I have it set up looks very stylish.

the first one is really cool too but idk the name so I'll just advertise another of my videos so you can see it:


it's the very first attack I use
Not that guy, but I play a force, and I still love the gunblade. I just wish ra foie didn't make it so worth it to stick with rod or talis. Especially talis. Holy fuck, words can not describe my love for the talis. It's everything I hoped for when Sega first announced it.
I feel the same way about that circular air slash for swords.
I think the attack was called tempest in ToS
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yep, it was tempest

the sword stun reminds me of beast
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How do I clear code.emergency.avoid?
Am I supposed to kill the bloody stingray?
by the way, you can get only one boss at a time if you just have the leader on the pad to start it
All you need to do is avoid it. Don't let it hit you.
>Emergency Code: Avoid
>Something is chasing you
>There is a timer

I'll let you figure it out, champ
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>dat pic

I like how Sare and I are sort of similar in the costume section

he's the green while I'm the red

oh that's interesting to know
Well.. the first time I tried avoiding it and when the timer is up it told me I failed the mission...
that's good to know for those timed S ranking orders
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on a side note, you dont use the dash enough, and you take unessisary damage, the slinky's weak spot is its belly when it extends and your gunblade looks just as useless as ever there
I really like your character. Pic looks pretty cool, too.
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Anyone else going for the defense tree for Hunter? Kinda new to PS, but I hope late game bosses require some coordination than straight up beat 'em up. If so, how would you go on about it?
If there is anyone else in the area and it hits them then everyone would fail it.
I was pretty sure I was alone.
I guess it went for someone else then.
just so you know, your character is my favorite out of all of the players'
you stay the fuck back and shoot them to death, preventing you from taking damage

defense is pointless
It'd be interesting to see an all out tank.
The guard stance is really good for reducing damage. At only level 3 I believe it made me go from taking 250 damage to taking 150 damage.
I think it would be better if you went for the physical damage though. After all, why guard when you can just dodge?

Whats your character name again? I think i walked by your group earlier today with my hunter Farah

oh fuck me sideways, disregard what i said and put a bullet in my head

keep equating hunter to the ranged class, my bad bro


Wrong class, right?


Skill the fuck up and get the biggest numbers.

Everyone is a DPS class. FO is a DPS class with a heal you think about using every once in awhile.
Is there even a point to this though? Does warcry work well enough to keep all the enemy's on you?
Wait. Wait.

English open beta?
that guy there is Domenica, best remember the name, kid.
he's the guy that INVENTED launcher racing.
>not being able to speedrun Vol in 8 minutes

10 if you have shitty maps.
ah wasnt you, was some other dark as night person
heh, i'm not him.
anonymity's a bitch, ain't it?
Nobody seems to know, but I assume it'd be a decent skill once the level cap gets raised a few times and monsters hit like trucks.
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thats nice thank you guys :)


I try to use dash whenever I can but in that fight it was too confusing with two of them so I wasn't as focused as I wanted to be

>the slinky's weak spot is its belly when it extends
okay...but that weak spot doesn't give you more items like the tail does

>your gunblade looks just as useless as ever there
worked fine for me when I was using it...now I've upgraded to the 7* so I'm better off now

that's a great way to be remembered

>fun fact: I fucking LOVE rain...so soothing and so beautiful...which makes me love the free forest area a lot
>why guard when you can just dodge?
In PSU and PSP, evasion tanking was far superior to defense tanking because high level mission bosses could break you in half like a twig with a single hit unless you just guarded the attack, and that was only implemented in Portable 2. The thing is that it's much easier to have a high evasion stat and just null most damage than have to be a blocking god, so evasion tanks were often the ones who used moon atomizers on fallen defense tanks. With the complete lack of an evasion stat in PSO2, the only option is to just dodge the attack completely.
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Is there maintenance right now? I'm very upset. I've spent my entire night doing drugs in anticipation for getting home and joining groups with random japs for the caves, Please respond.
nah, i prefer it really
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Me too. I bought some beer after work and I get home to maintenance. Feels sad man.
Best part, for those who are about to go sleep, there will be another maintenance in shop for them for around their wake up time.
Aw, really? What the fuck.
That Platform thing in the screenshot what does it do? I have seen it come out of the box a couple times instead of the heal station but havent been able to figure out what it does
well since servers are down for maintenance i might as well start working on understanding katakana
So, who are all the most easily recognizable/most iconic characters/regulars on 4-44?

I'm thinking Momoyo, Domenica, Jiggle Princess, and maybe Shazbot... Monad too, I guess.
damages anything hitting those rings much like the black ones damage you
boosts PP regen rate while standing in the blue
it's great to fight in
Definitly shazbot and jiggle princess, saw her for the first time today, GOOD GOD THEM TITS WERE EVERYWHERE
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if it's blue it damages monsters that are within the blue circles that go out.

if it's corrupt/red then it damages YOU...but if you jump on the platform or get near it you can press E to reconfigure it to work for you
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i don't think jiggle princess actually plays the game. she just sits in the lobby dancing. and jiggling.
The characters load so slowly in my game that I can't even differentiate them all.
Feels bad, yo.
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Is this supposed to be taking forever?
I met Jiggle Princess in a multi party zone so the jiggle plays too.

That sounds about right.
Secretly my character is in a bunch of screenshots other people post here, but I'll refrain from saying who I am.
disregard this i suck cocks

Yes. Get yourself a snack or play some other vidya in the meantime.
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I'd like to think I'm still relevant and active but so far I've been so behind on levels and forced to solo most of my missions with NPCs that I feel like I'm slowly being forgotten


also hope people aren't annoyed with me posting so many screenies...not trying to be an avatar/tripfag just want to be active and contribute in the thread
don't worry about it, man!
i for one actually enjoy it
There is a slider option for that. It should be the last menu in the options menu. Just turn the first slider you see all the way up. The bottom two are shadows and something else.
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a.k.a "attention whores"

Seriously. I haven't even looked but I'm sure they rarely even do missions. Every time I finish a zone they are always in the middle of the fucking place dancing and shit. What is their problem anyway? Do they even want to play this game? all i see them do is dance and try to look cool. what faggots. meanwhile i level and then I see them acting like they are some sort of celebrity,. "Im the tallest whore on the block" good for fucking you plz die. No 1 cares...but obviously ppl do care because there is like 20 people huddled around her at every moment. seriously just get your head out of ass. THIS IS A GAME not a chat room or ERP simulator. GO TO GAIA jiggle princess seriously gb2 gaia.
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This doesn't look too promising, but in the hypothetical situation where one would spec defense as a Hunter, how does this look?

Doesn't this promote defense tanking? Some attacks are bound to be hard to dodge, be it a multi-hit or a hit box staying for more than half a second.
Yo, guys. Is the /vg/ team full? If not, who do I have to talk to join? You guys look like a pretty cool bunch.

Can you load a special bullet and keep it ready for that gun's next shot after swapping away?

Would test it myself.
>implying people don't dance just because they are AFK and want to let their Mag fullness drain
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one more hour
are you saying it won't drain if you're standing still?
Are there any unique or rare weapons in this game? Im grinding like hell and wouldent mind if someone could inform me on this. Ranger master race btw (not launcher though)(gunblade is acceptable too) + Shouldn't server maint. be ending soon?
>speak with abbreviations
>expect us to take you seriously
pick one, faggot
Thanks. Usually everying is dead by the time the box comes down and we open it so havent actually seen it do anything. And havent come across the Black/Red one yet.

if it hasn't been changed, you lose your bullets when you weapon swap
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get a load of this nerd
Yeah i kinda regret rolling on this ship. Shoulda known it was gonna be a big circle jerk with a select few. Oh well at least there other english speakers on the server to play with
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oh no
i'd be happy to party with you.
hit up Mahou Sengen next time we're both in lobby
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That feeling when social anxiety..

>they probably don't want to talk to me anyways

It's Guild Wars prophecies old Ascalon all over again.

>I'm sure they rarely even do missions.

nigga what? you've actually SEEN me in lobbies?

I've been literally busting my ass trying to keep up with everyone else who's lvl20+ while I JUST got halfway to lvl15 and let me tell you it's not fun in the least seeing all the cool screenies of people in the desert, wishing I could be with them having a blast.

THIS is the ONLY reason I've ever been seen in the lobby doing a random dance

and also because I usually have to work for 6hrs which contributes to me being at such a low level and behind while everyone else is doing burst parties and 7* rares and already expanding their rooms.

don't know what's got you so mad but why don't you realize the very same thing you're telling us:


yes you're getting mad over a game
That fucking midget cast?
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An error 630!
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if I ever see you around I'll be sure to take you along

if you find me in a party and there's a slot open...PLEASE just jump in and say hello or help out...despite the one shit poster I'm not some "celebrity" but I am an attention whore in a manner of speaking so I like when people want to talk about whatever
>I was next to "celebrities"
who am I quoting
no one important, just a relative newfag who knows how to lurk moar
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I like having 10 dancing lolis greet me after I finish a mission.

Besides pso lobbys have always been like that.
Rocket flying looks so damn fun.
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does everything transfer over from the CB?
hey what
ive seen this pic before
oh thats right
its my desktop background

>Kreia Talos (CBT haven't seen him/her in OBT)
>Annila's Ass....oh and Annila too
>SPIDER (CBT and I think has a new name in OBT)

and there's prolly more but those are the top that I see as "active/iconic" since CBT
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once the lisa is mass produced...
I know that feeling all to well.

But the thing is, sometimes you need to just give yourself a little push once in a while.
Just pipe up every now and again in the team chat (to say hello or such) and people answer.

Also, I like chatting 1 on 1 with people every now and then. If you're on Ship 4, I'll talk with you.
i'll take several!
Alright everyone, thanks for the chat. See you tomorrow ingame, hopefully.
ill take a bunker!
I'm wondering, is it always better to use weapons with more stars? I prefer the look of some of the lower tier weapons more and they seem to have better stats sometimes. Do the higher tier weapons get a bigger boost when upgrading or something?

also you've got to have the mentality of:

>"oh hey look at me I'm XXXXXXX and people don't know the real me which means I have a clean slate and can make a name for myself here. let me just say hello and make some friends"
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Do I just ask anyone to get an invite to the team or do I have to whisper someone?
Uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, same error. This is fucking ridiuclous.
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I've been playing the game for a few days. So far It's great, but there is no sound at all. I've changed the options around and even tried reinstalling the game, but there's still no sound at all. Has anyone got an idea what gives?

Weapons with higher stars receive a greater % boost to their attack power, but if you aren't planning on grinding certain weapons always use the one with higher base attack
I guess I should start by stop being a nigger and unlock my own lobbies/rooms, I mean, left ship 9 to have more people to talk to afterall.
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I think star rating is just a "rare" rating just to show you how hard they are to come by.

I think in the CBT I had a lower star weapon and it was better then my 7* partisan which forced me to upgrade my 7* partisan since I wanted to use it more.

but yeah just use whatever gives you better stats...at this point 7* seems more like bragging rights until you upgrade them and make them better
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More stars = better grinding % damage boost.

Don't think a turd will become a diamond though. I know that 2 stars go to +50% increased damage at +10. I don't know about anything else's upgrade rate.
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Even Afin gets tired of Aibou.
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I should share some images, too
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What's with this guy's SHOULDERS? They're not even connected...
where can i go to figure out what all the stats/NUMBARS on my equipment means? beyond the obvious bigger numbers=better
Didn't like his voice.

So I took a picture of him. Funny how that works?

It probably won't fix your issue, but in the launcher, click the tab right below the play button, and adjust the slider that pops up down to 1, then click the button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to apply the change or whatever.

When I tried opening the character creator demo, it would crash after going through the opening menu. In the actual game, I would crash whenever I went into character select. Apparantly, it had something to do with the graphic/shader detail slider thing, and lowering it got rid of the issue.

I don't know if it is the same exact issue, but I think it might be worth a shot.
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He's wearing armor units, I guess?

Also, doesn't this guy really look like Protoman?
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yes you should...haven't seen you around the lobbies whenever I'm looking for more shit to do

I assume you're cuhrazee grinding too?
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Strike Damage
Shoot Damage
Tech Damage
Strike Defense
Shoot Defense
Tech Defense

Ability = damage and chance to reduce damage if you have more than the target.
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So the servers are still down?
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I like that guy. Are most of these characters from a previous Phantasy star game?
He sounds like that kid from fate/stay night, the one who had Rider, shinji or something?
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Usually when I log on, I immediately find something to do. Like nurture my relationships with NPCs.

Befriended Mahloo today, Echo is next.
from what I can tell all the damage is strike damage...? In forestland at least

So, does he have a sister?
the vespids do a ranged and the birds cast a fireball, but generally, yea all strike
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techinically? no~
Oh man, that image.
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never saw the benefit from that...but then again I haven't researched it to see for myself...think I might do that at lvl cap when we're all finding things to do
they have big eyes, EVEN BY JAPAN STANDARDS
So are there any eng pacthes at all yet for in game menus? what about a wiki for items/weapons? Alsop what is this about ship two being eng? how much of it is English?
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How do you even do that?
And, I guess, how do you check that in the regular menus?
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server's up
2nd option of the globe
oh hey i remember psycho luke being a pretty cool guy
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Whoops, is maintenance over?

So empty...

i think sega caught on and tried to make it harder to insert stuff in the game, of fear of hacking.
I can't be the only one who jumps into it once, then run away to finish what ever business I have.
numbers are english, and the emergency codes are english
Whats error code 678 guys?
Is there a character creator I can use if I already have a character?
How do we get an invite to the no fun allowed guild? I'm FlowIV I know at least a couple of you have seen me around.

Apparently I'm the only one that actually got the Farah reference, which is disheartening
a new account
A solution that isn't that?
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I've got a new pastebin to include in the copypasta.

It's a list of photon arts/technics with descriptions and a video showing what each of them do. I'm pretty sure it needs to be updated because I've seen a technic that's like a meteor storm.


Also has a lovely video attached where I got the info.
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I don't read or understand moon runes or chicken scratches, but I still want to play this

should I download it?
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see here

also im pretty sure the first one is Player name and 2nd is item name, might be mixed up though
anyone up for rock bear quest?

I like visual guides. There's also nothing for the subtypes of armor and other things.

There's a seperate place to search for IDs searching.
aye, fair enough

as for JAs its the same order just add the elements onto the bottom for the force users

Wire Lance
Assault Rifle
Rocket Launcher
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guys what do i have to do here?
A gamer tag that will show up to everyone
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so no menu patches for the game yet?
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like for the creation menu in the game?

I'm actually also kind of stumped on the second option.

I've tried names, descriptions, and numbers (possibly quantity value) and they all turned up blank results.

Does anyone who actually understands rune know what the second option is?
I've got a Lvl 4/HU and LVL 2/RA, is it work remaking on ship 4 since I'm on Ship 2?
Lvl 8 Ra*

You're fine. If you really feel like it you can swap because you want to be 'apart' of what /vg/ talk about, but it's the same as what goes on over there too.
Regardless of all the hurr durring that goes around, ship 2 and 4 are pretty much the same. If you have people you enjoy playing with on 2 then just stay there. Probably better in the long run too with PSO-W people there.
Thing is, I'm not happy with my character as it stands anyway.
Is it first, worth remaking, and second, worth switching servers?
please guys, is there really no translation pacth for the menus/options yet?

Just do it if you really want to.

If this OBT ONLY lasts a month it's still a small fraction of time lost.

no, it's proving harder than last time, so give it a few weeks
Following the Matter Board guide on Bumped, I still can't figure out what I'm supposed to do for B-2
Do the first forest mission and activate the event scene thing from the block
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there was for Close beta but with the newest version it doesnt work

now these are some fine ladies
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gotcha babe
Depends in what ways you're unhappy.
See if you can make another in the character creator and compare it to see if you're unhappy enough to remake.
Screwed up skills?
If you screwed up huge then it might be worth it since there's no real way to reset without money.

As for it being worth switching, refer to my previous point

We saw a lot of that during closed beta
How's this for a HU skill build?
I've been through the first Forest Mission 3 times now, tried been around everyone and can't find squat.
I somehow changed it so my mouse no longer alter the camera angle. wtf did I do
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>mfw solo
how do you beat the giant bug guy in the emergency mission? it looks like theres a weak spot on his back but i didnt even do enough dmg to kill him in 10 minutes
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Epic rewards for it too..oh..nvm
Uhhh question for all Forces. I can't find Shifta/Deband to put on my skill bar...Is there some trick? I know I used the discs but they aren't available to put on.
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I'm really not too sure what do to do about skill trees. I mainly use launcher, so I was thinking of doing something like this, and then just branching off into skills accordingly.

But then I watched this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91jr-3ICkRw and Weak Bullet looks pretty awesome. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on how it works?
Doesn't matter what weapon type you primarily use, even one point in Weak Bullet will increase your damage output by a shitload as long as it's applied.

You can just switch to Rifle, apply the Weak Bullet, then go back to Launcher and pummel the weak spot.
I made my character on Ship 9, can I switch my character to Ship 4?
Nope no switching, if you want to change ship need to delete and make a new one.
How do I get the 2nd matter board? I've done all of the first, done the story quest (tutorial again?), and ran around the shop and lobby area talking to everyone. Is there a client order or something I'm missing?
Well shit, I just found that lift that takes you to the new platform.
>Monomates are potion like drinks in juiceboxes, not pills
Everything I know is wrong.
>Been trying to dodge roll and move left and right through Ragne's disc attack move.
>Tonight realize I can just fucking jump over it.
I feel dumb.
Uh... the Normal Tech Advance skill and elemental mastery skills for a Force appear to increase your damage by one percent at the first level.

Is that the same across all levels, or are there increasing returns on them? Because it doesn't make much sense to me to spend ten skill points on a 10% damage increase.
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well, that emergency event thing was interesting... also what the hell did I just pull from it?
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A somewhat nice 7 star gunblade. Looks like this.
>630'd in the middle of the story mission
Son of a whore.

The servers are so swamped right now, goddamn.
Huh. Interesting.

Did I just miss something?
City event. Rush to a boss, get shitty drops
>People blaming lag for their shitty playing even though hit detection is client side
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Can someone tell me what this message means?
It won't let me hand in the story Client Order.
Hit detection being client side is awesome.
Lag at boss? Unload on face.
Does anybody know how many hits Grants does? I'm thinking its 5, but I'm just guessing. I couldn't really tell.
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huh, nifty.

if nothing else i have something decent to use when i class swap.
I'm suprised no one else has asked this.
How do you get into your player home?
You have to pay IRL CASH MONEYS and have a subscription.
I asked in the previous thread but no one replied ;_;
topmost option in the green elevators
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For as long as I've been playing, I felt like he reminded me of someone.
Pulesuru ofu da cammu inusidu
so for staves, do i just go by what has the largest technic power? some of these staves have bonuses i can't read on them.
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>Not jelly as fuck of my view
Is there some way to turn off double-tap dodging? The timing window for it is far too long so it keeps fucking me over.
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Oh boy Hard Mode. Where 9* are found.
Do these happen often, or is that a one-time thing?

How do they work, exactly?
Seems to last for an hour starting at 4AM EST.
hour long event, happens randomly
the gamme's good too bad i have a lot of lag in yurop
So the only way to get photon arts is off drops?

I can't stand being a ranger, this rocket launcher shit is just so damn boring. I want to go force but I can't find any arts. Do they drop from specific places or anything?

buy em off the player shops
Where are the player shops?
Is there any penalty for switching to another class?
Like, do my stats get fucked up in the long run?

Also, what's the best hunter weapon? Or best PA per weapon? I've got the partizan skill but it's still barely doing any damage compared to other people. At least that's what it feels like.
Two questions that went unanswered because I posted at end of last thread.
1) Where do I find you guys, im on ship 4 block 44 etc etc, is there a guild? Havent been in game that long.
2) Is there a way to disable the double tap dodge?
Second one I don't know. But everyone in the lobby should be us. Look for Momoyo/Enkou/Monad for an invite to the team.
I'm not that guy but is it a /v/ guild or a /vg/ guild? or both
Reddit guild
4chan in general I'd guess, but mostly /vg/. I haven't seen a PSO2 thread on /v/ in forever.
i chose ship 7 as it was all i could get into at first, any other english speakers on 7, how the frikk do i get into an english guild cos that'd be awesome, i can read most of the japanese in the game but i dont see anyone talking in english or jap, i can only find to make a team, not a team search option
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Hard is no joke
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How do you get the NPC's to like you so they'll give you crap?
also my game is locked to loading 5 player characters at once, in the setting it wont budge
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What are these two options?

First page of the settings screen. No guide says what they are.
Are there any ranged normal weapons that don't fuck up every spell you cast for 5 seconds.
Casting ranged heals with the cards was fun at first, but not it's just getting irritating.
FO weapons that is.
Enemies with no recoil.
God help us all.
Fuck, how do I reset my skill tree?
You are fucked.

Please respond.

I can't find anything in the blog about it.
Well shit.
I put points into pp up, then realised the little it gave me was shit.
...Then don't throw a card before you cast?
Why is it so hard to S-rank Forest free in under 15 minutes
>Out of pp
>Attack with cards instead
>Have enough pp for a spell
>Want to cast but my fucking card is still out
How about your gunslash?
If you even have that as a FO?
you can technically pay to have your tree reset from the cash shop I think if you really don't want to restart or live with your character.
I don't know how much it is though.
Why are there no sliding minigames?
Sliding down railings is the best feature in the game.
You can't as you can't buy ARKS Cash yet.
>sliding minigames
>my playlist when
I'd pay five bucks for a sliding minigame and a rocket minigame.
They disappear right after you hit something with it.
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Anyone on Ship 2 up for doing キャタドラン討伐? We can knock out 武器携帯数拡張申請試練・I and 自由探索許可申請・火山洞窟 at the same time.
please speak english we aren't all gooks
I have no idea what those are.
Ignore him and maybe he'll go away. He posts just to stir shit.
>Anyone on Ship 2 up for doing pot? We can knock out Mike Tyson and Super Saiyan 3 Goku at the same time.
People weren't kidding when they said we'd all be speaking chinese in a few years huh?
that translation makes no sense
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It's the quest to kill Catadran.
It's apart of the two client orders from Koffe for weapon palette expansion 1 and Free Caves Exploration.
>No one responding to whispers
>Can't find player shops
>Can't read anything
>60 robots sitting in lobby syncing dance moves

I can't say I shouldn't have expected this.
>It's the quest to kill Catadran
SO, it's my first time at this and everything, make a sega id, download installer and game, game is installed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's stuck at this patch screen not doing anything. wat do?
So It takes me like 1 minute to load new areas but my buddy says it takes 2 seconds ( and it does for him).

My computer is not bad. Any ideas why?
The patching is very slow, just leave it.
Catadran is the Caves boss.
wait for the translation patch.
The UI is painfully hard to use if you don't know the language especially with advanced communication options.
It should get better.
how the fuck do i use weak shot after learning it in skill tree, can't find it to add to pallette
thank you
no we don't want to play with you fuck off
nm i found the sneaky jew
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Press F3 to open the Equipment menu then scroll down to your hotbar assignment and select the skills tab. From there you can then place it on your hotbar.
Does bringing NPCs along with you increase enemy HP or damage or anything like that?
Find the purple question mark kiosk. Then select the first option in it, and the first option again. From there:
Just did it in 7, then 13 with a couple of moon level 15s.
They were very pleasant.
Free caves boss is too difficult for me to solo, guess I'll go back to forest and aoe grind mob till I out-level him enough...
How do I unlock new places after the forest? I S ranked the boss in under 15, but I still only have up to the level 7 forest.
Same. I guess we might also... PLAY IN A PARTY.

Are you both on 4? What are your names.
Do the race stats matter in this game? Am I going to be fucked for making a human, or will the stats difference me negligible.
Never mind, clicked on something on that grid and also turned in a quest and I have it now.
Yeah I'm on 4. Lex.
>Only 2 groups for that molten place
>Everyone dancing in the lobby
Fuck you guys, seriously.
Dancing is the way to play
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So... what the heck does this spell do? The one on my right mouse button in this screenshot.

It appears to fire a ball of lightning forward which sticks to a target for some time. I am having a hard time telling if it does damage over time or what, though. Any ideas?

Whoops, it's the one on my LEFT mouse button.
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She's the cutest cast in the game, deal with it.
is there anyway to get more english into the game right now?
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The amount of locked and friends only games up is depressing. It's like people are scared to play with new players. I'm actually bored of only playing with friends.

That other guy >>8160674 has yet to answer, but I saw you in the lobby. Would started it up, but it's still kind of a long shot with just 2 people.
Sazonde, leaves the enemy weak to further Zonde-type moves.
Plus, it stacks.
Perfect if you also have another Force using Zonde stuff, especially for bosses.
>a long shot with just 2 people
Oh, so soloing it is a bad idea. Got it. I thought I got pretty far though... but if it has like twice the health pool as Catadran then NOPE.m4v.
What are the objectives for the Caves quests? I can find Matter Board and Client Quest information, but not regular quests.
>Plus, it stacks.

Neat. I assume you mean with other Force's Sazondes rather than my own, or should I fire two or three at a boss if I want to take him down?
what's the actual requirement for an S-rank?
I've been doing it by killing every enemy I see but is there a way to cut corners and still get an S?
I tried running to the finish on another timed quest and I got a C.
Level 12 now and I still have no friends ;_;.
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>Thirteen point investment
>one percent damage increase per skill level

Do I have that right? Because that seems like garbage.
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I assume you're playing Ship 4?
That's how I felt when I realized PP up increased max PP by 1 although I didn't have to invest as much as you did to find out. Looks like I'm gonna try to stack freeze ignition and get PP regen during charge.
Fuck you're on ship 2 aren't you? It seems to be tons better over there. I might roll over there in a second, these 4chan faggots on ship 4 are idiots and unfun to play with.
Just go to /jp/s block.
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Yep, Ship 2.
Pretty awesome over here, Lots of helpful people, myself included. Just send me a PM whenever you create your character over here. My character name is Temperantia, Account name is CommanderLovely.
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>talks so much shit about other ships
>makes ship 2 sound superior
>The amount of locked and friends only games up is depressing

whelp....guess that's what you get for talking shit...what's that they call it?

I believe it's KARMA
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Just had this conversation with some moon men.
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mai waifu
Sweet. Gunna roll over there now and port to your room.
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I'll wait there then and add you to the team/guild!
>It's like 2channel
Fuck you.
[ No.601 ]

What, disconnected due to systems failure?
Level 18 and no friends here, are you even trying?
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God damn I'm tired.
Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't a many lolis. Step it the fuck up guys.

Fuck it I'm done with Ship 4 as well. Coming to Ship 2 too.
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I had set out with the intention of making one, but then after flat chests don't look very good in this game so I said fuck it and wound up with this.
Reddit spreading propaganda
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Can anyone tell me what to do in this quest?
Switch to force class
talk to her while beeing force
okay thanks for posting this like if anybody gives a fuck what an anonymous poster thinks

but let's be honest we both know you'll stay in ship 4 which is why you haven't posted anything about what character you are in ship 4

enjoy being a beta in a beta
Two questions:
1) What are the requirements for S ranking stuff?
2)Anyone mind helping me with a quest?

lol you're upset that I'm switching ships?Wow man, Also I'm already on Ship 2. Just joined the guild there.
Kill a lot of enemies and don't die.
>upset at an anonymous poster

pffffft keep thinking people care
You cared enough to cry about it. (:
>Implying he is me
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Is there more maintenance or something coming up soon?

Also it's JP peak again, and practically unplayable as usual

why is this happening?
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Just made a Jap friend who speaks little English. It's amusing talking to him and answering his questions.

"Why all american play on ship 2?"
"You american really nice. I glad I get to meet one."

He apparently hates Eurofags. Bad experiences in the past.
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>fail at getting an S rank in free field under 15 minutes a couple of times
>get really pissed off
>try it again
>at start of the stage
>boss jumps out of nowhere
>think the game has taken pity on me and let me fight the boss earlier so I can progress
>beat it
>quest doesn't finish
>shit I have to beat him twice?!?!
>rush through the rest of the stage because I had already wasted a lot of time beating him the first time and I thought he would be worth an S rank
>somehow manage to get to the end and beat him a second time in under the 15 minutes
>get a B rank
seriously fuck this so hard, that was the forth time in an hour that I've attempted it.
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Anyone know where I can get more of these? They raise my Melee Defense, but I can hardly find any of them.
>mfw i level up in a jp party and everyone says congrats
>i dont know how to reply
>immediately leaves after out of embarassment
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Try getting NPC's.
Use the ally console inside the ship before dropping down into the mission, It's indicated with the orange !
Yep, also in multi party areas where they just start yelling and asking things.
>Implying anyone is really this ignorant outside of 4chan
the ones spamming it up in multiparty areas are NPCs. jp people don't seem to talk that much
Just say thanks you spergloid
Save these into your shortcut messages and you should be able to fit in fine.
よろしく - say when meeting up with your party for the first time/starting a quest together.
ありがとう - General thank you
おめでとう - say when someone levels up
お疲れ - say at the end of a mission

If they ask you a question, then you can drop spaghetti all over the place and cry.
Oh that makes sense i guess. Anyway to filter that?
>Being so polite on an mmo
I'm sure the japs who play these games don't do this.
Has someone somewhere taken a screencap of all the mobs and given them translated names?

Whats a dagan?
No, it is pretty normal. I've struck up conversations with some, generally everyone I've talked to is pretty polite.
Is there a way to set a custom playlist to the videos that play on the screens on the ship?
Dagans are those spider like things in the third mission where you need to kill them to get 100 points.
Can you do the patch in multiple goes?

Got a http error after a few hours and the bars aren't looking all that promising this time around.
If you run into the giant floating ones that spawn smallers ones you can rake in a shitton of points, its a good way of S-ranking in less than 10 mins. you can easily S rank without the big ones but it cuts a bit close.
Why is Card Force so fun?
nobody likes yuropoors, they are scummy pieces of shit
Did the maintenance bring less latency issues?
>Latency issues

I'm Australian and I have none

Imagine what I go through with servers based in America
You guys just have to deal with the other end of the shit covered stick now
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>Living in Australia
I'm glad I can copypaste a lot of the text in this into google translate, its making things much easier along with using that bumped site.
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>be HU
>get told their damage sucks
>experiment for a few hours
>can now hit 3000+ at once on Vol by myself

I feel like it's broken. I need to find a RA with Level 10 Weak Bullet just so I can see how far I can take this.
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Have we figured out yet when Emergency Trials (city missions) occur?

I initially suspected it was every six hours, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore because this has been missed on two occasions in the past two days, unless my timing is really bad.

I really want to punch Range now that I'm not Lv>10, but I keep missing them somehow.
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I keep going here and the only thing it says about skill trees is that you need to talk to this character and use ac to get a skill tree.

What is ac, how do I get it and is this build shitty?
>Sign up
>FINALLY finish downloading everything
>Apparently I forgot my password

Wading through moonrunes didn't help me find a reset. Anyone else dealt with this?
I'm considering playing this since I love being in SPEECE and played PSO to death.

Is this game challenging at any point? And what keeps you playing? It looks fun to play but I don't want Vindicus levels of easy.
Blue star counter, guy the middle, second option.
Nevermind, found a link in the second e-mail they sent me
>If the password for SEGA ID is no longer I know to, the page to reset your password please use the.

Oh google translate, you so crazy
You can die very fast. There's also a certain degree of skill in terms of execution. I wouldn't say its hard but its intense.
No build is exactly shitty as long as you can make it work. Maxing T-atk is a good idea.
Forest levels are really pansy once you learn the game, unfortunately you will be stuck with them until you can into moonrunes enough to unlock caves.
If you want to see how crazy this game gets, have someone drag you to the city emergency quest ASAP, it will have you itching to move on, and you can do it at any level.
free caves is harder than city.

Very well, it shall be downloaded. As long as I die because I fuck up an attack pattern and not OMG you needz better gearz nao. Just got off D3 and need a game where I whack shit repeatedly with intermittent difficulty.
>Bosses standing still for 5 seconds at a time
>Team teleporting around
>enemies you've already killed are still attacking you
>they still deal damage

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what about level 1?
As a Cast if I buy new parts do I get to repick my color scheme or am I stuck with my current one unless I shell out cash?
All the new parts you get as a cast keep your base color, though its not really something you should concern yourself with, people have hit the level cap without getting a single new part, and the shop only sells the basic character editor parts.

Why are you posting here and then replying to yourself as anonymous? Did reddit kick you out or something?
This server lag is getting to me.

Can't weapon swap properly.
wrong quote?
I'm trying to do the blonde guy's quest after starting the matter board stuff.

I haven't seem to have completed it and can't figure out how (can't read moon either)
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What are these items to the right side of the area select thing? are they rewards of some sort doing certain things?
Can someone explain why sometimes I can use my followers but sometimes I cant?
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>love gunblade
>most versatile weapon i have
>find the grenade PA
>mfw it is a get out of jail free card that does an assload of damage when JA'd

Goddamn, I really hope I can find a rare version of the thing. Why is this weapon so cool, yet no class uses it? Ranger needs it in the skill tree, even if launchers are too good and rifles get weak shot.

Graphics card incompatibility, change shaders.
Alternatively set the graphics slider to 1, had this on my laptop but fixed it through that.
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Did another fucking patch seriously pop up in the last fifteen minutes?
Rare items that randomly drop in the area.
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Revised RA build.

Maxed Weak Bullet because the more the better. Maxed R-def and R-atk to hit high level equipment requirements.

You don't need to max Weak Bullet if you don't want to(that's just my preference), but at least get 3 points into it for 2 shots. If you do this, you'll get access to RA's other shit like traps and panic/jellen/bind shot. Other than that, the points into R-def Up and R-atk Up are mandatory unless you plan on using shitty gear for the rest of your career.

Recommended skill order to level 28
1. 3 Weak Bullet
2. Just Reversal
3. Max R-atk Up
Traps are useless. Bind and Panic Shot are useless. Maxing r-def and r-atk are a waste of points. Shit tier build would not use/10
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YO! I am kinda interested in the game, but don't want to go through all the shit to play the JP version... will there be a beta for the west or even an official release version outside Japan?
Also just got here to look for that answer.
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>yfw you will never equip any 9star gear
>grind with Japanese players in a map for 1 and a half hours
>~10k meseta, ~100 weapons and armor pieces, ~20 grinders, ~25k exp

City missions are really hard.

That fucking boss takes forever to kill and deals shit loads of damage.

Best idea for hunters is to focus one leg until gets knocked down then jump on it for tons of damage.

City emergency missions occur for an hour every day
>all that other shit
>only 10k maesta
Does Ship 9/10 have as much latency problems as Ship 4?

I'm thinking of starting over there.
What has more value, S-Atk, Fury Stance, or JA bonus?
If it isn't in the OP or anywhere in the thread then we don't know.
10k as in from pure meseta pick ups. I haven't even sold all the junk yet
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Been working with the skill tree. Going for Ice mastery Force but things seem odd.

Indignation is a skill that allows you to target one frozen enemy and explode them for AoE damage. Each point in indignation increases this damage but the skill itself has a 50second cool down period.

Freeze boost increases the chance your enemy gets frozen per ice based attack. This would work well in conjunction with Indignation, however Indignation's cool down prevents full potential of Freeze Boost skill as you aren't able to explode numerous enemies despite them being frozen more often.

Put no skill points in Freeze Boost when I was testing, and Indignation was always off the cool down as there was a frozen enemy at hand when ever it was ready.

Does Freeze Boost give you another benefit I'm not seeing on paper? Longer freezes, increased damage when frozen or some such?

Please respond.

Problem is you want the fire tree because it allows you to regen pp while casting.
gl even finding a 9 star
according to google
Appearance items

So im guess those are the rare drop items for this mission
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Already done
Is there any guide on how to start out when playing?
From what I've heard people on Ship 9 and 10 do experience less lag but it just means playing on lesser populated servers is all.
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But... then I can't get into a monster face, shoot ice shards, smack it with my staff as flying icicles flow behind me and air dodge away.

Do you not like "fun"?
>yfw I'll reach 458 ratk easily with my mag
No word yet, don't expect it to be released any time soon if it is.

Spend 10-20 minutes reading the guides from Bumped, it's not at all hard to go through if you've ever played a PSO game.
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These are some pretty sick features, yo.
Yeah but everything I've heard is "From what I've heard.:"

I'm just wondering if there are any Ship 9 bros who recently transfered over from one of the more populated ships.
You don't actually have to do Emergency Codes. Some of them cause you to fail but things like Code Attacks you can just run past.

What I did to S rank that was spend about 4 minutes just killing mobs in area 1. Then next 4-5 minutes killing enemies in area 2. Then I downed the Rock Bear in 3 minutes and got my S rank.

I had the Rock Bear and Dark Ragne spawn on me before the boss room and I just ran past them.
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I'm trying to complete matter board A-5, the guide says

A-5 Find a “ブレイカー” Breaker drop from the Lv7+ Fongalf (Later Forest Missions)

I've done the rappy capture and free forest field exploration missions at least 5 times each, and haven't had that drop from the Fongalfs

am I doing something wrong? or just extremely unlucky

thanks in advance
man theres so much lag on japan time.
Enjoy feeding your MAG for a month before you touch it. I'm rocking that gun right now.

I got mine on free field forest, it took more than a couple runs though.
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So what does this do?
Just stay in the Multi Party area in the rappy mission. Memorize the locations where Fongalfs spawn in your run then just keep rotating those spots till your sword drops.
I havent wound a single equip over 1 star ;_;
The only real way is to make another account and try it yourself.
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>tfw I have a 3* staff with a Ragne Soul that has 400 T-ATK when ground to +10

Is it possible for this to be considered tier 2? I can't even equip the damn thing yet because of the 393 requirement. I hope I'll be able to equip it by level 30.
You aren't trying hard enough.
To expand on this S ranks are just based off how the # of mobs you kill in a run and how many times you die. If you simply spend most of your time killing trash mobs and not dying then an S rank is practically guaranteed.
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I got this message when I try to update my launcher.
Also, it's very slow.

What do ?
energy drink that buffs you
>rocking that gun
>current ratk: 325
It lets you choose a new haircut
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I cant even get out of the newbie training area part...
Just walk forward.
Drink a potion
Walk forward.
How high should I level Jellen shot to? I currently have it one point in it. Does additional points help?
So guys where do I go?
I got through the tutorial and I was sent where I'm assuming is the main hub?
There's shops and people here.. but I didn't know where to go so I created a new character, and I got sent back to the same place, where do I go, where do I get quests?
Ship 10 has no english speaking parties up whatsoever. I'm considering moving to Ship 4.
Jellen shot, WTF? I am a FO and I don't even have shifta and deband yet, and rangers get fucking debuffs?

FOs are getting royally fucked so far.
Used the Bumped blog.
Welp you just saved me the trouble of moving to Ship 10 are you sure you are on the right block though?
Why don't you fucking look it up. There's a ton of guides in the pastebin and online. Stop whining like a little bitch. If you can't even put minimal effort into learning the game, then just stop playing and go back to CAWDOODY or other stupid shit.
It takes 20 levels for them to get it.
Holy fuck the game is lagging horribly right now. I use a monomate and it takes 10 seconds for it to heal me
Got it, thanks, I wasn't searching for the stuff in the blog properly, sorry for being so retarded.
>Run around in caves for 2 hours
>Every enemy drops at least one weapon
>No shiny weapons
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Oh shit I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I'm just theorycrafting. I always play with the same group of friends and my job is just to drop the DEEPS.
What do I actually want if all I want is to left click harder
Block 1, highest pop. There were a few english names but I'm sure those were japanese players.
The English speaking community is not on block 1.
Well, where are they in ship 10 then?
Get the fuck off ship 10. 3 days of hard work vs YEARS of no people, your choice.

Pretty much FO's are heal bots for rangers.
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I killed the wolf but it didn't drop anything. What the fuck was it holding in its mouth?
>Please stand still while I charge my resta.
>Please refrain from moving from the tiny little circle while the monster rapes your face.
Your left nut. It looks a bit swollen.
Standing Snipe is shit terrible. This build is even worse than the one posted earlier

The red wolf with the seed on its head? It's an infected. Stronger and more exp
>Not using cards
FO here, don't use Fire spells at all really...
Thinking of going Zonde route.
Everyone keeps harping on not being able to gain pp while charging, so I dunno.

I use talis almost exclusively and it seems like during the throws I gain back enough.

Charged resta tick a lot so you can heal and just chase their ass down

or if you're real manly using tailis and sniping them
yeah, that one. thanks
>Runs away from the FO's cards
I do this all the time, and it works great when there's no lag. i.e. during closed beta.
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I still don't know what to do.

Yeah, I'm full retard.
>playing with anyone else, including NPCs

Just stay solo, the game's not that hard
>Runs away from the FO's cards
If you see a card thrown into your path, and it's glowing blue, don't fucking turn and run the OTHER WAY.
Why are you so damn concerned about quests? Just kill shit till' you level up. Jesus christ. Here's what I do. Accept every goddamn quest, and go kill whatever the fuck I want. Eventually a quest gets finished and i'm complete it. I've been doing this and now I'm almost level 22. This shit's easy man, just accept the quest, who gives a flying fuck, and kill shit get money
"Just stay solo, the game's not that hard"
>multiplayer game
>going solo
I took that pic two days ago. Like I said, WAY ahead of you and your server.

Get on my level.
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>me getting a rocket launcher.jpg
>your server.
Just get the fuck off. Go back to WOW you faggot.
Can somebody help? I was in the Closed Beta and I never uninstalled the client. I'm trying to play OB now but when I hit update, I think it finishes or something but the bar kind of hangs in the same place, and when I hit launch nothing happens. Another Anon told me yesterday to hit update, cancel it, then launch the game and leave it. 24 hours later and nothing.

I just want to play again ;-;
I thought like that before vol dragon in under 20 minutes.
Sorry to say this anon, but I think you have to do a complete clean re install of the open beta client. You can find a torrent on tpb.
Enjoy being level 15 by the time you get to desert
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Well what the fuck. Can't move the bar at all, what gives?
>yfw I'm already level 15, just unlocked Cave. Get on my level, bitch.
>level 15, just unlocked Cave
10/10, funny as hell
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You ain't helpin' me here yo.
What about this then? I'm still just dicking about in this point
How the hell am I supposed to beat the third Caves mission with only Xeno in my party? (it's one of his quests)

I'm a Hunter for fucks sake, I can't like, hang back and let him get beat on. This thing is kicking my ass.
How are the japs dealing with you flooding their game?
those mutherfuckas can't do SHIT about us niggas y'know what i'm sayin?
Is there a full translation of the options menu?

I doubt they hardly care with the already gigantic fucking japanese playerbase

i swear if you play when they're asleep everything runs 1005 smoother.
Except region IP ban us all.
English parties are in block 20. Plenty of English speakers there, and naturally there are much more around at night.
Everyone now realises English? Is the same as BR?
Meanwhile on ship 2, en speakers fill blocks 20-22

>implying Sega is Nexon

An IP ban may come into effect when the game comes stateside, but I'm pretty sure not before then.
Just move to Ship 2.
>Check the jp wikia, surely there are useful informations in it.
>It's complete shit.
Wow there's, like, nothing at all there. Not even a list of where rare items drop.
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Already moved to ship 4.
I found a 4 star gunblade in the tutorial level.
>Everyone now realises English? Is the same as BR?
I guarantee you the JP loathe us on their servers more than the BR
Take a pic of you wielding it then. And my server? Lmao the fuck is that suppose to mean?
Anyone know how to use your character on the open beta from the pso2 character creator program?
>implying the japs need a wiki for anything
What am I supposed to do for Lisa's first client order? I really want her in my summonable NPC list
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Okay, so I just started and for the past hour I've been running around with no fucking clue what to do after the tutorial.

Who do I talk to? Where should I go? I feel like there's something really fucking simple that I'm not doing.
Does it count against a party if an NPC dies? Like, if me and my 2 friends added an NPC to our party to fight a boss, and the NPC got killed, would we lose our S rank?
I am sorry for your loss.
I registered for the open beta, what do I do now?

Just wait and hope?
Quest counter. You know, the big yellow counter everyone else is standing at?
Yep. Just wait and hope. Hope the game automatically downloads for you and opens and plays itself.
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>I registered yesterday using the guide and missed the download the game part in the first paragraph
>My face when
I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should move to ship 2. Perhaps after beta though, I'm not having any trouble finding english speakers right now.

She should be just like Maloo, in that you have to change to her class and talk to her.
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Dirty mexicans in my Japanese game? Some JP player said something and from what I can make out from the kanji, he was talking shit about howaito piggus

Also the guy next to me is lv30 dafuq
Understood, thanks a bunch.
None of the "Change to X class and talk to me again" client orders are working for me, they just dont complete.
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Also what does this ability on the weapon do?
It's a status effect that your weapon can inflict on mobs. Burn/freeze/stun/etc. Idk what yours say so I can't tell you what yours does
Enjoy Never getting PSE burst, and in turn never seeing a 9 star item.
Ah alright that makes sense I was able to get the first part (ショック) into google and it means Shock. I just couldnt get the other part. Thanks
That is resist shock, according to this http://pastebin.com/JAnmj7ux
No it isn't
>dozens of players
>everyone is either soloing in a locked quest, dancing in a loby, or stading next to one of the dozens of terminals.

:( y u no prai wif me oniishan?
>Resist anything on a weapon
>not full retard
Where does one acquire a second mag?
And is it true that non-premium will allow two mags?
gibe $ega money.
I need lv21+ guys to grind exp with on ship 2. Anyone not a dancing fag and actually levels?
There anything stopping us from having multiple accounts?
Oh crap

Has any FO here found the skilldisc for that blue arrow buff? I found one when I was @ ship 9 and never seen it again since I moved
Any idea where it might drop more often?
I did a CTRL+F but didn't understand, what is the stat ability for? Tried translating the wiki but it didn't translate properly.

It's related to skill damage right?
Trading is a premium service, if you can deal with not being able to switch itans between accounts, then no.
We don't know.
You can still transfer meseta
Ability is a stat that balances your RNG damage.

If you were able to do 8-16 damage with a rifle, a low ability stat will make you hit mostly 8-11 while a high ability stat will allow you to hit mostly 12-16.
everytime i walk past the big tv's in the shopping area i think how awesome it would be if they showed normal tv or a movie.

Oh, like balance from Mabinogi.

So, Increasing it is a good idea? If so, that RA build which maximizes Weak Bullet, Ability Up and Weak Hit Advance is viable then. lol

Too bad Weak Bullet's cooldown at 10 is 90secs.
So can anyone give me any tips on how to get PSE burst? I've been grinding with a full party and have yet to get one.

And just when I think this game is easy, it throws infected vol dragon at me. Even fighting 2x of the other bosses simultaneously wasn't that hard.

A late reply, but when it says talk to them, it means literally the first option available, just listening to the NPCs banter instead of selecting their client orders.
It's deband.
It's called DEBAND, you fucking idiot.

Shifta is the red arrow that grants you extra attack power.
Fuck that roly poly boss in caves.

I'm trying to flank it's shit and it's like wat r u doin and does a 180.
>that blue arrow buff
all of my rage
It boosts defense
You run up and slap its shit by letting a range person fuck with it and focus them
Easiest way:
3 teams of 4 in multiparty area
Group up with each other
What do the Gear moves on Hunter do? Are they worth buying?
>>8142612 and >>8143262

what do gear moves to period

I havent figured it out.
They better add tit physics to casts, this firmness is unacceptable.
But they're robots

I don't care. If I have tits I better have jello-like bounce.
>Build robots to help fight the forces of evil that threatens life
>"Let's add boob physics to the female robots, it serves no battle purpose but it sure is nice to look at."

Whoever said that quote got fired from making the casts.
How long does War Cry last at level 1 (and how much does it increase at each level)?
I've found that they speed up skills and attack speed
I'm amazed how much JUMPING has added to PSO. We all joked about it when the trailer showed it off as a feature, but damn. Jumping over obstacles, onto monsters, on to higher ground which allows more varied maps, at flying monsters allowing for more monster types, and more.

Such a simple feature with so many applications.

Then why is the guy who thought it was a good idea to add cat ear/glasses/hair for robots a good idea? Let know GUNDAM HUEG hucasts with boy band faces? If you're gonna slap tits on a robot, do it right.
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>do it right
Give them boob missiles?
Will my CB account work with OB?
Where can i buy more magic discs for a force user? also is there a translation of all the skills/magic?
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Any idea ?
How do you know if the casts were built to be normal and then the casts later went to the shop and bought some cat ears?

Also, what if those GUNDAMHUEG casts were humans but were so greatly injured in battle that they now have a robot body but a fully functioning human brain/face?
Of course. Just log in.
And the first thing it asks you for is what you want your Global ID to be. The name that will show up in Team chat and on friend's list.
Player shops
Take Afin and JUST Afin on any quest and S rank it.
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i want this partisan,
Quest Clear Order something

You have to S rank a mission but I don't know which one.

If my cast can walk into some custom shop and buy cat ears, I should be able to get tit replacements that jiggle.
You gotta be shitting me.

I'm about to beat the caves boss under the limit and douche does a super spin and stun locks me for 5 years

So, right now my game is updating. Which server (or this game equivalent) are you guys usually on, so I can do shit with you all.
>any quest

Fuck why does anon always give shit info. You're suppose to do mission 6 (the one that recommends lv13) with that NPC and get a S rank
The plastosurgeon that handles all of the facial and body edits does not offer that option to CASTs yet. Maybe in a future update...
>Eventually rebelled against humans
>Took them over and established a new government, with them at the top
>Everyone was OK with this.
I am so glad PSU isn't canon.
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>get Heavenly Fall for wired lance
Aww shit yeah! Piledriving everything left and right.





poop poop poop poop poop

Been playing my FO in the zoom mode for a bit now, and the more I do the better it gets especially for PP revival + save lightning build. All of the lightning spells are much easier to aim that way.
Seemed really odd at first, but I got tired of the misfires in normal mode with the lag.
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So, anyone have an idea why can't I change the detailed model limit? It's kinda annoying..
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>start mission
>be greeted with Emergency Code: Duel

Well, the min value is 5 and the max value is 5 and it's already set to 5 so there's nothing to really change, the slider just happens to be confusing.

That's just my guess though.
Why doesn't this game detect my right stick on my PS2 controller? It worked just fine in the Closed Beta, but now it doesn't work. Is there an option I need to set to make it work?
Any low-level niggas on station 2?
I'm drowning in the language barrier
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Yeah, there's people setting it to 20+ or whatever, I have no idea why mine's limited.

pic related
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What is this?
Free-Desert Exploration Request [New!]

REQ: S Rank 稀少鉱石発掘任務 Rare Ore Excavation within 18 minutes.
REQ: S Rank 貴重物資運搬計画:砂漠 Precious Goods Transportation within 15 minutes.
REQ: Obtain two “リリーパ観測素子A” Lillipa Data from desert missions.
NOTES: Lillipa Data drops in yellow boxes from enemies
REWARD: This unlocks Free Field Desert
Clear those quests, the first one in under 18min, second one in under 15min, both with an S rank. Plus the two drops.
Any tips to beat the dragon boss in less than 20 minutes?
I always think i killed enough mobs for s rank and im always just short.
Skip the first map
Kill as much monsters as you can without back tracking
Skip bosses if you have to face more than one
Hope you don't get EMERGENCY CODE: Collect
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is that the rockbear quest? because that happened to me too.
pic related
PSU is cannon, just a different universe.
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What the hell does this guy want?
I was doing 15 minute free forest and ended up fighting that huge spider thing.

then right after a ball of energy captured me and started an emergency code to save me.

Fuck my life.
Color Change Pass. A premium shop item, I assume, so probably you won't be able to get it.
But I think hes asking a costume part in return?

I'm not sure but I swear I gave him some parts in CBT.
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>Join a party of Japanese people
>I can't speak moonspeak
>Decide to leave because it's getting to awkward
>I can't even read moonspeak in the menu to leave the party
>End up closing the entire game client

I'm beta as fuck.
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I got this item from a scratch card, but it's not in my inventory or storage?
Just what is this thing?
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What's this? An "All pass"? Is it a premium feature pass I should hang onto until release?
It says "All Back".
I think it says "all back".
But I didn't get any meseta.
Wonder what I get "all back"...
I'm afraid to use it.
>up arrow as icon
take a guess
Oh shit, it's true.

Assuming my reading is correct, he's asking for a "対象のコスチューム パーツ"(Target Costume Part), which I have no idea what it means.

50% bigger erections?
Apparently its a hairstyle ticket.
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It's good to be home
Can I change my characters height after CC? I made him a little short.
Okay, I'm assuming it's permanent/passive then? because I didn't get an item in my inventory.
Sweet, unlocked the caves, sure I had to solo the fucking bear in less than 15 minutes at level 13 with S rank because everyone is shutting themselves off in a fucking locked mission, but whatever, did it yo.
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>get this far and can't read Japanese
>have no idea what this is asking me
I just used one and nothing happened.

I think it says something like "When you consume the ticket, you get the "All Back" hairstyle option."
A new hairstyle, perhaps?
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The first answer says something along the lines of "that's right" or "I see" not sure what the second line says because Kanji
Just useless plot-fluff then I guess.
Actually yeah, that's what it is.

Just went to the character change shop and it was there, pretty ok looking hairstyle.
Why do you faggots always play in locked/team-only/friend-only rooms?
Can you post a picture?
Second line says "What?"
Basically, Afin shows up, tells you you're partners on this mission and you can say "I see" or "What?"

It means nothing.
Why would I want to play with people I don't know when I could play with friends?
Dude you're in the tutorial.Was that really necessary?
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>He doesn't know what that kanji means
>Laughing whores

I don't know exactly what it is, but I know it's the kanji used in 'nani' as in what.
other one is around the lines of "What?" or something like that. I'm kinda bad at small expressions.

That's about it.

I play on free party, objective set to "everybody having fun", and no one ever enters. It's kinda depressing.(Not really, though)
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It's pretty good if you're into foreheads.
mind if I get some help with this post?

Deep choices, just like Mass Effect!
>Put up shitty equipment I got from the matter board quests on AH
>Price them ridiculously
>Go to sleep
>Wake up to LODES E MONEY
Why did that work
not bad
Can't help but think it looks like that moralfag from Gantz
>Play a pompadour sporting badass man
>All extra clothing unlocks are female
>Hairstyle unlock is female
Jimmies are slightly rustled.
How do you put stuff on AH?
so, I finish installing then start up the game, press the big play button, and it starts updating. It seems to be stuck.

Anything I'm doing wrong?
"Player shop"
Same fucking thing. Happy?
Nope. It says stuck there until it finishes. Just let it go.
Sit tight. It's gonna be a long ride to the end of the patch.
ah, good to hear.

Can't wait to make a small loli that uses xbawks heug weapons
So does anyone know if the NPC companions reduce your XP gained?
Oh man PSO2 is open beta now? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. What's the catch?
Only in Japanese with no translation patch yet
Welp. I guess I can wait a bit longer.
Some lag, game totally in japanese, huge-ass patch... that's about it.
They don't.
There's no downsides.
What's the best map for the roly poly monsters?
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Guys , how can I give my character higher cheekbones and a pointer chin? Trying to make her look like C.C from code geass.
You get full XP as long as you're near things that are dying regardless of them being PCs or NPCs or even in your party.
Where do we go to spend our FUN points?
2nd level there are some different terminals, you can buy scratch card things from em.
What shit are you on? I'm adrift in a sea of anime
The terminals that have the card looking things coming out of them. On the second floor/shop area.

You use FUN points on scratch offs so you can get more tables for your room.

kind of appropriate, but sitll
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Attempt number 2. Tips are welcome , trying to make her look like C.C
Did they take out the Tech Store?
Okay, so I just clicked a sword that was amazingly better than the one i had, then clicked a little thing that said something like 0/50

Now I can't find the fuckin thing. Did I put it in some kind of storage?
>That feel when you have to resort to sinking money into your house with nothing else to buy
I bought a washing machine and a freezer
You should be ashamed of yourself. All this waifu potential and you choose an established animu character? And not even a good one? You dishonor famiry.
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But did you not see her when she lost her memory? Kawaii as fuck nigga
It's the second guy to the right at the weapons shop in the downstairs part of the Lobby.
yea its in your storage go to the terminal in the station by the quest person that looks like a tourqouise cube thing
Can't you buy them from the player menu (shopping cart icon, second option)? That's what I've been doing.
Her face is ":|", don't know how to fix it.
Anyone on ship 2 wanna play some caves missions together?
thanks a ton, man!

now I just have to figure out why I can't equip the damn thing.
>your room
Don't you need AC to access that shit?
Is there anything to spend FUN on other than scratch cards?
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>Wont you stay the night, anon-kun?

I've discovered the depths of the player housing system.
Nope, top option when you get on the block elevator.
>Run around in a circle
Wow this is kind of easy
>5 seconds left the bat thing makes a 90 degree turn mid charge and hits me
Literally 16 points short of rank S for free caves


Talking of strafing around pointlessly for a minute and a half, fuck code: Avoid.
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Well here's the finished product , can't be fucked to change it.
Pastebin doesn't say anything about it.
Do we have info compiled on regular quests from NPCs?
Ah, thanks.
I tried searching bumped but I could only find matter board shit.

2nd ship

I'm a magical girl with magical powers :3
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> Reach Hard mode
> All Caves and Desert are locked till level 25
> All free fields/bosses locked to level 30
> I'm level 22 and leveling is suddenly slow as fuck
This is the worst part of the beta, the game cockblock you to avoid reaching lvl 30 too fast...
The over-sensitive dodging is really pissing me off, Is there any way to change it?
>grinder market is going nuts in a downward spiral with over a thousand grinders below 4k.
I guess I'll hold the money I have since I already have way too many grinders to ever sell anyway.
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So, uhh...I just logged in and trying to move with WASD causes me to type not move. what do?
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how the FUCK do i disable autochat.

I can't move without bringin it up
Scroll lock.
>encouters vol dragon in hard mode
>just what i wanted
>game crashes

does nothing.
So anyone know what's wrong when the launcher only starts the process but the game never starts?
I guess your default keyboard layout got fucked over somehow. You get to go through the options instead. It's in there somewhere.
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Can anyone tell me what these items are and what they do?
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Top one is a grinder
Bottom left is remodel room Large
Bottom right is Allback hairstyle
i know it's autochat. i want to diable autochat from the menu but i cant fucking navigate the moonish language
グラインダー(Grinder): Upgrades weapons, upgrader is at the shop.

リモデルームL(Remoderoom): Remodels the "My Room". Don't know how to get there.

オールバック(All-back): Gives you the all-back hairstyle.

Open your menu (Esc or F1) and choose the gears (third from the right). Pick the third choice. You get a new screen with four nested settings on the left and a bunch of Japanese on the right. Now expand the first batch of settings ("basic settings") by clicking the + to the left of it. This gives you five sub-options. Click on the fifth one ("communications settings"). The top selection should control whether you have direct chat (meaning "WASD doesn't work, it only makes you talk") on or not.

If that doesn't work then I don't know what the fuck you did to your game.
What skills are a must for FO?

I can only think of Charge PP Revival, and that's 14 SP just for that, should I get Photon Flare as well?
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Started a new character cuz my brother finally got around to downloading it. I was level 15 but I'm not worried, it's gonna be a breeze getting back up.

what are the items that show up when you select a mission?
possible rare drops or something?
check your scroll lock
didnt work

Guys , how do I import my character that I made in the character creator into the actual game?
Frost is superior
Do you know a young priest and an old priest?
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two new vids guys enjoy
Exactly that.
How do I change ship blocs?
Green elevators.
To get to your room, it's the top option when you go into the green elevators.
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how do i get a MAG

the bumped.org guide doesn't help me because im fucking retarded
You are a fucking saint. Thank you!
If you saved it in the character creator then look at either the second- or third-to-last groups of options in character creation. There should be two options. Choose the second and it should bring up a list of saved designs.
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Mag License

REQ: Obtain ten フォンガルフの頭角×10 Drops from Fongalf
NOTES: These will drop in yellow boxes from Fongalf enemies.
REWARD: A mag!


And since you're going to ask: EQUIP MAG WITH FIRST MENU BUTTON, THRID OPTION.

Also I think you might have to be level 5 6 or 7 to take the mag quest. I forget. But I had mine at level 8.
Unless they've changed photon flare, it is weak as fuck. 30s buff with 120cd is not worth all those points. To top it off they nerfed the shit out of the already mediocre freeze ignition.
Most are going PP save, while a few are going the Charge booster route because elemental weakness is all that FO has.
So in my inventory I have like what looks like red crates. What the hell are they, and what am I suppose to do with them.
Fuck yes! I just found a 7* Wired Lance!
But when I equipped it, it gave me some sort of popup confirmation. What's that about?
Bear asses and wolf fangs and other shit to turn in for quests.
>im fucking retarded
Sure are
Or hit F4. F4 is a lot quicker.
no one has had this happen or seen anyone with this problem?

google doesn't seem to know much about it either.
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how the hell did this happen?
it was in the rockbear mission too.
Guys, where's the best place to kill the Vraida (the flying bugs that drop spores that spawn more bugs)
Are we talking the one that increases the damage of charged techs or the one that makes it to where fire techs charge up really fast?
How did what happen?
Once you hit level 5, you'll need to go to some chick in red behind the right-hand quest counter. She'll give you a quest to collect 10 of some item from the big wolves. Any quest will do. Return to her when you're done and you'll be awarded a MAG
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Guys, I'm on ship 10 and currently level 13, and I'm debating switching to ship 2.

As it stands, ship 10 barely manages to keep block 20 full of English players, and in the wee hours of the morning the lobby is pretty sparcely populated.

Is there any reason not to swap to ship 2?
it binds to you when you click through that box
Which menu option is scratch cards?
Which cave map?
None, you should have never made a character on ship 10 to begin with
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The hell am I supposed to do with another one of these.

emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel emergency duel

That old looking guy below where all the shops are, near him are what look like tickets. It's the first option.
halfway done with the big patch

fuck i want to play now sega!
The only advice I can give is to turn off your anti-virus or other similar programs.
you sell it
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>Emergency Code: Rescue
>50% on shield
>Emergency Code: Duel
Shopping cart icon, second option (it will have an A next to it).
I made my character on ship 6, it was the only one that wasn't locked out for me and I don't particularly want to start over. But it is rather lonely being on a ship that JP ONREY
Where does one go to identify an item?
Getting error 242, are the servers down?
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>that feel when playing with 3 moon men
>that feel when you can't understand them but they're probably talking about the baka gaijin (you)
>that feel when you die and they all go www and don't revive you
>Log onto ship 2
>Blocks 20, 21, and 22 are full of EN players
>Damn, guess it's block 23 for now

I ended up on ship 6 too, friend. Do you have Steam? I'll play with you sometime.
Any with multiparty. I can guarantee that third map has them. Those bugs are also in forest, but not nearly as common.
They are found everywhere, as all the dark enemies are.
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How do you get the NPCS to like you so that they'll give you stuff?
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So this is how I've worked up my RA build so far.

Don't wanna put 10 into weak bullet because 1 extra bullet and 8 more seconds isn't gonna make much of a difference for me.

Have any of you guys tried panic bullet and bind bullet?

I am wondering if I should invest more points into any of those or just go straight for Jellen Shot. I have 4 points left, but if I take panic and bind bullet off I could have 6...or I could invest more points into one of those. Not really sure.

Any advice?
Get to the fucking other ships before you fucking get too into it.
If you are too into it already, you suck at videogames.
Oh, so I can't sell it or anything? That's fine. I don't plan on it.
Is my SEGA ID automatically brought over from closed beta? I'm having trouble remembering my login info, I keep getting error 602. It would have to be one of my email addresses, right?
Copy Paste. Google translate the error. Read. Solve the problem.
Starting out at level 1 on PSOBB... Hoping to get 2 more to back me up. Been ages since I played. Gonna clear normal all the way through, atleast.

Download, registration etc at rujush.org
Hoping to see you in lobby!

-- Putte
Which cave map can I find Vraida(the flying bug spawners) in?

I just ran through all three of them, didn't find a single one?
Why do none of you realize you can copy paste text from those boxes into google translate? Same with anything on the chat box including the system messeges.

Anyway you can sell it, you just can't trade or sell it in a player shop.
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Well I know the error, it's on the pastebin. I'm just wondering if my closed beta account was carried over automatically, and if the username is definintelty the email you signed up with.
Wait a bit while wondering around in those maps, they appear in code attacks and such. Or go to desert, I see them pop up in attack codes a lot more often.

Yeah, what's your steam id?
Holy fuck no. The username is the username you picked when you signed up for a SEGA ID.
Is there a way to increase Code attack chances? The only code that i get in caves is ELIMINATION
completely random

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I am starting to realize why you guys get so fucking angry at all these questions now.
How do I set up my player shop?
How much should I sell level 3 and 4 skill discs for?
How do I into shopping for rares?

Anyone know how to use the Remodel item?
Myself I'm quite amazed that no one tries anything out for themselves.
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What do I have to do to complete the clear mission autoword client order for Jean? I've played through the missions with him and S ranked everything. Still not completing.
You don't need bind bullet but both Panic Shot and Jellen Shot are really REALLY good.
pretty much every disc but the 'rare' PA/Tech for each type (shifta, rodeo, etc) goes for 1k if it isn't level 6 or 7.
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Anyone know how to turn these 3 off (4, 5, and 6)? They weren't on when I was on about an hour ago.
How do I put stuff in my room? I want to just take all the furniture and shit that I have in my storage and toss it in there, just to free up space.
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That thing is +3, with Power II, and it's still less than this T2 4*
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You get those three extra Palettes from completing the Catedran quest from Koffie. AREN'T YOU USING THE PSU BLOG THING TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH THOSE QUESTS?!

Or am I being trolled?

inb4 "how do I get to my room?"
Hmm...thinking about putting one on Panic Shot then and just go straight for Jellen. I get more RA-atk up in the process. I'm guessing Panic Shot confuses enemies. Did you level it up any? I wanna know if the more you level it up the more its effectiveness increases, or if its like weak bullet were it just lowers the timer and gives you more bullets to load.
I didn't hand in any quests at the time though. Wasn't showing then either.

Question still stands though, I want to know how to hide/turn them off from the scroll menu.
Please respond.
There has to be someone who can do it right? An NPC?
Go to the shop area.
It's not the guys selling weapons and discs.
Nope. Not the girl selling armor.
Uh-uh! Not the healing item girl either!
Gosh. I wonder who could identify this item for you! Guess we'll never know.
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Can somebody link me the english patch? Assume they're still for OB.
How do I earn more fun? I had 200 fun now I have no fun :(

354 FUN here, and I spent 100 on Jean's quest.

This game has tons of fun just waiting to be had.
Can anyone link me or post here a decent force build? I'm a level 9 force on server 1. Been questing only so far with NPC's and a couple of hours ago managed to get in a party with a couple of friendly Japanese.
Quest, you did a quest with that white haired chick at the counter, there's a quest to expand your wheel by 3, enjoy your shitsforever.jpeg

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):
I logged in and got 200 fun, so I'm guessing you get it daily? Or maybe every few days.
I weep for you if you can't figure out the only mandatory talent in the force tree. It's like a ranger skipping even 1 point in Weak Bullet, or a Hunter getting no gear.
...Anybody? Anybody at all?
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Ok I've managed to get into the game and I've worked out how to get and do missions. What else is there to do in this game? And is there a ship that /vg/ is congregating on? I'm on 2 at the moment but could switch.

Be a bro and tell me which one it is, so I can just go crazy with the other ones once I master that one.
So the stuff on the side of the mission select things are the likely drops? How likely are they to drop? Does level affect drop rate?

I really want that 152 rifle.
Why would you want 10 in weak bullet. It will only lower the timer up to 90 and give you 4 bullet (the 4 bullets being at level 10). YOU ONLY NEED ONE most of the time.

6 is enough, timer goes to 98 and you get a total of 3 bullets. You can spend more on weak hit advance that way or ra-atk up.

points in weak bullet DON'T increase its effectiveness.
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It's.. not there. I see one for the character creator, and some names of people who I don't know. The old pastebin just had the link to the patch.
The closed beta patch does not work in Open Beta. New encryption. The names you don't know are the two guys working on breaking that encryption.
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Dawwww....That's too bad.

Not getting it to level 3 is actually a pretty damn bad choice. 2 bullets makes it much better for party support. You can run it is as a one point wonder, but 3 is well worth the 2 points, especially over RA up.
So..Someone posted last night having raised some of the NPC's moods to bigger smiles, do we know how to do that? The first option with them is to talk, maybe we have to just do that often. I NEED Maloo to fall for me so we can make Force babies.
How does one toggle the level display next to player names?
Take them out on dates.
How does this build look?
Can we theoretically fill out the entire skill tree with enough grinding or is there a limit to how many skills you can activate?
You mean...by going on missions with them?
The rumored level cap is like 200, so eventually. I think you can only go up to 30 in the beta.
That's pretty lame. It's like, we want to give you money, but we want to fucking understand your moon runes. Fuck.

Alright, well where do I extract the CC patch to?
So, I'm stuck on the same 4 missions with the highest one being level 7 arrest the yellow bird things. I've only completed 1 of the main matter board requirements and I don't know what to do to progress. I want a new mission but I've done the Level 7 one 3 times now. I'm level 7 myself so do I need to level up more or what?

Still need an answer if anyone can spare one.
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Here's an image so I get attention.
same situation, but ive never caught the birds yet.
maybe there is a quest guide?
Man jaws

Now everyone quit asking retarded questions.
> I am starting to realize why you guys get so fucking angry at all these questions now.
I've been happily answering questions for days and honestly do not give much of a fuck.
Everyone ITT loves PSO, and that is good enough for me. Also, I consider helping you fuckers an investment.
You can't. Just double up you weapons for now. You'll be happy to have those extra slots later.

Dude, you sound retarded, the game wasn't intended for you, they're not going to leave their shit un-upgraded and un-secured just because some prick overseas gets his jollies of metal joints.
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Not as good as I hoped (>アームI >シュートI WHY.jpg) but not bad.. not bad at all. Grinding with Monad is the best. on sell soon at a store near you
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hit mah jew shop up
>maybe there is a quest guide
Doesnt help shit
I've read through OP and it doesn't say how to recruit NPC companions. How do I do it?
Yellow (i) console in the prep room once you get far enough in your matter board.
Not like anyone here can even understand what the hell the abilities are
except everyone who's played for more than three days lol
wut? I'm pretty sure anyone from cbt knows what the abilities do. Just translate them with google
Been playing several weeks, still can't read moonspeak.
Google translate is your friend if you don't know
Or I dunno, you could've typed it out in english instead of moon runes
It has poison and aim rather than mind and body. It is much better than that.
Thank god they raised the event tablet appearing, worst shit from the Closed Beta
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Nah, stop being an entitled fuck
I've been looking forward to this game for so long, even though I never even played the first.

Question though, are we the brazillians of glorious nippon?
>I'm too retarded to search through the guides
>all in kana
It's not like it's fucking kanji, chill
this would be perfect if it didn't have shoot I
So what is the best class?

spoonfed: the thread
So this game is basically going to turn into retarded elitists and retarded "I CAN'T READ" idiots every single thread we have in the future isn't it?

And everyone in-between is going to just stop playing.
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Do you even have to ask?

>Not choosing force and use the heart of the cards to kill your enemies
Only as long as people refuse to read the OP and the links in it.
>are we the brazillians of glorious nippon?
We are much, much worse to the Japanese. Our only redeeming trait is that 20% of us are not seething idiots.
elitist spawn from "I CAN'T READ" idiots so yes. Stay mad.
Someone didn't get to party with the big dogs. lel, fucking nerd.
they're all shit go play a good game like tera or WoW
Shouldn't have went to shit 2 then pal
Is it really that hard to go to the pastebins and the blog to search for the answer to your question BEFORE posting it in the thread?
Regarding this,
I've realized it's quite easy to accidentally, when setting your skills, overwrite the regular attack with a Technic or PA, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to get the regular attack back.
That's probably because the option is in moonrunes, and I can't find it.

tl;dr how do i set regular attack back to left click

The OP needs to be updated with more information. There are a lot of stuff that gets asked in every thread because it isn't in the OP.
Click the giant button at the bottom of the tech/PA list instead of choosing a tech/PA.

This. Half the questions asked in this thread aren't in the OP and there is no good reason why they aren't.
Why don't you fags learn from /jp/ and just learn how to read moon?
when does the open beta end?
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I'm planning to start on monday.
Oh! Thank you.
Most of them have also been answered in the thread a thousand times before
What music are you baka gaijins listening to while you quest?
In-game music doesn't count
Holy shit Enkou's house.

How does he do it? I'd be happy with a bed and maybe a chair, and he practically owns a mansion.
sorry, i suck cocks
333 kb/s general
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Everyone contributes to the house.
How did you do that when item trading is disabled?

And they'll keep being asked because no one is going to slog through thousands of posts in archive for a simple answer that by all rights should be in the OP. That is what the OP is for, answering simple questions so they DON'T get asked hundreds of times thread after thread. If a question is that popular then it should be in the OP, no excuses.
So I hear the highest level you can get is 30. That sucks. PSO was like 200...

You can place things in someone else's house, but the item becomes theirs.

When full release comes out, the cap will probably be increased to 200.
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What decides which disks I can and cannot use? Some are grey, but I know I don't know them yet. Tried switching classes, but still grey across all three. I think it might be a level requirement, but I don't see anything on it about that.

And what does it mean when there's a red X in the corner of an item's icon? Sometimes it goes away when I class switch, but sometimes not. Like, those purple background items. I have a few that'd be really good, but no matter what class I am, they don't work.

Sorry if these have been asked. I combed the whole thread and didn't see anything.
> full release
i.e. when the moon explodes. In PSU the level cap never got that high.
It will be raised to 40 but I assume the game will periodically increase the level cap to 200 as the game keeps delivering content.
US/EA PSU never did, but JP PSO is close, if I remember right.
After like seven years.
Well, if we look at the Phantasy Star Portable series as an extention of PSU...those reached 200 right?
Yeah. Content got spread kind of thin around 150ish though.

Stuff like this is reletively simple and has no excuse for not being in the paste bin. People ask this over and over in every thread but for some reason people would rather bitch about how common it is than put it in the OP.

And to answer your question, check for a number in brackets on the disc. It is a stat requirement that you need to fulfil. A low level Force spell like Zonde (a lightning symbol) would have (96) in the description because you need 96 MST in order to learn it. You usually have to be level 2 in order to learn the most basic stuff.
so when do I get to the next area, or what do I do to get to it? the forest is getting pretty tedious.

Again, this shit isn't in OP so of course its going to be asked again and again.

Do your matterboard/Kafee quests.
Is there a translation of the symbol art drawing UI yet?

I need to know how to move layers up and down

finish coffee's quests
Damn, this is good. New grinding music, right here.
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I like

thanks man
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Is it possible to delete a character.

I fucked up.
>this shit isn't in the OP
>Under FAQ: link to open beta guide at psublog that has all of this shit.

People aren't going to look harder than a glance anyway.
yes it is

what did you fuck up? if its apperance and such theres a shop that lets you change that whenever

Log in, select your character, hit the option that you normally don't. Then hold control and one of the buttons will light up. Hit it, and your character dies.
It's my race. I realized the superior race is CAST.

Thanks! I do wish it was in the OP too, so I didn't have to embarrass myself and annoy others by asking. Your answer helped a lot though, and I think I get it for the most part. The rest will come with common sense and trial/error... maybe a sticky too!

Err, I realize how stupid it is that I just said sticky. Meant OP guide thing, obviously, but jeeze. Sorry.
Patty girl, there is a limit to how stacked you need to be. Please go back to the make up room.
how in great zeus's name do i switch servers
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>ryan x colin
Udan/Oodan: The basic monkey you find everywhere. You need this fucker for some matterboard stuff. Your best bet is either the level 1 mission if you need 1 item quickly, or the free roam if you need 50 (fuck you hans)

Zan Udan (or whatever it is): The bigger one. Same locations as before because level 1 mission gives you 4 gauranteed.

Galf: The wolves. You find lots of them on level 7 mission if you explore the whole map instead of running right to the rappy's. There's actually quite a lot of ground to cover

FonGalf: Big red wolf. Annoyingly rare for how often you need to hunt them. Do level 7 mission as above. Hands down the easiest way to find them

Rappies: Le Yellow Penguins xD Best way to find these guys is do level 7 mission and run right to the end for the 7 or 8 gauranteed. Rinse and repeat.

Will do more later, was just waiting for my mag to be hungry.
Nice, thanks.
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Where exactly do we get the second matter board? The bin says talk to Shion after you clear the two orange orbs on the first matter board, but for the life of me I can't find Shion.

I've got the first matter board done 100%, as you can see in this picture.
I think it's time we update the FAQ, actually. Some questions are being asked quite a bit, and it would be nice to condensate knowledge into one link.
Rockbears: These guys are event monsters or the boss of free roam forest. Your best bet is to just do free roam and either bolt for the boss and take your chances exploring/hoping for an event.

Vraidra? Too lazy to look it up for sure in the blog. The only time you need this guy is for the matter board. He's the bottom right square. Save this square for very last on page 1 and get him done in caves or even the desert where he's much more common

Gorongo: Roly polys. Big ass pillbugs. I found a lot of these guys just doing forest free run and roaming around taking long enough so that enemies respawned. You also might get lucky and find a bunch as an event in level 5 mission, but I rarely did.

Agnis: Birds. Annoying, weak. Run level 7 or free run a lot, they're rather common if you go off the beaten path
FInish the story quest properly.
>Code: Collect!
>Stuck on cliffs with no way for a hu to get up over the gap

Ok bros, how do I do this with no mobs for cyclone. I tried thrillsplosion x 3 but that wasn't long enough. I ended up eventually talking to the moon force I was with who could easily glide -> card -> glide across the gap.
I'd rather not try to repeat that experience with me jumping around like an idiot for 2 minutes typing in broken moon speak.
this dance party

By the way if anyone has any comments or corrections just let me know. I'm simply laying the groundworks for a more complete pastebin in the OP so we can lose the antagonism going on between new and old(relatively) players.
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>Vraidra? Too lazy to look it up for sure in the blog

Yeah he's the big black wasp. I should have given a physical description in addition to where to find him huh. He's an event as well
This seems to have plenty of info.
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But I don't even play FO...
how do i make everyone not look like grey robots
What ship are you on? I'll buy it
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Anyone else use Partisans exclusively? They're so damn flavorful.
That's just the placeholder while the game loads in their models, just be patient.
Not exclusively, but fuck me if I'm not considering using only Partis and Gunslashes.
what does ability up do in the ranger tree?
Can you set the game to be borderless window mode?
Go to your PSO2 folder and open up user.pso2
Go down to the "Windows" section
There should be a VirtualFullScreen option
Set it to "True"
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Do Gunslashes count as S-ATK or R-ATK? Also, what would be better, S-ATK up or JA Bonus?
When you click on a weapon, the first option shows something out of 200. What does it do?
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Oh I'm on Ship 4. I dunno if I want to sell it though.

That is the option to send it to storage. The number/200 is how many items are currently in there
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I prefer the "fucking huge" sword myself.
I fucking hate the Free-Forest Exploration Quest. How the fuck am I supposed to control the fact that the game won't spawn the God Damn spiders? I have to get an S-Rank and under 10 minutes, and the one time I get it under 10 minutes, I DON'T FUCKING GET AN S-RANK.

Fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FFFFUUUUUUUUUCK fucking fucking fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Lol I S-rank that quest every time. You have a party, right?
start the quest solo so that only you are roaming around without other parties fucking it up and hope you get lucky

second radio button + add password i think
I did it once with a friend and he killed everything and I didn't see a single God Damn spider (we split up to maximize time).

What the fuck are the rankings even based upon?
Basically, dying
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>normal view autotargets dead center of a darker
>200-300 damage with charged ra foie
>wonder what would happen if I tried to use ra foie like a grenade to hit the weak point on their stomachs
>switch to TPS view
>drop charged ra foie under darker
>700+ damage
>almost always switch to TPS mode when using talis now
I don't know about you guys, but I'm greatly enjoying Gears of Force: Modern Talis 2.
Didn't die once, explored the whole map, though I didn't kill everything I saw, and I still got a bad rank.

Why is this game against me? More specifically, why do developers consistently put in timed quests for randomized dungeons? It's just malicious.
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For the random red weapons (that look like generic item drops, just red) are they ever worth the cost to identify them?
I have something that costs 17k to ID, but I remember from CBT that all the ones I found always sucked.
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When theres the icon of the person standing next to a piece of paper by the missions, that means I have a quest in that area right? At least I'm assuming... Can't figure out what the fuck I need for that level 3 place.
Has anybody found a way to buy AC aside from have a friend with a JP credit card?

I kinda wanna buy a new mag.
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But I already have access to the desert areas. Could it just have been some important client orders I should've done or something?
one thing that really rustles my jimmies about this game is that amount of timed shit in here

fuck off and let me explore at my own pace you faggot game
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>One shotting darkers at level 9 with Grants general
take jean with you alone and clear it with an S rank
I believe they count as both, favoring S-atk.
And I'd probably go for S-atk up. I'm not sure if it's better, I just know a large portion of my damage while using wired lances and partisans comes from my photon arts instead of basic attacks.
Is it possible to get wind techs now?
>6 and 7 are bound keys
>not 1 2 or 3

i... what
I got a rare 7 from one, not too bad.
Do items have requirements?

Basically have just done the tutorial, a ~120 attack gun is apparently in my inventory (based on sell item list) but cannot see it when trying to equip and it's greyed out in the sell list.

You're allowed to explore all you like with no limitation. You can spend 6 hours in the level 7 rappy quest if you like. It's just that in order to unlock something you need to do it quickly for one time, then go back to being slow as molasses.
Thank you, but who is jean?

I can't move around with wasd while charging a spell on 1,2, or 3. I know theoretically it's possible but I personally don't have the dexterity for it. I'd much rather give up D and still have WAS and key the spells farther to the right.
The old dude with a ponytail and a moustache
Retarded FO build:


Anyone got a decent build yet?
Yous a good bro. Thanks again.
Are you a Ranger?

And to answer your question, yes, Items have stat requirements.

Close, but no cigar. The left side is fine, you need the PP charge.

Your lightning side is dumb though, blowing that many points into marginally increasing your PP is not worth it, and to be honest I don't even know what effect shock has on enemy monsters. I personally am going to go for the reduced PP consumption on lightning spells and increase JA damage (I JA all my spells, even prepping with a basic attacking upon entering battle)

or you can just go ice like everyone else.
Yes, am a ranger.

please, at least tell me you use the shift key and bound those two aswell
So, a friend/bot Domenica can say things when with me, is there a way so I can make my bot say stuff like that too?
>This thread
Either the PSO community on 4chan turned to shit, or there's a lot of newfriends here.

Yes, I have barta and my other lightning spell on it. They will be replaced with gi/rafoie when I find them.

Well, I just put some points on the Lightning because PP Up 2 adds 33 points instead of 10 from PP Up 1.

I thought of getting JA Advance but it increases only 10% of the damage at level 10, thought of getting PP save too but it's only for lightning right?

Is my build good for an all-round FO? ;_;
They're both shit.
Any suggestions on partisan build? Should I increase defense? I feel like I dash too much to make use of the gear build up when using guard.
PP charge revival is the only must have skill really. After that, it seems to be a lot of personal preference. In my case, the ice and lightning trees have absolutely nothing to offer except JA tech advance, but that requires WAY too many points to get to. Since getting PP charge revival opened up not one, but two, tech charge advance sets, and I use charged techs all the time, I put a single point in ice and bolt mastery (because the first point gives +5% whereas the other 9 give +1%), and am now dumping everything else into tech charge advances.
Is it possible to use symbol art in an auto word? A chat shortcut or something.
What's so great about the ice tree?

Gear icon
2nd option
2nd row
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Show off your swag halls, /pso2g/
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I got the 7 star gunblade, nice, would've not bothered otherwise, thanks.
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Swag Rec Room
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Swag balcony bedroom and bathroom
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Swag regular bedroom.
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Anyone? This isn't even a spoonfeeding question.
Game seems fun, only level 3 right now though.

Hard to find out what certain things mean though.

Really hope Sega releases this in the states eventually.
>Play PSO2 all night
>Stop at 6AM
>Wake up at 8PM
.....What the fuck just happened?

>Stop at 6AM
>Wake up at 8AM
>Continue to play
Gaming coma
any of you guys on channel 10?
whats the partisan gear even do?
Increases the range of PAs.
Can someone explain what Partisan Gear does, exactly? I Control-F-ed through the thread and found helpful details about Wired Lance/Katar and Sword Gears, but not much on partisan.

I saw it had something to do with blocking with the one post that mentioned it. Can I get something more specific?
Well, shit. I literally posted >>8201461
as he posted that. Damn it 4chanX, y u troll me.
I don't know much about builds but I'll throw my opinion in. Don't bother with defense and focus on dashing and offense. I put in just enough to get Step Attack and am now funneling the rest into Just Attack.
no idea then, i really dont like partisans

does it charge normally through attacking like the other two?

if so, then i wouldnt worry bout the blocking party, you take no damage when you dodge, you take some damage when you block

guess which is better?

Blocking happens to charge the partisan gear as does letting your character's animation finish after an attack.

Thanks. Was thinking the same thing.

But is JA > SA, all things considered?
step attack is one point, its the attack after dash to keep your self fluid and the combos rolling, both arent even comparable
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So from what I've gotten.... this game is about collecting plants.
Sorry, meant S-ATK, as in slash attack.
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wired lance master race reporting in
>grab and spin enemy, jump kick to all enemies who were gathered by the spin, grab suplex last enemy
so much damage and never getting hit by enemies is awesome
>just guard
>block damage and reflect damage
guard is useful if you cannot dodge an attack
thats the stat that buffs the melee damage, Just attacks also buff it, but at a higher degree, the difference being that just attacks need to be timed where as s-atk will be a solid boost

id assume if youre good enough, JA would be better
Complete the tutorial quest again.
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Why can't I game, /vg/?
is it just updating, slowly?
its updating
It's a 2.5 gig patch or something.
3gb patch
takes a few hours
Sorry if it's already been discussed in the thread. But is there anyway to edit your character once in game? If so how?
What the shit? I'm installing this game for the first time is this fuckhuge patch included in it or do I have another good 3 hours to wait?
hairstyle, voice, eyes, accessories yes
everything else you need to pay for with actual money
3 more hours most likely.
You have another couple hours to wait! I just started patching as well but am going to have to wait ~8 hours with my internet!
I just installed this game before the patch came up, so have fun with the next 3GB.
nuther 3 hours to go
for those who played a few hours of this game...please tell me its not an utter disappointment like all the other shit I played this year
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Oh, I see. Thanks guys.
Did you love PSO1?
Did you hate PSU?
Are you expecting nothing more than an upgraded PSO1?
If so, you'll like it.
What's the best soul to put on equipment for a Ranger?
But it's more like PSU than PSO.
good to hear, love PSO1, hate PSU
Depends on what you see as "Utter Disappointment"

If everything you've played this year doesn't have at least one feature or part that you enjoyed, you might just be unpleasable.
It feels a lot like PSO1 but way faster. Reminds me a lot of DMC.
It's actually very enjoyable. One of the better games I've played this year.
That's what I'm looking to change. Where do I go to do that?
I actually feed plants to my mag
One reduces Ability and increases R-ATK, making it perfect for balancing out my pure R-ATK mag
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What does she want me to do? Collect something I assume, and I'm at 11/20 but every time I go there I don't see shit to collect anymore. Helps?
Lisa's quests are to kill shit with specific ranger weapons

Try all three and see which one makes the counter go up
Kill 20 things with a rifle.
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As someone who never played any Phantasy Stars. This game is actually pretty fun and I'm actually enjoying more than Guild Wars 2
1200 posts and no new thread?
>Playing on Ship2
>all the english speakers are in he lobby spamming their trollface macro or saying Am I kawaii? Uguu~~!
goddamnit I hate playing with english speakers. They are always the biggest faggots.
Thats what you get for going to Ship 2.
Though Ship 4 is all Ahegao and Professor Utonium spam.
How many of them are even above level 3?
I've never encountered that shit when actually playing.
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>I hate playing with english speakers.

Oh the self loathing.

I know exactly how you feel
lobby spammers never play missions
Geo dude did you switch to 4? never saw you after that first day, Orangenon here btw. I switched to 4.
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Awww yeah shit is about to go down
Yeah I've been playing every Guild Wars 2 beta event and I like this better. I do worry about how Sega is monetizing PSO2 though.
Yeah I'm on Ship 4 now. I think I saw u running around the lobby couple times. Hard to miss that orange gundam
Logged in just for this, screens are just showing an image of the planet but what do i do?
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>expressing sentiment
>in English
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I'm going to buy a new PC on Tuesday and I have a question:

If I copy the game folder on a flashdrive and put it on the other PC, will it work? I seriously hope I won't have to patch it again.
New thread time?

This time with less spoonfeeding and ship disputing
so far it looks like quality of life enhancements and gatcha stuff, but who knows where they will end up

at least its free
I didn't lie when I said I'm the most orange think on the server.

> Believed the shitposters about ship 2
>less spoonfeeding
This, please.
Possibly, though I wouldn't count on it since I'm pretty sure you still need to go through the installation process which may overwrite the files. Why not just put your hard drive in the new computer?
You can do it, that's how i got my install up, just copied a folder that the PSO blog had on their forums.
It works, did so yesterday I had to go out and stop playing
Don't forget to copy over the SEGA folder in 'my documents' too!

new thread
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>Level 13 FOcast
>Cast Shifta
>Freeze an enemy with Rabarta
>Use Freeze Ignition
>1900 damage

Thanks for the answers.
yeah, TPS is superior to autotarget/lock on hands down, esp. if you're a ranger
I'm loving the weapons in this game.

I found a shield looking thing, and its attack is throwing cards at the enemy.
How do you switch into TPS mode? And don't say check the OP because none of the direct links answer the question and if you expect people to dig even further than that then it isn't part of the OP.
Basic fucking controls shouldn't have to be in the OP.
How the fuck does mission ranking work?
The bottom (300pt max) score is obviously based on deaths, but what's the top one (700pt max) based on? It can't be map exploration, I just uncovered all of the map in a mission and only got 204/700 for it.
Try casting a spell after you throw a card.

It is when the menu is in Japanese you retard.
can anyone tell me how to equip my mag please?
first box
3rd option
3rd option
To get an S-Rank you have to explore all of the map, you don't have to do that in 10 minutes, you just have to kill all the spiders in 10 minutes. You can walk around after and kill the spiders.
did ship 2 just crash? or did the entire game just crash?
After you kill the spiders*
Lagged pretty hard there for a bit to me, but it's working again.
I just finished the rappy quest with S rank without exploring everything, pretty sure it's based on kill count and having 0 deaths.
Maybe there are multiple things that can lead to "S"
Anyone know the amount of time you need to wait for the MAG feeding? and how many feedings can stack before you start wasting them?

To elaborate.
How long does it take for the "you can't feed the Mag any more" message to go away.

and if you don't feed your mag long enough and you go to feed it ,you can feed it several times in a row before the message popping up that you can't feed it any more, how many of these can you have in a row before waiting any more will just waste your time?
you do NOT, have to explore the entire map, don't waste your time on this shit, what you do need to have is an adequate kill count per level, if its something like forest with 3 areas you wanna kill at least a couple groups of mobs in each area. no matter how much map you uncover or how quick you get to the boss you won't S rank it without at least a few kills in between.

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