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    File: 1329383325.jpg-(102 KB, 720x528, minecraft_fortress.jpg)
    102 KB Introducing the 1st ever MINECRAFT GENERAL Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:08 No.28XXX  
    Latest news:
    >Snapshot 12w07b was released yesterday
    >Added new world file format called “Anvil” (256 max height and 4096 block IDs*)
    >Multi-player light calculations do no longer cause affected blocks to be transmitted to the clients, instead the clients will recalculate the light on their own
    >Villagers will repopulate villages based on how many houses there are available
    >Some nights in villages will be worse than others…
    >Added a redstone-controlled light source
    >Decreased chance for the rare mob drops
    >All animals use the new AI system now

    All that height for megabuilds... Thank you based Jens and Jonkagstrom.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:11 No.28XXX
         File: 1329383468.jpg-(52 KB, 287x321, rapetime.jpg)
    52 KB
    Bumping with Mojang's own rapist.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:13 No.28XXX
    And the best part is that they're going to make the game very mod-friendly soon. That excites me more than anything (since I sure as fuck ain't swimming up a waterfall to my Whomp's Fortress).
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:13 No.28XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:14 No.28XXX
    Meh. I mostly don't care, I just want real optimization and/or native C/C++ server.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:15 No.28XXX
    >First ever
    >Already a thread with 70 posts, just two threads above this one on the main page

    Would it really have been that much effort to look before you posted?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)04:17 No.28XXX
    The new Anvil world format seems to load faster to me. C/C++? Will never happen, unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)07:21 No.37XXX

    >That feel when I helped build that

    Those were the fucking days man, Minecraft is complete shit now though.

    Catpcha: brazileiros goatsy
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:15 No.39XXX
    Man, you can build HIGH now. Made myself a nice pirate ship floating far above the clouds.

    >Villagers will repopulate villages based on how many houses there are available

    So... I can build big cities?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:15 No.39XXX
    server where most virgins play is by the way. it's not a website, you just enter that in the ip field (ever wondered what a 400 days old world looks like?)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:18 No.39XXX
    I'm getting an Outdated Server message. Something I'm doing wr .... oh. Right, the snapshot.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:23 No.39XXX
    >C/C++? Will never happen, unfortunately.
    What makes you say that? It's just that there's no real pressing need.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:24 No.39XXX
    That's the most brutal server ever. Brotip, trees are found at minimum 3000 blocks in any direction. The spawn is a stone wasteland for just as long.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:26 No.39XXX
    Sounds fun, TBH. Kinda like HnH before character spawn locations became random.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:26 No.39XXX
    Does it still run like shit?
    I have a fairly good machine and first and last time I tried 1.0 it lagged and then came to a standstill.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:28 No.39XXX
    I have a pretty mediocre computer (or had, anyway) and it always ran well, from Alpha to now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:31 No.40XXX
         File: 1329399073.png-(436 KB, 1280x800, 2012-02-16_13.30.09.png)
    436 KB
    Found my first double dungeon.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:34 No.40XXX
         File: 1329399271.jpg-(73 KB, 349x407, 1316604327737.jpg)
    73 KB
    >He thinks there have never been minecraft generals before
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:34 No.40XXX
    Here's what /guide and /server says because I can't be bothered to explain it myself:

    14,599 unique players have connected since 8th august.
    62,600~ total unique players since the beginning.
    world is 414 days old and 102 gb.
    the server is entirely vanilla with no rules and with pvp enabled and on hard difficulty settings. players are allowed to do absolutely anything they want with zero admin moderation and interaction.

    tl;dr 414 days old world with absolutely no rules and no admins or anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:37 No.40XXX
    12w07b snapshot server.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:39 No.40XXX
    Perfect, that's how it should be.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:41 No.40XXX
    Pity you'll starve long before you find a source of food.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:46 No.40XXX
    It's a trial
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)08:57 No.41XXX
    I haven't played it in ages and I want to play it again.
    What's the current version?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:03 No.41XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:06 No.41XXX
    I survived a while in 2b2t by killing pigs i found with my fists and eating them raw. It's some proper lord of the flies shit until you find trees man, and even then its a bit of a struggle.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:07 No.41XXX
    Beyond the Beyond.
    I loved this game to death, even if everyone else absolutely hated it. Had one of the best soundtracks ever imo.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:09 No.41XXX
    Wrong thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:16 No.42XXX
    >mfw harmony on the far right of your image
    >> Fluttershy !ZlWpegasus!!foLJeTBIOjr 02/16/12(Thu)09:19 No.42XXX
    The last time I was on there I had to live off zombie flesh and a donation of cooked pork I was fortunate to get. It's tough, even with food in your belly, finding wood is impossible. I eventually sneaked into someone's shack and stole some floorboards, their torches, and their crafting table to get me started.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:24 No.42XXX
    Unless someone comes back to feed the newbies, there is one shelter I know of within 1000 blocks of the spawn.

    Finding it is your only shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:25 No.42XXX

    Problem is that too many people play on it and since spawning animals is relative to how many people are on the server, they're a damn rare find.

    Especially since spawn contains virtually no grass.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:28 No.42XXX
    >Problem is that too many people play on it and since spawning animals is relative to how many people are on the server, they're a damn rare find.

    This is not the case anymore, there's no limit per player. They simply spawn in groups of 3-5 on grass with light on it. So it's a bit easier now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:30 No.42XXX
    That'll definitely help.

    It's still a trial though. Spawn is shelled pretty hard and without wood you have to navigate it all the hard way.

    Grass is still at least a few hundred blocks out.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:41 No.43XXX
    Where does one get this update?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:42 No.43XXX
    I bought the game in alpha mode and haven't played it for a while. Tried redownloading and playing in browser, it keeps telling me to buy the game and that I'm not a Premium member. Why should I pay for a game I've already bought? Anyone know what's going on here?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:43 No.43XXX
    He posts update previews on his twitter. Just scroll down until you find a link.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:44 No.43XXX
    Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:48 No.43XXX
    Or go to Mojang's website.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:50 No.43XXX
    I have a decent-ish laptop and the game runs fine, but after about 15 minutes my laptop has turned into a space heater. Is there anything I can do to stop this besides buying a desktop?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:55 No.43XXX

    Minecraft is a poorly coded piece of shit from a technical standpoint.

    It just runs very poorly.

    I had a laptop that could run tf2 and half life 2 and the episodes no prob but it would crash on minecraft
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:55 No.43XXX
    That's just Minecraft dude. My laptop makes half the noise and heat running Driver San Francisco or Skyrim.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:58 No.44XXX
    Well, that sucks. As much as I like Minecraft, I'm not risking my laptop melting. Guess I'll have to wait for the 360 version.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:00 No.44XXX
    I had the most fun in Creative Minecraft Multiplayer, before all the griefers. Early Survival (alpha or whatever?) was fun, too, but I literally played for days in a row in creative with its tiny maps and lame blocks.

    Don't tell me I'm alone ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:02 No.44XXX
    Speaking of the Xbox version, anyone know the ETA on that?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:02 No.44XXX
    So, with the new map height I really want floating islands to return. Damn. They would be huge.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:03 No.44XXX
    Join up.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:04 No.44XXX
    Once I started playing with mods (IC2, RP2, BC, etc) I can't go back to vanilla and not feel bored as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:04 No.44XXX
    God yes. I hope they're added.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:06 No.44XXX
         File: 1329404778.png-(124 KB, 269x228, gary.png)
    124 KB
    Tried connecting, ain't working.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:06 No.44XXX
    Second quarter 2012 according to the wiki
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:10 No.44XXX
         File: 1329405007.jpg-(88 KB, 610x541, older versions.jpg)
    88 KB
    >been collecting all the past versions since beta
    >still do for every snapshot and release

    No idea why I still do this.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:11 No.44XXX
         File: 1329405068.jpg-(170 KB, 1516x668, tankskin.jpg)
    170 KB
    I used to play a fuck ton on World of Minecraft servers back in early Alpha. Community was full of faggots but they gave you sweet mod powers to build shit.
    You really had to use all of your imagination back then with building stuff. Hard to believe there wasn't even doors.

    Pic is an incomplete huge ass tank I did back then. Dunno why I didn't save any finished pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:13 No.44XXX
    Make sure you are running the newest snapshot.

    The 12w07b snapshot.

    If you are not using it then you wont be able to connect.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:14 No.44XXX
         File: 1329405253.png-(1.68 MB, 2668x1564, muwp.png)
    1.68 MB
    So /v/, I've been working over the idea with running a server with a few friends for a week or so. It's 24/7 dedicated and all, and the plan was to try and get at least a bit of a big population on it, there's mods for forming individual towns for protection, hoping we could get people to work together. I still need more ideas on what to do with it and all, and really want the decisions to be made by the community for the most part, would any of you be interested? This is the map I intended to use, because the terrain is amazing, compared to normal minecraft IMO.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:15 No.44XXX
         File: 1329405318.png-(23 KB, 599x585, mawp.png)
    23 KB
    >still calling this place /v/
    fuck old habits die hard. /vg/*
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:16 No.44XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:16 No.44XXX
    Give me that map. I need that map. Now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:17 No.44XXX
    >implying minecrafts world gen could make shit like this
    Was a custom made map my friend found on some site
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:18 No.44XXX

    only if it's pirate friendly
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:23 No.44XXX
         File: 1329405786.png-(33 KB, 666x730, jeersugar.png)
    33 KB
    Oh right, I forgot that it doesn't auto-update.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:25 No.45XXX
    >ask if people want to play multiplayer or ideas
    >Everyone just takes the map for singleplayer

    huur no u shuld suprt ntch and by da gayme
    hell yeah it's pirate friendly man, of course
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:33 No.45XXX
    Thanks bro. Sorry I can't help you with your server.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:36 No.45XXX
    Its cool, I'm going to be hammering in the last few touches here and there today, I feel as though minecrafts popularity may be simply too low at this time however, so the server might just simply not take off, but it's worth a shot. If you are interested I'm sure It'll show up in the minecraft generals sometime soon, today or tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:36 No.45XXX
         File: 1329406604.png-(1.57 MB, 1276x926, meh.png)
    1.57 MB
    Well, fuck. I think I just hit the bottom of a lake or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:43 No.45XXX

    oh my god this is fucking amazing, why haven't I heard of it before
    >> Greenmond AKA Luvil !!S9NjPl6N0se 02/16/12(Thu)10:46 No.45XXX
    fuck that place
    its either living alone in the middle of fuck nowhere wich is exactly the same as single player but with a chat
    travel the world killing assholes

    neither is really fun after a week
    >> Greenmond AKA Luvil !!S9NjPl6N0se 02/16/12(Thu)10:48 No.46XXX
    >(ever wondered what a 400 days old world looks like?)
    This is bullshit too
    the server got reset almost exactly 2-3 months ago
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:54 No.46XXX

    They actually fucking went through with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:56 No.46XXX
         File: 1329407768.png-(64 KB, 229x250, 1329180271487.png)
    64 KB
    >Now we can finally build a 1:1 Enterprise
    >> An !Ok.CAT.BOY 02/16/12(Thu)10:56 No.46XXX
    >Notch didn't want to do anything about map height and rebutted with strawman excuses, e.g. "then it'll have to go to 256 and then 512 and then..." which made no sense
    >No API was made under his control
    >Client-side lighting like it should be
    >Villages not fucking useless anymore

    Yeah, fuck Notch. Maybe MC will actually be a good game like it was meant to be.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:58 No.46XXX
    Notch was ironically the cancer killing Minecraft.
    He started off as this fresh indie designer who made a unique game for people to play and enjoy.
    Then a large tumour called 'Jew money' came along, and corrupted him, thus slowly killing Minecraft.

    Hopefully a lethal injection of Jeb will cure it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:58 No.46XXX
         File: 1329407907.jpg-(27 KB, 300x400, rockbusters.jpg)
    27 KB
    >Some nights in villages will be worse than others…
    What does this mean?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)10:58 No.46XXX
    Uh, no it hasn't. Where are you getting this bullshit from? My shit from half a year ago is still here. Also, "Almost exactly 2 or 3 months ago" good use of the word exactly there
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:00 No.46XXX
    What's the 4096 block ids mean?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:00 No.46XXX
         File: 1329408043.jpg-(74 KB, 331x319, 1322450134655.jpg)
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    >who made a unique game
    >unique game
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:01 No.46XXX
    It means you can now have more blocks in-game. Before the biggest issue with have multiple mods is running out of IDs to use.
    >> Greenmond AKA Luvil !!S9NjPl6N0se 02/16/12(Thu)11:02 No.46XXX
    to cut a long story short more support for mods and probably more stuff
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:02 No.46XXX
    Alright shh.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:05 No.46XXX
    Oh, great! Thanks /vg/
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:08 No.46XXX
    A /v/ server that's actually not laggy fucking shit, wow.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:09 No.47XXX
    Is that the server that's fully vanilla? If it is, I'm in
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:14 No.47XXX
    Haha it's probably the MOST vanilla survival server out there at the moment, except it has pvp on too.

    Survival just got real.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:14 No.47XXX
    shit luvil you're still around holy shit
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:15 No.47XXX
    Mods? Fuck yeah!
    I'd like a mod that lets me copy-paste structures, so I can build American style suburbs. I can already do this in a map editor, but that's just boring.
    >> An !Ok.CAT.BOY 02/16/12(Thu)11:22 No.47XXX
    I played there for quite a while, it's okay 'cept some people act like assholes just because they can act like assholes and xray everyone's base before setting it on fire/filling it with dirt/etc.

    People suck, so you just need to make a base far away. I'm not sure how my base is doing because I haven't been there for months.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:27 No.47XXX
    I'd love to play MP with you bro
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:30 No.47XXX
         File: 1329409840.png-(366 KB, 500x753, hardworking_american_indie_dev.png)
    366 KB
    Lost some weight?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:33 No.48XXX
    Stopped playing that game when they added mobs that remove blocks. What the fuck where they thinking.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:36 No.48XXX
         File: 1329410167.jpg-(431 KB, 1556x1984, minecraft original world found(...).jpg)
    431 KB
    So apparently I backed up my very first world in Minecraft (back from like September/October 2010) and although I have a new main save, I kind of want to play this one again.

    What should I do? Should I just move to a new location or try to rebuild a better fort here?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:36 No.48XXX
         File: 1329410191.png-(1.24 MB, 1280x1024, 2btb.png)
    1.24 MB
    4,000 people used to live here. now it's a ghost town.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:37 No.48XXX

    were* (stupid none english native language mistake)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:37 No.48XXX
    What's the IP?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:38 No.48XXX
    that's the ip, might work, i dunno.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:43 No.48XXX
    I used to play on here a long time ago.

    Back then, spawn was a small brick building with cobblestone paths heading out in the cardinal directions.

    Back then, spawn was surrounded by water/lava too. My friend and I actually painstakingly revitalized the area by clearing out all the water, re-formed the nearby hills, and planted trees.

    There was also a large cobblestone building with a massive staircase right near spawn. We restored that staircase and building pretty well, until Hausemaster trolled us with TNT.

    I'd look for our awesome underground base, or the city made by like 13 bros that was hidden about 4000 blocks from spawn, but it's all probably gone.

    I'd also post pictures, but they're on my laptop.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:53 No.49XXX
    on 2b2t, i finally achieved survival success.
    Right now, I sit in an underground layer eating mushroom soup that i plundered from the nether, out of bowls made from wood stolen from decerepit fortresses and old bridges, and after a few days of travel, avoiding mobs and danger, I have finally found...trees. It was a beautiful sight. Survival is awesome when it's this hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:58 No.49XXX
         File: 1329411488.png-(1.64 MB, 1277x928, TNT.png)
    1.64 MB

    Well, I think this should be enough space. I was originally intending to do a giant throne room but there's just so many things I could do with this kind of space. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:13 No.50XXX
         File: 1329412425.jpg-(19 KB, 470x370, 1326832279171.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:39 No.51XXX
         File: 1329413963.png-(1.18 MB, 1275x925, asdasd.png)
    1.18 MB
    Bumping with screenshot. I think this would be enough space to make an underground farm/plantation.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:40 No.51XXX

    I would love to join you. If you want ideas I think a cool thing could be to make 3 cities, one in each biome and make roads and stuff

    (and fuck this map is amazing, even if some places are way too dark)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:41 No.51XXX
    Im In.. How do i contact you?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:44 No.51XXX
    >Added new world file format called “Anvil” (256 max height and 4096 block IDs*)

    Oh boy, can't wait for the game's RAM requirement to quadruple.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:47 No.51XXX

    I don't think it's going to be that bad. I once installed a mod for 256+ height. I didn't lagged at all in the 256 height map. I lagged like hell with 512 and 1024 though.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:48 No.51XXX
    It's optimised and will actually use less RAM.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:51 No.52XXX
    Except it runs even better. Jeb > Notch
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:52 No.52XXX

    I'd be interested. I've been wanting to get back into Minecraft for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:52 No.52XXX
    Every time I've been told that, the RAM requirement for both the clients, and the server, increased as the updates go on.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:52 No.52XXX

    FUCKING FINALLY, maybe I can play this fucking game without crashing now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)12:55 No.52XXX
    Except this is an entire file format change. Not an update adding some expensive features.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 02/16/12(Thu)12:55 No.52XXX
         File: 1329414959.png-(1.23 MB, 1920x1028, 2011-10-08_17.04.25.png)
    1.23 MB
    I like to be classy.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 02/16/12(Thu)12:57 No.52XXX
         File: 1329415058.png-(1.51 MB, 1920x1028, 2011-10-08_17.05.39.png)
    1.51 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:00 No.52XXX
    If i made a 10 man or so Server would anyone be intrested in playing? it would have to have no monsters though, endermen scare me;_;
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 02/16/12(Thu)13:02 No.52XXX
    Where are you based?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:02 No.52XXX
    I'm kinda interested
    gief steam ID or something
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:02 No.52XXX
         File: 1329415350.jpg-(116 KB, 1172x778, javaw 2012-02-16 19-02-14-92.jpg)
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    >Not illuminating your creations with lasers
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:03 No.52XXX
    The UK
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:03 No.52XXX
    More people need to get on the server and get the real survival experience minecraft has to offer
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:04 No.52XXX
         File: 1329415447.png-(512 KB, 800x1200, 1315394190548.png)
    512 KB

    So who likes the look of patch 1.2?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:05 No.53XXX
    I'll post the IP once i get it up
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 02/16/12(Thu)13:05 No.53XXX
    Perfect, I'm up for that.

    What version are you running on? Latest?
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 02/16/12(Thu)13:06 No.53XXX
    That server is anythinng but true minecraft experience.

    Having to play in a barren server doesnt mkae it "hardcore"
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:06 No.53XXX
         File: 1329415617.jpg-(189 KB, 1277x926, drb.jpg)
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    >Not incorporating light sources within the very structure of your creations
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:07 No.53XXX
    Looks good. I just hope Jeb starts fixing the gameplay issues afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:08 No.53XXX
    Higher worlds is a Godsend. Hopefully Jeb makes villagers actually useful somehow. Maybe you can trade with them ore something
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:08 No.53XXX
    >visible redstone torch
    2/10 wouldn't inhabit
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:08 No.53XXX
    it's as minecraft as it can get. vanilla survival pvp with a fucking consistent world.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:09 No.53XXX
         File: 1329415747.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, shadow-of-the-colossus-2-75488(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    I know what someone needs to build with the new height
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:09 No.53XXX
    Because i don't want to give my money to the fat jew overlord.

    Does anyone know where I could get a free key for this?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:09 No.53XXX

    Oh shit, forgot about that torch.
    >> An !Ok.CAT.BOY 02/16/12(Thu)13:10 No.53XXX
    I went on 2b2t again earlier.

    Base was looted completely, a little vandalism but not much.

    As for everything else, I won't return until there's a mod which removes the chat interface so I don't have to listen to kids throwing around memes all the time. Holy fuck that community is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:13 No.53XXX
    >children throwing memes everywhere
    The saddest thing is, they are from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:14 No.53XXX
    The host said there's a chat plugin that will be added soon where players will be able to turn off the global chat and have custom/private chat channels.

    also honestly man up it's just the chat, ignore it or turn it off (get a good mod)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:14 No.53XXX
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    >Jeb won't even respond to my suggestion to make rotten flesh addictive, with withdraw and all
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:15 No.53XXX
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    I seriously fucking love RedPower 2 Microblocks.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:16 No.53XXX
    make a small room with the same small room inside it which contains the same small room which also contains the same room inside it but smaller.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:16 No.53XXX
    >becoming cannibal zombie necromancer
    Actually, thats a cool idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:20 No.53XXX
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    >Play with Thaumcraft
    >Attack one of these wisps
    >Acid trip shader every time it attacks me
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:22 No.53XXX
    Giant arena.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:28 No.54XXX
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    414 days old? is that even possible? is there a way to check? Seems like bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:29 No.54XXX
    1.1, i don't use the snapshots
    IP Is
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:29 No.54XXX
    Fuck you /vg/. These threads remind me of the fact that I can't play this piece of poorly coded crap in my laptop anymore.

    Sage because my post is not good enough for this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:29 No.54XXX
    Oh god /vg/ ;_;

    I just fired up my long-ass running save, from before railcarts.

    I have a city built on the bedrock and I CAN'T SEE SHIT. Well, unless I'm in the centre of each chamber, where there's a 1x1 tunnel out to the surface for light, but that's no use, since I can't use the Metro, I can't use the houses and I can't use the facilities I built.

    How do I get rid of this...darkness? Even my streetlights don't do shit ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:30 No.54XXX
    I believe someone already made a SotC Temple.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 02/16/12(Thu)13:34 No.54XXX
    Vanilla MC is not good anymore, and pvp is the worst aspect in minecraft, if you highlight that then your server is shit, way more than i thought
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:37 No.54XXX
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    Fuck man, I miss Minecraft classic. Somehow it was just so much more fun than survival. And yeah. allowed the use of your imagination more.

    "wheres the door?"

    "Its those two tree blocks"

    Not to mention you were able to make fucking elevators with water streams. try that shit in survival and you are likely to drown yourself.

    Man is there ANY way to port over an older classic map to SMP? I tried with one of the level editors but it fuck up the map, since we had started making a labyrinth map from the very bottom upwards. putting it through the editor just leaves a series of 1x1 caves on the bottom layer. :C

    format was .lvl if I recall.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:39 No.54XXX
    But probably not to proper scale

    Or complete with a climbing course to get to the secret garden
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:41 No.54XXX
    That must explain why there's 60 people on or any other survival server all the time, yeah survival sucks
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:42 No.55XXX

    Damn I can't join "connection timed out" , am I the only one?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:43 No.55XXX
    I got the game in alpha, and I last played it when randomized rain was brought it. WIll I need to start a new world to get everything?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:45 No.55XXX
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    Pictures Related.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:45 No.55XXX
    Pretty much, the world generation got changed several times and only new world (or exploring new terrain) will generate the new stuff.
    1.2 will feature Jungles, to experience them you need to use the latest snapshot (it's like a developer version). Download it at Mojang's site.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:46 No.55XXX
    Is that like the texture thing from a long time ago?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:47 No.55XXX
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    No, you won't. My world predates railcarts (and boy has that caused some issues with finding Redstone!) and I've only had to port it once.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:48 No.55XXX

    a prison server
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:49 No.55XXX
    use the port :25565
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:50 No.55XXX
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    To be more clear; You won't have to regen, but you'll only find the new stuff in new chunks.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:50 No.55XXX
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    doesn't seem like anyone's posted this yet, check this out
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:50 No.55XXX
    shouldn't be needed because that's the default port
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:53 No.55XXX
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    Anyone know how I can get rid of this bloody darkness shite?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)13:53 No.55XXX
    try anyway, i've had to on many occasions when playing with bros

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