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    File: 1333030962.png-(131 KB, 304x304, .195.png)
    131 KB Battlefield 3 General Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:22 No.2684621  
    Old thread is at 1072 posts >>2504442

    PC Platoons:

    PS3 Platoon:

    Patch Notes:
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:23 No.2684665
    Is it me or the game run way more smoothly since the patch?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:24 No.2684690
    Because I just learned how to link properly


    Is the old thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:25 No.2684714
    patch makes this the best BF so far by far. still needs to fix some things, but its fun as fuck now. i can actually see and move around smoothly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:26 No.2684741
    You dont need to link the board if you are already on that board
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:26 No.2684743
    So is there a consensus yet?



    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:26 No.2684751
    Definitely seems like it.

    Welcome to /vg/ friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:27 No.2684754
    Why is it that all of the servers are dead? Can't find a match with more than 3 people
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:28 No.2684792
    Have the patch hit PC? Suddenly i can change the map overlay and there is a fucking helicopter on sharqi rush.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:28 No.2684812
         File: 1333031315.jpg-(628 KB, 1223x4037, 7OHnO.jpg)
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    Neither dipshit
    Its different for each gun when will people figure this out
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:28 No.2684814
    yes today you tard. have you been paying attantion at all?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:28 No.2684823
    They went a little overboard with the tank buff.

    An unguided jav disables you in one hit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:28 No.2684832
    Stop using quick match
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:29 No.2684860

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:29 No.2684871
         File: 1333031398.jpg-(203 KB, 642x404, 1329094703621.jpg)
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    >my face when the US Assault has black arms now.

    About fucking time, that shit seriously rustled my jimmies.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:30 No.2684880
    Tanks are made of paper now. I'd be certain the stationary rocket launchers will destroy your tank if hit in the back vent.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:30 No.2684904

    I've been busy with real life, No need to be hostile my friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:31 No.2684937
    Apparently KH2002 with flash suppressor is OP as shit currently.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:32 No.2684961
    >in a game
    >get revived
    >loadout screen pops up
    >i'm still alive
    >can't move or do anything because of the loadout screen
    >have to quit
    >suddenly ping filter on battlelog doesn't work
    this game is so fun yet so frustrating
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:34 No.2685042
    >US Assault/Medic’s arms are now darker-skinned to reflect character model

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:34 No.2685053
    I've had that happen twice
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:35 No.2685065
    What I hate most is that the 1-hit kill aerial vehicle tank shell buff is useless, because if a helicopter decides to ruin your day, you will already be disabled before they've decended into your FoV.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:35 No.2685086

    Yeah, no recoil at all.

    Also, rumour is IRNV is un nerfed for some reason

    Any bro able to confirm?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:36 No.2685121
    Don't worry, you don't even need to see them. A TV missile already wrecks your shit so you had better not stop for more than 2 seconds. I would much rather deal with tanks the way they were before, or even with a very minor nerf of 10-15%. But this is an incredible difference.
    >> xbl: buttfeast000 03/29/12(Thu)10:37 No.2685125
    When is the patch for 360 coming?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:37 No.2685141
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:38 No.2685153

    you don't want it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:38 No.2685157
    Tank gets TV missile.

    Game balanced.

    This should happen.
    >> xbl: buttfeast000 03/29/12(Thu)10:39 No.2685220
    Yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:40 No.2685245
    >not playing engi master race

    why would you medic when theres vehicles everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:43 No.2685338
    Is there any reason to even jump into a tank now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:44 No.2685379
    Just tried hip firing with an SMG. I sprayed the wall surrounding my enemy very nicely.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:45 No.2685417
    I just started using reactive and don't see too much of a difference now. It's a bit harder and teh repair speed is fucking stupid but you can still rack up kills with it. Shot down 3 helicopters with main cannon since the patch dropped too. I always said tanks were too good in the hands of a good driver before this patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:45 No.2685421
    Apparently jets cant be hit by heat seekers fired from other jets, helis, and MAA.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:46 No.2685476

    Nah I've definitely been hit by a missile from a heli today.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:48 No.2685529
    tanks were OP. /vg/ just bitches because they suck at video games.

    nope they work. just everyone uses flares man.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:48 No.2685562
         File: 1333032538.jpg-(17 KB, 898x89, htaewrtjewr.jpg)
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    They're nerfed, but that just makes them a little less unstoppable.

    I would say infantry has a fair chance now, chopper will cause buttpain though.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:49 No.2685564

    The other day me and a bro were chasing an enemy jet and we fired 8+ missiles and never died or get disabled. Fucking dice
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:52 No.2685685

    I havent tested the patch yet but people have made threads on the official forums, and this vid was posted.

    maybe the yurop patch is corrupt
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:57 No.2685858
         File: 1333033068.jpg-(34 KB, 456x518, 1329611130540s.jpg)
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    >play le reddit server
    >first life
    >revive a dude
    >he dies
    >get first place on my team after not playing this game for 2 months
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)10:59 No.2685931
         File: 1333033186.gif-(1.81 MB, 200x150, 1305824768126.gif)
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    >Jets still overpowered as shit
    >Even more now that tanks are fucking cardboard
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:00 No.2685948
         File: 1333033210.jpg-(27 KB, 400x396, 1309307900823.jpg)
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    Oh wow.

    I managed to survive a whole round in a jet.

    Strange since I suck shit hard usually.


    >Get in Havok
    >Fucking Havok, why so heavy?
    >Get disabled
    >Land to disable
    >Faggot spawn on gunner bro
    >Take off while disabled
    >Don't do 3 meter before crashing like a fag
    >My face when

    I fucking hate the people in this game sometime.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:02 No.2686036
         File: 1333033325.jpg-(16 KB, 243x208, 1304947036665.jpg)
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    >Get disabled
    >Land to disable


    >Land to repair

    Also, I can confirm that the game run way more smoothly.

    Usually I lag like shit on kharg conquest but now it's stable.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:02 No.2686065
         File: 1333033348.jpg-(28 KB, 1003x135, Capture.jpg)
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    Fresh from the forums.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:04 No.2686130
    I got this sound several times too
    I dont like it

    it does kinda sound like breaking glass
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:04 No.2686148
    Explain what a TV missile is?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:04 No.2686162
    the children are our future!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:05 No.2686206
    >get in little bird
    >beep beep beep beep BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
    >okay rocket incoming
    >use flare
    >STILL GET HIT 3 seconds later

    This shit is buggy as fuck. Other people use their flare immediately after I launch it and the rocket misses by a mile. When I do it half the time I still get hit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:08 No.2686315
    >get BF3 on PS3 because I don't have a good enough PC to run it
    >unlock everything on all infantry kits and co-op
    >get new PC, get BF3
    >goddamn back to square one
    >EA unlock kits

    Sort of want...convince me not to buy the /vg/, it's not like I can't afford them but I know it's a waste of money, and unlocking all that shit took so long.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:11 No.2686420
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    It's your money man, do whatever you want.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:11 No.2686434
    flares no longer break lock ons only distract. you need the ecm jammer.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:13 No.2686521
    you cant create a new soldier to experience the satisfaction of unlocking a new gun again
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:15 No.2686593
         File: 1333034121.jpg-(598 KB, 960x540, Shit.jpg)
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    >Rubberbanding like FUCK
    >29 ping
    >60 FPS
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:16 No.2686650
    >that stinger igla distance
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:17 No.2686673
         File: 1333034230.jpg-(145 KB, 680x680, madotsuki barf.jpg)
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    >That motherboard
    Oh god, I.. oh my god. I think that just gave me cancer.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:17 No.2686675

    Think of it this way.

    Buying the kits means you can't buy another game.

    >Buy Diablo 3 instead
    >Use RMAH to make enough money to fund your vidya
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:19 No.2686754
    Yes, I know.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:19 No.2686764
    I really can't say what's been changed except for horns, but hell, even graphics seem better. This game is now fucking awesome, no more unbalance or stupid shit going on.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:20 No.2686813
    Wait, that's real?

    I'm ashamed that I have a GIGABYTE GPU right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:21 No.2686831

    Ahem: >>2685685
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:24 No.2686979
    I'd only buy the infantry kits, since I hadn't unlocked all the vehicle ones. It's only like £15 for them all.

    Though >>2686521
    is right, I do like that unlocky "ker-chak-ching" noise it makes.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:24 No.2686981
    is the HMG worth using now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:25 No.2687005
    I'm at PS3 and we don't have this as far as I can remember I've been hit by HS as a jet.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:34 No.2687353
    nope still fires slow as balls
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:34 No.2687383
    im PS3 too and, think i mightve seen it happen a few times, but ive also hit and been hit by them, so maybe its some weird glitch thats common though
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:36 No.2687442
    What injector do you guys use?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:43 No.2687680
    Danoc 1.25, 1.3 is too brown.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:47 No.2687827
    This, but without the shitty fxaa. I don't need that when I can run 4x MSAA. 1.3 also makes it more blurry than default.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:48 No.2687865
    >Shoot TV Missle
    >1 shot a tank
    >and one shot mobile AA

    I don't even...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:54 No.2688076
    I need to find myself a bro that can fly so I can get my last 3 attack chopper unlocks too bad it's camped by retards who can't fly for shit so I don't even bother anymore and just go on foot all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:55 No.2688129
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    >RPK with extended mag has 200 rounds
    >Reloads faster than belt-fed lmg
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:58 No.2688232
    I prefer the M240B because when I go support it's with bipod and 3.4x scope for covering fire (especially on damavand in one of the hallways in the tunnel and just mow down anyone who tries to enter)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:58 No.2688248
    Recently I've been getting better at flying, but I can't evade jets for shit. Jets are the only thing that makes this game unfun. Almost impossible to land a Stinger on them now so your only hope is soflam + javelin. And I'm pretty sure you can still outrun them which is dumb. Sure, you keep them out of the fight for a whole 10 seconds but so few people play support that you'll run out of rockets quickly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)11:59 No.2688315
    >Jets are the only thing that makes this game unfun.
    Just stop sucking.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:01 No.2688373
    Sure thing, boss. I'll make sure to remember that when you can do a single rocket pod pass on a tank and get a kill now since they are made of wet paper
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:03 No.2688481
    Alright yeah, I have to agree that's kind of bullshit, but jets are definitely fun.
    I'm sure with some maneuvering you can avoid being killed in one pass, since most jet pilots are shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:03 No.2688483
         File: 1333037024.jpg-(8 KB, 163x188, I wants it.jpg)
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    >-Fixed the Rate of Fire when the USAS and MK3A1 are equipped with FRAG rounds. All other shotguns correctly had a reduced rate of fire with frags, except the USAS and MK3A1.
    >USAS-12: Increased the initial recoil. Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The USAS 12 has a higher ROF than other shotguns, this recoil change better balances that advantage and the pellets balance its damage output.
    >-The Horizontal Sway reduction has been changed from a global percent reduction to a weapon specific value reduction. For most guns this means very little change, for guns which have a large horizontal recoil the change is more substation. The FAMAS, F2000, and **AEK971** are most effected, the AK-74, M16, and M416 are nearly unchanged.
    >-The MAV will now be destroyed when running into a soldier or vehicle at high speed. It is still possible to strategically sacrifice your MAV on a soldier; it will be destroyed in the process.
    -The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator.
    >All those vehicle changes
    >TDM map/spawning changes
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:05 No.2688527
    i´m still stuck at work, how´s the new patch? air rape everywhere? i heard there´s a new radar hack now
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:07 No.2688618
         File: 1333037229.png-(110 KB, 900x891, 1330308491179.png)
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    Why hello there cannon fodder! Let me guess... you're the asshole that spends the entire round spinning around in circles spamming Stingers at jets in the futile hope that you score a kill. God forbid you actually use your kit for taking out armor or supporting friendly vehicles with repairs.

    You disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:07 No.2688620
    this happened to me, i had a friend drive a jeep and push me into the enemy lines until someone killed me
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:08 No.2688687
    Tanks - Worthless paper bags
    Jets - Slighty better since tanks are worthless, otherwise virtually no change
    Helicopters - Have time to react to jets hitting you now but you'll be at half health easily still

    Infantry is where this game will turn to eventually but even then DICE added some very questionable changes.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:08 No.2688693

    Air radar hack?

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:09 No.2688727

    Trying to chase jets with javelins is retarded and ultimately pointless in 90% of cases, since even properly locked on javs almost never catch up to the jets. However, taking out choppers with javelins is invaluable, especially if the pilot is good enough to properly outmaneuver tank shells and stays out of range of IGLA/Stingers. Many an ass was ravaged on Sharqui when someone good gets into one of the helicopters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:11 No.2688787
    >he doesn't know the stingers got buffed
    >implying you know how I play
    They lock on a target in 1.5 seconds and disable on hit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:12 No.2688837

    >1.5 seconds

    Woah, they are actually useful now? Considering flares can no longer break lockon, they are even better.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:14 No.2688954
    Yeah, I did the same thing, but decided to give the RPK a chance. I didn't think the extended mag would be over 100. I don't play support often so I don't know if this change will make it worth using though.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:15 No.2688986

    1.5 seconds.. oh shit. Time for more phantom locks from tones that I didn't even hear. And I'm not talking about random missile lock from already fired AA missiles meant for other aircraft, but guys on the ground that locked me up but I never heard the tone. Now THAT shit pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:16 No.2689041
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:17 No.2689073
         File: 1333037850.gif-(2.21 MB, 200x174, 1305557673515.gif)
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    >phantom locks

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:20 No.2689165

    >> Baron !8IGBM.sP8o 03/29/12(Thu)12:21 No.2689206
         File: 1333038063.gif-(2.75 MB, 250x170, tom hanks plays battlefield 3.gif)
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    i never get a chance to post this otherwise
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:21 No.2689219
    >aim at a jet/helicopter for a few seconds
    >he crashes
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:24 No.2689371

    For some reason it seems to happen with guys that have extremely low pings to me as well. Just happened to me last night. I was doing a run on a pair of tanks on Kharg near C and just flying past the beach when I heard the missile away tone. Now I'm running ECM but I managed to do the typical somersault just in time to dodge the missiles and lo and behold the smoke trails come off the other aircraft in sight so his missiles couldn't have changed direction. I just never heard his tone.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:24 No.2689390
    those guys didn´t have flares or forgot to use them
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:25 No.2689440
         File: 1333038339.gif-(1.94 MB, 304x155, 1328582568345.gif)
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    >Start randomly shooting at someone in the scout helicopter
    >Must have hit him through the window
    >Bails out
    >Someone steals the chopper
    >Admin kicks guy on our team for unfair play
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:26 No.2689487

    Are you fucking blind?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:26 No.2689491
    So I hear they fixed the handling of the EOD bot, is WALL-E fun to play now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:27 No.2689516
    >stealing vehicles
    fuck him
    not like there's many vehicles on the damn teams
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:27 No.2689551
    The real question is did they bring back the 3rd person view
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:28 No.2689576
    only the first popped flares
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:37 No.2689924
    >Noshar defening
    >Some idiot parked the transport heli near A.
    >Sprint, hop in, take off.
    >Fly circles above the landing zone rest of the match with 2 equally annoying gunners.
    >Their other heli is constantly gunned down by the AA tank.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)12:46 No.2690242
    Goddamn the range on stingers is fucking terrible..

    Also.. lolrandomloadouts..

    Spawn in, leave m4a1 the same to see how bad the foregrip/suppressor is now.. Find I have the reflex instead of kobra and flashlight instead of suppressor
    Also using the m9.

    Guess the patch has just defaulted everything to first unlocks..
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:46 No.2690257
    Xbro here.

    Have some question for people with patch.

    Are the Mobile AA's weak like regular tanks now?
    Is the AN-94 better/worse?
    If tanks are really weak now how many bricks of C4 does it take to blow them up?
    For PS3 , does it have more VoiceOver lines/Full Russian voiceovers now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:47 No.2690291
    Just dropped in to say that the F-35 is VERY close if not identical to the F-18 in terms of handling now. No more boat jet. The cannon "style" has been changed to the rest of the jets and the hover mode only engages at low altitudes and takes a while to engage.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:50 No.2690397

    >using attachments except bipod for LMG

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:50 No.2690416
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)12:59 No.2690748
    Is there any way of countering jets now unless you are in a jet yourself?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:02 No.2690838

    Heat-seekers seem terrible now, only laser-guided rockets seem to have hope.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:03 No.2690891

    And those can be disrupted with flares now...It's like BF2 jet domination all over.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:04 No.2690948
    It seems you're right. Hmm.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:04 No.2690952
         File: 1333040688.jpg-(33 KB, 338x310, 1325076738017.jpg)
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    Great, so we're getting closer to BF2 with BF3 graphics one patch at a time, just what /v/ wanted.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:04 No.2690963
    It handles a lot better now, and it's no longer an achievement worth tooting your horn for when successfully climbing a curb (which previously was fucking horrible).

    >drive EOD bot around to test its new maneuvers
    >enemy tank
    >new and improved EOD bot can keep up with its jerky movements
    >"Me [EOD BOT] FagetInTank"

    And oh my god repairs with the torch are slow as shit now. You are going to need to bro up with another Engineer to repair one tank if you wish it to last longer than, lets say, a nanosecond. Plus it feels like tanks burn for fucking ever now, and needs to be repaired to 100% to not burn until selfdestruct ... with the slow ass torch, it's ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:06 No.2691037

    I need to test it out, but I'm pretty sure the EOD bot repairs faster than the the repair torch (or rather, it originally repaired at the same speed and it didn't get the nerf). Probably another way to get people actually using the most neglected unlock in the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:08 No.2691089
    controlling it on console is just retarded , but well since they nerfed the mav i'll need to learn to use that bot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:09 No.2691127

    Tanks are pretty much transport vehicles now, one time use into the battle then bail out since there is no way you can keep up the repairs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:15 No.2691375

    >BF3 pay to win now

    Enjoy your no mods, map packs for money and pay-to-win.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:15 No.2691381
    did they give the famas more damage or something? i seems rapey.

    and i thought the g3 was gonna be good after this patch ;_;

    support bros whom use lmg with foregrip, you guys notice a big difference in recoil?

    (i only use P90 when support)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:17 No.2691448

    That happened to me yesterday. What the fuck dice.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:18 No.2691497
    >it's pay to win because I didn't spend 10 hours grinding weapon unlocks
    hurrrrrr, that isn't what pay2win is.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:19 No.2691534
    >dat feel when you unload 9 bullets from your PP-2000 into an enemy and he doesn't die, then all he need to do is turn around and gun you down like a bitch
    >dat feel when AS VAL was your favorite gun but is now a steaming pile of shit due to it's recoil
    >dat feel when all PDW are now useless
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:19 No.2691537
    Are there any prerequisites for joining the /v/ platoons?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:20 No.2691581
         File: 1333041656.gif-(2 MB, 297x227, 1331854504039.gif)
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    I can see they have touched my beloved M249.
    Haven't had the time to play it yet, but how is it handling now?

    Considering the buff to the PKP and the M60, is it worth switching out the M249?

    LMG changes:
    >-M249: Added an initial recoil. The M249 is the fastest firing belt fed LMG, giving it superior suppressive and damage abilities. The initial recoil makes it a bit harder to run and gun, while making little overall impact on performance.

    -Type-88: Slightly increased the initial recoil, reduced muzzle drift. The Type88 fires the slowest of the medium caliber LMGs, though what it lacks in rate of fire it makes up for in controllability.

    >-PKP: Reduced recoil but added a slight initial recoil, increased damage at max range. The Pecheneg has a heavy vertical recoil with a hard hitting round and little drift, this makes it excellent at sustained fire.

    -M60: Reduced the initial recoil, increased damage at all ranges. The M60 has a very low rate of fire that makes it the most controllable with the powerful 7.62x51mm round.

    >-M240B: Added an initial recoil, increased damage at all ranges. The fastest firing medium MG, the M240 has a substantial muzzle kick and drift that makes all that power difficult to control.

    >-Increased the Speed at which a bipod is deployed, allowing the user to obtain the bipod’s bonus sooner after the deploy has started and allowing the weapon to be aimed in a far shorter time. The speed has been increased 40-50%, depending on the weapon and animation.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:21 No.2691593

    I like that. LGA1155 right?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:21 No.2691597
    >Either pay money to get good equipment, or spend ten hours *grinding* in an FPS.

    So instead of making the gameplay fun, they've hooked you by getting you addicted to unlocks. Sounds fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:21 No.2691601
    A tank that got disabled needed to be repaired to 100% to have full mobility before the patch as well. It isn't new. You can only repair about 70% of the tanks health in the ENTIRE duration of the repair tool though. That is retarded as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:23 No.2691654
    Welcome to modern FPS. Enjoy your stay.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)13:23 No.2691695
         File: 1333041830.gif-(1.7 MB, 371x205, Cod player trying out BF3.gif)
    1.7 MB
    It's always been that you have to repair to 100% if the tank drops below 50%.

    Quick questions to those who have the patch

    Are at-mine useful now? the patch notes said that they won't automatically appear unless spotted by an enemy and that they are only spotted for 15 seconds instead of 30. the only time I see someone die to at-mines is when they're in a jeep or when they get taken out by friendly mines being shot.

    Are you still able to hide explosives under ammo/health boxes, which is to say, Did the icon tweaks make it so its obvious that there is an explosive under a box?

    They say that Guided rockets will now only track ground vehicles, does that include the guided shell from tanks?

    Is the havok actually flyable now or does it still fly like a bag of dick rolling down a hill of cunts?

    Has anyone gotten a kill using any of the environments explosive containers? is the fix so you get the kill working?

    They state they're fixing the amtrac's turret, does it no longer move with the vehicle's turn now? how did they fix this?

    Does the IRV scope tweak make it usable again?

    thanks if anyone answers these.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:26 No.2691786
    >instead of increasing the damage tank shells did to other tanks they simply reduced the armor tanks have


    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:28 No.2691867
    I really liked how they changed the asval. Still godly in cqc but now it's even better on medium range. Yeah, the new spread/recoil makes even little bursts useless but on single shot recoil is nonexistent, you can seriously use it like a very precise pistol.

    I can't love a gun more than this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:28 No.2691883
    They don't glow white under thermal vision like they did before, however they have a bright orange marker over them constantly once they've been spotted. Not sure if it's good or bad to be honest, they should be slightly more useful now, although the big spot marker over them looks kinda dumb. They'll be much better on HC servers due to 3d spotting being disabled.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:28 No.2691893
    FAMAS is now utter shit, I think AEK is now the best AR as far as I could tell.

    Also, M60 is just unlocked for me since I barely touched support. Its fucking awesome, just the weapon I needed. Slow and delivers a punch.

    Anyways, I think I'll go with AEK-M60-SCAR-L96 since my old set, FAMAS-M249-G36C got nerfed. Any better choices with the new patch? Also, does 870 still kill in one shot at 0 to close range?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:29 No.2691931
    >Is the havok actually flyable now or does it still fly like a bag of dick rolling down a hill of cunts?

    It seems easier (I don't fly much, but I certainly didn't smash into the ground) and I think they changed the tail so it won't hit every single light post. Some faggot in a jet rammed me but I didn't die, instead the whole heli was sideways, but for some reason I instantly recovered it. Not sure if it was just lag/client mismatch or what (like when tanks run into each other and rubberband)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:30 No.2691938
    Don't know why everyone's crying about tank nerfs. A decent tank-driver with a team of engies was an unstoppable rape machine. Hopefully people start actually playing tanks like they're expensive pieces of machinery that can be destroyed than flying up and assfucking everyone. Probably not though since 99% of servers are instant vehicle respawn.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:33 No.2692085
    As a person who plays infantry most of the time as Assault, I can deal with playing against overpowered tanks and let the soflam/javelin or heli/jet take care of them. The way it is now, tanks are basically non-existant.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)13:36 No.2692171
    Havoc is a bit quicker now. It yaws better and generally moves faster, not quite as good as the US heli but it's not a pain to fly anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:37 No.2692216

    M16 was the best AR pre-patch and it's still the best AR now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:40 No.2692335
    Fucking bullshit. Fucking, utter complete fucktarded bullshit.

    What the actual fuck is with some jet pilots? I consider myself to be fairly decent with it comes to the jet. but god damn, some people I joust couldn't fucking touch.

    Like this last match I was in, this guy comes up behind me, I pull some maneuvers, keeping my speed at optimum so I'm pulling the tightest 9 G turns, using my pitch that is binded to a key for more consistent turning, and yer this fucker is still able to shoot me down after a little while? How the fuck is he able to line up shots if I'm pulling the tightest turns physically possible in the jets?

    Goddamn, usually when i meet a skilled pilot we have some epic duels and it's pretty evenly matched in terms of score and kills. But this motherfucker was goddamn untouchable. And to boot, he has a goddamn youtube channel dedicated to his BF3 fukery.

    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)13:40 No.2692351
    They feel balanced now rather than OP. Tank drivers just need to l2p a bit now. You can't really just charge into a point and completely wipe out all the infantry there, it's better to start at range and wear them down through shelling as you approach.

    I do agree with other comments that repairs are painfully slow now though: Repairing my tank from 10% health, my blowtorch overheated twice before fully repairing. Previously it would only overheat at around 90%.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:41 No.2692401
    Heavy brake. But maybe they finally fixed it.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)13:45 No.2692546

    Guided rockets is the attack helicopter pilot upgrade. This doesnt apply to guided missile or guided shell, those still track designated aircraft.

    Guided rocket just helps the rocket pods hit a target. Doesnt require designation but gets assisted by it.

    Havoc is pretty damn nice now.. just had a little fuck around with it. Cant say for sure if its as good as viper yet but its much much better than it was.

    F35 is also not rubbish anymore. Still seems to try to fly downward a little bit sometimes and the targetting is still slightly wierd buts im probably going to be happy to fly them now
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:47 No.2692649

    What do you mean? I've noticed the jet handles slightly different now but I just tap the S key until I hit about 310-315 MPH to turn better. But still, that fucker...
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)13:47 No.2692651

    Heavy brake doesnt help turning fights at all

    Guess he was just more optimal than you. You cant keep the speed perfect, and he started in a good position then everytime his speed goes perfect and yours is slightly out he'll probably be nicely lined up.

    And "pull some maneuvers" makes it sound like your did something stupid
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:50 No.2692786

    By "pull some maneuvers" I mean shit like fly close to the ground with afterburner to make him speed up to me, then bank hard with both upward pitch and sideways yaw to come about, I usually can get behind someone pretty quick that way. Didn't fool that fucker though.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:51 No.2692793
    I have a question about flying: does having your joystick throttle on full impede your ability to slow down and pull tight turns? I've been attempting to get into flying and I noticed that enemy jets always get behind me no matter what I do. Even if they pass me at 180 degrees and I "brake" into a turn, they still get behind me and take me out in one burst.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)13:52 No.2692830
         File: 1333043526.jpg-(65 KB, 480x640, BF3 Feline support squad dlc.jpg)
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    assault is fucking great when fighting idiots

    >terahn highway
    >running assault
    >friend is sniping in the high spawn
    >tank drives up to alpha
    >im alone at alpha with my defib paddles
    "Dude, you got a tank next to you"
    >fuck it, imma defib that bitch
    >run up and start defibbing
    >Dude half turns the gun then exits
    >I jump in and fire

    >playing wake island
    >have a couple more friends join
    >Friend who watched me do it starts telling the other about it
    >tank at alpha taking the point
    "-and then he ran up and started defibbing it and the guy got out and-aww shit marc thats a tank"
    >Look at him and pull out the defib paddles
    >Its go time
    "DO IT MARC, DO IT."
    >defib tank
    >receive tank
    >enemy gets shot
    >entire party burst into treats

    Try it, I believe in you
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:52 No.2692842
         File: 1333043542.jpg-(39 KB, 480x360, jets.jpg)
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    Any jet pilots want to do some investigative reporting? I know they said MAV elevators were patched but we now know they weren't. I want to know if it is still possible to dodge missiles.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)13:52 No.2692856
    New Comms Rose is lovely. New mini-map settings are nice, too. First game of the day bagged me 19k as an Assault. Whatever this patch did to the AEK-971 is great.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:52 No.2692862
         File: 1333043566.png-(151 KB, 477x228, RIPdogfighting.png)
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    Jet to Jet dog-fighting is now useless. The cannon does so little damage against other jets that it takes almost 2 seconds of CONTINUOUS fire to kill them. Not disable, just kill. In the hour of flying I've done post patch I only managed to score 2 dogfight kills. Each one the guy was in the Su-35 giving me a bigger hitbox and he was flying sideways with his full profile showing to me. I fucking counted 27 bails during that hour. TWENTY FUCKING SEVEN BAILS! Many before I even got the disable, the pilot would just jump out.

    Stingers also lock on almost instantly from a jets point of view. Get ready to ECM at the first sign of tone. No exceptions. Air radar is also full of XBOX HUEG icons that take up almost the entire map when you are flying over the battlefield. Prepare to be snuck up on by enemy jet or helo all the god damn time.

    I'm fucking raging bro. This is not what I wanted air combat wise.

    Good news though is that infantry now make up most of my kills. The jet cannon will now end a grunts life in almost half the time as before. Tanks are wet paper bags like most people have stated (unfortunately, I like tanking from time to time) which makes for easy double kills and you now more reliably hear when you are taking fire in a jet. F-35 is also god like.

    >Pic releated. Going to take much longer now to breach the 10k kill mark.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:52 No.2692869
    This patch made my mind up, Not gonna get those expansion packs since they all will be infantry shit even the supposedly "vehicle ones"

    Judging by this patch if this is how they treat vehicles in battlefield 3 then i'm not gonna take part in this COD infantry only clone.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:53 No.2692884
         File: 1333043597.jpg-(12 KB, 298x359, 1306076828866.jpg)
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    >Game still has VO language setting in sound menu
    >It's still locked to English.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)13:54 No.2692908

    While youre doing that he has a pretty sweet shot at the top of your jet, and then he can just do the identical move and you havent gained any ground on him.

    Also, flipping battle > turning battles

    Well as long as youre good at controlling your speed against gravity
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:54 No.2692949

    >Finally a decent comrose
    >Nobody will ever use it.

    I've using that shit like a motherfucker to try to get people involved, no effect.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)13:55 No.2692978

    We are the only two who say "Thanks" and "Sorry", I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:56 No.2693009
         File: 1333043799.png-(2.82 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot68032.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:56 No.2693015
    The "Thanks" is so tsundre.

    I think they also added the Issue Order for Squad Leaders, but that might have been in the game already. I just got back in because of the patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:57 No.2693031

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:58 No.2693070

    You don't even have to dodge missiles anymore in a jet, jets and AA vehicle's missiles doesn't hit, They explode behind the jet and do no damage.

    Stinger/IGLA has such a low range that they are only good at taking out choppers now leaving jets to dominate the battleground once more.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)13:58 No.2693084
         File: 1333043910.png-(627 KB, 1243x998, even the sky itself is our ene(...).png)
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    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)13:59 No.2693135
         File: 1333043979.gif-(73 KB, 256x192, larry-hello(a).gif)
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    They changed it so you have to select "Give Order" to mark an objective. I think this is so you don't mark an objective when you try to spot.

    >russians apologising
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:01 No.2693224
    Do russian soldier still curse after getting revive? Or is that intentional?
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)14:05 No.2693367

    Oh my god that video was not long enough. I can't stop laughing.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:05 No.2693373
    it was when reviving. they fixed it weeks ago

    casual faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:06 No.2693396
         File: 1333044376.jpg-(71 KB, 810x810, 1330996304136.jpg)
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    >mfw the new AKS-74U
    Dat complete lack of recoil after the initial jump.

    As someone who taps Q constantly I was so happy to see this. fucking drove me nuts spotting as SL before:
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)14:06 No.2693413
    Also do Defibs still score a kill? I haven't managed to get close enough to do it yet. I'd like to practice before Ziba Tower, provided it's worth the effort.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:07 No.2693465

    DICE actually had them make a live-action TV ad for them.

    As part of it the guys got to play with an actual tank, and so made this

    They're pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:10 No.2693573
    Of course they do. Remember how Medics would aggressive swear at their patient when reviving them? ZAP ZAP MOTHER FUCKER! and all that? Those were meant for Defib kills, not revives.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:12 No.2693664
    >you were killed by HairClub4Men

    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)14:13 No.2693693
         File: 1333044782.jpg-(536 KB, 1259x748, YOU AINT DYING ON ME.jpg)
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    I am excite now. I had more Defib kills than Knife kills in BC2.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)14:14 No.2693771
         File: 1333044871.jpg-(85 KB, 539x358, 1300228948424.jpg)
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    unless they added it in the patch there is like a 3% to kill if you defib someone in the chest. Its stupid as shit and I miss zaping bitches.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:16 No.2693838
    360 user here.

    If i rented a server and put the no fun allowed rules, would you guys be interested? Might rent a server for 1-7 days to judge the popularity of it.

    For those who don't know, no fun allowed rules are:
    >no infantry and vehicle health regen
    >no 3rd person vehicles
    >friendly fire on
    >squad leader spawn only

    Might be more but that's what it mostly has
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)14:16 No.2693874

    God I'd love to see CoDkiddies playing on that server.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:20 No.2694026
         File: 1333045206.jpg-(78 KB, 500x333, 1332902014053.jpg)
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    >that feel when not a single BF2 Settings server on PC
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:20 No.2694045
    So what do you guys think of the patch? Personally I'm really liking it.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)14:21 No.2694102
         File: 1333045303.jpg-(40 KB, 600x337, 1300375097304.jpg)
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    fuck it, im having BC2 flashbacks, time for some old greentext

    (from a "last character you played with is your sitcom roomie: thread)
    Medic from BFBC2

    >Defibs me every time I go to sleep
    >Hits me with med kits when I get a papercut or something
    >He only speaks Russian
    >keeps getting sniped every time he walks by the window of the apartment
    >His respawn is in the shower
    >medkits only contain vodka
    > keeps tracer darting the ceiling fan
    >His squad is always loitering around the house
    >Russian assault shoots smoke grenades into the kitchen and steals beer
    >Russian engineer constantly repairs my car but leave At mines in the front yard*
    >Russian recon keeps leaving c4 around the house which I have been collecting and putting in the trunk of his car.
    >an American Recon lives across the street and throws motion mines through our window at night to keep us up.
    >No one bothers shooting me.

    The first episode is about how uncomfortable it is to be in the apartment with each other as he doesn't respect me,
    but he sees me in a new light after running over an American squad that had him and his squad pinned down while they were barhopping.

    The plot for episode 9 Is both the American squad members and Russian squad members are invited to a war
    and are embarrassed to find out they all chose recon! Hilarity ensues.

    * In Ep. 7 we discover that AT mines can be set off by anything cat sized or larger.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)14:24 No.2694225
         File: 1333045466.jpg-(148 KB, 600x542, 1298000034192.jpg)
    148 KB

    Season one finale

    >American engineer shows up with an Abrams tank
    >It gets hit once with an rpg, he jumps out and runs into the American recons house
    >Russian Assault hits the tank with a smoke grenade, Russian medic steals the tank and parks it in the front yard
    >full scale firefight ensues, Russian engineer and assault hiding behind the tank with the recon in the attic window. Americans are shooting out of the American recons house.
    >Russian assault fumbles a live grenade ("it was lag, I swear!") which rolls under the tank and sets off the AT mines littering the front year
    >tank is propelled top first into the Recons house
    >medic crawls out of tank hatch into the second story of the house. Leans himself against the wall
    >Bloody and hurt, he pulls a bottle of vodka out of the medkit, go to take a swig
    >The sound of a revolver cocked is heard, the medic pauses and looks up, the recon has a gun in his face
    >The recon takes the bottle and tosses it away.
    > The medic looks down, game over.
    >medic looks up, recon has holstered the revolver, has a bottle of tequila and shot glasses
    >scene fades, Credits roll over a picture of both squads and me at a bar drinking

    Season two starts with the COD Multiplayer characters moving into the apartment building on the other side of the park (which is next door, what a coincidence!)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:24 No.2694235
    So Hardcore mode?
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)14:26 No.2694291
         File: 1333045566.jpg-(280 KB, 1920x1200, BF3 aeronautics program.jpg)
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    BF3 support roomate
    >Keeps putting claymores at the front door
    >throws c4 on my car and tells me to drive into "something"
    >Keeps setting up a mortar in the backyard
    >keeps getting shot off the mortar
    >Sets up a bipod in the window and shoots at the neighbor kids
    >tried to make a "jihad Cat"
    >killed my cat
    >Keeps getting roadkilled by Mavs
    >chases after cars with c4
    >Steals my flashlights for his gun
    >Taped all five onto his gun
    >Shines said flashlights in assault's face
    >His squad keeps leaving Tugs and Eod bots over at my house
    >Converted the Eod Bot into a beer bot
    >Engineer Lit My car on fire with a blow torch
    >House has a No sniper rifle policy
    >Recon puts a 12x scope on a shotgun
    >recon is beaten savagely
    >Patents the "Knifescope" while recovering at the hospital
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:28 No.2694401
         File: 1333045725.gif-(797 KB, 300x198, 1332690762362.gif)
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    So I recently replayed BC2. It's fun, but compared to BF3 it just feels like such codshit.

    >Medic with run and gun LMG that has no deploy mechanic
    >Knife animation is 1:1 copy of the one in CoD
    >UAV feels like a killstreak where you activate it for a few seconds, shoot a rocket at someone and then it's shot down, with a cooldown
    >No firing modes
    >No bullet drop except sniper rifles
    >No weapon sway anywhere
    >Maps are either open field recon duck hunt or corridors
    >Infantry focus
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)14:32 No.2694542

    Vehicles were so easy to bust up, looking back.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:32 No.2694559
    Did they lower the requirement for suppression ribbons? I got 2 today and I'm not even really trying to suppress.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:34 No.2694629
    Yep. Those suppression-ribbons are just pouring in now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:35 No.2694668
    Awesome. That's one of the few medals I don't have. So, is it 5 assists now? On Battlelog it still says 7.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:35 No.2694702

    I don't get it. Why even reward people at all if you're going to make it that easy to get. It's like achievements for beating the first level of a game.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:36 No.2694708
    I really like the changes to deplorables. Being able to throw run down and run away rather than have to rip the screen out of your face is a great feature.
    And the changes to the actual deploying is great. I had a SOFLAM sitting on a window sill, and you can actually hide your Spawn Radio now.

    They buffed suppression, so you are probably suppressing people enough to get Suppression Assists now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:38 No.2694793
    I so don't see what you mean
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:39 No.2694852
    >UAV feels like a killstreak where you activate it for a few seconds, shoot a rocket at someone and then it's shot down, with a cooldown

    Use optics upgrade and learn to lead targets. I used to keep the same UAV from the first base throughout whole games while fucking every armored vehicle and AA gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:40 No.2694898

    The reward isn't the medal/dogtag, it's the number of X displayed on your dogtag when you equip it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:44 No.2695067
         File: 1333046645.png-(41 KB, 197x204, 1325761783869.png)
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    Oh god, I'm actually getting motion-sickness from watching those faggots zoom around like the predator, was it always like that or are the videos sped up?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:46 No.2695154
         File: 1333046766.jpg-(235 KB, 2560x1440, bf3 2012-03-29 14-39-54-24.jpg)
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    It is still possible to roadkill with the MAV without destroying it, albeit much harder
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:46 No.2695168
    exactly as it is
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:48 No.2695232
         File: 1333046887.gif-(1.79 MB, 225x170, 1331243124177.gif)
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    My god
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:49 No.2695292
    >In jet on Kharg
    >Strafe some shit on the floor but need to pull out
    >Flare a lock-on and turn hard with afterburners out to sea from that large factory control point
    >Locked on again like a second later but manage to dodge behind the tanker

    What's with the lock-on times? Were they changed?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:50 No.2695351
         File: 1333047041.jpg-(26 KB, 284x330, 1320557169993.jpg)
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    I'll think twice before making any sort of complaint about BF3 from now on. That just hurts to look at.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:54 No.2695531

    1.5 second lock on time. Just run ECM. Jet to Jet AA missiles are severely bugged and rarely hit. Ground stinger range against jets renders them useless past the control point the user is on. AA tanks and jet pilots good with their cannon are the only thing that can knock out a jet currently with any sort of consistency.

    I'm starting to think that DICE breaks shit just to troll. How did they manage to fuck up jet heat seekers is beyond me considering they were perfectly fine since release.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:55 No.2695569


    F35 is usable now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:56 No.2695619
    Actually, I just checked for the suppression ribbons. Brace your anus.

    You only need 4 assists for a ribbon.

    Battlelog will probably have that updated once Xbox gets the update.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:56 No.2695630

    original memefield xD
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:59 No.2695758

    F-18 maneuverability with the ability to hover. However you can only hover at certain heights so no hovering at 500 feet and taking pot shots at the ground. If you choose to hover you are at risk of RPG'S and tank shells.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:00 No.2695798
    Could someone link me to a decent Injector? Much appreciated fellas.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:01 No.2695865
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:01 No.2695889
    Wow... that could have been a decent video without all that shit added on.
    >Leave a like for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:03 No.2695982
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    P-please response
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:04 No.2696007
    Hardcore without the hardcore health and damage
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:05 No.2696068
    minimap spotting?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:06 No.2696096
    >Maps are either open field recon duck hunt or corridors

    Are we playing the same game? Just avoid Rush, it's not that hard.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 03/29/12(Thu)15:07 No.2696148
         File: 1333048047.png-(575 KB, 1280x720, she sees your wallet.png)
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    >get told that there is all sorts of new DLC for BF3
    >it's just unlocks for multiplayer weapons
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:08 No.2696197
         File: 1333048105.jpg-(80 KB, 500x375, Chuckie_plays_games.jpg)
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    >Just avoid the game mode the entire game was built around
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:08 No.2696210

    I just downloaded this one

    Apparently that's a good one but I haven't tried it yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:12 No.2696395
    I'm on PS3 and I'm on my first 700 ticket match. Holy shit.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)15:18 No.2696672

    Yep all its bullshit hover problems are gone. The thing is actually decent to fly.

    Note, when I had time to play around there were no gulk/wake servers with people up, so wasnt actually fighting so may be still UP compared to the flanker/hornet in terms of maneuverability but you wont rage just trying to turn it around fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:20 No.2696725
    The patch that broke the game, See you all at 2143.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)15:21 No.2696789
    >enemy team baserapes us
    >top 2 MVPs are our team

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:22 No.2696812
         File: 1333048924.jpg-(36 KB, 700x394, 1332964690985.jpg)
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    I don't want a 2143.

    EA and DICE will casualize it to cather to the Halo AND CoD audience.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:22 No.2696814
    I'm hearing that the Xbox patch hasn't even entered certification yet, and it's going to be another month?

    The fuck, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:23 No.2696860
    Before i buy bf3, IS ORIGIN SPYWARE?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:24 No.2696945

    Not any more than Steam.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:26 No.2697060
         File: 1333049212.png-(102 KB, 396x244, Wot.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:32 No.2697339
    I'm thinking of buying BF3 (rus) key from onlinekeystore

    is it legit?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:41 No.2697739
    >broke the game
    how did they made a game worse than cod with vehicles ?
    wait i dont want an answer
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:41 No.2697775
    >is it legit?
    Only if they send you a scan of your key.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:47 No.2698053
         File: 1333050457.jpg-(167 KB, 506x410, 1328306094048.jpg)
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    >that feel when no bros because no VOIP
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:51 No.2698228
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    Cool laser gun, guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:54 No.2698391
    So nobody else is getting "disconnected from EA Online" within 30 seconds on every server they join?

    Seriously, this shit is ridiculous. I didn't use to be one of the people with this problem but since this morning I basically can't play. I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:55 No.2698430
    >Come up against one of these jet whores who somehow turn 180 degrees in half a second

    Just what is the point?

    This shit is so fucking retarded.

    Go at him head-on. We pass each other and start turning around at that sweet spot (like 310 which pulls 10g) to go agai--- Oh nevermind, he's already on your tail and you're dead.

    And then you ask them how and they say "lol im good and u bad hehe" because flying jets with arcade physics is pretty hardcore.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:56 No.2698474
    >not using passing helicopters to rebound off

    that's how real men fly
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:57 No.2698528

    I think they fixed that

    My jet blew up earlier when the tip of my right wing went through some leaves on a tree.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:00 No.2698639

    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:00 No.2698682
    >see what this new patch is about
    >m16a4 for interesting burst control changes
    >empty 7 bursts, 21 bullets, into a sniper on the other team at the end of the stairs, from behind, while he wasn't moving
    >his health goes from full to 0 in the first 2 bursts
    >he turns around and knifes me doing the instakill knife animation, from the front
    >i die
    >he has 0% health left

    seems like the game is still full of hacking bullshit, way to go DICE on picking punkbuster as your anti-cheat, it really works.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:06 No.2698898
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    TDM is ruined
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:06 No.2698906
    gt: Lobo Lightning
    need bros to game with
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:07 No.2698942
    *TDM Kharg
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:10 No.2699124
    >not built around conquest
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:20 No.2699625

    >Bad Company 2
    >Not build around Rush
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:21 No.2699675
    >team deathmatch
    you missed the call of duty thread
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:21 No.2699693
    Oh fuck I laughed
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)16:23 No.2699767
    TDM Kharg was without a doubt the worst thing in BF3.

    Then again.. I guess it kept some cod kiddies out of proper servers.. but theyll just stick with TDM anyway wont they?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:34 No.2700368
    Had a littlebird i possibly could not lock on with my stinger/IGLA on sharqi rush, dead nada nothing it was raping everyone including the children and we could do nothing.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)16:38 No.2700570

    Was it low to the ground? Below radar works against stingers/iglas now

    Although in saying that.. god I had a game of firestorm to try out the aa launchers now.. could barely lock anything. Range is pathetic and had so many locks going wonky. Had a viper far off the ground and no obstacles between us and would start the lock then lose it half a second later then startback up and repeat. No countermeasures anywhere or anything to distract my lock..
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:39 No.2700592
    >Maps are either open field recon duck hunt or corridors

    Strangely enough I get that feeling more from BF3 than BC2
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:40 No.2700649
    I find this news about cardboard tanks disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:41 No.2700706
         File: 1333053676.jpg-(5 KB, 186x233, 1259281198178.jpg)
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    This is everything wrong with Battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:42 No.2700768

    >Below radar works against stingers/iglas

    So what the fuck am i suppose to do against him? Defenders doesn't have any vehicles and boolets/rpgs are too slow to even get the little bird with

    Basically it went from attackers struggling with getting bases to raping everything without stopping, The fuck is Dice even doing with "their" game?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:43 No.2700891
    just shot the cockpit on littlebirds
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)16:49 No.2701194
    Is the patch out for PC now? Game just started updating.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)16:50 No.2701286
    It's been out for 12 hours now.
    >> eni !!pWQ6ECYpKMI 03/29/12(Thu)16:53 No.2701442

    Little bird is easy to shoot the pilot out of
    If theyre that low theyre either not doing much or theyre rpg fodder
    Could soflam it also.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:09 No.2702305
    How is the new suppression?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:13 No.2702479
    Great. Really great. Now even more chopper fucknuts think they can be AA and do nothing else than trying to shoot down jets with their fucking missiles. And thanks to the nerfed jet cannon it gets even MORE tedious than before.
    Fuck you DICE. Some changes are great but this is utter bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:13 No.2702512
    >dat feel when PS3 is going to have a /v/ server
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:15 No.2702603
    fuck this community
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:18 No.2702728
         File: 1333055897.jpg-(470 KB, 1920x1080, bf3 2012-03-29 23-11-43-79.jpg)
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    >Bolt-Action sniper rifles post patch

    M40A5 with Iron sights, nothing else

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:20 No.2702817
    Having to see this video twice in one thread is just fucking painful.
    How is it even remotely funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:20 No.2702831
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    second round
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)17:20 No.2702850
         File: 1333056052.jpg-(76 KB, 604x516, 1329805804684.jpg)
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    You can now see how many Squad Leaders have a particular objective marked.

    Thus highlighting the fact that half of your teams SLs have no idea what they're doing.

    >ask people in squad to change specs so they're not the same
    >they refuse
    >kick from squad
    >insults for the rest of the game
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:21 No.2702887
    Snipers feel good, man. Iron sights on a bolt is actually viable if you're quick, and semi auto snipers have a decent fire rate and are viable for close quarters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:22 No.2702921
         File: 1333056131.gif-(393 KB, 320x240, 1332653920931.gif)
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    >24 Players
    >1600 Tickets both sides
    >Operation Metro
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:22 No.2702931
    >ask squadmates to change their perks
    >they change it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:22 No.2702953
    If you removed all the meme bullshit he added the magical flying jeep and killing a guy when his legs were through a wall would be pretty funny.

    other than that, fuck him.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)17:23 No.2703002
    How is that post patch when Medevac1980 hasn't played for 4 days and dAdimA hasn't played for 6?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:24 No.2703041

    yeah, it totally is

    I've had 5 G-men probe my anus so far because of it
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)17:25 No.2703085

    On the rare occasion whence it happens, it is nice when people actually LISTEN to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:26 No.2703157
    Cleaned the platoon out of people who are inactive for weeks.

    If you want to really play with some /v/ideo /g/amers, then apply to the PC platoon listed in the OP.

    OP, thank you for posting platoon information.
    Don't be scared to join and idle in raidcall. We all play BF3, and play Civ4: Beyond the Sword as well as many other games.

    Join the platoon, and then download raidcall and play with some bros. We currently have 10 people BF3 as I type this.

    - WalterHWhite
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:27 No.2703235
         File: 1333056475.jpg-(291 KB, 1920x1080, hurr.jpg)
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    aw shit, wrong screenshot, sorry.

    this is the right one
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:29 No.2703301
    >notice one of my squadmates is playing recon
    >ask him if he's using SOFLAM
    >he says yes
    >i happen to have a javelin with me
    >i ask him if he wants to help me take out the chopper
    >he responds with "shut up scrub you're going negative"
    >I'm the current MVP
    >he's almost at the bottom of the team

    >> MajoraZ !!gBOJIZvLq0x 03/29/12(Thu)17:30 No.2703342

    Meh. The KH needed a recoil reduction.

    How are the shotties?

    Are the Semi auto snipers different now? Or all they still more or less reskins?

    Is the SOFLAM better?

    Any weapons I should get attachment for quick before the patch makes them useless?

    Still waiting for that pastebin.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:32 No.2703465

    Semi auto snipers have always been viable for close quarters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:32 No.2703492
    Fuck, that just sounds terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:34 No.2703601
    Yeah, but you can actually do EXTREMELY well now. At least, I've been doing a lot better with them today than before.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:37 No.2703752
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    >mfw I'm patching
    >mfw I don't have anything to do tonight

    This is going to be a good night.

    Anyone playing on PC right now? Add me, my ID is Bluj162
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:37 No.2703772
    SOFLAM still gets bombed to hell as soon as it is planted.
    On the rare occasion where this didn´t happen I recieved no passive points whatsoever. Seems like the thing is still incapable of painting targets on its own.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:40 No.2703927
    Meh, getting tired of being killed by people I shot 2-3 times while they walk away taking little to no damage. Maybe it's my shitty wi-fi but shots that would've been guaranteed kills in better games just don't seem to be enough in BF3.

    I just had a moment where I knew a guy was coming around the corner and I had my sights lined up. He turns the corner running full speed, I light him up before he even realizes I'm there, then he starts shooting and kills me.

    I was using a suppressed M4A1.

    Those what-the-fuck moments like that ruin the game for me.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)17:41 No.2704021

    People seem to think it's a laser sight and just fucking ignore it. I've seen enemy SOFLAMs last entire god damn games because nobody bothers to clear it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:43 No.2704156
    >people ignoring a laser sight

    are they stupid?
    My first reaction when a laser is shined in my face is to turn towards the laser, and unload a shot to see if I get a hit marker.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:44 No.2704187
    where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:44 No.2704218
    SOFLAMs seem to be items that have this "if the enemy has it, it rules. If I have it, it sucks" curse to it.
    I always try to soflam vehicles when I play recon but most of the time it gets destroyed instantly. Especially enemies with guided shells / rockets seem to like those +20 points they get from destroying it a lot.
    Fucking hell.
    >> MajoraZ !!gBOJIZvLq0x 03/29/12(Thu)17:45 No.2704229

    And everything else?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:46 No.2704313
    Match just got over. 91 fucking minutes. I got 115 kills and 72 deaths. Not very good, but shit, it was intense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:48 No.2704462
    cool, now play here:
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:49 No.2704521
    Wish I could. The match I just described was on PS3.
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)17:50 No.2704560
         File: 1333057831.jpg-(37 KB, 598x462, This is what I felt like.jpg)
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    I know your pain

    >playing Grand bazaar
    >Pushed back into our spawn
    >my team is sniping out of spawn
    >enemies are only using usas/frags
    >and the stole our vehicles
    >Spawning is like storming the beaches of Normandy, ecept the bullets explode and I dont have the sense to stay dead
    >tell my squad to stop being useless fucks and do something
    "Shut up faggot, I know what Im doing you try hard scrub"
    >He was a level 23 and 11th on the scoreboard
    > I was a level 27 colonel and I was first on our team
    >Slam my fist down onto my keyboard
    >my five year old ikea corner desk decides that it doesn't like being in one piece
    >the top of the desk snaps down the middle
    >2 monitors, my desktop, my 360, and an assortment of electronics and junk funnel into the gap
    >unplugged the powerbar, checked my shit, everything was fine
    >went online after getting a new desk
    >friend asks me why I went offline
    >tell him
    >"bro, you were mad"
    I was so mad you could hear my ass chapping from alpha.
    Oddly enough my old dell keyboard survived desk-day, typing on the old warhorse right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:50 No.2704574
    Or if you want a really long game.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:50 No.2704578
         File: 1333057849.jpg-(167 KB, 600x450, 1326624373271.jpg)
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    >Just finished the patch a couple hours ago
    >Mfw I will be out of town until Saturday
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:51 No.2704603

    >reddit is gay 9gog is gayer i go to memebase bro


    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:51 No.2704616
    Haven´t tried the semi-autos as I play with shotguns or PDWs. 870 was untouched so I can´t say much about shotgun changes as this is my one to rule them all gun.
    Flash suppressors seem actually viable now.
    Oh yeah, sniper bullets are now so big that they obscure your own vision when you take a shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:51 No.2704636
    >350000 tickets
    >wish i could

    what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:53 No.2704756
    Good question. I don't know, my autism requires me to get 500 kills with as many weapons as I can.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:53 No.2704758
    not him maybe you are knew to 4chan
    masochist is common here
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:54 No.2704819
    Nope, its a top rated comment.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:55 No.2704865
    Metro is A XP funnel clusterfuck of automatic shotguns and M249 hitboxes being in the right spawn in the right time.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:56 No.2704889
    It's not so much the 20 points but to get rid of that HUGE ORANGE JAVELIN MAGNET on your vehicle. The laser is pretty obvious anyway.
    The third tankseat is pretty wonderful to piss of heli-pilots with that annnoying beep if you need to hitch a ride anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:56 No.2704894
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    Well today is gonna be a long day.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:56 No.2704909
    Semi-autos seem to be bugged, especially the DAO-12. Some people report it has no RoF limit. I tried myself and it's definitely faster but it doesn't seem to be unlimited.
    Also the M1014 is insanely good right now, I don't know if it's bugged as well, but I could fire it at some crazy speeds (whole extended mag in less than 2 seconds).
    >> MajoraZ !!gBOJIZvLq0x 03/29/12(Thu)17:58 No.2705018

    I meant semi auto snipers. Though I wanted to know about the shotties too.

    Good to know the m1014 is better now. What about the saiga?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:59 No.2705053
    Semi-auto snipers are fantastic. Their RoF is much higher and they feel fucking great.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:00 No.2705119

    protip: everyones hacking

    its the only logical conclusion, no shooting game could be this inconsistent, developed with a massive budget and still be played by more than a few hundred people.
    >> MajoraZ !!gBOJIZvLq0x 03/29/12(Thu)18:01 No.2705163

    Shit. Though I suppose due to the bolt actions buff, it's okay.

    But are they different? Or are they still more or less 1 gun with 4 different skins?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:01 No.2705168
    You've clearly not played CS:GO
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:01 No.2705191
    Saiga is not much better than before, the larger Extended Mag really only helps when you spam it. And it still has the worst spread along with the USAS
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:02 No.2705206
    I know that feel, bro.

    Won't be able to sit down in front of my PC before saturday and I haven't even started to download the patch yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:04 No.2705327
    >faggot spawnkilling
    >leave helicopter
    >start repairing
    >helicopter explodes without being hit while i repair it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:06 No.2705427

    thats the exception, while everyone on cs:go hacks and/or is 12, it has a 'super ultra pro hardmode difficulty' thing that attracted faggots back in the olden days of shooting games that results in a maintained, albeit the shittiest of all time, playerbase regardless of the games many faults.

    bf3 is just a big game from a big name developer that still can't get rid of hackers and poor game design. spawncamping shouldn't be possible, let alone encouraged, and stolen vehicles should be either less effective or should self destruct shortly after being stolen, tanks aren't designed to be as accessible as possible to people from foreign nationales, shits just dumb.

    also the US tank still has no distance notches in its ui, making it inferior to the RU tank, how sad, but a tiny problem compared to the absurd quantity of unpunished hackers and faggotry that runs rampant on the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:07 No.2705518

    >tank gets hit once, from the front, by an enemy tank
    >down to 22 health from 100
    >what the fuck
    >shoot him in the side
    >hit marker
    >he fires and misses
    >fire again, hit him in the side, hit marker
    >his tank isn't disabled
    >he drives away (what the fuck?)
    >get out to repair at 19 health
    >mine burns down and explodes while he runs away for god knows what reason

    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)18:07 No.2705530
    I think that's a bug, happened to me earlier. Got in helicopter and waited a few seconds for a gunner to jump in, hit throttle up and instantly exploded with the 'bad luck' message. Felt like the Challenger or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:08 No.2705549
         File: 1333058881.jpg-(573 KB, 1920x1080, why.jpg)
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    >patch bf3
    >join a server
    >this happens

    since when is 789 too high
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:09 No.2705629

    haha i didnt even notice

    >your spm is to high

    i wish they would put an in-game blacklist for shit servers

    clearly this place is run by 12 year old cod kids who are still devastated by the fact that their game has only gotten worse
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:09 No.2705631
    Since admins
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:11 No.2705721

    >blatant hacker on the server
    >whole team is whining at him
    >call him a pathetic hacking shitstain
    >you have been kicked from the server: reason: bad language.

    never fails to make my head pound with blood.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:12 No.2705790

    thank god this shit hasn't run rampant yet or else i would physically be incapable of playing bf3.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/29/12(Thu)18:12 No.2705810

    >no swearing
    >no M320
    >no frag grenades

    Some of the dumbass rules some hosts have astound me.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:12 No.2705815
    Judging by those groupings the AN-94 and L85A with heavy barrell + foregrip are retarded accurate.

    Has that been the case so far? Have these stood out as such, because those 2 guns I wouldn't mind being the best of the best.
    >> Baron !8IGBM.sP8o 03/29/12(Thu)18:13 No.2705817
    >also the US tank still has no distance notches in its ui, making it inferior to the RU tank

    try aiming at infantry close behind you in the US tank.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:14 No.2705869
    I've taken to using replacement words for swearing.

    For instance, that hacker was a "pathetic hacking spitstain"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:15 No.2705958
    Any Eurobros up for a game?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:17 No.2706051

    also fun, but i enjoyed tank-sniping with my RU tank from the hill near RU spawn to E on caspian, and it wouldnt've been possible if i couldn't measure 3 'aiming' shots with the notches.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:17 No.2706064
    About flight school servers. Are you supposed to practice killing each other or just practice flying?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:19 No.2706152
    Why would you practice just flying?
    It's not hard at all. The only time I crash from "just flying", is trying to run people over, because that's really effective.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:20 No.2706184
    Do you want to unlock flares or not?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:20 No.2706213
    With this patch, everyone on PC has flares.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:23 No.2706379
         File: 1333059832.gif-(38 KB, 200x200, 1320017220371.gif)
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    >rpk 200 rounds

    now its even better than before

    although i will admit the base magazine with 200 rounds looks kinda silly

    they should bring back the drums
    >> Baron !8IGBM.sP8o 03/29/12(Thu)18:27 No.2706554
    seconding that motion. xbro's just the regular box mag, same model, but magically has 200 bullets? that's silly

    oh also, whoever is doing platoon copypasta:

    that's the 360 platoon
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:29 No.2706681
    So when are flares compared to ECM useful now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:30 No.2706747
         File: 1333060231.jpg-(14 KB, 332x335, 1326991418552.jpg)
    14 KB
    >it's just the regular box mag, same model, but magically has 200 bullets?

    Yes. I feel like it's a glitch or something since it reloads as quick as before and the RPK is more accurate than most LMGs. This means you basically have a slow firing 200 round AR.

    Anyhow I'm gonna use it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:30 No.2706768

    considering when you pop flares you just get relocked a second later I'd really just go for ECM at all times bro. It blocks locks for a few seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:33 No.2706882
         File: 1333060385.jpg-(436 KB, 561x800, 1332789268269.jpg)
    436 KB
    Finaly they removed player names appearing on enemies when looking at them. Makes the game alot more fun since it's now not only about shooting orange(red triangles.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:35 No.2706985
    I'm guessing that it's a glitch cause M27 doesn't have ex mags
    >> Baron !8IGBM.sP8o 03/29/12(Thu)18:35 No.2707021
    ECM on helis, flares on jets. ECM is currently all sorts of broken for jets.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:36 No.2707060
    my game isn't working, just a black screen whenever i start it. h-help....
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:36 No.2707076
         File: 1333060596.jpg-(82 KB, 500x335, 1333025366936.jpg)
    82 KB
    I don't see why people were saying semi auto snipers were shit before the patch.

    The SVD was and is still a fucking beast.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:37 No.2707113
    >broken for jets.

    how so?
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)18:37 No.2707141
         File: 1333060660.png-(6 KB, 210x229, oh ma gursh.png)
    6 KB
    Ah, you are one of the forgotten, didn't notice that. whats your GT? care to link your battlelog?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:39 No.2707234
         File: 1333060771.png-(15 KB, 369x133, Awshit.png)
    15 KB
    Oh shit, this remind me of the old BF2 stats bug thing.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)18:42 No.2707385
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/29/12(Thu)18:43 No.2707459
    Oh that's not what you meant. But yeah, jets are buggy in general right now.
    >> Baron !8IGBM.sP8o 03/29/12(Thu)18:44 No.2707501
    i think this is still true. maybe a lot changed postpatch, dunno.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:45 No.2707558
    p-please respond
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:47 No.2707650
         File: 1333061224.png-(1.44 MB, 1032x692, rage.png)
    1.44 MB
    First result on google:
    >> Marcus !3MOy1PrpCQ 03/29/12(Thu)18:47 No.2707685
         File: 1333061261.jpg-(75 KB, 721x600, The most effective anti infant(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    sweet, gonna shoot you a friend request
    Ignore the massive amount of recon time, I spent most of it mavving for friends. I cant aim worth shit..
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:48 No.2707716
    lol noticed the post date. Well, hopefully it works anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:49 No.2707773
    do you have a russian version?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:49 No.2707810

    Reinstall drivers, update punk buster, reinstall plugins,
    repair installation via origin, make sure you don't have things like Peerblocker running. If none of these fixes your problem, I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:50 No.2707816
    er, yes
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:51 No.2707916
    See my link
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:51 No.2707936
    this is me, i found a link if anyone else has this issue
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:52 No.2707959
    you'll need the new language files, i had the same problem
    pastebin . com/0sesgL7A
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:53 No.2708004
    Anyone have link to a non-shit fxaa injector?

    I just want to remove the BLUE/ORANGE FILTER.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:53 No.2708043
    I cant get it to update, sticks on 0.0%, any advice?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:54 No.2708125
    stop browsing 4chan and see if it starts, especially if you have a shit connection
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:55 No.2708185

    Connection is fine, i uninstalled and now im re-installing it, downloading at 2.3 meg, not long to go, wondering if there is an actual fix to origin not patching it though.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:58 No.2708295
    Am I the only one who has never had a problem with MAVs?
    Were people really getting killed all the time by them, or were they just mad that a recon was sitting at base doing fuck all?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:59 No.2708359
    thanks all, totally forgot i had the russian version. works great now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:59 No.2708360

    >please respond
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:00 No.2708470
         File: 1333062059.png-(3 KB, 184x172, 1318730591494.png)
    3 KB
    >see the /v/ group for the first time on battlelog
    >about to go "master race" soon, seriously thinking of buying this game after owning the 360 version.
    >see ">insert user name<was kicked from platoon"

    Were these guys disrupting the game or something? Or do you guys kick people that suck?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:01 No.2708505
    what patch because i didn't need to download anything
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:02 No.2708535

    Might have been an inactive solder. The /v/ platoons are very full.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:03 No.2708582

    >Mobile AA
    Much better. Heavy Barrel and it's a sniper rifle.
    Still takes 2.
    Dunno, probably not.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:04 No.2708706

    Llama here,
    no, alot of inactives were just cleaned up and some people that were in both platoons, were trying to accommodate space for more bros.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:05 No.2708757
         File: 1333062338.png-(207 KB, 596x329, 1319958216143.png)
    207 KB
    Ah okay, I was worried for a sec. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:06 No.2708793
    So, now that the shitstorm has died down...

    What really happened with the reddit match?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:07 No.2708884
         File: 1333062459.jpg-(22 KB, 237x264, i'm okay with this.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:10 No.2709006
         File: 1333062607.png-(52 KB, 500x500, distressed.png)
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    >Takes 2
    It took 3 to kill before. Otherwise you'd leave them with a sliver of health with which they could repair themselves with. Don't want that.
    Postpatch, I'm entirely unsure of what guns to use now. AN94, G3, KH2002, L8, and M16 all seem great.
    RPK now has 200 mag which makes it more viable.
    One of the reasons I'm barely topping 500 with my top weapon was because I tried out every single weapon to pick the best one. Now it feels like I need to do it all over again
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:10 No.2709034
    The battlelog forums are a mess.

    /v/ seems pretty ok with the patch except for the jet buff. Or am I completely missing something?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:10 No.2709040
         File: 1333062648.jpg-(95 KB, 242x288, 1275728455968.jpg)
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    Reddit cheated by banning players on the 4chan team on arbitrary rules that were never agreed upon like no swearing. They even banned the team leader before the game even started. Then they started gloating everywhere post game like they won fair and square.

    4chan team was playing like complete retards either way. I was watching the stream, and he was doing all sorts of stupid shit like ignoring enemies and not looking before going out in the open. And he was in third place most of the match. That means everyone on our team was worse than a retard.

    tl;dr both teams were despicable and should feel bad
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:12 No.2709118
    I just applied for the /v/ platoon. Name is Wasdie in Battlelog. Just a heads up if the platoon leader is browsing.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:13 No.2709173
    Those forums, man.
    >The new patch is great!
    >I fucking LOVE this patch!
    >I'm glad it feels like old BF games!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:13 No.2709187
    Just got the game recently. Any tips?

    I did play BC2 quite a bit, if that matters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:14 No.2709250
         File: 1333062858.png-(96 KB, 400x400, 1288919099827.png)
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    >Reddit cheated by banning players on the 4chan team on arbitrary rules that were never agreed upon like no swearing

    I've seen some stupid shit in my time, but THIS. Fuck that place.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:14 No.2709264
    I sit on it all day at work and it gives me a headache. Is this what PC gaming communities have become?

    I almost feel sorry for DICE for having to put up with it, then I remember that they still haven't put an in-game VoiP in so I think it may just be karma.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:14 No.2709268
    >200 rd extended mag

    That shit's rediculous
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:17 No.2709441
    One of the developers even commented that it was a mistake.

    Take advantage of it now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:19 No.2709565
    I just got to told to "go back to cod" because I asked if anyone remembered if the VAL had been nerfed so I wouldn't have to tab out and look up the patch notes. BF kiddies are almost as bad as CoD kiddies at this point. At least there were some helpful people that match.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:22 No.2709782
    The problem is that now most of those only played the Bad Company games and claim to be better than those who just got into Battlefield. Sad because they never experienced the older Battlefield games.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:24 No.2709890
    On that topic, does anyone still play Vietnam or 1942?
    I wanna play with /v/. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:24 No.2709903
         File: 1333063461.gif-(497 KB, 300x126, cant.gif)
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    >new buffed suppression
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:26 No.2710035

    id play both but they're both dead
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:27 No.2710101
    Ok at least it will be fixed

    Ill stop using it when it gets to 500
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:29 No.2710220
    I'll never be able to bust out 90's hardcore gangsta rap out of my Jeep anymore? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:29 No.2710240
    Looks like the L85A2 has a glitch that gives it no recoil
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:30 No.2710280
         File: 1333063837.jpg-(16 KB, 664x122, Capture.jpg)
    16 KB
    forgot my pic
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:31 No.2710346
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:36 No.2710568
    Did they do anything to the 870 Shotgun, I unload on guy from close range and it does practically no damage to them. It was my favorite shotgun.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:36 No.2710584
    Go nig up the battlelog forums with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:38 No.2710664
    >-870: No change. The 870 is a popular and highly effective weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:40 No.2710760
    Interesting, guess I'll give it another shot, maybe I just sucked in that match.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:40 No.2710779
         File: 1333064419.jpg-(7 KB, 251x251, ._..jpg)
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    570GTX stuttering all over the place
    tried 275.33 drivers and it runs flawlessly 60fps but it perma freezes after 15 min of playing.

    why is this game such a piece of shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:40 No.2710794
    Is anyone from America playing right now on PC that would be willing to help a guy not suck so bad at this game?

    I tried asking some questions yesterday but didn't get many responses. I just always feel like I am running around being a Call of Duty babby when I should be doing something useful depending on my class.

    My favorite classes are Assault and Support. I suck at sniping and can't use the SMGs for shit. I am only like level 6 or 7, so I don't really have much unlocked.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:40 No.2710795
         File: 1333064434.jpg-(18 KB, 395x387, 1307523668402.jpg)
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    >seine crossing conquest
    >go 64-12
    >still lose
    >some random guy on my team calls me a camping faggot
    It's even funnier he said that because I recall him spending half the game in the spawn with a mortar.

    I usually don't respond to messages like that, but I told him I had 18 flag caps and he replies with:
    >i'll admit it

    What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:41 No.2710839
    >the most recent is 296.17
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:42 No.2710883
    they nerfed both buckshot and flachette on all shotguns while increasing range

    Max damage 20 -> 16
    Dropoff start dist. 4 -> 8


    Max damage 14.3 -> 12.5
    Dropoff start dist. 12 -> 14

    note that this is the data symthic got from DICE BEFORE the patch, they might changed it

    also flachettes are supposed to have a smaller cone of fire now and aiming with the shotgun helps too
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:42 No.2710902
    I downgraded because most recent was stuttering like hell.

    downloaded the older and it stopped stuttering which is ironic, but it freezes after 15 minutes, didn't make myself clear.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:43 No.2710914
         File: 1333064590.png-(47 KB, 672x420, Capture.png)
    47 KB
    So am I like the only person who uses the PP-2000
    Pic Related my top 3 weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:44 No.2710983

    yep, buck was dropped from 20 to 12, and flechettes 14.3 to 11.2
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:45 No.2711014
    Your k/d is shit with it. Why are you so attached?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:46 No.2711082
    There's only a few guns in the game that I hate, but damn that's one of them.
    >fires too slow to be effective at close range
    >too weak to be used at mid-long range
    Props for making it work though
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:46 No.2711091
    it says Kills/Minute, reading helps

    not that guy, i fucking hate the pp2000 was a chore to get 500 kills
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:47 No.2711125
         File: 1333064833.jpg-(34 KB, 400x281, 1324087920147.jpg)
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    How is taking down jets and helis after the patch?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:49 No.2711238
    I just like it, something sexy about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:49 No.2711254
         File: 1333064975.jpg-(36 KB, 451x329, 1332868264929.jpg)
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    >mfw using the Mk.11 without a scope
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:54 No.2711518
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:55 No.2711572
    The Mk. 11 and the M39 with low-powered scopes or iron sights are fucking amazing. Makes offensive Recon enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:55 No.2711593

    Looks good.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:55 No.2711610
    296.10 was shit, 296.17 is okay for me. I might try the 295 or 285 again but I haven't noticed many stutter issues.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:56 No.2711627
    I used driver sweeper, and completely re-installed bf3.

    isn't that enough?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:56 No.2711647
         File: 1333065399.png-(59 KB, 468x282, geefiddytree.png)
    59 KB
    Hows the G53 handle?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:56 No.2711667
    The M39 was the only other "sniper" rifle I've done that with. I love these fucking things. Can't wait to get the HOLO for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:58 No.2711770
    I don't know what people are bitching about, the infantry combat is fine. You just need to watch your flanks better.

    Can't say anything about the vehicles. People looked like they weren't rushing head first with tanks anymore though.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 03/29/12(Thu)19:59 No.2711827
    Is there a way to find servers on PS3 that have Conquest with Ticket numbers at >1,000? I found one the day the patch hit, but it seems to have reverted to standard numbers.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:00 No.2711874
    I'm playing one right now that has 1600 per team. Just go into the server browser and look for anything that says "max tickets" or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:01 No.2711924
    Tanks are weaker than before that much is true.
    It's made worse by the fact that repair also takes longer.
    But with strategic placement and proper loadouts tanks are just as deadly as before.

    This patch just weeded out the idiots that drive tanks into the fray.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:02 No.2711947
         File: 1333065736.jpg-(158 KB, 985x1020, Top weapons.jpg)
    158 KB
    Xbro stats here.
    Curious for opinions.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:06 No.2712110
    >if you can't handle the recoil with new suppression, you're just bad
    >waah patch is shit
    >if you don't like it don't play
    >tell him to fuck off to cod
    >complain? gb2cod
    >shit strawmen
    >stop shitposting
    >you're bad 16-13

    i want people like this to get the fuck out of battlefield

    fucking cancerous cod shit
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:09 No.2712229
    What's wrong with that guy, other than his stupidly ridiculous rank?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:09 No.2712289
    >close to 21 days played already

    get a life
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:11 No.2712373
    Hell, I'm impressed he got to 100 in 21 days. Some of that was probably him playing at rank 100 too.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:11 No.2712390
    Medic only.
    A friend of mine only ever plays with medkit and F2000.
    Had to get him interested in other classes at all.
    >Played over at his house one time.
    >He's level 26.
    >Tank in base.
    >Roll support.
    >FUCK, no C4 unlocked
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:12 No.2712462
    Hi I played in that spaghettifest.

    As far as I can collect:
    Team organizer was suspiciously EA banned just before the match was about to start.
    We went ahead anyway. At that point, we were told "no chatting in all chat or kick". This didn't sit well with us, but we went ahead anyway.

    We played the 1st match and got wrecked.
    Then began the second match. At some point our backup team-leader got kicked for talking all chat (team leaders were ALLOWED to do this).
    Later on, our jet pilot stated in all chat that the enemy was baseraping. Then he was kicked for talking in all chat

    At this point shit hit the fan since kicking our air cover basically let them dominate the ground while he has to fumble with rejoining. At that point the glass was way past full and I remember my squad discussing whether we should leave in protest.

    I don't think any reddit players were kicked for talking in all chat, that rubbed a bunch of our players the wrong way and they refused to keep playing demanding a neutral server. After much chaos about 20 of us were up for continuing, but at that point Reddit had given up on waiting.

    Then that dick K0NFUSION rushes over to reddit and proclaims victory and asks dice for some dogtags.

    People are positive for a rematch now that the patch is out, and it seems you can get a neutral server with this whole organized match thing thats showing up on battlelog.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:13 No.2712525
    I don't see a problem with that.
    I play all the classes in a balanced matter, and if others just like one class they can go ahead and play it as long as he or she(lol contributes to the team.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:16 No.2712608
    Oh man, this can't be fucking real.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:19 No.2712791
    But it's fucking boring. All he ever does is drive around in a tank, hopping out when it burns.
    Revive some people and arm mcomms.
    Glad he at least bought Karkand (1 day too late to pre-order).
    This game is about blowing shit up hence why I mostly play RPG-acqulater or C4-dispenser.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:21 No.2712869
    Added: at least he isn't one of those faggy recon-only types he only ever hang back on a hill occasionally lucky shotting someone.
    Thank god for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:22 No.2712929

    see greentext

    the linked account is not me, its the retard who said the stupid shit like if you dont like it, dont play
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:26 No.2713117
    I guess for a player like him, a position in a tank is unnecessary, but reviving is good behaviour and arming is fine (but I don't play Rush much so I wouldn't know.). Advise him to use the jeep more often than the tank because the engis really like that shit.
    Again, maybe it's not boring to him, but it is to you.
    Call him out only if he's dying like a motherfucker, not being with his team capping flags, or reviving, and just tell him to throw his copy away if he's not doing either three.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:28 No.2713225
         File: 1333067329.jpg-(36 KB, 514x523, Capture.jpg)
    36 KB
    >driver sweeper
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:32 No.2713369
         File: 1333067539.jpg-(196 KB, 1003x1218, 30-3 BF3.jpg)
    196 KB
    His main issue is
    >But as assault I can heal myself after I'm shot!
    Personally, I don't care if I die as a support or engi. As long as I take at least a tank or multiple people with me on one run.
    Pic related (xbro)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:33 No.2713440
    Stop showing that horrible w/l.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:35 No.2713560
         File: 1333067732.jpg-(175 KB, 1360x495, Documentation.jpg)
    175 KB
    As another guy that played in the match and not the guy you replied to, I can confirm that this is true. My version of events has one small difference with how the match played out but that's probably because I had a different perspective.

    K0nfusion is an ass and we should have known this was going to be a disaster from the get go. He was causing problems a week before the match even started

    I have 120MB documentation regarding the 4chanvsReddit match that I can put up if you are interested. As well as a word document going over the chronological events leading upto the match itself though not complete.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:36 No.2713606
    Well if he wants security then he can have it as long as he lays down medicals for his team.
    And come on, that's sort of one of the main functions of Assault, to stay in an infantry firefight with a solid stance.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:36 No.2713617
         File: 1333067796.jpg-(11 KB, 119x207, Capture.jpg)
    11 KB
    >implying W/L matters when you can tactical team switch
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:37 No.2713653
         File: 1333067839.jpg-(162 KB, 1274x717, weflyhighnolieandyouknowthis.jpg)
    162 KB
    Shit score considering the news, but AA missiles across all weapon platforms can't hit jets when they are above 200(ish) airspeed. Just run extinguisher and you are almost invincible. All of my deaths were from me being a dumb ass and crashing into rocks and trees trying to gun down infantry.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:37 No.2713689
    I'm very interested.
    Can you mediafire that stuff?
    I need to read all of it myself and decide.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:40 No.2713829
    but cruising speed is like 350 or something
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:42 No.2713918
    So it's still pretty much impossible to take down pilots with half a brain.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:43 No.2713969
    Why is the M1A1 total shit right now?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:43 No.2713993
    Gladly. I'll update the word document a bit then post it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:44 No.2714016
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:44 No.2714034
    For a second I thought you were talking about the M4A1 haha.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:45 No.2714076

    I am. Sorry, typo.

    Can't hit shit captain.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:46 No.2714127
    You are using the wrong attachments

    try heavy barrel + foregrip for short/med use bipod for med - long
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:47 No.2714178
         File: 1333068433.jpg-(178 KB, 938x775, kfp (7).jpg)
    178 KB
    Really? I think it's a great gun, but I'm still getting jamming issues.

    One time I flanked two guys and was tapping away to my hearts content and suddenly it stopped firing.

    And no I didn't run out of ammo.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:47 No.2714208

    Doesn't matter. The ONLY time I was hit by a missile, and I stress the word ONLY, was when I was in hover or trying to enter it. As soon as I got above hover speeds (I think around 100) I was invulnerable. No shit.

    I laughed my ass off the entire time as the enemy team spammed me with AA missiles like autistic children and claimed I was hacking.

    This is a divine gift for me to troll the fuck out of everyone on the ground. The Gods have willed the destruction of those on the ground, and I will oblige them.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:47 No.2714216
    Why the fuck hasn't the patch come to xbox!?

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:50 No.2714360

    Trust me, you don't want it. The patch broke more than it fixed.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:52 No.2714454
    I'd be interested in it, upload dat shit bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:54 No.2714557
    Jesus fuck, why does everyone seem to have 500% health and me 10%?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:55 No.2714628

    I've got 5816 kills with the fucker. If you're a decent enough pilot people aren't going to hit you unless they're using a stinger, plus you can rack up a ridiculous amount of kills per round, have it get shot down, and then continue the rape with your 'main' character.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:56 No.2714669
    I heard tanks are now trash. True?

    Also. Has anyone tested the mav lift?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:57 No.2714728
    Tanker here:
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:58 No.2714797
    this is my experience so far. and i don't even drive tanks usually
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:02 No.2714990

    Also everyone is getting headshots on me. What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:08 No.2715321
    Flak jacket bonus.
    Shoot them in the head.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:11 No.2715532
         File: 1333069910.jpg-(44 KB, 567x308, 1318478562326.jpg)
    44 KB
    So what is the general consensus on this patch? I just keep hearing shittier and shittier things about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:13 No.2715653
    They changed too many things and kinda made a new game so the balance issues are like the game just released
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:14 No.2715682

    has some good ideas, but too many buffs/nerfs catering to cod players

    there's a ton of stuff they said they patched in but lied about, such as air guided missiles not locking onto other air vehicles, but on the whole its better than it was before. its still pretty bad though
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:15 No.2715767
         File: 1333070153.png-(215 KB, 1129x472, demratings.png)
    215 KB
    >thinking about buying this game
    >see this

    what's up with these reviews? what's wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:17 No.2715870
         File: 1333070267.png-(29 KB, 143x158, funky.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:18 No.2715894
    I bet most of them have to do with Origin
    >> Hells !!1G2oYlY3z/y 03/29/12(Thu)21:18 No.2715932
    Anyone want to fuck some bitches when my update finishes.

    PC ofc

    Name: Hellsscope
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:21 No.2716049
    I'll join up, but I only play on the week-ends.
    Go ask us PS3 guys up on the platoon.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:21 No.2716084
         File: 1333070501.jpg-(38 KB, 500x667, 1308955710052.jpg)
    38 KB
    How are you guys putting up with it? Is it worth buying?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:23 No.2716185
    I like it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:27 No.2716448
    I'm down and this>>2716049 ask the platoon guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:30 No.2716557


    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:34 No.2716781
    Most people are probably just annoyed that they have to download it but it's really not bad at all. You open once for bf3 and then it doesnt bother you anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:37 No.2716903
         File: 1333071428.jpg-(98 KB, 567x517, 1313313020319.jpg)
    98 KB
    Ah okay, thanks. Pretty reassuring.

    I suppose I'll see you bros on the battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:38 No.2717000
    I'm having accuracy problems. What's the best mouse setting? And is that raw thing good?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:40 No.2717079
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:41 No.2717118
    test it you're self
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:43 No.2717198
    Wow, you sure told him!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:49 No.2717503
    Anyone experiencing rubber banding with their aiming?

    I use momentary, and every so often I'll sight in, still be holding it down, but it will return to hip. I'll let go, then he'll sight in and sight back out.

    Really retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:51 No.2717643
         File: 1333072313.png-(275 KB, 850x513, p2win.png)
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    BF3 is now pay-to-win.

    EA does it again.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)21:55 No.2717842
    so many little cod kids complaining about the recoil increase from suppression

    i am pleased

    its hilarious how bad they are at moving a mouse. as soon as you give them a recoil value greater than .2 they suddenly break down into tears
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:00 No.2718110
    Why not just give them max level? What's the point of leveling up?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:05 No.2718343
         File: 1333073104.jpg-(6 KB, 207x160, 1320218047247.jpg)
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    That's what they should have done in the beginning.

    What's up with modern shooters requiring you to grind for shit nowadays? Why can't you have everything from the start to choose from?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:09 No.2718572
    Foregrip, RDS, Laser sight master race
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:09 No.2718576
    Burst firing is now better and the L85 is a fucking beast.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:10 No.2718647

    I kind of like it, but i'd prefer if you had all the weapons available, but got attachments depending on how much you use a certain weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:10 No.2718656
    >foregrip/suppressor replaced by foregrip/flash suppressor
    >engi actually gets anti armor balanced
    >support gets buff thanks to suppression
    >recon still useless despite supposedly improved soflam and OHK
    >mbt useless
    >apc unchanged
    >helis shit
    >aa amazing because helis are now shit
    >jets amazing

    and almost nothing of value was lost.

    oh and per usual, half the patches dice put in the changelog didnt actually get implemented. dice really sucks now, all those EA replacements are crap
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:14 No.2718836
         File: 1333073680.jpg-(308 KB, 1024x800, glory.jpg)
    308 KB
    This is what I miss from BF3 most of all.

    >being a quad of tanks
    >setting up a defence
    >watching over our flag
    >engaging the german tank that comes our way with a wall of rape

    Fuck the points and unlocks and stats and SPM and tiny, tiny maps all made so infantry only is viable.

    I want this, with better balanced aircraft and hitreg.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:16 No.2718942
    >you are now realizing DICE only did BF2's engine, the team that did desert combat for BF1942 did the glorious features.

    And BF2 patches were worse
    >1.3's PKM
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:18 No.2719023
    That team was then dropped after BF2 released
    then they went to make homefront
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:19 No.2719074

    they probably got their staff replaced too, homefront was shit
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:19 No.2719098
    >playing the game
    >same thing as grinding
    It's almost like you don't want to play.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:21 No.2719209
    no, that was their staff.

    And for a generic FPS, it's pretty well made with good features, just shit IP, mediocre tech (they were a bunch of modders after all) and shit marketing

    still sold 2.5 million copies in a month, but apparently that's a flop for a new IP.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:21 No.2719224
         File: 1333074119.png-(92 KB, 283x343, 1332190369405.png)
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    Considering buying Co-op weapons shortcut.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:22 No.2719226
    You did play the MP?
    Wasn't that bad(I tried the demo).
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:23 No.2719280

    >3 hour campaign
    >no dev support
    >health regen


    it had a few good ideas but overall it was pretty shit
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:23 No.2719339
    >Not having the perseverance to play co-op with random faggots to get the weapons.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:26 No.2719480
    The threat system was nice, other than that was your average "COD killer"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:27 No.2719534

    He, and I, want to play the actual game to have fun, but when you start with almost nothing to help your team deal with vehicles (no SOFLAM, no javelin, you using any vehicle will be inferior, no C4, no CITV, no guided shells)

    Especially when the game is being balanced for people with everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:28 No.2719610
         File: 1333074525.jpg-(20 KB, 422x347, 1318231256607.jpg)
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    Not when you're forced to play with inferior equipment against people who've been playing since launch.

    Yeah some of the guns you get are good at the start but those are the few exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:29 No.2719658
    >implying anti-armor is any better
    Yeah, faggots still fuck me then hide behind tanks and repair them. Fuck this, the only way to deal with vehicles is to use C4 or another vehicle.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:31 No.2719740
    So the update didn't really fix much. It's still the same bad game.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:32 No.2719797
    Cool, so now I won't be able to use my favourite Assault weapon without tards crying about me glitching with it every time I get a kill.

    Thanks Dice.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:34 No.2719906
    well, health regen usually sucks, but in that game it's not that bad, you kill people fast enough. and the regen was a server option, I remember having times in MP where I was playing black and white for quite some time.

    but the MP had great ideas, just not the tech to make it feel right. and being told "get call of duty's audience. AND WE MEAN ALL OF THEM OR YOU'RE FUCKING FIRED FAGGOTS" didn't help.

    But at least they didn't let themselves be corrupted and bought out EA.

    SP was shit though, but then, expecting the people that made DC to do SP is like wanting square peg in round hole.

    And they were shut down a month after launch, no shit the game had no post-release support
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:36 No.2720007
         File: 1333074999.png-(79 KB, 399x290, 1330392773136.png)
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    Here's the documentation. Word document doesn't go into the match itself. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to write about that monster as its the climax of drama and there is a lot of misconception surrounding it. I'll also be adding more to the document elsewhere when I get the time but for now here.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:39 No.2720124
    Just tried the RPK with extended mags and it sucked. Lacked the stopping power of LMGs and the accuracy of ARs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:41 No.2720236
    >every gun you use is shit and every gun someone else uses is overpowered

    BF3 in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:42 No.2720290
    I like how average and subpar weapons were weakened, while the ridiculous US default weapons all continue to be the best.

    Well, fuck it anyway, my AK has style points.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:43 No.2720354
    Every multiplayer game ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:46 No.2720471
    did you set up the bipod?
    can you use a heavy barrel with the extended mag?

    All LMGs are going to suck unless you set up a bipod or are prone or something
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:46 No.2720496
         File: 1333075593.jpg-(9 KB, 177x174, cottonmouth.jpg)
    9 KB
    >See guy
    >Hold down mouse button
    >Look at ammo

    Fix the fucking audio
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:47 No.2720519
    Oh boy, this weekend will be full of reading and rage for sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:47 No.2720536
    >implying the L85A2 KH2002 and AN-94 arent god tier now
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:48 No.2720580
    >still using RAR
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:52 No.2720773
    Just confirming that smoke nade now kill.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:54 No.2720871
    Quit yo playin'. I've only tried the AKS-74U, RPK and G3A3 so far but all three felt far better than before.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:56 No.2720945
    I beg to differ, my PKP with grip and extended mag is absolutely lethal.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:56 No.2720970
    >Try to play support with the transport heli in 64 player firestorm
    >Tank shells, tank guided shells, attack helis up my ass, overpowered russian jets up my ass, stingers up my ass, javelisn up my ass, AA tank up my ass.


    Eventually I just give up and hover above the points as a mobile respawn point at 1200 altitude.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:58 No.2721053
    i thought they said they were going to add a separate button for the bipod?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)22:58 No.2721090

    >reduced initial recoil and vertical recoil

    it wasnt even that high to begin with

    >corrected minimum damage

    that made the gun weaker over range

    rpk is just glitched. they did similar recoil changes to it but as we all know, recoil is meaningless

    only one of those that genuinely got buffed was the g3, got a damage increase



    stop that

    >added a slight initial recoil

    you don't even understand how the foregrip works do you

    you're an idiot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:01 No.2721232
    Well on the bright side, it's the cheapest shortcut.

    >mfw $45 for Ultimate Shortcut
    >unlocks every single thing

    Hahaha... haha ... haaaaaaa........
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:06 No.2721509
         File: 1333076775.jpg-(61 KB, 631x467, 143535435l45348.jpg)
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    >mfw people will actually buy this instead of getting them the real way
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:09 No.2721669
    I can understand getting kit unlocks, but weapons and attachments is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:10 No.2721730
    Please this. Sometimes I get on rocks somewhere perfect but when I go to aim, my bipod fucks my view up.

    Also, someone play with me. I hate playing with randoms because I feel like I am being useless and have no direction.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:18 No.2722180

    Are you fucking kidding me? I could have undertood $5.99 or something, but $45?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:18 No.2722232
    >Implying the post-patch AKS-74U is worse
    Have you actually tried it? I used it a lot before the patch and was worried about the damage fix, but it's so stupidly easy to handle now the damage drop doesn't matter much.

    >recoil is meaningless
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:19 No.2722248
         File: 1333077550.jpg-(23 KB, 594x145, NOPROMOTIONS.jpg)
    23 KB
    >mfw I'm never going to rank up ever again.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:20 No.2722367

    yeah, nah

    recoil is fully controllable. if you're good, it's irrelevant
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:27 No.2722779
    the fuck happened there?

    How'd you go over the amount of exp necessary?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:31 No.2723024
    So how's the patch? I heard tanks were MASSIVELY nerfed.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:31 No.2723036
    If recoil is so easy to control, why were foregrips & suppressors (both of which reduce recoil) the cookie cutter attachments?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:32 No.2723071
    I just played a round and got promoted during it. Saw the promotion wings 13 at the end of the round I exited soon afterwords. My battlelog now shows this. I'm hoping it'll fix itself once I get promotion wings 14. I'm just glad it didn't happen during ranks 1-45 when unlocks are on the line.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:33 No.2723108

    because most people suck

    surely you realize the majority of this community isn't actually battlefield veterans. they're cod kids who came over after they all quit mw2 because they felt their hardcore shooter was abandoned for casual shit
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:34 No.2723168
    Thats not true. I don't know why people keep saying this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:34 No.2723169
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:36 No.2723318
    I bet there are alot of people that play this game that dont know you can change fire modes
    >> Supertech !!J8viH74GU2t 03/29/12(Thu)23:43 No.2723640
    so how is every one liking their L85A2 no recoil?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:44 No.2723696
    it feels the same as pre patch. I'm not kidding
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)23:46 No.2723793
    Feel like a M16A3 with a slower rof.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:05 No.2724695
    I find myself just using all the starter weapons now. I usually never used the AKs, but now I like them more than what I'd use before.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:08 No.2724814
    how do you do the glitch?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:08 No.2724837
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:11 No.2724942
    Smoke nades always killed.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:11 No.2724985
         File: 1333080703.gif-(1.13 MB, 246x202, yourtearingmeapartlisa.gif)
    1.13 MB
    >dat feel when no 360 platoon
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:12 No.2725020
    I don't have L85A2 because I don't want to play Squad Deathmatch to unlock it. ;_;

    hate stupid requirements like that
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:12 No.2725052
    Bro what system do you play on?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:13 No.2725056
    No, sometimes it just went through the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:14 No.2725115
         File: 1333080846.png-(517 B, 60x64, wtfhasevolutioncre.png)
    517 B
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:18 No.2725364
         File: 1333081128.png-(3 KB, 308x92, Untitled.png)
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    >Play once when I first get the game
    >Play again once I can actually unlock the gun
    >4 wins in a row
    >1 lose
    >1 win
    >Never touch again
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:19 No.2725378
    Playing on "5 kills to win servers" was the only way to stomach that assignment.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:35 No.2726079
    Just started playing the Support class. Love setting up in a hallway and laying down streams of fire so that my entire squad can move up. Resupply points are awesome too.

    Any tips on what gun is best? etc?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:41 No.2726347
    >read patch notes
    >decide to try G3A3/Foregrip/Heavy Barrel single shot mode
    >Unstoppable force of nature with perfectly accurate and devastating long range fire
    >get raped by one sidestepping recon with a G18 in CQB
    >back to KH2002 godmode
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:43 No.2726441
    >be 100% health
    >get hit with a bodyshot

    ok, either they fucked something up and the 1 hit 1 kill "bug" is back ... or late night cheating is late night cheating >Punkbuster
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:44 No.2726489
    >tfw 11 resupply efficiency ribbons
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:46 No.2726579
    Why do all the good unlocks require you to grind in stupid game modes no one wants to play?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:49 No.2726718
    >this patch

    this is fucking atrocious...did they not test this fucking thing?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:54 No.2726897
    Bolt Action Rifles are 1SK at 15 meters and shorter at the upper torso.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:55 No.2726923
    Bolt Action Rifles are 1SK at 15 meters and shorter at the upper torso.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:56 No.2726991
    We warned you, bro. Anyone with experience with DICE patches knows they don't know what they're doing. Their patches are a fucking joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:59 No.2727105
    i have played every BF

    and im sorry but this patch ruined the game

    im going bacl to BC2 and probably just going to buy MW3 at this point. I just dont fucking get how they thought this patch was a good fucking idea
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:00 No.2727150

    >pay for 75 dollars worth of server time
    >reverts to ea server within hours

    oh god
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:00 No.2727153
    oh god I'm seeing double

    Those were shots from much longer distances than 15m
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:03 No.2727246
    Dude, it's DICE. They legitimately do not know what they're doing anymore. They're trying to please EA, CoD gamers, the old fans, all at the same time and it's impossible. So they settle on some crap tier compromise that pleases no one.

    And DICE always sucked at bug testing and weapon balance even though those things are super easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:03 No.2727264
    well the M98 has retarded high damage at range and drop off starts closer to 50m
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:05 No.2727330
    >>2727246 done im buying MW3 as we speak. This is just fucking embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:06 No.2727409
         File: 1333083993.jpg-(20 KB, 423x404, 1330897945053.jpg)
    20 KB
    >mfw it only takes a few hours to do most of the assignments if you are not bad
    >can't get the co-op weapons
    Holy shit man, come on. Find somebody to bro it up with, that 4th mission is fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:06 No.2727424
    >It's possible that the server that I'm assuming was RANKED did something that does not comply with the EA/DICE ranked server terms and agreements such as forbid primary weapons

    Fucking EA. If some dude pays for his own server, he should be able to choose what happens there and what's allowed. He OWNS that server he bought. Fuck EA. Nazis of the game industry.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:07 No.2727447
         File: 1333084037.jpg-(21 KB, 286x138, Capture.jpg)
    21 KB
    Thats what I did
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:07 No.2727470
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:08 No.2727502
    It's not that I CAN'T do those, it's that I SHOULDN'T have to in the first place. That's shit tier game design. When you are forcing the player to not have fun just to unlock a weapon so he can be competitive, then you as a game designer have failed completely at your job.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:10 No.2727591
    xbox is just a frag fuckfest, im not going to even bother until the patch is out.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:10 No.2727623
    Finally someone links it, last ~3 threads I haven't seen it. I was starting to think there wasn't one.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:11 No.2727626
         File: 1333084263.gif-(1.91 MB, 441x207, 1330677015447.gif)
    1.91 MB
    >waaah i have to grind to get "good" guns and i can't be competitive without them!
    You should probably never play another multiplayer game if you think this, the stock weapons are just as good as any other fucking gun. Stop being bad and learn how to fucking play.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:11 No.2727642
    Whats the best map to stinger?
    I just played a game of damavand peak rush as US and shot down their Z-11 got 2 kills
    they stole our huey but I managed to shoot it down and it was almost or was fully loaded
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:12 No.2727686
    The patch changed nothing. There is literally no difference at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:12 No.2727702
    i'd say kharg or caspian
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:13 No.2727727
    >unlock a weapon so i can be competitive
    If you can't top the charts with the stock weapons, stop playing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:13 No.2727749
    I tried those two on conquest and really couldnt get anything
    maybe I should try rush
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:13 No.2727758
    the xbox still has retail USAS-frag, aka 60-20 +40 explosive damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:15 No.2727818
    The patch really didn't fix any problems. There are even more problems if anything. That's just how DICE does things. Fix one tiny problem, make 5 more huge ones. Then the gamers have to wait 6 months for the next patch to break more shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:15 No.2727836
    Anyone run into a bug where you reload but your ammo doesn't go back up?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:15 No.2727846
    you're the total retard if you don't realize that against anyone that knows the slightest shit about how to use a vehicle and has the unlocks, you need at least one of the higher vehicle unlocks

    Also, SOFLAM/CITV/guided shells/javelins every component needs unlocking indvidually
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:16 No.2727857
    >get suppressed
    >my bullets spreads more than George Michaels anus
    >enemies I suppress have pin point accuracy
    Dear BF3. Get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:16 No.2727862
    Those have too much room for air vehicles to get out of range. Better to play on a map with less air space like Canals.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:16 No.2727869
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    >People complaining about weapon unlocks when the M16, AK74, and AKS-74u were already great and are now arguably the best guns in the game
    >The M4A1, M27, and MK11 are also pretty good

    Oh and also the L85 is a shitpile compared to basically every other assault rifle. Don't bother with Squad DM to unlock it.

    Also this patch was great, try using something other than the USAS and foregrip/suppressor on your rifles, faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:17 No.2727906
    I like how people complain about unlocking guns when said guns are balanced around the stock ones.
    I use other guns because of how they sound.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:18 No.2727950
    >Not having a squad with someone using Cover specialization
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:18 No.2727952
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    So bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:19 No.2727956
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:19 No.2727963
    Holy crap thats how I died I knew I reloaded
    also my qbz-95b jams in burst mode
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:20 No.2727976
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    >thinking cover means shit when EVERYONE runs imp suppression now
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:20 No.2728000
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    >mfw I actually like the patch and honestly think the worst thing about it is that it's brought the retards back in.
    Can't wait till three quarters of them have fucked off again by the end of the week.

    I've had that loads of times pre-patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:20 No.2728004

    >the L85 is a shitpile
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:23 No.2728087
    Pistols are not affected by suppression
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:24 No.2728120
    If I transfer from my 360 to a pc will I have to get all the guns again or will my stats transfer over?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:24 No.2728136

    You're back to square one
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:25 No.2728152
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    great i guess ill just use pistols from now on

    >people liking this patch in anyway
    oh you must be chopper/airplane baddies
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:25 No.2728169
    Yeah, my M4 still jams, but that's a lot harder to capture. When you're playing, that empty time where you don't burst feels like an eternity but watching it seems like nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:26 No.2728183
    You have to start over. And I would advise against getting the PC version unless you really love this game for some crazy reason. The PC version isn't good. Most of the maps were designed with consoles in mind and they break with 64 players.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:26 No.2728212
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    Interesting, only reload thing I can recall was in BC2 with the UMP, didn't even show an animation.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:28 No.2728283
    Not liking but this was what I expected(the attachments stats) at release.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:29 No.2728291
    Bought to upload the Fire from the Sky glitch.
    I interpreted it as extremely creepy. Not only was I not being paid attention to, as I shoved things into peoples faces, but the other player. Who looked like a fucking ghost. He was wondering around, giving me quite a scare when I saw him.

    So I put it to the tune of Lavender Town.
    Hope you guys like it, that is, when it uploads. 50 years from now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:29 No.2728296
    I remember thaaaat.
    The gun sort of went up and down, though, to sort of look like he pulled out and put in a new mag, but it was still dull.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:29 No.2728304
         File: 1333085368.jpg-(649 KB, 3360x1080, Battlelog won't let me level u(...).jpg)
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    forever 39 =(
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:29 No.2728314
    Never touch jets, rarely touch choppers and I think it was a great patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:30 No.2728337
    What? I barely ever even play and I'm 51. This game gives you points just for logging in.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:31 No.2728359
    What the fuck, is that the cap?

    I'm only 37, haven't even ticked over yet. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:31 No.2728394
    >implying 24/7 metro is actually battlefield 3
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:33 No.2728448
    Sadly, 24/7 Metro is BF3. It's the real BF3. It's not what we wanted but it's the most popular game mode. IT's the new CoD BF3.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:34 No.2728472
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    You are a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:34 No.2728484
    Lvl Cap is 99 Col.

    Which is Lv. 144... I think.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:34 No.2728486
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    >Playing Conquest on Gulf of Oman US
    >Try to spawn on a point
    >Right as I spawn the point disappears and it changes me to spawn in a helicopter
    >Wait a bit on the boat
    >Fuck it
    >Fly the chopper for the first time
    >Not hard but fuck it
    >Jump out and parachute down on a point and capture it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:36 No.2728573
    its 100 and the only reason i know that is because there was one in my gamer today abusing the L85 glitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:38 No.2728614
    So is it possible to dodge heatseekers now or not?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:38 No.2728650
    It's 145 and people have already reached it if you look at the global leaderboards
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:39 No.2728659
    they can't hit jets atm but helicoptors will have to dodge like crazy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:39 No.2728663
    >is it possible to actually hit anything with the heatseekers now
    the answer is no
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:39 No.2728674
    SKS + Flash Suppressor has like no recoil.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:39 No.2728692
    Not impossible but very difficult. It's easier to just fly out of range of the lock-on since the range was nerfed so much on the Stinger and IGLA.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:46 No.2728901
    so like pre-patch grip+suppressor SKS
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:48 No.2728984

    Seriously, the L85 is not that difficult to unlock
    Would take an hour at the most

    1. Get a bro
    2. Go assault/engineer
    3. have other person be opposite class
    4. Take BMP
    5. kill
    6. Repair when needed, assault revive engineer if he dies
    7.continue to 50 kills

    People will not try that hard to take you down, make sure gunner has proximity scan, it still works if gunner has it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:22 No.2730073
    Does anyone know if sighting in with an assault rifle + underslung M26 MASS improved pellet spread as well? I know they did it with other shotguns
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:29 No.2730314
    I'd have to assume so, seeing as you can sight down the Rifle with the MASS out, and also the fact Laser Sights now affect them too, there'd have to be no reason why not.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:40 No.2730674
    So there are far too many posts to read, can someone give me a quick rundown on "

    >Is there an overall or weapon by weapon consensus on flash supp vs supp/foregrip
    >Are soflams op, up now?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:51 No.2730991
    Foregrip is totally worthless now like the flash suppressor was before the patch. You're better off using no attachment in that slot at all.

    Flash suppressor vs suppressor is a little more vague now. I'd still say suppressor is better though. Recoil reduction + less spread + not appearing on the minimap is much more worthwhile than slightly more recoil reduction + penalty of increased spread to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:53 No.2731049
    Anyone found out how to do the L85 glitch yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:58 No.2731202

    Oh wow, the foregrip is that bad?

    Guess its time to do some testing and find another kit to use.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:01 No.2731304
    Anyone have tips on how to effectively use the AN-94? Attachments, strategies, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:01 No.2731313
    M16A3 + suppressor is still the best gun in the game.

    In fact I'd say even though it is technically nerfed due to loss of foregrip, the margin between the M16A3 and every other weapon in the game now is even bigger than it was before the patch since it relied on the foregrip the least out of every weapon.

    Another stellar balance job from Durrmize99.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:03 No.2731353
    Tanks are still awesome, if being disabled by javs really bothers you that much then you probably weren't using them properly to begin with. Also loving all the technical changes, especially the minimap fixes. DICE really did good with this patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:03 No.2731368
    My tip is that if you want to use a burst fire weapon use the KH2002 or M16A4 because they both shit on the AN-94.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:04 No.2731378

    Ah, yeah I use the M4A1 on engie and I would assume its the same there as well.

    I'm not even sure why they felt the need to break up the supp/foregrip combo. Nomatter what they do people are always going to find "the best" kit and use just that, its the law of every online video game.

    I would have preferred they buff other kits and leave supp/grip alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:05 No.2731408

    Yeah, the M16A3 really is absurdly good. Open question: What do you guys think is the second-best infantry weapon in the game? I'm personally the fan of the AS VAL (especially since the patch - holy shit that gun is good with extended mags), and the M4A1 is very close third.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:07 No.2731456

    Yeah, or I could just use the M16A3 like everyone else. But I that wasn't what I asked.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:07 No.2731468
    M416 because it's just a slightly slower firing M16A3.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:07 No.2731476
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    >You're better off using no attachment in that slot at all.

    Bipod doesn't have any downsides.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:09 No.2731535
    It fucks up your aiming when something is in front of you or when you're prone.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:16 No.2731752
    A sensible person would have realized that the reason the majority of people used the foregrip is because IT'S THE ONLY ATTACHMENT IN THAT SLOT THAT SUPPORTS AGGRESSIVE PLAY.

    But when you work at DICE and as such only possess retard logic, this means it has to be made completely useless so instead of your options being foregrip and nothing, your options are now just nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:19 No.2731828
    It's really not that hard to prevent the bipod from deploying, or to deploy it on demand, if you've even used it for more than 30 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:24 No.2731965
    if something is in front of you there's no way to aim without deploying unless you back up or turn away
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:31 No.2732151
    Strafe half an inch as you aim.

    No, it won't fuck up your accuracy. The benefit of laser accurate fire any time you can stop for a few seconds is invaluable. Even more so now that the grip is trash. Recommending people take nothing in their second slot is just fucking stupid when the bipod is very easy to control. Hell, the patch even fixed the stupid shit where you would deploy halfway in cover and shoot into it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:33 No.2732201
    you can now have a seperate key to deploy the bipod
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:34 No.2732227
    Is that so? Even better.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:35 No.2732248
    I'm not using the bipod in protest.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:37 No.2732316

    Using a bipod is pointless anyway for a good player.

    >implying I want to sit in the same spot once I give away my position
    >implying I want to EVER go prone unless im evading a shot
    >implying I want to slowly pack up my bipod when trying to get up
    >implying I only want to watch one spot when i could keep an eye on 2-3
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:40 No.2732402
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)03:57 No.2732893
    check your keybinds, i believe its directly under the aiming one
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)04:32 No.2733859
    WHO THE FUCK decided it was a good idea to let public server squad leaders kick people from the squad?

    Holy shit this is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)04:42 No.2734184
    didnt know this, however it sounds good. ive had experiences where ive made squads and we do well but the team players leave and it fills up with snipers. obviously this would be a good time to kick and it would also be nice to be able to invite people who are not in a squad.

    do you have a problem with squad leaders locking their squads?

    At the end of the day, theres like 13 squads that can be made right? surely this isnt a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)04:44 No.2734256
    guess you dont want your pin point accuracy and you know most of them issues dont matter if you play in a squad, which works together.

    >implying that when you prone you wont get hit 1-2 seconds later.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)04:51 No.2734468

    I don't think you can make extra squads now, it only opens a new squad once they are all full.

    This is absolutely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)04:58 No.2734649
    >Kharg Island
    >Decide to take a jet up
    >Approaching flight ceiling
    >Shot down instantly by a missile despite using flares after it and the other one from the enemy jet were inbound
    >Manage to get out in time to survive and pop chute
    >Enemy jet passes me and is stuck in stall
    >Fuck with him by pulling out stinger and locking on him
    >He flares the lock on
    >Shoot him down after I relock
    Was hilarious as fuck because he kept trying to road kill me after that since he couldn't seem to be able to shoot me with his gun. Ended up killing his jet repeatedly while chute was open.
    >> f Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:08 No.2734924
    FUCK this game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:18 No.2735243
    I totally forgot about the patch. No wonder I had such a good fucking game today for the first time in weeks. Everything just FELT better.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:33 No.2735642
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    Now you only need 2 c4 to experience this feel.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:35 No.2735724

    i feel bad for tanks
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:36 No.2735748
    >Look at patch notes
    >SOFLAM no longer requires me to sit there using it constantly for points
    About damn time.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:37 No.2735783
    ive seen alot of people knifing when they get in close. in my last game i got taken down from the front with the knife. i thought that shouldn't happen?

    time to go marathon + light foot?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:53 No.2736191
    It's cool that this patch took so long to come out and after it finally did come out, it managed to fix a grand total of zero things, while breaking too many things to list.

    Just another success in the long list of successes for BF3.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:54 No.2736225

    >That one guy that hates everything
    >Everyone else in the thread enjoys it

    sorry bro
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:54 No.2736236
    I like how the patch notes were out for months and then release wasnt that much different.

    also spawn locations are fuck up so badly. and no, im not on about team DM
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:57 No.2736312
    is not being able to reload while scoped intentional?

    and i don't mean while looking in the scope and reloading, i mean it acts like non-straight bolt pull action snipers, but with reloading
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)05:58 No.2736337
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:00 No.2736395
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:02 No.2736427

    I don't think this game is for you, I would recommend quake live.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:02 No.2736431
         File: 1333101757.png-(19 KB, 554x553, 1265358472945.png)
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    >never get jamming bug when firing 93R
    >patch comes out that's supposed to fix jamming bug for people
    >first game after patch my 93R jams

    Good job, DICE.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:02 No.2736439
    >Want to play battlefield before work
    >Origin won't start
    >can't join any servers through battlelog

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:05 No.2736505
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    Thanks for standing still wanker.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:06 No.2736530
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    Awwwww yeahhhh
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:11 No.2736662
    the end justify the means
    that means stop being a cod faggot worrying about k/d and blow it up with you besides it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:15 No.2736774
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    Here, I like to George Lucas my OC, so I simplified it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:22 No.2736973

    >lol u mad cuz i raped u noob u jelly u mad sn1p3d
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:25 No.2737045
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:25 No.2737048
    did they fix the exclusive weapons switching bug? or the camouflage not saving bug?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:30 No.2737186
    Was playing a bit. Holy shit they nerfed the fuck out of the M26's slug rounds. It takes 3 hits at point blank range to kill a guy. Patch also reset all my assault/engi weapons to have foregrip. I like what they did with the g3a3 though, feels great on single fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:42 No.2737583
    Each faction has totally separate load outs now, so no, you don't have to re-select the M16A3 every round anymore.

    You'll have to set all your weapons/kits back up when you first play though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:48 No.2737727
    > At maximum range shots to the legs will not require more hits to kill.


    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:52 No.2737810

    Magic bullets, You somehow hit arteries wherever you shoot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:52 No.2737817
    >I like what they did with the g3a3 though
    >its still shit and spraying guns still rain supreme at all ranges.

    I want to like it, as i have in most of the previous bf games where it has appeared. but no, not now. times have changed.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:54 No.2737860
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:54 No.2737874
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    Recoil feels a lot higher on pretty much every gun.

    I used to be able to use the Famas as medium/long range when I needed to, but now it's crazy. SCAR-H and AEK as well.

    So far I'm sticking it all the starter guns.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)06:59 No.2738030
    uh..should level up and get the least shitty sniper rifle then
    before they nerf the mav and make getting points with recoon completely retarded/slow
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:00 No.2738045
    >support enemy starts to suppress me
    >he can't hit for shit so i turn around try to shoot him but the suppress system keeps me from fucking hitting shit
    >we both stand there shooting like shit not hitting anything then both bail from the fight since it leads to nothing

    These fucking situations, Feel like i'm being trolled by something.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 03/30/12(Fri)07:01 No.2738065
         File: 1333105279.jpg-(35 KB, 466x652, MATOlikeaboss.jpg)
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    >that feel when successfully using the knife on two guys in the space of five seconds
    >that feel when almost Lv. 45
    >that feel when I still haven't found a main weapon I want to use consistently
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:01 No.2738087
    there are vids of that ?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:02 No.2738104
    >Open map
    >Clusterfuck of recons
    >Jets dominating everything

    >Any CQC map
    >RPG clusterfuck in mid
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:07 No.2738236
    You are being trolled by shitty game design.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:08 No.2738264

    No videos but i'm sure someone will record and stumble into similar situation, The suppress system is really powerful now and the suppress increase/resistance specialization is definitely worth using now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:10 No.2738340
    sounds extremely retarded / no fun
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:12 No.2738401
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    >that feel when I still haven't found a main weapon I want to use consistently

    I know that feel all too well. Keep switching weapons that I like, and never getting any service stars because of it.

    God damnit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:14 No.2738451
    i have a bunch of those service starts
    bunch = 7-8
    and i spend most time trying to find "something more useful to me"
    i'm enjoying the whole c4/mav/knife thing
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:15 No.2738471
    >battlelog now have "REPAIR TOOL" on that section
    >my 4-5 kills don't appear there
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:19 No.2738579
    I want to use other weapons, but then I realize that you can't just "try out" other weapons because you have to grind to get them to a basic level of functionality and then when you do grind out all the shit you need you just realize they're worthless compared to the M16A3 anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:29 No.2738834
    find one you think looks cool and master it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:34 No.2738942
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    Actually I just unlocked the F2000 and kind of like it, cross between the old FAMAS and some of the slower firing ones. I'll have to use it a bit more. And like the AN in general so I need to try that out once I unlock it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:36 No.2739002

    You can get all the kills to unlock all the kits for a weapon in 5~ rounds if you actually try.

    Not a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:56 No.2739607
    Can someone explain the differences of Flares and ECM now? Flares seem buggy as shit about distracting incoming missiles. Sometimes they work but other times I'll wait a second after the missile is incoming, hit flare, then 3 seconds later still get hit by a fucking Stinger/AA/whatever rocket.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:56 No.2739621
    Any Eurobros up for a game?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)07:58 No.2739663
    How the shit do I learn to fly?

    I did okay with the keyboard, but I started playing so many flight sims and shit I actually bought a flight stick, and then... I sucked. So hard.

    How the shit am I supposed to aim with this thing? It turns too fast, and turning the sense down isn't an option, because then I can't turn fast enough and get shot down because my evasive manouvers are so damn slow.

    How to flightstick? I want to use it, it feels better to fly with one
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:21 No.2740273
    Find flight school servers or empty ones and play around for a few hours. I couldn't fly for shit before but now I can at least get a few good runs before a jet finishes me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:26 No.2740439
    This guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:28 No.2740493
    A friend told me I went positive K/D R today.
    I told him it doesn't matter. I don't track my K/D R.
    He told me I should play TDM to get better at the game.

    How do I explain to him that he is wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:30 No.2740551
    Just tell him that if he wants to play Deathmatch, he should refer to CoD.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:31 No.2740557
    Hilarious. I thought you could only do it from frag rounds or other explosives.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:32 No.2740587
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    Jesus fucking christ
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:33 No.2740609
    TDM is good for grinding weapon unlocks thats how I got my first recon star using PDWs and shotguns
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:33 No.2740625
    Bolt-Action Rifles can destroy most of the explosive equipment.

    It's always fun to shoot AT mine clusters when an enemy runs by them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:36 No.2740695
    >Detonating after being shot

    DICE, are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:37 No.2740717
    Consensus on what is the new best attachments yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:37 No.2740725
    Ask him to play Conquest with you, an go full Assist mode and beat his score with minimal kills.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:39 No.2740772
    Pretty new to the game played some of the older BF's (1942 and Vietnam) which weapons are good for their respective classes?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:39 No.2740786
    The ones you start with. Except for Recon, in which case all your Guns suck until you get the L96 or the M98B.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:39 No.2740790
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    mfw being top score going 2-2 in a 40 minute match on Firestorm just capping point
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:41 No.2740848

    So I shouldn't take the SCAR over the AK74u and what ever the US gets? Sticking with a 1911 for a side arm just because its stylish how does it measure up to the rest of the sidearms?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:45 No.2740952
    >Get in tank
    >Go down hill from base
    >Jet spamming rockets
    >Can get a whole new set or rockets to finish off the tank

    This patch is fucking retarded. 32man used to be where I had the most fun but now jets are even more OP.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 03/30/12(Fri)08:49 No.2741094
         File: 1333111775.png-(506 KB, 708x644, 1330697117717.png)
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    Did they fix the C4 Service Star yet?

    Or am I still going to be earning ID_P_WSTAR_NAME_C4s instead?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:54 No.2741247
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    Am I the only one who is getting headache from the new suppression? That fucking blurr is such a strain on the eyes, no idea what they were thinking.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:57 No.2741323
    G3A3 is such a beast atm, loving the gun. Also it sounds manly which is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:58 No.2741367
    >That feel every time you see someone in BF3 accuse someone of bunnyhopping

    Kids these days, they don't even know what the fuck they are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:03 No.2741514
    SCAR has rather low RPM so it's not really that great when compared to other Carbines at close range. 1911 is fine... but the Full-Auto sidearms will almost always beat it out when it comes to super close range fights or "Both players have <10% HP fire blindly until they die" situations.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:07 No.2741616
    Just got my 50 hours on Engineer AND made it to the top 1% in Dogtags to Kills.

    Time to put in 50 more.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:09 No.2741681
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:09 No.2741715

    Not bad, I had been trying to crack the top 50 in overall engie scores for a while, made it to 127th in the world before I quit for a month.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:10 No.2741736
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    like 4 people waiting for a vehicle

    give them all 1 shot to indicate my hate towards those noobish faggots

    kicked for ''temakillin g'' the admin literally wrote it like that
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:11 No.2741772
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    jets really are easy mode if you have one single squad.

    Dude in tank Laser Locks, 2 javs kill the shit out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:15 No.2741919
    The splash damage on RPGs is so tiny now, its having a terrible effect on the game.

    Before, I could dislodge a room of campers with a single RPG killing one and wounding/scaring the rest.

    Now... there are two recons in this room and they can heal up between each RPG because it does so little damage. I can't even get rid of their spawners with my shots.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:15 No.2741936
    Basically just use whatever feels right to you.

    The starter weapons are pretty much the best statistically but each weapon has strengths in different situations.

    Better to just try them all out. SCAR does a lot of damage but has high recoil, low rpm, and smaller mag.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:17 No.2741979
    The RPG was not designed for that job. It's a rocket propelled grenade that releases a stream of molten copper.

    Want to clear out rooms, use the damn granade launcher.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:17 No.2741982
    >made it to 127th in the world before I quit for a month

    I WISH I was that good.

    Anyway, as a fellow Eng have you noticed the influx of Engineers? So many badly placed mines lately.

    I literally CRINGE when I run past a spot and see 6 mines packed on top of each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:23 No.2742196
    >Want to clear out rooms, use the damn granade launcher.

    Or go around and hit them from the other side of the wall.

    I play Engineer all the time and I am GLAD for the nerf. For a while, except for revives I felt NO need to go assault.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:26 No.2742306
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    Just did this using a tank for the first 75% of the game. Then some fag monkey took the tank I was using so I was running around using my G36C + IGLA.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:32 No.2742476
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    >Oh shit, got hit. Better get out and use my Repair Tool.
    >Some Assault Fag : Thanks for the tank bro
    20 seconds later the faggot rolls over a AT Minefield.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:32 No.2742489

    How can you be so gay

    That's like using "XxX_s0lj4b0y_BRAZIL_XxX" as your tag
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:32 No.2742502
    Is this game as fun as Bad Company 2 at all? It looks like they shat up the animations and somehow made the engine worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:34 No.2742532
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    I hardly repair but damn does it seem like it's so slow now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:34 No.2742534
    Except it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:35 No.2742568
    >haven't been playing for a while
    >get patch
    >hop in jet
    >try shooting the other jets
    >takes 50000 bullets to disable
    >say "wtf did DICE do with the jets?" in chat
    >banned for language
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:36 No.2742592

    Depends on the person, Personally i had more fun with Bad company 2 but played it too death, In Battlefield 3 i'm barely over 100 hours and feel bored with this "cod with plastic vehicles"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:38 No.2742639
    I'd have to say BF3 take a lot more getting used to for the weapons to become efficient in them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:39 No.2742662
    >join another server
    >was banned there previously for "disrespect"
    Now I remember why I stopped playing this
    Every damn admin bans me, I even got banned on the OFFICIAL 4chan server that was up for a few days.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:39 No.2742667

    It is.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:40 No.2742692
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:41 No.2742717
    I've never been banned or kicked (Save for being kicked from a squad playing with /v-vg/ people).

    Probably because I never say anything in chat. Only thing I remember is saying "lol" after I ended my own 5 kill streak with a suicide grenade.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:41 No.2742737
    BC2 was for some reason much easier for me.
    I pretty much hip fire even in medium range & dtill get 25%+ accuracy.
    While in BF3 It seems harder.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:43 No.2742767

    I constantly get banned because i can't help but make jokes about nationality, Norwegians,Germans,Polish seem to be the most touchy out of people.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:48 No.2742908
    US, Brazil, Fin or fucking Rus, it does not matter.

    Having your nationality present anywhere in your name, even clantag, makes you a faggot of olympic proportions
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:50 No.2742964
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:50 No.2742974
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:51 No.2742983
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    Probably been done for a long time and Microsoft just taking forever to approve or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:52 No.2743006

    Trust me bro, you don't want it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:52 No.2743010
    Let me guess, you made Hitler and Nazi jokes didn't you?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:53 No.2743031
    People said that about every patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:55 No.2743091
    You will def regret asking for it.
    I never hated patches before but this made me hate it.
    Not only did it take long but It added alot of glitches and broke the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:55 No.2743117

    Well i try to be more subtle but basically yes, The invasion of Poland is a classic, And playing on Wake island on a Norwegian server is too much of a temptation to make a Breivik joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:57 No.2743161
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    Forgive me in advanced, bros, I know it's a shit question and I am a faggot and have a million dicks in my mouth 24/7.

    I can't decide whether or not I want to use the bolt-actions Rifles or the semi-auto ones. I love them both, bolt-actions more (a preference of taste here), but they are rather dull to play with and I can't hit shit - though I'd like to learn. I'd love to stick with the Type-88 though, it was my first weapon platnium'd in Bad Company 2, and using the semi-autos I feel like a slight credit to team, rather than some camping faggot.
    (I'd love to play a more aggressive Recon with a bolt-action.. but I can't aim too well at close range with a ballistic, or 8x for that matter)

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:59 No.2743194

    Bolt with Iron sights or red dot.
    It's GG.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:00 No.2743204
    Does the Foregrip increase hip fire accuracy?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:01 No.2743239
    I use bolt with a 12x scope.

    It's piss easy, before you take shots at players, take test shots around the general area to pinpoint the range, use the lines on your scope and just call them 1 2 3 etc in your head.

    Headshots from across the map galore, you can't fuck up, after a while you don't even have to do the range test anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:02 No.2743285
    semi-autos is for noobs that cant play the game
    go use bolt action and try getting better with it, its fun when you do
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:04 No.2743341

    Ahh, I see, I figured I'd learn eventually and I sort of have - my longest headshot at the moment is 530 metres, and anything below 200 or so I can do with ease, but any shorter than 20 metres and I'm fucked.

    Haha, I usually run around with the SV98 and use a red dot, straight pull & suppressor. Tons of fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:05 No.2743363
    I also would like to know what happened to it Post-Patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:10 No.2743502
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    >mfw I learn to use the rocket pods on the jet
    >mfw I take out squads of infantry, disable tanks and shoot down helis with extreme ease

    I couldn't a fucking week ago, did the patch change anything about jets?

    I seem to get locked on less as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:12 No.2743557
    Using those sniper rifles with just the red dot and suppressor was the funnest thing to do in beta. You could 2 shot everyone in the foot to death while assault rifles took 15 bullets to the face.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:17 No.2743713
    People said the MP7 was better then PP-2000, Were they lying to me or am i just terrible with one PDW compared to another?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:18 No.2743724
    Enjoy being the most overpowered thing on the battlefield, faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:19 No.2743785
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    >Rush jets

    Good god, I play CQ exclusively so I don't encounter them, but even I know that before the patch they were total rape machines against ground targets.

    How are they now?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:22 No.2743872
    jesus christ this patch is insanity. you get suppressed when people fucking look at you.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:23 No.2743890

    Is there anything worse then rape machines? If so that's how rush jets are now, anti air missiles are bugged towards a moving jet and stingers/IGLA have reduced.

    Your only hope is having a skilled pilot on your side to take him down but then he will rape everything as well and thus the circle continues.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:24 No.2743931

    I find it funny you debate the real world purpose of RPGs instead of the game purpose. You were probably the same people who cried about the Gustav, when its ingame and real world counterpart are both designed to be anti personnel and have bunker busting properties.

    RPGs are used against structures IRL, and the 50% of their purpose in BF3 is to destroy the environment and be an anti camper tool.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:26 No.2743978
    If you are using the CQ jets, try using the Rush jets, those things are rape incarnate. You can literally take out anything with those jets, infantry, vehicles, air vehicles, gadgets

    >A10 in Firestorm
    >see faggot recon MAV riding to the top of pole
    >use guided missile to lock on to MAV
    >enemy killed
    >enemy killed
    >enemy killed
    >enemy equipment destroyed
    >enemy equipment destroyed
    >enemy equipment destroyed
    >squad wipe bonus

    Only small downside is that they are a bit slow
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:27 No.2744008

    If were gonna drag reality into this how come i can regen health? How come people don't die in one shot and bleed out? How come i can be brought back to life.

    Being more realistic doesn't make it more "fun". For those who want to talk for half a hour only to be shot and bleed out by a stray bullet i would suggest ARMA,
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:32 No.2744145

    I didn't drag reality into it, you (or the other poster) did.

    My post was simply to show that whether you base your ideas on reality or game balance, the RPG nerfs are uncalled for.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:34 No.2744217

    Well RPGS still do their job, killing vehicles and demolishing cover/buildings, Now you wont be granted a guaranteed kill at every rocket, I find that fair since the RPG is not the main weapon for the engineer.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:34 No.2744243
    ARMA is like a camping trip where you get to converse with bros and shoot at rocks.

    What's not to like?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:40 No.2744375

    RPGs never were a guaranteed kill, you only got that if you hit a player directly or hit injured players.

    Before this patch it was fairly balanced, the splash size was quite small but overall it was still useful for clearing out just one room or corner. Kills were quite rare with it too, as someone with 23,000 kills who only plays engineer, my grand total of RPG kills is just over 2000, and that of course is counting kills from vehicles.

    I use the RPG as much as possibly makes sense and it still only accounts for less than 1/10th of my kills.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:45 No.2744484
    >Waiting for those two faggots in the air in the spawn menu so that you can grab a jet: The Game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:45 No.2744491

    >I use the RPG as much as possibly

    That's not how it's intended to be though, It's suppose to be used against vehicles and blowing up a building/cover, It's not your fault though it's Dice for giving too many rockets and making so you regain them too fast through ammo boxes.

    When you constantly have access to a large explosion that destroys environment and kills people in the process why should you even use a gun?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:47 No.2744532

    >not parking a car infront of the jet or taking one and point it towards a wall (jets have no reverse)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:49 No.2744574
    >Not landing it on the enemy airstrip and abandoning it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:49 No.2744582
    How many times have you been killed by an RPG from some retard running around just firing them at people? The only time they will work is if you are against a wall. And even then the shooting a rocket is going to be what happens after firing your main gun, not first.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:51 No.2744621
    >Having fun until that one faggot who's actually good at jets joins the server and just rules the sky without opposition
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:52 No.2744646

    You´re pretty good...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:53 No.2744669

    >That's not how it's intended to be though

    says who?
    >> Justme (Assology Expert) 03/30/12(Fri)10:55 No.2744706
    I'm not sure how I feel about this patch. I used to take pride that I could hop in the AA and clear the skies. But since the patch it's gotten rough. Aircraft have been pretty much taking me out from across the map with with just 3-4 rockets. And the range on the shoulder fire aa is so damn small now that they have to be pretty much right on top of you, by the time it starts locking on they've already flown out of range.

    Oh and it takes entirely way too many shots to kil infantry with the mobile AA now. Dudes drop faster to a pistol than to to AA
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:55 No.2744718

    Says the people who runs the game and patched the explosion down, People think Mav riding up to places you can't be reached is fun while others suffer because they cannot be countered but in the end it end it's Dice's call.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:56 No.2744742

    I like how you cut off my statement before getting the full point of it.

    >I use the RPG as much as possibly makes sense

    Which since you cant understand it, it means that I use it whenever it would be beneficial to use over any other tactic or weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:57 No.2744781
    >play karkand on that "free to play" battlefield
    >there are stairs to the top of some buildings
    >play bf3
    >no stairs
    >build missing
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:59 No.2744834
         File: 1333119595.jpg-(82 KB, 470x581, 1329579687131.jpg)
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    >Karkand 64
    >Try the KH2002 with flash suppressor
    >Swarms of enemy infantry are cut down in the blink of an eye.
    >Buildings around me crumble with each shot.
    >Vehicles flee as fast as they can, knowing they cannot hope to stop me.
    >My face when I know in a week everyone will use this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:00 No.2744840

    >Play Karkand on BF3
    >Can go inside almost all buildings

    im ok with that tradeoff
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:10 No.2745135
    >Can go inside almost all buildings
    ok what game are you playing
    because its not fucking battlefield 3
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:12 No.2745197

    >make a bunch of small shitty maps built around narrow hallways
    >rocket spam is by far the most effective way to kill enemies in this setting
    >nerf rockets

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:18 No.2745376
    the cake was what was promised a little after the first trailer
    you never got the chance to eat it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:23 No.2745548
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    Quadrillion hours in Photoshop, this is what playing support feels like post-patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:48 No.2746283

    Your missing his point which is
    >... kills people in the process why should you even use a gun?

    I'm with this guy, DICE has messed up when people choose to use a rpg/m320 to kill infantry.

    rpg should go back to having an extremely small explosion radius and reduce their accuracy, they seem pin point at the moment.

    320 should have a good explosion range on it but somewhat minimal damage, so that it forces people out, or kill them after 3-4 hits(not direct, that should still kill in one). normal grenades are fine as they are.

    and as for your.

    >Before this patch it was fairly balanced, the splash size was quite small
    >Kills were quite rare

    talking out your arse.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:51 No.2746376
    has any ps3 bros noticed an increase in system freezes?
    BF is the only game that does this, moreso since the patch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:53 No.2746428
    >grand bazaar rush, first set of MCOMS
    >take MCOM that always gets taken first, can't get other one in small room
    >fire one M320 grenande
    >nuclear explosion
    >literally 8 kills from one M320
    >c4 everywhere
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:54 No.2746440
    >spiralling round that asshole over your own stationary AA so your bro can fuck him up
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:57 No.2746542
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    >first game after 2 months
    >32 player caspian
    >team gets buttdevastated
    >check scores
    >highest rank in our team is colonel 2
    >other team has 10 people over colonel rank 38

    now I remember why i quit this game, fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:00 No.2746625

    on the subject of grand bazaar, dat feel when losing cause the team just bunches up in stupid locations.

    and most support dont even bother using their gadgets, so rarely do i see claymores or c4 on the attackers/defenders. sad really.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:06 No.2746801

    >rpg should go back to having an extremely small explosion radius and reduce their accuracy

    Are you retarded or do you not know what you are talking about.

    This is what the patch did to RPGs, they used to be good, now they are shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:07 No.2746829

    >Thinks a weapon in a FPS game shouldn't kill people

    Fuck right off kid.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:09 No.2746915


    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:18 No.2747203

    Mine has frozen twice.

    Also have the Jet controls been locking up on anyone? I was in a dogfight yesterday and tried to fly up to loop back and the controls Jammed, I was flying vertically for ages, couldn't even bail, got blown up as soon as they noticed me.

    Another time I was stuck turning through 90 degrees doing one massive continuous loop around the map.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:27 No.2747493
    >MFW this new suppression mechanic

    babbys first skill gap closer
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:29 No.2747578
    no, that means you hit the height barrier, basically your jet locks up until you fall below the barrier again.
    You're a sitting duck once you're up there, so beware of high flying.

    also anyone joining >>2746915 would be appreciated, the guy running it said he'll only keep it up if he gets decent numbers.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:49 No.2748341
    I love how many kids think RPG´s and other rocket type firings are vehicle only.

    Maybe you should actually realize they are part of urban warfare, and made to blow up enemy infantry fortifications too.

    Try read about the Carl Gustav and its role. Its an urban anti-infantry rocket.

    Your silly ideals that only gunshots must kill people are ridiculous. What is the difference in your people mindsets, when a guy is hit by an RPG and a MBT? Both blow up, they kill you, and that is the plan from the start. But the RPG user was "cheating" or "laming" for some reason anyway? Weapons kill people, and sometimes you use them in more than only strict roles.

    RPG`s are not an anti-air weapon. But the blackhawk helicopters, surely learned to cry instead of laugh, when they faced a new threat. a RPG made for ground combat shot down their helies.

    Go back to COD if you dont like real warfare kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:51 No.2748406
         File: 1333126283.jpg-(30 KB, 480x357, 1332702670010.jpg)
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    >Battlefield 3
    >In any way resembling "real warfare"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:52 No.2748442
    calm down bro

    the nerf was to discourage rocket spamming, a deplorable act on any level.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 03/30/12(Fri)12:52 No.2748452
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    While I agree with what you're saying wholeheartedly, please stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a 'kid'. You are not more mature than them just because of your opinion on something.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:03 No.2748884
    actually opinions are exactly what mental maturity is based upon.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:05 No.2748959

    The general of the game have to "resemble" warfare.

    There are of course reasons why it cannot be "realistic". One of the obvious things would be balance, but realism also takes out the fun in many levels.

    That does not mean a gun does not shoot bullets and kill people. And that rockets kill both vehicles, and personnel, and should kill both.
    Get it?
    >> ­ 03/30/12(Fri)13:20 No.2749535
    what the fuck have they done to armor?
    god damnit i'm so fucking mad.
    >> Weabro !!H5+hjQdDZNP 03/30/12(Fri)13:23 No.2749631
    Now if feels like BF2/2142(everyone happy right?), but at least now infantry has a chance against armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:23 No.2749663
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    >DICE not releasing more patches for PC even if they can because of their dicksucking contract with Sony
    >blue shit everywhere
    >Patch doesnt fix exploits, make unnecessary balance changes
    >Tanks and helis are useless shit unless you camp. jets god mode
    >suppression makes infantry maps unplayable
    > but at least we got horns huruudhur beep duhdurh

    jimmies officially ruslted
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:25 No.2749723
    >get helicopter
    >spend a few minues trying to kill people
    >go spawn
    >10 minutes later 2 retards were waiting for the helicopter
    why the fuck people dont get kicked for idling fucking shit game
    >> ­ 03/30/12(Fri)13:27 No.2749775
    where does this feel anything like BF2 / 2142?

    >but at least now infantry has a chance against armor.
    you mean, now you have a chance against armor as a single, lone-wolfing engineer.
    they totally went to far with the tank nerf. you could kill tanks before the patch with teamwork and coordination. you know, the way it's supposed to be with powerful high value vehicles.

    a repairtool nerf would have been sufficient. instead, they changed all kinds of things on tanks and now they're shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:27 No.2749791
    >get in second seat
    >faggot piloting doesn't do anything
    >his faggot boyfriend is attacking me
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:37 No.2750142
    A tank should be a force to reckon with, A priority target on the battlefield that you focused down, As it is now you send private derp to hit it with the rocket like a club and he can dispose of it alone
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:39 No.2750242
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    >Get in gunner seat
    >Faggot pilot don't do shit
    >Scream at me to leave for his personal gunner to get in
    >Remain silent and don't do shit
    >15 minutes laters he take off
    >It's obvious that he want to suicide
    >At the last fucking moment I bail
    >He crash
    >Dance around the chopper
    >The mad in the chat, I can feel it
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:40 No.2750254
    Joining a 35k ticket server right now, what should i expect?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:40 No.2750281

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:42 No.2750329
    >Playing 64 Sharqi CQ.
    >RU team gets TV Station.
    >One clan now has 2 choppers and are free to do whatever they want.
    >20 minutes later and both gunners have over 100 to under 10.
    >Pilots have around 30 to under 10.
    >There are 5 people in the US team.
    >They are struggling to hold on to Construction Site (The only place you are somewhat safe from choppers.)
    >One each and every fuking day they do this.
    >Their SPM, K/D, W/L, Skill and Kill Streak Bonuses are off the charts.

    Seriously DICE?
    These are the people that eventually gets on global leaderboards and post montages on Youtube containing lensflares and X's.
    It's even worse now, because before I could at least kill them with a well placed tank shell, now I'm just another target to these guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:46 No.2750440
    >same match next map
    >get heli
    >no one gets in
    >magically i end crashing after being hit by something
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:46 No.2750481
    I have not played yet. But guys, you should never get hit by a javelin in a tank, you always have smoke equipped anyway.

    Allthough the Tank vs Tank change seems to make you more fragile in that way yes. Am i missing something? Or are you just not using smoke well?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:47 No.2750484

    Why didn't you and the others just disconnect and reconnect after the round was over or searched a new server?

    5 people vs 2 choppers and inf seems pretty pointless to me, why feed them?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:47 No.2750523
    > Hear about patch
    > See /v/
    > Everyone hates it

    "Well it can't be that bad"

    > Get in tank
    > One shotted by Jav (20 health remaining)
    > Get in tank again
    > One-run killed by chopper
    "Maybe its just my imagination"
    > Get in LAV
    > Launch TOW missile at rear of tank
    > Instant destroy, double kill

    > Bolt actions now one shot kill at close range

    > Stingers are actually useful now

    This patch is fucking horrible, its as bad as the first patch to this game

    > HURR stingers are too powerful lets neft them
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:48 No.2750540
    tank question:

    is there a difference between the M1A1 and the T90?

    i mean, the choppers have different stats, so the tank should have too, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:48 No.2750556
    I found cover and actually came out with a positive stats.
    Look at that faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:49 No.2750572

    i dont mind that they reduced the repair rate, but they should have extended the repair tools burn out. you cant even get the mobile aa to full from about 40%. which is a must from all the buttmad pilots.

    also why the fuck not just have it like in bc2? you cant spam repair on a vehicle while its actively taking damage? it had a few second delay. that would solve most of the problems in bf3, such as 4 retard engies on one bad tank driver
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:49 No.2750583
    You don't understand, its not just Javilens.


    > RPG to rear = Instant disable at full health
    > TOW missile = 80 damage
    > Helicopter run = death
    > Jet run = death
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:51 No.2750656
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    >Destroying tanks in one pass in the F-35 with Guided Missiles
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:51 No.2750686
    You should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:52 No.2750725
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    > feeling good about this turning into a infantry based game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:53 No.2750735
    >Battlefield 3: Close Quarters
    >Literally the exact opposite of Titan mode
    >Exact opposite of fun
    >Exact opposite of all of the money
    Why, DICE? Why?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:53 No.2750779

    I don't man, there are a of armoured vehicles using smoke so I miss a bit of my shots.

    But I love it even more when I lock on to a soflam and get a quadra kill on a sniper nest.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:56 No.2750868

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:57 No.2750902
    i thought close quarters mitebcool

    but what i really want is for all the current maps to be updated.
    with all interiors fully useable
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:57 No.2750932
    > Smoke

    Doesn't matter when we have to use it all the time to keep from getting one shotted by FUCKING EVERYTHING
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:03 No.2751139
    >enemy team can attack you from "outside" the map
    whoever who though of this should have his balls removed
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:08 No.2751343
    >Patch renders Armored vehicles useless.
    >People would rather use MBT's as a durable transport vehicle than a portable cannon.
    >Jets can't kill Helicopters in 2 seconds now.
    >When the heat-seeker bug gets fixed, Helicopters will be able to kill Jets easily.
    >Stingers and Iglas useless against them because HURRDURRBELOWRADAR.
    >Welcome to HelicopterField: Get to da choppa.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:24 No.2752056
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    So huh

    Anyone can tell me if the SVD was buffed?

    Because I used it today and it's even a more fucking beast than before.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:50 No.2753142
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    Them Germans, 70 years later they still mad, No wonder people make fun of them they are so easily agitated.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:52 No.2753226
    SVD wasn't touched.

    The only thing that changed with the sniper rifles was the L95 got fixed (had a few odd bugs) and bolt actions got buffed to be one-shot lethal at close range to the upper chest.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/30/12(Fri)14:52 No.2753240
    Just had my first proper game in mobile AA since the patch, is it just me or are the missiles broken as fuck against jets? Several times I'd get a pair off when his flares were down and they'd seemingly blow up a few feet behind him and do zero damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:56 No.2753416

    Anti air missiles are bugged right now, Explode behind the plane without damaging them, Only way to kill jets is by bullets now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:59 No.2753573
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    Maybe it's just me, but I though the firerate got a buff.

    This thing is really ballin'.

    It's even more fun because I use it wiht a PSO-1 X4 most of the time, and enemy recon can't see me while I spot them from miles aways.
    >> kemi !ifxiMiroIY 03/30/12(Fri)15:01 No.2753639
    Also: Really like the new squadleader controls, just what was needed, I'm having trouble setting defend orders though, attacks set fine but if I tell it to defend I just spot whoever is near the point.

    And does anyone keep getting a battlelog notification saying "new updates are available", then you click on the sphere at the bottom and it says "no updates"?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:05 No.2753790
    because they want the cod playerbase, thus they distort the battlefield franchise so much.

    if i could get my money back, i would to it.
    the patch is a complete mess
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:09 No.2753965
    The armored warfare expansion will sell the least mark my words, You can't fucking want the COD audience then expect them to play with vehicles Dice what the hell are you even thinking.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:09 No.2753968
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:16 No.2754312

    Bad Company was always suppose to cater to the console FPS crowd. Except BC1... that was a very odd case.

    Large maps and vehicle sections and absolute ass infantry combat. Except sniping... it was fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:20 No.2754491
    anyone wanna play?

    i'm mediocre, but whatever.

    battlelog: Yartsu
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:21 No.2754556
    Why can't we see our own ping in the game?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:23 No.2754614

    Bad company 2 felt more like a battlefield game then 3 does to me, Damn weird feeling and i have no way to explain it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:27 No.2754779
    you can now.
    why you couldnt before, who the fuck knows. dice general
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:30 No.2754937
    I'm actually having fun. Video games what are you doing to me
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:31 No.2754985

    Yeah, the game is like that, objectively you know it shouldn't be fun, but you start playing and you have fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:32 No.2755040
    Just bought bf3 and played a few rouns. How do I add attachments to my weapons and how does the whole unlocking thing work?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:35 No.2755172
    I think the T90 might have a little better acceleration. It's also prone to doing unintentional sharp turns which the M1A1 isn't.

    Semis are less prone to 'jamming' now, you're likely feeling the effect of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:36 No.2755193
    Great patch, everything is much more balanced now.
    Don't listen to these babbies, research it yourself. You'll find the patch was great.

    Finally a reason to use my lovely L85
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:37 No.2755271
    Attachments are unlocked by getting kills with the weapon. They happen every ~20 kills or so.
    To attach them, in the spawns screen go to the "Customize" tab, select the class, weapon slot, and attachment slot to cycle through your available attachments. New items will have an orange triangle in the corner.
    Unlocking is handed by EXP. Any EXP you gain counts toward your overall rank and unlocks all class weapons (PDWs, Shotguns, pistols, specializations, camouflages).
    Class unlocks are earned by gaining EXP while playing as that class, and only while used in infantry combat.
    Vehicle unlocks are earned by gaining EXP while using that vehicle.

    If you are playing Assault and flying a Jet, the EXP you gain counts toward your Rank and the Jet, not toward Assault.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:37 No.2755273
    Bolt action, aim your cross hairs slightly above their head and shoot. It's easy.

    Use TDM for practice. A lot of them are campfests anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:38 No.2755297
    meant to respond to
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:39 No.2755354
    So did this patch finally kill this game?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:41 No.2755426

    It brought it closer to god-tier BF2 balance, so that's for you to decide.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:42 No.2755476
    Thank you. I played a bit of bf2 but that doesn't really help much.

    What is agreed on to be more enjoyable, normal or hardcore games?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:43 No.2755502
    >Heavy Barrel
    Already had a couple of people cry at me about it. Feels good man.

    Only if you believe /v/ and the battleshit forums.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:43 No.2755503

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:43 No.2755523

    I found a jet pilot everybody, No one else would write something like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:56 No.2756091
    Some general tips that everyone should keep in mind:

    Always remember you can pickup a kit and use it real quick, then switch back.
    Just killed a Support? Grab his kit, throw an ammo box down, and switch back. You can refill your ammo and any nearby teammates for some free points. Same with Assaults, they will always have Defib paddles you can use to revive a downed teammate in a pinch.
    And if you see a Support bro tag a tank with C4, but get killed before he detonates, go grab his kit and detonate his C4.

    Once you unlock Squad Specializations, it's polite to always use them.

    Switching to your pistol is faster than reloading, this could save your life in a fight.

    Pistols aren't affected by Suppression.

    Disengage and Displace. Most people aren't smart enough to anticipate their enemy moving without seeing them move with their own eyes. If you can scare someone into cover, change your position. They'll be looking where you were while you are shooting them in the back.

    The newest patch added new minimaps, change to Hybrid, it's the best mode.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:57 No.2756136
    Is it normal that it's sometimes very hard to lock on with the stinger?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:58 No.2756192
    Thanks you I'll try to remember that
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:58 No.2756206
    Rest in peace suppressor attachment, You had a good run.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:59 No.2756226

    >go grab his kit and detonate his C4.

    Or just shoot the C4, bullets will set it off.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:01 No.2756320
    Flares aren't as useful as they were before the patch. Most 1337skillPROpilotXxXMetalGearxXxs have switched the Electronic Counter Measures since they work better.

    You really want to waste time aiming at a tank when you could just clack-clack-boom them?

    That does bring up another tip. Shoot enemy explosives. They'll detonate and you and your team won't have to worry about them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:02 No.2756386
    This update is good and all but AA missiles not having to work properly i.e. not hitting ANYTHING is rustling my jimmies
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:04 No.2756439
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:08 No.2756637
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    >32 player
    >conquest large

    almost every server. wtf?!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:16 No.2756959
    dat m60 + flash suppresor

    many asses have felt the pain
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:17 No.2757013

    M60 is a fucking rape machine since the patch. I'm loving it.

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