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You don't hear me say ...
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too late



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Okay seriously though, Kingdom Hearts thread.,

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please respond
I recently finished the first game and started the second. Up to the Pirates world and while I'm liking the combat a lot more, I'm really overwhelmed by the number of abilities Sora has. And I don't really get the gear situation. Do I ever find stuff or do I just spend munny buying upgrades?

You just spend munny buying accessory upgrades, really. The best accessories you get from item-synthesis, so be prepared to grind big-time if you want, say, Ultima Weapon or Save the Queen or any other best weapon/best acc. (don't bother with the best weapons for donald and goofy, they barely [if ever help. same for the accessories, really; if you're not stupid you'll get hit about as often as a gay man sleeps with women)

Sora's number of abilities can be a bit jarring in comparison to the first game's (especially with abilities like Aerial Recovery being made to compensate for the NEW problem of being stuck flinching in mid-air until you use AR) but you'll get used to them.
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So after a stunning revelation that I had played my old copy of KH2 to oblvivion and back and it's now unplayable I decided to order a swap magic and some blank DVDS and burn the english patched KH2FM so I have a few questions.

What are the main differences, can I change the control scheme to match the American Version, and is everything fully translated?
I am fucking sick of them only having two songs and ONE remix of the first one.

It is fucking infuriating.

Make a new theme song.
I'm pretty sure they will have a new song come KH3.

>New song by 2025.

That is not comforting.
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I just had something hit me today.

In the first game, they say something like, "There are many worlds but they share the same sky. One sky, one destiny" in one of the special cutscenes or something.

"Sora" is Japanese for "sky"

Sora is like 50 different people, so in other words, all of those people share the same "sky," or Sora.
It's been ages since I played KH2FM, but only the voices are in English. Forgot about the control schemes, maybe it was just gummi ships?
What the fuck happens in 3D?
I haven't played it yet but Bacially.

>Xehanort is revived due to bullshit.
>Lea(Axel) and several other members of the Old Organization are revived as well, most of them are in rest.
>Ansem SOD created an alternate timeline for Xehanort allowing his younger incarnation to wield a keyblade and travel through time.
>Xemnas reveals that the Orgnazation was made to Gather 13 Vessels to put pieces of his heart into them to create clones of himself and re-create the X-Blade from BBS.
>Sora fails the Mark of Mastery Exam, Riku passes by saving him from becoming Xehanort's last vessel
>Game ends with Lea as a Keyblade wielder and Kairi getting ready to train to become a Keyblade Master.

There should be a patch somewhere around to change everything to English.
I'm playing through every game in chronological order in order to prepare for 3D.

And I mean complete chronological order meaning:

>Birth By Sleep
>Kingdom Hearts
>Start 358/2 days
>Switch to (re:)Chain of Memories when the organization members go to castle oblivion
>finish 358/2 days
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Re: Coded

I should finish Chain of Memories tonight so I can play Days on vacation. Already over halfway through riku's playthrough and its short as hell.

Yeck, don't bother with the story. You're better off reading fanfiction for that purpose.

When is Nomura going to put some more characters from other Final Fantasies in there? And not fuck them up like Setzer?

Because I'm seriously getting sick of VII/VIII/X everywhere. I don't mind if they keep Squall and Cid as important secondary characters, because they're pretty much the only ones in the Traverse Town/Hollow Bastion group who actually do shit besides moping about Sephiroth and looking pretty, but I'd seriously like to see a bit more diversity.

Hell, I'd be happy just with Gilgamesh or Kefka as a secret boss.

Nomura can't seem to write characters from non-PSX era Final Fantasy games worth shit. I don't want him fucking up Bartz or the Warriors of Light like he has Setzer.

Just look at what he did to Tidus, Wakka and Selphie. The most recent game they've shown up in was re:Coded, and only then because the entire game was a fucked up retelling of the first to lead into 3D. Or Yuna, Payne and Rikku, they show up as stupid-ass fairies for some reason in Hollow Bastion. Oh, no, wait, I'm sorry, /radiant garden/
>Or Yuna, Payne and Rikku, they show up as stupid-ass fairies
That was one of the most fucking retarded things in KH2.
It's like the stupid writing from X-2 followed its characters into the game.
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I've been thinking about it and in the next game I would like to see him use some of his experience with Dissidia to place more FF characters in some form. Maybe the licenses will be a bit more easy to get since Dissidia sold well for some of those characters. In any case, I expect in the next game to see characters from Vesus XIII and maybe even some from XIII-2. Also wasn't Lightining in DDD?

But I'm more concerned about Disney cameos honestly. Classic Disney movies only go so far and while some newer pictures are awesome (pic related) I think it's about time SE throw some money to Pixar and let them use some of their characters as well.

And while SE is throwing money, how about making a new theme song? (Blasphemy, I know) Who would make a good new song that is as catchy as the ones made by Utada? My J-pop fu is not strong so I know nothing about artists over there
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Dumping some fanart since I'm bored
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remove kairi from that and the picture would look more cool
>Also wasn't Lightining in DDD
Nope. Moogles were the only FF characters in DDD.

As for Pixar, Nomura said somewhat recently that he's like to have Pixar worlds in future titles. And there's still quite a bit of good Disney material besides Tangled (Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Emperor's New Grove, Great Mouse Detective, I'd even like to see a 101 Dalmatians world, personally).
>Emperor's New Grove
Fund it
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I agree.

>Great Mouse Detective
All of my munny
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>emperor's new groove world

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I chuckled.
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>Treasure Planet
>Emperor's New Grove
>Great Mouse Detective
I'd play the poster minigame a million times just to fund that.
Why is Sora's heart practically a cheap motel?
He has like a million people in there.
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Welp I'm spent on this computer. Thought I had more. Have a dancing black mage.
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I'll keep dumpin' for ya.
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Stop this shit.
I don't want to see anything else.
Cool, please do.
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I just wanted to share it with you guys so we could get irked together.
But alas.

Here, have a picture of Zelda and I'll keep posting good stuff.
What purpose do the zippers on his shoes serve?
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Next comes Aqua playing a violin.
It's taking Nomura's belts&zippers even further beyond.
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Prepare your spongebobwallet.jpgs, gentlemen.
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And some more.
>At the end of the level, you get a Frying pan shaped keyblade.
>Is the most powerful weapon in the game
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What if Sora was black?
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This would make a nice bookmark.
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I don't really think Marvel would fit too well with KH.
But I'd still buy it as long as it had fucking Deadpool in it.
Welp, I ain't finding any more interesting pics in deviantshit.

Maybe I'll start posting shitty and cringeworthy ones.
Mainly crossover ones since most are fucking retarded.
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Aaaand I can't resist posting more from this guy.
Seriously, Nomura himself would go mad with the amount of zippers this nigger uses.
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Hey look he did Zelda's girlfriend, too.
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Nice Riku headswap, you piece of shit.
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Aaand I'm done with him.
Guy actually has some cool shit, though. Pity he's done all this.
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Hey, just got BBs, haven't played KH since 2. Quick question; what the everloving fuck is going on with this story?

So there's this chick that knew Roxas but she's really a part of Sora but she looks like Kairi because Roxas has Sora's memories and remembers her as Kairi but she's not Kairi and what the fuck happened to Namine; is she with Kairi or...

What the hell happened to this series?
I haven't played any of the handheld KH games. I just want my god damn PS3 release.

Also, I thought Namine was to Kairi as Roxas was to Sora?
10 more years bro.
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please god no
Its complicated. Namine is kairi's nobody but because kairi is a princess of the heart and has no darkness inside her namine was born from kairi's heart and sora's body and soul when sora stabbed himself in hollow bastion to save kairi.

>kingdom hearts
Well think about it. Nomura says that no KH3 until versus is done completely.
And versus is a 6 year old vaporware by now.
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Well shit, shitty OC's are more boring than I remember.
Eh, I'll bump with stuff from pixiv.
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And I do believe I'm out. Everything else I've found is either subpar or gay shit.
Later on in the game you'll make more equipment(you have to make anything that's halfway decent). Don't buy anything unless you really want to. There's nothing you need in stores, really.
Mmm aqua
KH games worth playing (in chronological order):
Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts
Chain of Memories (GBA)
Kingdom Hearts 2

WTF is this bullshit:
that Kingdom Hearts Mobile game
358/2 days
Kindom Hearts 3D

They should just make 3 already, agreed?
>GBA CoM and not the PS2 one
What? I agree with the rest but ugh the gba version is painful.
For a GBA game, CoM is a really fun action RPG that works really well on a portable.
For a PS2 game, Re:CoM is pretty ugly, with really dull landscapes, bad cameras and bad controls.

Re:CoM was never meant to be a standalone game. It's nice if you want to play all of the worthwhile (besides BBS) KH games on the PS2 I guess.

>Worth playing
Kingdom Hearts
Birth By Sleep Final Mix
Dream Drop Distance

>Somewhat worth playing
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
Chain of Memories GBA

>Not worth playing
Chain of Memories PS2
Kingdom Hearts 2
358/2 Days
Birth By Sleep

Seriously, if you're playing for the plot after what KH2 was, you're an idiot, and DDD has great gameplay and KH2 not so much. Re:coded also has a good battle system which gets use if you're a high score/speed run type of guy.
It's probably going to be a while until KH3, since some people are willing to buy every new pre-sequel whateverthefuck that comes out.
>Kingdom Hearts
>Over 2 final mix

click on the images before you save them
seeing thumbnails posted makes me physically ill
Good plot plus good gameplay is better than bad plot plus good gameplay.
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>new KH game,similar to FF versus
>you can choose CoM,BBS,KH2 combat style
>a lot of arenas,every character playable
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>Its complicated. Namine is kairi's nobody but because kairi is a princess of the heart and has no darkness inside her

*nods* Yep. Her witch memory powers are unique to her because of that.

>namine was born from kairi's heart and sora's body and soul when sora stabbed himself in hollow bastion to save kairi.

But that's WRONG. Did you forget? Kairi had already lost her heart at the beginning of KH1. That's why it went into Sora. That was the moment Namine was born. As far as can be determined nothing came about when Kairi's heart left Sora near the end. It was Roxas who was born during that event.
>Worth playing
>Birth By Sleep Final Mix
>Not worth playing
>Birth By Sleep
I finished BBS and now I'm starting on FM because I wanted to test some model edits,but so far the only different things are the unversed's textures.
I think OP's picture would've been funnier if they were all different styles of keyblade, all the different ones you get from the various worlds.

I can't remember if Sora's single keyblade transforms to the different styles or if he has a stockpile of keyblades in his inventory. The stockpile of keyblades is the most entertaining thought

Having Jack Skellington and Jack Sparrow at the same time.
This ones actually pretty cool. I actually like Roxas Fuck Ventus
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Nope, the birth of a nobody requires a heart to leave a body. Kairi's heart left but was placed into Sora's so it technically never left a body since it was placed into a new one almost immediately. Namine was born when Sora released Kairi's heart from his own body.
Also Rule 63 time
Oh great, just what Kingdom Hearts needs, another Ansem.
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Fun Fact: Ansem the Wise placed data inside of Sora which is key towards helping those connected to Sora that were screwed over by the plot. This is apparent in KH3D.
Sounds like a reboot in the making.
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So time travel in Kingdom Hearts. First thing, there are no alternate universes. The reason for why YMX time traveled is a predestined paradox. There was no beginning or end.
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So here's how it went down.
1) Ansem SoD in his heartless form (not the one where he possess Riku, the brown cloak one seen in the beginning of KH1 at destiny Islands) travels back in time to where Master Xehanort was in his youth, living in Destiny Islands.
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2) Ansem SoD tells YMX the rules of time traveling and how to go about doing it.
So did we figure out how Mickey's clothes changed inside Kingdom Hearts?
Nomura's plot. That's how.
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3) Ansem SoD then tells YMX to go through time and gather people that he could use as vessels for the thirteen darknesses. Ansem SoD returns to his time and the events of KH1 play out.
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.4) YMX does as told and heads to the present bringing various incarnations of Xehanort and vessels. He takes them into the realm of sleep with the goal of interfering with Sora's MoM exam and turning him into the last vessel.

Why couldn't Ansem just be Terranort and everything be good..

I for one love KH's story, drawn out and complicated, makes you think..
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5) The events of KH3D play out, YMX eventually returns to his own time.
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6) YMX grows up and eventually becomes regular Master Xehanort. The events during BBS play out and MX heart fuses with Terra's and they become Terranort/ Regular Xehanort.
Anyone have an MP3 for Simple and Clean? All I got is Hikari and the orchestral version of them saved.
And I'm too lazy to go digging around other websites for some old decrepit file from years ago
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7) After being taking in by Ansem the Wise, Xehanort, along with the other 6 apprentices start doing their experiments of darkness, banishing Ansem the Wise to the Realm of Darkness and causes them to lose their hearts and turn into Nobodies.
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8) So as a result of the experiments, Xehanort splits into a heartless- Ansem SoD, the fusion of MX and Terra's heart, and a nobody, Xemnas, the body belonging to Terra. It is at this point that Ansem SoD recalls that he was the one that told his younger self to time travel in the first place.
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9) Thus Ansem SoD travels back in time to tell YMX to time travel, completing the cycle.
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Now for the Rules
1) You must give up your physical body
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2) You can only travel to places you could have existed in. So for example, you can't time travel to places you have never been to. You cannot travel to any time before your birth and after your death.

Whoah, but in kh3, we go save Terra.. Won't that cause a massive paradox? Causing none of this to happen, leaving MX as a good guy and Ventus staying in the LoD therefore never meeting Sora and making it so the heartless never attacked DI?
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Terra exists in the present though. MX hints that Terra is part of the 13 darknesses

3) You can choose to travel to the future or past, but you must also adhere to the 'flow' of either direction. Simply put, you cannot change directions.

You are a gentlemen and a scholar. Thank you for this. I fucking love KH...
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4) You cannot change any events that had occurred. This means that you cannot change the past in any way.
What is it with Kingdom Hearts and short haired women?
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5) Lastly, you will eventually be forced back to your own time and your memories of time travel will be erased.
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Now that last part might confuse some people. How will you time travel if you forgot? Well YMX remembered a figure that told him about time travel, he eventually becomes Ansem SoD and recalls that figure from his past and the fact that he resembles him. Note, this happens before YMX time travels so he would still have the knowledge that he in fact traveled through time.
So it's basically just a giant "FUCK YOU" paradox?
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Now this also brings up some other questions. How would Ansem SoD know the rules to time travel? Did he test them himself?
Well as far as KH3D tells us, Ansem SoD knows because he told himself back when he was YMX. I know but remember how a predestined paradox works.
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Well not exactly. Let me put this in a simple manner.
YMX learns to time travel from Ansem SoD and he keeps these memories-> YMX time travels-> He returns to his own time and forgets what he did when time traveling but he still knows of time travel and how to do it-> grows up to be MX-> becomes Terranort and splits into Ansem SoD and Xemnas-> aware of the concept of time travel and how to do it, Ansem SoD goes back in time to tell YMX-> cycle continues
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So if anyone else has some more questions, I'll be happy to answer
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Wouldn't it still be a paradox because it relies on itself to exist?
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Yes its a predestined paradox. I thought that poster meant it was a paradox in the sense that it didn't make sense. A predestined paradox simply has no beginning or end, but you can still explain the detaisl
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So if YMX has time travel powers, does that make him the number 1 candidate for the Unknown in BBS?
He IS the Unknown
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Nomura confirmed that he was the MF in BBS awhile ago. In fact, his boss battle music in KH3D is a remixed vers of his BBS battle music. Plus he uses the light blades in the second phase of his attack. The reason why he was so bulky was that they had no proper character model to use in BBS so they just used Saix's.
Ah, I haven't looked into DDD too much, just the general plot shit about xehanort wanting 13 vessels and riku passing/sora failing/kairi being tested
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Also, is it explained exactly what his purpose in fighting the protags BBS is?
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We know that only Ven's fight is canon. Terra left the LoD as it was being destroyed and was the first to get to the Keyblade graveyard. Aqua did not know that the LoD was destroyed until she dropped Ven off at the castle. Ven was cast off before it was destroyed at it made sense if he went back to check up on what happened to Terra.
We do not know why he chose to fight Ven at the moment
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Can I have your e-mail? Also, I never played 358/2 days.. Why did Axel turn from the Org. towards the end of 2? Is it just because him and Roxas were friends in the Org.?
Roxas had an effect on him since he was a nobody with heart; he made axel remember his human emotions and caused him to turn on the others, if I remember correctly.
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Axel at first kidnapped Kairi in order to bait Sora so he could turn Sora into a heartless and get Roxas back. He realized how stupid that was and decided to help out Sora instead.
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Oh yeah, remember that tidbit about Nobodies not having hearts? Xemnas reveals he was lying. In the game, he says that literally anything with a sentience has the ability to grow a heart! So everything gets hearts now!
He probably went to kill Aqua, found Ventus who was the only one who could've been there as said in >>7190979, and IIRC the player character takes out their Keyblade before MF does so he only fought because Ventus was going to fight him in the first place.
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AR cards! You can scan the cards from a comp screen so no need to have them in real life. Make sure to save these now
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If Goofy had really died when that boulder hit, wouldn't a heartless pop out? Not even trolling..
So I heard something about time travelling lesbians happening in KH, which game is it?
I thought Heartless collect hearts. I'd think there'd have to be a Heartless come along and take his heart.

Nah just 1, and it's technically KH1.


Vanitas looks like Sora because in the beginning of the game, you hear Sora's heart talking to Ven's. This creates the first connection. When Vanitas is released, he looks like Sora because Sora was in Ventus' heart. When Vanitas died, it should have killed off Ven. Sora says, "Naw, we nuggahs now, gimme sum sugah!" and part of Sora goes into Ven. This effectively wipes his memory. MX then sends him and Aqua to the RoD where she leaves him at Castle Oblivion unconscious.

KH1 happens. Now is where it gets good. Org. XIII recruit 'Ven', now Roxas as a member. He does shiz w/ them, makes some friends, wonders about his forthcoming, usual stuff. Then Sora beats Marluxia and Namine is forced to wipe Sora, Goofy, Donald and J.C.'s memory by putting them in the cocoon thing. Because Roxas has Sora in him, (lol) he loses his memory too. Roxas forgets that he is a member of Org. XIII and joins the little crew in Twilight Town..

KH2 happens. etc. etc.

Venxas had a fucked up existence.

Goofy would've just died.

A Heartless is really just a heart full of darkness
Darkness can still take shape without a heart though, as seen with shadows and their taller cousins and darksides, they don't have a big heart pop out of them like the artificial ones do.

The artificial ones are the ones with the heartless symbol on them.

Nobodies are just bodies without hearts and theres a third symbol for what I can only assume is a whole person.

And maybe Goofy wouldn't of died, they never really cover what happens when a person is straight up murdered in Kingdom Hearts, except that theres an afterlife full of ghosts and shit ruled over by Hades
Wow you cannot be anymore wrong dude. 0/10 apply yourself.
So now in the KH world if a person die you just have to kill his heartless and nobody to bring him to life?

Pretty much, yeah.

Stupid as fuck.

Enlighten master of all things KH lore, I seriously would like to know.. I came up with that theory without the help of wikis or google.. so why does Vanitas look like Sora? Why does Roxas look like Ven? Why does Roxas lose his memory as Sora does in C.O?
Why so much rule 63? And why does it look good?

I'm so confused
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Vanitas looks like Sora because of Ven's connection to Sora. As Sora lent part of his heart to Ven to heal it, he also influenced Vanitas as a result. Nomura stated that anyone that would connect to Ven like that, would influence Vanitas in the same way. For example, if it was Riku who connected to Ven, then Vanitas would look like Riku.
Roxas looks like Ven for one reason. When Ven defeated Vanitas, his heart was unstable because he destroyed a large part of it and ends up taking refuge within Sora. When Sora released his own heart and Kairi's, Ven's heart remained in the left over body, which became Roxas. So Roxas had Ven's heart inside of him the entire time, which was why he could feel emotions and whatnot.
Roxas never lost his memory of being in the Org. Remember that Namine could only affect the memories of Sora due to how she was 'born.' As for why he did not recall anything when put in the virtual Twilight Town, was because of Ansem the Wise's doing.
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You can still die in Kingdom hearts. Lets say if Sora decided to use his keyblade to bludgeon a random person in the head. That person would still die

Their heart would get sent to Kingdom Hearts (or nabbed by a Heartless) and if they had the strength of will the shell left behind would turn into a Nobody (and according to Nomura it would grow its heart back given enough time).

Death affects people in the Kingdom Hearts series about as much as it effects people in Problem Sleuth.
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The casual is strong in this one.
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>Treasure Planet World
>Tangled World
>Pixar worlds

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Goddamn she isn't even a decent fatty, she's more like old granny fat.
So I just finished replaying KH1 and CoM to refresh my memory. Going to replay KH2 for the first time in ages, this time the Final Mix, since I don't remember much of anything from it. Getting ready for the 3DS one. But I've also never played Days, Recoded, or BBS.

My TV isn't always free, so I'm wondering if it'd be wise to play one of the 3 I haven't played when I can't play KH2, or will this just lead me to getting more confused since I don't remember much of anything from KH2. Should I just stick to playing one game at a time you think?
I would play 358/2 before KH2 only if you care for the story enough as the gameplay is absolutely horrible and missions are repetitive. Play BBS after KH2 and then after that Play Coded and you will be set for 3D.
I didn't think of that. I was just going to go through and play them in the order they were released, but I guess if Days takes place between 1 and 2 it makes sense. Might try that instead then.
So, KHfags.

How does it feel to know that we went an entire gen without a proper console sequel to your series?
So as long as your will is strong enough, you are immortal
Pretty okay. BBS was great, and 3DS sounds like it's going to be really good as well. Everything I've heard from people who've been playing the Japanese version say it feels like KH1 and 2 instead of the other DS ones.

Also we could still get one for PS3 down the line, we've got a few more years at least of PS3 support.
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BBS, Re:Coded and 3D all have better combat systems than KH1 and 2, so its feels pretty good man
Feels like shit. I really hate handhelds and they ruined the series for me.

If Sora raped Xion, wouldn't it just be masturbation?

>If Xion raped Sora, wouldn't it just be awesome shota fem-dom?

Fixed that for you.

As long as Xigbar isn't behind the camera..
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Is the first Final Mix translated?

Plz. Gib.
So I'm playing 358/2 Days before moving onto replaying KH2. Really hate the controls and majority of the missions are pointless and boring. Sort of just been trying to rush my way through all the story missions because I really don't want to play this game more than I have to.
KH:DDD will have a mode that catches you up on what's been going on in the KH series.
So I hear, but I've really wanted to replay KH2 for awhile now and this is a good excuse. I've also haven't played BBS yet which I hear is great, so I'm looking forward to that. Ifigured if I'm going to play those I might as well stick in 358/2 and Re:coded as well.
Imagine if we only got KH1, Chain of Memories, 2 and then 3 rather than all this spinoff bullshit.

Fuck this game is boring. Gave up playing it and was just going to watch some videos of it on youtube, but that's just as long as playing it. I can't find any decent summary of the game's story other than wikipedia which tells me nothing.

Anyone got a link to a decent summary of 358/2 days so I can get the gist of what was going on with Org 13 and Roxemsockemsorasas?
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>Hating on BBS

It would be a wonderful dream
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Pretty much all the important things and a vid of all important cutscenes
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You read this>>7323528
Forgot to link, sorry
Thank you.

Then nothing would make sense.

Okay what. Ventus was in C.O.. How did his clothes change and how did he get to Twilight Town?
So after not playing Kh 1 and 2 since 2 came out I decided to play birth by sleep and now playing 358/2
Still so confusing
Is there any good BDSM 34 with Namine in the dominant role and Roxas in the submissive role? Because I really, really want it.
Days is pretty skippable. Just read up who Xion is on the wiki and you're golden. It's the second least important installment in the series behind Re:Hashed
Kingdom Hearts 2 Cutscenes:

Coded was fucking retarded. Only thing worth that game is the ending cut-scene. For anyone wondering, you basically play through KH1 again but, with shitty graphics and controls.. It's really just Chip & Dale playing KH1 with Jiminy's journal in some machine. The last cut-scene sets the plot for DDD though. It tells us what's in the bottle, haha.
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Um Ventus never left Castle Oblivion, he's still there as of KH3D
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>wake up
>look next to you
>see this
>wat do?
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Birth By Sleep can be put with KH2
Where are those flowcharts explaining how everybody is Ansem/Xeno and how everybody is Sora?
Lick his abnormally large Disney feet while watching him cry in fear like the angsty faggoty heartless teen that he is.

I would then consume his tears while commenting on how delicious they are.
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I'm playing the second one right now and I'm really enjoying it. The battle sequence in Hollow Bastion after Goofy takes a header was great with all the different FF guys popping up to help. My only problem so far is that it seems no matter how much stuff I collect I can never synthesize anything. I've maybe made three items the entire time, everything else has been grayed out.

Where do I go after 2? I don't have any plans to buy a PSP or 3DS anytime soon, so I feel like I'm practically screwed until KH3 actually comes out. Is there somewhere I can go with an indepth story synopsis for the others games? I've heard they're extra retarded, but KH2's story is pretty silly so far and I still like it.
>get BBS
>psp's joystick breaks within 2 hours of playing
>order a replacement
>it works fine
>buttons fuck up
>have to repair them
>now my psp wont stay on without the charger plugged in and I can't figure out if it's the battery or the psp
I'm starting to wonder if I should just get a new psp instead of dealing with all this shit
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It gets a lot worse. You're better off not playing any of the spinoffs unless you manage to get a hold of a PSP.

This contains the spoilers of how the spinoffs led up to KHII and the follow up to DDD.
So Sora and Riku are really just Roxas and other guy with bits of bad guy mixed in from one of the PSP games?

Well, Sora is Sora. He's a normal boy. But he gets ahold of Ven/Van's glowing heart/orb thing and puts that in his chest. This gives him the power to wield the keyblade. He becomes a teenager and through the events of KH, stabs himself with a keyblade to unlock his heart and his friends whose also ended up in there.

In this process, he unlocked the nobody Roxas who is effectively the rebirth of Ven. Sora later grows up into the lookalike of Van. But he merges back Roxas through the events of 358/2 along aside another person who was born from Sora's memories and the experiments of the other person who is everybody else.

This is how Sora can now use two keyblades.

Riku is a whole separate issue.

That is extremely convoluted.
It's not really that bad. I never really had a problem following the story of Kingdom Hearts. It's very silly, yes, but nowhere near incomprehensible like some people like to make it out as. I think a lot of it is just exaggerating for the sake of pointing out how really silly the story is.

It is, but still.

Ventus joins hearts with Sora who is Roxas who is actually Ventus who remerges with Sora.
>Ventus joins hearts with Sora who is Roxas - who is also partly Xion - who is actually Ventus who remerges with Sora.

Fixed. It's all very silly.
Square Enix's writing at its finest.

Sora is five people.

Nomura's writing at its finest.
I just noticed something.

Villains have normal sized feet.
Why hasn't KH1FM been translated yet? The game came out in 2002 for fuck sake. I know it requires work to translate them but i am fucking desperate i would even PAY for it if i had the money.
I want to replay KH1 for quite a while now but i don't simply because i hope that it will be translated sometime.
Preordered Kingdom Hearts 3D Mark of Mastery edition yesterday

Feels good man
Because there's no point. It only has a few new items/weapons, a few cutscenes you might as well watch on youtube, some gummi ship missions which nobody gives a shit about, and some extra ansem reports. All the extra bosses they added to Final Mix are already present in the US release, except for 1. OTher than it's some color-swapped bosses and monsters.

Most of the additions to Final Mix were just things that were in the English release that weren't in the Japanese release.

The only reason KH2 Final Mix got translated was because there were lots of additions that weren't in the US release of 2, so there was far more of a reason for someone to translate it.
>Because there's no point.
I still disagree but whatever. BBSFM also got translated and it didn't have as many differences from the normal version as KH2FM had.
True, but unfortunately it's just a lot of work for something that there's not a whole lot of interest in. Maybe you could track down the guy that did the BBS one and see if you can convince him to do KH1.
So that chamber in CO that the Org was looking for was the chamber that Aqua left Ven in, right?
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So everyone with small feet is evil?



>yfw he was only buying Sora's trust so he could betray him in the future

How did Sora give ven some of his heart? and why does soras heart have a female voice

Because it's for an American audience?
>tfw the only KH game I've played was CoM on the GBA and only because it was fun to play and the hardware limitations stopped them from adding all kinds of overly retarded cutscenes to it
>years after playing it try KH1
>everybody in the shitty island is an unlikable teenager
>fighting that faggot riku is amusing and I actually like the combat, so I spend a lot of time doing that
>eventually get to the first town
>final fags everywhere
>retarded cutscenes
>finally get back to actually playing
>fight shadows
>combat isn't at all as I'd assumed it would be from my fights against riku and it's all about mashing a single button to victory
>give it two more hours
>it actually gets worse since the game seems to expect you to grind or at least clear zones every time you go through them and enemies' hp rises accordingly
>drop it
>start KH2 a week later
>bullshit story time from the very beginning
>not even any kind of little challenging fights early on to kill time like in the first one
>three hours in the combat is tiresome and easy as fuck
>again enemy hp evolution makes it pretty clear you're supposed to grind
>story is even more retarded then the first one's how is this even possible
>characters remain shallow and unlikable
>every cameo feels like "hey, it's this guy from that game!" and eventually nothing happens and nothing matters

And that's my little story about why I think CoM is the only salvageable game of the ones I've played.

I'm actually impressed that this topic was able to keep the song going for so long. And I kinda hate myself for reading thinking about that one japuu~ singer's voice.
wich kingdum harts wud u fuk?
Fuck, this is almost completely the same as my KH experience.
Though I didn't even enjoy CoM so much.
It's not really all that confusing.

Ventus and Vanitas are one person.
Who are inside Sora.
From whom Roxas and Xion was born.
Roxas absorbed Xion. (really unnecessary writing here. the puppet should've just died.)
Sora absorbed Roxas.
>Get past the landwhale
>Explanation of why Country of the Musketeers is in the Realm of Sleep why Disney Castle is in the real world
I don't get it. So, it's a world Mickey went to in the past. But how does that explain Donald, Goofy, Minnie and Pete being there? Did they all come from Timeless River, formed a fucking kingdom in there and then went back to their original world? Or are we going into alternate dimension territory here?

I mean, it can't be hard to come up with a simple and lore-friendly (lol) explanation. Like YMX's time-travel shenanigans somehow allowing Sora and Riku to visit Disney Castle in the past but after Timeless River or something.

Nomura better have a good fucking explanation for this in-game, because this isn't convulted, it's just plain old bullshit.
But who was the female voice who lent ventus the heart on the beach at the start of BBS
That was Sora.
But sora would be been like 8 or younger then
How did he know about hearts and shit when at the end of bbs he had no fucking idea about taking in vens heart untill riku said shit
Finally finished KH2. Loved it. End boss was cool visually, but holy shit did that drag on and on and on. I thought the "there are many words, but they all share the same sky (Sora). One sky, one destiny" was a nice little touch at the end. Don't own any handholds to play the spinoffs so I guess I'm stuck waiting for the third game, whenever that actually happens. Don't know who the bad guy will be (if they'll stick to the heartless/nobody stuff or make up a new faction) but I guess Maleficent will still be around.

Also, what was up with the butterfly letter that Leon had during the ending?
Is there a release date for the eshop demo of 3D?

I went out on Sunday and bought a circlepad pro for it
What makes the CPP better for it?

I love Genzoman's art.

Anyone else buying DDD day one?
And is the HD collection real? I keep hearing about it, but I've never seen the source of the information I'm getting.
Those are the shittiest opinions ever.
This thread is now about music.
Beware of spoilers, as this is from DDD
>Another Italian name
What the hell
Anyway, my favourite, not a spoiler
Or read the OP.
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>circlepad pro
So, canonically who is stronger, Sora or Aqua,
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Sora most likely due to having a very powerful heart. I mean at his birth he was able to allow Ven's heart to connect to his to save Ven's life.
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That actually happened around close to Sora's birth. Nomura never gave an explanation other than Sor'as heart being incredibly strong. It was most likey Sora's heart that was talking to Ven.
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Are you jelly?

>inb4 not jelly because no Aqua
CPP adds better camera control
Wake up because clearly I'm dreaming. Then I'd cry bitter tears and go back to sleep.
See I dont know why but after everything that is the biggest thing that confuses me, oh well
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Sora has amazing plot hax powers, but Aqua could probably beat him if she tried hard enough. Of course, she'd end up in the realm of DOUBLE DARKNESS, because she's not allowed to have any complete victories.
;_; man i'm going to tear up when we fight her in kh3 i just know it
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>Aqua is never allowed to win because that would promote competence and levelheadedness.
No, no, she can win, but she can never end up in a better situation. She's like a General who wins a long bloody war and then gets diagnosed with lupus
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But its never lupus.
Or is it?!
So what do those lyrics even have to do with the plot.
ok so I've looked all around the internet, well google, whatever, and still can't find a decent explination. How the hell do I make a tiny ship...and also get it on my gummi ship, this is like the 5th time I've played this game, (finally this time I'm on KH2FM+), and every time I just say screw it ill use the base model gummi ship, but NO MORE. I know its gotta be so simple I'm just missing it, can anybody explain this please lol

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