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    File: 1329884597.jpg-(938 KB, 1680x2100, 1327028752380.jpg)
    938 KB BATTLEFIELD 3 GENERAL! Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:23 No.440391  
    >fucking shotguns with frag rounds
    >fucking asshole teammates shooting you out of jets
    >fucking k/d ratio faggots
    >fucking laser guided missiles
    >fucking battlefield 3
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:32 No.440914
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:48 No.441820
    I play this game. This game is fun. Lets talk about the fun.

    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:50 No.441991
    if you didnt play on console you wouldnt have this problem OP
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:53 No.442175
    >My team wins
    >I did terrible
    >Feel like I didn't accomplish anything

    >My team loses
    >I did good
    >Still feel like I didn't accomplish anything

    >My team wins
    >I did good
    >Feel okay

    >My team loses
    >I did terrible
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:54 No.442208
    I it the new fad for the US team to try to steal the RU scout helicopter on noshahr canals conquest? Every time I play that map there's always a helicopter camping the RU spawn, giving zero fucks about the rest of the game.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:55 No.442258
    frag shotguns are perfect for weeding out campers
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:58 No.442472
    I'm not sure which is frowned upon more in the BF community.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:19 No.443648

    Neither since camping is part of objective-based games and the frag rounds only make you want to kill the guy more.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:20 No.443670
    Evil begets evil, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:32 No.444365
    Defending an mcom is not camping.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:26 No.447287
    You know what's bullshit?

    Two things:

    1. Canister shot and the HEAT round not sharing a single cooldown

    2. FUCKING FRAG ROUNDS FOR SHOTGUNS HOLY SHIT. Feels like you're being attacked by a fucking attack helicopter.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:28 No.447394
         File: 1329892131.jpg-(822 KB, 2592x1944, M-32_Grenade_Launcher.jpg)
    822 KB
    They're not retarded enough to put this:
    in the game, makes me wonder why the hell they thought explosive rounds for the shotgun would be a good idea when EVERYONE bitched about the USAS in BC2
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:30 No.447452
    stealing vehicles and camping spawns with the helicopter is a bitch move
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:50 No.448354
         File: 1329893409.jpg-(109 KB, 461x523, 1313406190121.jpg)
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    >play battlefield
    >unlock AS VAL
    >cream my pants at how awesome it is
    >DICE about to nerf it in the next patch
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:02 No.448979
    Played MW3 on steam during the free weekend, spent more time downloading it then playing it, went right back to bf3.

    If u want to see great objective oriented teammates never for the love of god play domination on mw3
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:34 No.450241
    shit son, I could have told you that

    objective game modes on CoD have always been a joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:45 No.452765
    They are? Doesn't it get higher damage and an extended mag?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:48 No.452904
    so, was there a patch yesterday?
    because I saw a thread about it but origin won't update the game and there are no official news anywhere.

    was it a troll thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:50 No.452987
    >join game
    >half of the team nonsquaded
    >exit game
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:06 No.453554
    >get lucky enough to get in jet first
    >too slow faggot spawns ontop of my jet
    >shoots me out of the cockpit and steals jet
    Are these people 9 years old?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:09 No.453628
    >join /v/ company
    >join their raidcall
    >join game with squad of /v/bros
    >coordinated tactics
    >squad teamwork
    >helping and supporting one another

    Shit's seriously fun regardless of whether you win or lose.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:11 No.453698
    Don't play metro if you don't like usas. I've seen it maybe once on something that wasn't metro.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:11 No.453701
         File: 1329901884.png-(7 KB, 314x337, 1297840981866.png)
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    >being raped by enemy tank
    >teammate attaches a fuckload of c4 to a jeep and is heading towards it at mach 3
    >he plays "La cucaracha" over the mic until he and the tank erupt into flames
    It's these little moments man.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:21 No.453985

    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:23 No.454048

    its probably just gossip, those were proposed changes awhile back.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:25 No.454106
    Nope me and my bros been doing since day one.
    Shits so cash
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:26 No.454149
    I smell bullshit.
    Your teammates can't steal your shit from you.
    Are you 9 years old?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:28 No.454196
    Friendly fire is on in hardcore servers.They shoot you out of the cockpit and take your vehicle.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:28 No.454215
    I've clocked 3 service stars on recon, 1 on every other class, and now I can't decide which class I actually want to spend my time playing.

    I'll change around to fill gaps in my squad, but even still, I just can't make up my mind.

    I really wish they'd bring back Spec Ops.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:33 No.454349

    This. I'm not going to lie, I've done it to scrubs who shit up the skies and can't fly. Especially when I spawn on top of a jet from the spawn screen, you just shoot down and tax their jet.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:35 No.454389
    Every fucking game

    I join and the first thing I do is ask people to squad up so I'm not in a squad by myself

    And people wonder why they are always getting steamrolled
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:36 No.454434
    someone has the video with the glitch, where someone's lying at the ground and shoots, but the gun is coming out of his ass?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:37 No.454452
         File: 1329903435.jpg-(4 KB, 124x121, 1329115057068.jpg)
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    >mfw I still play BC2
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:37 No.454463
    Support with M27/MG36 is spec ops.

    Ignoring that enemy bases are out of bounds now for some fucking retarded reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:37 No.454472

    There are a lot of good servers that auto assign new joins to squads. The only problem with this is if you end up in a shit squad, most of the good squads will lock. But a good squad is better than none.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:42 No.454625
    You're not missing much tbh. I went back to BC2 after ~200 hours of BF3. In the thousands in BC2 now
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:43 No.454653
         File: 1329903809.jpg-(32 KB, 448x252, 1303048983777.jpg)
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    >I bought BF3 recently cheap.
    >Turns out I need atleast Vista.
    >I still use XP

    I'm an idiot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:44 No.454670
    >RU side on Caspian
    >US side on Oman
    I want to enjoy my game
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:48 No.454779
    beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beep beep beep general?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:53 No.454958
    I use xp too
    Why the hell does it require atleast vista?
    That just makes no sense
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:55 No.455000
    >in the third seat of a tank
    >locking on to random vehicles hoping to help some jav dude out
    >feel bad for making the driver listen to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for eternity when no one uses my lock on
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:56 No.455038
    BF3 uses DX11, XP only goes up to DX9
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:57 No.455056
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't XP cap your RAM access?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:58 No.455084
    >get in third seat of tank
    >paint a jet
    >jet sees me
    >starts hitting me with pods
    >switch too main gun
    >canister round in face
    >over 10 designated targets
    >over 10 target mark assist
    >didnt actually get the kill
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:00 No.455153

    No, but here are the likely changes in the upcoming patch:
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:02 No.455223

    That's like complaining that a game which required XP wouldn't support Windows 95.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:05 No.455317
    Are you seriously wondering why a game released last year doesn't support a now 11 year old OS?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:02 No.457060
    Noob question: can you destroy MCOM's with weapons/explosives like in BC, or do you have to arm them?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:22 No.457551

    No you can't, you have to arm them. You can't destroy them by dropping a building on them anymore either. It's really shitty.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:23 No.462831

    It's shitty, but at the same time it's better when defending because the attackers actually have to go in and arm it instead of going all jihad and using all the c4 they can to blow it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:46 No.463563
         File: 1329921971.png-(65 KB, 310x356, rage-face.png)
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    >herpin hard in a jet
    >trying to take out an enemy tank in out of bounds area
    >just cant do enough damage to it
    >come in for one final death blow
    >realize my jet is going to crash
    >jump out of jet
    >hop in his tank
    >sit in it while the time goes down for out of bounds
    >tank blows up
    >enemy dies in massive explosion
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:47 No.463619
    there are people from china and russia playing on NA servers, should just region lock from retardation and lag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:09 No.464331
    >decide to play metro once again
    >be on worst team ever since I've started playing
    >steam roll enemies alone
    >kicked from server

    There was either a mad admin or this shit K/D ratio plugin
    who coded that shit? I hope you die in a fire

    I know there are several other Bf3bros on /vg/ who came around this shit
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:45 No.465756
         File: 1329925542.jpg-(82 KB, 774x475, sadman.jpg)
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    >suicide with my jet into the enemy tank
    >tank exit the smoke unharmed
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:47 No.465848
    >try to join a server
    >kicked from server
    >reason "Your w/l ratio is too high"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:48 No.465886

    Saged, reported, called the cops, told your mom, etc.

    Please post only on the board that corresponds to this topic.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:03 No.466480
    can someone link me to the /v/ platoon?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:05 No.466560
    or vg platoon, whatever.. i just want to be in a platoon with some bros
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:17 No.467128
    How would you rate Battlelog Forums?
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/22/12(Wed)11:38 No.468089
    The same as any official game forums: fucking awful. There's an occaisional good thread but they're generally buried under 10 tons of shit.
    >> t3hdefetead1 02/22/12(Wed)11:57 No.468979
    have Gigabyte GTX 560Ti 900MHz UDB,
    have latest NVidia drivers
    have i3 2100
    have HT turned on,

    Battlefield 3 still not playable, not even on LOW
    any1have same problems?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:29 No.470238
    Probably your CPU as it the weakest part of your rig.
    I got an AMD Athlon X2 6400 here which should actually be inferior and I can play it sorta ok.
    It lags like hell on some maps though, especially seine crossing when looking in certain directions.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:30 No.470301

    Mostly ameribros.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:31 No.470341

    Your CPU is a heap of junk.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:36 No.470565
    560/ti have some issues such as crashing, but never read something like getting a low framerate.
    I would say it's you cpu unless you've overclock your gpu.
    I have a i5 2400+9800GT(from my previous build).
    >> sage 02/22/12(Wed)12:51 No.471172
    >enemy helicopter camping the russian jet spawn on kharg island

    Seriously, you are a fucking assshole if you do this.
    >> P.O. 02/22/12(Wed)13:00 No.471589
         File: 1329933627.jpg-(22 KB, 312x304, 305.jpg)
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    >conquest on Caspian Border
    >start off pretty well
    >pop pop pop watching niggaz drop
    >21 kills 2 deaths
    >taken over about 10 flags
    >your team lost
    >see score board
    >the second person on my team has 1120 score
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:00 No.471590
    Your CPU is fine contrary to what others are saying. I'd guess you have your GPU overclocked. I'd try running it at stock settings to see if that's a problem. If that doesn't work, try installing older drivers, the new ones may not be stable. Your CPU definitely isn't the problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:08 No.471971
    Happened to me just an hour ago on Firestorm...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:13 No.472257
    That's the fucking worst. The community in this game is fucking shit. That's what ruins this game for the most part. Hopefully a year from now, most of the retards will be gone and the userbase will no how to play the game.

    >on shit team
    >in chat tell people we need to start capping points
    >at D in Kharg capping it by myself
    >asking team to come and help me and telling my squad to spawn on me
    >they all just dick around trying to improve their kdrs
    >D is neutralized
    >other team notices and several guys come at me
    >fend them off with M27 as support
    >cap D finally
    >get killed a few seconds after capping it
    >spawn back at D
    >now there are at least 4 guys there
    >take out 2 before getting killed again
    >10 seconds later D is neutralized and not long after that it is recapped by them
    >my team is blissfully ignorant to what transpired
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:14 No.472306
    >using chat
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:16 No.472427
    >not realizing the only way to communicate with the majority of players in this game is through text chat
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:26 No.472910
    >join a game
    >losing 250-500, no objective
    >15 people not in a squad
    >look trought the squads
    >half the team is recon
    >> t3hdefetead1 02/22/12(Wed)13:26 No.472924
    Back then in Beta everything ran verywell. Maybe crashed once per 1-6 hours
    I tried every driver for GTX560Ti that exist in this universe and only last one helps with green artifacts but now i get something like lagging, maybe it's HT?
    Also I tried to overclok/underclock GPU, flash new BIOS, overvolt GPU but nothing helps.
    I'm gonna try with different setting. Will see what happens :)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:33 No.473297
    >play BF3 with headphones for the first time
    >hear the wind in the leaves and the watercourses
    >good god what game am I playing
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:36 No.473454
    Turn on wartapes.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:39 No.473664
    your CPU is only 2 cores.
    a 100 dollar quad core Phenom would run Bf3 better.
    I would suggest you buy an I5. Cheapest one you can find.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:43 No.473853

    The CPU is fine.

    I'm running with an i5 650 (2 cores) and a gigabyte 560ti with mostly 45 - 50 frames at 1080p.

    Although, I had lots of trouble with the 560 and the game refused to play until I flashed the GPU's bios. It was flawless after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:46 No.474000
    I have a quad core phenom :D, runs the game brilliantly along with my XFX 6850
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:46 No.474008
    People don't seem to understand that 2 cores doesn't mean bad performance. The i3 2100 is one of the best CPUs you can get on a budget <$150.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:00 No.474772
    yea, maybe if the game is optimized for it's hyper-threading but if not. It's just your average dual core.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:09 No.475229

    Are you retarded?

    I have a dual core and BF3 runs fine on high at 1080p. HT or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:10 No.475278
    what settings are you running it at?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:10 No.475283


    >i5 2400
    >onboard ati 6500m series
    >everything on low
    >100 fps stable
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:10 No.475329
    At 1080P????? OMG!@!>!>!?!?!?!?

    Lol, console kiddie confirmed

    either that or you genuienly think '1080p' is a good monitor resolution, which is just as funny
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:13 No.475481
    1080p is a good resolution, you be crazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:14 No.475529
    Reread that because I don't think you realize how much of a faggot you sound like.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:15 No.475583

    1920x1200 or 3840×2400 is master race, anything else is just console tier
    >> Hells !!KR6AC3lrgKp 02/22/12(Wed)14:16 No.475593
    Selling life for copy of bf3
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:18 No.475705
    No one cares about how small your penis is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:18 No.475736
    >dat F-35
    Shit turn, shit speed, shit braking. But holy shit is its gun strong. I know I am not the only one who noticed how much quicker one can take out stuff in a f-35. I fucking rape choppers and tanks with my gun (+guided missile).
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:18 No.475747

    You sound mad.

    Are you really that ignorant?

    It's nothing to do with 1080 being a good resolution, I'm merely implying that a dual core i3 can still run it flawlessly at those settings which you believe only a quad core could achieve.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:23 No.476021
    that wasn't me.
    I just can't believe that you can play the game at medium settings at 50 fps. especially in a fight.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:24 No.476087

    >1080p is console tier

    Consoles don't support native 1080, shithead.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:24 No.476101
    So I get to take a tripfags life AND get rid of this shitty game?

    Sounds too good to be true, what's the catch?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:25 No.476185
    You're a retard, both the 360 slim and the PS3 slim are 1080p native.

    Educate yourself before embarrassing yourself further, son
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:25 No.476189
    new top 5 plays.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:27 No.476279

    I'm telling the truth, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:28 No.476345
    I didn't doubt that. I just think you aren't telling me everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:30 No.476416
         File: 1329939009.jpg-(24 KB, 210x280, trying-really-really-hard-not-(...).jpg)
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    1080i =/= 1080p

    Both the Xbox and PS3 upscale which isn't the same as native.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:30 No.476450
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/22/12(Wed)14:31 No.476498
    >Caspian border
    >Shelling out a building at Checkpoint which has two enemies hiding inside
    >2 of my teammates run inside it
    >Building collapses killing everyone
    >You have been kicked from the server "excessive teamkilling"

    Very few games render at 1080. The vast vast majority render at a lower resolution then upscale.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:34 No.476650
    >playing seine crossing.
    >enemy tank is destroying us
    >everybody on my team refuses to go engineer.
    >> Swifts !LightPenis 02/22/12(Wed)14:34 No.476656
    I'm still playing BC2 on PC(Non steam), did I miss out on anything or should I just stay there?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:35 No.476696
         File: 1329939320.png-(11 KB, 511x86, Capture.png)
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    Dat accuracy, not eving using frag rounds
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:35 No.476720
    You're not missing much

    I only played ~200 hours of BF3 before going back to BC2
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:36 No.476738

    Fuck me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:36 No.476746
    falling rubble kills.
    best fucking thing in bf3.
    >> sage 02/22/12(Wed)14:36 No.476752
    Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with the MAV elevators? Seems just clever use of a vehicle to me; not like they're invincible up on that building.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:38 No.476878
    I don't give a shit. I mean it is a glitch that should be fixed, but it really doesn't affect me when I play
    >> Swifts !LightPenis 02/22/12(Wed)14:39 No.476895
    Anyone from /v/ playing on PC(Non steam)? 'Cause I'm really sick and tired of pilots that think its a good idea to hoover in mid air when someone gets a lock on them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:42 No.477049
    Hey guys quick question

    What kind of performance can I expect with

    i5 2500k
    8 GB RAM
    560 ti

    The way some of you guys were talking makes it seem like this game is a bitch to run

    Forgive my ignorance, this is my first ever gaming PC
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:44 No.477172
    you're fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:01 No.477997
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:03 No.478127
    I don't have a problem. Used it myself couple of times to boost myself on the roofs @ first Russian spawn on Metro. DICE fix it in the next patch because some 12year old kids cried about it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:08 No.478379

    Ultra with 2xAA at 50-60 fps I'd bet
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:10 No.478476
    >Use 870 with flashlight and buckshot
    >My face when buckshot gets nerfed next patch even though it takes me 2 or even 3 shells to kill people outside 15 yards
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:13 No.478669
    I usually hate FPS games.
    The only one that I considered to be decent was CS.

    My friend gave me a copy, and I guess I tried it out. It still feels like a generic FPS, but then...

    I discovered the MAV.
    That is when I instantly regained my hope for FPS games. Why the FUCK do people always argue with 'hurr realism' or 'hurr better graphics' fuck, nobody gives a shit.
    What you want to be able to do is decapitate enemies with your helicopter slice-and-dicer. That in my opinion is what makes an FPS. Shit that makes me laugh and have fun again.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:16 No.478798
         File: 1329941788.jpg-(136 KB, 1024x830, 1271897449720.jpg)
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    Are there any servers that have jets turned off.

    I dont mind the maps that have jets on them, its just the jets are annoying as fuck when all it takes is one person that's decent with them to ruin everyone's fun on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:19 No.478947
    Get in here.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:19 No.478967
    Played for first 4 weeks.
    Best game I have ever played, regardless of squads.
    People start unlocking cheap shit and game gets unplayable.

    Seriously I played the game for one match and It was people using the mortar in the back and others camping stair wells with frag round shot guns.

    BF:BC2 > BF3
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:24 No.479192
    Don't play Metro then.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:31 No.479526
         File: 1329942665.jpg-(156 KB, 1008x1314, 290.jpg)
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    >1337 kills with a jet
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:38 No.479869
         File: 1329943089.gif-(2.68 MB, 374x180, Battlefield 3.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:47 No.480373
         File: 1329943630.jpg-(332 KB, 521x804, 1327513866594.jpg)
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    sounds about right.

    if you get ONE and I mean ONE well-coordinated squad in a game, you can steamroll the other team. that's all it takes.

    I'm starting to hate playing Rush.

    >Damavand Peak
    >pick recon
    >FUCK 2 other recons in my squad
    >run down right side of the road
    >take cover near the end
    >survey the area around the MCOM
    >equip pistol, run down
    >manage to get inside the trailer on the far right side of the objective, drop spawn beacon
    >rest of team is prone on top of the hill sniping


    >run to MCOM, arm it
    >sit in corner with M93r
    >kill one defender
    >kill another
    >take an RPG to the face.

    >respawn on my spawn beacon
    >equip PP-19
    >go for MCOM again
    >squad is still on top of the hill

    GAAHHHHH I even had a mic and told them what I was doing
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:48 No.480473
         File: 1329943720.png-(3 KB, 223x176, 1300551284687.png)
    3 KB
    >be top on my team, going 3 and 4
    >sniper asshole near the bottom of my team going 3 and 0
    >we lose after I realize I'm the only one on my team going for the objective
    >sniper asshole sends me a message after the match
    >"lol step it up scrub way to make us lose"

    one of the few times i've been physically mad at a game

    fuck this community.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:50 No.480568
    Is there an update to the Origin workaround patch?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:50 No.480580


    I applied, would be nice to play with a full squad of bro's for once.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:56 No.480963
    showing your KDR on screen is what ruined this games community

    in other battlefield games people wouldn't give a fuck about KDR because there was no way to see it on the scoreboard, only points.

    People would either 1. go for the objective, actually play 2. sit back and snipe or 3. fuck around with vehicles/vehicle whore (i.e. using AT mines to fly quad-bikes in BC2)

    now the community is fucked beyond redemption
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:01 No.481220
    I just give zero fucks about my KD.
    >> sage 02/22/12(Wed)16:10 No.481697
         File: 1329945009.jpg-(7 KB, 250x250, 1304375176568.jpg)
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    >sniping during rush
    >have my SOFLAM out and always looking for choppers or tanks
    >multiple times it was myself who shot the attacker attempting to arm the MCOM
    >helped keep the enemy chopper down throughout the whole game
    >did not die once with 15 kills
    >telling team in chat where an enemy was if I could not kill him
    >squadmate spawns on me
    >shoots and kills me
    >"stop just camping, you're making us lose"

    >we won while still on the first set with both MCOMs

    >my face

    Seriously, not all snipers are K/D assholes.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:15 No.481978
    >Seriously, not all snipers are K/D assholes.

    and not all K/D assholes are snipers. Came across a few Assault, Engineer and Support camping doors of conquests away from the capture points.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:23 No.482494
    >revive a medic using his own kit
    >he kills me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:35 No.483252
    I really enjoy the game but:

    >too many noobs giving a fuck about their K/D ratio
    I also give a fuck about it but I also play the objective, help my squad (revive, throw packs down etc)
    >retarded community
    oh god.. there are so many retards, supports not throwing packs down

    related story:

    >join one of my favorite servers
    >everything going alright
    >squad helps out

    >other server
    >almost no one in the squads
    >recons everywhere
    >they don't hit shit or give covering fire
    >barely any people going for the objective

    it really matters on what server and what time you play but the majority of the players have to be retarded or have never played a Bf game before.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:49 No.484125
         File: 1329947373.jpg-(51 KB, 704x480, Samurai Champloo 19.mkv_snapsh(...).jpg)
    51 KB
    >Cruisin' in my C4 jeep on some random French Caspian server, haven't seen any tanks for a while
    >See some dude firing at my teammates from the bushes
    >Coast and detonate the jeep on him
    >Immediately get an all-caps, broken English hacking accusation because there's no way I threw the C4 that far
    >Tell him that I use the C4 throw distance increase slot for support
    >He tells me that he's still new and hasn't seen that one yet, so thanks for the info
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:46 No.487580
         File: 1329950773.jpg-(135 KB, 863x863, 1318616701572.jpg)
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    >operation metro
    >walk into the receiving end of a 3 cap
    >snipers gotten to the top of the subway having a field day
    >need to cross to ammo up bros and get cover
    >spray at him as support
    >land a lucky headshot kill
    >last thing i see before being kicked
    >"Fucking aimbotter"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:13 No.492810
    >I discovered the MAV.

    The MAV is useful. If you use it well, you can get as much points as sniping people. For some reason I'm able to kill enemy MAV's without them, knowing because I usually stay in one spot and press the q button every five to ten seconds.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:56 No.495357

    c4 is really the most fun thing in bf now. i hit max rank so now i just entertain myself with c4 squad held down the russian base on oman just by hiding in the rocks by hotel and c4ing the shit out of their main road.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:02 No.495631

    sigh. I miss putting C4 onto the UAV in BC2 and destroying every MCOM causing the team to rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:22 No.496759
    >join a game
    >team is getting spawn killed
    >try to do something and fail
    >leave the game
    >repeat until you get bored and stop playing
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:25 No.496979
    >switch teams
    >start spawn killing
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:28 No.497126
    >Live in Australia.
    >Didn't pre-order.
    >B2K costs over $20.

    Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:29 No.497175
         File: 1329960563.jpg-(238 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-01-04_00003.jpg)
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    Check Serega1311 on the Russian team

    I lost count how many times I killed that guy. Poor fella never gave up trying to shoot my jet down, nor did he rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:33 No.497406
    What the fuck happened to this game in the month of January?

    My brother bought me Skyrim for Christmas, so I'd been playing that a ton and BF3 sparsely. Tired of Skyrim, so I go to play a few matches and get FUCKING STEAMROLLED every time.

    Everyone has semi auto shotguns with frag rounds.

    My teammates are worthless.

    Even with a >1 k/d I'm still near the top of my team every time. Before January, playing the FUCKING objectives, I had a k/d of about 1.6. That's plummeted to 1.4.

    I feel like I have to do fucking everything. Tank? Well better go Engineer. Whoops, got sniped. Gotta countersnipe because that guy's been sitting there for like a minute. Whoops, got killed by the tank again that's also been sitting in the same god damn spot spamming canister rounds at us.

    Before, it was fun even when I lost. Now, all I do is lose, and it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:34 No.497492
         File: 1329960873.png-(152 KB, 492x227, Gloriouswingedfaggot.png)
    152 KB
    Tags time, bitches. Throw em' up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:36 No.497637
         File: 1329961018.png-(162 KB, 491x168, Cptd9f.png)
    162 KB

    I had to stop at this number
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:39 No.497768
         File: 1329961145.png-(152 KB, 481x225, I'msofreshyoucansuckmy.png)
    152 KB

    Yeah I had to snag a pic at that number too. God I'm so 12...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:42 No.497962

    Your name looks really familiar, I think I might have seen you in a round or two? It just rings a bell.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:46 No.498195

    Eh more than likely. I'm all over the place server to server. I really don't have a "home" server that I play on. Probably saw me raging at stupid shit in chat.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:50 No.498525
    I have good days and bad days. One day I joined a game of Wake Island late and ended MVP at 21-4. Today I didn't do good at all.

    Add me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:58 No.499028
         File: 1329962337.png-(1.47 MB, 1920x1080, bf3 2011-11-19 18-33-26-00.png)
    1.47 MB

    Ever tried landing on the pipes behind A on Kharg Island?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:04 No.499404
         File: 1329962647.jpg-(19 KB, 508x225, nigs.jpg)
    19 KB
    >Rush, Kharg Island, defenders
    >Get steamrolled throughout all bases
    >Last Base
    >Team finally works together and hold them off on last MCOM
    >Explosions everywhere
    >chopper slapping everyones shit
    >die, spawn in on jet
    >chopper and jet both come at me
    >cannot deal with one at a time, so I end up becoming a distraction
    >Keeps A10 from fucking our tanks, keeps chopper from slapping our shit
    >get a 1.5 second window to rape jet, disable it
    >it goes down, after that i take jet down easily
    >proceed to kill all ground vehicles with jet

    I love it when your team makes a comeback and the enemy team gets pissed
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:05 No.499521
         File: 1329962747.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, smiling tomato on pitchfork.jpg)
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    >mfw MAV is my top vehicle with 270 kills
    There is nothing better than going around fucking people (primarily recons that used the MAV to get to a normally inaccessible building) up with it.
    I was top with it up until the last 2 MCOMs that are situated near the RU spawn. It started with me using it just to get a general view of the RU spawn and evolved into every RU trying to shoot down the MAV whenever they saw it. They did shoot it down a few times but luckily someone always left an ammo pack nearby. Last and only death came from someone killing me at the last moment of the match when I decided to just snipe people.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:09 No.499748
    meant rape chopper
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:10 No.499852
         File: 1329963039.jpg-(21 KB, 538x228, Capn.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:11 No.499920

    no no don't... i love you tank commander
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:14 No.500092
    Forgot to ask something; what does the MAV dogtag count? It says kills but as I mentioned, I've only 270 kills with it but the dogtag says I have 5xx "kills."
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:15 No.500167

    Pretty sure it's just motion assists
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:20 No.500514
    The jet cockpit is a god damn clusterfuck compared to views from BF2. The only alternative view from cockpit is 3rd person.. what the fuck? I want it like BF2 where you can remove cockpit and only have the crosshair.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:46 No.501987
    In that case, what's the Surveillance dogtag for? Requires 5 motion? assist medals, unlike the MAV one which requires just 1
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:09 No.503313
         File: 1329966566.png-(178 KB, 551x213, tags.png)
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    Until I get more C4 kills, this is what I'm rolling with. I hope it adds a little annoyance when people who die to my C4 jeep see it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:20 No.503975
    I used to use the Rabbit Duck one. Only thing I ever received from it was a "LOL RABBITDUCK XD" message.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:34 No.514020
    >no frag nerf
    >sniper buff, return of ohk to upper torso and quickscoping
    >reduction of recoil and increasing min damage across board for almost all weapons
    >famas buff
    >foregrip nerf that does nothing thanks to all around recoil reduction

    defunct developer general? defunct developer general
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:52 No.514941
    >steamroll other team
    >not fun cause other team doesn't try
    >getting steamrolled
    >not fun cause your team doesn't try, you do and die all the time
    >never have fun
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:59 No.515286
    Bird motherfucka your a bird!
    This is the source:
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:26 No.516382
         File: 1329982000.jpg-(16 KB, 515x335, 1329314976191.jpg)
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    Hey guys.
    Mr. >>478669, here.

    I fucking
    love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:34 No.519106

    Professional services.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:31 No.527386
    I was unable to play because Battlelog refused to work when I updated it. So when I was trying to uninstall it Avast flagged several files used for the uninstall as viruses.

    I mean... really?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:32 No.527440

    Avast and battlelog don't play very nicely together. Even when you get both of them working together, Avast prevents invitations and partying up for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:36 No.527550
    >mfw they are basically removing the ability for mavs to ram people next patch
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:38 No.527613
    Some of the patch notes for those who haven't seen.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:43 No.527794
    If you don't care about your KD, you are a scrub, plain and simple.

    The reason you don't care is because you're bad. If you weren't such a bad kid, maybe your KD would be something to be proud of.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:59 No.528308
         File: 1330001977.png-(174 KB, 634x258, dogtags bf3.png)
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    be prepared to have your sausage spanked
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:05 No.528520


    Here are some more detailed changes.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:09 No.528620
    >mfw Below Radar will make Helis immune to stingers and the likes

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:14 No.528743
    This game died way quicker than BC2. Hard to find full USA servers now that aren't operation metro 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:16 No.528775

    As a heli pilot, I actually think that's kind of stupid.

    Removing the skill gap between pilots who can dodge stingers and those who can't is just retarded. All they need to do is add a fired tone for javs, and I'm happy. Stingers can stay the way they are.

    Oh yeah, and they need to fix the handling of the Russian heli, because at the moment it's like a flying brick.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:17 No.528818
    Horrible ingame name, great right dog tag.

    For some reason, anyone who has random numbers in their screen name makes me think they are insanely unoriginal.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:17 No.528830
    >No ability to direct fire the javelin
    >Tehran Highway
    >Fire Javelin
    >Hit's highway
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:18 No.528841
    I have no idea what you are talking about, there are a SHITTON of European servers.

    Get a better internet connection and play on those.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:19 No.528874
    >idiot shoots javelin towards highway
    >hits highway because he's too idiotic to aim up a little
    >quits because of his own lack of intelligence

    Hope you never come back.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:20 No.528903
    I have the same thing with people who have anime avatars.

    Except replace 'unoriginal' with 'faggy' or 'assburgy'.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:24 No.529018
    >Javelin flies upwards
    >Comes back down and hits the highway
    >Fire it from underneath, simply flies up and hits the highway

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:27 No.529108
         File: 1330003639.jpg-(44 KB, 493x215, tg.jpg)
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    I used to go with the dinosaur tag, but now that you can buy that I switched to the handgun.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:28 No.529135
    So, let's sum up the patch details.

    Choppers are now even more OP while Jets get nerfed further.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:40 No.529593
    Fuck you, the jets are overpowered as shit.

    It's way too easy to take down a chopper with a jet.

    Also, no more MAV elevators and kills.
    This never really bothered me, but a lot of people were butthurt as fuck about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:47 No.529805

    Clearly you're an ignorant faggot who only sits in choppers and hasn't been on the receiving end of constant lock ons from choppers that stalk you across the map and proceed to rape your infantry while you fly in circles.



    I just vomited in my mouth, you make me sick to my stomach.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:54 No.529984
    >mfw this guy proved yuropoors like to eat up shit
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:54 No.529990
         File: 1330005289.jpg-(636 KB, 1024x768, 1329374111613.jpg)
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    >Added Horns to all Jeeps.
    Fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:56 No.530026
    So your saying that for the sole reason jets can kill a chopper quickly means that jets are completely OP?
    With the new patch its even harder to dodge AA missles which you have to worry about constantly in a jet, bunch that with chopper buffs and the cannon nerf, how arnt chopers OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:16 No.530561
    I'm saying that it is way, way too easy to kill a chopper with a jet.

    No jet people on your team to keep the other jets busy = no chopper
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:25 No.530850
    Well, it isn't going to change much, is it? Aside from the AA missile buff (which is fucking retarded), there will still be instances where choppers are going to get downed by a jet; it may take longer, but it will happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:28 No.530963

    That's mainly because jets are limited to what they can effectively kill. It's pretty difficult to kill infantry and if they aren't using rocket pods then good luck trying to kill tanks, so the easiest target would be a chopper who is too busy circle strafing flags to notice enemy jets.

    Anyway, jets should be expected to kill choppers considering how much a good chopper pilot can desecrate infantry. It's just the food chain of the battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:35 No.531159
    You forgot about booping infantry, thats my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:02 No.532068
         File: 1330009345.jpg-(18 KB, 270x302, 1218781112144.jpg)
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    >Fires javelin, tank pops smoke 2 milliseconds later
    >Javelin does a loop-de-loop and flies back into my face
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:07 No.532226
    >fucking k/d ratio faggots

    That feel when you realize conquest and rush almost entirely hinge on killing more bad guys then being killed by bad guys

    Seriously, someone should make Shit Battlefield Players Say, and put that at the top
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:30 No.532897
    Pretty much all of the balance changes in this upcoming patch are fucking awful.

    At least the general gameplay changes/fixes are a tiny baby step in the right direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:43 No.533228
    Currently running a GTX 460 with an i5 2500k 3.3 with 4gb ram.

    I can only run the game on low/med without fps drops/crashes. What do I upgrade first, gfx card or get more ram?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:49 No.533372
    that was not the point, faggot.

    the point is bragging about a kdr of 2.0 when you should focus on objective.

    Yet, on conquest and rush, most people do a kdr around 1.2, that's not high at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:49 No.533381

    Upcoming patch notes, holy shit this is terrible, basically helis and air will get a massive boost
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:55 No.533570
    At least that USAS-12 shit will hopefully stop. Most people who suck with air probably won't even notice a difference.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:02 No.533832
    Finally! They're improving the handling for the Havoc!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:09 No.534061
    More RAM, since it is rather cheap and get yourself a 64bit OS(preferably Windows 7).
    The crashes are probably due to an overclocked/defective gpu, the 460 should be able to get an average of 40 fps with BF3.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:13 No.534190
    >you can no longer multiple kills with MAV
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:13 No.534206
    Can I run this at the absolute lowest shit settings possible in a 64 man server (not that paris, underground map)?

    All I require is +20 fps.

    If not, what is my bottleneck would you say? Is it worth buying a cheap CPU for example to get it to run decently. Or should I buy a new rig.

    I'm poor so I can't really afford buying a console even.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:14 No.534229
    Downclock your GPU to stock settings. I can pretty much guarantee that that is your problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:15 No.534252
    Time to master the EOD bot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:16 No.534289
    At least F35 can break turn now and aren't completely useless against the Russians.
    Still no analog stick deadzones, wtf.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:19 No.534349
    >mfw flares will stop laser missiles, Mi-28 gets to yaw and climb like viper, and unguided stuff one shot kills airshit

    The upcoming patch feels good man. but fuck DICE not giving full notes and only posting that when the shitty community threatens blackout
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:19 No.534350
    They keep buffing the EOD, now it wont control like shit and can spot.
    Prepare for it to be the next nerf.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:20 No.534379
    learn to aim a real rocket or keep cryan bitch nigga
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:22 No.534451
    >stinger and other missiles lock times nerfed and other buffs to everything but range
    >flares don't break locks but fool faggot laser missiles
    >SAA gets air radar
    >tank shells instagib them

    air's looking better than ever, with removal of gunner flares only thing missing
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:22 No.534470
         File: 1330014175.jpg-(98 KB, 674x548, BF3.jpg)
    98 KB
    Forgot specs. Oh my god.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:25 No.534538
    GPU and RAM are fine.
    CPU might me okay.
    should handle a mix of settings, I run high/ultra with same card, but 8GB ram and i5 2500k
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:25 No.534547
    Dude what
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:26 No.534572

    Yes, you can definitely run low. Probably even a mix of medium settings, what resolution?

    also, why is everything so hot?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:30 No.534703
    >-Guided Rockets will now only track ground targets, as originally intended.

    Woah, woah, woah. That is not cool. Now heli vs heli warfare will revolve around heatseekers and the gunners only.


    >-AA Missiles should no longer detonate before hitting their target or a Flare/ECM chaff cloud.

    I hope this doesn't mean that they've removed the ability to dodge heatseekers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:32 No.534765
         File: 1330014742.jpg-(1.26 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20120223_172906[1].jpg)
    1.26 MB
    >everything hot (refer to picture)
    My powersupply fan is kinda broken. it only spins when my PC lies down.
    And I don't think it's out of the norm much anyway.
    I guess I'l pirate and see then by later then. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:32 No.534789

    That would suck. It takes a skilled pilot to dodge heatseakers consistently and feels pretty badass pulling it off.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:35 No.534870
    They have claimed it will be harder to dodge though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:36 No.534903
         File: 1330014978.jpg-(17 KB, 238x264, 1286330800927.jpg)
    17 KB
    >PKP: Reduced recoil but added a slight initial recoil, increased damage at max range. The Pecheneg has a heavy vertical recoil with a hard hitting round and little drift, this makes it excellent at sustained fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:40 No.535016
    So, I have a clan match today.

    Anyone got any tips for Grand Bazaar and Operation firestorm?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:40 No.535029

    Dodging heatseekers without a building to hide behind in the attack heli is difficult enough as it is. You have to pull a perfect 180 turn to do it, and even then the results are kind of random.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:44 No.535132

    Grand Bazaar:

    Don't get sucked into the whole meatgrinder in the alleyway. If everyone's bogged down in the middle, just leave some supports with LMGs behind to hold them up and take everyone else around the outside to cap the junction/highway etc.


    SOFLAMS, SOFLAMS everywhere. Javelins can win the map outright since it's so vehicle heavy. Conversely, the most important thing is to keep your damn tanks alive, since they are the gamewinners. This means killing their attack heli ASAP to give yours dominance (which in turn means that all of their tanks should end up smoking wrecks if your heli pilot isn't shit) and making sure that their jets are always occupied.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:46 No.535196
         File: 1330015589.jpg-(26 KB, 704x400, snapshot20090905015812.jpg)
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    >Making the PKP even deadlier
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:49 No.535295
         File: 1330015773.png-(1.08 MB, 879x657, Capture.png)
    1.08 MB
    >Defending on Kharg Island
    >Spawn in Jet right away in the beginning of the match
    >Only die once, my fault since I got greedy and flew to low and hit a freaking pole.
    >Blow the shit outta enemy vehicles
    I like defending with a Jet.
    On the PS Triple.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:49 No.535301
    >metro 1000 tickets playing with a friend
    >as we enter our team is loosing 600 to 900
    >firts player in enemy team is using usas 12 with frag rounds
    >our team doesnt do shit
    >friend and i grab usas 12 to try do some damage
    >strategy works better than expected
    >suddenly my friend and i transform into a bloodthirst beast that shoots 11 miniaturized nuclear bombs when something moves in front of us
    >we also have the bad habbit of deplying claymores just for the sake of it
    >suddenly explosions everywhere
    >enemies melt in front of us
    >crybabies die because of our crymores
    >best squad
    >bets players
    >lots of fun
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:54 No.535454
    Oh fuck, I just realised.

    After the patch A2A missiles on the jets will be able to insta-kill other jets at close range because you can't break locks anymore. We'll have even more idiots who can't shoot for shit with their main cannon chasing enemy jets around instead of taking out tanks with pods and helping their team.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:57 No.535526

    >look in my radar and see enemy jet behind me
    >laugh at him using heatseakers
    >fly below radar to prevent him locking
    >he doesn't switch to cannons
    >laugh so hard I almost crash
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:59 No.535581
         File: 1330016345.jpg-(51 KB, 486x486, 1327557889768.jpg)
    51 KB
    >mfw I stab a USAS spammer
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:59 No.535593

    >he doesn't switch to cannons

    You're having a lot of faith in the guy being total shit there, champ.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:03 No.535704
    >heat seeker
    >below radar
    You just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:05 No.535751
         File: 1330016702.png-(25 KB, 480x323, 1305689270274.png)
    25 KB
    >useASS nerfed
    >MAV is now a bee

    And watch as all the Cawadoody kids finally jump ship...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:05 No.535772
    Tips for getting Suppression Ribbons? I don't have that many.

    I seriously can't wait for this patch. It's about goddamn time.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:05 No.535775

    I've learnt from experience that pilots who use heatseekers rely on them and rarely use the cannons.


    Below radar is an upgrade which is always activated and prevents A2A locking you at low altitudes
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:10 No.535950
    Still retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:11 No.535959

    >Below radar is an upgrade which is always activated and prevents A2A locking you at low altitudes

    Yeah, it also presents the entire top of your plane to your enemy so he can mow you down with the main cannons. Regardless of whether he is a retard or not, it's almost always safer to just bank sharply in one direction and attempt to dodge the missiles or break the lock.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:14 No.536072
    I didn't make the rules, bro.

    Exactly, that's why I found it hilarious when nothing shot at me.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:19 No.536219
         File: 1330017553.jpg-(46 KB, 610x460, 1316879452528.jpg)
    46 KB
    Its always about those small moments that you always talk about
    Was playing with some bros last night on 360 and we had both jets and were in the attack helicopter controlling the sky when we see the two enemy jets collide into each other in midair
    >mfw this fucking game
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:23 No.536345
    Any tips for stabbing? I've only got 3 more ribbons until I get the medal.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:26 No.536448
         File: 1330017998.jpg-(70 KB, 1000x383, howwell.jpg)
    70 KB
    So, I'm at 39 hours played.

    How well am I doing medal wise?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:32 No.536641
    Just posting this
    Takes time to read, but it's all fucking good.
    >2 swipe knife kill if not from behind
    >MCS870 tweaked (a bit), other shotguns nerfed.
    I'm ok with this

    The list of changes is very long.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:32 No.536645
    I don't think I've ever stabbed more than five people, it's just too time-consuming and dangerous when you're in the heat of the battle.

    I particularly hate those cunts that could've easily prevented an enemy ambushing me but decided they wanted a flashy knife kill instead

    - Set up your bipod in chokepoints and areas of high-traffic, preferably somewhere with cover for you to reload
    - Don't bother aiming in because you'll get too picky with targets and there isn't any accuracy tradeoff anyway
    - Rattle off a burst from time to time just to scare obscured fuckers back

    And as for particular weapons it's up to you really, I personally prefer the heavier of the MGs like the Pecheneg and M60 but the M249's fire rate is fucking beast too
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:34 No.536716
    Thanks man. Lately I've been using the RPK and the IAR. I'll give The Pig a try soon though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:44 No.537114
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:49 No.537267
    That shit is fucking great. I was glad I DL'd it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:49 No.537274
         File: 1330019350.jpg-(12 KB, 319x323, nigs.jpg)
    12 KB
    Post them
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:53 No.537459
         File: 1330019593.jpg-(23 KB, 319x314, !.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:53 No.537470
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:53 No.537471
         File: 1330019615.png-(22 KB, 305x327, guns.png)
    22 KB
    I only still use the .44 though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:53 No.537476
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:54 No.537493
         File: 1330019644.jpg-(67 KB, 311x334, Untitled-1.jpg)
    67 KB
    AS Val is pretty much the only weapon I played with ever since I unlocked it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:55 No.537569
    >USAS faggot

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:58 No.537687
         File: 1330019892.png-(21 KB, 316x349, TOP 5.png)
    21 KB
    I usually stop at 500, but the fucking weapon swapping made me accidentally kill a guy out of reflex with the M16A3.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:59 No.537732
         File: 1330019950.png-(27 KB, 319x324, usas.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:59 No.537758
    Is there any good recon weapon?

    I really do not like recon but I want to sniper rifle medal for the dog tag

    And i'm not a really good sniper
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:59 No.537768
    >killed by USAS
    >killed by USAS
    >killed by RPG
    >killed by M320
    >killed by M320

    seriously that was the most fun death streak ever
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:00 No.537801
    Welp, you gotta get each to 1000 to even it out
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:01 No.537841
    >-Laser Guided missiles can now be distracted by Flares.
    >-Flares for Jets and Choppers now reload at 11 seconds
    >-Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%.
    whiners always win
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:01 No.537864
    Yeah fuck that, no way am I ever using the F2000 or the USAS again.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:04 No.537976
    what was/is the time for them to reload? Isn't it 10?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:05 No.537997
         File: 1330020320.png-(100 KB, 677x790, Capture111.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:05 No.538005
    I'm kind of the same as you. Hate using recon. If you want a semi-automatic I'd go with the M39 or QBU-88. Personally I like using the QBU-88. It's accurate but has a long reload time and hold only 11 bullets, I believe. For bolt action either L96 or M98B. I use the M98B cause it IMO it's much better for long distance sniping. Only problem is that it hold 6 rounds and is the last unlock for Recon.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:05 No.538020
         File: 1330020354.jpg-(29 KB, 451x466, that feel when 17 no-shades we(...).jpg)
    29 KB

    MAvs now explode on splatter?

    And no elevators now?
    >> Weabro !!H5+hjQdDZNP 02/23/12(Thu)13:09 No.538182
         File: 1330020558.jpg-(12 KB, 253x278, top5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:14 No.538401
         File: 1330020859.jpg-(22 KB, 332x500, 1317761025072.jpg)
    22 KB
    You've got some explaining to do...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:21 No.538725

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:21 No.538754
    >missed it losing it's base accuracy edge
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:37 No.539542
    Oman is very balanced.
    Wasting vehicles is fun.
    Never, ever drop ammo or revive.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:42 No.539830
    liek what
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/23/12(Thu)13:43 No.539853
         File: 1330022603.png-(92 KB, 230x245, 1309822246787.png)
    92 KB
    >Playing with some randoms on kharg island
    >squadmate spawns and grabs the growler
    >I jump in and switch to front seat with my rpg
    "Life is like a hurricane, here in, duckburg"
    >hes a good singer and a good driver
    >we flank the tanks at charlie as our tanks start firing on them
    "Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history DUCK TALES WOOO WOOO"
    >peg an enemy tank in the ass for a killshot then spray down the repair guy on the second tank
    >driver roadkills the fleeing tank driver as we head for bravo
    >join in with him
    >Lurks behind you!
    "Theres a stranger"
    >out to find you!
    >"what to do just grab onto some ducktails! WOOO WOOO
    >Captured bravo killing 5 people in the process
    >get disabled by a rpg shot on the way to delta and finished by a tank round
    >I spawn in the heli and he gets the gunner
    > I start singing
    Spin it! bum bum bum buhbum bum bum bum buh bum bum bum buhbum OO EY AY
    >proceed to have one of the best games of my life
    >mfw that entire fucking game
    We didn't even get crazy high scores or anything, it was just fun. too bad he never accepted my friend request.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:01 No.540715
    Every team I get on is always being fucking curbstomped. I have a goddamn 22% quit rate, because people just feel like fucking camping and not getting objectives, but the other team actually gives a damn.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:18 No.541505
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:18 No.541508
    Yeah, like 65% of all servers is a onesided rapefest.

    I feel like way too many people are gigantic faggots who switch teams whenever theirs is losing.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:22 No.541669
    Well, at least the info is handy.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:25 No.541807
    I can take a loss, but when my entire fucking team is on the overpass sniping on Tehran Highway I tend to get pissed off.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/23/12(Thu)14:33 No.542185
    Didn't see any mention of a fix to jav missiles not causing an incoming missile sound while in a helicopter, unless I missed it somewhere?

    >-The Mi28 has received upgrades to its climbing and yawing abilities.
    >-Fixed an issue where guided rockets from the Mi28 did not follow the crosshair properly.
    >-Improved the accuracy of the Mi28 gun to match the AH1 gun.

    fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:36 No.542354
    >-Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%.

    WHAT.. the AA was perfectly fine. Shitty armor but good weapon dmg
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:39 No.542487

    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/23/12(Thu)14:39 No.542495
    Not sure why they reduced the damage vs. infantry either. I know it's not supposed to be an anti-infantry vehicle, but it takes like 8 on target shots anyway to take down a soldier: It's only good for killing downsyndromes that don't know how to move. Not like the old machinegun grenade launcher that the US had in BF2.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:52 No.543203
         File: 1330026726.png-(101 KB, 561x809, weapons-stats.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:57 No.543513
         File: 1330027060.png-(31 KB, 323x326, GLspam.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:59 No.543647
    -Laser Guided missiles can now be distracted by Flares.

    is it just me or they will fuck up the javelins? rejoice aerial whores
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:04 No.543997
    the air rape is coming
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:07 No.544132
    What do you guys think of the pp19?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:08 No.544170
         File: 1330027685.png-(24 KB, 311x325, bf3.png)
    24 KB
    Wups forgot image.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:11 No.544354
    -Helicopter guns should now suppress correctly.
    -Improved the accuracy of the Attack Helicopter's Rocket Pods, both guided and unguided.
    -Slightly increased the damage of Attack Helicopter's Rocket Pods vs Infantry and other Helicopters.




    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:11 No.544389
         File: 1330027914.gif-(1.15 MB, 320x284, 1329530418238.gif)
    1.15 MB
    >The Flash Suppressor now also works as a recoil compensator, reducing the Vertical Recoil by a weapon specific value. This bonus is larger than the bonus provided by the Suppressor.

    However I don't feel like I can play for much longer without this patch. This USAS shit is fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:12 No.544442
         File: 1330027978.jpg-(19 KB, 304x287, eeeeeeeeee.jpg)
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    The fuck? The whole point of laser guided missiles is that they aren't heat seeking.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:19 No.544786
         File: 1330028363.png-(20 KB, 318x317, welp.png)
    20 KB
    Oh my
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:20 No.544834
    >mfw wreck people's shit on PC only 80+ kills and objective plays
    >decide to buy it for PS3 for my bro and also myself
    >feel like a retard because I can't hit people 1 feet away from me
    >first game
    >vehicles are 10 times as fun as on PC
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:23 No.545040
    Oh yeah? I have not played the game since all this bullshit with MAV-lifting started ... as in when everyone picked up on it and you couldn't find a single game without at least 10 recons per square inch on every roof on a map.

    >see confirmed tweaks and fixes
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:23 No.545061
    how do i join this fabled /v/ company?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:37 No.545785
    http://battlelog dot
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:41 No.545967
    Dice needs to stop k/d ratios from showing up on the scoreboard in the next patch

    it'll fix a shitload with the community.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:44 No.546143
    but air combat was perfectly fucking balanced if you could fly for your life

    now it's going to be ridiculous and people are going to whore over it even more.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:15 No.547805
    Yeah, the air combat was fine but kids whine 24/7 and DICE will make changes.
    Whiners always win.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:18 No.547987
    So they're fixing the G3A3? I never did get to enjoy it in its heyday.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:50 No.549682
    >flares stop laser deg missiles

    What. Why. No.

    Fuck you DICE.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:58 No.550127
    The term they used is 'confuses'.

    Using flares does not mean that you dodge the missile.

    Hell, ECM isn't even a guaranteed missile-dodger.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:05 No.550552
         File: 1330034716.png-(5 KB, 429x410, 1312681068894.png)
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    >my face when snipers will now ruin transport (and maybe even attack choppers) by using them to get to spawn points even more now that they don't have the mavlevator
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:11 No.550894

    god these patch notes look promising

    they might bring me back to this piece of shit game if its playable
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:15 No.551116
    How the fuck is this a piece of shit game?

    I bet you are one of those pathetic faggots that yells out 'HACKER!!!!! U R A HACKEr!!!!!!!!' whenever someone is better than you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:16 No.551218

    Agreed. DICE should've left the MAV riding alone. It was creative, and if you really wanted to counter it, you could either:

    A) play recon and MAV up to kill enemy sniper

    B)Grab a flying vehicle and commence rooftop rape
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:16 No.551230
         File: 1330035412.jpg-(21 KB, 367x451, 1328516830380.jpg)
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    >people who quit playing a game on principle
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.551335
    >nerf semi auto shotguns
    >they're already terrible enough

    I will admit though, the foregrip nerf is making the underslung rail+laser+MASS look appealing on the m16.
    and the an-94 buff, fuck yeah my favorite gun is getting a buff.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.551491
    >M240B: Added an initial recoil, increased damage at all ranges. The fastest firing medium MG, the M240 has a substantial muzzle kick and drift that makes all that power difficult to control.

    Farewell bravo, I loved sniping people with you on a bipod.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.551513
         File: 1330035706.jpg-(9 KB, 320x240, 344.jpg)
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    >mfw I start roadkilling recons with the mav who ride up someplace high and then destroy their re spawning beacon
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:22 No.551551
    if you want to lmg snipe, use the pkp
    more damage at long range
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:28 No.551952
    I quit playing because it was unplayable. It kept crashing between rounds. When I would finally get in a game the hit reg was so terrible that it was just not worth my time even trying to get into games.

    This game sold 1 million copies on PC and on BF3STATS and it shows that peak time is around 20,000 players. That is TERRIBLE for a newly released large EA title on PC. The game is dying very quickly. The numbers don't lie homie.
    >> THEFUCKINGSHMEH 02/23/12(Thu)17:28 No.552006
    any xbros wanna squad up?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:30 No.552101
    whoops, kept my trip from another thread....
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:32 No.552260
    yeah gtfo fag
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:36 No.552467
         File: 1330036567.jpg-(3 KB, 126x122, 1322245909207.jpg)
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    learn the difference between tripfag and namefag, you asstard
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:36 No.552485

    Shit sucks. It seems like DICE is only fixing that glitch just because it's a glitch.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 02/23/12(Thu)17:36 No.552487
    Counter-piracy move.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:41 No.552784
    >blast away 5 infantry and one tank with my abrams
    >almost every shell hits
    >kicked: suspected cheater
    well guess it might seem like a aimbot but I was still upset this faggotry
    >> The Saintly Seahawk !!iBFkFt5z+GY 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.553042
         File: 1330037115.jpg-(27 KB, 298x429, tim-lincecum.jpg)
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    >come back from 15-115 to win on conquest

    >putting the team on my back
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.553081
    That's flattery.

    I get called a hacker everytime in MW3 which feeds my ego but once I be in first place in a BF3 game(Which is so fucking rare), nobody calls me a hacker or kicks me at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:51 No.553485
         File: 1330037515.gif-(1.68 MB, 400x212, 1326717517175.gif)
    1.68 MB
    >Players should no longer take fall damage from short falls.
    >Reduced the black screen fade in time on spawn. The fade is still necessary for properly streaming in loading content at spawn, but it has been substantially reduced.
    >The Knife now only takes two swipes to kill when attacking from a position where a takedown is not possible.
    >Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
    >Added Extended Mags to the ASVAL. The Extended Mags can be unlocked at 200 kills with the AS VAL.
    >Semiautomatic weapons will no longer "jam" if the player presses fire faster than the weapon is capable of shooting. Some semi-automatic weapons have had their rates of fire adjusted to fit this change.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:55 No.553724
         File: 1330037721.png-(970 KB, 1920x1080, battlewog.png)
    970 KB
    inb4 usas

    guaranteed replies
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:55 No.553765
    >11% accuracy
    them fucking AA gatling guns, man
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:11 No.554820
         File: 1330038717.jpg-(32 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.grunt.jpg)
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    >C4 will no longer be detonable after a player respawns
    >No more revenge kills at the Mcom for me
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:12 No.554880
         File: 1330038767.jpg-(108 KB, 360x359, bodyreadyetc.jpg)
    108 KB
    >Dice makes a new expansion
    >3 more factions: China, Europe and Iran or a MEC-like alliance
    >Each faction speak their own fucking language, Europe speaks english with various accents
    >more weapons, jets, helicopters, tanks and other vehicles
    >more new maps and maybe a few remakes of a few old ones
    >titan mode in the middle of a battle between two carrier battle groups
    >dinosaur mode for CO-OP missions

    Why can't this happen? I'd gladly pay full price if they pulled something like that off, assuming it's well done of course.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/23/12(Thu)18:16 No.555141
    I miss the Chinese BF2 maps, Dragon Valley in particular.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!AeVd1sjJ70p 02/23/12(Thu)18:19 No.555332
    >KD Ratio

    Just look at both stats, This guy is Top 3 highest KD ratio in BF3 if you don't count hackers.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/23/12(Thu)18:26 No.555691
    Seen this profile before... how the fuck can you spend over 100 hours in stationary AA?
    This one's good as well: 20 hours playing empty multiplayer servers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:26 No.555731
         File: 1330039613.jpg-(45 KB, 1053x703, angry-computer-guy[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:41 No.556543
    >semiautos don't do that jam thing
    >the semiauto pistols are now BC2 tiers and can replace your primary weapon
    best update
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:45 No.556782
    -Tweaked bipod deploy settings so players can no longer deploy a bipod in places higher than chin level.

    -The bipod should now be more reliable when deploying on top of sloped objects like cars and rocks.

    Support here I come
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:47 No.556861

    Bipod is useless unless you're camping
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:50 No.557034
    Bipod is useless unless you're defending
    fixed that for ya
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:50 No.557078
    Useless on TDM and Conquest
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:50 No.557084
    >not taking choke points on metro and seine
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.557421
         File: 1330041403.jpg-(102 KB, 539x1105, weapons.jpg)
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    bipod for shits and giggles
    i would not suggest m60 if you actually want accuracy, thing is like a shotgun most of the time, but not even useful in close quarters
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.557551
         File: 1330041519.jpg-(82 KB, 600x452, LaLaLaLa I CANT HEAR YOU.jpg)
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    >MAV can no longer be used as a killing machine
    Fuck, it's the best way to be a recon.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.557765
         File: 1330041717.png-(41 KB, 445x436, 1320468247641.png)
    41 KB
    >MAV can no longer be used as an elevator
    fuck yeah, screw you recons that camp on those buildings on Karkand now you won't be able to get up there
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:04 No.557929
         File: 1330041861.gif-(1.89 MB, 236x224, 1316566027813.gif)
    1.89 MB
    >-Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.

    >In a tank
    >Helicopter is being annoying
    >Decide to shoot it down
    >Hit them after missing a few times
    >Only hit the tail
    >Heli spins out of control and crashes
    >No points for me, marked as a suicide for them
    Now I shall kill everything as a tank.

    It sure seems like they buffed the Helicopter a lot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:04 No.557935
    Fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.557976




    looks like they're fixing gunplay for good but doing so unbalanced shit here and there wit vehicles

    and of course taking away 1 of the last exploits there was in battlefield

    That shit was fun man.


    Those recons hardly ever cause any real damage.

    people just get buttmad cuz they can't easily shoot em.

    you know easy it is to just mortar them off of the building?

    Seriously man with that glitch they're taking away they'll be adding quick scoping.


    We should be able to plant more mines man....
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.558145
    >USAS-12 anf FAMAS whoring.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.558201
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.558353
    Op forgot
    >getting kills with the MAV
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:16 No.558597
    >Tried to play last night.
    >All Australian servers bar one Metro campfest with original maps are dead.

    No fucking way I'm shelling out $20 AUD so I can play some ported BF2 maps. Fucking EA.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:17 No.558630
    I absolutely hated this but goddamn if I'm not going to miss MAV killing.
    I think the SKS is getting an upgrade. I don't see why snipers need to kill a close range. If you want to be an up close Recon, put remove the scope from the semi-automatics and go in.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:17 No.558632

    >ported bf2 maps

    boy have i got some news for you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:18 No.558712
    >AN94: Reduced vertical recoil.
    >G3A3: Increased damage at all ranges, reduced vertical recoil.
    >FAMAS limited to 25 rounds
    SCAR-H: Increased damage at maximum range and increased max range
    >laser sight gives more of a bonus
    >bipod is better
    >unguided rockets and shells 1 hit aerial vehicles
    >semiautos don't fuck up when you click too fast
    >flash suppressor doesn't ruin accuracy
    >EOD bot is controllable

    This update is going to be great

    >most shotguns nerfed, USAS buffed
    This confuses me
    I don't think it's currently overpowered, but I'm tired of seeing it and it probably will be OP after this
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:20 No.558865
    >Narrow down server browser to East Coast US, 64 players, Conquest, and 1-5 open slots
    >7 servers
    What the fuck? When did the game become so dead?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.558940
    Frag rounds and the USAS were the only problems. Nerfing all the shotguns save for the 870 is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:22 No.558948
    my god you guys are really dense

    connect the damn dots

    >faster animation in and out of prone
    >ohk bolt actions within 15m to upper torso
    >only definitive close quarters weapons (shotguns) are shit

    its fucking obvious. theyre catering to the community. the cod community. say hello to bc3, this time with dropshotting
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.559027
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    its been dead for a while, all the veterans save a few jumped ship because its a steaming pile of shit

    only people left are cod kids and thats why you see all these retarded changes coming out of dice

    you cant even play normal with health regen turned off.

    unless you play old games, bf is officially dead. you cannot play it how we have been since 2002 anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:26 No.559203
    Getting out of prone faster changes nothing, it's not like you're supposed to exit prone when there's people nearby anyway.

    Shitty shotguns are still better and easier to use <15 meters than a ohk sniper rifle
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:28 No.559330
         File: 1330043284.gif-(278 KB, 320x240, call of duty and battlefield.gif)
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    We've mentioned it the whole "OHKO" bolt action rifles multiple times. Of course the vocal group is getting what they want. If you want to get it changed, send them multiple messages. For added effect, tell them this game is becoming the same as MW.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:29 No.559445

    buck and flechettes

    reduced from 12 pellets to 9

    reduced pellet damage from 20 to 16

    that means that each hit from a shotgun has to have over 80% accuracy within 8m to ohk you

    bolts have twice the ohk range and upper torso region is simple to hit. dice will probably make it bigger than it should be to appeal to quickscopers.

    have fun 3hking these guys, they only need one hit registered


    >becoming the same as MW

    oh boy are you in for a surprise

    it has been since 2010
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:34 No.559725
    Well, considering:
    >horrible design decision
    >lying to the pc community
    >expensive game hosting
    just no name a few reasons, I'm glad I can still play BF2142 even if it's gilbraltar 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:38 No.559963

    same for all the games

    even if the only servers left are 24/7 karkand infantry only grenade fests, shit is still more balanced than bf3

    i just wish i could play a full game of bfv again

    >you will never use caltrops in online play again
    >implying the average bf player even knows what a pungi stick is

    shit is sad
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:50 No.560656
    Why do the RPK and M27 suck?
    >> ­­­ 02/23/12(Thu)19:55 No.560941
    Hey /v/. I'm hoping some of you guys can give me tips on how to be better at this game. I'll list some of the basics I already know and some faults you can help me on.
    >Current Level:3
    >Assault Class with Defib+Med pack
    >Haven't unlocked any other guns yet but I run the AR with no optics (ACOG/4x are only things unlocked depending on the weapon)
    >Primary Game mode: Rush
    I'll start off by saying I know this isn't COD and I try and play with that mindset but going negative every round can really hurt the team. As far as my auxiliary items go if i see a group of people I will toss down a med kit, even more so at the MCOM stations if I can make it there without dying. I try and defib whenever possible, assuming there isn't a mass of enemies around, though that isn't always possible. My problem is it just seems I'm dying way to much. I'll kill one person only to get mowed down by some unseen guy or I will be trying to defuse/plant and even though the coast is clear and my teammates are with me it always seems I'm the only one to be gunned down. As far as CQC I almost always lose, unless I catch them off guard. I know to ADS and burst fire but it's just like their gun is so much more powerful. What are some ways I can get better at this game and really rack up the score? I hardly ever lag and my mouse sensitivity is at around mid with the custom setting being around 1800DPI ( max 5600). I use a Razer Naga Epic but I also own a Logitech MX 518, though i don't use it because I'm so used to my Naga. I also play with a headset.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:02 No.561325
    is it just me or do they have less destruction in this than bc2?
    as in buildings to blow holes in to run through and shit, and collapse
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:05 No.561470
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    because they dont
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:06 No.561524
    It takes like a million bullets to kill someone with them. I always end up dying, even if I'm shooting first.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:06 No.561547
    Use silencer + grip on them. They're unbelievably accurate, easily the most accurate LMGs
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:07 No.561556

    But if you damage and blow up buildings, you hurt DICE level designer's feelings...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:07 No.561562
    the date tba update
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:09 No.561668
    Protip: shitty games die fast.
    Especially when css, and bf2 are still going strong.
    Not to mention tribes.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:09 No.561676
    I've been using those. It seems like half of my shots aren't registering or something. I also use the Holographic sight.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:10 No.561751
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:13 No.561890
    I really wish they kept the American medic white. The look really went with the voice. Fucking political correctness
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:16 No.562015
    Dude, having the US medic being black is a great decision.

    It's so easy to see who is a medic from a distance now.

    That's an advantage on both teams.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:17 No.562078
    But that was fun, what was wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:17 No.562096
    >Americans stop playing this game
    >Americans: "omg this game is so dead"

    Are you ever going to remember there is a 'rest of the world'? Seriously.

    I can't speak for other parts of the world, but BF3 is insanely popular in Europe.

    That's because, to most people, it is the best FPS out there.

    Of course there are things that need to be improved, but it's still so much better than any other FPS.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:18 No.562174
    Nothing was wrong with it, people just got butthurt and DICE caved in.

    Plus (as mentioned earlier in the thread), snipers will now excessively use choppers to reach their sniping positions.

    Even more than they already did.
    So that's going to suck.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:18 No.562184
    I don't think his color is much an issue as the model looking like a fucking gorilla.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:19 No.562208
    I'm an American and I love this game. But yeah, people in my country are fucking stupid.

    What bothers me more is the voice. Really doesn't sound like a black guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:19 No.562217
    Haha, what?

    He looks like a regular black guy. I can't help it if black people look like gorillas to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:20 No.562279
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    Let's say goodbye to the post mortem c4, /vg/
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:21 No.562329

    See, you guys then realize that BF3 dying is a GOOD thing. Here's why:

    It will come to Steam to boost sales and keep the community alive.

    BAM! There it is. I just KNOW it will happen if players continue to drop this game. Definitely will be worth the weight if- I mean, WHEN it does happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:23 No.562408
    I dissagree, and I think you're offended. To me, he looks like an idiot compared to the other models - color is not the issue. If he were white with simular features, he would still be moronic-looking to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:23 No.562421
    >servers everywhere, populated as shit

    What the fuck are the people ITT on about?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:24 No.562510
    Only thing I don't care for in BF3 are the M320 spammers, when you spawn and die, and fucking camping snipers on Conquest

    I hate the Xbox server selection. I always look at the maps each server will play on, and by the time I look at the map rotation the server is full.

    BF3 dying? Far from it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:25 No.562528
    Thank god, hated having to get out of the tank after I killed a guy that put C4 on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:25 No.562546
    why are the russian side choppers gimped.

    the attack and transport helis u.s. side have noticeably better performance/maneuverability

    forget realism for a second and focus on a balanced game.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:25 No.562565

    Oh that's bullshit

    Shotguns are supposed to tear people apart at point blank.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:26 No.562593
    Because the sniper looks cool~

    Judging by this, you seem to have a shitty standard for aesthetics.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:26 No.562603
    why don't you use a question mark
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:26 No.562610
    I usually die to some fuck with an 870 before I even hear the gunfire. Not even a fair chance in close quarters
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:29 No.562752
    I always imagine people who think the sniper in BF3 looks cool are 10 year olds who are super into ninjas.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:29 No.562797
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    >he thinks the sniper looks cool~
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:30 No.562838
    I agree the medic looks retarded, but come on

    the sniper looks weird
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:31 No.562878
    Not the anon you were replaying to but being black myself, he should have been a bit slimmer in the face. Marines are THIN; the majority of them are, at least. Not to mention about what was said about the voice; a slimmer black marine would go better with the voice. I understood exactly what was trying to be said, and he's right.

    Also fun fact: The average age of your Marine is 19. Not even lying. However a medic, or CORPSMAN as they should be called in this game, would most likely be MUCH older due to the training required
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:32 No.562989
    We have a word for people like you in dutch:

    When someone is waaaay too precise.

    Literally translated, however, it means ant fucker
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:38 No.563279
    I'm dutch as well, and we have a word for you too;

    Homofiel. It means you're a fucking fagget. In this context it means that your argument is weak as shit, and that the guy you're replying to is right.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:40 No.563407
    Even leren de puntkomma te gebruiken, kereltje.

    I don't give a flying fuck what the average black US marine looks like. He looks fine in the game to me and it feels like an insufferably nit-picky thing to bitch about.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:41 No.563491
    I feel bad just looking at his Battlelog.

    Poor SOB.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:42 No.563582
    Jesus christ. How do you reach that rank and end up with a kdr of 0.48?

    dat willpower
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:45 No.563739
    > How do you reach that rank and end up with a kdr of 0.48?
    Recon, a shitty one.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:45 No.563797

    How was I being waaaaay too precise? The voice doesn't match. That face implies a deeper voice.

    But what's really looked over is the Corpsman being called a Medic. DICE got every detail about the Marines right, from the newly issued F.R.O.G. suits, to the watches that are popular. Medics are from the Army, and Corpsmen are from the Navy in lease to the Marines. Details are important.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:48 No.563919
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    >That face implies a deeper voice.

    Now you're just fucking around, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:49 No.563969
    Stop making our country look bad, you dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:50 No.564010
         File: 1330048214.jpg-(3 KB, 109x126, really_sad_face.jpg)
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    Friends: 0 - No friends here, soldier.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:50 No.564014
    Stop defending people who think you can judge someones voice by their face.

    But yeah, I'm going to bed.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:51 No.564092
    I sent him a friend request
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:51 No.564104
    tomorrow, learn about why you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:01 No.564634
    Whats your opinion on the semi auto snipers /v/?

    I just got some message from some mad guy who said i had no skill for using them.

    I tried to inform him that he was mad and asked why he hated fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:04 No.564839
    AEK-971 or KH2002?
    [spoilers]Don't worry I just need something to go with my med-kits and paddles[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:05 No.564938
    AEK. Enjoy it while it is not nerfed.
    >> ­­­ 02/23/12(Thu)21:14 No.565404
    How do i get better?
    >> ­­­ 02/23/12(Thu)21:16 No.565489
         File: 1330049763.png-(129 KB, 682x742, Untitled.png)
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    Forgot image.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:18 No.565625
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:18 No.565640
    Practice. A good weapon also helps.

    For Assault, use Famas or an M16A3 or AS VAL

    Engineer, M16 or AS VAL

    Support, MG36

    Recon, AS VAL

    Since you play Assault, drop med kits wherever crowds of your teammates are, and res anyone you see down, but make sure that the same guy won't kill YOU
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:19 No.565713
    Wait,i thought the as val was really bad considering it took almost the entire clip to kill somebody or did i miss something?
    >> ­­­ 02/23/12(Thu)21:20 No.565760
    I do the med kits, and revive as much as possible. Right now I found my self not bust firing so I'm trying out single fire but not sure how it's going. I also stuck a 4x optics on my weapon to maby help with better aiming and greater range. It seems as if these starter guns are really bad because I can fire on someone and get a few hit markers but as soon as they shoot me I die.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:22 No.565870
    >or did i miss something

    you were missing the enemies bro
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:28 No.566231
    When is this game gonna get a real server browser instead of this stupid bullshit where I have to restart the goddamn game every time I join a server?

    Tired of joining a server only to realize that it's fucking metro or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:29 No.566292
    Youtube and practice, seriously there's a fuckton of BF content.
    My favorites
    >> SpaceDicks !g77kNFsyOA 02/23/12(Thu)21:36 No.566736
         File: 1330051017.png-(199 KB, 903x669, BF3 Stats.png)
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    I've been wanting to find people to play BF3 with for so long, but it seems like every time I try to make a squad with friends it doesn't connect.

    I'm a great medic, good with tanks and still trying to get better, not that bad of a sniper.

    I need to play more often and practice certain aspects of the game. I've been playing FIFA 12 too much to do so though.

    My stats seem pretty shit to me, even though I think I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:39 No.566912
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    Anyone willing to get this shit going?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:41 No.567039
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:42 No.567102

    >I tripped on a cloud and fell 8 miles high
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:44 No.567229
    Then he hoorahed himself
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:44 No.567238
    Yup. Wonderful part of a song
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:45 No.567285
    Why not?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:53 No.567819
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:00 No.568321
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    Aaaand I just now read the confirmed fixes

    So long flying anvil
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:34 No.570363
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:40 No.570687
    I'm not sure how to feel about the fixes, it seems like a pretty big change for air vehicles.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:43 No.570841
    What fixes?

    did i miss some big announcement?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:43 No.570890
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:47 No.571089
    >9 times out of 10 Battlelog won't actually launch a game
    I usually go to play BC2 instead. It's more fun, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:47 No.571112

    The M27 is statistically the best LMG.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:49 No.571223
    I like how DICE think that the M4A1 and M16A3 are balanced when it's clear that both guns are easily the best in their respective classes. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:51 No.571296

    As a pilot, I don't like them. Anything that reduces the skill gap is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:51 No.571301
         File: 1330055468.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 63 KB, 700x589, 5d3.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 63 KB

    I agree. Why did they even nerf the AKS, anyway? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it just an AK-74 with a shortened barrel? It's just a cut down assault rifle, therefore should be equivalent damage.

    Picture because that's the folder I was in last, and I don't want to change.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:52 No.571346
    flares dont break locks anymore and from the looks of it you cant confuse them to explode anymore as that was unintended behavior.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:55 No.571579
    >Pay $60 for the game at release (PS3)
    >No cross platform so I can't play on PC now that I have a better PC.
    >$120+ dollars for a game if I want the DLC
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:58 No.571719

    >A2A missile spamming jets everywhere because you can't break lock anymore
    >Possible removal of the ability to dodge heatseekers and stingers

    Yep, fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:00 No.571828
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    >Added Horns to all Jeeps.
    Clearly the highlight of this patch.

    I suppose the G3 buff is nice, I enjoy using it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:01 No.571881

    In general it looks like youll be in a jet for all of 30 seconds before its shot down, lets not forget that javelin also got a damage buff for laser designated targets and reduced lock on added onto mobile AA accuracy buff
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:14 No.572602
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:17 No.572783
    I was thinking of buying BF3 on... a console.
    Is this a shit move? I really like objective based games, but most console kiddies don't know how to play anything other than Xxl0new01f_killa_hardc0re_TDMxX.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:32 No.573674
    I'd say get it on PC if possible unless you hate Origin THAT much
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:34 No.573743
    >no regenerative health
    And you expect to find servers why?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:42 No.574238

    The player count alone ruins the experience on consoles.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)23:46 No.574432

    WTF are they going to do about that dog tag then? Do they want people killing with the MAV or not?!?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:05 No.575508
    Aren't you supposed to get that dog tag by doing spot assists? I'm pretty sure you will be able to get it normally. I'm more pissed off at dog tags you get from promotions like those from Act of Valor, Dr. Pepper and shit.
    >Act of Valor only for USA and Canada
    Well, fuck you too EA.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:07 No.575613
    Nobody does on PC either, which is why 99% of servers are either TDM or 24/7 Metro.

    I'd advise just skipping BF3.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:25 No.576576
    You should check your filters bro, most servers I see are conquest and maps are fairly well balanced. Also, you can get team gameplay on a few servers, you just need to learn their magic hours or maybe get a few bros to join you.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:31 No.576878
    I did. Kinda sucks not being able to go with mouse/keyboard and 64 players but the lack of douche bag admins and stupid fucking rules is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:32 No.576907
    They aren't that good.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:35 No.577061

    I havent run into any bad admins and rules usually only pertain to ramming, MAV kills and USAS. And thats usually only on metro. Don't like rules don't play there.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:36 No.577121
    double edged sword.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:50 No.577795

    Doesn't matter. It's all ovaltine bullshit.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/24/12(Fri)00:55 No.578041
         File: 1330062900.jpg-(5 KB, 360x123, I am a terrible person.jpg)
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    I know that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:20 No.579256
    Do you think AEK+Grip+Suppressor will still work after patch very well? I read the notes and I'm hoping it's recoil isn't nerfed to oblivion. It's my new favorite gun since I've stopped using the M16a4.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:24 No.579452
         File: 1330064640.jpg-(160 KB, 550x550, 1314567100623.jpg)
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    >never use AEK because I never play medic
    >recognize it is possibly the best gun all-round
    >get killed by it quite some times
    >"man, that is a really good gun!"
    >it gets nerfed

    What the fuck? Did someone complain about this?
    I don't understand this at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:26 No.579615
    Demize99 can't balance for shit.

    Also the AEK is one of the better assault rifles, but it's not even close to touching the M16A3, which is far and away the best the gun in the game (and after this next patch will go from being just being "better than everything else" to "a fucking shitload better than everything else, might as well delete the rest of the guns").
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:28 No.579698
    Yeah I just started using it yesterday and I already have 630 kills with it. I love it... I can't believe they're nerfing it. I just hope it's still effective with the grip+suppressor. If not then I guess I may go back to M16a3 or M16a4.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:28 No.579714
    Why do I die in one hit constantly? I round a corner and get killed in one hit by a guy with a fucking PP2000. The same guy took 3 or 4 shots without falling in that very situation.

    Seems like I have a 15% chance of dying immediately upon spawn. Either the building I spawn in is bombarded by all enemy vehicles simultaneously, or I spawn in front of bullets that are already flying in my direction.

    The vast majority of my deaths all seem to be from the same jackass with the pechjeng LMG or the 50 cal.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:30 No.579780
    > pechjeng LMG
    Made me laugh.

    Also, I have no idea why you die in one hit.
    Either your connection sucks and you lag all over the map as a walking headshot magnet, or you just suck so badly that you can't even see what you're doing wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:30 No.579798
    The spawn system is really fucking awful in this game. Easily the worst of any game I've ever played.

    Also it seems like you get killed instantly because the netcode is fucking awful. There's a significant delay even when you're playing on a server with 30 ping.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:31 No.579849
    You were hit multiple times.

    Because of the low tickrate set on the crappy server you were playing on, you recieved all of that damage information in the same data packet and appeared to die instantly.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:33 No.579904
    Spawn points need some work on some maps, but I don't think you should get an advantage by automatically spawning out of sight of an enemy trying to cap the flag you're spawning on.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:35 No.580000
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    Why DICE? I wanted to show of my Usas-12, but now I'll have to wait untill 500 kills.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:35 No.580013
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    I'm never going to get any rush medal/ribbons.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:43 No.580364
    I love how it went from "Spam Q and aim for doritos" too "Shoot the white stains" when I got Thermal Optics for the tank. Now I have positive K/D every time I get a tank.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:43 No.580372
    I honestly think the ammo pack change might be my favorite thing. Dropping one pack at choke points and absorbing all those points.

    Also, the changes to attachments sound great. Flash suppressor will be useful, might even run that primarily.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:50 No.580694
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)01:54 No.580849
    whats longest headshot
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)02:00 No.581097
    Am I the only one who constantly forgets that the USAS-12 is full-auto, and presses m1 every shot?

    Gets annoying because I can't stop doing it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)02:21 No.582119



    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)02:58 No.583270
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:44 No.584267
    lold hard

    the big patch is reassuring, dice/ea still have plans for the game.hope to see more content added.

    the only thing that bums me out are the helli buffs.
    one good helli can fuck up a whole round and my whole day :/
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/24/12(Fri)03:50 No.584460
    Rush can be fun if you're playing with decent players, it's better than deathmatch bullshit at least.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:09 No.585003
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    This game got old really fast, been playing heaps of BF2 lately though.

    Last time I checked there were only 24/7 1000 ticket Metro servers. The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:19 No.585319
    Things that annoy me about BF3

    > No Mod tools because EA wants to sell DLCs
    > MG = easy rank ups, casual fag-a-thon
    > No horn
    > No Commander mode
    > EA will sell us dragon valley, road to jalalabad, etc.
    > Sun Scope rats out snipers nest
    > Fuck!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:23 No.585427

    When I play BF3...
    I weep about BF2...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:26 No.585494
    Guys, What the fuck is a good Contrast & Brightness ratio?

    Fucking It's either too dark or way too blinding bright.

    I love the game but my eyes burn.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:27 No.585530

    wear sunglasses?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:30 No.585606
    >Dice about to patch MAVs
    >decide to use the fuck out of them
    >get 4 in a row
    >suddenly everyones using mavs except one or 2 people
    >they are the hunted
    >deathmatches between mavs in the skys above
    >mavs divebombing
    holy shit this is awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:32 No.585654

    jeeps are getting horns in the next patch

    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:32 No.585674
    >not wearing Top Gun aviators
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:36 No.585773

    now support can pretend they are the trucks in RE4 when they crash jeeps strapped with C4 into tanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)04:37 No.585783
    >not wearing Gunna certified gaming spec
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:48 No.587890
    >empty half a mag into enemy
    >suddenly I die
    >he has 100%

    >repair my tank
    >from the slightest indication of incoming fire go back in
    >die inside the tank

    hit detection
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:51 No.587953
    Sounds more like lag to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:55 No.588092
    who is lagging?
    I got <20ms almost everytime
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:23 No.589085
    >dat feel when your team is so fuck retarded it makes you rage quit.

    Seriously, here's my experience with tanks;

    1. Teammates who drive them without a second person inside
    2. Teammates who choose to be engies and also drive them, but won't get out to repair
    3. Teammates who will choose to be engies, ride them and won't repair
    4. Teammates who just drive them up and ditch them
    5. Teammates who drive them into things and pretty much render them unusable with how they got them stuck
    6. Teammates who drive them up, kill nothing, and get them destroyed
    7. Teammates that SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE even in situations that it doesn't help
    8. Teammates that drive them up and basically give them to the opponents
    9. Good teammates who are either driver or rider

    1/9 chance of not having a completely fucktarded tank.

    God the idiots in this game make me rage so hard. Another example was in a match I did the following: planted 5, exploded 4, 30 kills, 5 deaths, god knows how many resses/heals and we fucking LOST. The average player on my team that game had a ratio of 0.25 k/d. They didn't even contribute as far as I know. It was like playing against an entire team myself.

    USAS12 with Frag rounds feels overpowered. Is there a list of overpowered shit, cause I am kinda new still as far as I am concerned.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:23 No.589087
    battlefields are rather known for their shitty lag, that and there are people from china and russia trying to play on NA servers
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:31 No.591486
    >decide to buy bf3 for PS3 for my bro
    >oh god what have I done

    he's so bad
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:35 No.591659
    selling bf3 keys for steam games
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:41 No.591876
    >bailing venom pilots
    >vehicle wasters
    >derp I jump in this tank and then jump out and give it to the enemy
    >AAV staying whole game near own main base
    >no ammo/health/revive

    I want to kill these guys in real life -general?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:50 No.592251
    Yesterday I got killed by a guy who had 99 (NINETY-NINE) USAS service stars.

    It's a crutch and needs to be removed completely.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:51 No.592284
    >a crutch

    more like a pacemaker. without it, those guys are nothing
    >> Magic Fridge 02/24/12(Fri)08:24 No.593352
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    >+200 PDW Ribbons
    >Mah nigga

    Currently working my way towards my first recon-star using nothin but PDW´s, and I´m about halfway to SKS (not that I´m gonna use any of the unlockable weapons though). It´s going pretty well, though it feels like support is better suited for it, what with C-4 and all.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)08:43 No.593853
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)09:29 No.595359
    Is the PP-2000 worth using.
    >> Magic Fridge 02/24/12(Fri)10:01 No.596472
    It has the common PDW qualities
    >No penalty for moving and ADS at the same time
    >Very good hip accuracy

    -Low rate of fire

    +Very controllable automatic fire (IMO easier to control than P90 due to lower RPM)
    +Higher max damage than P90, MP7 and PP19, same min
    +Low rate of fire means magazines lasts (relatively) longer than other PDW´s

    IMO a good choice for a highly mobile gamestyle with focus on flanking and up-close fighting, easily comparable to MP7 and P90. Worth knowing is that P90 looks to be getting hit harder by the nerf-bat than PP2000 in the upcoming patch.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)10:05 No.596607
    here's the thing:
    >20 round capacity without E-mags at 50-60 kills
    >10 centre mass hits to kill at 40m+

    Low capacity PDWs except the AS-VAL are useless, support is better off with IAR/RPK/GBU/MG36, recon is better off with SKS/SVD/MK11/M39 and a G18, and carbines and AR's are just plain better.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)10:09 No.596772
    I just played 4 hours of Metro conquest to rank up my kits. I FEEL SO DIRTY
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)10:17 No.597026
    playing with some friends, one of them says that it'd be awesome to take a heli down with tank cannon from a significant distance, not even 5 minutes later im in a tank and see an enemy heli halfway across the map, aim for where its heading and fire, not expecting to hit
    then i see enemy vehicle disable followed by enemy vehicle destroyed
    i wasnt even trying to hit it, yet i did by some miracle, currently the highlight of my as of yet short BF3 career
    not as awesome but hilarious none the less, later that night, we're on the subway map (cant remember the name of it, havent played in forever) and its a stalemate, no one's gaining any ground, but towards the end of the match, me and one of my friends are running around with defibs reviving everyone who goes down. shit was hilarious, when someone went down, 5 seconds later he was back up, actually got a defib kill too i think
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)10:28 No.597335
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)10:42 No.597816
    >870MCS with frags
    >C4 on vehicles
    >blow them up with the shotty
    >70% of the times you get assmad messages in chat

    this is glorious
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:01 No.598461
    Like this
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:14 No.598932
    >remember a thread from symthi
    >name: you know you're in a bad team when...
    >one guy wrote: When people use Vehicle Mines

    >10mins ago
    >bro asks me about mines

    how do I keep him away from it?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:25 No.599386

    wat? anti tank mines are fucking awesome. it slows every vehicle down because they have to look for them or get disabled/blown up.

    nothing like blowing up a transporter with 4 people in it
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:27 No.599448
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    >-The Accuracy increase and Recoil reduction of the Bipod has been significantly improved for Assault Rifles and Carbines.
    >Buffs to heavy barrel
    The KH2002 with 4x, bipod and heavy barrel was already my favourite gun, the single shot kills people very quickly over surprising distances and it can still work in CQC and mid range without propping it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:27 No.599465
    forgot to say:
    In a TDM or SQDM
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:29 No.599528
    well you can drop them next to claymore's for that extra punch
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:30 No.599569
    I played the worst Op metro 64 yesterday. The entire enemy team was ONLY using 320s and usas-12 frag. And for some reason, my entire team decided it was best to snipe.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:30 No.599571
    this, though i have to say it works good only on some map

    grandbazaar is fucking awesome if you throw in mines, if you know what are you doing, any map on rush mode is effective too

    a linear map is what make mines awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:32 No.599637
    >in tdm or SQDM

    uh, tell him that he is doing it wrong

    TDM/SQDM is better to use both assault or support, recon if you want to be cod faggot

    engineer's 4 th slot is useless [eodbot/repair/mines] in SQDM/TDM
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:35 No.599761
    Min direct damage 10 -> 5
    Blast damage 30 -> 30 -> 25

    12g Frag (Pump-action)
    Max direct hit damage 60 -> 67 -> 37.5
    Blast damage 30 -> 40 -> 25
    Bullet drop 12m/s² -> 15m/s²
    >> THE MAD GASSER OF MATTOON !RI5yv6QO3Y 02/24/12(Fri)11:39 No.599949
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    Are they going to fix the an-94 so that the 2 round burst accurately represents 1200rpm?

    That gun got fucked over last update, hopefully they fix it.

    Also by the looks of it the famas will still be pretty dominant, just a slight reduction in it's abilities at long range.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:46 No.600287
    >You can no longer bubble foam in your mouth by having fun with MAV kills.

    Whelp, there goes my reason for playing this game.
    Enjoy losing a quarter of your player fanbase, Dice.
    >> [The AssFag] !vD2eAssFag 02/24/12(Fri)12:01 No.601043
    >State 9 possibilities, 8 of which involve someone not knowing what they're doing
    >1/9 chance of getting someone who knows what they're doing
    That's now how statistics work, bro. I can say pretty confidently that you don't get fucked over 8/9 times in a tank due to the driver/gunner's stupidity. But yeah, when you do it's annoying as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:03 No.601095
    >I only played to get MAV kills
    I assure you, nobody will miss you. We'll be better off.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:07 No.601268
    >rush, Tehran highway , attackers
    >friend drives AAV, we go charge in
    >kill every single breathing thing, plus tanks
    >even destroy tanks
    >game ends, 56-0

    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:12 No.601483
    yeah, they're powerful then
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:14 No.601556
    defenders probably consisted of 70% recons 25% assaust with m320 who never revive and 5% players actually trying to play the game it was meant to be played
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:17 No.601725

    Fuck Gunnar. In all seriousness if you're having an issue with the color and contrast of the game, wear slightly yellow sunglasses. Like Gunnar but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:31 No.602402
    >that feel when taking out full venom with T-90
    all those sweet kills and points
    >unlock canister shot
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:33 No.602506
    I have issues playing this, my weapon keeps glitching and disappears, same happens with other players, what do /v/?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:35 No.602583
    First of all, I would like to personally thank the bros from here and /v/ that have told other bros about the /v/-/vg/ platoon.
    Also to everyone who has joined and become a fan of our platoon aswell.

    On that note, I would like to dedicate this post to invite all of the bros that would like to participate in a grudge match between our boards on /v/-/vg/ against Reddit.

    I think many of us saw the Shazbowl of /v/ vs Reddit. I loved the outcome, the whole thing. I love the idea.

    So, with that in mind a couple of us in the platoon have decided that we would like to have our own matches against Reddit.

    Anyone can join. We were looking for active players, but quickly found out that we have a large part of /v/-/vg/ who are interested that play BF3.

    The specifics aren't set, as I have yet to contact Reddit. However, this post will be seen by them. I hope they do accept our challenge.

    It'll be the same concept as the Shazbowl.

    First team to 5 wins takes the bragging rights for board rights to call themselves "Victors of BF3".

    Specifics are to be worked out as we get in contact with Reddit. I would like someone to be able to stream the event as well as let people know as to what will be happening.

    So, if you would be interested in joining this event, feel free to add me on Battlelog: WalterHWhite
    And even tho the platoon for /v/ is currently full, please apply aswell:

    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:38 No.602731
    Post your loadouts faggots

    >M16A4 with ACOG, Underslung rail, and heavy barrel, and a M320 or M26 MASS, depending on map
    >AEK with kobra sight, fore grip and laser sight on russian

    >M4A1 no attachments, SMAW if playing in small maps, javelin for the bigger maps, on american side
    >aks-74u no foregrip+silencer, always RPG on Russian side
    >M249 with bipod, ACOG and ex mags, always C4 on American side
    >QBB-95 with kobra sight, foregrip and silencer on russian side
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:40 No.602823
    >Decide to give myself a challenge
    >Play gungame, except I have to take and use the gun of the person I just killed
    >Must retrieve it no matter how far away
    >Start playing, kill my first guy
    >Kill another
    >And another
    Use the F2000 or something, jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:41 No.602883
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    not using medikit, die in a fire
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:43 No.602969
    >before IRNV nerf
    >silencer+grip+IRNV all day erry gun
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:44 No.603020
    I use the grenade launcher to clear out faggots who camp stairwells or buildings that are far away. It's really useful, especially when people used the MAV elevator.
    I let other medics handle the medkit. I revive people like crazy anyway, I shouldn't have to be the ONLY medic.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:45 No.603073
    >implying I don't pick up dead assault kits and throw down medicks when needed

    Although I should be using medkit, I find it more useful being able to use both when i pick up the other kits and then pick mine back up
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:47 No.603184
    I use the grenade launcher probably more than the medkit, only because its incredibly useful for blowing people out of cover or people who are camping very hard. Medkit gives your team the ability to sustain one area, but unless your coordinated with your squad it usually ends with all of them running one by one out into the open and getting killed by the camper.

    Still take medkit every once in a while though, even if it doesnt feel as useful as it used to.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)13:06 No.604049
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    :0 You're in the /v/idya 4.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)13:50 No.606274
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:18 No.607587
    >posting a 4chan link on reddit
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:21 No.607738
    >aek, foregrip or m4, foregrip, holo
    >perk I change whenever it's needed

    or sometimes also
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:26 No.607967
    Gotta get that shit rolling somehow
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:30 No.608207
    You know, I was excited about the new patch coming up until I saw DICE is making my C4 and Claymores disappear when I die. Fuck you, DICE. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:36 No.608476
    after-death c4 triggers is fucking gamebreaking
    what's to stop some fucking retard suicide-rushing your vehicle and calmly clicking detonate once he inevitably respawns?
    1 good placement will disable you, especially on HC servers
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:50 No.609176
    If you're dumb enough to let a guy with C4 get right up next to your tank, you deserve to fucking die.I can't tell you the number of times some faggot tank got lucky enough to have some guy show up right before I could set off C4, or the guy just jumps outta the tank while I'm planting C4, shoots me before I can react, and jumps back in again. The latter especially deserves to get blown up for getting back in with C4 on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:58 No.609519
    unless you're one of those drivers who sits far away with zoom optics, you're going to be in the thick of it where it's easy to get snuck up on without the imba proxy scanner

    how else are they supposed to defend against you if they don't jump out or have inf help? you shouldn't be rewarded with an automatic kill once you get within a few meters of a tank, that's just catering to casuals

    you should have your finger on E anyways if you're so worried that the guy will jump out
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:02 No.609718
    >you shouldn't be rewarded with an automatic kill once you get within a few meters of a tank
    >Have to likely run/fight/sneak your way to the tank
    >Make it to the tank
    >Put C4 on it
    >Start backing up to set it off
    >An enemy happens to choose that moment to walk around a corner and kill you

    I'm not being "awarded" a kill. I worked my way to it, just to have some shit luck happen and have my work amount to nothing.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:04 No.609805
    It's usually the gunner that jumps out

    But yea C4 not disappearing on death is stupid

    If I recall correctly it didn't stay on when you died in BC2
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:05 No.609886
    Seems like all the /v/ platoons are full, any suggestions? I want to bro it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:05 No.609892
    how about you, oh I don't know, SPAWN AS AN ANTI-TANK CLASS INSTEAD?

    >but then I have to play a different claaaaasss than my ez-mode!

    C4 was a great weapon in BF2/2142/BC/BC2 and it was NEVER able to be detonated after the user respawned, so why is it suddenly able to in BF3?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:05 No.609893
    It didn't, and it annoyed me then, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:07 No.610000
    >Call Support easy mode for AT over Engineer
    >Support actually has to get up next to a tank to damage it
    >Engineer can fire rockets from a distance
    >Implying you're not autistic
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:12 No.610214
    Where did I say support is easy-mode for AT? If I wasn't clear enough, I meant that it is the easiest class for beginners to get points in

    Yes, that is why I suggest spawning as an engineer, so you can have the advantage over the tank in the first place and still get the same result of killing the tank without resorting to some cheap c4 shenanigans

    is the goal not to destroy the tank, or am I missing something?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:13 No.610264

    This game pissed me off soooooooo much
    look at my team, what the fuck were they doing the whole time?
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/24/12(Fri)15:14 No.610296
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    I think that they should keep the persistent C4. I like that If you get tagged with C4 and get the guy, you still have to take out the c4. It forces you to manage your tank since you have eight or so seconds to either get rid of the c4(and possibly the tank) or get killed. If they were to add something like a proximity to the detonation ( like you have to be within a certain distance) that would help balance it.

    It also makes morons mad.
    >wake Island
    >stole a t-90 driving around killing folks
    >Dude runs up past five teammates and starts c4ing me
    >jump out and get a lolknife
    >only have medkit, cant get rid of the c4 without destroying the tank
    >see a friendly engineer run up to it
    >him and four other people stand next to the tank using it as cover
    >oh shit
    >as I aim at the c4 to try and save them the dude detonates it from his spawn
    >free revives

    how the fuck hard is it to look at your minimap?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:14 No.610346
    >Fire rockets at tank
    >It goes behind cover and gets repaired
    Yeah, I think you are missing something.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:15 No.610375
    Sometimes I don't want to spend 5 minutes lobbing rockets at something. c4 is a quick way to destroy the tank, which is balanced by the fact that you have to run the fuck up to a tank, plant and bail.
    But it is odd that BF3 let the c4 stay after you died, no other BF game did that, so changing it is just reverting to the old way. Everyone needs to de-rustle their jimmies about it imo.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:19 No.610618
    obviously we have different playstyles, because I still can't fathom how it is always better to spawn as a support to kill a tank than it is to go as engy

    if you're not disabling tanks with your first (or second if they have reactive) rocket hit, you should probably stop aiming at the front

    imo it should be

    instead of
    >oh a tank
    >3 c4 click boom
    >moving on
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/24/12(Fri)15:20 No.610676
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    Also, for any xbros
    Made a clan because I was bored, may as well use it for /v/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:22 No.610735
    >oh a tank
    >3 c4 click boom
    >moving on

    You and I both know it's not that simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:22 No.610779
    In theory, everyone would be working together to kill the tank

    in practice, it's up to an individual to destroy the tank since all allies are dicking around sniping or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:23 No.610806
    Right, let me fix it
    >oh a tank
    >3 c4
    >click boom
    >moving on


    if you have problems getting close, jihad jeep works just as well if not better
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:24 No.610868
    >Jihad jeep
    I play a lot of rush. I don't always have the luxury of having a jeep.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:28 No.611091
    Okay, well then your team is fine as long as the tank stays far away from MCOMs because you can dominate attacking infantry as defenders

    If it gets close, you can probably plant 2 or more c4s without too much trouble owing to that most MCOMs are within infantry-friendly surroundings

    I hope you're enjoying this discussion as much as I am, by the way

    and that's why rolling with a solid squad of bros is so much better than lone-wolfing in battlefield games
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/24/12(Fri)15:30 No.611212
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    It really is just a playstyle difference. When it comes to tanks Im more for the support both classes have tactics, they're just wildly different. Engineer requires a lot of aiming, trajectory guessing, flanking and surviving with a lot of danger since the tank knows you're there. Support requires a lot of running, sneaking, observation, and surviving since you need to avoid being seen by a rolling death machine, plant explosives, then run. And I understand where you're coming from with how easy it is to kill an idiot in a tank with c4, but on the other side an engineer is at a greater advantage over the support if the driver isn'tI retarded, or has a gunner, or motion tracking.

    S'all situational baby.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:31 No.611251
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    >kharg island
    >on the defending side driving a tank
    >drive up on the side of that large mountain to watch over our flags
    >enemy helicopter incoming!
    >switch to my CITV station and begin to lock on
    >he starts twisting and turning everywhere
    >once I get a lockon he goes low to the ground
    >switch to the main gun
    >shoot that faggot out of he sky

    I love tanks

    >mfw the shear amount of battlefield moments I see whenever I play
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:32 No.611349
    The thing about me is, I love C4ing a tank. It's actually gotten me into trouble with my friends. The enemy will arm an M-COM, and my friends will be dead, and I'll be sprinting across the battlefield just to kill a tank. Dunno why I do that, just the way I am. If I hear a friend say the enemy have a tank, the hunt is on. I just feel like if I go through all the work of getting to a tank and get C4 on it, I shouldn't magically lose my C4 due to shit luck. You disagree, to each his own. Though it appears DICE sides with you.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:34 No.611430
    >that one fucking rare game when your squad on ransoms move together
    >one of each class
    >assault revives, grows medpack
    >support gives ammo and suppressing fire
    >engineer actuallly destroys vehicles
    >recon actually spots, places T-UGS, MAV, spawn beacon in a good place
    >steamroll the other team made of highly skilled people trying to lone-wolf
    >never see them again
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:37 No.611609
    Meant squad of ransoms

    Fucking auto correct
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:38 No.611705
    Randoms, the fuck man
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 02/24/12(Fri)15:41 No.611864
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    The major problem that I see that leads to people getting C4'd in tanks is they'll roll up and park the damn thing. If im on rush with a tank, im rolling around the map at high speeds, launching rounds through shit then going full reverse someplace else. Its so much much harder to C4 or rpg a tank that's constantly moving. Hell, most tank drivers cant hit a the braodside of my tank at fifty feet just because im driving between cover to get free shots on them.

    Most rush maps have vehicle chokepoints, and if you toss c4 on your side of a concrete barrier you can easily gimp or kill a vehicle entering the defenders area.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:44 No.612059
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    Xbox 360 player here, looking for bros to squad up with, I have a mic and am ok with filling any role except Recon.
    Gt: IcySpykes

    Lets do this
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)15:49 No.612352
    Also, C4 defender guy again, remembered a golden moment from last night

    >Attacking on Damavand Peak
    >Destroy first two M-COMs
    >Bros and I move to the second base
    >Take A, but enemy is grouped in the two story building near B
    >Our team is getting slaughtered
    >I switch to squad explosives
    >Friend switches to Support
    >Six C4 for each of us
    >We get next to the building
    >Throw ALL of our C4 on it
    >Set it off
    >Building collapses, killing one last guy and another of my friends
    It was so beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:01 No.613034
    I cant seem to be able to pick the best weapon for support, any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:03 No.613119
    Define "best". You want the best, easy, noob LMG? Or the best, hard to use but so satisfying LMG?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:19 No.614169
    Starter LMG: M27/RPK/MG36/QBB-95
    Getting better at controlling recoil LMG: M60E4/M240B
    Master LMG: M249/T88/PKP
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:20 No.614189
    the best all-around LMG, or the hard to use one so to speak
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/24/12(Fri)16:22 No.614365
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    Damnit my portable bush was the perfect disguise, how was I discovered?

    Wish I got a better picture of this, tree was stuck on my mobile AA for about 5 minutes straight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:24 No.614492
    Also, don't be a faggot and use foregrip on the belt fed LMG's. Use a bipod to give suprresing fire when needed, and get used to the recoul
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:29 No.614792
    what about support class on maps like caspian where you move a lot, bipod still a must?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:34 No.615165
    Just use the m27 IAR or the RPK-74
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:36 No.615283
    Yes, learn the maps and know the strategic places to put your bipod.

    If you absolutely must use a foregrip, go to the front lines with the assaults
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:37 No.615294
    M249 is easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:40 No.615494
    I never use the bipod on any LMG and still play support correctly (unless I'm storming a room with my SAW spraying while I'm praying)
    The bipod is just not worth it to me, but to each his own
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:41 No.615541
    >Master LMG
    Lolno. That gun is stupid easy to use (at least as it is now). Fast rate of fire, decent damage, and minimal recoil, that gun is noob tier. I'd put the M60E4 in Master tier because of it's recoil and low ROF.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:43 No.615707
         File: 1330119825.png-(15 KB, 400x400, 1275906835216.png)
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    >Sharqi Penunsula
    >Three friends and I rush to the top of the crane
    >One friend is recon, puts down soflam and spawn beacon
    >The rest of us are Engineers with Javelins
    >Spend the first five minutes controlling the skies while laughing our asses off
    >Entire enemy team is shooting at us from every conceivable place on the map
    >Finally get taken down, impossible to make it a few steps up the crane, win game by a landslide

    Ah, I love this game so much.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:46 No.615902
    If you want the best, all around, I'd say the M249 (before the update) for the reasons I listed here. >>615541

    I'm personally a fan of the M240B. It can be tricky getting a hang of the recoil on it, but when you have it mastered, you'll wreck face.

    Also, always use a bipod, and be a good support by throwing ammo to your teammates.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)18:12 No.621818
    >soflams, guided shells, guided missiles, citv stations, javelins....

    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/24/12(Fri)18:20 No.622315
    >-Added Horns to all Jeeps.
    You fucking know it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)18:29 No.622872
    How do you use the horn on the 360? What button?
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 02/24/12(Fri)18:34 No.623252
    No idea, BF2 jeep horn was LMB which was the normal shoot button, try that?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)18:37 No.623424
    I'll give it a shot next time I'm on.

    Is the patch even out yet? I know my Xbox needed to be updated earlier
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)18:38 No.623537
    And for some reason I was laggy or something. I would hop out of my jeep or tank with an MG36 and try and shoot.. and.. nothing.. My controller might be going dead, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:20 No.626337
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    >When you see it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:21 No.626407
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:22 No.626486
    lol what a pathetic piece of shit.
    must be nice to not a have a job and play all day.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:25 No.626674
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    MP7 is a beast in SDM/TDM.

    I really dont enjoy playing those game modes but sometimes i get sad playing conquest or rush without friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:29 No.626967
    I am so goddamn excited to get the BEEP BEEP BEEP back
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)19:52 No.628507
         File: 1330131170.jpg-(34 KB, 350x401, 1313135581766.jpg)
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    >take out tank with C4
    >run for cover to resupply your C4
    >tank right around the corner
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)20:06 No.629370
    This is how I feel on instant vehicle respawn servers.
    >> Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma 02/24/12(Fri)20:09 No.629559
    I like using the IRNV scope with the mp7

    My reasoning is this:

    If you can't see the enemy through it, you had no chance of killing them at that distance with the MP7 anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)21:08 No.633281
    >that feel the first time you crashed into a pole with a jet

    Fuck. Those. Shits.

    I swear they are designed only to infuriate me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)21:44 No.635701

    Love this guy's video's to death. really good insight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)21:48 No.635951
         File: 1330138112.png-(94 KB, 321x370, 1317769505705.png)
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    >mfw the PKP is still the best LMG even after the upcoming patch

    Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)22:51 No.639616
    Is the Xbox even getting an update or is it only for PC?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)23:22 No.641248
    It's a very big patch, probably for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)23:58 No.643295
    Link to my battlelog if anyone wants to add me on pc
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)00:01 No.643515
         File: 1330146119.jpg-(166 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-02-23_00001.jpg)
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    Forgot my pic
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)00:38 No.645501
    how come there is no cracked version of the AI aimbot?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)02:59 No.651521
    Why are LMG's so fucking inaccurate?

    I have to shoot at least 10+ bullets for them to even start registering. Pisses me off when I shoot at someone, my sights are right on them, and I don't even get hitmarkers.

    The fuck man
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:02 No.651709
    Is the patch out yet? Or the notes at least?

    Nerfing jav, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:20 No.652491
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:21 No.652532
    try using the bipod
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:33 No.653003
    use bipod with m240 or pkp, then headshot people on 300+ metres
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:38 No.653184
    Why is it that nobody uses the 870 Pump Shotgun? I've been killed by MAYBE 5 guys with it, while I just got my second star on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:41 No.653259

    jav is getting buffed actually and flares wont break lock anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:41 No.653275
    For me it's the slow rate of fire and the range issue. Up close yeah, one shot kill, but I find a lot of times I am at a range where it takes at least two.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:43 No.653335
    I wish it wasn't a one-shot-kill on helicopters with that thing. Instant disable I'd be fine with. It's pretty annoying to have to dive to the ground to break locks all round.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:48 No.653546
    >m320 buckshot one shot kill people at like 20 fucking meters
    >the best shot gun for one shot kill, the 870 only does it up to 5 meters

    All of my fucking WHY
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:50 No.653596
    that M320 buck was the only reason I could complete the grenade launcher kill assignment within a short period of time.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:51 No.653634
    I dont have it unlocked but i assume below the radar is broken right now, but the notes say its going to actually work after the update. Will it be seeing some use after the update?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)03:52 No.653703
    I just don't understand why they made it better than the normal shotguns. I actually prefer it over the USAS.I haven't even tried the mass thing, what ever the fuck that is, it might be even better than the m320.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:02 No.654056
    Fucking trees in this game man.

    >Tree somehow gets on my character.
    >Literally moving around with a fucking tree attached to my character.
    >I think it was impossible to spot me because of this
    > Go on like 35 kill streak
    >Get AS Val'd from like half way across the map
    >l337 hax0r banned for using Aimbot

    I wish I could have gone the whole game with that tree attached to me, it was so hilarious. I was walking the river line on Seine Crossing.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:09 No.654283

    It isn't broken, it just doesn't stop stingers and other GtA missiles from locking you. It works fine for heatseekers from other aircraft - the problem is that if you're below the enemy heli or jet, you're probably a dead man anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:11 No.654352
    AS VAL is a piece of shit theres no point using it over the class guns unless you are recon
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:13 No.654421
    >Be in jet
    >Doing rolls
    >Things jets do
    >Chopper flies in front of me out of fucking nowhere
    >We crash, both die, I get roadkill points
    >Hatemail (console peasant, for now) from the guy calling me terrible
    >I spend the rest of the game taking a jet and crashing into his chopper

    Fun times. And anyone else here try and use iron sights as much as possible? Dunno why, but I feel so much more awesome when I rape with them. I actually got quite a bit of hate messages from one guy that I was counter-sniping with the AK-74 with irons and a flash suppressor.

    >Also fuck frag rounds, figure I should throw this in somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:13 No.654432
    >see an enemy squad moving towards me on the mini-map
    >there is fallen tree near me
    >decide to hide in it
    >just when the squad appears around the corner the tree magically disappears
    >get blown to pieces
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:14 No.654445
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    Scattergun master.
    I am the Alpha.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:18 No.654567

    >Below Radar will now also prevent the lock on of Stinger and IGLA missiles.

    This is why i was asking if it was going to start seeing use, if people missed this little bit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:25 No.654805
    >Gulf of Oman
    >Under fire, trying to run like a bitch
    >Fallen palm tree
    >Forget you can't jump them, have to go around

    Fucking palm trees.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:38 No.655153

    >This is why i was asking if it was going to start seeing use

    It's a passive upgrade, so I'm not sure what you mean by 'seeing use'.

    If you're in a heli, you're already better off flying close to the ground anyway (assuming you aren't engaging an enemy heli) so you can quickly hide behind buildings to escape stingers and enemy jets - below radar is just a bonus.

    If you're in a jet, flying close to the ground is a death sentence against enemy jets since you present the entire top of your plane so the enemy jet so he can mow you down with his main cannon.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:49 No.655549

    whats to get? that sounds like a nice bonus for helis. Jets don't really have problems with stingers and IGLAs. it doesn't take up ECM/flares either does it?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:54 No.655716
    as soon as you unlock it you are always using it. Like CITV.
    It's pretty much going to force engineers to hit choppers with RPG's
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:56 No.655791

    I guess thats why rpgs/smaws are getting the buff against air vehicles, seems like some tears are coming all around for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)04:57 No.655834
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    As much as I can never get a good K/D my top weapons thing always amuses me.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:02 No.655998
    >That feel when in after going 5-10 minutes of flying a single chopper, fucking everyone up, dodging or healing through every missile that comes your way you end up knocking your back end into a crane and smash into the ground.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:03 No.656015

    As pretty much a dedicated chopper/jet pilot, I am almost completely happy with the way things are now. The changes they're making are simply going to reduced the skill gap between good pilots and bad pilots. See, for instance, the fact that they're making flares significantly better while making missiles more accurate so it will likely become impossible to dodge heatseekers manually without relying on countermeasures.

    All they needed to do was add a separate tone for javelins (or even a tone at all since they seem to be silent now) so I know when to just afterburner away from the map (in the case of javs because they're too slow to catch you) or pull a 180 (in the case of stingers because they're faster than you and will catch you if you travel in a straight line but are less accurate than javs so you can do a 180 to dodge them - which will get you killed if it's a jav).
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:04 No.656062

    >smacking your tail against a crane team killing everyone in the heli and being booted from the server

    someone said this was being fixed, but i didnt see it in the fixes.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:06 No.656141
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    >that feel when annihilating a full transport heli with a jet
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:10 No.656250

    I doubt skilled pilots will have problems, anyone who can fly now should have no problems with all this. Its not the other pilots id worry about but all the laser painter and jav buffs.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:43 No.657307
    >that feel when you blow up a full transport helicopter with the static AA and get two stationary emplacement ribbons, a ribbon I once thought to be impossible to get
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)05:58 No.657802
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    >Having over 10% accuracy with any LMG.

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:02 No.657912
         File: 1330167766.png-(160 KB, 1018x766, M249.png)
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    >not being accurate
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:08 No.658059
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    Here's what it should look like.

    I know it's not perfect, but it's close.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:09 No.658102
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    I bet you use a bipod and scope as well.

    >Not using Foregrip, RDS and Silencer
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:11 No.658142

    Foregrip + Ext Mags. Not sight of any kind.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:12 No.658185
    Yeah the gun may be awesome, but it's still impossible to beat a good SU-27 pilot since they have the advantage of everything else you mentioned. And since they maintain air dominance, it's impossible to use your powerful gun against anything for more than 5 seconds before being shot down.

    I hate the F35.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:14 No.658232
    Ah a man after my own tastes. I salute you.

    A high accuracy is kinda...but I'll make an exception. We probably have vastly different playstyles.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:15 No.658279

    Tap fire all day. You can fucking snipe with the SAW that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:17 No.658320
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    Yeah, my playstyle revolves around high mobility. I go where the enemy ISN'T and then I flank them.

    >That feel when you are standing behind 1-2 squads of enemy soldiers with their backs turned to you.

    Full. Auto. Fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:19 No.658381
         File: 1330168764.jpg-(58 KB, 256x320, guilty of not giving a fuck.jpg)
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    I'm aggressive. Too aggressive, probably. I run into the bullets and play Rambo style. Fuck KD/R, all that matters if how many I kill. I usually have the most deaths, but I almost always have the top kills too.

    >my face when someone brags that they're better than me because of their KD/R
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:21 No.658461
    Yeah it's a high risk high reward kinda playstyle, but it works against almost any player.

    Imagine doing that in a CW and you have a winning team. BOOM! right out of the fucking shadows spraying down your whole team and securing the area. This flag be ours now.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:24 No.658523

    Indeed. Aggressive playstyle is just so much damn fun. I could probably easily break a 3 KD/R if I cared enough to always check corners and shit, but slowing down just isn't what I do.

    Gotta go fast, sanic, need for speed, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)06:57 No.659489
    It's the best way to play, and it gets shit done. High KDR usually means someone who never exposes himself, and that's fine for the most part, but you're never going to get caps or plants that way. I throw my life away regularly just to bait or distract the enemy. That's not worth any points, so people like to look at my stats and call me shit, but fuck you, I play to win.

    As for C4, it should stay persistent. Mines do, they're both easily spotted and stay spotted, and if you are driving a tank without infantry support you deserve to be nuked. I agree though that a distance requirement would balance things out. C4 is one of the best parts of this game, I just got my second service star this morning. So much fun.

    The game needs:

    1. A few more balance patches to make sure everything is evened out
    2. Serious UI/usability improvements, no more unskippable killcam, etc.
    3. Battlerecorder
    4. More maps

    Give us these and the game will have a long lifetime. Mods would be my #1 but apparently licensing makes it impossible. VOIP is just a bonus IMO since serious players use vent or TS anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:30 No.660362
    Hey guys, what pistol do I best use together with a shotgun? I need some accuracy and range, but I'm not sure which one's the best for that. I use the Rex, but it could be better.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:32 No.660409
    .44 Scoped. 1 shot headshots. Get used to dat recoil.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:41 No.660647
    >fucking asshole teammates shooting you out of jets
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:41 No.660665
    Dat hipfire accuracy. This weapon is a beast in cqc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)08:07 No.661405
    >friend jokes bout taking a tank
    >decide to do it
    >I take driver
    >he takes passenger
    >he's engie, I'm recon
    >fucking hell almost die against first enemy tank
    >he jumps out and starts fixing
    >buys just enough time to kill enemy tank but dies in the progress
    >engage glorioustankcommanderofthemotherland mode
    >kill another 3 enemy tanks before I finally die
    >continue the rest of the match going and grabbing a tank whenever possible
    >kill an enemy once when he was running to a tank
    >steal enemy team tank
    >destroy minimum 2 enemy tanks per my tank
    >god knows how many enemies killed
    >occasionally have a gunner who rapes people

    Fucking hell, tanks are so retardedly easy to play. After today I was like, shit, why don't I just main tank instead of a class.

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