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Goddamnit. I'm 25 now, I used to live for FPS online games. I was with it from the start, since the very first Quake was popular online. Played all of them up through Q3 and once Counterstrike and other games became popular I just dropped off into different genres like MMORPG's.

I also just took a hiatus from games in general and was never into them as much as I was when I was 14-18.

Now I'm 25, just finished some Quakelive. It hurts so bad. Hurts me deep inside... I just... suck at twitch games now.

I'm lucky if I can keep myself in the upper half of the scoreboard by the end of a match.

The fuck has happened to me? I used to love being good at these games. Now the thought of practicing enough to get good again just feels pointless, because nobody even fucking plays twitch game FPS online anymore. Everyone just plays "realistic" shooters which to be honest bore the fuck out of me.

And I'll be honest, I do still enjoy hopping into a game if only to come in dead last. It's still somewhat fun to me.

But it's also like leaving the world of FPS as Arnold Schwarzeneggar, just the biggest and best (or among the best) top of your game -

you come back a decade later and you're no longer the biggest, all your muscles have evaporated away into nothing, you're now an old man curling 10 lb. dumbbells at the gym while all the young guys are hefting hundreds of pounds all around you.

You tell yourself it feels good to go out, be in a familiar place, the good ole gym. Get a good ole workout, heck it doesn't even matter if I break a sweat or get big and muscular again... I just wanna feel ... young again *tear rolls down cheek*.

After a certain point it just starts to feel pathetic though.
You're only 25... that's still young.

also polite sage for non general
>Now the thought of practicing enough to get good again just feels pointless, because nobody even fucking plays twitch game FPS online anymore.

There is Tribes and that's about it.

I know how you feel, but my experience was with trying to play Crash Bandicoot again. I fucking suck at them now when I could 100% all of the PS1 game without too much a problem years ago.
Everyone beating me is most likely 14-20 though.

I really do think brain chemistry and age makes a difference. Twitch gaming HAS to be easier when you have an excess of testosterone and your nerves aren't dulled from day-to-day life and "the real world".

Shit, if I still had my teenage mind and were still living in virtual worlds where fast reflexes meant everything - I'd still be great.


Tribes was fun, I loved the original.

It's impossible to find a non-modded game of tribes now though.

The most fun I ever had with tribes was with the fucking DEMO of Tribes 1. It was so vanilla, so perfectly balanced.
I kinda know your feel

I am 20 so I still had the chance to pick it up but I always had an awful pc, no real friends that were into srs pro games and i got a internet connection very late (2009). I started playing quake a month ago and really regret i havent started earlier. Watching old tournaments and documentaries really make me wish i could have participated in the golden years of quake. Duels are so exiting. A lot more than counter strike and other team based games. Watching good quake players makes me jealous. Its the only fps being good at i respect(i admit that i dont really know any other good ones). Those frag and strafejump videos. Pure skill. But its already 2012 and although there are still tournaments and players online i know that i am too late to the party. I feel like trying to get good at it and spend time on it would be senseless and wasted effort. I would never be able to catch up to those that play it since day 1.

Past 25, your reaction time goes downhill.
Heck, by 26, you stop growing and developing so you're just maintaining and eventually go downhill.

This has been mentioned in that National Geographic World Cyber Games documentary about Starcraft. Mainly that focus about that Canadian pro gamer that moved to Korea.

While I still troll in TF2, My other games are slower RTS like Sins of the Solar Empire and EVE Online. I'm 33 btw.
33 here, son. Still pwnin kids daily. Step it up.

Games like Q3 take practice and you're going to get stomped by the dudes that play regularly.

Also, check out Tribes: Ascend. It's pretty rad.
If you're 33 and sitting on 4chan then i bet you use wizard magic to boost your reaction time.

that's cheating[/spoiler[
To remain good at vidya like this you have to play at least couple hours PER DAY and not just play, but fucking do your best. Scrubs are not welcome.

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