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  • Londoners: Thanks for e-mailing! I got ~500 messages and unfortunately only had time to hang out with one person, but glorious British afternoon tea was had. Pic related. Hope to meet more of you next time~

    File: 1332270254.png-(177 KB, 700x719, drawthread.png)
    177 KB Drawthread General: The Next Generation Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:04 No.2156087  
    >More Drawan
    >Dragon Rapan

    Old Thread >>1206735

    Ask for anything! But try and keep it vidya related.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:06 No.2156253
         File: 1332270415.jpg-(53 KB, 800x625, Amaterasu_5.jpg)
    53 KB
    Draw me your interpretation of a human Amaterasu, what does your mind picture for the sun goddess.

    I would love to get a different one from various artists.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:10 No.2156435
         File: 1332270630.jpg-(432 KB, 1872x1352, adele-diva.jpg)
    432 KB
    Could I just get something with Adele in her Diva outfit on the right? Something nice and full body would be swell.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:11 No.2156516
         File: 1332270710.jpg-(223 KB, 463x600, 4390821512_528160acf7_o.jpg)
    223 KB
    REQUESTING Anisette held down on a stage and gangraped by generic faceless men with a daze look on her face either saying "Taking the stage!" or "Darling".
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:15 No.2156710
         File: 1332270921.jpg-(268 KB, 630x724, 8554530.jpg)
    268 KB
    Draw a White Mage with an apron making a sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:16 No.2156779
         File: 1332271008.png-(88 KB, 351x500, de63f87fc121df1245ffdb396404c8(...).png)
    88 KB
    Draw a fluttered Sheik talking with Link but with a visible vibrator in her under her tights.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:18 No.2156863
    Someone draw Squall in a gimp suit and his gunblade replaced with a dildo attached to a pistol grip.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:19 No.2156914
         File: 1332271147.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 35 KB, 786x588, sakuri.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 35 KB
    Can someone draw Sakuri and Lucifer from Demonophobia being bros?

    Ref pic 1/2, Sakuri is that crying girl
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:20 No.2156971
         File: 1332271237.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 65 KB, 800x600, d0063448_4b20c2ed7c9a4.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 65 KB

    2/2, Lucifer
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/20/12(Tue)15:20 No.2156989
    Counting on you lineart bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:23 No.2157104
         File: 1332271399.jpg-(68 KB, 405x743, please rape me.jpg)
    68 KB
    Draw her in only that apron and headdress with a collar around her neck sucking a dick or getting walked.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:28 No.2157376
         File: 1332271720.png-(391 KB, 1430x512, fuck arc in the ass.png)
    391 KB
    Requesting Akiha (Crimson Red Vermillion mode) raping Arc with a strap on in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:30 No.2157459
    youre going to post this in GW2 threads arent you.....
    i would very much like to watch the reactions
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:31 No.2157536
    It will be glorious
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:32 No.2157560
         File: 1332271946.jpg-(88 KB, 353x880, mrsarrow.jpg)
    88 KB
    mrs arrow blowing a kiss
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:33 No.2157623
    ok drawfag im gonna need you to get on this >>2157104
    stat because i really want to see that tripfags reaction
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:34 No.2157674
    eh why not give me some time
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:37 No.2157806
         File: 1332272222.jpg-(918 KB, 1837x2665, bwiiwesternfrontier.jpg)
    918 KB
    Brigadier Betty kicking General Herman in the groin
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:44 No.2158207
         File: 1332272696.jpg-(1.61 MB, 3000x2880, HighCavaliers.jpg)
    1.61 MB
    Requesting gentlemanly male High Cavalier offering his hand to womanly female High Cavalier.
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/20/12(Tue)15:46 No.2158270

    Excuse me you're not me. I'm putting my name on now.

    Still... I wouldn't mind seeing this.


    You... you've been here for months... MONTHS!

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:47 No.2158353
    well ok, since you got a lot of requests before it.
    just ya know IF you could do it i would be grateful
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:48 No.2158378
    I don't mind waiting here, I'll get it sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:49 No.2158421
    But I requested, I would be most grateful. It's like you want to see my request done more than me.
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/20/12(Tue)15:52 No.2158580

    Still I'm curious about this character now. She's from Valkyria Cronicles 2 right? Why is she in a School Uniform? And are the things you want her to say stuff she says in game?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:54 No.2158669
         File: 1332273250.jpg-(150 KB, 638x826, 1330657691127.jpg)
    150 KB
    Lulu from FFX and Morrigan from DA:O switching outfits
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:54 No.2158678
         File: 1332273257.jpg-(49 KB, 406x600, Kuranosuke1293459607.jpg)
    49 KB
    May I request his guy, Kuranosuke, licking his katana and looking a bit psychotic/cocky.

    Blood splatters would be a plus if it's not too much trouble.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:56 No.2158765
         File: 1332273377.png-(453 KB, 800x783, VG.png)
    453 KB
    I can make a tweek here and there if need be, anon. Sleepy time.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:58 No.2158895
         File: 1332273526.jpg-(61 KB, 166x480, Valkyria2newclasses02.jpg)
    61 KB
    >She's from Valkyria Cronicles 2 right?

    >Why is she in a School Uniform?
    She's in a military academy, that's the setting of the game.

    >And are the things you want her to say stuff she says in game?
    Yes, "Darling" is one of her voiced lines that she uses all the time and "Taking the stage" is what she says during battle. I heard it every battle since I took her to every one of them.

    She aims to be an idol and practices dance in her spare time.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:02 No.2159092
    Go the fuck away op you piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:03 No.2159137
         File: 1332273799.png-(352 KB, 815x512, starr.png)
    352 KB
    Starr (blonde) and Missy (brunnette) having an accidental kiss
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:05 No.2159224
         File: 1332273903.jpg-(77 KB, 500x1100, MerrylMGS4-2.jpg)
    77 KB
    there simply arn´t enough metal gear rule 34 out there so
    somebody needs to make some
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/20/12(Tue)16:05 No.2159227
    Stop saving my images please?

    >implying they give a fuck about her.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:05 No.2159236
         File: 1332273910.jpg-(45 KB, 480x272, Anisette_2.jpg)
    45 KB
    >Diligent - Constant hard work pays off, restoring HP.
    >Country Bred - Standing on dirt boosts concentration, raising attack power against infantry, as well as firing accuracy.

    These great potentials

    >"Let's teach them that we are not to be trifled with!"
    >"From the top, with feeling!"
    >"I'll show you what a star can do!"

    These nice battle quotes.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:06 No.2159283
    Sorry, no can do. You understand right?
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/20/12(Tue)16:11 No.2159523

    I see. Sounds like an interesting game. I think my brother has played it but he has a PS3, whereas I do not. I do have a PSP though.


    You understand this is an invitation to hot Rex on Ray action right?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:18 No.2159898
         File: 1332274719.jpg-(109 KB, 1043x436, QWOPSS.jpg)
    109 KB
    QWOP and Octodad having a race.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:18 No.2159907
    i spend A LOT of time in GW2 threads and they always seem to come up with funny ways of bother meriel, its not that i dont even dislike them but their reactions are funny
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:19 No.2159926
         File: 1332274760.jpg-(511 KB, 2617x1987, 1327177995512.jpg)
    511 KB
    "What if ____ was set in a dystopian future?" drawings. Kinda like Protomen

    What franchise that I could think of that may be good:

    Mischief Makers
    Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:20 No.2159983
         File: 1332274859.jpg-(41 KB, 480x272, Randy_2.jpg)
    41 KB
    The first VC is on PS3 and the rest are on psp so you can actually play the second.
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/20/12(Tue)16:21 No.2160006

    Mario in a Dystopian future ruled by mutated Lizards?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:22 No.2160038
    The last thing I'd request is more Mario Fanart

    It has enough
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:23 No.2160098
    but of course
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:30 No.2160470
         File: 1332275456.jpg-(42 KB, 640x564, Metal_gear_yoji_(17).jpg)
    42 KB
    So you know how Metal Gear Ray has a tail right? Well I was thinking, how about it uses it's tail to rub Meryl's pussy.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:31 No.2160495
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:35 No.2160693
         File: 1332275713.png-(106 KB, 700x700, ICantIntoSexy.png)
    106 KB
    Progress! made a few changes to the Original Request if you dont mind
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/20/12(Tue)16:35 No.2160715

    Oh of course.

    Hmmm. Banjo Kazooie in a dystopian future then. I'm not making requests just a bit of discussion.


    No, it needs to use it's tail to rub Rex's Sonar Dish.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:40 No.2161005
    I couldn't see Banjo Kazooie in a dystopian future. Then again, I keep seeing their horrendous new xbox models in Mad Max clothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:40 No.2161047
    hahaha im not even the guy who requested it i just wanted to see it
    but it looks pretty good so fae
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:42 No.2161146
         File: 1332276128.jpg-(84 KB, 660x491, RED_savarin.jpg)
    84 KB
    Could you draw Red Savarin looking at a computer with a smug-ass look on his face?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:44 No.2161253
    Thanks man, I don't see anything to that needs to be tweeked or anything so that's all good.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:47 No.2161441
    Would some kind person, please draw me something?
    It's Phoenix Wright at a table/desk, and there's a bunch of different papers and files strewn about. Phoenix looks tired, and a bit sad. One of the files has a picture of Mia Fey attached to it in a paperclip.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:47 No.2161449
    I don't mind bro, go with our feeling.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:49 No.2161598
         File: 1332276581.png-(1.42 MB, 850x2369, Saria_Artwork.png)
    1.42 MB
    /r/ saria helping Ruto get rid of her fishy smell
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:49 No.2161610
         File: 1332276590.jpg-(797 KB, 3258x2242, Aegis-Wallpaper.jpg)
    797 KB
    Somebody please draw Aigis getting drunk, it's for my research
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:50 No.2161618
         File: 1332276600.jpg-(54 KB, 543x720, shantae.jpg)
    54 KB
    Shantae being triple penetrated by thick tentacles.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:50 No.2161652
         File: 1332276641.jpg-(1.26 MB, 2226x3813, Meg.jpg)
    1.26 MB
    please draw me from rule of rose dry humping some books while making out with a leather bound tome
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:51 No.2161727
         File: 1332276715.jpg-(374 KB, 827x1169, 1330389924079.jpg)
    374 KB
    requesting this nigress from the arkh prject with a hat made of bananas, eating a water melon, and a bunch of starving black babies around her feet, while she punts one away saying "get cho own melon bitch nigga"
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:52 No.2161752
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:53 No.2161816
         File: 1332276797.jpg-(574 KB, 1000x1412, 7e34fb3a2349e97113ebdf86f0050a(...).jpg)
    574 KB
    please draw some yordel race girls from LoL playing with some Elin race girls from Terra
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/20/12(Tue)16:53 No.2161842
    Wasnt this made already in previous thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:54 No.2161883
         File: 1332276854.jpg-(280 KB, 800x772, 1325267581702.jpg)
    280 KB
    please draw lulu, but instead of beltz and zippers
    hold her clothes together with buttons
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:54 No.2161926
         File: 1332276892.jpg-(489 KB, 810x1080, bbfdfb99cf22c19474a3a940938da2(...).jpg)
    489 KB
    /r/ giantess selphie using trains as dildos
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:55 No.2161943
         File: 1332276910.jpg-(620 KB, 893x686, Ggxxacplus_sm_ky1.jpg)
    620 KB
    Draw Dizzy with a condom in her mouth spreading her legs open for Ky's glorious entry into her womb. Use Ky as a convenient censor if you want.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:55 No.2161990
    I don't recall it being made.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:55 No.2161997
         File: 1332276959.jpg-(66 KB, 640x360, Chun_li_in_street_fighter_4.jpg)
    66 KB
    please draw chun li as a red haired freckled girl
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:56 No.2162018
    Why not Sol?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:57 No.2162081
    Because her womb belongs to Ky already and Sol doesn't look like he uses condoms.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:57 No.2162096
         File: 1332277045.png-(327 KB, 379x568, 1330845011027.png)
    327 KB
    draw agatha with a mouth full of golden bugs
    this should be pov style, the viewer standing close to her and looking down
    she should be looking up with the her mouth bugs as though she's offering you some
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:58 No.2162141

    Good luck with it getting made though, heh.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/20/12(Tue)16:59 No.2162218
    Yeah, i think its this one

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:00 No.2162272
    Got a problem with Ky and his glorious dick filled with justice and procreation?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:00 No.2162278
         File: 1332277235.jpg-(92 KB, 450x1100, lo-ming-numara1.jpg)
    92 KB
    please draw ming from Lost Odyssey smashing the twin towers with her tits and laughing
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:01 No.2162349
         File: 1332277301.jpg-(202 KB, 850x960, 94874ca6f7798a34951a4792a1312d(...).jpg)
    202 KB
    please draw vivian and peach sharing a plump mushroom while wearing light summer dresses
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:02 No.2162423
         File: 1332277367.jpg-(288 KB, 491x672, fi_super_hot_xd__by_maniacpain(...).jpg)
    288 KB
    i would like:
    princess zelda eating a blueberry popsicle seductively while Fi watches and squirms
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:04 No.2162496
         File: 1332277441.jpg-(197 KB, 934x1167, 461723.jpg)
    197 KB
    /r/ devola and popola running a train on kaine
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:04 No.2162518
         File: 1332277458.gif-(339 KB, 644x484, WIZARDY.gif)
    339 KB
    I appreciate the effort but I think I'll still keep my request up.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:05 No.2162580
         File: 1332277511.jpg-(261 KB, 373x600, ae9ffe0b81cc2e5d7ee9241eac2fbf(...).jpg)
    261 KB
    /r/ Cereza from Bayonetta one the moon, beating up perverted moon men
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:06 No.2162651
         File: 1332277579.jpg-(12 KB, 180x180, 180px-Itagaki_Thumbs_Up_MNT.jpg)
    12 KB
    please draw itagaki standing over a copy of ninja gaiden three with a solemn expression on his face as he shoots it
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:07 No.2162703
         File: 1332277622.png-(810 KB, 1024x923, Slurper.png)
    810 KB
    /r/ a cute purple slurper giving a pov blow job
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:07 No.2162712
         File: 1332277629.jpg-(457 KB, 1804x1504, hazama-tsubaki.jpg)
    457 KB
    Requesting Hazama bending Tsubaki over a desk with Ouroboros binding her hands.

    Have his hands tightly squeezing her ass and his dick penetrating her ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:08 No.2162778
         File: 1332277706.png-(2.7 MB, 1050x1500, 1329834837816.png)
    2.7 MB
    aeris and tifa playing basketball,
    tifa dunks on aeris, the ball hits her in the stomach
    cloud picks aeris up and drops her in a pool
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:08 No.2162784
    >79 replies
    >only one picture delivered
    Slow down with the requests.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:08 No.2162793
         File: 1332277721.jpg-(46 KB, 480x717, pure maiden novel art.jpg)
    46 KB
    Will still ask for more artwork based on this pure maiden just to have more artwork of her since she doesn't have much.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:09 No.2162857
         File: 1332277781.jpg-(495 KB, 1024x768, 1327018238775.jpg)
    495 KB
    /r/ sheva alomar making a pleased face while several fried chicken legs penises (fried chicken legs as the shafts, two hot biscuits as the balls) shoot hot gravy all over her face
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:11 No.2162957
    One guy spamming requests, you can tell by no capitalization.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:11 No.2162980
         File: 1332277904.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1500x2099, 6035c4a9fa43107a28d1ad2d2e685d(...).jpg)
    1.11 MB
    /r/ Bridget doing manly things
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:16 No.2163290
         File: 1332278216.jpg-(64 KB, 420x420, sey it 2 or face bro.jpg)
    64 KB
    look like i have 2 take mattar into my hand

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:18 No.2163369
         File: 1332278295.jpg-(507 KB, 1680x1050, lulu.jpg)
    507 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:19 No.2163462
    not that guy but thanks broski
    i like it
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:22 No.2163598
    There are tons of r34 for Snake
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:22 No.2163604
    I need a BADASS picture of Rondo of Blood era Richter Belmont and Maria Renard fighting Dracula together.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:23 No.2163645
    It isn't the best thing I've seen, but I see you gave it your best shot

    However, you've got a problem with portraying depth and proportions. Work on it a little harder. Also improving on your shading may improve portraying depth

    But, again, thanks for the effort
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:25 No.2163795
         File: 1332278744.png-(458 KB, 710x1237, up butt uppercut.png)
    458 KB
    lets see you draw it shitdick
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:31 No.2164135
         File: 1332279061.jpg-(69 KB, 742x520, cookieman shot ninga geyser tr(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:31 No.2164161
         File: 1332279095.png-(89 KB, 612x597, YOUIDIOT.png)
    89 KB
    >Getting butthurt over valid criticism that one could take in account so they can improve their work

    It's like I'm on deviantart

    It's like if a game developer bitching at someone who criticizes their game and says, "WELL Y DUN U MAEK A GAEMS, HUH?!"

    Expect shit flung at your work, or you'll never improve
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:31 No.2164165
    Calm down, it's not like he insulted your work, or called it shit. He was only trying to provide constructive criticism. And I do agree that, that could use some refining with the proportions and shading, unless that was a super quick doodle. So calm down. We're all friends here.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:31 No.2164174
         File: 1332279112.png-(412 KB, 700x700, ICantIntoSexy.png)
    412 KB
    and done, man i need to learn how to color....and draw better
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:32 No.2164194
    Seconding this.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:32 No.2164224
    that was me, not the draw friend
    cry some more cry babby
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:33 No.2164252
         File: 1332279194.jpg-(13 KB, 441x408, 8].jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:34 No.2164313
         File: 1332279257.gif-(1.35 MB, 400x400, GetOut.gif)
    1.35 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:41 No.2164741
         File: 1332279682.png-(778 KB, 1572x984, shake.png)
    778 KB
    Draw Hazama and Johnny shaking hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:49 No.2165181

    Ya blew it.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:50 No.2165241
         File: 1332280245.jpg-(98 KB, 961x522, no w8 i have 2 win 4 the amerc(...).jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:51 No.2165280
         File: 1332280281.jpg-(521 KB, 1680x1050, Untitled-2.jpg)
    521 KB
    >mfw that dude's face look derpy
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:52 No.2165338

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:55 No.2165554
         File: 1332280552.png-(812 KB, 996x680, aliasse.png)
    812 KB
    Requesting Aliasse on her back spread out with one hand gesturing to come here.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:05 No.2166075

    I forgot about the joke where people would post pictures of Itagaki's face superimposed on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:31 No.2167416
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:33 No.2167560
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:35 No.2167641
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:41 No.2168026
         File: 1332283307.jpg-(684 KB, 1800x1916, completely vidya related and c(...).jpg)
    684 KB
    New thread so let's not let old stuff drag on. Okay, bare with me here, requesting Velvet rubbing her face against Hindel's body and rubbing his pulsating dragon cock affectively.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:42 No.2168039
    Not the artist. But I am an artist. And I have to say that there is a time and place for criticism. Even if it IS constructive. There are times when people just wish to draw and not have to give a fuck about whatever is wrong. That's the only reason I come to draw threads on /v/ or /vg/. Because it's just about being silly. Not about working on the craft.

    I also found that reception is more critical when people can tell that you've put effort into something. And almost never critical if you just put something out with no effort. Which is just a strange thing that happens. I don't take offense personally, because I know people only wish to see the results equal the mount of effort.

    Still, let this just be a haven to have fun without worrying about proportions or perspective or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:43 No.2168131
    Sauce for pics?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:44 No.2168194
    Odin Sphere
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:55 No.2168825
    >odin sphere had three dragons

    I bet you have one for all of them right?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:58 No.2169037
    Four but finding a reference for Leventhan is difficult and he's bigger than all of the other three combined. But I have one in mind for the other three.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:22 No.2170259
         File: 1332285741.jpg-(326 KB, 1796x1100, judge Night.jpg)
    326 KB
    /r/ing Richter sitting in a nice comfortable chair with Judith wearing his outfit sitting on the arm. Just a general interaction works fine. Him at a desk and her sitting on top of desk works too.
    >> Drawnon 03/20/12(Tue)19:22 No.2170287
         File: 1332285774.jpg-(384 KB, 1000x1000, antoinette.jpg)
    384 KB
    Do you actually like that character? Or is this some elaborate trolling attempt. Anyway, didn't like the last one I did, so here's another attempt
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:31 No.2170797
         File: 1332286316.jpg-(296 KB, 800x600, 1324267352914.jpg)
    296 KB
    An edited version of this, except with palutena instead of illias. Are you up to the challange drawfags?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:34 No.2170938
         File: 1332286488.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 293 KB, 700x583, CuteGirl.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 293 KB
    Not that gentleman, but I'd like to thank you. Not my favorite character, but always nice to see some YMK artwork.

    He's probably just being facetious. Doesn't matter, gets some YMK discussion going in the VN thread, I suppose!
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:44 No.2171405
    404 general
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:12 No.2172731
         File: 1332288746.jpg-(81 KB, 650x613, 829d1ac409b6c5cb28db5b2b73410f(...).jpg)
    81 KB
    Draw Onyx forcing attempting to rape Gwendolyn.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:17 No.2172986
         File: 1332289030.png-(176 KB, 868x1020, 1308672727908.png)
    176 KB
    Wondering if the artist for this was around these parts? Hopefully it could get finished somehow.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:20 No.2173146
         File: 1332289215.jpg-(265 KB, 592x1286, 457344-ingrid.jpg)
    265 KB
    Requesting Ingrid on the ground with her legs spread covering her pussy with that lollipop.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:24 No.2173350
         File: 1332289477.jpg-(716 KB, 2196x1748, deadliestonwii.jpg)
    716 KB
    Just got a badass image in my head, draw Travis Touchdown clashing his beam katana against Jack's chainsaw with sparks flying.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:26 No.2173404
         File: 1332289566.gif-(62 KB, 850x1000, Mw-jack-cayman1.gif)
    62 KB

    Another image of Jack
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:28 No.2173528
         File: 1332289705.jpg-(27 KB, 600x340, memory-lane-um-jammer-lammy.jpg)
    27 KB
    Request: Lammy from Um Jammer Lammy taking a bong hit.

    >Implying it doesn't fit her
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)20:30 No.2173636
         File: 1332289834.png-(93 KB, 1280x862, brigcar.png)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:06 No.2175668
         File: 1332291975.jpg-(586 KB, 864x950, rosalina.jpg)
    586 KB
    Requesting Rosalina in this exact pose, but being fucked. With her arms being pulled back, and her sticking her salivating tongue out.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:11 No.2175984
    >redraw this picture for me, also, i want a specific character at an angle that won't show their face, please do this for me, my handlers will be back soon

    i like it
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:15 No.2176186
         File: 1332292515.jpg-(671 KB, 2740x1520, kings.jpg)
    671 KB
    Requesting Algol(SCV) sitting in his throne like in image with Gill descending down in front of him with his six wings.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:15 No.2176214
    Hey, you, I like you
    No homo
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:31 No.2177018
         File: 1332293472.jpg-(20 KB, 681x494, UR TOO SLOW.jpg)
    20 KB
    Pit fucking palutena in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
    cant be that hard can it?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:39 No.2177491
    You know, you can probably find something like that by browsing a few pages of rule34.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:43 No.2177713
         File: 1332294230.jpg-(17 KB, 229x185, upsettoad.jpg)
    17 KB
    404 general? 404 general
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:00 No.2178604
    What happened to the guy who wanted tit requests? He never said anything after that and I feel sort of cheated.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:02 No.2178745
         File: 1332295373.jpg-(120 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:03 No.2178806
         File: 1332295435.png-(Spoiler Image, 28 KB, 792x583, Untitled.png)
    Spoiler Image, 28 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:23 No.2179748
         File: 1332296620.jpg-(281 KB, 1280x800, boomboobs.jpg)
    281 KB
    Boom boom pow check dem towers!
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:27 No.2179916
    You aren't the guy who asked for tit requests yesterday, are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:31 No.2180134
         File: 1332297063.jpg-(65 KB, 570x850, lo-cooke-face.jpg)
    65 KB
    my nigga
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:35 No.2180329
         File: 1332297320.jpg-(50 KB, 420x420, 1264985914469.jpg)
    50 KB
    >Draw X and Y, maybe doing Z but if not that's okay too. You can add your own flair if you like, background isn't important or anything. Here are clear, big and detailed examples of the character. Thank you for your time
    >0 responses
    >631 renditions, several accepted into the Guggenheim.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:39 No.2180530
    >waaaaaah, nobody will draw my request of two jrp characters wearing each other's clothes
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:47 No.2180923

    I don't wanna draw a bunch of retards standing around like jackasses, I wanna draw something stupid and fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:51 No.2181097
    >> Drawnon 03/20/12(Tue)23:04 No.2181767
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:04 No.2181773
    Anybody working on anything now?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:04 No.2181774
    any boobs from yesterday yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:05 No.2181858
    Nope, guy haven't say a work.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:23 No.2182742
         File: 1332300235.jpg-(241 KB, 1620x832, cold war in space.jpg)
    241 KB
    Requesting the Fury from Metal Gear Solid's Cobra Unit versus Captain Vladimir from No More Heroes, the third ranked assassin in Desperate Struggle. They are battling in the atmospheric reentry to Earth.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:28 No.2182939
         File: 1332300490.png-(702 KB, 1196x1172, Samael the Angel defiler.png)
    702 KB
    Requesting Samael with his tail wrapped around Angel's tight little body with the end of it penetrating her.
    >> Drawnon 03/20/12(Tue)23:34 No.2183228
    Id love to see this request done, I doubt I could do it justice
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:34 No.2183267
    Yes, I have a strong interest in the character, which is more than I can say for her evil naysayers who spend time jacking off to guro of little girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:36 No.2183359
    I already hit two outs with this request. First Homeless does that joke one of them burning up in space and another drawbro says he would do it and bailed on me a year ago.
    >> Drawnon 03/20/12(Tue)23:37 No.2183401
    >that joke one of them burning up in space

    I need to see this
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:37 No.2183405
         File: 1332301060.jpg-(334 KB, 1508x900, gg.jpg)
    334 KB
    Requesting Lillet in her pajamas and Amoretta either naked or in sexy lingerie cuddling in the same bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:38 No.2183450
    Thanks. Even if you have doubts about my disposition, I do still appreciate more artwork and the other one wasn't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:42 No.2183646
    could you samefag any harder
    you are so fucking needy i hope it never gets drawn
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:44 No.2183740
         File: 1332301481.png-(228 KB, 1061x759, Earth.png)
    228 KB
    Here, I get depressed every time I look at it.

    I almost had someone pick it up last thread but I think this image confused them away because Homeless posts it every time he sees my request.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:45 No.2183772
    If I was that drawbro I would have drawn my own request by now, what are you talking about?
    >> Drawnon 03/20/12(Tue)23:45 No.2183789
    That is hilarious though. I love it even if it is a joke
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:48 No.2183913
    It was funny at first but then you see it again and again and it gets less funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:52 No.2184068
         File: 1332301962.jpg-(54 KB, 366x300, Gwen-Oswald-Alice.jpg)
    54 KB
    Requesting Alice standing on a footstool or something holding the mistletoe over Gwen and Oswald, who are both in santa costumes.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)00:00 No.2184368
    Hey lineart bro.

    Did you manage to fix the fce of my reuests? Or youre kinda busy witht he waves of requests in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:15 No.2184997
         File: 1332303340.jpg-(489 KB, 800x800, Untitled-999.jpg)
    489 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:17 No.2185091
    not that guy
    but well done
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:18 No.2185163
         File: 1332303527.jpg-(192 KB, 560x800, mabinogi_nao_C.jpg)
    192 KB
    I'm gonna need to request Marielx's avatar getting spanked in front of a blackboard with a correct sentence or stop being a faggot on it by Nao.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:19 No.2185175
         File: 1332303542.png-(17 KB, 200x200, 1326441810131.png)
    17 KB

    You too.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:19 No.2185207
    Wow that's good.

    Yeah I kinda agree. In both the lack of art of it and your request subject. I would like to try it, but I feel that it is far out of my league and I have like 4 other works that I took here that I need to finish. But I hope one day someone will give that a go!

    Going back and forth between yours and other pieces, and I kinda fixed up your eyes. They look a little on the kawaii uguu side though so I might have to mess with it some more.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:20 No.2185247
    OR here, thanks broman. My vision is fulfilled thanks to you and I couldn't have done it without you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:20 No.2185259
         File: 1332303649.jpg-(30 KB, 394x599, 394px-Impressive.jpg)
    30 KB
    >mfw the Earth is geographically correct
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:24 No.2185398
    I'll just keep going at it, I don't want the image of them just burning up in reentry to be the image in my mind of my request.

    The Earth is pretty to look at in the picture just them burning up doesn't sit well.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:48 No.2186493
         File: 1332305300.jpg-(1.38 MB, 1968x1968, Purge.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    Draw Aoto and Hikari Gojo with their hands on Cocona's shoulder's making her feel uncomfortable or them doing something equally uncomfortable in nature. All after purging.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:57 No.2186959
         File: 1332305879.jpg-(134 KB, 576x791, mads.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)00:58 No.2187001
    I request a Nu Mou beastmaster ( Pic related ) playing around with cute looking Chocobos and Tonberrys.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:00 No.2187063
         File: 1332306023.jpg-(39 KB, 501x437, 501px-Ffta-nu-mou-beastmaster.jpg)
    39 KB

    Well THAT was embarrassing.

    Actual pic related.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)01:13 No.2187638
    Try to find a middle point between cute and cool if you can, also thanks a lot for all the effort youre putting into this, i really appreciate it.

    I will try to color it later, tried in pain and failed horribly tho.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:16 No.2187808
    Anyone working on anything? Feels so quiet in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:17 No.2187870
         File: 1332307038.jpg-(1.68 MB, 2604x3695, rin and saber.jpg)
    1.68 MB
    draw Saber getting punched in the belly with Rin's lips
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:18 No.2187938
    Color what now? If you're talking about that pic I already got the flats down. Would you rather me just give you the lineart?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:18 No.2187946
    Go to /a/request spammer.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:24 No.2188179
    What, I had no idea I was posting that request in /a/

    Unless you're just talking about how you think they're not vidya related which they are COUGH COUGH Fate Unlimited Codes

    Now get lost faggot
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)01:24 No.2188193
    Dunno what you mean but if you are the same drawbro and you think i asked you to color it then youre wrong, im not THAT pushy, ill find my way, just need the face better, its not like you will work on that image for days.

    Even i would be sick of it, dont want to annoy you... that much.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:28 No.2188329

    Ya know what, fuck it. I've seen you make that request in every single drawthread for months without a single fucking response. I'm drawing it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:28 No.2188337
         File: 1332307717.jpg-(605 KB, 1052x744, 17441952.jpg)
    605 KB
    /r/ Rachel licking Platinum's armpits.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:29 No.2188357
    No your lack of punctuation and capitalization looks just like the request spammer from earlier. You both type the same way.

    And on the subject of it being vidya related, everything is vidya if fags like you have your way. There was a awesome Toy Story game, still not vidya related though you fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:35 No.2188558
    Newsflash Fate/Stay Night was VN which is an honorary form of game before it ever hit anime so it's not even necessarily /a/ if anything would have been closer to /jp/ shit but I don't post on either of those boards

    And then it has some fighting games

    Plus it's based on a meme for fighting game threads so there

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:35 No.2188570
    Spy from TF2 taking Lili from Tekken out on a date in Paris.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:36 No.2188625
         File: 1332308189.png-(116 KB, 757x779, dfghdfghdf.png)
    116 KB
    I am the same drawfriend lol. But if you want the lineart then I'll just post that. I just typically put out the sloppy lineart just as a WIP and to notify that I'm doing it, but I usually always try to finish it(ie. touch-ups, coloring, shading etc.).

    ...Now that I think about it I should really just say WIP when I post my 'lineart'.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:38 No.2188679
    Go to /a/, you have a better chance or there. You are a confirmed faggot and best join your people.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:39 No.2188721
    Go to hell, you have a better chance going there than you do anywhere else in life you shitty faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:39 No.2188723
    /r/-ing pacman running with a toast in mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:39 No.2188727

    You are too most of a bro to take abuse from that tripfaggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:42 No.2188813
    Sound pretty mad bro, think you should just go bacl to where you belong.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:43 No.2188872
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:43 No.2188873
    Didn't think anyone was paying any attention to me over those months.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:45 No.2188940
    I'm telling you to go back to /a/ or hell go to /jp/ and get your non-vidya related fateshit. Extra is the only game I see from you fatefaggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:45 No.2188950
    fuck off mexican scum.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:47 No.2189017
    >not vidya
    you reek of autism,
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:47 No.2189024
    Someone draw a mexican in that maid outfit getting beat by anonymous men.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:48 No.2189053
    I see what happened, I meant it for this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:52 No.2189186
    Looks like you're the dumbshit who replied the wrong post, look how stupid you look, how much integrity does your observation even have if you can't even pay attention to that, faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:53 No.2189223
    >Not Unlimited Codes
    It's cool, you should check it out.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:53 No.2189250
    >can't punctuation or capitalization

    You and him can't seem to do either.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:54 No.2189258
    Isn't there an entire board for this?

    just saiyan
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:55 No.2189306
    Played, fun as shit but just like dragonballz games and Naruto games, it isn't vidya related. Is every movie vidya related since they all have games, no so this shit isn't either.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:57 No.2189396
    Thank you for the bro compliment <3. And I didn't think he was pushing me around, but I will make sure to defend myself if he gets too rough lol...

    Also sorry for the late reply my internet dropped for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:01 No.2189531

    That tripfaggot is being a total dick to you. First he claims you need to be "redeemed" and next he rushes the fuck out of you. He's coming off as an obnoxious fuck to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:03 No.2189581
    Btw, do you have a blog or a website, I would like to see more of your art.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:06 No.2189685
         File: 1332310005.png-(10 KB, 370x482, hz610_10.png)
    10 KB
    I think this means I need to try harder!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:14 No.2189914
    I don't think that tit guy is coming back, we've been had.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:23 No.2190151
    I can substitute and draw a tit or two, i have some time. What ya need?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:25 No.2190235
         File: 1332311134.png-(502 KB, 823x1646, NaomiPromo.png)
    502 KB
    Well this was my request from yesterday. Since Naomi almost has her tits exposed, draw Navel cupping her breasts.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:26 No.2190251
         File: 1332311167.png-(93 KB, 419x499, Navel.png)
    93 KB
    and Navel
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:27 No.2190293
         File: 1332311247.jpg-(701 KB, 2064x1428, Martel and the miracle tits of(...).jpg)
    701 KB
    I wanted Martel titjob through the tit window or just Mithos sucking on his sister's tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:27 No.2190298
    Could someone draw a really fat jack from mass effect?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:27 No.2190307
    Yeah I did notice the redeem part and trust me I was going to say something about it, but it turns out it was a simple misunderstanding. And I actually didn't think he was trying to rush me. That or I misread it but no matter lol.

    Well I don't have a blog or website but I do have a deviantart.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:28 No.2190313
         File: 1332311286.jpg-(172 KB, 1280x800, MadJoe.jpg)
    172 KB
    doodled this for my bro

    no other place to put it so here take it /vg/

    Sniper Joe in madmax
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:33 No.2190497
         File: 1332311632.jpg-(59 KB, 720x960, 310086_310222342377180_1000016(...).jpg)
    59 KB

    Still new to drawing stuff, only my second time sitting down and drawing stuff..

    The top of the head and the jaw came out horribly wrong and i messed up the hand too many times, got angry at myself and decided to stop before i accidentally destroyed the drawing=/
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:34 No.2190502
         File: 1332311640.jpg-(725 KB, 2180x1500, vanessa reference.jpg)
    725 KB
    I heard tits so requesting some.

    Draw Vanessa with a clothes malfunction around her tit area.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:34 No.2190518
         File: 1332311676.jpg-(279 KB, 500x656, Leslie2.jpg)
    279 KB
    A Leslie clothing malfunction near her tit area works too.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:47 No.2190939
    Doing titty job on this one.
    Pretty good for a second time. If youre willing to learn, take a break from your drawing for half an hour, then return, and you may see what you dont like/ what isnt working in your drawing. Dont be afraid to sacrifice parts of the drawing. Make this one a learning sketch, take a new paper and draw the same one only with fixes.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:53 No.2191150

    Thanks, I'll remember that.

    Too early right now to begin, but I'll probably re-do it later today.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:53 No.2191153
    How about Lilith from Borderlands
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)02:54 No.2191186
         File: 1332312862.png-(187 KB, 413x450, NaomiNavel.png)
    187 KB
    Is Navel still included?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:02 No.2191496
    Yes. Are these characters from persona or something, i dont play much of japanese games, but the lady looks classy. What archetype is she?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:08 No.2191689
         File: 1332313692.jpg-(62 KB, 620x350, kimi-620x.jpg)
    62 KB
    Trauma Team, she's medical forensics expert and he's special investigator. She's a cool type and also likes children well enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:18 No.2192052
         File: 1332314303.jpg-(142 KB, 600x600, 1326578950831.jpg)
    142 KB

    Malon teasing Princess Ruto for being flat chested.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)03:19 No.2192098
    Hmmm someone needs to find a way to change that nose, its awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:20 No.2192141
         File: 1332314454.jpg-(296 KB, 720x960, 1.jpg)
    296 KB
    I'm here to help you. Getting angry is a good way of improving yourself, that's what drive me to do better.

    >The top of the head
    Look at (1) - before you draw, draw a basic structure of the skull. This defines the top and bottom of the head, effectively stopping the hair from being too thick. The skull is not pointy at the top, hence the hair should be an elegant, curved dome.

    > the jaw came out horribly wrong
    (2) - Determine the position of the head - is she looking at the viewer directly? Or is her head tilted to one side? Here, I assume that she is looking at the viewer directly. In this case, the two side of the jaw should be symmetrical, once again, drawing the basic skull will help you.

    (3) hair too thick at the side

    (4) neck too long

    (5) shoulder too sharp would not bang

    (6) curves of the boobs imply one is bigger than another

    (7) drawing hands may seem like torture, but do it anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:22 No.2192179
         File: 1332314532.jpg-(353 KB, 720x960, 2.jpg)
    353 KB
    Here's a shitty redline I did, I may have made more mistake than you did but that should put you on the right track.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)03:26 No.2192320
    Woah suddenly all these post showed up.

    Well, as i said i am not trying to be pushy, i am being pushy please tell me.

    Second, i find hilarious i request ONE thing, then its followed by 5-6 requests of r34, they seem to be the pushy ones in my opinion.

    Also it is a request, you just are being kind enough to take it, its not like your forced to keep it up. (but please do)

    Thanks for all your effort by the way, you rock.

    Funny how they are all in love with r34 but when i start getting a request don it all "GTFO" and "fuck him dont do anything for him", just saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:27 No.2192335

    Wow, thanks guys. Really appreciate it.

    Will be sure to save those pictures/advices so i remember how to improve.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)03:29 No.2192404
    >i am being pushy please tell me.
    IF i am being pushy please tell me.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:30 No.2192419
    Keep going, bro. I once took a badly drawn rule 34 I spent an hour on to /ic/. Within 5 minutes someone redlined it - and the redline itself looked so nice that it could have been the final lineart for a professional artist.

    I was mad as fuck and also very jelly. I hate and love that fucking nigger for driving me to improve since then.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:40 No.2192751

    Hehe yeah, i know how that feels.

    Although I'm not too mad about my drawings. Since its only the second time I've sat down and decided to draw something, the first time just being a bunch of Pokémon's on some small pieces of paper..

    I think it turned out alright, but i know i have a lot of improvement to do still, which pushes me towards becoming better.

    So yeah, thank you for the input, it helped a lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:44 No.2192865
    Dude you're still being a faggot, an obnoxious cunt if you will.

    >Hmmm someone needs to find a way to change that nose, its awful.

    Comments like this are proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:48 No.2192985
    Sup drawbros. I got a new tablet today, but Photoshop isn't recognizing the pen pressure feature. This has happened with the last 3 tablets I've owned. Drivers are up to date, etc. Any ideas what's up? Soon as I get this fixed, or get Flash working, I'll start doing requests.

    Or hear of an alternate program I can use. Preferablly free, and can create Flash Cartoons.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)03:53 No.2193108
    Im sorry, but i REALLY dont like the face, and excuse me for being able criticize a drawing, everything else is WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS, BEAUTIFUL if you want me to say it like that, but in my opinion the face needs to be changed.

    And again, its a request, if he doesnt want to he will not draw, but i really dont see the point of you meddling acting overprotective.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:56 No.2193229
         File: 1332316591.png-(443 KB, 659x792, 1331885570136.png)
    443 KB
    Someone just had an idea of dota 2 Spectre 30 dicks gangbang(her+5 illusions).
    Would be fun to see that.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:58 No.2193289
         File: 1332316724.jpg-(88 KB, 641x376, pacmantoast.jpg)
    88 KB
    i know it's not in the medium you want but i found this request so amusing i did it in 3ds swapnote
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:00 No.2193330
    No you're being a cunt, why didn't you say face change when he first posted it when you cried about a hair change? You bought this on yourself by presenting yourself as a faggot the moment you entered these threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:00 No.2193349
         File: 1332316845.jpg-(74 KB, 466x279, owaridayowirysama.jpg)
    74 KB
    marielx? weren't you banned for being annoying
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:02 No.2193395
    Shit, guess they'll have to delay season 2 of GoT now.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)04:03 No.2193419
    The second he posted it i told him "Its amazing, thank you, but the face is kinda weird", he had to go to sleep tho.

    Now youre making up stuff, quite sad you have to resort to that...

    The hair one was not a complain and it was not for me, it was a r34 pic requested by someone which i was glad the hair was wrongly made, get your info right before posting
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)04:08 No.2193562

    Also stop stop stop everyone, this is no place to start discussion, i really dont know why that guy wants to start a fight in a draw thread but i will now go wait patiently for my request till it gets done.. if it gets done.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:13 No.2193724
    no way dude you're in the fuckin danger zone now

    you stepped into the broiler room and now its time to make things heat up

    shit nigga you just didnt know when to quit and now it's too legit to quit

    get ready for some action packed fury
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:15 No.2193763
         File: 1332317729.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 378 KB, 800x800, anisette copy.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 378 KB

    Well originally I didn't want to do it since I didn't want to start off the first drawthread of /vg/ with gangbanging, Seeing as mods were cracking down on /v/ drawthreads for porn. Also, she doesn't have as much meat on her bones as I like, but honestly you're so persistent I felt a little bad about ignoring you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:44 No.2194515

    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)04:45 No.2194529
    Draw a koala playing videogames.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:52 No.2194692
         File: 1332319961.jpg-(34 KB, 720x450, Kaaolo playing videogames.jpg)
    34 KB

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:54 No.2194740
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:18 No.2195403
    Every time you step up it will be on like chicken bones brah. You are my enemy and I will break you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:33 No.2195858
    Thanks bro, I wanted to at least keep trying but I didn't want to come off as pushy or anything so that's why I kept quiet for so long. But then people though I was just a mindless robot built to request this in every thread so I thought I would at least bump to prove I'm human.

    I appreciate the hell out of you, my long journey has come to an end until I request another piece of VC2 art, seems nothing liked the game.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)05:42 No.2196110
    >no color
    Dude... put some effort at least!

    Also dat koala.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:45 No.2196175
    Still here, I told ya brah, I told ya to stop being a faggot. Bet you're beating off to the attention you whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:49 No.2196286
         File: 1332323371.jpg-(331 KB, 1000x900, Naomi Navel.jpg)
    331 KB
    Special delivery!
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)05:58 No.2196508
    I still remember when you guys tried to make the first drawbro thread in /vg/, you pretty much got kicked out.

    Its good to see thing are better now, and that requests are being done.

    Last bump of the day, goodnight.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)06:00 No.2196572
         File: 1332324018.jpg-(339 KB, 1024x1024, travis desperate.jpg)
    339 KB
    >Be a drawfaggot
    >No request stimulates you enough to start making it.

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)06:00 No.2196578
         File: 1332324032.jpg-(37 KB, 720x450, Kaaolo playing videogames.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)06:01 No.2196606
    You there

    Yes you

    Youre a fucking genius and I want MORE
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)06:06 No.2196754
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)07:32 No.2199647
         File: 1332329556.jpg-(228 KB, 1000x900, Fast.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:15 No.2200941
         File: 1332332155.png-(111 KB, 246x256, 1331920506085.png)
    111 KB
    I've known that feeling, sir.
    I don't like it.

    Draw some big booty bitches, or whatever strikes your fancy, if nothing in the thread works for you.

    It's still nice to see things even if they aren't 100% filling out requests from the thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:19 No.2201031
         File: 1332332360.jpg-(24 KB, 320x438, colin laugh.jpg)
    24 KB
    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:27 No.2201238
         File: 1332332856.jpg-(186 KB, 732x504, chun li.jpg)
    186 KB
    /r/ chun li working in marshall law's restaurant "marshall china"
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:45 No.2201660
         File: 1332333903.jpg-(6 KB, 150x150, shirley pilotwings.jpg)
    6 KB
    Draw something with this girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:47 No.2201719
    >> ILoveDrawing !NJTLqI.tKM 03/21/12(Wed)08:53 No.2201901
         File: 1332334434.png-(174 KB, 1202x395, something with this girl.png)
    174 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:55 No.2201958
         File: 1332334530.png-(166 KB, 264x452, 264px-S5-Joe.png)
    166 KB
    Joe from DeSu 2 dancing electrically
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:59 No.2202065
         File: 1332334768.jpg-(69 KB, 700x630, deus ex.jpg)
    69 KB
    Just draw whatever you like then, like me, until something of interest comes up.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:06 No.2202237
         File: 1332335196.jpg-(349 KB, 704x700, shake'n bake'n bootyquake'n.jpg)
    349 KB

    Another requester gone long without answer. I take pity on thee.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:09 No.2202317
    I lold
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:13 No.2202436
    That expression is priceless.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:25 No.2202805
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:55 No.2203678
         File: 1332338103.jpg-(434 KB, 900x1125, deus ex2.jpg)
    434 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:10 No.2205968
    OR here, you are damn incredible bro. Loved Naomi and Navel in the game and forensics was one of the best damn things in Trauma Team, even if it didn't have much replay value but the stories were awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:14 No.2206083
    >dat filename

    Goddamnit thank you man.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:14 No.2206125
    I wouldn't mind your pity.
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/21/12(Wed)11:21 No.2206346

    I am glad, glad that this has finally been done. The requester has been so patient and understanding. Drawfag you are a star.

    And as for the porn... well as long as everything is spoilered and not drawn attention too it may be ok. We've not gone down in flames yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:34 No.2206803
         File: 1332344097.jpg-(162 KB, 670x688, starrandchieftain.jpg)
    162 KB
    Requesting the Starr interviewing Chieftain
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:37 No.2206903
    >Requesting Starr interviewing Chieftain
    god I hate my grammar
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:43 No.2207121
         File: 1332344636.png-(18 KB, 179x304, test.png)
    18 KB
    You reminded me that I was working on a rule 34 from that game but never finished it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:53 No.2207473
         File: 1332345222.png-(1.2 MB, 1832x1811, fdsgsdfgdsfg.png)
    1.2 MB
    Finished with everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:53 No.2207478
         File: 1332345226.jpg-(537 KB, 1200x1080, FF.jpg)
    537 KB
    Here you go.
    No prob, took me 3 hours that one, trying to find a faster aproach now.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:55 No.2207520
         File: 1332345309.png-(837 KB, 1313x1254, fghfghfghgh.png)
    837 KB
    Sorry if this one didn't look so great. The hardest thing I had to deal with was Crow's face. Tried my best. Though I had the most fun with this,
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:56 No.2207553
         File: 1332345374.png-(Spoiler Image, 164 KB, 690x678, gfdsgsdfgsdf.png)
    Spoiler Image, 164 KB
    Aaaand last one
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:56 No.2207560
         File: 1332345383.jpg-(90 KB, 1024x768, thosekremlingsman.jpg)
    90 KB

    >Took 3 hours
    >Makes that sound bad

    Sheet man if I could draw that well in 3 hours I'd be laughing.

    Saying that though I've seen people do stunning work in like 30 minutes. I just don't know how they do it. Even something like this took me over an hour and it's really fucking basic compared to some of the drawing here.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:04 No.2207802
    >dat stab in the gut

    Good show bro, my omega wincest need is done and Patroklos still looks fabulous.

    And my regular wincest need is done too, thanks both of you.
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)12:04 No.2207810
         File: 1332345849.png-(465 KB, 800x600, Metal_Gear_D_specs.png)
    465 KB
    Oh man i just thought of something
    Can somebody draw Metal Gear D fighting a Metal Gear Ray, seriously this needs to be done.
    oh and im not working on any request but i can take one after im done with a pic i will post here soon.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:07 No.2207946
    Well you can too, its just a question of time until you get good at something as long as you keep doing it over and over. If youre going digitally then theres the hardware/software knowledge aswell. If that took you an hour, so next time youd need to do something similar would take you quite less, since youd probably wouldnt make same mistakes again. I know your pain man.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:10 No.2208052
    Didn't know you were still working on this so this is a great surprise. Thank you drawbro.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:13 No.2208160
    Great I actually was a bit worried you left until I saw another request that seemed similar to the previous one. And I didn't mean it when I said I might finish it(as soon as I posted the maybe my head told me I had to finish it lol) so very sorry about that.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:15 No.2208250

    Yes. I do need more practice. I've been a bit apathetic at drawing and busy in other areas but I shall take up the tablet pen tomorrow I think.

    Of course when it comes to the requests here. I've only drawn porn for myself, once, and it wasn't very good. I don't think I could do any of it justice. But I'd be more than happy to take silly requests as long as people didn't mind them looking like ass.

    Tomorrow though. No time today!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:15 No.2208251
    That was mine too, I really just lurk the threads anywhere since I like the stuff coming out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:21 No.2208427
         File: 1332346863.gif-(1.15 MB, 320x240, THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME THING(...).gif)
    1.15 MB


    I was never expecting this ! Thanks Man !
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:32 No.2208880
    anyone working on this?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:38 No.2209075

    >Less than 4 hours from posting.

    Dude I know you hope your request is done and it's great to see you have an interest in it, but you need to give these things time sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:39 No.2209116
    Draw Male Sheik punching Aonuma in the face, would you kindly?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:56 No.2209672
         File: 1332348967.jpg-(419 KB, 1000x900, Duel.jpg)
    419 KB
    Was fun, that MGD design is pretty cool, i love old stuff like this.
    im pretty lazy myself, to be honest. These threads what are what keeps me drawing, sometimes i go to /ic/ , ive found out /i/ aswell, lots of cool work there aswell, and animations how they do it! If it wasnt for 4 chan, id be sitting and masturbating and watching youtube.

    No prob mate, fun characters. Im bad at creating critters like these myself, so was fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:02 No.2209848
         File: 1332349348.png-(903 KB, 965x471, 82961555yg7.png)
    903 KB
    I have kinda of a hard request, i would like Alien Kid(right) to throw a disc for Alien Dog(left) to catch. If anyone does this i will maybe use this for a playmat for the world to see.
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)13:05 No.2209925
         File: 1332349500.jpg-(82 KB, 850x595, Namnlöst-1hfg5 kopiera.jpg)
    82 KB
    Thank you mate.
    that was awsome.
    you´re the man.
    and it seems like im almost ready to take a request
    and as you can see i am no pro at this.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:18 No.2210394
    Not the OR, but nice delivery.
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/21/12(Wed)13:35 No.2211019
         File: 1332351334.jpg-(45 KB, 528x258, header_408_sam__max_beyond_tim(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    Must... resist...

    Oh dammit I can't.

    Requesting, but not minding if no one draws; Either Sam kicking Satan in the groin while Max chews on Satan's head (All characters are in the picture)

    Or Sam restraining McGruff the crime hound while Max kicks him in the groin, while spouting something about this being their town or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:43 No.2211293
         File: 1332351781.jpg-(2.75 MB, 2210x2289, request.jpg)
    2.75 MB
    kind of a bit complicated request I ask sincerely.
    Would like the following MH girls posing in the position as the picture in the middle with their respective weapons noted in the pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:09 No.2212295
         File: 1332353364.jpg-(657 KB, 2160x1452, Guilty Legends.jpg)
    657 KB
    It's all in the image.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:14 No.2212491
         File: 1332353663.png-(1.3 MB, 1280x720, BBCSTsubakiStoryIllustration05.png)
    1.3 MB
    Tsubaki's birthday has pasted but who cares, Jin's birthday is Valentine's Day so requesting Tsubaki nervously handing Jin Valentine chocolate and in the same token since Tsubaki's birthday is White Day, requesting Jin giving her white lingerie.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:21 No.2212804
         File: 1332354090.jpg-(1.25 MB, 2328x3291, ggx_artbook_2007_011.jpg)
    1.25 MB
    Passerby here; I had thought I'd seen an image like what you're describing that was actually drawn by Ishiwatari, but I was mistaken. I was thinking of this one. There's a handful of these but none of them have the two facing off like the reference image you've provided to the kind folks running this thread.
    >> NiGHTS !MishaM55lQ 03/21/12(Wed)14:24 No.2212942
         File: 1332354283.jpg-(621 KB, 1280x960, wall_ggxxac_01_1280x960.jpg)
    621 KB
    theres a billion of ky sol almost kissing pictures
    and sadly they're all official
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:27 No.2213062
    How about you leave me to my devices and stop telling me things I already know. Got a problem with my request that leads you to tell me this?

    I know, I seen all the images.
    >> NiGHTS !MishaM55lQ 03/21/12(Wed)14:30 No.2213194
         File: 1332354634.jpg-(65 KB, 353x499, 944396_98568_front.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:33 No.2213306
    Do you have a reason for bothering me with your nonsense? Let me request in peace.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:36 No.2213469
    Ah, that's where I saw it.

    Why do you seem so upset? All I see is the guy bringing up official art that is similar to your request.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:39 No.2213630
    I've seen the official art and I don't need his help on seeing it again. It's like he's trying to stop me requesting, it wasn't needed.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:42 No.2213785
    Well I can't say I see anything in his actions suggesting "Your request is unnecessary, here is official art" but I'm not going to argue with you. I hope you get your request and with that I'm on my way.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:45 No.2213934
    Tripfaggots being dicks with huge egos, nothing unusual.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:46 No.2213983
    >requests being overrun by this shit general
    >you will never have >>2209116 made
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:47 No.2214024
    Stuff like that is unneeded and sometimes fucks you over requestwise. I just liked the image, I didn't need to know about images I already knew about.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:56 No.2214393
    >hurr, i'm a needy faggot
    >please shave your ass and come ove ra week from now and rub your taint stubble on my faggot face
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:57 No.2214441
    Yeah it wont be made cause the dude didnt post referances.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:04 No.2214810
         File: 1332356672.png-(1.64 MB, 1015x2426, Sheik.png)
    1.64 MB
    Here's our maleSheik anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:15 No.2215307
    You sounds kind of mad, are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:17 No.2215405
         File: 1332357465.jpg-(13 KB, 460x276, Eiji-Aonuma-001.jpg)
    13 KB
    And here's Aounuma
    Please make it, somebody
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:19 No.2215469
    Not the requester but I want this. Except the mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:19 No.2215475
         File: 1332357567.jpg-(654 KB, 1444x1576, Fantasticas.jpg)
    654 KB
    Another day, another WAXF request.

    Requesting both of the Fantasticas playing each other's instrument.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:20 No.2215514
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:20 No.2215547
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:21 No.2215597
         File: 1332357711.png-(2.92 MB, 1539x1765, references.png)
    2.92 MB
    I want a parody of the top-left picture with Pit replacing the girl (him doing the same pose and having the same expression) and with Palutena replacing the guy, but making a "she wants to fuck" face instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)16:06 No.2217765
         File: 1332360419.jpg-(389 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg)
    389 KB
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)16:23 No.2218620
         File: 1332361437.jpg-(73 KB, 850x595, Namnlöst-1hfg7 .jpg)
    73 KB
    Aaand... done
    god when i say soon i dont listen to me.
    anyhow im redy for requests
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)16:25 No.2218689
    see >>2209116
    Those would be references
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)16:38 No.2219375
    Bump for drawbros
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)16:41 No.2219584
    read the thread for requests
    also, breasts don't stick to gether like that outside of a bra

    learn gravity you silly goose
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)16:51 No.2220101
         File: 1332363081.jpg-(133 KB, 1911x535, Drip.jpg)
    133 KB
    Requesting a drawing of Lilith from Darkstalkers making a face similar to the one in the middle, with blood dripping off the tip of her tongue.

    You can have her actively licking her lips if you want, as long as blood is dripping off it. Maybe draw a little fang on the side of her mouth too.
    Just her face is preferred; no need to go all out and draw the rest of her body unless you really want to.

    Cute can be sexy, too.
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)17:04 No.2220773
    how does one use gravity?
    nah but in all seriousness
    i pretty much know what you are talking aboute
    and after im finished with the sheik pic ill go see if there are any requests id like to do
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:05 No.2220840
         File: 1332363949.jpg-(228 KB, 1208x1000, 1327806972211.jpg)
    228 KB
    boobie tutorial
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)17:12 No.2221193
    already got that pic
    i guess i just didnt pay close enough attention this time
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)17:25 No.2221942
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:41 No.2222898

    Is it possible for this picture to be more French? No it's not.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:44 No.2223093
         File: 1332366293.jpg-(284 KB, 1000x1000, ff.jpg)
    284 KB
    Forgot my fucking image.
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)17:48 No.2223319
         File: 1332366537.jpg-(382 KB, 1701x1361, u_dissapoint.jpg)
    382 KB
    here ya go son
    Filename says it all
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:49 No.2223326
    Make the sun a wheel of cheese.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:53 No.2223572
    That's what he gets for even thinking of putting that ghastly Sheik design into TP.
    he deserves more for putting it into that shitfest called Brawl.
    >> solid snake 03/21/12(Wed)17:59 No.2223914
    oh well im gonna sign off for today cus swefags gotta sleep
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:02 No.2224089
         File: 1332367326.jpg-(439 KB, 1000x1000, 22.jpg)
    439 KB
    Preliminary coloured.

    I want to finish it but I am le tired.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:03 No.2224186
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:05 No.2224298

    Also I noticed that I am missing the main bell tower of Notre Dame. My geographical knowledge of Paris pretty much came entirely from Midtown Madness 3.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:22 No.2225398
         File: 1332368547.png-(182 KB, 622x451, dubs.png)
    182 KB
    This request, it was made for me. Hope this is smug-ass enough. Love the game, despite its flaws.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:28 No.2225765
    Thank you very much. Been monitoring the thread since I posted that request. I really enjoyed the game as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:36 No.2226295
         File: 1332369386.png-(138 KB, 724x461, boobies.png)
    138 KB
    My pleasure.

    Doing this one next
    >> Oh God It's Him 03/21/12(Wed)18:40 No.2226540

    Oh lord thank you it's great.


    It's a great picture, and I loved Solatorobo as well it was full of charm.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:04 No.2227950
    Yes, I can't wait.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:55 No.2230650
    The anticipation of the drawing eh?

    Just remember to keep the thread bumped occasionally, don't want it dying.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:11 No.2231514
         File: 1332375109.png-(286 KB, 915x641, boobies.png)
    286 KB
    How's this so far? Boobs big enough? Do you have a nipple preference? Please respond.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:14 No.2231640
    By the way, I don't the name of this character or where she's from; I just really like the design.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:17 No.2231817
    If you could get bigger and if you want nipple I'm fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:19 No.2231901
    Also her name is Vanessa and she's a witch from Luminous Arc, first game.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:22 No.2235237
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:23 No.2235293
         File: 1332379400.png-(260 KB, 825x692, LammyRequest.png)
    260 KB
    Someone showed me this, I tried.
    Can't color for shit though, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:37 No.2235986
         File: 1332380226.jpg-(320 KB, 1404x924, fetish.jpg)
    320 KB
    Did this get finished, I remember something else was being done to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:04 No.2237371
         File: 1332381855.jpg-(227 KB, 756x800, request.jpg)
    227 KB

    Switch Aegis with Gig.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:07 No.2237557
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:10 No.2237698
    Samefagging so hard it hits to look.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)22:39 No.2239310
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:43 No.2239539
    No matter what you do, you make it grating as fuck. Thread isn't going to die in 20 fucking minutes, why are you such a cunt?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:44 No.2239568
         File: 1332384248.jpg-(426 KB, 1000x1000, 22.jpg)
    426 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:46 No.2239657
    No it didn't.

    Yes I was going to remove the mascara and the rape elements and draw Derek in.

    I should also add some stuff onto her ID.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/21/12(Wed)22:48 No.2239790
    Oh, sorry i just came back from college and restored firefox.

    Guess i should check post time.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:00 No.2240509
         File: 1332385253.jpg-(135 KB, 500x805, 1331157631424.jpg)
    135 KB
    Requesting Fran being double penetrated by tentacles, also one between her tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:07 No.2240815
    Thought I missed it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:06 No.2243682
    Hourly Bump
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:22 No.2244407
         File: 1332390138.jpg-(13 KB, 200x200, charlie.jpg)
    13 KB
    Hey /vg/,

    A bunch of us from /vg/ and /v/ are starting a gaming site. We're looking for artists to do a gaming-related webcomic for us.

    No pay or anything for anyone involved, no commitments/obligations. Do it as often or as little as you'd like, get a section for yourself on the site. If you're interested, send me an e-mail.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:29 No.2244765
         File: 1332390576.jpg-(274 KB, 1000x1000, fran raped by ps3 games.jpg)
    274 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:51 No.2245821
         File: 1332391890.gif-(1.98 MB, 402x315, dogstairs.gif)
    1.98 MB
    Requester here.

    >File name
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:55 No.2246017
    I will add the tentacles tomorrow, when my roommate is away.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:57 No.2246104
    just a bunny with a sword

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:58 No.2246136
    Mind doing me a favor? Mind making the anal penetration visible? I hate when its hidden by the front tentacle. Also, thanks. I shall wait patiently.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:58 No.2246150
         File: 1332392331.jpg-(100 KB, 514x520, fanrat.jpg)
    100 KB
    >No one ever takes the interesting requests

    You drawfags are all worthless.

    Except for this guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:01 No.2246291
         File: 1332392518.png-(471 KB, 375x489, 1331629587565.png)
    471 KB
    One does not simply shift perspective.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:03 No.2246371
    That's fine. Thanks again.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:05 No.2246465
         File: 1332392716.jpg-(29 KB, 274x318, 1331629420845.jpg)
    29 KB
    How about this, I'll make sure the front tentacle doesn't obscure the back tentacle and I'll make her asshole pluckered outwards slightly so you'll see some anal penetration even at that angle.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:07 No.2246570
         File: 1332392851.gif-(467 KB, 270x203, youreawesome.gif)
    467 KB
    That's perfect.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:50 No.2248467
    Sorry, but i see nothing interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:59 No.2248851
         File: 1332395996.jpg-(108 KB, 875x554, marche & shara.jpg)
    108 KB
    I want to see a drawing of Shara giving Marche a reacharound with her hand inside his pants.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)02:21 No.2249642
    bump because theres actually no interesting requests.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:24 No.2249749
    I request a dwarf jester cartwheeling under a giraffe as the said giraffe pisses on the dwarf. Flaming clouds spelling "/v/" burning in the sky.

    That sounds interesting.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)02:29 No.2249949
    i dont think i could do this request justice
    but i could try if anybody wanted me to
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:32 No.2250049

    I'd do it but I don't know how to draw a dragon dick.

    I came here to draw bitches though, and that's a pretty attractive bitch you have posted there.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)02:34 No.2250116
    oh and i guess im signing in again
    take a look at these pics if you want to see my skill
    that one was a kinda rushed and halfassed attempt
    and this one took me 4-5 hours
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:36 No.2250195
    Just a smooth shaft that tapers to an almost point. I've seen sketches of dragons with 2 penises too, if that sounds interesting.

    Not the requestor by the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:37 No.2250230
    Derp, meant to reply to:

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:42 No.2250404
    I have faith in you man, I've seen a many dragon dicks in many different shapes and sizes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:42 No.2250406
    I'll draw 3 requests in shitty ms paint, but actually try to make them look good.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:42 No.2250417
         File: 1332398540.jpg-(252 KB, 1280x720, leeroy.jpg)
    252 KB
    Paladin Leeroy recreating the Fonz' thumbs up
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:45 No.2250538
         File: 1332398722.jpg-(87 KB, 400x584, medabots motherfucker.jpg)
    87 KB
    Draw Metabee between Arcbeetle's horns.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:00 No.2251134
         File: 1332399627.png-(411 KB, 1024x1024, goddessesvector.png)
    411 KB
    Anybody interested in coloring this?

    SAI file can be found here:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:00 No.2251146
         File: 1332399647.jpg-(36 KB, 500x283, bitching wheels.jpg)
    36 KB
    Requesting Naoto riding on her fly ass bike with Kanji in bitch position behind her holding on.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:01 No.2251174
    But we don't know who Madoka is bro?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:02 No.2251223

    You've never seen a dragon dick? You clearly don't spend much time on /v/!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:03 No.2251257
    Someone post dragon dildo, it must be done.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:05 No.2251335

    Just make it human-like. The only people that won't like it are those Bad Dragon fanboys.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:06 No.2251382
         File: 1332400016.jpg-(110 KB, 859x1000, abcdfas.jpg)
    110 KB
    Evening, folks.

    Just here to drop my usual "mithra with a thick tentacle in her butt" request.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:08 No.2251445
    I recognize Palutena but who's the other girl?

    And to drawfriends, I'm still hoping someone will pick this request >>2215597
    Come on, you can even trace half of it!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:08 No.2251449
         File: 1332400115.png-(213 KB, 500x333, dragondildo.png)
    213 KB
    You can't just make it "human-like", dragon dildos are here for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:11 No.2251521
         File: 1332400271.jpg-(501 KB, 1920x1080, Scary_madokami.jpg)
    501 KB
    Dude I have no idea who Madoka is so could you tell me her name?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:11 No.2251534
    You seem to know her.

    The studio behind the latest Kid Icarus animu short(s) also made this thing called "Madoka Magica". Also same director.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:13 No.2251594
    Why would someone from /vg/ know who Madoka is, I sure don't know that anime from Shaft.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:14 No.2251630
    Well I, for one, like Kid Icarus but I hate Shaft.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:23 No.2251890
         File: 1332400988.jpg-(266 KB, 1268x800, penis inspection day.jpg)
    266 KB
    Requesting Micaiah with shota Sothe sitting in her lap while she gets him a reach around.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)03:40 No.2252495
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)03:43 No.2252574
         File: 1332402214.jpg-(141 KB, 1701x1361, sfk.jpg)
    141 KB
    shuld i keep going with this or shuld i just give up?
    cus i dont know if this will live up to what you envisioned
    (implying OR is still here)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:44 No.2252606
    What's up with you BR?
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)03:51 No.2252846
    You should, its a general thread after all so im sure he will eventually come back.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:09 No.2253403
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:17 No.2253629
         File: 1332404275.jpg-(345 KB, 1164x1740, DoR bike.jpg)
    345 KB
    Requesting Will and Isabella on the bike. Both Lin and Isabella squeezed in the side car would be nice if possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:18 No.2253651
         File: 1332404323.jpg-(56 KB, 480x880, awdor-lin.jpg)
    56 KB
    Lin reference too if you want to put her in.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:20 No.2253701
         File: 1332404435.jpg-(37 KB, 460x360, legare-bamboo-corner-desk-lg[1(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    I have a cool request that all the drawfags should do.
    It's a tired Phoenix Wright sitting at a desk, and he's leaned over the desk. He's in his undershirt, and his tie is loosened.
    On the desk, there are many papers scattered about. One of the papers has a picture of Mia Fey attached with a paperclip.

    It's supposed to be a sad drawing.
    like this :(

    For reference, this is a desk.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:25 No.2253812
         File: 1332404705.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 234 KB, 1300x1000, velvet.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 234 KB

    I guess her face isn't really right up against it; I hope that's okay.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:27 No.2253878
    That's fine bro, looking great so far.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:35 No.2254081
         File: 1332405319.jpg-(98 KB, 938x1580, 83161cf7e5f879be7e2e953d66783e(...).jpg)
    98 KB
    Requesting Kurenai on her back with her legs opened invitingly looking slutty and seductive.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:36 No.2254120
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:39 No.2254187
         File: 1332405568.jpg-(269 KB, 600x600, Fire Emblem Marisa.jpg)
    269 KB
    Can somebody draw Marisa wearing an apron with a knife in one hand, while sucking at a cut on her finger of the other hand?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:44 No.2254337

    I'll do it when I finish this

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:48 No.2254438
    Didn't think it would get picked up so quick. You are great man.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:48 No.2254469
         File: 1332406136.jpg-(32 KB, 526x566, marissa apron.jpg)
    32 KB
    >mfw I requested that already
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:52 No.2254603
         File: 1332406357.jpg-(33 KB, 339x425, Eyyy.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:55 No.2254683
    Majora's Mask based request:

    Happy Mask Salesman except:
    >more modernized clothing
    >more modernized Clocktown
    >neo-noir feel
    >black and white mostly, if other colors used, should be stark and very little, eg. Red on mario mask or eyes
    >think heavy stylization, high contrast colors with limited palette
    >base it off of the style used by Frank Miller in Sin City
    >bonus points if you include a quote from near the beginning

    An ideal scene depiction would be the first meeting in which he says "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?". Another good line would be when he says "I could sense the doom of a dark omen brewing. It was that unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end.".

    Another idea worth incorporating is editing the script or dialog in game to resemble that used in the time. Perhaps a Rucks' style rewording from Bastion or maybe a little work so it resembles lines that would convey the feel of Taxi Driver by Scorsese or Brick by Rian Johnson.

    Basically neo-noir Majora's Mask scene. Sorry for all the specifications, but I only do it in attempts to give you something to work with.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:56 No.2254745
         File: 1332406610.png-(110 KB, 633x745, fghfdghdfgh.png)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:58 No.2254789
         File: 1332406703.jpg-(311 KB, 383x833, Marisa.jpg)
    311 KB
    It's the idea that keeps on keeping on.

    Requesting Marisa wearing an apron holding up a sweater with one arm longer than the other.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)05:06 No.2255071
         File: 1332407191.png-(243 KB, 500x371, lost control over my life.png)
    243 KB
    Link as Stu and Zelda as Didi and could the make the background zelda related.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)05:50 No.2256252
         File: 1332409830.jpg-(702 KB, 1701x1361, sfk kopiera.jpg)
    702 KB
    progress update
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:18 No.2256969
         File: 1332411481.jpg-(141 KB, 640x704, Mandalorenohelmet.jpg)
    141 KB
    Draw Canderous and Bao-Dur from KOTOR drinking and telling boring as shit long stories about bullshit no one really cares about.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)06:34 No.2257379
         File: 1332412447.jpg-(1.24 MB, 1701x1361, sfk2.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    gotta go to school so last update for a couple of hours
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:20 No.2261941
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)10:12 No.2263562
    reporting in...
    why has almost nothing happened here since i left...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:32 No.2264204
    Bumping from last night.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:46 No.2264640
    whats "Crimson Red Vermillion mode"?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:11 No.2265543

    The coloring in the background looks like crap. Try making your brushstrokes more uniform rather than random scribbling. Like the old pencil cross-hatching technique but with color.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:14 No.2265645
         File: 1332429292.png-(31 KB, 170x173, 170px-214Heracross.png)
    31 KB
    Heracross as Ryu!
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)11:33 No.2266280
    already working on it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:38 No.2266452
         File: 1332430688.jpg-(120 KB, 802x1039, My Little Pitt Cant Be This Cu(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    Just fucking around. I totally want to draw some boobs now, but the Velvet+dragon request is tempting me too.

    Do not get your hopes up though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:42 No.2266619
         File: 1332430932.jpg-(498 KB, 1100x990, Akiha.jpg)
    498 KB
    whatever it was, its too late.

    out of curiosity, what program are you using?
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)11:48 No.2266881
    well photoshop 6.0
    so jeah...
    and i suck at coloring
    its the area where ive got the least experience
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:00 No.2267304
    are you on windows 98 aswell? Jokes aside, the characters look great. But is seems like youre not using layers at all, also why are you blocking in the backrgound with such a small brush, use a bigger one. Are you using a mouse? I know the hardships of colour aswell, ive been drawing black and white most of my life, when it came to colour it was hard to pick up, so its good to start early.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)12:13 No.2267743
         File: 1332432830.jpg-(787 KB, 1701x1361, sfk3.jpg)
    787 KB
    i have sc5 on my laptop ive just not bothered to get that version for my stationary,
    well im using the bigger brushes now.
    and im using a drawpad ive borrowed from school
    ive only had the chance to practice with it during a week or so.
    and im still not completly used to layers
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:24 No.2268061
    Thanks bro, by the way, Crimson Red Vermillion is just her with the red hair. Man you don't know how awesome you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:44 No.2268736
         File: 1332434690.png-(7 KB, 191x234, 1308854474421.png)
    7 KB
    Thank you so much
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:51 No.2268951

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:52 No.2269009
         File: 1332435145.jpg-(495 KB, 1500x1500, advance wars.jpg)
    495 KB

    Forgive me, for i am a retarded one
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:59 No.2269343
    Looking great
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:08 No.2269770
    Oh all of a sudden some decent drawfags have entered the thread.
    Guess that means I'm not needed anymore, haha.

    Well then. Have fun!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:25 No.2270482
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:28 No.2270619

    Theres plenty of requests that are staying undone.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:30 No.2270678
    I am a happy man now, you are a metahuman among men.
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)13:36 No.2270927
         File: 1332437769.jpg-(811 KB, 1701x1361, Finished_maby.jpg)
    811 KB
    so is there anything more i should do
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:07 No.2272310
         File: 1332439629.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 400 KB, 1000x1000, fran.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 400 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:08 No.2272358
         File: 1332439687.jpg-(403 KB, 1000x1000, fran2.jpg)
    403 KB
    >> Mr. Why 03/22/12(Thu)14:14 No.2272630

    Just have them dressed up as link / zelda or like, original anime style in those poses?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:15 No.2272682
         File: 1332440105.jpg-(238 KB, 1442x950, Little Snow.jpg)
    238 KB
    Requesting Snow with nipple and breasts visible with her clothes still on. That robe is close to set through already.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:16 No.2272770
         File: 1332440206.png-(196 KB, 500x441, 1332403226398.png)
    196 KB
    I was browsing /v/ at 4 in the morning because I clearly lost control of my life and then I saw this one. Something like this I guess would be original anime style in those poses.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:43 No.2274025
         File: 1332441782.jpg-(247 KB, 1000x1000, k.jpg)
    247 KB

    Oh man I messed up the perspective. Cannot go back to Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:13 No.2275452
         File: 1332443589.jpg-(71 KB, 1126x479, dicks & kicks.jpg)
    71 KB
    Can I get a picture of Nero (DMC 4) and Arche (Fortune Summoners) delivering a flying kick on an unseen enemy (or on each other)?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:13 No.2275489
         File: 1332443637.jpg-(178 KB, 1616x764, docks & cocks.jpg)
    178 KB
    More references.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)15:23 No.2275952
         File: 1332444208.png-(99 KB, 154x481, 034.png)
    99 KB
    Just a fast drawing, can someone make my character carryting a lot of locked chests while saying "Someone give me a key already!"

    Dont need to do it detailed, its for a joke, please.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:24 No.2275984
         File: 1332444248.png-(2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1330845334790.png)
    2.43 MB
    jesus christ it's horrifying and i love it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:40 No.2276885
         File: 1332445232.jpg-(638 KB, 1500x1000, well I tried.jpg)
    638 KB
    Lines only, no color coming up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:41 No.2276961
         File: 1332445311.jpg-(384 KB, 1500x1000, well I tried2.jpg)
    384 KB
    Do whatever the hell you want with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:10 No.2278574
    Requesting this character with her arms bounded with chain and on her knees with a chastity belt on, begging for the key.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)16:11 No.2278625
    But the chests are the joke...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:14 No.2278758
    Mmmm, tasty. Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

    You da man, drawman. Thanks a lot.
    And thanks for the extra lineart, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:15 No.2278854
    Don't you see the chastity belt is a metaphor.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)16:17 No.2278994
    I kinda see it, but the joke is for the chests/keys topic in GW2 generals, it NEEDS to be chests.

    Also can it be a sightly angry face?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:19 No.2279081
    I have but a simple request.

    A slime from Dragon Quest looking really angry and/or shouting "FUCK!"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:21 No.2279264
    Don't mu request is a totally separate one from yours.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)16:23 No.2279335
         File: 1332447780.png-(5 KB, 346x285, slime.png)
    5 KB
    I made it myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:24 No.2279437
         File: 1332447899.jpg-(381 KB, 1000x891, 25979032.jpg)
    381 KB
    I wanna see Poison get tickle tortured. Doesn't matter by who or what.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:26 No.2279508
    Uh.. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:27 No.2279573
         File: 1332448055.jpg-(199 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg)
    199 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:28 No.2279609
         File: 1332448104.png-(396 KB, 526x432, flesh.png)
    396 KB
    Requesting Shizuo with Fleshpound attatchments welded into his flesh
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:29 No.2279653
    That sure was speedy, thank you a lot drawbro.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:30 No.2279718
         File: 1332448237.jpg-(104 KB, 700x650, kamina.jpg)
    104 KB
    I want to see Tengen Toppa Big Daddy
    yeah i want a big daddy running on spiral power.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:32 No.2279798
         File: 1332448332.png-(27 KB, 945x812, MarielX.png)
    27 KB
    All the weeaboo I could muster
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:33 No.2279853
         File: 1332448400.jpg-(186 KB, 952x950, Hera.jpg)
    186 KB

    Here you go, love me some Heracross
    Should I color, y/n
    note: I fucking suck at coloring
    >> Irradiated Cannibal 03/22/12(Thu)16:34 No.2279940
         File: 1332448491.jpg-(58 KB, 600x800, 132216014376.jpg)
    58 KB
    Give me something to draw that isn't anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:35 No.2279968
         File: 1332448532.png-(2.71 MB, 2591x3624, 1313220043788.png)
    2.71 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:35 No.2279978
    All I see is games dumbass nigga.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:36 No.2280029
    He wants something with a more western artstyle, which is understandable.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:37 No.2280049
    Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and Goring having a nice cozy Christmas dinner
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:38 No.2280117
    He asked for games and I see games.
    >> Irradiated Cannibal 03/22/12(Thu)16:38 No.2280132
         File: 1332448710.gif-(8 KB, 564x391, 1323489904740.gif)
    8 KB
    I want something that doesn't look Eastern because I'm bad at fucking up proportions to fit that style.
    Better, twat?

    Mite b cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:39 No.2280159
    Draw Solid Snake taking on Hitman, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:39 No.2280217
    Then you should go to /co/ because that is like 90% of video games
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:43 No.2280451
         File: 1332449008.png-(77 KB, 500x492, Angry Slime small.png)
    77 KB
    >> solid snake 03/22/12(Thu)16:44 No.2280531
         File: 1332449072.png-(570 KB, 560x923, GeckoArt.png)
    570 KB
    somebody draw mgs a gekko with a tophat holding a tee cupwith one of its leg
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:45 No.2280589
    I'm pretty sure there are lots of non-anime video games.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:46 No.2280675
    Yes, this is perfect.

    Thanks bro.
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)16:49 No.2280848
         File: 1332449396.png-(91 KB, 246x288, 027.png)
    91 KB

    Would ask you to color it but im really ok it that one.

    Thank you, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:50 No.2280895
    >Thank you, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

    Funny, yesterday you called me a weak minded faggot!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:51 No.2280945
    People actually played Soul Nomad?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:52 No.2280982
         File: 1332449550.jpg-(188 KB, 1002x997, referencemrsarrow.jpg)
    188 KB
    changing my request a bit

    mrs arrow doing the pose on the right
    >> Marielx !QLQO8nwWSA 03/22/12(Thu)16:53 No.2281034
    See what you can do when you go on the path of purity?
    Also as an anon said in previous threads, its up to you drawbros to draw whatever shit you want.
    It was my bad, and im sorry.

    I still dislike when you draw r34 of my character tho.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:54 No.2281082
    Could you stop being a cunt so we wouldn't request 34 of that character then?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:55 No.2281162

    It's so tempting when you're so refusing about it though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:57 No.2281262
    Requesting Marielx's avatar on all fours shaking her ass begging anonymous to "J-jam it".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:59 No.2281372
    I am here to draw something simple and fun.

    No porn please, I'm British.
    >> SouthExpectations !!ER9oTlVLam2 03/22/12(Thu)17:00 No.2281441
    my devntArt if ur intrsted

    dont like dont look fuck u h8rs
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:01 No.2281481

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:02 No.2281517
    A+ would commission
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:05 No.2281675


    So... much... detail.

    I can try it, but I cannot promise you anything good. I'm not very good at this.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:08 No.2281843
    neat can't wait. You don't need to draw the background or anything. Colouring is your choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:13 No.2282128
    ~MidnightCross, the hero deviantArt deserves.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:19 No.2282504
         File: 1332451198.jpg-(20 KB, 500x300, 349_marshalllaw.jpg)
    20 KB
    i might as well bump this request while the thread is still active
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:20 No.2282537
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:20 No.2282560
    Still here
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:21 No.2282606
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:28 No.2282967
         File: 1332451683.jpg-(114 KB, 600x941, 1272375104606.jpg)
    114 KB
    Chun-Li as Cheetara from Thundercats.
    Just think about it for a second.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:29 No.2283060
         File: 1332451760.jpg-(63 KB, 500x690, 10417408_p33.jpg)
    63 KB
    Requesting true form Midna riding on regular Link.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:30 No.2283124
         File: 1332451809.jpg-(145 KB, 300x471, tantirc_the_hedhehoge.jpg)
    145 KB
    His name is TANTRIC THe HEDGEHOG, he is fastre than SOnic but also stonger too,, he can beat him up no sweat. Hes so fast that when he races Sonic he is alread at the finish line before Sonic took his first step!!! He caries a sword light saber called the sword of hope, it is the strongest wepaon in the entire galaxy.......but he dont need it but the legend says he must use it so he does not attack all out and hurt ppl much more than he needs too 9his stronger than the sword so if he atacks someone he hurts them harder so its his way of holdong back,)...also he is in love with Amy and Amy secretl likes him too.

    Thisi s my original character so donot steal......
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:33 No.2283347
    This is awesome.

    Personally I think it'd look nice with some color.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:33 No.2283369
         File: 1332452003.jpg-(145 KB, 519x662, Chidori.jpg)
    145 KB
    Requesting some more Chidori in the Gekkoukan High uniform.

    I know there are two pictures of it already but can a man dream a little? It's not too must to ask.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:41 No.2283927
    this is some next level new age trolling shit going on right here, and I like it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:49 No.2284378
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:50 No.2284415
         File: 1332453035.png-(608 KB, 999x626, sodia ref.png)
    608 KB
    Requesting Sodia being brutally raped.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:51 No.2284481
    Bumping my request
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:53 No.2284615
         File: 1332453221.png-(56 KB, 500x500, 1308796821707.png)
    56 KB
    >fuck u h8r i am the beast artist ever i can get u ban my dad works for DeviantArt
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:58 No.2284876
         File: 1332453522.png-(820 KB, 606x1003, Status_image_Yuri.png)
    820 KB
    I counter request her raping Yuri while she has a knife in his gut.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:13 No.2285674

    Why did she shank him anyway? She looks so shocked when she's done it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:15 No.2285803
    Because she's a bitch and a whore.

    Hence why she needs correctional rape.
    >> TokisWartooths !!5qGY5RAW7gt 03/22/12(Thu)18:18 No.2285910

    Stopped actually reading the thread here... This idea... It needs to be done.


    I hope you don't mind, but I'm doing this. The universe is tearing itself asunder, and I must draw.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:22 No.2286149
    Because Yuri was criminal scum and a murderer and she was duty her job.

    Reason why Yuri needs a good obedience rape plus a knife in his gut.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:24 No.2286216
         File: 1332455050.jpg-(229 KB, 889x934, heracolor.jpg)
    229 KB

    Can someone link me to nintendo related requests?.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:26 No.2286330
    Fire Emblem ad Zelda are Nintendo related.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:29 No.2286484
    Forgot one
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:31 No.2286596
         File: 1332455485.jpg-(42 KB, 500x374, gurndaum.jpg)
    42 KB
    Requesting a Armored Core to look like pic related.
    >> TokisWartooths !!5qGY5RAW7gt 03/22/12(Thu)18:43 No.2287258
         File: 1332456202.png-(527 KB, 1700x830, Heliqwopterroughdraft.png)
    527 KB

    Oh boy, here we go. Crazy rough draft. It was initially supposed to be for me to get used to drawing Octo-dad, but I liked the pose... it's nearly as awkward as the way Bayonetta stands in all the concept art.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:51 No.2287695
    Damn fine.

    Good stuff drawfag.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:57 No.2288098
         File: 1332457079.jpg-(129 KB, 1252x540, ATATATATATA.jpg)
    129 KB
    Mamemon doing a rapid-punch attack, similar to E. Honda's Hundred Hand Slap or Kenshiro's punches.

    Make it so he's kinda aiming at the viewer, like the Kenshiro picture in the top right.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:04 No.2288495
         File: 1332457479.png-(268 KB, 901x769, Wobbly Racing.png)
    268 KB
    Do you mind?
    >> TokisWartooths !!5qGY5RAW7gt 03/22/12(Thu)19:10 No.2288851

    Hahaha, not at all. The more the merrier!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:12 No.2289003
         File: 1332457942.jpg-(82 KB, 1000x1000, EBA.jpg)
    82 KB

    I say this every time but...


    Seriously though despite my lack of skill and the fact that I still cannot draw faces properly I had a lot of fun working on this. I hope it at least gives you a small piece of satisfaction.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:17 No.2289306
         File: 1332458250.jpg-(83 KB, 1000x1000, EBA.jpg)
    83 KB

    Actually a quick edit, forgot to add in the hat tie. Whoops!
    >> TokisWartooths !!5qGY5RAW7gt 03/22/12(Thu)19:29 No.2290030
         File: 1332458965.png-(298 KB, 1700x830, Heliqwoptercleaneduplines.png)
    298 KB
    Cleaned up linework, background comes next.
    I'll probably color this another day, on my own time... I fucking suck at coloring. Seriously though, thank you to the guy who requested this. This rivals 'Abraham Lincoln must space golf' as my favorite request ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:10 No.2292247
    I'd like to see this too
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:10 No.2292252
         File: 1332461431.jpg-(266 KB, 1000x1000, k.jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:10 No.2292253
    hahaha I love it. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:12 No.2292357

    Not requester but:

    >Those flaps


    >Those boobs.


    >That neck.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:27 No.2293143
         File: 1332462436.jpg-(260 KB, 1000x1000, k.jpg)
    260 KB
    Better now?

    Perspective on human body is hard
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:29 No.2293280
         File: 1332462595.jpg-(198 KB, 1304x726, anatomy.jpg)
    198 KB

    Now 100% anatomically correct
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:33 No.2293458
    Requester here, just got home. Thanks, bro.

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