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  • File: 1334129058.png-(1.04 MB, 1920x1080, MassEffect2 2012-04-11 00-05-37-87.png)
    1.04 MB Mass Effect General Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:24 No.3478031  
    ME General continuing from >>>/vg/3436737

    Miranda is a slut.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:26 No.3478083
         File: 1334129160.jpg-(343 KB, 1014x783, 1333498437731.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:26 No.3478093
    second for kai leng's hairless nutsack
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:27 No.3478128
    >starting a thread with waifu war bullshit

    fuck off, please.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:27 No.3478130
         File: 1334129243.jpg-(8 KB, 200x176, 50499_175162831537_4408891_n.jpg)
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    Third for keeping the base
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:27 No.3478147
    >Romancing anyone

    You're a shitty Commander.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:27 No.3478152
         File: 1334129273.png-(50 KB, 237x263, 21651698666.png)
    50 KB

    Oh look. This thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478170
         File: 1334129307.png-(24 KB, 343x282, captcha ME3.png)
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    Just posted this in the last one. Reposting for discussion purposes.

    Okay, so I have this idea for the end. It revolves around indoctrination and a semi-boss battle.

    >final battle similar to ME2 suicide mission
    >takes place inside Harbinger
    >must make your way to the Reaper Heart/Core/whatever
    >Harbinger's internals consist of a shifting, constantly twisting set of corridors and hallucinations (which maybe do damage? similar to FEAR), culminating in the conversation with TIM and Anderson
    >Hackett informs you that The Crucible is/requires a Reaper

    >you have a few cross-options, basically what the real ending offered on the surface
    >kill TIM or Anderson
    >can destroy, join, or modify Harbinger's Core

    >if you kill TIM
    Anderson leaves the decision up to you. If you pick:
    A pulse is generated by the destruction of Harbinger's Heart that amplifies and spreads via the Mass Relays, killing all Reapers but leaving the Mass Effect Technology
    Basically Synthesize/Human Instrumentality; like a Tech Singularity involving a sort of mental ascension
    Take on TIM's legacy, take over Cerberus, Humanity leads the way to a new age

    >if you kill Anderson
    TIM wants you two to Control together
    TIM tries to kill you anyway, have to beat him. Reapers destroyed, or controlled by TIM if he beats you
    TIM argues with you, but won't fight back if you pull a gun on him
    can control with or without TIM, but he will keep control of Cerberus

    >kill both
    no opposition or advice, Harbinger discusses your decision

    You would then have a little bit more gameplay involving tying up the loose ends, relationships, and other such things, as well as the classic "montage of things that happened into the far future"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478173
         File: 1334129312.jpg-(443 KB, 1200x960, 1284413996008.jpg)
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    >Not getting on MP and having BATARIAN BRO-OPS with /vg/ bros.

    You faggots really are a blight.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478174
         File: 1334129314.png-(15 KB, 274x332, fdgfdg.png)
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    >implying Miranda is anyone's waifu and any arguments will happen over here.
    >saging an indestructible general

    Stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478179
    >Starting a thread before 1000 posts
    >Starting off with waifu war bullshit

    Kill yourself, OP
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478181
    My thread with info about the DLC problems got deleted...

    This one insulting a squad mate is OK...

    Goddamn mods...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478186
         File: 1334129333.jpg-(407 KB, 977x1252, 1333762928613.jpg)
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    Four eyed master race.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:28 No.3478187

    but the priiiiiiiize
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:29 No.3478194
    Do you play on PC?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:29 No.3478196
    So should I bother with the premiums or just stick to the regular spectre packs?

    Because I've gotten like everything except a geth and that's the only thing I want.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:29 No.3478216

    don't post generals 100 posts before one is due genius
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:29 No.3478224
    >2 Mass Effect threads on the front page

    Can you faggots just keep your shit in a single thread like everyone else?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:30 No.3478235
    >being an EA spammer
    >trying to hype DLC shit

    The scum of the earth.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:30 No.3478236

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:30 No.3478251
    Finally played the shadow borker DLC, is there any point to the investment opportunities other then 'there's a chance you will make a small profit if the investment succeeds'
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:30 No.3478252
         File: 1334129442.jpg-(301 KB, 617x800, psw_3___bawwtarian_by_moonecho(...).jpg)
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    I do, but I don't have a batarian yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:30 No.3478257
         File: 1334129446.png-(684 KB, 864x540, somad.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:33 No.3478314
    meh, IMO if the current thread is moving at a good pace and is within say 5% of 1000 posts then I don't see the point in hating on somebody making a new thread, but whatever that's just me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:33 No.3478318
    Did they ever make that mod which actually made Insanity difficult?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:33 No.3478351
    >ME1 Shepard is Moses
    >ME2 Shepard is Jesus
    >ME3 Shepard is Gay
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:35 No.3478406
    Batarian sentinel's only fun for so long. Went back to asari adept.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:36 No.3478423
    Ew, he's so fat looking. Kind of like Chobot.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:36 No.3478438

    Well, considering that threads stay up for hours even after the bump limit has been reached, it's pointless to make threads before they've ever hit the limit.

    Otherwise we end up having 4 or so threads up at once because people are continually making new threads long before they're necessary.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:37 No.3478452
         File: 1334129854.png-(224 KB, 520x1844, lies sweet lies.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:38 No.3478473
         File: 1334129897.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 51 KB, 600x407, 10492345910.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 51 KB

    >having to report in
    >implying I wasn't here before all of you
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:38 No.3478490
         File: 1334129930.jpg-(56 KB, 1255x706, 1333573758955.jpg)
    56 KB
    Just unlocked Geth infiltrator.
    >my face
    What's a good build on it? Should I ignore prox mine totally and go 6/6/0/6/6?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:40 No.3478542

    Has every one seen this :O
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:40 No.3478552
    Does anyone have any links on how to mod TIMs outfit/face for Shepard in ME2? I feel like doing a play through in style.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:41 No.3478561
    I did and so far it's been working out well. Not once have I needed a prox mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:41 No.3478575

    I'm glad it was shitcanned.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:41 No.3478580
    >it was supposed to be dark energy
    Old hat.

    > :O
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:42 No.3478607
    If you're sniping, skip the mines. If you're going to use shotguns though, mines are real nice for the debuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:43 No.3478636
    but if the original threads moving at a decent pace, 50 posts can happen in, what, a few minutes maybe...if the thread will be up for a few hours anyway then the few minutes it takes to get to 1000 won't really make a difference, no point in everybody getting their jimmies all rustled just because somebody didn't post exactly when the other thread hit the magic number
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:44 No.3478654
    better than space magic and ghost kids imo
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:44 No.3478659
    Why skip mines if you're sniping?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:45 No.3478713
    Too unwieldy to aim since you'll be sitting at long range. It's nice for shotty builds to stagger crowds and whatnot when shooting mines pointblank.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:45 No.3478718
    I was experimenting a bit in a silver game (was level 16), seemed like the geth plasma shotgun was all I needed. Do +power damage perks affect tac cloak? I feel like the rate of fire perk in hunter mode is useless if I'm using a GPS, but power damage is equally useless if I'm not taking prox mine.

    That being said I was leading points almost as if I were playing my asari adept.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:47 No.3478786
         File: 1334130469.jpg-(47 KB, 256x256, Batarian.jpg)
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    So the DLC is out... what do you blights think of the Batarian classes?

    I want to believe the Batarian soldier can make the soldier class worth playing in MP...

    Been too busy enjoying FINALLY having a viable melee/CQB option for gold in the form of the Krogan Battlemaster.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:48 No.3478821

    >Krogan Battlemaster viable in gold

    Tell me more. I haven't gotten Battlemaster yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:49 No.3478831
    >battlemaster in gold
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:49 No.3478840
    No idea. I just spec so my damage with a sniper rifle while cloaked is as much as it can be. That said, gonna respec and try to figure something out so I can use the plasma shotgun as well. A guy I played with recently did the same thing as you and was tearing shit up. He was leading by a fuckton. Made my widow look like a spud gun. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:51 No.3478913
    Batarian soldier is enticing. The abilities seem useful. Krogan vanguard is apparently an unstoppable death machine, but I can't speak for its viability in gold. Other players have soured me on krogan and vanguards, the race/class combo I wanted most.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:51 No.3478919
         File: 1334130698.jpg-(178 KB, 1557x597, one true waifu tier.jpg)
    178 KB
    You guuuuuuuuuuuuuuys~
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:52 No.3478963
    Did you happen to just be playing on Xbox, firebase hydra, failed on wave 9 vs geth?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:53 No.3478979
         File: 1334130803.png-(1.04 MB, 1541x865, true facts.png)
    1.04 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:54 No.3479004
    Batarian sentinel's alright, I guess. I haven't played it much as I unlocked the geth infiltrator right after the one match I played as one. I imagine the submission net's useful as fuck in gold vs geth but I'm not sure if it can ensnare armoured units like pyros or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:55 No.3479032
         File: 1334130919.jpg-(39 KB, 319x319, 1333615035989.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:55 No.3479046

    Charge, barrier, krogan racials. Pick your battles, hang back with the carnifex but when you see a chance to go I AM KROGAN whip out the wraith and do so.


    It is, I was sold at "Batarian." I was double sold at "bad ass projectile wrist blades."
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:55 No.3479048
         File: 1334130958.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 115 KB, 900x1391, b4_omega4_by_sempaiko-d4jpwob.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 115 KB

    anybody got this in a bigger size?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:56 No.3479064
         File: 1334130991.jpg-(278 KB, 500x568, 1332201051774.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:56 No.3479075
    Am on xbox yes, but was playing gold, firebase white vs geth.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:57 No.3479109
    It only slows down armored units if you spec into the right evolution.

    I hate trying to aim it anyway. Most underwhelming character.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:58 No.3479129

    >Pick Liara as my waifu

    >Toss my wingman and broest of bros, Garrus, pussy in the form of Tali

    >Save the galaxy like the fucking power rangers

    Kimberly... fuck yeah.
    >> TRUE FACTS Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:58 No.3479148
         File: 1334131139.jpg-(503 KB, 1161x983, 1333155937275.jpg)
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    no romance
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:59 No.3479169
    >3. The Trial
    Instead of Shepard lounging around for a year, the game will start like this;

    After the events of The Arrival DLC, Shepard will claim the Normandy for himself, during this time he will retro-fit it for the coming Reaper Invasion, using his own resources and crew expertise.
    (This makes sense for both Paragon and Renegade Sheps, a Paragon Shep will not waste time with the Council/Alliance, and a Renegade would flip everyone off!)

    The Batarians will learn about the relay destruction and amass a fleet to attack earth!

    For any shep, they will want to prevent in-fighting so that everyone is their strongest when the reapers come.
    *cough* Quarians *cough*

    So Shepard will voluntarily stand trial for the relay incident.
    This would introduce Vega and Kaidan as your escorts to the trial.

    On your way to the trial there would be reporters asking Shep questions about his past (decision cliff notes for newbies!)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:00 No.3479181
    It's an anti-armour ability or it's a snare ability if the target has armour.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:00 No.3479194
         File: 1334131221.jpg-(171 KB, 1000x502, creationofgrunt.jpg)
    171 KB
    oop nevermind, looked small on da.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:01 No.3479240

    You forgot anyShep/Kasumi
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:01 No.3479241
    Like you could ever put Garrus in the same tier as two floozies and a child with small penis syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:01 No.3479247
         File: 1334131311.png-(1.05 MB, 900x900, 1332993007641.png)
    1.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:03 No.3479301
         File: 1334131415.jpg-(35 KB, 960x540, gigglingjapanesegirl.jpg)
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    >still not over her dead boyfriend
    >still lusting over Jacob's big black dick
    Good luck with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:04 No.3479349
    Ah, there we go. thanks brah
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:05 No.3479363

    Cannot Have tier, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:06 No.3479417
         File: 1334131605.png-(1.49 MB, 1280x1222, so primitive~.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:08 No.3479478
         File: 1334131718.jpg-(29 KB, 490x275, 1332986536226.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:08 No.3479480
    Kasumi's lower lip still bugs the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:09 No.3479492
         File: 1334131745.jpg-(125 KB, 350x441, 128463653309.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:09 No.3479524
         File: 1334131791.png-(383 KB, 498x348, am i primitive uguu~.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:10 No.3479563
    What kind of hairstyle does Kasumi have under her hood? A really short pixie cut? Shaved? It's hard to imagine one.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:11 No.3479591
    >1. Cerberus
    I didn't like how they made Cerberus/TIM another antagonist, it competes with the main villain of the series, the "Reapers"!!

    For my head canon the gameplay would run like this;
    The missions fall into one of two categories, "Helping other Species." VS "Helping Humanity itself."

    Obviously keeping the collector base will drastically help with supporting humanity, while destroying it forces Cerberus to do some unilateral support.

    Paragon would be helping other species, while Renegade is helping Cerberus/Humanity.

    This also moves you toward a different ending as well, helping Cerberus will sacrifice much of the other species, but humanity will be saved. While helping other species will cause more human losses, but you will help everyone.

    The 'perfect' ending is where you try to help both sides as much as possible.

    >2. Harbinger
    In my headcanon, Harbinger is the final boss and this is how it goes...

    The Normandy drops you directly onto Harbinger where you take your squad to place targeting beacons on weak parts of his body.

    The gameplay has you fighting through husks, setting a beacon, then running out before the fleet fires.

    As you progress Harbinger starts to spiral into earth's atmosphere, so your squad needs to duck into a trench/cranny in Harbinger otherwise you get burned off.

    Shepard will die unless you saved the Rachni
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:11 No.3479604

    She is bald under her hood, but that might be because Bioware didn't bother wasting time on something that won't be seen unless you dig around the files.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:12 No.3479623

    Anyone else absolutely love this ancient, green nigger?

    >God tier

    Garrus, Liara, Legion, Grunt, Javik

    >Shit tier

    Everyone else
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:13 No.3479656
         File: 1334132008.jpg-(246 KB, 808x1567, fixedv3.jpg)
    246 KB

    Enough that I dedicated a tier solely to him.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:13 No.3479662
    >Paragon would be helping other species, while Renegade is helping Cerberus/Humanity.

    >This also moves you toward a different ending as well, helping Cerberus will sacrifice much of the other species, but humanity will be saved. While helping other species will cause more human losses, but you will help everyone.

    That would have been a good idea. It's a shame it wasn't implemented.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:15 No.3479720
    >Shit Tier
    nigger, where do you live? Because I'm heading over to kick your ass
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:19 No.3479817

    Yeah I'm a colossal nigger, let me amend my list

    >God tier

    Garrus, Liara, Legion, Grunt, Javik, Mordin, Wrex

    >Bro tier
    Zaaed, Thane
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:19 No.3479818
    mordin was truly a song of ice and fire
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:20 No.3479853
    Aw shit, thanks for reminding to watch the new episode.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:21 No.3479879
    We'd also see a dozen mad batarians, yelling and throwing trash at Shep, "You are a blight!"

    There would be some courtroom banter, complete with a prosecuting batarian and some uptight human judges will act as if there are no reapers and they are about to convict shepard.

    Joker radios you but there is static, the reporters in the back of the room start getting messages and there is a big commotion, a military guy whispers something to Anderson and the judges.

    Suddenly everyone gets a major migraine and then a reaper drops down in the background.

    People start to panic and run out, one of the judges says, "What... is THAT!?"


    At this point you have the option to go the 'Tutorial Route' or go the quick route. (remember Candlekeep?)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:24 No.3479928
    >better than expected
    pretty madre much

    thought I'd loco hate him, but he cerveza grew on me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:25 No.3479972
    > Be South Korean.
    > For some reason I keep getting into European servers (or so I think because it's alway full of Germans speaking their language).
    > Ping is 300ms
    > Impossible to play as my beautiful Asari Vanguard.

    That feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:27 No.3480024

    Probably they're updating their Asian servers so in the meantime they send you to the closest thing they have.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:28 No.3480073
    I'm murrikan and I get into Polish/Italian/Russian lobbies so often for some fucking reason.

    And this during my prime time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:29 No.3480092
         File: 1334132963.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 961 KB, 1920x1443, 822741 - Diana_Allers Mass_eff(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 961 KB
    Daily reminder this is where a lot of time and effort was diverted from characters like Kasumi, Kal'Reegar, Shiala etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:30 No.3480129
    im glad im not the only one who hated that

    its like he needed to scream IM SPANISH BTW

    i probably wouldve tolerated it if he spoke entire sentences or something. what kind of lunatic speaks fluent english and 'tosses in' occasional words in a compeltely different language when NO ONE ELSE IN THE ROOM speaks it?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:30 No.3480137
         File: 1334133037.jpg-(46 KB, 400x533, 1252994031378.jpg)
    46 KB
    >That head/body texture difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:30 No.3480143
         File: 1334133047.jpg-(174 KB, 1920x1080, 1331936375323.jpg)
    174 KB
    >Posting that image
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:33 No.3480218
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:34 No.3480263
         File: 1334133274.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 771 KB, 1920x1443, 820090 - Diana_Allers Mass_eff(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 771 KB

    What are you, entitled or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:35 No.3480276
    It bugged me at first but then I started using it as a drinking game. Now it just seems goofy.

    I'll never get over that Jacob ghetto hand-grab-chest-bump thing tho.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:35 No.3480297
    >How Chobot got her role for ME3.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:36 No.3480328
         File: 1334133402.png-(414 KB, 500x602, 5382765892.png)
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    Someone explain what the shit barrier does in multi and what abilities the asari justicar adept has.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:37 No.3480345

    Interestingly enough she didn't want a romance and bioware basically did a grab exchange to get it in.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:37 No.3480347
    You think Bioware made that?

    Are you joking?
    There is fuck all to allers, given the small amount of resources needed for her we didn't lose anybody to her other than a decent on-ship reporter.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:37 No.3480358
    >making my special home made recipe
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:37 No.3480370
         File: 1334133474.jpg-(64 KB, 810x513, 2352.jpg)
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    Does anyone know what this option does?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:38 No.3480395
    >what abilities the asari justicar adept has

    >Biotic Sphere
    >Asari Justicar
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:39 No.3480408

    It fixes the convo bug with Liara.

    Instead of her saying "Its been two years blah blah" it says "I haven't forgot the tour of the Normandy 6 months ago."
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:39 No.3480418

    > It bugged me at first but then I started using it as a drinking game. Now it just seems goofy.

    Worse yet, why doesn't' the omnitool translation software translate the Spanish words?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:39 No.3480425
    >console blows up in Kasumi's face
    >gets thrown at a wall
    >she's nowhere to be seen
    >"she gave her life for this, just leave her alone"
    >"lol j/k I was just pretending and he fell for it"
    >a motherfucking salarian spectre doesn't question a supposed corpse disappearing out of thin air

    quality mission resolution
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:40 No.3480456
    Is that it? I've just finished the Mars mission.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:40 No.3480474

    Yes, its not romancing or game breaking.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:42 No.3480540

    Oh come on, that dude was totally in on it. She just helped save a homeworld.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:43 No.3480553
    Cool, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:43 No.3480556
    New Gethfiltrator is best new class

    Also, get the harpoon sniper and time your charge ups, as you can see through fucking walls. on lower difficulties i dont even need to charge it up to one shot any mob while stealthed.

    also, firing the kishock doesnt remove me from stealth, but charging it up does, easy to just charge it up and then stealth allowing for 1 charged shot and 1 uncharged with stealth damage modifier.

    all the other classes just suck in comparison. Geth are too efficient
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:44 No.3480580
    I fucking love huevos rancheros
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:45 No.3480626
    Anybody got any Battlemaster recommendations?

    From looking at the skill list I'm having trouble deciding whether to go 6/3/6/6/5 or pass up Carnage for a 6/0/6/6/6 tankier build
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:46 No.3480632
    thanks so what you call biotic sphere is barriers I guess? it actually does that cool bubble around you like in SP? sound great to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:47 No.3480661
    What is it?
    He says his grandmother made it, so is it old people food or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:47 No.3480676
    >6/0/6/6/6 tankier build
    use that. it's better not to unlock shitty abilities and max out the other for extra damage and power.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:48 No.3480706
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:48 No.3480714
    Biotic sphere increases squad damage reduction and reduces shield recharge time

    if an enemy walks into it, they are affected by warp and can be detonated
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:48 No.3480718
    >>3480632 it actually does that cool bubble around you like in SP? sound great to me.

    It is.

    You can spec it either for either defense or offense (any enemy that walks into it gets warp applied to them)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:49 No.3480758
    "Barrier" is a different skill, it's just a self buff like tech armor and fortification.

    But yeah Biotic Sphere is like the ones you see in single player. (Thessia, Grissom Academy) It doesn't act like a straight-up wall, but instead gives damage reduction to anyone within the bubble and makes enemies within the bubble take more damage.

    You can also spec it to inflict the Warp effect on enemies that walk through it, to set them up for biotic detonations.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:49 No.3480760
         File: 1334134180.jpg-(45 KB, 532x363, King+Conan_Conan+the+Barbarian.jpg)
    45 KB
    >4. Squadmates
    Make survivors of ME2 selectable...
    Legion, Mordin, Grunt, Jack, Zaeed, Kasumi, etc...
    >Not necessarily in that order... but yea in that order!

    >5. Mods / Quest Editor
    Add a Map / Quest Editor that lets the community make planet maps for people to try out.
    Have Bioware devs pick out and rank the best.

    >6. Ending Epilogue
    >I'd type something here but I'm tired...
    Basically Anderson / Hackett offer to make Shepard an Interim Dictator / Ruler of earth until everything is restored.

    >Check picture for details...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:52 No.3480853
    >playing through deus ex
    >get to the Sarif dialog "boss fight"
    >imagine how awesome a TIM confrontation like this would be
    >instead we get LOL PARAGON
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:53 No.3480902
         File: 1334134409.jpg-(189 KB, 700x972, miranda_lawson_by_ckaw-d4tntlb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:55 No.3480965
    So does the geth turret recharge shields?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:56 No.3481003
    >> Ronald Reagan !XGodlYARIA 04/11/12(Wed)04:57 No.3481008
    skip carnage.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)04:57 No.3481030
    Yes. The geth engi is like a healer/CCer, provided that the tea, stays close to the turret.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:00 No.3481103
    did they patch the game yet so i can import my shrp's looks?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:02 No.3481201
    It works for most people now. Some people still get fucked.

    Looks like it might be a problem on your end if it doesn't work from what I hear, but who knows.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:03 No.3481235
    yeah that was in 1.1.5427.4
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:03 No.3481253
         File: 1334135039.png-(897 KB, 1199x659, 1334027125372.png)
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    All my brotarians, I love you all.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:05 No.3481306
    Is it me or that striker rifle is fucking useless?

    Most of the time it feels like the shots just disappear or have no effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:06 No.3481336

    I hear the patch was supposed to be yesterday, my system hasn't been prompted to download anything though and it still doesn't work.

    Also I'm on Xbox. Also in Korea so possibly they didn't update it here?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:07 No.3481356
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:08 No.3481385
    Miranda is beautiful, and by far the most in depth, relational character in the series.

    Fuck you, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:09 No.3481432
         File: 1334135392.jpg-(60 KB, 210x210, 1223615395634.jpg)
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    Sure, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:14 No.3481593
         File: 1334135659.jpg-(32 KB, 500x375, 1330624179223.jpg)
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    Thread's pretty dead. There another one up everyone's posting in or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:16 No.3481656
         File: 1334135767.jpg-(28 KB, 421x427, 12823472434.jpg)
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    >Miranda is beautiful, and by far the most in depth, relational character in the series.
    >Fuck you, too.
    She is a fucking lab experiment.

    Imagine you'd clone yourself.
    But instead of making your clone male:
    With the XY allosome, you remove the male Y and replace it with an X of a women you consider perfect.
    You will get a clone of like 95% of yourself that is female and has the traits of said woman you took the X allosome from.

    It's the ultimate narcissistic act to create your own perfect daughter. I mean it's fucking great, an ego-maniacal madman's dream.

    Who would love being Henry Lawson?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:17 No.3481718
    Honestly I think most people have just run out of things to talk about.

    These threads were great in the month after ME3 to deal with the five stages of loss however people and I have moved on now. I just peek in these threads to see if any new fan art has been made.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:18 No.3481746

    Speaking of which, what happened to the sheploo/Liara one that the drawfriend was working on?

    Same guy who drew Garrus on a hovercycle.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:18 No.3481747
    The last thread was clipping along quickly. This one's just died down because almost nobody is still awake.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:19 No.3481769
    so for PAX East, i heard that during the Mass Effect panel they just had hired people set up to ask specific questions, still worth watching if this is true?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:20 No.3481806
    >The last thread was clipping along quickly. This one's just died down because almost nobody is still awake.
    There's always morning somewhere around the globe. We just got rid of the silly kids. Glad school started again and this thread got purged. Now it's just people older than 14 in here.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:21 No.3481852
    Actually, the second X chromosome is inactivated during development, so it there's a 50% chance there'd be next to no traits from perfect woman, so it's all kind of wasted
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:22 No.3481908
    She never shuts the fuck up about her perfect self and her dad.

    People rag on about daddy issues and they are mostly full of shit, but that Bitch really does have huge fucking issues with her dad, it's part of what defines her entire character, fuck, Tali's dad controls her life after death and she isn't that bad.

    Worse, the only thing perfect about her is dat ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:23 No.3481938
         File: 1334136219.jpg-(212 KB, 1272x848, 1333073556213.jpg)
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    Let's play a game of PRETEND.

    Imagine if you could get to design any party members you like for the Mass Effect series, with the only limits being they must use pre-existing ME races and ME abilities and they cannot already exist in the ME universe.

    What characters would you make to be in your party, in term of background, personality and gameplay?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:24 No.3481968

    I was given the impression that he'd nick his own X, modify it and duplicate it for Miranda. Just so that it doesn't curl up in the foetal position as a Barr body.

    Feminazi rage when they find out that women aren't the superior gender because they 'have two X chromosomes' is a wonderful thing. I wish Solanas was alive so I could science her face in.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:25 No.3481997
    Well she was simply the best he'd made so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:25 No.3482003

    Elcor Soldier, specializes in Heavy Weapons, moreover, those seen from the second game.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:26 No.3482051
    I'm a little distracted by that image, but i guess I'd have a character that is basicly Mal from Firefly.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:28 No.3482094
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:28 No.3482104
    They just bring up how women don't exactly need men to reporduce, but we still need them.

    It's a fucking nightmare of a converstaion.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:29 No.3482119
    Rachni Queen: Melee, and a paragon
    Yahg: Bro-tier, renegade
    Any race before the Protheans: Javik x10000
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:31 No.3482203

    I want a psychopathic elcor.

    in the sense of actual psychopathy, a lack of emotions

    >doesn't preface his sentences with emotes
    >my humanoid crew pay this no mind
    >other elcor are terrified of him
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:35 No.3482337

    > stereotypical gay batarian

    think about it for a second
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:35 No.3482338
    I'm pretty sure Elcor don't actually preface their sentences with emotions, that's just the translator interpreting the pheromones.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:36 No.3482341
    That feel when richfag, bought a shitload of packs with BioWare points, the MP became boring super fast...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:38 No.3482412
    There's more to multiplayer games than getting all the shinies.

    What happened to playing multiplayer for fun or competition, instead of completionism or hat-grabbing?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:38 No.3482417

    Elcor....don't use translators....
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:38 No.3482441
    They communicate another way with their species. For other species they had to learn how to express their emotions, this is how.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:38 No.3482447
         File: 1334137134.png-(71 KB, 390x308, corporate_hacker.png)
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    >Imagine if you could get to design any party members you like for the Mass Effect series, with the only limits...

    1) Asari commando: military background, just a soldier with no fancy backstory, loyal to death to her commander, non-romanceable.

    2) Batarian soldier: once a racist and part of the attack on human colonies, imprisoned for 20 years, wanted revenge but found redemption, is at peace with himself now.

    3) Male Quarian engineer: exiled from the migrant fleet for killing a Vorcha trader during his pilgrimage.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:39 No.3482468
    Of course they don't, other species do however.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:40 No.3482497
    no they do, it's in the codex.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:41 No.3482552
         File: 1334137309.jpg-(8 KB, 200x200, RadicalLarry[1].jpg)
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    >Unlock Batarian Soldier
    >Give him his colors, spec him up nice, time for a name
    >"Radical Larry"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:43 No.3482589

    FUCK now I have to name one of my characters Radical larry.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:43 No.3482606
         File: 1334137420.png-(34 KB, 200x200, 1333573920019.png)
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    >Radical Larry

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:44 No.3482616
    ... As much as I enjoy seeing BT HROHROHRO, Radical Larry is far superior. Will change it later.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:46 No.3482680
    But nobody will see your name. What's the point?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:47 No.3482724
    Same reason I named my Krogan "Urdnot Flex" and my Turian "NoRolls Royce".

    Self amusement.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:48 No.3482729
    >But nobody will see your name. What's the point?
    his autism is his point
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:49 No.3482793
         File: 1334137785.jpg-(756 KB, 1920x1200, 1328481676151.jpg)
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    Does anybody like Allers Seems like they could have left her out of the game altogether and lost nothing?

    She has no purpose in being in the game, that's for sure. It was something to please the lonely fanboys, that love someone who licks gaming accessories to get a mainstream career in gaming. I think I went a little top deep with your question, but it's the truth. :D

    They could have left all of the secondary characters out of the game and lost nothing, that's what makes them secondary. But I do like having my own personal propaganda machine.

    They probably should've done more with her if she was gonna be there. I guess maybe not everyone brings her on to the ship almost immediately, but I would've preferred that she interviewed Shepard after every major mission and not just three times.

    I don't understand all the hate that Jessica Chobot/Diana Allers get(s). She's a decently written character, in my opinion. She's not my FAVORITE, but she's not terrible either. What really makes me mad are the people who say there was some sort of "backroom deal" between IGN and Bioware to put her in the game. That's ridiculous.

    ^Yeah, everyone knows IGN doesn't need that big of a bribe to give you the rating you want. Jk. Sorta.

    Allers is kind of generic and pointless, but no worse than a bunch of other tertiary characters. I don't have anything against her being there. But good LORD is Chobot a terrible actress.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:50 No.3482815
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    Considering Chobot's performance, I'm not sure how anyone in their right mind could find her character interesting. Every single line delivery she gave sounded stiff and artificial; honestly, I can't recall a more awkward performance. I really don't mind the purpose of that kind of character (the reporter embedded on the front lines), but Bioware already had two other characters that fit that role -- Emily Wong and Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani -- One of those two would've worked fine, they didn't need to create an additional character just for that. Why bring in Chobot?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:50 No.3482824
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:50 No.3482825
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:52 No.3482881
    It's nice to see something mildly amusing while scrolling through the classes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:55 No.3482992
    I name all my characters based on their ME counterparts:

    Turian named: Gurras
    Asari named: Laria
    Salarian named: Mirdon
    Krogan named: Xrew
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:57 No.3483034
    Shouldn't that be "Werx"?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:57 No.3483045
         File: 1334138249.jpg-(238 KB, 587x720, Vigil_01.jpg)
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    In the last general thread i proposed the idea that if the council had used asari mind melds to extract the information on the reapers that was given to Shepard from conversations with Saren, benezia, sovereign, and most importantly Vigil

    Several anons pointed out that all the information given to shepard could be a trick by the geth and/or saren to make organics believe that reapers exist when sovereign was just a geth dreadnaught, or a prothean dreadnaught obtained by saren, or some other explanation, and that there way no way to conclude conclusively that reapers existed. And therefore the council was right in dismissing this threat...

    I did some research on this, and I believe I have found a piece of evidence to disprove this

    When Shepard talks to the Vigil on ilos, he gives you large amounts of information on the reapers. If vigil only talked about the reapers, there would still be a possibility that it was just a VI designed by the geth or saren to trick shepard

    But Vigil does more than just talk, at the end of their conversation, Vigil gives shepard a VERY IMPORTANT data file, this file allows shepard to take full control of the cidadel and it's surrounding mass relays and send in the alliance fleet immediately after he uploads the file to the citadel computers

    Saren does not have this file, he cannot immeditately gain control of the citadel, which allows shepard time to defeat him and sovereign.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:59 No.3483105

    Good one, when I get the Brogan Manguard I'm naming him like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:59 No.3483120
         File: 1334138382.jpg-(50 KB, 996x572, m8-vigil.jpg)
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    If vigil was a VI designed by saren/geth to trick shepard, saren would already have the data file necessary to take full control of the station and would have used it, this means that the data file is indeed prothean in origin and not geth/sarens

    Even if saren did create the file, but somehow "lost" the data file when traveling through the conduit, and if vigil itself was a ruse by saren/geth, it would still be completely illogical for vigil to give shepard the data file that would help him defeat saren and the geth--it would give shepard a fake data file or no data file at all (or simply stop shepard from using the conduit)

    Even if shepard's copy of the file is somehow destroyed AND the citadel computer's records are destoryed (the ones showing shepard uploading the file and the subsequent release of the entire stations controls and mass relays to shepard), the alliance fleet would still have a record of shepard opening the relays around the citadel for them to use, which means he was able to control the station

    All of this means that the only logical conclusion is that VIGIL IS A GENUINE PROTHEAN VI, and the everything he said to shepard was true, the reapers exist, and are not some kind of trick by saren or the geth

    Mind melds with shepard and the squadmates that accompanied him through the citadel would likely be able to confirm he was telling the truth, if that was even necessary at this point, and would be able to give the council more details on the reapers (since shepard has a nasty habit of not recording anything anybody tells him)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:00 No.3483154
    How does MP work exactly? Thinking of buying the game to play with PC bros.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:02 No.3483210
    Left 4 Dead
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:04 No.3483264
    Never got posted
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:04 No.3483279
    Gears of War horde mode.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:05 No.3483291
    >CTRL + F
    >No results found
    You faggots don't know true love.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:05 No.3483298
    Only mode is horde mode. With three other players, you take on larger and more powerful waves of enemies. Three difficulties, bronze, silver, gold. When you win, you get credits and XP, to level up. Each class-race combination has three active abilities and two passives you can level up. For example, a Krogan Soldier has different abilities and plays differently from a Human Soldier. The items you buy with credits are completely random - it functions like trading card games. You get a booster pack, full of random items. You can end up with the same trashy thing over and over if you're unlucky or you can get something stupidly rare on the first go if you're lucky.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:05 No.3483314
    I even promised Emily wong an exclusive...dammit why did she have to die
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:06 No.3483349
    Resource and time limitations, also to secure Jessica Chobot's artistic integrity.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:06 No.3483351
    I can understand Kelly, but Tryanor. Come on.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:07 No.3483363

    She's just a downgraded Kelly.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:07 No.3483365
         File: 1334138823.png-(744 KB, 768x768, 3257862389.png)
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    >if the council had used asari mind melds to extract the information
    That sounds incredibly kinky to my dirty ambiguous mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:08 No.3483439

    ME2 threads were still going on even after 9 months of the game being released.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:08 No.3483449
    Bullshit. All she does is come dance in your room like a skank. With Traynor there's serious romance there, she and Shep were even planning their life together.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:08 No.3483450
         File: 1334138931.jpg-(65 KB, 1920x1080, MassEffect3 2012-03-31 17-06-4(...).jpg)
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    I'm indifferent to her, she didn't seem to have much to say.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:09 No.3483485
         File: 1334138980.jpg-(472 KB, 1901x1069, can never ever have.jpg)
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    >You will never meld with Tevos.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:11 No.3483572
    I forgot she even existed.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:12 No.3483620
    Everybody was saying that the mind meld thing was
    A) Not something that would be useful during ME1
    Which you've admitted here
    B) Using mind meld to extract and authenticate information isn't something that WE UNDERSTAND ENOUGH TO SAY IS EVEN A VIABLE OPTION.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:13 No.3483651
    I can't be the only one who thought she was going to kiss you during that scene right?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:13 No.3483678
    all you do with kelly is have her dance.

    There is a lot more to Traynor, she laso isn't a fucking naive moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:14 No.3483687
         File: 1334139250.jpg-(37 KB, 830x323, 830px-Kasumi-no-hood.jpg)
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    Has someone ever managed to make an asian femshep that looks good?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:16 No.3483783
    Why not name him "Gnurt"?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:17 No.3483823
    That sounds pretty cool actually. I think I'll go for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:19 No.3483892

    I was really hoping for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:19 No.3483903
    She sounds like a sheltered American girl trying to do a British accent. It's fucking unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:22 No.3484015
    it would still be useful during mass effect 1 (albeit at the very end), say right after the attack on the citadel to determine wtf just happened

    it would have certainly been useful for before mass effect 2, when the council "dismisses" the reaper claims

    Since Vigil is a genuine prothean VI, they only have to determine what was said by the VI, if they trust shepard to tell the truth then the problems end their, otherwise...

    it's already said that in me1 that asari can share memories, it's only safe to assume that they can extract data from them (Liara does this to shepard several times)...authentication may be more difficult, but if you can extract the memories of all the squadmembers who went through the conduit and compare them they should at least be able to determine if shepard and company are lying about what vigil said [why the fuck would they] (especially if this was done right after the event they would not have had enough time to get their stories straight).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:23 No.3484059
    You're fucking joking right?

    The Voice Actor is Birtish, born in London no less. You're fucking terrible at picking accents.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:24 No.3484063
         File: 1334139846.png-(932 KB, 610x933, Invasion_Issue_Two_cover.png)
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    >CTRL + F
    >No results found
    >You faggots don't know true love.
    Traynor = nerdbait witha 6000 credit toothbrush
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:25 No.3484131
    Kasumi has a buzz-cut under the hood? wow good to know
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:26 No.3484145
    I just don't like it because it has that some "bovody said they couldn't do it" aspect that people use to fill plot holes.

    It's shaky fan made ground.

    >it would still be useful during mass effect 1 (albeit at the very end),
    Not even five min before the credits hit, that would have wrecked the flow of the ending.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:26 No.3484181
    No, I'm not joking not do I usually have a bad ear for accents. It sounds awful and they should have picked someone else. I'm glad they at least tried, but I wouldn't have known it. Something about how she speaks just sounds... wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:26 No.3484187
    they probably didn't model any hair for her because you never see it. LAZYNESS
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:28 No.3484252
    That dance is so fucking sexy. I wish they'd do foreplay stuff with other romances.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:28 No.3484261
    Are you American? Being British, it was the sort of voice I hear with fair regularity on my commute to London. I don't see how it feels wrong. I disliked it because I dislike British accents out of principle, but nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:29 No.3484278
         File: 1334140145.jpg-(443 KB, 1920x1080, MassEffect3 2012-04-06 01-13-0(...).jpg)
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    >true love

    Traynor's cute but she doesn't hold a candle to Dr. T'Soni.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:29 No.3484302
    Well the accent is genuine.
    Where are you from? This would make more sense if you were British, since they think a real accent is fake if you tell them it is, or American, because they typically suck at accents.

    How is it lazy not to make random shit for no reason?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:29 No.3484317
    I like her but Liara is simply a superior LI for Female Shepard. Traynor is cool, plays strategy games and has a 6000 credits sex toy/toothbrush combo but she's not Liara.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:30 No.3484340
    She is not a justicar, why she is wearing that outfit?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:30 No.3484341
    We do get it, you know. You like Liara. Come on, now.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:31 No.3484397

    Yes. I've known brits, though like, actual people, not just movies and TV, before some faggot tries to be clever. I'm bilingual, too, and I have a pretty good ear for accents and such usually... I guess it's just me, but something about the way she pronounces certain syllables just bothers the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:31 No.3484406
    Who told you it was a justicar outfit?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:33 No.3484457
    Those things on her head.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:33 No.3484482
    Just like Javik sounds like an American doing a Nigeria accent right? Her VA is from London, get your shit together son. Seems like people are using "lol accent so fake" as a criticism more and more. Even when it's a real accent.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:33 No.3484484
    What about them?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:33 No.3484501
    Well might point was not that "bovody said they couldn't do it," it is actually that everything in mass effect 1, 2, and 3 indicates that it CAN be done, and the asari are simply stupid or lazy for not doing this sort of thing more often

    >Not even five min before the credits hit, that would have wrecked the flow of the ending.

    Well not if they had done it right, they could have just alluded to verifying shepard's claims at the end of 1 with a few sentences of dialogue, then gone into detail if needed at the beginning of 2 or with DLC (as much as i hate to say that)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:34 No.3484514
    >Known Brits
    >being bilingual
    I don't want to denigrate you, man, because I do get what you're saying. But being British and quadrilingual I can tell you now, the accent is absolutely fine. It's just that British accents are inherently bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:34 No.3484529
    Only justicars wear them. Have you seen another Asari with this things?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:35 No.3484572
    >Javik doing a Nigerian accent
    What the fuck?
    >lol accent so fake
    It just sounds bad in my opinion. It doesn't sound 100% wrong or anything, but like I said, certain words and syllables strike me as just... off.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:36 No.3484586
    No. One justicar wears them. It may be a common piece of jewelry in Armali republic.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:36 No.3484602
    I hate those things. They're like the Asari version of visors. At least bioware doesn't feel the need to pt them on fucking everything. No one likes the visor bioware does, but they keep doing them. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I think bioware's official stance on criticism is "Yeah, fuck you, you don't know shit.".
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:37 No.3484636
    People were saying Javiks accent was fake, even though the VA is from Nigeria. He's names Ike Amadi or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:38 No.3484680
         File: 1334140703.jpg-(210 KB, 1193x1079, MassEffect3 2012-03-23 04-25-4(...).jpg)
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    >only justicars
    You mean Samara. It's worth pointing out that the MP justicars don't wear them.

    >have you seen another asari wearing these things?
    Well, yeah. Liara.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:38 No.3484686
    >resurgence add on comes out
    >download it
    >have 1.46 million credits saved up
    >h-h-here i go
    >second premium pack: MOTHER FUCKING ASARI JUSTICAR
    >following premium packs include: saber, javelin, geth smg 4, harpoon gun 5, striker 4, upgrades for all 4 consumables
    >also geth engineer

    this all happened about 12 hours ago. my erection has yet to subside.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:38 No.3484692
    >calls other faggots
    >plays femshep
    >is either a faggot or landwhale

    I don't even consider you human
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:39 No.3484770
    I hadn't even thought about Javik. I'm just more used to a certain preconception about British accents, I guess, and something about Treynor's VA seemed weird to me. I don't know why, it seems based on the feedback that I should probably have kept my mouth shut.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:40 No.3484794
    >my erection has yet to subside. should probably get that looked at lol
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:40 No.3484804
    I feel bad for always assuming landwhale refers to women. I mean, it's just wack. Such strong misogyny in me.

    Anyway, not that guy, but I play both genders. Can I be true glorious overlord master race now?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:41 No.3484820
    meant to respond to >>3484636
    I should probably just go to sleep
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:41 No.3484827
    >it is actually that everything in mass effect 1, 2, and 3
    Such as?
    ME1- we know more or less nothing about how it works or if it can be used as you say.
    ME2- When is it mentioned?
    ME3- When you share memories with Liara it's confusing as hell and makes zero sense. Yet you think that this same thing can produce information the council will value?

    The only time we see it firsthand it makes no sense, this is what I am talking about.

    Also why quote the typo? Are you trying to be a dick or something?

    You saw one justicar wearing something that looks like that and have assumed that it is offical justicar clothing?
    Where do people come up with this stuff?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:44 No.3484973
    I think this is because treynors accent is the same accent that americans in bad movies/shows in the past would copy to try and sound British...and thus when you hear that accent it sort of sound wrong or fake regardless of whether or not its least it's that way for me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:45 No.3484994
         File: 1334141100.jpg-(135 KB, 950x785, 1326117101633.jpg)
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    That was meant to be Justicar!
    I saved up 1.3mil and got: 3Batarian Sentinels, Batarian Soldier, 2 widows, Carnafex, 2 Strikers (enjoying the gun on my turian soldier), Geth SMG and some lesser stuff.
    Really russled my jimmies when someone with the Justicar would just use the shield skill on ammo boxes as if they were sacred instead of using it when capping points.
    Really confusing having a Geth infiltrator on the team. Keep thinking they're Geth hunters.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:45 No.3485003
    >only landwhales play videogames
    You think sterotypes are real?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:45 No.3485010
         File: 1334141124.jpg-(240 KB, 816x740, well okay Kaidan.jpg)
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    >that feel when quarian infiltrator on silver.
    >that feel when firebase glacier against reapers.
    >that feel when you score second.
    >that feel when you're lvl 3.
    Come on guys, are You even trying? I only have a 1st lvl turret and incinerate. Seriously, You dun fucked up.

    >that feel when You're on geth wave 8 and suddenly disconnected since the games needed an update. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:45 No.3485038
    That would make a lot more sense than anything my sleep-deprived mind has come up with so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:46 No.3485050
    >You saw one justicar wearing something that looks like that and have assumed that it is offical justicar clothing?
    Well, to be honest it's perfectly natural to assume so. Special orders and associations usually have some distinctive element to them, and no other asari had that choker/tiara shit. I mean, do you expect justicars to just go "I'm a justicar" and other asari believe them on the spot?
    Dunno if the justicars on MP have that thing though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:46 No.3485073
    That looks like it took about 15 minutes in MS Paint. Fucking christ.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:47 No.3485110
    They don't have it.

    They do look really old though, I thought that was a nice touch. I don't think we see any old asari at all in ME3. They're all young and beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:48 No.3485114
         File: 1334141285.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 105 KB, 1920x1080, MassEffect 2 2012-03-25 16-06-(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 105 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:49 No.3485142
    The square root of 906.1...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:49 No.3485158
    They look like regular asari.
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ not my picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:49 No.3485167
    I think you mean quarian engineer. In which case, color me impressed because that class stinks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:50 No.3485196
    My bad, yes, that's what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:52 No.3485269
    >Well, to be honest it's perfectly natural to assume so.
    Kinda but when you see somebody else wearing that stuff like Liara you should realise that the assumption was wrong.
    Thats why people were stringing you along, they wanted you to realise how it didn't really make sense.

    >I mean, do you expect justicars to just go "I'm a justicar" and other asari believe them on the spot?
    A bit of plastic on the forhead is hardly a badge of office.
    Doesn't Samara say something like "there is no uniform leadership, there is only the code" Or some bullshit during her lectures on what she is?

    >Dunno if the justicars on MP have that thing though.
    They do not.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:52 No.3485280
    >Played that for the first time a few hours ago
    >actually tugged at my heart-strings when he started reciting equations again after you defeat him
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:53 No.3485302
    I feel terrible about supporting the practice of small DLC at hugely-marked up prices, but I really enjoyed Overlord. It and LotSB were both great pieces of content. Arrival not so much, but those two were worth it.
    >> PSN: Maikeru313 04/11/12(Wed)06:53 No.3485329
    I was happier to see David at Grissom Academy than I was to see Jack. Was so happy he was doing well.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:53 No.3485340
    It's the white shit on the face.
    I know what it's supposed to be, but it looks like somebody spilled some white out on a picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:55 No.3485413
    I was really gald to see him doing so well at Grissiom.

    Is it possible to leave him with cerb? I don't remember. If so what happens?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:56 No.3485424
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:56 No.3485434
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:57 No.3485471
         File: 1334141841.jpg-(251 KB, 1920x1080, MassEffect3 2012-03-31 18-44-2(...).jpg)
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    30.1, Hello Commander.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:59 No.3485541
    If you leave him in Project Overlord then his brother tells you that he died when you see him in Jacob's mission. Supposedly Cerberus took over most of the research and pushed him further and further until he just gave out.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:00 No.3485563
    In mass effect 1 Liara bonds with you several times and shares memories, shiala does the same thing with shepard and also mentions doing it with saren. They both indicate this is is sort of a normal ability for asari and isn't anthing amazing. in me3 liara shares her memories with shepard, and although its just a bright light light, i would assume that she picked that specific memory for a reason, everything i've ever read or seen in the game (or parts of the wiki I've read, or other posts from /v/ and /vg/) indicates that they can share memories, granted it's not in your face every few minutes but it's there (I haven't read the comics or books so if they say something contradictory then fuck me)

    i quoted "bovody" because I honestly thought that the letter switching was some sort of clever way to indicate someone was stuttering or something that i never knew about, i wasn't sure so i decided to quote it exactly as you wrote it. i initially thought it might have been a typo for "nobody", but for years i've used an ergonomic keyboard where 'b' and 'n' are impossible to hit accidentally, and I guess I had sort of forgotten that they are really easy to hit accidentally on normal keyboards. No insult intended.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:00 No.3485569

    The Justicars in the MP don't wear then, and the only Asari using headpieces we see are Samara and Liara, both of them are from the Armali Republic. So maybe it's fashionable in Armali.

    By the way, I wonder how Armali fared during the Reaper invasion, Liara, Samara, Shiala are all from there.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:02 No.3485635
    >If Shepard allows David to stay at Project Overlord, then Gavin will be with the group of ex-Cerberus scientists. Upon being questioned, Gavin reveals that the data on controlling the geth from Project Overlord was in fact useful, and David eventually calmed down his emotions somewhat but one day just stopped responding to any stimuli at all. Gavin then had to pull the life support plug on David as a mercy killing. This caused Gavin to eventually defect from Cerberus since the guilt finally became too much. After the ex-Cerberus-scientists are rescued, Dr. Gavin Archer will assist in the war effort.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:03 No.3485672
    >I wonder how Armali fared during the Reaper invasion
    I'm gonna take a guess and say pretty shitty
    >> PSN: Maikeru313 04/11/12(Wed)07:05 No.3485763
    Here's another BAD END
    >However, if Shepard releases David to Grissom Academy but then does not complete the Grissom Academy mission before it's locked out and the students die, David is killed in the Cerberus attack as well. Then, if Shepard meets Dr. Gavin Archer later, Gavin will pull out a pistol, walk away, and a gunshot rings out. Even if the Grissom Academy mission was completed beforehand, Shepard can lie to Archer and claim they do not know David's fate, which will also cause him to commit suicide.

    How fucking sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:06 No.3485791
    wow i didn't realize you could lie to him and make him commit suicide...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:07 No.3485820

    I'm confused about what happened to Thessia.

    On one hand the Reapers leaved it alone for most of the game, but then there's info stating that they waited that much because they massed a huge armada to attack Thessia (the Asari still managed to destroy many reapers ships and put then into the defensive for a while).

    Maybe they didn't suffer such catastrophic amounts of damage like the other homeworlds.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:08 No.3485867
    >In mass effect 1 Liara bonds with you several times and shares memories
    Correction, she reads the Brothean Beacon burned into your brain. That is not the same thing, in fact if you recall she says she might be able to help because of the nature of it.

    >shiala does the same thing with shepard
    Another burned into brain thing. Again, unclear how it works and this isn't a memory being trasnfered exactly.

    These examples are both not about memories, the only one that you do have that is a memory is, something we do not understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:14 No.3486061
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    sqrt(912,04)=30,2 -> that's his favourite square root.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:14 No.3486086

    Liara doesn't just "read" it, she also transfers you the essence of her knowledge of the Protheans to help you make sense of the cipher.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:16 No.3486148
    >Can I be true glorious overlord master race now?
    no, shut thef fuck up.

    >hurr durr styryotyps
    Missed PAX?

    Just as bad as jacob troughout the whole trilogy, deal with it or alternatively cope with the situation
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:21 No.3486342
    >she also transfers you the essence of her knowledge of the Protheans
    No she doesn't. She realises its about Ilos, she doesn't help you realise that.
    If she did it wouldn't help because her understanding was wrong anyway.
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)07:27 No.3486593
    >tfw you snipe the guy about to stomp your teammates head

    Also, unlocked the Salarian infiltrator this morning, is he new? I forgot who was being added
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:29 No.3486660
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:32 No.3486782
         File: 1334143923.gif-(500 KB, 500x375, dance.gif)
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    >mfw this video
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:33 No.3486861
    when she said that she may be able to help because of the nature of it, she meant that she may be able to help because she has the unique knowledge of prothean history (being a prothean researcher) not because of any special quality of the beacon memories themselves.

    I disagree that the prothean beacons memories somehow "don't count" as memories, especially after shepard obtains the cipher, the game seems to simply treat them as visions which he stores as memories that happened to be delivered in an unusual way, as far as i can tell.

    In the one case that wasn't a beacon vision memory, the memory doesn't seem clear to us, but she seems to have the ability to make both her and shepard appear in a sort of 3 dimensional mind-space where they can interact while viewing what she calls "a memory." This seems even more impressive than just sharing memories to me. If she can pull this off, as well as seeing the beacon vision, im convinced she (or especially a matriarch with extension joining experience) could read memories quite easily.

    Regardless, liara tells shepard directly that asari can "share memories, thoughts, and feelings" and no one every contradicts this, the only people who mention it only confirm it. If you want to believe otherwise and think that her abilites aren't as extension as she says and shows us in game, than that's your prerogative.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:35 No.3486937
    No, he's not. New classes are the Geth, Batarians, Asari Justicar, and Krogan Vanguard... You know, all the ones in the fifth slot per page.
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)07:37 No.3486987
    Ah i see.
    Well i didn't check before i exited so
    ok back to the drawing board i guess
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:40 No.3487096
    >I disagree that the prothean beacons memories somehow "don't count" as memories
    They are not the same, you need the cypher for them to make even a little sense remember?

    She isn't looking at your memory of getting hit by the beacon, she is looking at the message, a message that might have killed other people.
    This shit is no regular memory, the game makes it very clear.

    >This seems even more impressive than just sharing memories to me
    But it isn't sharing memory in such a way that helps your point.

    Here we go, remember how my point was that this was mostly a creation of yours with nothing really saying it could work?
    Here you are proving my point by saying that becayse this other thing can happen, what you think maybe could.

    No, thats not how this works.

    >Regardless, liara tells shepard directly that asari can "share memories, thoughts, and feelings"
    Asari being able to do withing with Asari in one situation isn't the same as Asari and humans doing something else in another situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:40 No.3487104
         File: 1334144420.jpg-(36 KB, 539x481, 1245982227237.jpg)
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    >My late birthday gift from my cousin arrives in my mail
    >Check out what it is
    >It's "The Art of the Mass Effect Universe"
    >Starts to read
    >Some pretty cool conceptart
    >See Elcor concepts

    Jesus christ, they had some C'thulu-style ideas for them
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:41 No.3487140
    Geth heavy melee is kinda good.
    I switched from human engie to geth engie, those turrets are really good.
    What is the best way to upgrade your geth engineer for Gold? I have chain overload, hunter mode focused on power damage and turret with flame.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:44 No.3487265
    >the game seems to simply treat them as visions
    Which means they are not normal memories.
    Shot yourself in the foot there.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:45 No.3487282
    So.... we had a turret inside the kodiak the entire time?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:45 No.3487312
    Yeah and you couldn't use it on Menae to clear landing field
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:52 No.3487549
    Any suggestions on Asari Justicar builds? I have Biotic Sphere and Reave fully maxed out, defensive oriented.
    What else do I do?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:52 No.3487562

    1) Hlarious
    2) How did this "When I'm X" get started? I've seen it done for going fast too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:56 No.3487726
         File: 1334145375.png-(266 KB, 600x336, 54923675.png)
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    Do this. Do this all the time.
    You can easily be successful with this on Gold with the right mods. I had Cyclonic Mod3, Ar Rail Amp 3 and you can tell what rounds they were. Gentleman and ladies, meet your new high risk class.
    My build was : BioSphere 6, Reave 6, Pull 3, Justicar 5, Fitness 6. With Biosphere I went protection, but if you want to go 100% offensive go Radius, then Weakness, then the last one, Warp Effect is the one that matters the mos and brings the whole build together. I choose not to Reave with this strat, although it's at 6 so you can leave that at 3 if you want., but with it I went Duration, Reduction, and Barriers. Justicar: Duration and Cap, then Power Damage. Fitness was all the shield stuff. If I were to change it to pull, I would go Radius, Expose. then Duration and Combo.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:00 No.3487868
    they look hilarious
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:00 No.3487890
         File: 1334145659.jpg-(541 KB, 1578x2171, Elcor-Concept.jpg)
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    forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:02 No.3487949
    >They are not the same, you need the cypher for them to make even a little sense remember?

    I took that into account, liara bonds with you after you obtain the cipher and is able to view the whole memory. Once shepard has the cipher, he is able to make sense of the vision and they become just like another memory. It no longer his weird dreams or anything. The cipher makes him essentially prothean, and he is able to handle and comprehend the vision normally.

    >But it isn't sharing memory in such a way that helps your point.
    I think it is. Her choice of memory seems strange to you but is significant to her. Her ability to view it from a distance was impressive and it means that she would be able to give her memory from what happened on ilos with vigil (i took her with) to another asari or human if needed (even if they did have to view it in third person, that should still be fine).

    >Asari being able to do withing with Asari in one situation isn't the same as Asari and humans doing something else in another situation.

    I didn't say it was just asari-on-asari, and neither does she. She talks about being able to bond with multiple different species, she tells you this, shepard, a human, who is bonding with her, that she can share memories, thoughts, and feelings. she says that an asari consciously attunes her nervous system to her partner's, sending and receiving electrical impulses directly through the skin, and that the asari and her partner briefly become one unified nervous system. This is never refuted anywhere and is only confirmed by others. I can only assume that she meant what she said. I guess she and every other asari could be lying, if you want to think that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:02 No.3487956
         File: 1334145766.jpg-(986 KB, 1578x2171, HURR.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:04 No.3488017
    just because something is described as a "vision" doesn't mean it isn't a memory.

    I can have visions in a dream, then later remember those visions...that doesn't mean that the visions are somehow not a memory.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:04 No.3488026
    >How do the elcor fight?
    >Please hurry, dekuuna is burning
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:04 No.3488027
         File: 1334145869.jpg-(92 KB, 720x596, 1333993276025.jpg)
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    Their greatest mistake was to use the same exe for single and multiplayer. If the multi would have been a game sold separately it would've been more successful.

    Single + Multi -> $60
    Multi alone -> $30
    Would've bought it if it was like this. Pirated the singleplayer already, but I don't bother with the multi because of the full game price, singleplayer wouldn't be worth it.

    Many games separate single- and multiplayer files. Bioshock or Splinter Cell for example. Selling the MP alone would be a huge step forward in the gaming industry. By the time ME3 costs 20 bucks, what it's actually worth, the MP mode will be dead or only crowded with tourneyfags having unlocked every single item. Obnoxious assholes to point it out directly. Might as well move off to other games if so...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:04 No.3488037
         File: 1334145886.jpg-(132 KB, 736x661, amipretty.jpg)
    132 KB
    >i'll never unlock a batarian
    feels horrid, man
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:08 No.3488192

    It'd also avoid the huge fucking problem where if you make any mods for multiplayer and are using a legit copy it bans you, thus leading people to cracked versions to address the many, many flaws.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:09 No.3488218

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:10 No.3488264
    The memory of something and the thing itself are clearly not the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:12 No.3488341
    Well guys. Time to venture into the reaches of my past. Something that happened 5 years prior, that shaped the man I am today. I was only 13 years old when it happened, and to see myself now a successful adult - I'd like to relive the part of my past that turned me into this. Something I and many others know as...
    Mass Effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:14 No.3488416

    >he was 13 when ME1 came out

    Haha, how yo-
    >I was 14

    Holy shit
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:14 No.3488442
    this exactly, i would have considered buying the multi-only if that had been an option, but i'm fucking poor and i can't really justify the cost. (I'd probably only buy the multi if it was 20 bucks or less though).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:14 No.3488458
    at least both of you dropped balls by now.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:16 No.3488506
    are you going somewhere with is it story time or was that just a one time post?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:17 No.3488548
    she wanted a child and was unable to, how did you not get this
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:17 No.3488550

    Is that

    Is that a fucking Reaper she's looking at?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:18 No.3488617
    Ther used to be mods on 4chan
    Now the cancer is slowly killing /vg/ as well
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:19 No.3488639
    I was gonna post some updates while I play.

    Well I've played a little bit, and I can safely say that the character development is shit. Why can't they tell me how they're feeling? Better yet, why can't they show me how they're feeling? I know we're supposed to be professional, but I guess it's just not the characters I've grown to know...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:20 No.3488667
         File: 1334146805.jpg-(104 KB, 250x250, 1329385937940.jpg)
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    >Playing MP silver
    >fgt lone wolfs off from the group
    >surrounded by enemies
    >unable to rez him
    >bleeds out
    >he quits

    Dear easy mode players, Stay in bronze or stick to single player.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:20 No.3488675
         File: 1334146815.jpg-(99 KB, 1023x576, cd541c4f66490c1c59903ed1cb89b6(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    >geth dyson sphere
    >giant mass effect fields confine coronal mass ejections
    >near 100% energy usage and availability
    >converting light and excess heat to energy
    >tech level: hyper advanced
    >god status: reached
    >logging off...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:20 No.3488682
    >tfw I was 20, and most of the people i talk to on 4chan are 10 years my junior
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:21 No.3488739
    How does it feel to know you're stuck with all the skills you've accumulated, and learning a new one will be tough as shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:21 No.3488760

    There's a 65 year old regular on /r9k/.
    Of course, that'd require you going to /r9k/, but still.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:22 No.3488776

    i've seen some mods around. though i've never seen them actually do anything. so i suppose it's the same as not having any at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:22 No.3488779
    >One guy runs out of the extraction zone and gets killed
    >Idiot 12 year old runs after him to rez him and getrs fucked up
    >Patter repeats itself with the next guy
    >I get steamrolled by Reapers 20 seconds before extraction
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:23 No.3488795
    Oh look, Euro kids are back from school. Time to leave this thread now and let the autism-fest continue. Spamming starts again, cancer spreads on /vg/... bye.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:23 No.3488797
    Well if having the mods is the same as not having them, do we really ever have mods?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:24 No.3488852
    We actually have holidays in some püarts of Yurp
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:25 No.3488871
    >implying i've accumulated any skills
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:26 No.3488909
    >Euro kids
    Still better than a jobless american nigger posting here allday erryday.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:27 No.3488964
    the fact the quarians destroyed this.... the fact how fucking retarded and racist they were and wouldn't leave the geth alone. fuck the quarians. they can all die. including their shittiest admiral and engineer tali
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:27 No.3488980

    That's a bit racist
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)08:28 No.3489017
    Does Origin have any kind of record of how many people have been playing the Multiplayer like Steam?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:30 No.3489084
    Origin even scans what torrents you're downloading.
    What kind of question is that?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:30 No.3489092
    idk but i'd be interested to find out

    (it seems like something they would have, origin is so invasive that i find it hard to believe they would neglect to see how many people are online)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:31 No.3489107
    I don't think the glorious workers paradise that is EA has developed the technological capacities yet. Because of the rine.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:31 No.3489114
    Did anybody else NOT see Udina's betrayal coming?
    I mean, he fucked us over multiple times in the past, but we were still mostly on the same side. The Cerberus thing was just pure fucking uncalled for betrayal.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:31 No.3489138
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    >I was 15
    >I've been playing ME for a quarter of my life

    Hmm... That puts things into perspective. I knew I was pissed off, I knew I was justified in it, and I knew it was because of more than just the horrible writing.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:32 No.3489169
    Kinda ruined his character tho. Always saw him as selfish. The coup was implying that there are actually good politicians out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:33 No.3489208

    Of course. They use it for their financial reports to investors. However, much like with Tortanic they're doing their best to hide/delay the reveal so people can't see how abominable it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:34 No.3489256

    As I recall the reason he was doing it was because Cerberus promised that if they got the citadel then they'd make all the resources they would then control go purely into liberating Earth. He was just trying to save humanity.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:34 No.3489273
    What about the leaderboard?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:35 No.3489284
    Bioware can't into grey. People didn't like Udina. LOL HE TRIES TO KILL THE COUNCIL AND TAKE OVER THE CITADEL! GOOD THING YOU HATED HIM RITE? There is a better explanation, but it's never even touched in the game, hell the entire coup is barely mentioned after it happens. As if we needed more evidence that ME3 was a rushed piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:35 No.3489293
    If it wasn't for the leaks? Not really.

    He was a cunt in ME1 but didn't have much of a role in ME2. Come ME3 and he's actually on our side for a change, and taking his job as a councilor very seriously. Made me like him, even.

    It's unfortunate ME2 and ME3 did what it did to the geth and quarians. They were probably the most interesting culture introduced in ME1, even if you only heard about them from Tali.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:35 No.3489309
    i was surprised also (pleasantly, because i hated that dick, and was SO excited when the renegade prompt came up to kill him--no way was i gonna let kaidan do the honors)

    It seemed like he was actually starting to be an okay guy in 3, and then he just goes full on crazy.

    Although in LotSB i think they showed udina meeting with a cerberus agent (or was it anderson? i can't remember) so it may not have been totally without forshadowing if you played the dlc (although you could assume he just had a mole inside cerbers, there was no way to know for sure)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:37 No.3489392
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    I'm sure investors are none the wiser
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:38 No.3489419

    i can't imagine them actually destroying something like that (it was a partially-built dyson bubble they actually destroyed iirc). also the entire geth/quarian arc was so forced in ME3, i cannot comprehend why people like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:38 No.3489421
    >He was a cunt in ME1 but didn't have much of a role in ME2. Come ME3 and he's actually on our side for a change, and taking his job as a councilor very seriously. Made me like him, even.

    This. Udina had a decent amount of character development, and his interactions with Shepard were good. He was just a guy who was trying to deal with a situation, a guy trying to deal with leading a species of 11 billion basically alone. He and Shepard had a mutal understanding, they needed to do something, and they needed to work together. It could have been a good dynamic, but it all got thrown out for "lol evul maybe he was indoctrinated or something, I don't know. Hey check it out, Quarians.".
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:38 No.3489429
    Yeah, that's what I assumed too. I mean, you'd think the transition from greedy prick to betrayer of your own kind would be more obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:40 No.3489489

    Same shit for TIM in ME3. During ME2 he was a bro, then suddenly he's indoctrinated/evil
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:40 No.3489502
    only THQ has a worse stock and THQ is pretty much alive
    if you get your hopes up that EA will die you are a delusional faggot. they are fucking rich, even if they have a negative balance the last months it won't kill them.

    sure it feels good to see them crash and burn. but shop one head off the gorgo and a new fucking snake grows out of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:40 No.3489509
    >EA/bioware in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:40 No.3489520
    It was Anderson. Udina just assaults some random guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:41 No.3489530

    I find it odd that they had the time to destroy even half of the dyson bubble. Sure, it was "just" a shit load of space stations without any external shell but there were millions of the damn things and the entire geth fleet to contend with. Despite the Quarians having one of the biggest fleets (I refuse to believe that the Geth don't outnumber them) they shouldn't have been able to destroy both the bubble and defend' themselves from the geth fleet - it'd be one or another, even with the fact that the stations would be mostly defenceless (can't move thus easy target.). Then you throw in the ground based assets (cannons) and it gets even more ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:41 No.3489568

    >negative balance
    >last months
    >Implying they've been making any profit for the past 6 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:42 No.3489585
         File: 1334148130.jpg-(642 KB, 1680x1050, not evil at all.jpg)
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    he was always evil.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:43 No.3489631
    But he was our evil.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:44 No.3489680
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    >Implying they've been making any profit for the past 6 years.
    EA Inc. is fucking well off, stop breathing out of your ass, I can still smell your shit on my continent.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:45 No.3489696

    You obviously have no idea how it works in the industry. Terms like cash flow mean anything to you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:46 No.3489729

    >Implying they've been making any profit for the past 6 years.
    >EA Inc. is fucking well off

    >implying that's what I said
    Are you stupid or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:46 No.3489735

    there's also the question of why the geth were building the sphere around rannoch's star in the first place. they've been established as wanting nothing to do with organics and said they wouldn't mind the quarians if they moved back to the homeworld. so why would they put their entire civilization near rannoch? seems like it would only cause problems for them
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:47 No.3489774
    but how significant is there net loss in profits every year in respect to their net worth or net assets? I honestly don't know, i've seen that balance sheet and income statement posted a lot but never really paid attention to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:48 No.3489808
    >Are you stupid or something?
    >hurr, durr I have no more arguments everyone is stupid except me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:48 No.3489809
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    Behold, the only fat person in the Mass Effect series.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:48 No.3489830
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    >ashley's approval is tied to both ken/gabby dialogue and the garrus/tali dialogue (which pops up throughout the game and they flirt a lot over comms, generally making their last-minute hookup make sense)
    Fuck you, bioware, I don't want to play through with Ashley, she's not the same woman I knew in ME and her redesign makes me cringe.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:49 No.3489849
    I bet he's an american.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:49 No.3489854
    >confirmed for knowing shit about economics
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:49 No.3489870

    he's not really fat if his body uses the same model everyone else does. more accurate to say he has a bloated face.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:50 No.3489879

    You really are thick, aren't you.
    Of course I don't have any arguments for it because that's not what I was saying in the first place. Why would I argue something I wasn't saying?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:50 No.3489885
    i've brought this up before and there seems to be really no good answer
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:50 No.3489906
    Guys, the Quarians didn't destroy the Sphere. It was Bioware in their lazyness when they couldn't get their ass up do design a Sphere to be shown ingame
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:50 No.3489907
    >ashley's approval is tied to both ken/gabby dialogue
    What the fuck are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:50 No.3489910
    not the guy you were talking to, but can you please stop being autistic?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:51 No.3489923
         File: 1334148673.jpg-(585 KB, 1920x1080, MassEffect3 2012-03-27 22-01-5(...).jpg)
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    Does my new form not please you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:51 No.3489937
    Why isn't autism cured by 2185?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:52 No.3489948
    I guess because they really want the quarians to come back and be friends with them. They work via logic and the quarians are fucking retarded, so they probably can't work out why they want to destroy them when they only defended themselves and let fleeing quarians escape unmolested.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:52 No.3489962
    Anybody know of a way to skip the combat in Mass Effect? I wanna get through this in less than 24 hours. I made a bet with a friend I could finish it in one sitting, except for bathroom breaks, so if there's some kind of cheat that'll help me go through faster I'd really appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:52 No.3489980
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:52 No.3489985
    hahaha that's actually the best explanation, i'm saddened but not surprised
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:53 No.3490009
    Because it's advantagous for SCIENCE
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:53 No.3490015
    Ken and Gabby have a shitton more dialogue and possibly get it on if Ash is present and has a good relationship with Shepard. If you saved Kaidan or Ash doesn't join your crew/you kill her at the coup then you get pretty much nothing from them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:53 No.3490016
    Lack of resources.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:54 No.3490043
    Just put it on the lowest difficulty and get a trainer.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:54 No.3490051
    You're so entitled.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:55 No.3490079
    um put it on easy mode, then skip most of the story? you don't even have to recruit garrus if you don't want

    i actually think there were cheats in me1, they could be used with the console (the terminal, not an xbox lol) but i don't remember what any of the specifics were, you'll have to look that up
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:55 No.3490094
    Like he said, evidently Ashley's approval controls whether Gabby and Ken get new dialog. The reason they one had a few lines of dialog in the game is because the rest won't trigger if Ashley isn't there and with the right approval level. This is the explanation straight from Bioware.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:56 No.3490107
    >Anybody know of a way to skip the combat in Mass Effect? I wanna get through this in less than 24 hours. I made a bet with a friend I could finish it in one sitting, except for bathroom breaks, so if there's some kind of cheat that'll help me go through faster I'd really appreciate it.

    He is currently outside and fucking all the girls you like. It was a trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:56 No.3490131
    No, my friend. Ashley is a trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:57 No.3490142
    Did they not say it was a bug and would be fixed ?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:57 No.3490151
    Casual mode. Charge through all missions without talking to your crew/buying equipment/exploring anything. Only do the main story missions.

    Leave Therum until last for maximum hilarity.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:59 No.3490206
    >quarians destroying geth dyson sphere
    how did they think this would be a good idea?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:59 No.3490207
    Sounds like a bug, because this is just retarded development.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)08:59 No.3490224

    I would definitely recommend leaving therum for last (even do virmire before it)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:00 No.3490249
    the quarians are...they're just
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:01 No.3490265
    It made geth weaker.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:01 No.3490270
    Anti-Liarafag detected.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:01 No.3490278
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    I know you had your reasons for choosing the geth, Shepard, and I'll respect them.
    But Tali's choice... that'll be harder to get over.
    She was a good friend. I never did see her face, but I always imagined there was... What do humans call it? An angel behind that mask.
    And now I hope she's resting with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:02 No.3490302
    It just made them dumb enough to ask the reapers for help.

    Fucking quarians.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:02 No.3490327

    that's silly. the geth realize completely that the quarians aren't logical; legion even made a comment about the quarians would still hate them even if they gave rannoch back.

    the true reason is that bioware cannot into proper storyline resolution (except for tuchanka, of course). actually, maybe tuchanka is the reason the geth/quarian thing ends like it does and is handled so poorly. bioware noticed how it was the highlight of the game and tried to imitate how it was done with the geth/quarians, not realizing the situations were entirely different and should therefore develop differently.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:03 No.3490349
    They'd begged the Reapers to help them sooner or later regardless.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:03 No.3490359
    As far as I know, that dyson sphere wasn't brought up in ME3.

    How do we know the geth had even got anywhere significant in terms of construction.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:05 No.3490407
         File: 1334149503.jpg-(2.01 MB, 1920x1080, MassEffect3 2012-03-08 19-23-1(...).jpg)
    2.01 MB

    it was mentioned. once by legion, once here.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:05 No.3490435
    Because matter with regardless no which is a accept reaper technology.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:05 No.3490437
    Damn, missed that.

    Dick move quarians.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:08 No.3490527
    >Because matter with regardless no which is a accept reaper technology.
    wh....what? I don't even...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:09 No.3490552
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:10 No.3490609
    oh wow, you got me, congratulations
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:11 No.3490624
    >I would definitely recommend leaving therum for last (even do virmire before it)
    But then you can't torture Liara by having her help you kill her own Mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:11 No.3490628
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:12 No.3490662
    Nice try, jackass.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490695
    lol that's true but she's a trooper about it anyway if you take her with you to kill benezia. Also, it's sorta fun in a sick way to tell her..."oh yeah i killed your mother btw..hope that's cool"

    also if you wait you get that cool scene where she's all delirious
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490696
    >Still rickrolling.
    >Constanza jpg.
    >Obligatory I SHIGGGY DIGGY post.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490698
    are you 14 or what? that meme is dead. shit son, you must be the loser getting bbullied at school
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490704
    ok i'm not ready for silver yet
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490706
    You know you did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:13 No.3490716

    do people still do this? i thought it was old hat by now
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:15 No.3490756
         File: 1334150105.jpg-(136 KB, 441x441, 1333074934403.jpg)
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    I bet you still duckroll people, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:15 No.3490761
    because it's a phase you grow out of, apparently.

    >Dat 4th book.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:15 No.3490767
    I did it an i enjoyed it
    i derive pleasure from rick astley

    (seriously i love that song)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:15 No.3490771
    4chan plus converts all Youtube links into embedded videos.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:16 No.3490807
    You know today's Shep's birthday, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:16 No.3490821
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:17 No.3490858
    It's also peanut butter jelly time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:19 No.3490915
    >ok i'm not ready for silver yet
    Silver is normal difficulty, you must fucking suck, tripfag. Not even kidding.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:19 No.3490926
         File: 1334150361.jpg-(282 KB, 800x928, 1272248074132.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:19 No.3490930
    That was a little out of the blue. But then again so was the ending to ME3.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:19 No.3490946
    >4chan plus converts all Youtube links into embedded videos.
    not if you turn it off dickwad
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:20 No.3490964
         File: 1334150423.jpg-(221 KB, 1600x1072, thisthread.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:20 No.3490974
    Neither am I. Never will. Bronze forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:20 No.3490993
    Yeah but that's like saying a game is fucking easy. Until you put it on super duper hard mode!
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)09:21 No.3491017
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:22 No.3491041
    >Neither am I. Never will. Bronze forever.
    just for my list. what class do you play that you cannot leave bronze?

    I mean BOTH of you bronzers.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:24 No.3491132
         File: 1334150692.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 534 KB, 4000x4000, 1333847507432.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 534 KB
    >tfw only liara can do this to your body
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:25 No.3491135

    it's interesting to see, but it makes the story somewhat anticlimactic and nonsensical. despite what bioware says, you really can't complete the planets in any order you like

    also how come liara hasn't starved to death by the time you get to therum, doesn't ME1 take place over about a year?
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)09:26 No.3491182
    human infiltrator
    i will get to silver eventually i'm sure
    had a go, got to wave 8, wasn't particularly good so
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:27 No.3491232
    >implying my omniblade didn't do it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:28 No.3491270
    More like weeks, rather than a year. By the time she gets out, she's starved, dehydrated and borderline delusional.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:30 No.3491327
    it's totally nonsensical, and that's why it's fun for a quick playthrough

    also make sure to not recuit as many followers as possible before virmire, if you don't have enough the game won't let you kill wrex no matter what, it makes for a totally hilarious conversation..."SO YOU THINK YOUR GONNA KILL MY PEOPLE...well don't let me get in your way" ...again totally nonsensical but very funny for a quick playthough
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:30 No.3491338
    I miss Kelly Chambers
    And Rupert Gardner
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:32 No.3491410
    meh, rupert never really did it for me, and kelly was just spying on me, i say let them all die via collectors in me2
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:32 No.3491412
    I know that feel bro.

    At least Chambers didn't take a shower in her underwear.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:34 No.3491475
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    Try to solo bronze with any class/faction.
    If You can do it,You're ready for Silver.
    I did Gold with a Quarian Engineer (not alone obv.)it is considered a weak class and I scored second.
    captcha: orCerti mass
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:34 No.3491476
    I'm willing to forgive and forget.

    Besides, Kelly was just naive about what Cerberus really was. Is naivety a reason to kill someone?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:35 No.3491524
    >Is naivety a reason to kill someone?

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:35 No.3491534

    not just underwear. full lingerie, including gloves she definitely put on just before she went into the shower
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:35 No.3491536
    >human infiltrator
    >i will get to silver eventually i'm sure
    >had a go, got to wave 8, wasn't particularly good so
    I could imagine how that would be a problem on console because ME3 has no retarded aim-assist, but seriously I did silver as infiltrator on level 12 with no problems at all. in fact I was the teams medic, my reason why i stopped being infil and switched to asari. infil is pretty damn easy. you must use the wrong loadout or you have wasted skillpoints on shit like grenades.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:36 No.3491564
    gloves? did she seriously wear gloves? that's fucking...just wtf bioware
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:36 No.3491568
    Asari vanguard, krogan soldier, turian sentinel and human infiltrator.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:37 No.3491602

    naw. being a useless, pointless character is. also the janitor who never washed his hands while still cooking the food deserved to die. that asshole, it's 2186, you know all the dangers of fecal contamination.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:39 No.3491648
    maybe that fecal matter was what gave his food a little extra flavor

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:40 No.3491702
    It's 2186, fecal contamination no longer exists.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:42 No.3491754
    I'm still wondering who fucked a varren on Normandy?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:42 No.3491757
         File: 1334151746.jpg-(53 KB, 297x442, b301kyla.jpg)
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    >gloves? did she seriously wear gloves? that's fucking...just wtf bioware
    wait you don't wear gloves when fucking?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:42 No.3491762
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:43 No.3491790
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    All I wanted to was save Kaidan, but now he's stuck on Gilligan's Planet for me. How do I know he's going to be okay?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:45 No.3491843

    oh, i forgot about the space magic. apparently everyone in the future takes pills that makes their shit smell wonderful and have no possibility of carrying disease or parasites. amazing! and yet the quarians still can't fix their fucking immune system.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:46 No.3491880
    i usually don't wear gloves when fucking people in the shower, but if it will get me women like those in the pic I'll start wearing gloves

    >hot lesbians will never love me regardless
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:46 No.3491907
    >hot women will never love me regardless

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:46 No.3491914
    >not remaining fully clothed while you fuck

    i shiggy diggy doo
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:47 No.3491940
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    HAH! Now we know it was never meant to be free before the boycott started!
    It was supposed to cost $4 but then they had to make it free not to piss of their fans any further.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:48 No.3491965

    why do you have to hit me when i'm down?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:50 No.3492057
    >Decide to do a full replay of all three games with the same character
    >Start playing ME1
    >Holy shit I forgot how horrible the combat, controls and powers were

    The only thing ME1 has going for it today is the story. ME2 did EVERYTHING better.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:51 No.3492067
    well they could have said fuck us and told their fans to pay 4 dollars least im glad that just this once they listened just a little bit...wish they would do it a little bit more often
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:51 No.3492103

    i wouldn't be surprised if they ended up making the extended ending DLC cost money just for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:52 No.3492112
    i enjoyed me1 combat greatly but i could understand how it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:53 No.3492156
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    Reminder that according to Prothean VI studies, time is cyclical. The Geth are going to be taking over Quarian bodies if you let them both live and then kill all organic life.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:53 No.3492165
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    >well they could have said fuck us and told their fans to pay 4 dollars least im glad that just this once they listened just a little bit...wish they would do it a little bit more often
    I want to see your face when the next pack (with the really interesting characters) will cost $8, just to make up for the first pack being free.

    Mark my words... they will backstab all of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:54 No.3492197
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    >o hai, I'm here to read, I mean sort, your emails for you, something a VI can do.
    >I'm also here as a psych, even though it would make sense for me to be there official as a psych because of the mission we're doing.
    >I'm also imlied to have the same memory shebang as Drell or it scorched itself into my mind because it was so goddamned horrific
    >I also stand by the galaactic map so I can hear and see what you're doing when belting out orders.
    >I was personally chosen my TIM.
    People didn't see that "I was there to spy on you" confession coming? Jesus fuckwitting Christ, you must be the same people who didn't see Zevran's massage as a come-on.

    I knew she was a plant from the beginning I talked to her and I didn't care. I <3 her anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:56 No.3492295
    Protheans aren't deities, they are just organics. How could they predict the future?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:57 No.3492312
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    As long as they start with the Quarians first.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:58 No.3492357
    I take it you are not a natural english speaker? Because that was fucking horrible to read. Borderline dyslexic.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:58 No.3492381
    Headcannon. Works especially well if your Shepard lived.

    Alternatively, wait for the extended cut and see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:59 No.3492420
    are you mispelling it on purpose because you think its funny? (because it's not) or are you simply dense?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:00 No.3492435


    You're kind of a weird person. As much as I hate paid DLC, the pack's free and shit. I don't really like it, but I've got zero complaints about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:00 No.3492456
    >want to make her show up in ME3
    >can't go through with the flirting all the way because gayshep since ME1
    >no way to make up for it and invite her up to my cabin to feed my fucking fish
    >still no option in Gibbed's ME3 Save Editor to make her show up
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:01 No.3492491
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:02 No.3492541
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    >You're kind of a weird person. As much as I hate paid DLC, the pack's free and shit. I don't really like it, but I've got zero complaints about it.

    You are a tool if you cannot see this psychological decision they've made.

    Free content makes you submissive and shut up, because else you'd feel like a little brat.

    You can always complain about free stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:03 No.3492587
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    >calling other autistic for maintaining an intellectual level of grammatical integrity...
    fuck you, mr. dyslexic nigger!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:06 No.3492691
    >Bordeline dyslexic
    Funny you should say that good sir...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:09 No.3492814

    Technically, it could be argued he speaks in nothing but Spanish but the language is dead enough now that some of those words it can't really translate, possibly due to not having sufficient cross-referencing to translate correctly.

    The correct answer, is, of course, because Bioware didn't fact-check their own goddamn lore.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:09 No.3492819
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    >intellectual level of grammatical integrity
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:12 No.3492942

    Er, what? I don't feel respected at all, nor like a tool. I downloaded it because, shocker, I thought it'd be okay.

    Turns out it was. Whoopdedoo, it's a couple of okay characters a new map and some weapons. I don't give a fuck, because it's fucking free.

    It doesn't cost me shit, and multiplayer is pretty fun sometimes.

    Shit man, I can understand complainign about ten dollar bullshit like From Ashes that was clearly cut out from the game, but free shit you DON'T have to download if you don't want to is pretty fucking silly.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:17 No.3493136
    >but free shit you DON'T have to download if you don't want to is pretty fucking silly.
    You obviously don't get his point: They made the DLC free to calm down the people that were pissed off by the ending. It serves no other purpose than being a giant chill-pill for the community. The funny thing is that it was released on Xlive for $4 and now they call everyone off from buying it because they've made a mistake.

    Basically we can now tell it was never supposed to be free before the boycott started. I hope my incoherent ramblings now make sense in your disjointed mind you you get the whole point.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:18 No.3493182
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:19 No.3493234
    Is it worth buying those Premium Packs instead of Spectre Packs?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:19 No.3493236
    this thread is so fucking dead, no one cares to talk about anything that's fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:20 No.3493257

    Ohhh. If that's the point you were making, I apologize. It just seemed silly the way I read it, but it makes a lot more sense now that you've explained it.

    Sorry 'bout that. Yeah, I agree; it's definitely a chill pill for the community. I never doubted that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:20 No.3493260
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:20 No.3493271
    >Is it worth buying those Premium Packs instead of Spectre Packs?
    are those bought with real money -> bw points?
    if so you're a gigantic faggot to purchasing them
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:21 No.3493296
    Javik theme song
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:22 No.3493359

    SPECTRE packs are the best you can get, aside from the Premium Veteran packs. If you can, save up the credits for that, as it gets a lot more useful shit for you than SPECTRE will in the same light.

    That being said, you know, Premium packs are..kind of rareish, and provide better overall weapons and characters than a SPECTRE pack would.

    If no premium packs are available, get SPECTRE. Otherwise, premium -- unless it's junk-premium that just provides equipment and ammo bonus bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:23 No.3493394
    She survives if everyone is loyal in ME2 and Mordin escorts them back
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:24 No.3493415
    >>3493271 You can buy them with credits you earn from missions or Microsoft points, depending on what you've got. 60K for the SPECTRE, premium veteran gets about 33K. Only faggots buy them with Microsoft points.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:26 No.3493489
    >Sorry 'bout that. Yeah, I agree; it's definitely a chill pill for the community. I never doubted that.
    Thanks and no offense taken on my side as well. I'm happy with the new mp characters as well, wish they'd only be more subtle about how they see us all as money-giving cows that need milked off their currency. It's like being a bitch that gets pimp slapped, yet going back to her master. I don't like giving developers such a feeling of control over a crow, and if I'd had the chance I'd break every single limb of Casey Hudson with a shovel. Fucker thinks he's smart and a smug. He's not.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:27 No.3493534

    it's not just about survival (also mordin isn't required). she literally won't show up if you didn't romance her.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:28 No.3493586

    Inviting her up to the cabin for dinner is not romancing her.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:30 No.3493641
    >she literally won't show up if you didn't romance her.
    you do not romance kelly, it doesn't give you the paramour achive, it doesn't make you flip over the pick of your ME1 LI. shit kids these days are silly as a bag of beans. just because she dances for you doesn't mean you can stick your penis in her or rub your vajayjay against hers. there is no kelly romance, it's a romantic dinner.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:30 No.3493648
    Really? Oh well, this was my Liara playthrough. Don't give a fuck about Kelly.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:30 No.3493672

    Actually, it is. Technically. She's not an actual romance, but the game treats it like such.

    To do that, you can't have any active romances at the moment. Prior romances have to be ended/flags ended somehow; not sure if it's with talking with her or not, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:31 No.3493689
    >Playing MP
    >laggy host
    >no feedback when I get hit due to lag
    >chunks of health disappearing for seemingly no reason

    God damn this is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:31 No.3493696

    sure thing, that's why she keeps talking about how she wants to be together with you in ME3
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:32 No.3493729
    All you gotta do is have dinner with her. Doesn't matter if you stuck it in/got the dance. My Shep flirted with her in a friendly manner but it didn't lock any romance in at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:32 No.3493737

    No, you can have a romance going.

    I did it in my Liara romance playthrough, and every one of my others. You can't have an active ME2 romance for her to come up to your cabin though. (Which is not part of the requirements for her showing up in ME3)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:33 No.3493768
    >Actually, it is.
    Actually it's not, it's been explained before. Romances give you achievements and Kelly does not. Stop spreading bull.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:34 No.3493827

    Again, I was explaining that the game treats it as such; you can't have an active romance -- at least, ME2 romance --- before she'll come up to your cabin and shit. You don't get an achievement for it, and all you technically get is a shitty ass dance, but the game does treat it like an ME2 romance.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:34 No.3493830
    What it should have been (assuming trilogy formulae):

    Mass Effect 1
    >Introduction and Discovery
    >Pretty much as it was, introduction to the series and the universe, discovery of the threat via initial actions and the counter to those, i.e. trying to catch Saren, finding out about Sovereign and the Reapers, preventing Sovereign from succeeding in his goal of bringing them in.

    Mass Effect 2
    >Further Discovery, Preparation, Reveal and Invasion
    >The Reapers are coming. The main focus is preparing for this. Shepard finds out more about it and starts preparing the galaxy for invasion either on an individual level or galactic wide. This would be achieved via further discovery/presentation of discovery about the Reapers. Preparation would begin/continue by resolving the local galactic issues such as curing the genophage, stopping the quarians committing suicide by geth etc
    >The end of the game is initial incursions by the reapers and the beginning of the third game, aka Reveal

    Mass Effect 3
    >Further Reveal, Further Invasion, Resistance and Resolution
    >The Reapers are here, the threat they represent and the prior work results in a galactic slugfest with all those recruited and resolved fighting against them. Plotpoints include trying to find a focal weakpoint whilst fighting off the Reapers across the galaxy in various theatres of war and trying to save as many as possible. Work on a resolution continues and is the climax of the series - this could be a conventional "final battle, fuck them up" or a "superweapon, critical weakness that we've been working on, lets fuck them up with it"
    >Resolution - galaxy destroyed, reapers destroyed, anything in between.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:35 No.3493839

    And by come up to your cabin I mean dance for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:35 No.3493854
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:36 No.3493880
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    >Gold, Wave 9.
    >Last person left.
    >Banshee is on the other side of the room.
    >An uncontrolled slide forces me across the room right up to her.
    >She executes me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:36 No.3493881

    What it was (assuming trilogy formulae):

    Mass Effect 1:
    >Same as above.

    Mass Effect 2:
    >Disconnected Seperate Discovery, Disconnected Seperate Preparation, Disconnected Seperate Resolution - the Reapers are only a very loose theme here and for all intents and purposes are sidelined for favour of a more local threat, the Collectors. More is found out about the Reapers but the only preparation undertaken is to stop the local threat (collectors.) Local prepartion applies to Shepard and his squad, very few wider issues are addressed and as such the galaxy is unprepared. This is simply a repeat of the first game that loops back to "the reapers are coming" in the final moments.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:36 No.3493915

    Mass Effect 3:
    >Further Discovery, Reveal, Affirmation, Preparation, even Further Discovery (via retcon), Resolution and disconnected versions of all preceding.
    >This is all 3 games of "what it should have been" crammed into 1. The Reapers are finally acknowledged on a wider-than-local basis and preparation begins. The main focus and majority of the game is preparing the galaxy for war whilst said war is allready underway - the invasion is more of a loose linking side-quest when the focus should always be on "we're ready, lets fight."
    >It loops back to things already known from prior stages repeatedly and also repeats actions undertaken (Affirmation, Discovery, Disconnected Preparation etc.)
    >Shepard goes around solving local issues while the main issue is set aside and once again becomes a side quest. Only in the latter stages do these local issues come together, which should have been done in a previous game
    >In the very final moments of the game even more Reveals are presented and a "Resolution" is immediately required (In quotes because really, I don't think it is one.) 3 games worth of content have been shrunk and smashed into 1 that is actually smaller than the previous two installments, resulting in sacrificies on quality and content

    That's my view on it.
    Personally I think if they wanted to include the collectors it should have been a quadrilogy to allow for more time of development and proper creation and inclusion of the required content along with the correct story progression.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:37 No.3493936
    > I was explaining that the game treats it as such...
    I don't care about boolean values stored in your save. It's not a romance canon wise. And we're talking about the story here and not some flags in a save game editor. If someone messed up and lost their fish use a god damn save editor to fix it. Sorry, I'm mad about silly debate on principles. Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:40 No.3494048

    Really? I was a hard ass to her all the time. Not a dick, just I was acting professional and avoided all sorts of flirting and useless pleasantries.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:41 No.3494072

    The instant kill animations were a terrible idea.

    They're a terrible idea in any game really. Unless they trigger when the next attack would kill you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:43 No.3494107
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    >Have full shields and health
    >Phantom is at critical health
    >One shot animation kills me

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:43 No.3494110
    Thanks, I just grinded 230k credits and bought 2 Premium Packs, I've got quarian engie twice, reset powers and Falcon II.
    I'm quite disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:44 No.3494167
    Should have at least let you get out of it with a) a QTE or b) Having a squad mate hit the Banshee with a biotic / tech power.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:45 No.3494184
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    Good stuff. Why don't you do a Smudboy and make some videos to spread your ideas around?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:45 No.3494194
    You're completely right about 3. Bioware thought they could get away with taking Mass Effect in a "different direction" in 2. They thought they had all the time in the world and that they would spread the Reapers too thinly if they involved them in 2. This ended up with them rushing to cram everything that should've been in 2 into 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:45 No.3494225
    I don't think NPCs having one shot kill moves at all is a good idea. Even if the player is on 1/100 HP it will still feel cheap because you are unable to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:47 No.3494282

    Everything you said there is because of their idea that "Mass Effect 3 is a great place to start the series".

    It's bullshit. You don't cater to new fans and make a shitty game for the fans that you already have.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:47 No.3494295

    To my eternal shame I've never actually made a video, despite having the required software on my HDD. I should probably learn by doing. Failing that I'll make it into a pretty image.
    >or make a series of pretty images and throw them together into a video


    Yeah. The dev time was what, 1.5 years, compared to the previous 4 and 3? Despite it being flawed currently they could have fixed it by doubling the length and having it split into "part 1 and 2" with part 1 assuming the role of what 2 should have been and 3 being invasion.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:47 No.3494298
    Am I the only person who screams "Falcon Punch" when using the Batarian heavy melee?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:48 No.3494330
    le xD zomg thats hilarious! im postin dat on reddit rite nao!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:49 No.3494348

    I should have known that something was wrong as soon as I heard that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:49 No.3494360

    le reddit XD
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)10:50 No.3494386
    Go to the Game from your console and look at the Dlc, you have to download manually. as For the Commendation pack they haven't given out Most of them because people were duping multiple boxes. They're going to drop an update then give them out. Im downloading the update as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:50 No.3494394

    EA. Shit on everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:50 No.3494412

    the thing is, it's not even a good place to start the series. any new player would be confused as fuck about what's going on. fuck, i didn't know what the hell was going on in the first part of ME3. the pacing was awful. seriously why didn't they leave the trial part in
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:51 No.3494429
    >Am I the only person who screams "Falcon Punch" when using the Batarian heavy melee?
    Fuck you asshole, I hope someone punches into your ugly 14 y/o nerdface. Go back to reddit and or die in a car accident. I mean it, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:51 No.3494464

    Seems that way. Again, they could have fixed that by keeping a long development time and then putting all the previous stuff in the codex. If they'd done it as I suggested that would be fine because all the issues would have been resolved (or not) and a new player could still understand it via the codex entries (maybe even throw in a few vidlogs about what happened.)

    Naturally if you want to get the best you start from the beginning but they should have trusted that if people wanted to learn more they'd go and do so, rather than trying to shove it into our respective throats.

    The other big issue is that by doing that they had to cram even more content in (which is all a repeat) thus leaving less time for actual progression.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:52 No.3494469
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:52 No.3494474

    I think their reason was because It would be to slow of a pace and not action oriented enough to start the beginning or something along that line of retarded reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:52 No.3494483

    Info images are always good, be sure to include pretty pictures and charts.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:54 No.3494560

    Ah yes, the average "gamer" would lose interest.

    You made an RPG series, you've already lost the average video game player's interest.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:55 No.3494573
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    I was wondering: are there any persons here on /vg/ who actually enjoyed the endings of Mass Effect 3?
    >enjoying things
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:55 No.3494580

    I did it for the list of enemies by game, I can do it for this.

    Any suggestions on extra content? I'm thinking so far to flesh it out and give it a pretty layout, maybe include some links to that storywriters perspective on bioware and so on. I don't want to put too much in unless I turn it into a compilation.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:56 No.3494608

    The only thing I liked about it was the end cinematic where the reapers fall over and the alliance troops cheer (after destroy) because they were pretty visuals.
    Everything else sucked about it.
    >if they'd spent as many weeks on rendering the sequence as creating a decent plot for the end it'd have been much different
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:56 No.3494609

    Well, to be fair they did say and I quote "We want call of duty's audience". That should be a definitive enough answer.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:57 No.3494653
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    i enjoyed the explosion colors. they were pretty.

    also why were the videos so low res
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:58 No.3494681
    Thanks, but figured it out. Wasn't entirely obvious through Origin: had to go to "show game details" and then "shop for add-ons".

    As for the Raptor packs... I figured they would've fixed the problem by now. Seems like a backwards way of dealing with the problem. Rather than screw over people who had nothing to do with the duping, why not just give all the packs out and catch more dupers and just retroactively ban the previous dupers? It's not like they can make much use of their duped stuff once they're banned.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:58 No.3494683
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:58 No.3494694
    Am I the only one who had an audio bug during the start of the Hammer push?

    The part where the Krogan, Salarians and all are initially starting the attack and pushing forward and all?

    None of the guns have sound effects and it annoys me greatly. Is this just Bioware quality?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:58 No.3494708
    Anyone who takes videogames seriously enough to consistently post here would not enjoy the endings. Almost everyone who comes to these boards regularly is analytical and anal enough to hate the endings.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:59 No.3494730

    They only did it to the maximum lowest res (which is 720), and I think they may actually have gone for upscaled 420. Doing otherwise would have required extra time and space (memory wise.)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:59 No.3494735
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:00 No.3494765
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    Male quarian Soldier, after a 'bad experience' in the Terminus systems he gets a suit of custom heavy armor and has a 'shoot first' mentality
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:06 No.3494976
    I didn't think they were terrible. Mine rounded up alright with synthesis, and I was okay with sheps death in the end - I was with Liara as a LI, and figured she would outlast him anyway, saving the galaxy is probably a good way for her to remember him.

    If the extended cut clears a few things up then I won't really be complaining. Lack of a boss fight was a bit shit though. The fact you don't hear any dialogue apart from grandpa after the end is pretty crap
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:07 No.3494998
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    Am I the only one who feels like his eyes are being gouged out when using geth hunter mode?

    It hurts me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:07 No.3495003

    i don't think that's necessary to hate the endings. i can't imagine anyone liking them, except for the people who think incomprehensible and "dark and gritty" things are automatically deep. the same type who would cry at the kid's death.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:09 No.3495065

    Not to mention the last thing we see in the entire series is "DON'T FORGET TO BUY OUR DLC!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:13 No.3495203
    It's disorienting as fuck. Dayum shame too since I love the ability. Been turning down the brightness on my monitor and it kinda helps.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:13 No.3495219

    I don't understand how anyone could like them without being in massive denial and/or sucking Bioware's cock just because
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:14 No.3495240

    Eh, don't know how I could help. I'm more of a 'let's point and laugh at their mistakes' guy than someone who discovers and promotes said failings.

    Could you repost your eneimies chart? Saw it in an older thread but forgot to save it. It might get my creative juices flowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:17 No.3495345
         File: 1334157437.png-(2.95 MB, 3000x1767, EIMEHQU1.png)
    2.95 MB

    >I also did the letter compilation but I'm still waiting on bioware to respond

    I made this with the help of /vg/ - kept posting it as a WIP and getting told to fix this shit, or that shit. Worked pretty well.
    >I've got a 5,000 x 5,000 version but that requires .jpg and is not good. Can still post if needed
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:19 No.3495439

    Cheers bro. I'll see if I can come up with anything.

    Quick suggestion: put your posts from earlier into a jpg for easy reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:20 No.3495441
    So, generally speaking, what are your main classes/builds, and how are you liking the new content?

    I fucking love Firebase Hydra, but Condor seems to be composed of all the shit that I hate in maps
    >Deceptively huge, but full of tight spaces and boxes that seem to materialize out of nowhere to block your escape routes
    >Dark as fuck
    >One of the point-guarding "Gather data" objectives is right in front of a ledge where engineers are prone to laying down turrets

    As far as classes go, I used to roll with a Salarian GPS infiltrator, but I jumped ship to the Geth alternative. The hunter vision comes in handy with the damage/movement bonus, and the X-ray vision helps out a lot more than I expected it to. At least a 50 kill medal every match guaranteed. 75 on bronze each time.

    Specced for damage on all powers (including proxy bomb), and skipped the 6th slot on cloak since you can fire off a GPS charged shot without breaking cover anyway. But those points in to health/shield because why the fuck not.

    The hunter mode was a little fussy at first. I'd run in and just faceplant like a retard, then I got in to the habit of knowing when it is and isn't gonna work. Great for cloaking and traveling through mobs, defending points from waves, and giving that extra "Umph" you need to drop a phantom.

    Not so great when survivability becomes a factor and you're on the offensive, clearing a room on your own.

    Also, as gay as it looks, I recommend dressing up in bright colors, otherwise you keep getting shot at in Geth matches.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:23 No.3495583

    this just screams for a cannibalistic ending with tali using garrus for his body.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:25 No.3495617
    I hope you realise you're the cancer killing the video games industry.

    Carry on.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:25 No.3495618
         File: 1334157906.png-(49 KB, 250x250, wtf_reading.png)
    49 KB
    >If requirements are/are not met:
    >Jack will make an appearance as a Phantom
    >Morinth will appear as a Banshee
    >Legion will appear as [NOT SURE - Standard Geth?]
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:26 No.3495647
         File: 1334157960.jpg-(159 KB, 1920x1080, 1331334682852.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:26 No.3495649

    What isn't to you people?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:26 No.3495665
         File: 1334157993.jpg-(270 KB, 1920x1040, 1332058396193.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:26 No.3495681
    I think the problem is that the edges of the vision have either some sort of stereoscopic and / or blur effect going on.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:28 No.3495719
    >Also, as gay as it looks, I recommend dressing up in bright colors, otherwise you keep getting shot at in Geth matches

    I have my geth infiltrator set up to look exactly like a hunter. Am I a bad person?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:30 No.3495793
         File: 1334158230.jpg-(63 KB, 600x423, reaction (11).jpg)
    63 KB
    Is there a crack to play multiplayer, seems really fun?

    i only pirated because i knew EA would jew the shit out of DLC
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:31 No.3495819
    I rock a pink and white Geth Infiltrator.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:32 No.3495861
    Why/how did they end up as Cerberus/Reaper forces? Morinth is dead in my playtrough and Jack is at the academy. What the fuck did I miss here?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:35 No.3495945
    Morinth is Ardat-Yakshi .... all Banshees are Ardat- Yakshi or carriers or something.

    Jack gets captured from Grissom Academy if you fail to do that side mission and gets turned into a Phantom.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:37 No.3496010
    guys who hate geth vision mode:

    do you usually get motion sickness? Have you applied an FOV fix to the game?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:38 No.3496052
         File: 1334158712.jpg-(229 KB, 790x645, Morinth Letter 1.jpg)
    229 KB
    Morinth, if she lives, sends you an email near the start of the game. You also see her sending emails to her sisters on the Shadow Broker terminal. She inevitably becomes a banshee when you visit Earth.

    Jack turns into a phantom if you take too long to do the Grissom Academy mission.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:40 No.3496118
    Im playing Mass Effect 2 for the first time and After i Blew up the old Cerberus base for Jack, She starts a fight with Miranda and when i have to choose i chose Miranda by accident.
    Is there a way to make Jack happy with me again?
    >> Mass Effect 3 falsely advertised, says BBB Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:40 No.3496139
    >Better Business Bureau reports BioWare's promises for meaningful player choices in spacefaring action role-playing game not fulfilled.

    >In a post to the firm's consumer news and opinion blog, BBB director of marketplace services Marjorie Stephens explained that BioWare directed a misleading advertising campaign for Mass Effect 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:41 No.3496179

    I don't think so. You'll have to load an old save and make sure you have high enough reputation points to pass the dialogue check.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:42 No.3496198
         File: 1334158967.gif-(285 KB, 150x150, 1329265021720.gif)
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    >Playing on silver with a batarian sentinel
    >heard from someone else who played with one as a teammate that they were worthless
    >prepare myself for the constant revives
    >motherfucker sees he's playing against Cerberus and his unrelenting rage at humans bursts forth
    >starts throwing nets over everything, getting up close and beating the shit out of everything
    >becomes the living embodiment of the unrelenting brutality of his species
    >playing as human female engineer who's getting wet as fuck from this display of alphaness
    >secretly hoping he throws that net over me and brutally fucks me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:43 No.3496203
    Huh, well that's a little surprising.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:43 No.3496226

    Reload an earlier save
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:44 No.3496246
    Load your autosave and do it over.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:44 No.3496249
         File: 1334159066.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, 1331541322229.jpg)
    48 KB

    That kinda made my day.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:47 No.3496359

    >EA stocks keep dropping
    >Bioware accused of false advertising by BBB

    This is hilarious
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:48 No.3496404
    Im Currently playing an Adept in Mass effect 2 and im not complaining but is there any way i can use a weapon that isnt a pistol (Not including the heavy weapons)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:49 No.3496467

    You can use SMGs right? Do Kasumi's loyalty mission ASAP for the Locust.

    >Mass Effect 2

    I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:50 No.3496483

    I think you have to wait till the collector base mission where you can pick up an AR or a Sniper
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:51 No.3496513
    Play as a Soldier you pussy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:51 No.3496516
    I presume that's America's version of OFCOM?

    So if they have been found guilty what happens? Do they get fined or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:51 No.3496521
    About halfway through the game there's a mission that lets you take advanced training in a weapon type of your choice.

    You can also edit the Coalesced.ini to change any class's default weapons, or simply edit your save file to make the aforementioned advanced training shit happen immediately.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:52 No.3496586
    BBB is an intermediary for conflicts between customers and businesses. They don't have any real authority and don't fine. It's nothing more than shaking their finger at Bioware.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:53 No.3496603

    Absolutely nothing happens except they get a bad business rating on the BBB website.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:54 No.3496645

    They get a stern talking to and a slap on the wrist.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:55 No.3496678
    The BBB isn't actually part of the American government so they can't do anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:57 No.3496761
    Thats nice and all but i think ill wait. Do you know the specific weapon?
    I heard Soldier was too easy in mass effect 2 iunno maybe i got my information wrong
    Why are you sorry?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:57 No.3496775

    The male employees will be sentenced to no less then 36 months arrest while the female employees, if deemed sufficiently attractive, will have to parade down Whyte Avenue naked (though flip flops can be provided for medical reasons).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:58 No.3496818
    I meant specific mission
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:59 No.3496835
         File: 1334159969.png-(1.01 MB, 1280x895, tumblr_m13r0x7Flf1qe1sre.png)
    1.01 MB
    I dislike most ME fan art but this one gave me a feel. I don't even like Liara that much.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:00 No.3496854
    When you go to the Collector ship you can pick a new weapon type.

    Alternatively if you own that weapon already you can get an upgraded version
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:00 No.3496867
    He's sorry because Adept is at its weakest in ME2, doubly so if you play on a difficulty higher than Veteran.

    As for advanced training, it doesn't give you a specific weapon, just unlocks the weapon type of your choice - Assault Rifle, Shotgun or Sniper Rifle. You can then slot any of those that you've found through the game.

    As for the Locust, it's the best SMG in the game and a solid weapon all-around.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:03 No.3496970
    Finding salarian engineer to be very fun. Just completed a bunch of gold maps with a 4 man salarian engineer team. Very easy and a laugh when we break into bouts of "hold the line!" and singing "very model of engineer salarians."
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:04 No.3497030

    No one ever talks when I'm playing. It's so quiet all the time so I play Drell Adept just so the Reave sound bug makes the time in between rounds not so quiet and awkward.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:04 No.3497032

    Somehow, I don't think Hamburger will make the cut.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:05 No.3497072
    I don't know, i find Adept to be Alright. Not many issues.

    Also, this may be a stupid question but who is the best team mates to take with me to battle?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:06 No.3497128

    Miranda and Garrus.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:06 No.3497150

    Have you tried starting the conversations? Got into some good/silly banter when I was in a team of all krogan and muttering about how the team had low chances of success.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:08 No.3497212
    As an Adept you're good at taking out armour and barriers.

    Bringing along someone that has Overload can help cover shields - unless you're going up against enemies that don't even use shields, like vorcha/krogan or collectors.

    Your damage is overall somewhat low, so bring along someone that can hit hard. Kasumi's Shadow Strike is beast. Thane, Garrus and Legion are both all great snipers. Grunt is a total tank.

    You'll probably get the least mileage out of characters like Jack, Samara and Mordin.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:09 No.3497250

    I'll usually say something about how we're going to lose if we get an area hold or run to the objectives when we're facing Reapers on anything above bronze difficulty.

    All I ever get in response is incomprehensible Russian/Eastern European gibberish and/or yelling.
    >> Radical-Ordo-Xenos 04/11/12(Wed)12:09 No.3497287
         File: 1334160597.jpg-(100 KB, 600x1289, geth_ambassador_by_shade_117-d(...).jpg)
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    >You will never see the Geth councillor
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:12 No.3497376

    I actually get really frustrated that there's no mute mic option. 9/10 the people with mics are so annoying that I actually play on mute or leave the matchmaking screen once I hear them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:12 No.3497380

    Sounds like you're a tad unlucky! Have you tried making your tactical advice a bit more entertaining? I mean asa drell, perhaps you could Pray to one of them gods of theres that the damned "insert race/class here" would stop doing "insert stupid tactical manuever here"? I find going for laughs gets people talking way more than being too serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:12 No.3497404
         File: 1334160752.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 279 KB, 1680x1050, 1331997772099.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 279 KB
    I'm unfortunately stuck on the 360 because I only have my shitty 8-year-old Lenovo here at college. I find that there's at least one person in every lobby with a mic and he's usually easy to talk to. Despite the fact that ME3 tried to get "CoD's fanbase", people in multiplayer are very much RPG fans like ourselves and will talk to you about everything from some obscure quest in the first game to cheesy romance dialogue in the last.
    Take Miranda everywhere. I hate her character but her abilities are absurdly overpowered. Overload against shielded enemies AND warp against enemies with barriers? As if that wasn't enough, her passive is the best ability in the game: increased damage or health for everyone in your squad. Who you choose next should be up to you, but it usually isn't because you often have to take one specific squad member along since it's their mission (loyalty missions).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:13 No.3497465

    Well I play on PC if that matters. It seems PC players rarely ever use their mics in games in my experience. While 360 players all have mics since they get one with the console.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:14 No.3497506
    Part of me really wants to learn more about audio/voice manipulation.

    Imagine if I had a program that could give me that turian I-don't-know-the-word or the drell rasp.

    I'd do every I could to freak people out in multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:15 No.3497520

    Salarian engineer here, me and all my RPG/tabletop/LARP buddies play on PC with mics, makes for entertaining games.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:15 No.3497537
         File: 1334160952.png-(80 KB, 2000x1296, Geth_armory.png)
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    That is the blockiest Geth I have ever seen, but damn if that cable beard isn't bitchin'
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:16 No.3497543
    I study electrical engineering. I don't know this feel. but trust me, getting accurate voice-change hardware to work in real-time would be impossible... it's hard enough with editing software
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:17 No.3497579

    Salarian eng here again: One of my friends has one of those that makes him sound rather Geth-like. I'll have to ask him what program it is, as I think its rather impressive.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:18 No.3497639

    Though he could just be wearing one of those voice changer things IRL rather than a program? Need to ask.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:20 No.3497691

    I'm finding it oddly difficult to pick between a Geth voice or that sweet reverberation in Turian speech.

    Either way; have a video showing a pretty good geth voice setting.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:20 No.3497704
    Looks like The Woo just came into work, all of a sudden its DING DONG BANNU everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:21 No.3497732
         File: 1334161270.jpg-(45 KB, 512x384, spongebob having an athsma att(...).jpg)
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    There's only been one or two instances where I was pleased I didn't mute the mic. By far the best was back when it was only the demo
    >everybody down due to derping apart from me and this one infiltrator
    >last wave
    >dangerously low health, see phantom behind me
    >oh god this is it
    >suddenly boom, headshot from across map
    >"Don't lose your head..."
    >we do another match and he starts up with more one-liners
    >can't concentrate at all because i'm waiting for the next "Trying to get a head-start?"/"Heads-up!"/"Heading my way?"

    Goddamn that was the best match ever. I've never seen his gamertag in a matchup since, which is a shame.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:22 No.3497769
    I've actually been doing this for multiplayer already!

    I couldn't get the Turian voice to work properly, or what I thought sounded most like a turian voice, but I got a geth voice working pretty decently.

    Of course, I'm also using super babby mode Screaming Bee, so if anyone gets something better working let me know.

    Origin ID in email for anyone who wants to go online and do stupid voice shit together.

    Back to grinding on gold until I get my precious Geth Engineer...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:23 No.3497812

    Ill have to rmember those, want to try an infiltrator soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:23 No.3497820
    Does anyone have that picture of Jack tossing her and Shep's kid into the air with biotics
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:24 No.3497837
         File: 1334161450.jpg-(905 KB, 1235x2131, Dang.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:24 No.3497857
    If I may ask
    anyone find anything close to the Batarian's guttural voice effect?
    motherfuckers sound hardcore
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:24 No.3497869
    Yes bout bloody time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:27 No.3497957

    I didn't know how else to name them, that's how they appear in-game.

    Will do
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:29 No.3498057
    >fanfiction in ME general
    >expecting the old YOU FUCK MEN or Aria fanfic images
    >Taliban fanfic instead
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:30 No.3498119
    You can't just do that with your throat? Pitching your voice downward slightly might help a little, but if you don't have a thick black man voice you don't have a thick black man voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:31 No.3498170
    Whoops, there we go, back to noko.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:31 No.3498171
    I felt bad for Miranda. She just wanted someone to love her. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:31 No.3498180
    well that's why I'm wondering.
    I have a girly voice, and synthesizers would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:32 No.3498195
    >not having high enough paragon or renegade to please both
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:33 No.3498256
         File: 1334162017.jpg-(139 KB, 900x1200, 1294854351722.jpg)
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    Tali fics are the hottest fics.

    Imagine her being tied up and Shepard just tormeting her, leaving her Nerve Stimulator on for hours as he goes off on missions, sleeping, talking with Garrus and playing Skyllian-5 poker.

    Quarians are hot as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:33 No.3498267
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:33 No.3498273
    >>expecting the old YOU FUCK MEN or Aria fanfic images
    The what now?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:34 No.3498326

    That and I can imagine doing it for any length of time could damage your threat?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:35 No.3498346

    I run mine through my amp and an effects pedal.

    Takes an assload of time and tinkering to get a "space nigger gonna fuck you up" with just the right amount of distortion so I wouldn't recommend it, but it's funny as fuck to klck it up to 11 midway through a battlecry
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:36 No.3498391
    The old ME generals (in the days of the 200+ thread train on /v/) were usually supplied with these two fanfics probably taken from the kmeme. One where Shepard fucks Nihlus, and one where he fucks Aria.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:36 No.3498419
    >Space nigger gonna fuck you up

    Oh God my sides.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:37 No.3498458
         File: 1334162270.jpg-(180 KB, 683x1024, 586598f5c4bbaed06c8ddd79e8d1d6(...).jpg)
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    This it?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:38 No.3498481
    I'm sorry bro, but synthesizers aren't great for making your voice deeper, only higher.

    If you can't fake a deep voice decently enough, and you honestly don't like your girly voice, try screaming until your throat is sore. If you do this often, basically, your throat will get tougher and your voice will get deeper.

    On the other hand, if you try to go for the other side of the spectrum the voice software might give you a decent enough voice for the Salarian. It's just pitched up one octave I think, if even that much.

    Hell if your voice is really girly it might be fine for a salarian as is.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:38 No.3498497
    >mfw I remember the ME generals with much fondness
    Tali posts EVERYWHERE. It's like...ME2 gave birth to a whole new type of waifu.

    Not saying Tali was the first nerdy awkward waifu ever, but she seems to have been the most popular, at least in recent memory.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:39 No.3498546

    Learn to subvocalise.
    With the right sensitivity and effects you can make the gravelliest doomiest voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:39 No.3498562
    how can you fuck a male turian if you're a dude? The dick coming out of the cloaca would get in the way of you putting anything into it.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)12:40 No.3498586
         File: 1334162430.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1308265437442.jpg)
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    So, I usually have enough people to run a game of gold whenever I get on, but when no one's available I just start up a game of silver geth on giant and by the ammo box down the ramp from evac.

    9/10 times this happens
    >start it up, have my salarian engineer (im self sufficient, yay!)
    >two people join, one leaves
    >other two join
    >one is always a level 1
    >he gets kicked and our fourth shows up
    >No one has a Mic besides me
    >One always chooses a Krogan soldier/sentinel between level 10-15 with the heaviest combo of shotgun assault rifle
    >other chooses an assault with a sniper rifle and a heavy Shotgun or assault rifle
    >third has a widow and a heavy secondary on a quarian/salarian infiltrator
    >I take my spot
    >everyone else hides in the hallway/roundabout room
    >Krogan run out in the open to go heavy melee enemies in groups
    >including the prime
    >Infiltrator has bad aim and either doesn't know shit about sabotaging/energy drain or doesn't bother since the recharge is so long
    >Soldier is RIGHT beside the infiltrator sniping also.
    >I stay in my little area
    >Use routes that avoid enemy spawns when dealing with objectives
    >drop decoy and lure more than half the enemies to my killzone
    >usually stops my morons from getting overrun
    >will revive if it isn't inconvenient for me
    >which means I never revive the krogan
    >get 20k+ lead every time
    >either one or all three leave (usually Krogan first)
    In the tenth game someone usually has a mic, runs engineer with a phalanx or avenger and bunkers down with me after round 3 or so. Also, I actually got hatemail for not reviving someone playing a krogan. He called me useless and a faggot, the irony was painful.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:41 No.3498614

    Tell me more. Or at least link how I can get this in voice software.

    Also... How is this amp + effects pedal thing set up?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:42 No.3498720
    In my headcannon the nerve stimulator has different settings; personal (nerves fire only when in contact with the wearer's suit), intimate (nerves fire with touches that occur from anything BUT the wearer's suit), and some kind of FIRE AT WILL mode where everything is able to be fired by any touch.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:43 No.3498772
    Ah. Don't suppose you have the latter of the two handy?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:43 No.3498774
         File: 1334162629.png-(109 KB, 432x576, 1333640306494.png)
    109 KB
    >Burn through ME1 and 2 without any romance because lolplot
    >ME3 shows up
    >Try to romance Liara
    >somehow fail
    >Try to romance Traynor
    >fail again
    >Pityfuck Allers

    All of my regrets
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:44 No.3498826

    You can do it with any software, you just need to crank your sensitivity right up and have your mic near/touching your throat.

    For the amp + effects I have my headset going into a splitter and converter, then the effects pedal, then the amp, then back into my soundcard where i've got it set as the input for communications. In my first live test I apparently accidentallied someone's sound system when I turned the phaser on by mistake. Seriouslly though, it's a lot of effort. Mosey on over to a torrent site and get any synthesizer and play with it.,
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:45 No.3498867
    >romance allers

    you failed hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:46 No.3498920
    Will ableton work?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:47 No.3498950
    In all fairness, Krogan sentinels don't really need to concern themselves with cooldown time. Like, at all, which is why they opt to just load on on weapons and survivability.

    Maybe the guys you've been playing with suck, but I manage through silver and gold matches pretty good. Granted my kill count is never as high as that of an infilshotty, but I've never been useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:47 No.3498962
    I really hate playing Turians in MP.

    >Brute charging towards me, can't dodge to the side
    >Grenades landing underneath me, can't roll away
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:47 No.3498971
    What do people see in Aria anyway? She's powerful, ruthless, dangerous - I can be attracted to that, but her demeanor is just completely cold. The only emotion she ever shows throughout ME2 and 3 are anger and contempt. Literally NOTHING else.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:47 No.3498975
    also uh, any experience with morphvox?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:48 No.3499032

    You do things for her and she starts to open up, albeit only a little bit.

    You know deep down she wants Shepard's dick/vag.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:48 No.3499045
    >grenade lands beneath me, can't charge
    More like
    >grenade bounces off the ceiling, hits a window, rolls around the corner of the piece of cover I'm hiding behind before popping up into the air and sitting itself down in the collar of my suit

    Seriously, fucking Cerberus and Cannibals are accurate as fuck with them grenade throws.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:49 No.3499101
    >but her demeanor is just completely cold

    That's the appeal.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:50 No.3499113
    Prxoimity mine is the worst power in MP.

    Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:50 No.3499120
    Personally, I just find the idea of Shepard using sex to get what he/she wants is an awesomely entertaining idea.

    For example, having trouble getting Asari support? Sleep with Tevos, receive boost to EMS.

    Help Aria take back Omega for more support, be awared with a scene where the two hate-fuck eachother at the end.

    I can't really think of any other characters who are powerful women.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:50 No.3499132
    >spend 700k so far on Premium Spectre Packs
    >only new thing I get is the Asari Justicar

    BLEH. She's ugly, doesn't have Samara-tits, and it only moderately effective.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:52 No.3499235
    As a Turian Soldier yes, not as a Salarian Infiltrator. You shoot your sniper while cloaked then use the mine just before it wears off, and you do an insane amount of damage.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:52 No.3499241

    Not sure why I said that, you need a modulator

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:53 No.3499278
    Concussive shot on Gold, even maxed out, is pretty much useless. At least with proximity mine you can bring down a notch of armor.

    I never max out either. Adrenaline Rush gives soldiers a big boost in weapon damage, and the other powers for classes with proximity mine are all much better.

    Not that Adrenaline Rush makes soldiers better. I'd never take a soldier into a Gold match. Silver, yeah. Not Gold.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:53 No.3499280
    >where the two hate-fuck each other at the end
    And unbeknownst to you, Aria has your current LI (if you have one) tied up and forced to watch.

    Haha...She WOULD, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:54 No.3499298
    Using a Turian Solider, pop PM with 30% decrease in movement, use it at a choke point, pop marksman with what assault and lay waste. I use the Rev X
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:54 No.3499326

    >grenades fly at you, land on ground etc
    >Cannot be pushed/thrown back with biotics like any other loose object could be in 1

    Fuck you bioware.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:54 No.3499341
    Concussive Shot is the worst by far.

    Proximity mine at least does halfway-decent damage, and there's no harm to covering your flanks when you've got cooldowns to spare.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:55 No.3499384
    >20% damage from all sources
    with various the cloak recharge abuse bugs, the infiltrators (salarian, geth) can go massive damage with snipers and shotguns
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:56 No.3499403
    >Renegade option in inevitable fight/conversation with LI
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:56 No.3499408
    I find Proxy Mine to be HIGHLY useful on Turian Soldier, especially the Expose Evolution. Makes the target take +20% damage from all sources after being hit with a mine. That's STUPIDLY useful. I think it's the 5th evolution. I just put Proxies to 5 and then Conc.Shot to 3 and everything else into Marksman, Fitness, and Turian whatever-the-racial is called.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:56 No.3499442

    >ITT we post our attempts to get Mass Effect voices working
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:58 No.3499604
    so i started playing silver today with my drell adept (love the nades more than bubble from asari) and it was pretty good with a team thats not completely retarded

    reapers were easy except when banshees 1hit you (probably happens once each game) everything else dies in seconds especially when they clusterfuck against my nades

    now how do you deal with phantoms? i know asari bubble could stop them but you wont always have them and they dodge most of the skills

    and what are some good weapons? right now i use the geth AR I

    carnifex seems shit to me with the limited ammo (maybe would be better when its a higher lvl)

    falcon, striker no dmg at lvl 1 compared to the limited ammo
    claymore too has limited ammo (at least it can 1hit a lot) and i hate the graal (its only a single shot? and charging seems retarded)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:01 No.3499709

    See, that's pretty good.
    Add around 70% more bass and 30% more treble. You also want around 0.3 - 0.5 seconds delay.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:01 No.3499720
    is it worth buying the cheaper packs or should i save for the 99k one? second day in multiplayer so i havent gotten much yet
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:02 No.3499803
    Sounds like a flamboyantly gay Krogan.

    Needs more bass.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:03 No.3499847
    Yes thank you!!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:06 No.3499990
    personally i'd primarily go with cheaper ones when starting out to get a good selection of consumables, equipment, mods and starter weapons. A mantis X is very comparable to a widow I or even II.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:07 No.3500065
    Do you want moderately effective weapons with no real downsides, except for a few exceptions (Incisor and Scimitar, for example, are bad)? Go Veteran.

    Do you want a chance at some STUPIDLY effective weapons while also taking the chance that you'll get some STUPIDLY ineffective weapon? Go Premium Spectre Packs (Buying PSPs saves you 21k instead of buying two regular Spectre Packs at 60k each).

    Also, both packs have decent character cards. Veterans have a CHANCE for a rare and a guaranteed uncommon, Spectres have a guaranteed rare. ALL packs have a chance for an ultra-rare.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:07 No.3500075
    >geth infiltrator
    >with geth plasma shotgun

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:09 No.3500148
    Well damn. Guess no one does. Guess it's time to dig through the muck then.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:12 No.3500297

    How's that?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:12 No.3500319
    At the beginning buy nothing but the cheapest packs. This is to max out your basic weapons, making them very effective rather cheaply. When all your common weapons are at level X, then move up.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:13 No.3500354

    You've got the tone set.
    Distortion/delay needs to be tuned down quite a bit. Try 0.1 or 0.2 delay.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:13 No.3500365
    >max out hunter mode
    >suddenly my Geth is Sanic

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:14 No.3500419

    Basically I'm saying tighten it up a little
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:14 No.3500424
    Haha, the tone is perfect. Reminds me of Uvenk a little bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:15 No.3500475
    Do the geth speak in MP? As in the player
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:16 No.3500503
    I don't know how to do that, I'm using morphvox still while AV downloads.

    Are you sure AV can be used to talk in-game?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:16 No.3500508
    >She's powerful, ruthless, dangerous - I can be attracted to that, but her demeanor is just completely cold. The only emotion she ever shows throughout ME2 and 3 are anger and contempt.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:21 No.3500774
    If a Krogan Sentinel doesn't put points in Incinerate then they don't have any need for recharge and can be as heavy as they want. Incinerate can be useful, but you get a lot of advantages in ignoring all the power-buffing/recharge-increasing skills.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:22 No.3500823
         File: 1334164955.jpg-(39 KB, 560x400, 1326974422356.jpg)
    39 KB
    That ain't half bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:22 No.3500826

    It should be.
    If not I'm sure you can make it so by setting up the audio channels and input that ME3 uses. As I recall it has a list that you can use, so if it's forcing default audio device then you either need to set the modulated channel as default or change what ME uses as input (either in game itself, or because lolEA and they have useless options then in the config files.)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:23 No.3500859
    >join game at low level
    >two of three vote to kick
    >game starts anyways
    >playing soldier, no good weapons yet
    >somebody set the game to silver
    >still second place on the team
    >first place keeps going down and i keep reviving him
    >havent gone down yet
    >Atlas comes out
    >take shots will running away
    >get sniped down
    >all three teammates stand there refusing to revive me
    >all three teammates die
    >host disconnects
    >"fucking noobs"
    >actually get on mic and point out I went down once compared to his 9
    >you were just calling me a noob
    I hate multiplayer games anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:27 No.3501025
    Diana Allers is the worst character in video game history

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:27 No.3501031
    So how are the new weapons?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:29 No.3501104
         File: 1334165371.gif-(171 KB, 674x800, 823599 - Mass_effect_Quarian_U(...).gif)
    171 KB
    Pictorial evidence that quarians are "augmented."
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:29 No.3501105
    >> TurianFantasyBro 04/11/12(Wed)13:29 No.3501120
         File: 1334165398.gif-(510 KB, 320x240, YesJackNicholson.gif)
    510 KB
    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:31 No.3501165
    Hey there!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:31 No.3501170
    I've been having great fun with the Striker. It can drop powerful enemies rather quick, and can aim around Guardian shields.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:31 No.3501187

    >forgot the spoiler
    Now everyone's going to miss the joy of clicking it and realizing it's animated.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:31 No.3501195
         File: 1334165505.png-(Spoiler Image, 186 KB, 439x248, guesswho.png)
    Spoiler Image, 186 KB
    There I go forgeting my image.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:32 No.3501245

    Fuck you.
    No one cared about you.
    Not even the soldiers evacing the civilians.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:33 No.3501275
         File: 1334165611.jpg-(164 KB, 500x589, 1305212987681.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:34 No.3501302
    The carnifex is a really good weapon with great damage and weight, but the ammo can be lacking at level 1. Slap a scope on it and go for headshots, its amazing.

    I'd only recommend the Claymore for shotgun Infiltrator builds, it's a tremendously fun gun but with only 1 shot and limited ammo and a really short range, you better be damn sure you kill what your shooting.

    The Graal is a phenomenal gun, but takes time getting used to. It has a serious lag between firing and the shots registering against the target, which forces you to either wait for the target to stop moving or lead it. It shoots 4 spikes, not one, but their spread is VERY tight. The charging aspect REALLY increases your damage, like the geth shotty, and it is a guaranteed stagger on just about every target. Also its range is insane. I use a Graal VI on my Krogan Soldier, and between that and max damage/knockdown Carnage, he does quite nicely on gold.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:34 No.3501318
         File: 1334165668.jpg-(10 KB, 251x251, 1308722060108.jpg)
    10 KB
    >One or more of your purchases failed to complete blah blah customer service.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:39 No.3501559
         File: 1334165992.jpg-(4 KB, 259x194, Azusasad.jpg)
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    Still haven't unlocked any of the new characters.
    Are they all rare ?

    I just want my Batarian
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:41 No.3501619
    Yeah, they're all rare.

    And batarians have been underwhelming as fuck so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:41 No.3501665
    >level 6 engineer
    >on bronze
    >people are voting to kick me, game still starts however
    >come in 1st place
    >back to lobby
    >immediately kicked

    Fuck this game's community
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:42 No.3501669
    So, Graal or Geth shotty?

    I personally prefer the GPS. It's prettier with a more predictable shot, and homing is never a bad thing.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the Claymore, but mostly just for the fact that it's a claymore. There's nothing it does that the Graal or GPS can't do better, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:42 No.3501694
    So... playing on 360?
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)13:42 No.3501701
    All gold so far, but the pulls are kinda wonky. Got the Geth Infiltrator and Harpoon gun together and the Geth engi and Justicar in one pack. really want that krogan though.
    >> !iN.MY.aRMs 04/11/12(Wed)13:42 No.3501709
    If the guy whose username is 'WillWetton' on PS3 is here, fuck me you are good at this game
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:43 No.3501731

    I was the level 6 engineer, I am on PC.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:44 No.3501774
    Does anybody know how the Geth heavy melee works? Does it actually do damage when you come out of it or what? I see guys disintegrating around me, which is nice, but I'd also like to know what I'm doing to cause that.

    Also, how's the Justicar's field/bubble thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:45 No.3501793
         File: 1334166300.png-(216 KB, 847x395, tali unmasked.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:45 No.3501802

    On bronze? What are they stupid? Must be. I got kicked once because I random joined a lobby, two other dudes. I preselected a low level soldier of mine. My N7 rank is in the 200s. I noticed that they're doing silver. Well I should change my class. Before I do they kick me. Fucking really? Time frame between joining and kick. 15seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:45 No.3501817
    Charged GPS > everything

    I prefer it over the Graal, especially if I'm not host. Bugs out and shoots blanks for me often.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:46 No.3501865

    the krogen charge is even more broken then the normal charge.
    if you want to play him, don't use charge at all, you get a bug in no time at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:46 No.3501872

    Been fiddling with the settings a bit more.

    As soon as I get a krogan I'm going to have so much fun with this.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)13:47 No.3501915
    From what I can tell the initial hit to the ground hits them with half your shield, then the following pulses deal the same damage with less shield loss, also all pulses cause knockback. Just a guesstimation though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:48 No.3501974
    >krogan saying ishiggydiggitydoo

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:50 No.3502041
    Voice is 2deep4me. Last one had a better pitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:50 No.3502050
    Geth is a superior weapon, likely the best shotgun in the game. I use a Graal out of personal preference and that its level VI vs my level I Geth. Although, charging the Graal still only uses one ammo, where as the Geth uses two.

    Really, they're very similar guns in ammo, range, weight and damage, but the homing on the Geth makes it a winner.

    I agree about the Claymore. Overwhelming damage, but as a whole very underwhelming.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:51 No.3502062

    >will run from Friday, April 13th at 5PM PST to Monday, April 16th 5AM PST
    >If you download the Resurgence Pack and play this weekend you will be rewarded with a Reserves Pack the following week, containing one new Resurgence character.
    >All participating squads will earn +10% additional experience when playing on the Resurgence expansion’s new maps, Firebase: Condor and Firebase: Hydra.
    >PS3bros are shit out of luck
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:51 No.3502084
    Kishock has a charge up and a fucking travel time

    you cannot hit enemies moving unless you aim way infront of the way they are moving. significantly.

    plus you have to be the host or you wont hit anything, bullets will just go through a head without any damage
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:52 No.3502129

    the smg and cryo rounds is almost as broken on the mp as inferno rounds are on the sp.
    each round has the same chance to freeze and you fire a lot of rounds.
    also disruptor rounds are okay because you more or less stun lock an enemy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:52 No.3502136
         File: 1334166754.jpg-(5 KB, 158x173, 1266474412840.jpg)
    5 KB
    Lol, at least my rage had some amusing side effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:52 No.3502151

    Quarian Engineer

    Sentry Turret with Cryo Ammo, or 100% Armor piercing?

    Does the Armor Piercing apply to the flamethrower upgrade?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:53 No.3502191
         File: 1334166823.gif-(818 KB, 500x239, Cooperation.gif)
    818 KB
    >have no idea what's going on in this thread
    >see a vocaroo link
    >might as well
    >hear a Krogan say SHIGGIDYHIGGIDYDOO
    oh god mah balls
    If you lighten up the bass, that could modulate for a Batarian really well.
    At least Balak that is. His voice is so swag.
    I'm probably going to go make some credits and buy 2 Premium packs and only get idiotic SMGs
    and cry due to NO BATARIANS
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:53 No.3502196

    >Still playing on your PS3
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:55 No.3502259
         File: 1334166905.jpg-(235 KB, 1502x985, 1334035464530.jpg)
    235 KB
    >If you download the Resurgence Pack and play this weekend you will be rewarded with a Reserves Pack the following week, containing one new Resurgence character.
    my body is ready.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:55 No.3502271

    holy shit that's rare.
    almost everyone that bought this bought the 360 version.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)13:55 No.3502272
         File: 1334166925.jpg-(4 KB, 124x127, 1303594603288.jpg)
    4 KB
    dont forget the Harpoon shoots out of your left knee for some fucking god awful reason. first thing I got and it either phased through their face or the harpoon misses because I didn't aim to the right of a stationary target. fuck that.
    >> TurianFantasyBro 04/11/12(Wed)13:55 No.3502278
         File: 1334166935.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x1024, ShepardWatchingKaiLeng.jpg)
    128 KB
    >mfw imagining that voice saying "BT?! BT?! BT?! GIBE CREDITS PLOZ ! I REPOT U! HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:56 No.3502303
    Armor piercing does apply to the flamethrower upgrade, making it an anti-turret rape machine. That's basically what I roll with. I swear by it, even.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:56 No.3502332

    Please do this Mr. Krogan man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:57 No.3502362
    Alright, I changed it back.

    It's harder to nail perfectly with these settings but I think you're right, it does sound better.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:57 No.3502372

    Would you consider re-recording it to
    "2012, not answering your phone, I SHIGGIDYHIGGIDYDOO"?

    I want to make it my ringtone.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:57 No.3502375
    Every time I nail something with BT rocke'em sock em punch
    I get this feeling
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:00 No.3502497
    >tfw no Krogan class unlocked yet
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:01 No.3502561

    Shepard asks Kasumi about Keiji when she asks him about Jacob and she says something along the lines of "I'm grieving, not nostalgic"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:02 No.3502645

    don't worry, they all suck on gold.
    the new one is okay, could have been great, but charge is even more fucked then usual.
    can't charge twice without flying.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:04 No.3502715

    I don't even play gold that often. And I wouldn't care if I had to play on Bronze. I just want to be a Krogan.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:05 No.3502743
    I didn't unlock any Krogan until the Resurgence pack was released.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:05 No.3502785
    on Bronze you're a train with no brakes and can melee the shit out of everything
    on Silver you can't rely on melee that much but your high health/shields makes you rather sturdy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:06 No.3502824
    I like. Out of curiosity, what's the software you're using?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:06 No.3502827
    >buy premium spectre pack
    >geth engineer which is the one class i don't enjoy in this game and an upgrade for the shitty harpoon gun i already have
    It's not like i wanted my Asari Justicar or anything...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:08 No.3502890
    >Actually wants the Asari Justicar the most
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:08 No.3502893

    From looking at their powers Geth Engineers actually seem really useful/fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:08 No.3502896
    Oh god

    >"Dude, stop, your powers are bugged!"
    >Battlemaster charges once, obliterates geth, charges again and suddenly flies off the map
    >begins heading skyward
    >disappears from view

    Then a week later on the Normany

    >"Commander, we've got something on the long range scanners.."
    >Smoldering, but still very alive krogan crashes through the cargo bay, piercing the kinetic barriers and rupturing the hull in the process
    >Yanks a wrench out of his ass and helps himself to one of the guns in the armory
    >New squadmate added
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:08 No.3502905
    i would use the kishock, if you know, it actually did damage instead of phasing through the target

    is this morrowind?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:10 No.3502983
         File: 1334167811.jpg-(85 KB, 1023x706, gibe me credits or i enslave u.jpg)
    85 KB
    >imagining a Salarian engineer sweet bro and hella jeff style
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:10 No.3502986
    I only wanted two things really, Geth Infiltrator and Asari Justicar, i already got the infiltrator, so now i just want my justicar. I would like Batarian Soldier too, but that's a lower priority.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:10 No.3503002
    It arcs.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:10 No.3503004
    > all 3 teammates have Widows

    It's not like I wanted to biotic explosion my stasis targets anyway...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:11 No.3503041

    how does it arc?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:11 No.3503062
    Aim up a little bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:12 No.3503076
         File: 1334167921.jpg-(76 KB, 749x686, that feel when an asari says i(...).jpg)
    76 KB
    >3 widows
    I usually just pull out a book and sit in a corner the whole match.
    not like I'd be doing much in THAT type of match. I wonder how rare the Black Widow is.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:12 No.3503093
    Here's a Krogan Battlemaster run on Bronze.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:12 No.3503095
    Think of the Kishock as a bow and arrow. At mid to long range, it'll arc and drop. So aim up a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:12 No.3503116
    It doesn't fire in a straight line, you shoot it and the harpoon declines mid air instead of maintaining velocity. You didn't notice this? That's why it's a shitty gun, half the time it just arcs down and impales some terrain infront of your target.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:13 No.3503124

    if that was the case i would still do damage because body shots

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:13 No.3503127
         File: 1334167991.jpg-(84 KB, 415x415, 1315407327166.jpg)
    84 KB

    Link to list ?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:13 No.3503151
         File: 1334168017.jpg-(9 KB, 200x203, 1331679672845.jpg)
    9 KB
    >that feel when been grinding for like ten hours and not a single geth

    oh god why

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:16 No.3503285

    I think the second one sounds better, and the voice sounds better with the previous settings, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:17 No.3503336

    When you unlock everything, are you going to keep playing for fun?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:17 No.3503362
    what's the software
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:18 No.3503389

    Yeah I mean I enjoy playing this game with my friends it's just

    I think I might have an awful gambling addiction
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:19 No.3503425
         File: 1334168363.png-(517 KB, 984x688, 1299101578383.png)
    517 KB
    >The Crucible is finished and connected to the Citadel
    >Forces fight back on Earth
    >Shepard and his team manages to get beamed up while avoiding Harbingers fire
    >But the beam didn't take them to the Citadel but a Reaper base, similar to the Collector Base
    >Turns out the Reapers are building a WMD of their own - the rebuilt and upgraded Sovereign
    >Shepard fights off forces in the base and tries to find a way to halt Sovereign who is near completion in order to fire the Crucible before Sovereign is unleashed
    >TIM who is indoctrinated, reached the base first. A dialogue is initiated trying to stop TIM but he dies either by your hand as a boss or through enough Paragon/Renegade damages other Reaper forces before being in an attempt to redeem himself before being fully indoctrinated
    >TIMs energy was all that was left in order for Sovereign to be completed
    >Sovereign is unshackled, roaring "I AM COMPLETE!"
    >Shepard and his team is shit out of luck before demanding a final battle
    >The Reaper Code prevents Sovereign from declining a rockoff challenge and so if Shepard wins the Reapers will return to Dark Space and never return back. If Sovereign wins then the cycle will continue
    >Sovereign rocks the shit out of the entire galaxy
    >Shepard however tries to battle, looks like he's failing but the Crucible is unleashed (which is actually a Sound System of Mass Destruction) and the entire galaxy rocks
    >Depending on EMS, low EMS will lead to the Reapers will either have the larger audience and destroy everything, medium EMS will lead to Reapers falling back or if high enough EMS, the Reapers are destroyed.
    >Depending on Paragon/Renegade score and EMS, Shepard can either die or survive
    >Epilogue scenes showing what happens next to each races and people
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:21 No.3503521
    At least you're just wasting free time, not cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:23 No.3503626

    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:24 No.3503640
    If you had to add six more characters (or any other DLC offerings) to multiplayer, which would you pick?

    >Adept - Turian (Saren mode)
    >Soldier - Vorcha
    >Sentinel - Male Quarian
    >Engineer - Male Quarian
    >Infiltrator - Turian (Garrus mode)
    >Vanguard - Human (No Charge, just Adrenaline Rush and some crowd control Biotics. ME1-inspired)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:24 No.3503647
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    >playing silver
    >no problem at all
    >10. round, fucking banshees everywhere
    >whole team gets wiped

    every, fucking, time
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:24 No.3503662
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    You couldn't save Thessia and get some sweet councilor azure
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:24 No.3503667
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    What's a good build for Salarian Engineer? Disregard Decoy, acquire Energy Drains? Is Decoy worth putting any points in at all?

    Running with an Avenger at the moment, any better weapon to use?
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)14:25 No.3503696
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    Ok, so follow me for a second..

    To biotic charge you need to create a biotic field around yourself (and to your armor and weapon) then use your powers to accelerate yourself into a target where upon impact your inertia and force is transferred into the target.

    Many biotics have been seen extending their biotic field into large shields, and the new Bubble power the Justicar has shows that powers can be applied to fields like this (last upgrade causes the bubble to warp enemies).

    If I get four Krogan battlemasters to extend their biotic field around a mako..

    Can I Biotic charge in a mako?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:26 No.3503728

    You need to bring a Salarian infiltrator to stealth rez. Also a Batarian Soldier to shit on blights.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:26 No.3503754
    I think you've figured out how the Mass Relays are going to replaced.

    In the grim darkness of the far future, everyone rides manguards.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:29 No.3503863

    he sounds so happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:31 No.3503981
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    easymodo morphvox pro.

    I didn't know about AV until earlier this thread, so I'll try that later.

    Most of the krogan voice is just talking deep in your chest/gut and trying to mimic Grunt's voice a bit, as the only modification I've done is pitching my voice down. It's actually kinda hard but it should come with practice.

    Hang on a sec.

    This will probably ruin the magic for some people but whatevs, I'd love to run into someone else doing a krogan voice on multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:31 No.3504004
    he's a jolly old fellow, the Kroguard, isn't he?
    >his grab kill is just a punch to the skull
    that's hardcore
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:32 No.3504018
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    >Please respond
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:33 No.3504117
    >is decoy worth it
    on Gold it is very worth it, the other difficulties, not so much.
    Carnifex is my personal favorite for the little lizards, but if you don't have on or if it is still at Level 1, an Avenger X is pretty alright.
    energy drain is a must.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:33 No.3504121

    you can tell he's happy by his little tail wagging.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:33 No.3504127
    I'm going to class so I'll be back later if anyone wants to do stupid shit with voices in multiplayer, just drop origin ID's.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:35 No.3504216

    i wonder how well that'd work on silver/gold.
    so long as he doesn't get instakilled it should be okay, i mean rage+barrier+shieldrestoringcharge+krogen is... a lot of shields.
    to bad the charge is bugged, i wonder how he managed to use it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:36 No.3504270
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    >when it's not put through the modulation it sounds pretty gay
    >mfw when you're right.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:37 No.3504279
    That's Pjanoo.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:37 No.3504307
    Krogans are adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:39 No.3504384
    So that's why I got a boner.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:39 No.3504387
    How would you go about doing a Salarian voice?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:42 No.3504568
    Slightly nasal, don't waste time with any word you say. Be curt and to the point and don't put any emotion into anything you ever say but indignance. Have you ever heard a happy or sad Salarian, other than Mordin? Even then he hardly expresses it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:43 No.3504636
    >happy salarian
    fucking Kirrahe. I swear he's made a Shepard fanboy club on the extranet. He's giddy when he talks to you sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:44 No.3504704
    So, I'm not getting any commendation packs for promoting my dudes two weekends ago, am I?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:45 No.3504740
    Nope. Neither am I.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)14:46 No.3504791
    Max decoy, Energy drain, Class Skill and Fitness, disregard incinerate.

    also, only fight geth.

    Energy drain Spec with Radius, Drain and Defense buff. Use defensively, stun enemies and restore shields/buff defense

    Decoy spec with Duration, Shock, and Shield&duration. You'll want to focus on duration the most, as the only weapons that actually hit the decoy is the geth assault troopers and rocket troopers. Pyros hit it too, but it take forever and they bunch up with hunters at your decoy.
    Exploding decoy is useless since it does (comparatively) meager damage and an extra 10 seconds of safety is much more helpful.
    Also enemy gunfire (and fire) will shoot through the decoy, watch out.

    Salarian Op spec Damage Cap and Headshots, rank six is preferential, choose whats best for you or put three ranks in incinerate

    Fitness spec shields unless you're bronze pubbing.

    As for incinerate, if you're playing on bronze, every enemy save the Geth prime will dodge roll it the first shot consistently. I would rather have an instant shield recharge/buff and a holographic meatshield.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)14:48 No.3504918
    the only enemies*

    Unless you're playing on bronze*

    Man Im off this morning
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:49 No.3504972
    He's quirky at best. Wouldn't say he's happy.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)14:50 No.3504989
    watch the twitter, they dropped the update and now they're testing if packs can be duped still. everything's eventual.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:50 No.3505000
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    Krogan Battlemaster does just fine on Gold, you need to bring a spare carnifex and balls of steel with you though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:55 No.3505261
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    Fuck this guy, the game is casual enough that you can put points into what you want.

    You want Incinerate to tech burst with your squad. If you don't have friends to play with, get it anyway. It melts armor for more damage done.

    Fuck fitness with any class, on Gold that's just one extra bullet that won't kill you. that's my opinion
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:00 No.3505575
    Fuck fitness? That's health! How in the hell can you say completely forget about it?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:00 No.3505610
    Is... that a compliment? I don't know what I should be getting from that voice.

    Well, that's how you would do Mordin's voice yeah. Just a bit nasal and pitched up a bit and you'll do fine for a standard salarian I think. Talking a bit fast would help. Just think about how Kirrahe or any other salarian you're trying to mimic would talk, and talk like them while pitching your voice up with software.

    So can we organize something for people who want to do stupid shit with voices in multiplayer then?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:02 No.3505713
    >that voice
    that face I mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:03 No.3505761
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    I found ME3's theme song, /vg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:03 No.3505782
    Just got today's patch on my Xbox (...yes yes I know...not part of glorious PC master race)

    And now it crashes at the 'connecting to EA servers' section of the main menu...every time of 7+ attempts

    I have read a few others have had it and tried general fixes - clearing the cache, re-downloading the patch etc to no avail

    Any fellow Xbox peasants have this issue? Anything that worked for you guys?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:06 No.3505924
    Xbox peasant here and the DLC worked fine for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:06 No.3505929
    Had the same problem. Then it just started working. Didn't do anything... I realize this is of no help, but I felt your pain.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:07 No.3506017
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    Am I the only the only one who didn't fucking romance anyone throughout the 3 games...I mean isn't there more serious shit going on (like that impending Reaper invasion)? I guess I just took the game to seriously. It would've been funny if they put an achievement in the game for people like me called "blue balls"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:08 No.3506056
    >Nah man, its this...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:08 No.3506081
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    I'm curious, does anyone else besides me feel insulted by what they've said about the extended cut? In particular, that the ending is not being changed, and they're throwing around the word 'clarification'

    Yes, because us understanding that mess of an ending was the real problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:11 No.3506230

    Seriously though, look around, the amount of xbox360 players damn well justifies having to clarifty the ending.
    If that shit made sense they still wouldnt get it

    >huh u mean hillery was joker sisteR' ? what dos that men?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:11 No.3506248
    Voice changing software generally costs cash. Doubt many people would be willing to part with monies for making silly voices. I'd enjoy sounding like a Batarian, but I don't have too much practice with it and I'm a little too British for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:11 No.3506253
    the only "solutions" seem brute force restarting and trying to load up again and again. Personally i'd take the day off and see if bioware acknowedges this by tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:13 No.3506354
    pc, ps3 and xbox are all the same level of retard when it comes to player base
    >> TurianFantasyBro 04/11/12(Wed)15:13 No.3506363
    I always thought it was this
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:13 No.3506386
    I would join a group like that, would just need to practice my voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:15 No.3506491
    >>Implying every 360 owner is how you describe.

    Give it a fucking rest, no one has even mentioned any hostility towards a specific system. We all have a central target to hate. So stop being a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:17 No.3506582

    maybe, but xbox players are most of the player base.
    more the 50% of the player base is on the 360 so obviously there are more retards there, as only a retard would buy this game.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)15:17 No.3506584
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    If you like the avenger Roll with it. the Default weapons are all made To be useful without reducing recharge. I'll usually run a phalanx or carnifex too so as to be useful against armor. Just try to keep you recharge between 150-200% unless you have reliable squadmates, them anything around 100 is fine.

    Base health and shield is 500&600
    Fitness bumps that up to 825&990 (and the decrease in recharge delay)
    Energy drain sets up tech bursts and increases survivability with the 40% damage reduction.
    Any heavy pistol or high damage rifle (mattock, sabre, snipers.etc) is more effective (and likelier to hit) against armor than incinerate save for the ability to toss it around corners.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:18 No.3506680

    This is the theme song for the whole debacle.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:24 No.3507002

    >Har har har!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:43 No.3508035
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:51 No.3508474
    Here's the thread I'm looking for.

    I'm doing artwork for some of the scenes in the extended cut DLC.

    I'm not drawing her but Liara's child looks adorable so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:52 No.3508535
    Whatever happened to the waifu wars of yore?

    I remember when ME2 came out it was all waifus.
    Now it's all ending rage and MP rage.

    I preferred waifu wars. More comics came out of those.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:54 No.3508597
    Entry-level trolling, son.

    Anyone can say shit. If you want to be taken seriously, we need proof.

    Inb4 a badly drawn picture with a time-stamp.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:58 No.3508912
    It's Shepard's birthday! Any drawfags around?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:02 No.3509165

    waifu wars produced content?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:09 No.3509604
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    I feel your pain..
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:10 No.3509682
    So I just unlocked Krogan Sentinel.

    What do? In regards to leveling and weapon selection.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:12 No.3509805
    Ignore incinerate use the two of your best weapons doesn't matter how heavy spec tech armor for melee and shields where possible, spec for weapons melee and shields. profit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:12 No.3509813
    Play another class until you can unlock something that isn't shit tier
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:13 No.3509851
    They can pirate stuff easily enough if they don't want to pay.

    Add me then, origin email is in email field, the ID is the same but without the @live part.

    Anyone else who wants to do stupid voice bullshit do that too. I think I'm just going to do the krogan voice but play as the human engineer until I get a krogan character, and act like a krogan who's playing the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:13 No.3509863
    You're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:14 No.3509907
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    I found my ME2 save file on my old harddrive so I started all over, wasn't that far though.

    Right now I just finishes the Citadel II. I wasn't aware of what was going to happen, and I had tried to power through all the missions and neglected to go to the Citadel between Citadel I after mars and Tuchanka. I remember some smaller quests like the one about the indoctrinated Hanar, are those important down the road?

    Also how to galactic readiness on pirated version?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:14 No.3509932

    Keep in mind I don't plan on playing it above silver (and maybe not even there).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:17 No.3510084
    Also Mordin is dead :(. Is it better to lie to the Krogans?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:18 No.3510183
    Come back during the night. Waifus, legionaires and garrus landwhales everywhere with some butt blasted liarafags for variety.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)16:19 No.3510254
    If he is go ahead. Wreave is an asshole and would only lead the krogans into another rebellion
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:21 No.3510381
    No i meant that he died during the mission. And Wrex is the leader so I felt okay about curing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:24 No.3510542
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    >Everyone enjoying Resurgence
    >Meanwhile I've been unable to play ME3's multiplayer for a week and counting

    My ME3 randomly decided it would never find me a match again so my MP experience goes as far as 'Searching for Games'.

    Fucking Bioware.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:25 No.3510618
    have you tried to do anything about it? or do you just keep clicking and hoping for a different result?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:25 No.3510648
    So aside from Shepard who are the most powerful teammates storyline wise?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:27 No.3510780
    Dlc harbinger, easily. Especially his personal sidequest is worthwhile and shows how badass he is, plus you get a gun that shoots redbluegreen.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:31 No.3510984

    Samara: Very powerful Asari biotic. Close to a thousand years old with at least 400 of that being combat experience.

    Wrex: Krogan Battlemaster ie: Krogan with biotic powers. Hundreds of years old.

    Javik: Protean who has literally spent his entire life fighting. Powerful biotic.

    Jack: Human biotic with powers that are on level with Asari Matriarchs. Can kill 3 YMIR mechs in a matter of seconds during the cutscenes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:35 No.3511291
    >Jack: Human biotic with powers that are on level with Asari Matriarchs. Can kill 3 YMIR mechs in a matter of seconds during the cutscenes.
    Pissed me off that she loses that power once she's on the team.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:37 No.3511382

    she's only good in her alternate outfit with thane's alt.

    >team shades
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:41 No.3511687

    >Thane -- if healthy could probably kill every single person on Normandy.

    >Zaeed -- the experience of Wrex and Samara, plus the luck of Shepard. Could probably also kill everyone on Normandy if he had Jessie.

    >Legion -- tactical planning and reactions of a machine. Strength of a turian. Endurance of a krogan. Most dangerous armament.

    Everyone else is good, but not god-tier. Maybe Garrus could get onto the list because he's a major bro, and maybe Miranda could outsmart everyone (but Mordin, obviously), but thats about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:42 No.3511714
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:43 No.3511803
    >the experience of Wrex and Samara

    I think that's a bit far. Samara is around 800 years old, and Wrex is definitely above 1,500.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:46 No.3512041
    do you get rewarded in me2 when you dont romance anyone in me1? i want to go the tali route, i want my shep to be as pure as her.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:48 No.3512120
    >not mentioning his romance

    but he's so tsundere!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:50 No.3512247
    So did KL have those robot arms in the books? I only read one and didn't remember him having them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:51 No.3512349

    no. it doesn't matter if you cheat, if you're "pure," or if you destroy your squadmate's trust in you by dumping them at the last minute. you're free to do whatever. the only thing to mention is that you can't romance tali, garrus, or any of the other ME2 squadmates in ME3 if they weren't already your romance.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:51 No.3512360

    Wrex isn't 1,500 years old. He's probably in his 800s, like Samara. I highly doubt krogan live for more than 1200 years. Hell, Patriarch is probably around 1200 years old. And Wrex admitted that he spent a large amount of that time just doing petty security jobs. Don't get me wrong, he's easily the only squadmate I'd fully bet on beating Shepard in a one on one in an arena -- but he's not super old for a krogan.

    Also, Samara spent most of her time in asari space as a justicar, and when she was younger (I'm guessing around 200) she was a merc who traveled the galaxy. Most of her years were probably the same.

    Zaeed, because he's a shorter lived species, had to live life as quickly as possible. I'm guessing he's in his mid 50s? The guy gets around. I think it was an asari who mentioned that humans tend to act hastily because they are short lived.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:51 No.3512365
    Wrex is over 1400. He was alive for the tail end of the Krogan rebellions.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:56 No.3512672
    >I'd fully bet on beating Shepard in a one-on-one in an arena

    >Confronts Shepard when he finds out about the genophage sabotage
    >Pulls a gun
    >Gets crippled in four bullets because he forgets to put up a shield or barrier
    >Doesn't use his biotics
    >Gets shot through glass either by a small mob of C-Sec goons or Shepard himself

    Fuck ME3
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:59 No.3512849
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    Anyone else celebrating Shepard's birthday today?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:00 No.3512928

    >implying that ME3 has anything to do with lore or anything Mass Effect related for that matter.

    >implying that ME3 isn't just Hudson and Walter's gay porn that they watch while fondling eachother's four testicles.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:01 No.3512937
    I am!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:02 No.3513002
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:02 No.3513025

    that scene had some great emotional tension (holy shit the renegade option to just casually lie to wrex was amazing), but wrex's cutscene power too limited. he should've tore shit up
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:06 No.3513287
    miranda got two invitations in the mail
    one was for her ass
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:11 No.3513592
    >I'm guessing he's in his mid 50s.
    He is way older. Kahlee Sanders is in her 50s, Zaeed has to be at least 70, consideing that in ME humans live up to 150 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:13 No.3513694
    Hey, I need some advice on some MP builds. I need to know how to build a Salarian Engineer and how to build a Quarian Infiltrator.

    Mainly for the Quarian I want to know how Sabotage works. Sometimes it takes control of a Geth, and sometimes it does jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:14 No.3513789

    >I'd fully bet on beating Shepard in a one on one in an arena

    I'd bet Javik and Samara could beat Shepard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:17 No.3514014

    The reason he serves under you is because he knows you can kick his ass if you really wanted to.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:20 No.3514168
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    Omega`s most sought Asari oriented video of all time, from the makers of "Earth Girls Are Easy" we bring you "The Sex Goddess of Lesuss"

    Stranded on a mysterious planet, our young heroine is taken by a secluded Asari Assassin sect known as the Ardat Yakshi and trained in the arts of the Biotic Sutra.

    Over 69 melding positions you and your human lover will not dare to try, including the infamous "Morinth`s Embrace"

    Warning: Melding with Ardat Yakshis may cause bleeding, coughing, seizures, lack of air, pregnancy and death. Unless you are a genetically altered human biotic, do not attempt to mimic these at home.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:22 No.3514313
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:22 No.3514324
    Quarian Infiltrator really needs to make use of weapons and power combos. Fortunatly, it's one of the few classes that can set off it's own combo, Sticky Grenades will set off a tech combo on a sabotage enemy.

    From that point, it's just a question of which you'd rather be better with, Geth means you'll want the increased duration and hacked enemy improvements, everyone else will mean getting the overheated weapon damage buff, and the tech damage increase. It's also important to note that enemies will be immune to your sabotage after three applications of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:27 No.3514649

    Has anyone else seen this yet? If so, sorry for the repost.

    >The issue at stake here is, did Bio Ware falsely advertise? Technically, yes, they did. In the first bullet point, where it states “the decisions you make completely shape your experience”, there is no indecision in that statement. It is an absolute.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:29 No.3514814
    How the fuck didn't this thread move beyond 1000 in my hour long absence? Is some national day today or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:30 No.3514843
         File: 1334179821.jpg-(38 KB, 212x220, Ugly-Shepard-is-sad.jpg)
    38 KB
    >Upgrade Normady fuel capacity from 1000 to 2000
    >Normandy Fuel Capacity 1000 anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:32 No.3514984
         File: 1334179934.jpg-(21 KB, 241x230, 1332473023508.jpg)
    21 KB

    >Better Business Bureau

    oh shit nigger here it comes
    >> ultimate breakfast platter of shitposters !!5CaPp+t1Vxx 04/11/12(Wed)17:34 No.3515126
         File: 1334180076.jpg-(50 KB, 404x644, liar.jpg)
    50 KB
    >everyone is in here!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:37 No.3515343
    Anyone else getting shafted by the store?

    It keeps erroring when I buy a pack, seeming to refund the Credits, but when I relog into the game it's bought the pack and I have to try and figure out what was in my box by going through every single screen in turn.

    FFS EA, sort your shit out
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:38 No.3515417

    oh shit, that was intentional? i thought i just forgot to upgrade the fuel or something in ME2.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:39 No.3515497
         File: 1334180393.jpg-(527 KB, 920x1494, SWEET_BATTLEMASTER_AND_HELLA_E(...).jpg)
    527 KB
    Thanks for making me waste my evening on this, you two.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:40 No.3515514
    captain, oh my captain.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:40 No.3515560
    real subtle, doc.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:48 No.3516049

    Oh fuck, my sides.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:48 No.3516057
    fuck cocks shit

    I've put like 500,000 points into that fucking store and I haven't got one new class or new weapon

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:49 No.3516140

    good job!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:52 No.3516274
    Mother of god, it's beau-

    >green and purple

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:56 No.3516538

    Crossposting BT being fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:59 No.3516675
    >The reason he serves under you is because he knows you can kick his ass if you really wanted to.
    The reason he serves under you is because he respects the command you have over your squad, your ability to make them all co-exist despite being difference species, and because you're an enemy to the Reapers. He pretty much implies as soon as you meet him that he wouldn't join you if you weren't fighting the Reapers.

    Not to mention the fact that he most likely has the most advanced biotics implants in the known galaxy.

    >Implying Samara couldn't kill Shepard in a one on one fight
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:00 No.3516747
         File: 1334181624.jpg-(104 KB, 826x828, 1324751793535.jpg)
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    >mfw I can't bring myself to romance Liara because my cat was named Liara before ME1 even came out
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:01 No.3516803
    >Battlemaster not wearing a mask

    Needs to be edited for accuracy
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:01 No.3516829
         File: 1334181718.jpg-(367 KB, 1382x2063, happybirthdaydaddy.jpg)
    367 KB
    To: Blueberries
    From: A Garrusfriend

    Enjoy the crappy picture I drew for you. Happy birthday!

    p.s. I am sorry he looks so black. This is my first time drawing sheploo. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:03 No.3516920
    y no response?

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:03 No.3516934
         File: 1334181832.gif-(908 KB, 150x150, 1324715395029.gif)
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    >anyone who takes advertising like that seriously is, well, foolish
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:04 No.3516983
         File: 1334181880.gif-(481 KB, 141x141, 1325441450216.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:04 No.3516986
    So guys, I just bought ME3 on PC. Any origin bros who want to MP?

    Also, any tips for builds or how to play MP? Got to Wave 10 on my first game in Bronze using Human Manguard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:05 No.3517051
    There's a crack but it contains a shitload of spyware. However it DOES work. Just google for Origin
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:08 No.3517243
    @JessicaMerizan hope you answer this/see it! EDI getting out of the Normandy in the destroy option? is this a glitch/bug?

    @MajorSwift nope not a bug. EDI wasn't created with Reaper Tech.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:09 No.3517284

    >taking anything Merizan says seriously
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:10 No.3517319
    >Reaper tech specifically mentioned in the Cerb base
    This woman just doesn't know shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:10 No.3517347
    She's just a mouthpiece and doesn't know anything about the game. Ignore her.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:10 No.3517380
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:12 No.3517451
    Sorry about that. I didn't do my research.

    Won't edit though. Someone else can if they feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:13 No.3517549
    Wait, MAYBE she's talking about the 'human form' EDI... Right?

    The one Doctor Eva is supposed to be?

    But that doesn't matter cause EDI controls it remotely from the Normandy or something...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:14 No.3517623
    Man... you got my hopes up for a second there, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:19 No.3517870

    Shepard is a walking army. No one can take him one-on-one IMO.

    Well. Maybe a Reaper that wasn't completely nerfed by Bioware.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:20 No.3517959
         File: 1334182856.jpg-(43 KB, 585x438, 1333950490532.jpg)
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    No one except...

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:21 No.3517975
    >@JessicaMerizan hope you answer this/see it! EDI getting out of the Normandy in the destroy option? is this a glitch/bug?

    >@MajorSwift nope not a bug. EDI wasn't created with Reaper Tech.


    Geth neither, and even if you don't allow Legion to give them the Reaper upgrades they will "die". Geth a Quarian tech, thus all tech regarding AI's is destroyed. Jessica Merizan needs to shut her dumb whore mouth before I whip my semi-errected dick over her face until she bleeds. In my country they calll this a dick-whipping or meat-beat.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:21 No.3518001
    So what's up with the "purchase failed" bullshit in the MP Store? Any way to fix that?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:23 No.3518114

    You got me, you utter fucker.

    Well done.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:23 No.3518115
    No way to fix it other than to restart your client.

    And the items from that purchase are most likely gone.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:23 No.3518136

    See, I know he was meant to be some "bad ass" who gets in your way, but everytime I faced him with my Infiltrator Shep, the "fights" didn't even last 30seconds.

    He took a Blackwidow Round to the face and was forced to charge his shields again. I didn't even have to MOVE.

    Which made it even more frustrating when the dialogue afterwards was "How could I let him beat me" - screw you scripted events!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:25 No.3518240
    It was only a 5K pack; I literally just got the game. Still, is there a way to avoid that? Restart before purchasing or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:25 No.3518250

    I usually get my stuff from them but yeah, sometimes I notice I should've gotten more..

    The frustrating part is that it happens every fucking time I purchase something.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:25 No.3518257

    You still get the items, just that you have to sift through the windows to figure out what you got - so if you got Weapon levels/Customisations then you're fucked as it won't flag them.

    I just had it happen to me, thought I lost the pack, but noticed I had a new pistol flashing "New" on the screen"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:26 No.3518304
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    Well fucking played, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:33 No.3518651
    I have found a way to relieve anger after stupid Silver/Gold teams.

    Krogan Sentinel on Bronze, yes it's only bronze but it's fun and reduces my mad.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:36 No.3518819
    Got a problem here if anyone could help me.

    I put on ME3 and press start at the title screen while the menu was loading it went from checking downloaded content then to connecting to EA servers. Then it just froze in place. It's still on connecting to EA servers and the loading icon at the top left isn't even moving anymore.
    xbox here
    Anybody else having this issue with today's update?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:39 No.3518981
    Could not post this for some reason.

    What the fuck bioware ?
    Not even an ash fag but still this should have been a thing for every LI or even the Virmire survivor.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:41 No.3519083
    So, what is the function of that big bubble thing that (I think) the geth engineer can put up?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:41 No.3519112
    Same here. I'm going to try clearing my cache and downloading the update again.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 04/11/12(Wed)18:42 No.3519163
    Its for the justicar, and it can be spec'd to reduce damage to teammates and regen their shields or spec'd to weaken/warp enemies
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:45 No.3519329
         File: 1334184357.jpg-(189 KB, 1020x681, Darkstarphotography.jpg)
    189 KB
    Young Human colonist militia leader that Shepard rescues. Latent biotic. Uses assault rifles and shotguns, and basic destructive biotic abilities. The fun part is reapers killed everyone in his/her colony, driving him insane. He acts unpredictable and rather sadistic, but he/she's out to help you in the end. Has a really gory, excessive heavy melee attack.

    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:46 No.3519352
    >Could not post this for some reason.
    That's why
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:47 No.3519403
    >Edit ini to have fuel at 5000 and probes at 1000
    >ME3 will probably have the same capability
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:49 No.3519532
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:49 No.3519542
    This is fake. Just looked for that dialog in the main language file: it isn’t there.
    >Reddit lying
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:49 No.3519554
    Still didn't work.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:50 No.3519601
    It does, modded mine to 10,000.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:51 No.3519649

    Is that really a deleted scene or just some fanfic type shit?
    I don't know, I think I recall people saying ME was somewhat influenced by Battlestar Galactica. If that was the case, a scene like that would definitely make sense.
    They probably stripped it because they don't want to risk alienating the cod crowd that would fall asleep during a convo with no bravado, machismo, or sex.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:51 No.3519664

    you can get past the start menu if you're offline.

    basically EA servers = shit.

    I wanted to play multiplayer right now.

    oh and also im playing on 360
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:52 No.3519702
    >This is fake. Just looked for that dialog in the main language file: it isn’t there.
    I doubt you even know what tools are needed for that, besides those dialogues are from the leak in NOV. 2011 now shut up dumb troll
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:52 No.3519713

    It was cut from the full game, but in the script leaked 3 months before release.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:53 No.3519773
    in mass effect 2;

    does the omni tool cooldown reduction upgrade for tech skills affect Tech armors cooldown?

    I remember reading somewhere that Tech armors cooldown is locked and doesnt go past the tech armors cooldown reduction (by investing points in the skill) and class skills cooldown reduction (Guardian).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:54 No.3519784
    He gets a lot of help from his squadmates.

    The best leader in the galaxy doesn't necessarily make the best warrior. I think there are a few on the ship that could take Shepard
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:54 No.3519792
    Could someone link me to the leaked script?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:56 No.3519897


    Tech armor is not affected by tech cooldown reduction upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:56 No.3519916
    >The dev team stands by what was released in the core product, and we’re very proud of it, It was important though for us to listen to the community, and a lot of that feedback didn’t come until the game came out. Once we were listening we decided to include the extended cut. It wasn’t in the game because we didn’t know there was such a huge demand for it, to be honest with you

    >Promise something
    >Get surprised when fans want it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:56 No.3519918
    >Language file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole\BIOGame_INT.tlk
    >Tool to convert .tlk to .xml:
    >Open xml with notepad++
    >Look for dialog
    Nothing found
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:57 No.3519939

    That's lame, what about the power cooldown goggles?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:00 No.3520134
    >Farming credits
    >Buy premium spectre pack
    FUCK. At least I got the striker AR, is it good?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:01 No.3520206
    >Nothing found
    He said it's from the leak in November 2011
    Are you dense, autistic or trolling?
    Get out cunt
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:01 No.3520216

    It sucks ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:01 No.3520232
    >farming credits.

    Tell me your secrets wizard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:02 No.3520312
    > Romance Liara in ME1
    > Headcanon where we constantly talk about science, history, archaeology, different cultures
    > Enter ME2
    > She's turned ice fucking cold killer.
    > I want to help Jack
    > Read Miranda's intel in LotSB and feel awful for her, she just wants love and is barren

    what do
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:03 No.3520362

    Pick Miranda
    Break up with her in ME3
    See her spill her spaghetti all over the floor right infront of you
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:04 No.3520383
         File: 1334185441.jpg-(15 KB, 189x188, 1266631349426.jpg)
    15 KB
    BALLS. I also got the wraith, is that good? Playing an adept right now so I only really know which pistols are good.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:04 No.3520403
         File: 1334185459.png-(3 KB, 207x181, 1306189020777.png)
    3 KB
    Does anyone want to play some multiplayer on Xbox Live? I played with a few /vg/ bros I encountered in Halo General and had some fun. Now that I have though, joining online matches with random, silent folks has felt boring as fuck.
    >> David Sarif 04/11/12(Wed)19:04 No.3520408
    Geth/Gold/Firebase White is the default (IE easiest) credit farming match, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:04 No.3520442
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:04 No.3520450

    Play Salarian


    Stay in basement and put decoy outside the "L" shaped chest high wall. kill primes before they flank you, grab troops
    >> David Sarif 04/11/12(Wed)19:05 No.3520462
    Wraith... shotgun, right? It's not that great, like a slightly upgraded Eviscerator.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:05 No.3520493
    Yes. Though me and some buds have had some fun doing gold on Hydra. It's a bit more challenging, but more fun than White.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:05 No.3520497
    God that was heartbreaking. One of her best line deliverys though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:06 No.3520530

    I honestly hated Miranda all throughout ME2 and decided to romance Jack because she needed someone help her onto the right path and waited until after the final mission to complete LotSB to see what Liara would say about it.

    Other than bringing up that she knew about it before the final assault on the Broker's ship, I still got the LotSB romance with Liara.

    Then I read Miranda's files and wanted to run into her office and apologize for everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:06 No.3520540
    Dammit.. I hate this reward system, I just want to buy the asari, krogan, and BT sentinel and that's pretty much it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:06 No.3520585

    >Bioware acknowledging that the main character fucking died

    As cool as that pic is, it's fanfic. Shame really. They could have actually done plenty with the whole Shepard dying idea, but instead they just used it to force Shepard to work with Cerberus.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:07 No.3520609
    Yes it is, you require one Infiltrator and one Salarian with decoy to have 100% rate of success.

    When you start Gold, you're usually 20 lvl, right? Why do people bother getting into the LZ after third objective?

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