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  • Londoners: Thanks for e-mailing! I got ~500 messages and unfortunately only had time to hang out with one person, but glorious British afternoon tea was had. Pic related. Hope to meet more of you next time~

    File: 1332000760.png-(252 KB, 500x346, killingfloorcombocopy.png)
    252 KB KILLING FLOOR GENERAL Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/17/12(Sat)12:12 No.1962481  
    Alright old one died so time to make a new one!

    Why does sharpshooter have so many weapons at his disposal? I'm curious about that. Maybe he is just the easiest to develop new weapons for. Also I have my medic and support at level 5. What class should I level next?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:27 No.1965442
    If you are not lvl6 sharpie yet i would say go for it.
    My first lvl6 perk was the commando, but that was just my personal preference.

    I am not sure but back in the beginning the sharpshooter had already the crossbow while other perks had only the bullpup, shotgun, medicgun. So the only new weapon that they got was the m14. This might be a reason it has so many weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:33 No.1965691
    suicidal server 4+'ish

    fun times had by all
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:37 No.1965857
    also, the LAR is viable for berserker, medic. Ive also seen a berserker using a hand cannon. Personal preference. SS's have great sidearms.

    Ive also seen some off perk crossbow wielders, and Im assuming they can still deal with scrakes.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:40 No.1965989
    Only up to hard, the Headshot Xbow bonus offperk is halved on Suicidal/HoE, can't stun Scrakes anymore.
    HC is a great sidearm for Supports, as well.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/17/12(Sat)13:44 No.1966146
    Just made it
    Starting a game of crash suicidal
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:47 No.1966230
    Using the LAR or Handcannon as a berserker depends on the map. I always prefer the HC when playing on small maps like biotics.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:55 No.1966625
    Is HC/Xbow a viable loadout for Sharps on Sui/HoE?

    I mean I'm alright with using LAR/M14 but I just prefer the feel of hc/xbow, and my primary job in my static group is scrake removal, so that's really what I'm interested in.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:56 No.1966719
    LAR/M14 is the best when it comes to HoE but it takes a lot more skill and practice. Xbow can do well too but you have to shoot extremely fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:01 No.1966926
    Using LAR/M14 takes more skill. However this doesnt make it a better loadout.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:04 No.1967069

    Also... will the Scrake stun animation bug ever be fixed? =(
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:06 No.1967130
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    >Trying to bro-op with my level 3 sharpshooter friend as a level 2 medic
    >Suddenly, three people join
    >All level 0 medics
    >They refuse to change class
    >Wipe on wave 4 on normal difficulty
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:09 No.1967257
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:17 No.1967626
    It's very viable, depending on the map LAR/M14 can be better but for random pubgames imo HC/XBow is safer.
    ...Doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:21 No.1967749
    What's the best way to level commando? I'm horribly ocd about my perk levels and it's the only one that's not up to at least level 4.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:25 No.1967930
    i guess your problem are the stalkers.
    I think that on the map it is easy to "farm" them since there is this spawn right at the trader outside.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:26 No.1967979
    Try thinking about it the other way - what maps can you play where supports / demos / Firebugs aren't very viable so they won't nuke your stalkers?
    Sometimes running along a Zerk-kiting team can work out well, you kill stalkers/crawlers/husks and they kill everything else.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)15:02 No.1969704
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    >keep having that one commando dying each round
    >calls me an asshole for stealing his guns

    In his defense, I was a demoman at the time but at least I was 2nd place on the leaderboard.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)16:22 No.1973828
    Did you sell his guns after taking them? Because that is a pretty dick move to pull even if they die all the time.
    Unless its a bullpup with a level 5 or an AK with level 6, in which case they spawn with those anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)16:45 No.1975243
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    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/17/12(Sat)17:04 No.1976292
    You just know Mr. Foster was supremely successful in his job of day trading. He probably still has big piles of dosh hidden in his 5 wallets
    >that feel when level 0 support joins in on wave 6 of a solo hard/suicidal run and fucks everything up
    Isn't HC/Xbow the best all around loadouts for sharpies?

    Also, what are some changes KFG would like done to the weapons? The christmas weapons could use a bunch of improvement. Also, why no machineguns? Granted you don't really "need" them, but it would be a fun thing to have.
    >> Now 03/17/12(Sat)17:20 No.1977187
    The traditional topic - Field Medics.

    I argue that they're useful, can solo a wave in times of crisis and make good teams godly, rather than bad teams good.

    What I occasionally hear is that Medics are completely and utterly useless, because if you're playing right you should never, ever, ever be hit by anything, not even once.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)17:39 No.1978248
    I'd like to see a LMG as an alternative commando setup.
    Obviously it'd be so heavy that a commando could only carry that and maybe a sidearm, and the reload time would be abysmal at a low level, but the ability to vomit out hundreds of bullets without having to reload sounds pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)17:42 No.1978423
    if the game is played right, you arent having fun either.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)17:43 No.1978505
    Thats what the bullpup is

    We cant have a bullpup as strong as a scar. Thats just fucking overpowered
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/17/12(Sat)18:07 No.1979798
    LMG could be a deployable weapon, something you are forced to lay down on the floor or else suffer horrendous recoil or even a refusal to fire. Individual bullets are weak as hell, but it's advantage is pure dakka. Certain enemies could have built in resistance to it like Husks, Bloats and FPs so you can't simply rely on it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:11 No.1980027
    I haven't played the game since it first came out. I do have a 5 medic and 4 Support, but I enjoy playing Sharpie the most, currently trying to get my Sharpie to level 4 so I can play with you bros.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:19 No.1980413
    Is there any way to level up perks faster? Or is the only way to just play games normally?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:23 No.1980594

    this article reminded me a lot of killing floor since I play on pub servers a lot. Constantly having to size up people and theres that one guy who you learn to love and follow anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:25 No.1980697
    I have 190 hours and still only have a few level 5s and one six. Apparently doom servers are good for grinding, but dont fucking grind or cheat, just be a level 3 or 4, if you grind youre wasting your own time, not having fun, and wont fucking deserve your level six.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:29 No.1980889
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    >Play Hard
    >Play as Support because ton of fun
    >Team full of low levels
    >Forced to switch Sharpshooter so we have chance at winning
    >Never having any fun with this gun
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)18:32 No.1981048
    *with this game
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:47 No.1985028
    Having to lay down isn't really a problem in KF though, especially if you can use it for close range - see LAW.

    Just stay support, you can kill scrakes on hard without problems.

    Medic isn't that useful as a last survivor, no real way to kill 6p scrakes while still having any kind of equipment to not get raped by gores on the way out.
    Imo, medics are at their best if they can keep the situation stable or rather prevent "WTF JUST HAPPENED"-groupwipes which happens if you get overrun, depends on the rest of the team and the map if a medic helps with that or not.
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/17/12(Sat)21:17 No.1989897
    Laying down isn't the problem, but being completely stationary probably will. If the situation goes tits up, you're probably going to abandon it, leaving you with nothing but your pistol and knife if the LMG is heavy enough, and presumably you aren't going to have a full 360 movement.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)01:25 No.2002119
    >Some fag joins with the tag "Fluttershy" with some numbers and stuff on the end
    >Dies every wave
    >"Hey, can you stop dying, you're being a money sink"
    > "U mad?"
    >Weld him in the house after that

    I love having the boosted welding speed as a SS.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)01:41 No.2002913
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    >pull off a chain of three glorious scrake headshot kills in a row
    >suddenly disconnect from the server
    >some guy takes my place, server full

    sorry bros, hope you survived
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)01:52 No.2003431
    lvl 3 commandbro here, leveling blows dicks.

    Normally playing on hard, might go up to sui (if I don't get kicked) once I hit 4.

    Question is, what should my loadout be? obviously a scar, but I'm guessing I would go offperk for 2nd weapon (seen a few xbows on others, but never anyone using it well)?

    Yes, I understand commandbros are at their best only when killing trash and the occasional husk, but having to call out for help when I run into a scrake/fp just blows and stomps on my already low self esteem
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)01:55 No.2003526

    Meh, I do SCAR + AK all day erryday.

    SCAR at semi-auto, AK at full for oh shit moments.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:05 No.2003903
    Stay away from offperks as a commando, you're better off using AK/SCAR combo.

    The problem is on suicidal and higher, there's just too many zeds for you to take out with only the SCAR. You're guaranteed to run out of ammo with only one gun. Besides, xbow loses its headshot bonus on sui+, and will no longer stun scrakes for any perk other than sharp.

    Besides, you can't just deal with everything on your own. KF is a team based game, no matter how shit it makes you feel let the classes designated for dealing with scrakes/FPs handle them. Trust me, as a level 6 sharp I can tell you they'll get more pissed off if a commando tries to take a scrake by himself instead of alerting them to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:06 No.2003971
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:18 No.2004476
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    I just got my jimmies rustled by people who can't get past Hard.

    So I came here to rustle yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:20 No.2004557
    okydoky artichoky,bro.

    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:29 No.2004937
    Just finished first time zerking suicidal successfully on santa's lair and hospital horrors. Fuck, its a completely different game. Generally the most important thing is to keep medics alive. Also, Fuck grenade launchers, killed a shit ton of zed and several sirens spawned in the next room to murder me, LAR erry day.

    I saw that guy on westlondon

    Welding us downstairs, rambo zerking, dying several times during trader and generally being an ass spamming shit. Left fortunately after he died.

    This was a week or two ago, he's a shitty player.

    Use the bullpup, the ak is just a shitty version of the scar with a crappy sight. The bullpup can sweep through clots gorefasts and stalkers for longer and get more headshots than any other gun due to zero recoil and an amazing sight. The scar is for husks, sirens and emergencies.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:30 No.2004979
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    You're gonna have to do a lot better than that, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)02:31 No.2005018
    Im a little pissed they used my precious Briar. But I suppose even furries cant help but love him.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)06:40 No.2012646
    Bullpup lacks any stopping power on HoE, even for clots.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:23 No.2013575
    But on suicidal its still a killing machine bullet hose, which is what he was asking about. One shots clots and gorfasts easily.

    I have not tried HoE yet. Im afraid to. I think suicidal is hard enough for now. I think I could probably kite or hole up for a bit, but as soon as anything went wrong Id be fucked to all shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:08 No.2014546
    Hey Tide, can you put the Testmap6p on your server for the idle times when no game is going on? Practicing situations with 1-2 players under real lag conditions can help out a lot!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:15 No.2014731
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    Do you guys reckon it's about time to move up in difficulty, or should I do so when I can beat the Patriarch more often?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:21 No.2014892

    >caring about censoring names

    my sides
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:27 No.2015034
    Once you are lvl4 i would suggest playing hard.

    Why would you go medic on the patriach round when you are low-level?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:36 No.2015317

    He was actually level three or four there. We had another guy as demolitions, but he dropped out like an asshole just after the wave started.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:43 No.2015541
    Do it now, also play more stock maps so you can learn some finer details of the game, go back to normal afterwards if you want to kill some floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:45 No.2015581
    any cool EU /vg/ servers?

    do people ITT ever play with eachother?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:57 No.2015879
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    Anyone got a tier list?
    Perks and weapons wise.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)09:07 No.2016063
    Sometimes when I enter a server I get a connection lost. And it won't go away. I have to force-close the game.

    What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)09:12 No.2016174
    I managed to solo HoE with support, sharp and berserker(duh).
    But it is hard making a tier list because this team really depends on your team once you play higher difficulties.

    That feel when you like playing firebug but guys on HoE always want you to change class after wave 5
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)09:14 No.2016224
    >this team really depends on your team

    what am i even typing there.... i meant winning depends on your team herp derp
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/18/12(Sun)09:49 No.2017062
    >No Kevo
    >No Aldridge
    >No Steammedic

    Nope, no jimmies rustled here.

    Very hard making Tier list. Medic would be mid/low tier I know that.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)09:53 No.2017148
    Placing medic low tier, really?

    >playing waterworks HoE at the one spot at the stairs.
    >me being medic standing at the front tanking all the shit
    >get loved by your whole team and being the one making it possible to win
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/18/12(Sun)09:55 No.2017228
    That's why it's hard making a tier list. One don't really have a completely useless class, every class if done right, contributes to team. I suppose one could rank classes on how easy to fuck up they are
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:12 No.2017684
    One could also say, a team of which same class could win the easiest?

    Medic? Medic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:16 No.2017817
    I would say berserker definetly.

    Support may also be possible if the team can teamchat. They could let different people shoot at different times so they have enough ammo to last.

    About the other classes i dont know. They would definetly need some weapons that don't belong to their class. Like the commando, who would need a grenade laucher or they would get raped by the fleshpunds.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:20 No.2017904
    >not soloing as medic or berserker
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:23 No.2017985
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    >playing a team co-op survival horror game and solo it
    >not being autistic

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:24 No.2018015
    You never weld doors in this game.
    How am I supposed to level up my supporter?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)10:27 No.2018128
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    Why wouldn't you weld the doors?
    Is this some hipster KF cummunity bullshit that leaving doors unwelded makes you more pro.

    I always fucking weld the doors and i would probably be already lvl10 with my support with all the points I got from welding.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)11:41 No.2020443
    Play the arpeture map with some friends and wield up that heavy door.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)11:48 No.2020651
    If you need a support fulltime to weld some door, he may as well kill something instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)11:58 No.2021020
    It shouldn't be fulltime. Ideally a door should be welded at the beginning of the wave and stay close for the rest.
    However if you play on maps likelike filthscross, foundry or aperture, it can always happen that something comes at the door. If it is something small you can always unweld and close it again after killing. But sometimes you do need to stay at the door and weld before the team is ready kill the thing behind.
    Eather way I think that welding is a big part of the game.
    btw I am talking here about suicidal/HoE difficulty. On lower difficulties you can survive with unwelded doors
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:11 No.2021575
    Imo, it's the other way, on HoE you do need that extra 6th guy who kills stuf instead of welding, on lower difficulties there is less teamwork anyway and one guy can go afk holding a double door and even FPs aren't enough to crack it which isn't the case for HoE.
    Also, foundry and aperture have superior spots without doors, on filthcross you can actually play it like the manor-tunnel.
    Offices is one of the few maps I'd weld and even then a FP/SC spawn behind it (which can happen) is very dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:17 No.2021802
    again. i said that the door shoud stay close during the whole round, but if it happens that something spawns behind it welding it is the only option.

    also wich spot are you talking about on foundry? I was talking about the 3rd roof. If you mean the one spot in the room above a trader...then i think this spot isnt superiour at all. Maybe it was my team but i lost everytime i played there.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:27 No.2022305
    So what happens if something spawns behind it and a single Support isn't enough to hold? If it actually breaks down the team isn't used to the situation and everything goes to hell, that happens on Biotics all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:40 No.2022914
    the "help" command can do wonders.....

    on biotics when playing at the spawn you defnetly weld the door to the right. That way you make sure nothing comes from there.
    The 2 on the middle stay open
    one on the left can eather stay open of close. I personally close it because when i play we try standing more in the middle of the hallway at the beginning. that way you can make the infected not attack the door leftside.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:48 No.2023267
    Yeah, you scream for help and then you need 2-3 people welding it, great. You always have to account for broken doors strategically or pray to your goddess of luck that nothing happens, it's also not possible to guarantee 100% that both side doors on biotics stay unattended by creeps.
    I've won foundry on the 3rd floor next to the trader with open doors which is imo better than the one on the other side, as you don't have crawlers jumping down on you if you stay close to the corner, every spot where circumstances can change has an inherent danger imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)12:54 No.2023596
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    wow look at you. It sucks that I don't belong to the unwelded-door masterrace.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)14:19 No.2028089
    I actually agree that welding is probably the best for the run-of-the-mill pub game, less coordination as the team can just concentrate on one path, just trying to stir up some discussion.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)15:23 No.2031583
    Welding makes the game easier. Lets say every door in the level is welded tight. Say half of them break, but the other half have one or two pieces of trash uselessly scratching 3% every 5 seconds. That would basically take up several spawn spots, so when the FPs come, maybe less sirens, clots or scrakes. I just weld random doors and dont think about how welding might control mobs. If I have time at least.

    Also, people weld the doors on suicidal on biohazard. Welding is the shit. Ive a;lso seen people weld in the basement tunnel on manor, shooting up the steps in the cave.

    The problem with welding is that on some maps it does not exist. Icebreaker... I dont think there are doors on that map. Ive also never seen anyone weld on hospital horrors. All Ive seen on that is kiting and roof-dash
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)15:30 No.2031993
    Welding should not be done randomly. When you weld the door you want to control the specimen.
    You mentioned biohazard wich is a good spot for welding. You make the mobs come to the front and they don't attack the back.
    Welding on manor on the other hand is not so good. Specimen will definetly come thou this door and you will loose a support who will be busy welding. It is better to hole up in the cave.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)15:34 No.2032207
    The half that breaks could stack up all the zeds nicely, so you have to deal with a horde of stuff at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)16:07 No.2033874
    Welding doors without keeping in mind how it will effect the specimens is a bad idea.

    For one thing, if done correctly zeds will redirect to a single route, allowing for much easier disposal. However, if every door is welded they will break through the door blocking the most direct route. Also, they will stack up behind doors, usually ending up with a nasty surprise for your team when the door next to them finally comes down.

    Always leave one route open for the specimens to take, that way at most you'll get a single crawler scratching at the door, instead of a huge pile of zeds that you won't be able to handle.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)17:20 No.2038250
    What about the top of office where there are just doors fucking everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)17:23 No.2038398

    Even on HoE, I find that the first hallway in Offices is still the best spot. You can prevent the side spawn by standing in the correct spots and there's only a very very small chance you can get anything spawning behind the one welded door.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)17:38 No.2039457
    I also really like this spot. Make sure your team doesn't go too far back and the door will remain untouched.
    Many also seem to like the roof, wich i really don't get
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)18:52 No.2044297
    How do i level classes without constantly dieing and losing waves. It seems all the servers without dipshits are level 4+ and i only have level 2 medic and sharpie. How am i supposed to learn to play the game properly if i just lose constantly. I hardly ever play this game because of this. I have only found 2 good servers and they are empty 90% of the time. I'm almost regretting the money i spent on this game.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)18:56 No.2044507

    you can download the fake players mutator and play solo to level up. It adds more zeds to each level.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)18:57 No.2044597
    But solo doesn't help me learn anything. I'm just mindlessly killing zombies, and i know if i got into those 4+ servers i would get bitched at for not knowing stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:04 No.2045089
    >Level 4+
    You are playing only normal difficulty servers, right? There shouldn't be any level 4+ only servers there (If there are, the people on that server must suck terribly imo).
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:04 No.2045125
    yeah don't level in solo. It is bring and you don't learn to play in a team.
    You might just be unlucky with the servers. If the team is shitty you might even learn sometimes more bacause it forces you to be better so you survive.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:05 No.2045207
    If you can actually solo some of the maps on normal with a sharp, you know enough about the game to play with the 4+ guys. Learning to aim and move around are the most important basics.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:07 No.2045359
    So hard is still a challenge for you and you want to go on a suicidal server? You're an idiot, you should only move to suicidal if you find hard to be too easy.

    If I go play hard, even with a shit team, I can carry 3-4 people, even keep them alive if they move with me, and its still a breeze up to wave 8-10 or so. If its a good team by chance I seldom have to fire my damn weapon as its more like fighting for kills than having fun. You should be thankful you can still play on hard, there are less suicidal servers, and some of them are locked/clan centric and will kick high levels regardless.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:11 No.2045601
    I really hate that there are just a few suicidal/HoE servers. On normal and hard you can pretty much choose any map to play on while on suicidal you are happy when you can play any map with a decent team
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:13 No.2045765
    My problem on normal even is that i fight for kills, not points. I have completely given up the idea of ever playing demo just because i never have enough dosh. I usually just play medic because while i enjoy medic, you only need to buy 1 gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:14 No.2045856
    It really got worse with the HoE/Suicidal switch, before that you could find a lot of suic servers running. It's also always getting worse after every tripwire deal, as lvl 0s keep joining the games, it's on the upswing again though unless they pull off some event too early.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:14 No.2045892
    I remeber the time when i wasn't lvl6 and didn't spawn with a weapon. God dammit people are so greedy
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:15 No.2045970
    You still suck at some of the basics then, go sharp, get a lever action or handcannon and start killing stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:15 No.2045974
    the only good thing was that i leveled my medic crazy during those periods
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:16 No.2046047
    Llevel up sharpshooter to 6, you start with a crossbow that you can sell for a lot. You can also cheese by running to the trader, sell the xbow, blow your self up. Then you respawn with another xbow you can sell and hopefully buy a gl.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:17 No.2046113
    I fucked up my sentence, i mean that i fight to get kills as in get points, i don't really fight to survive.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:18 No.2046213
    I understood that but sorry, if you can't get kills on normal you really don't know the basics.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:20 No.2046365
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    Oh shit son, is that Mr. Foster?
    I love me some Mr. Foster
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:22 No.2046505
    I don't think you realize what i am saying. I have no trouble getting kills. It's other players killing things before i can, that is trouble. When there are 4 sharpshooters, things usually don't close enough fast enough for me to see them.I'm not going to be a fag and play sharp too when we already have 5.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:25 No.2046774
    So what, you want others to shoot less so you can have something to do? Just play on the more cramped maps?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:26 No.2046883
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    >That feel when your only max level class is firebug
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:26 No.2046918
    I would like something more to do then stand around and sometimes alt click.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:28 No.2047017
    Play on hard then?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:29 No.2047069
    I always play on hard. I love the challenge.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:30 No.2047132
    It is just something you have to except. On normal/hard alot of guys are killwhores. you want dem kills to level.
    you always have those demos shooting grenades and rockets everywhere blocking the view. and firebugs getting hated for getting many kills.
    deal with it
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:31 No.2047226
    i am going full retard
    goddammit brain
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)19:40 No.2047910
    I don't think that's too bad of an attitude to let the group kill as much as possibe, spamming demos are only really bad for the group if something gets through the front lines because of him. In the end the goal is to get to the Pat right?
    A guy playing medic when no one ever takes damage doesn't have a right to complain either, that sounds like a similar case.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/18/12(Sun)21:35 No.2054434
    umm sure
    I'll do it tomorrow, I've got some work to finish up.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)21:40 No.2054715
         File: 1332121238.jpg-(119 KB, 298x298, with logic like that.jpg)
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    >play DeathBasinSands
    >I am blessed with the holy hand grenade
    >use it on some husk
    >a black hole of utter nothingness appears
    >consumes everyone in 1/4 of the map's area
    >I kill like 14 teammates
    >mfw I'm forcibly kicked from the server not 30 seconds after

    That's not what it did in the movie
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/18/12(Sun)21:47 No.2055131
    Here's how I see it. Lets imagine up some scenarios

    Door is close, little/no spawn:
    Just try to get as far away as you can get from it without leaving the spot, drop a pipe and try to keep your distance to minimize zeds. Get support to clean it occasionally.

    Door is close, a lot of spawn:
    If the spot is worth staying at, (ex. offices) get your best support to solo the back, bug helps here too. Very difficult scenario to work in, if your support isn't absolutely confident in his ability, get out of there or change maps.

    Door is far away, little/no spawn:
    Weld it, maybe a pipe, and get your least important class to go check it occasionally. If it's confirmed to never have spawn, weld and forget it.

    Door is far away, a lot of spawn:
    In most cases you should just move to another spot, only time I would recommend it is if there isn't any other decent spots or your team is very competent.

    Letting a support solo the back door isn't a necessarily bad idea if you trust your team.

    I was working with a team on wyre HoE and we had one support focusing entirely on the back door. Easiest game of wyre I've ever played so there's always exceptions, it's far from impossible. So don't go to a shittier spot immediately.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)21:53 No.2055503
    Why is the combat shotgun not as good as the pump, is it because of the slower reloading speed and maybe price?
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/18/12(Sun)21:54 No.2055578
    IIRC reload is same but less ammo, same damage, more expensive, etc.

    Not worth it.
    Save up for an AA12 instead, far better use of your money.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)21:58 No.2055760
    Combat Shotgun is a waste of money, long reload times and same damage than the Shotgun, the shooting speed is faster than the Shotgun, but if you need to shoot fast, then get the AA-12 that deals more damage, and reload way faster.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)22:15 No.2056662
    Do you guys use any of the new weapons?

    I used the revolvers until they got "fixed". It was really handy especially since the commando could also care them.

    Right now I only use the claymore sometimes when i want to carry a HC instead of a lever
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)22:19 No.2056874
    its a hunting shotgun with more range but slower reloading times, really. Unloading it into a scrake after softening it on some difficulties is a viable strategy and is more of a sure thing than jumping at the last moment to doh miss one of the hunting shotguns rounds completely.

    AA12 can do fleshpounds though which makes it shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)01:07 No.2066169
    Just unlocked lvl 6 demo. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)05:00 No.2075053
    A Sharp could perhaps be even better for soloing backdoors if he has some leeway, at least scrakes are less troublesome but FPs could be more dangerous.
    Combat shotgun has very specific niches, because of its long reload time, it's only viable for spots where you have a very irregular spawning pattern, e.g. backdoors when you solo them. Good thing about it compared to the AA12 is the ability to 1shot sirens effortlessly, cancelling the reload animation and its lower weight for either an additional axe or handcannon.

    One guy from /vg/ liked to just use the Hunting as a trashcleaner though, so if you can master that timing you're going to rape everything.
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/19/12(Mon)09:52 No.2082421
    Grats, I applaud you. I see that as a very slooow task since you don't demo from the beginning usually unlike the rest of the classes.

    Also >that feel when you've completely abandoned normal and solely do hard+ games
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)10:54 No.2084256
    Unlock lvl 6 sharp, sell Xbow after the first wave, have M79 in the second, Profit!
    It's fairly fast to level if you limit your demo-activities to a few fitting maps, a matter of days, pretty much.
    The one perk that takes more than everything else combined is the Commando, the one perk you have to actually rely on others not messing with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)12:28 No.2087017
    commando was the first thing i got lvl6 since it is my favorite perk.
    medic was the perk that took me the most.
    i got to level 5 with healing others offperk but then comes this huge increase in healing points.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)13:44 No.2089859
    I propose this for the next time someone asks "Pat strategy?"
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)14:15 No.2091228
    >Unlock lvl 6 sharp, sell Xbow after the first wave, kill yourself, sell Xbow again, repeat, have (insert weapon here) by wave 2/3, Profit!
    This is how I start every game now, it helps sooo goddamn much. Get my AA12, ammo, and armor by wave 3. I'm so glad I leveled up sharp first.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)14:34 No.2092005
    I consider that blatant engine abuse, makes the game a bit too easy imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)15:34 No.2094942
    I've got my medic set up all figured out, but I'm not sure what I should do on others due to lack of playing them. What are my jobs as other classes and what weapons should I be using on each?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)16:12 No.2096943
    Watch others more when they play, there are a few standard setups and most use them, other than that the job is mostly killing stuff as fast as you can, the more single-shot damage you have the bigger the target.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)16:32 No.2098070
    Arbitrary challenge: Try how long you can survive on Foundry suicidal/hoe as a solo sharp!
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)16:33 No.2098139
    I just beat hospital on long/hard last night... was actually harder than the suicidals i've managed to finish.

    Shit is just... retarded, and every trader is 5 miles away from the roof


    >implying you ever get the roof trader
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)16:33 No.2098154
    What I'm thinking at the moment is;
    Medic: MP5/7, LAR, Axe
    Zerker: Katana, Axe
    Sharp: LAR, M14
    Support: Hunting Shotgun, Shotgun, Axe (Although, I only have 18 slots at the moment so any suggestions for level 2 until I have enough space for a shotgun and H.Shotgun?)
    Commando: No idea at all
    Firebug: Mac, Thrower
    Demo: No idea. Do I want a gun that isn't explosive as well as others?
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)16:36 No.2098297
    Near one trader is a small room with 2 exits (No doors) and at the back it goes to the left with the right blocked off. Camping there is fairly easy if you keep an SS and commando at the back.

    Or you could try kiting, which is easier but takes a competent team and a leader who knows when and where to stop.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)16:47 No.2098896
    Medic: H Shotgun and M32 are also good
    Zerker: Katana/Axe/LAR no alternatives
    Sharp: xbow/hc works too if you've got room
    Commando: Scar/AK all you need
    Demo: M32/M79/Pipes or LAW/Pipes, m203 is retarded
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)16:48 No.2098968
    How do you guys feel about armor?
    When to buy it? How to use it? etc
    I typically avoid it unless I'm the main attacker on the team.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)16:50 No.2099060
    can anyone give me some zerker tips
    i already have a support lvl 6 and medic level 5 but zerker is a complete different experience i know the basics but there's always something to learn
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)16:56 No.2099447
    Katana/Axe/LAR will be your main setup.
    Avoid armor unless you're on HoE and possibly suicidal as it gets wasted very quickly.

    Learn to dodge husk shots, bloat bile, and how to maneuver through large amounts of zeds. Always try to keep moving, take out gores first as they will catch up to you. For crawlers you can use the LAR to oneshot them, or let them jump at you then cut their head open at the end of the attack.

    Sirens and husks will be your main enemies as they have significant range, let your SS/Commando deal with them if possible. Otherwise try sniping with the LAR or in an emergency an alt katana swing will decapitate them both.

    Scrakes are easy, alt axe swing to the head, back up, repeat. (when he hunches over his hitbox moves which is why you have to offset it) Try to get your teammates to clean up around them and to get their attention. Alt axe swing to the back (head even better) will kill a scrake in 2 hits so always try to go for those.

    FP are easy if you have room, all you have to do is alt swing, let them attack, jump out of the way, repeat. Keep in mind not to attack to quickly or he will rage (wait 2 seconds). Also make sure you get close enough for him to attack otherwise the timer will not reset, you have 15 seconds in between each attack to reset the timer. You can also break line of sight to stop the timer.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:01 No.2099695
    I mostly agree, though the nade launchers should imo only be used off-perk when you're kiting, they're nice to have if it's hard to aim at husks, otherwise they produce too much smoke for the damage they do.
    You can only stun scrakes with the M14/LAR combo as a lvl6 sharp, I'd suggest Xbow/HC till then, also a lot easier to level with in the first place.
    For a low level support, try Pump/HC, it's great to shoot crawlers and single clots/gores with.
    Demo depends on the spot, Dual Launchers for general use, LAW for scrake-stunning, Launcher/LAR if you have to deal with close-ranged stuff sometimes.

    Learn shooting LAR/HC from the hip, kills crawlers in 1 bodyshot.
    Get the timing down for melee'ing, so you click a bit before you're in front of them, the attack should just trigger(there's a slight delay) when their head is in range - it's different for all melee weapons.
    Learning to dodge incoming hits as well as routinely looking around 360 degrees is also very helpful to stay alive.

    No armour up to wave 5 or 6 to save money and stay a bit on the edge, afterwards all the time so I can actually start tanking if it's needed, single exception being the demo perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:03 No.2099863
    thank you very much already doing most of these things.
    about the scrake, i know you can flinch him with a normal/hard katana slash and step a bit backward to easy solo him is this still possible on hard+
    also i've tried alt swinging the axe at him sometimes (even from the back) but for some reason it never works for me do i need to aim somewhere else?
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)17:05 No.2099981
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    >about the scrake, i know you can flinch him with a normal/hard katana slash and step a bit backward to easy solo him is this still possible on hard+
    Nope. Axe or claymore only.

    >also i've tried alt swinging the axe at him sometimes (even from the back) but for some reason it never works for me do i need to aim somewhere else?
    What level are you? you might not be able to do enough damage yet. See pic for reference.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:07 No.2100109
    level 2 on normal at the time (just leveled to 3)
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:07 No.2100115
    You have to be a level 5 zerker to stun a scrake from the front I believe. It always works from behind at any level though, you may just need practice doing it right.
    And once you can reliably stun with the axe, try to avoid using the katana method, since a scrake can easily break out of it, unlike the stun method where anyone can shoot it while you deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:09 No.2100186
    Flinching only works up to hard, it's limited to one use on suicidal+, Zerker is a class where you suddenly become a lot more powerful as a lvl 5+ when you can stun from the front - Axe-hit to the back of his head will already stun for you, but that's also a 1-time thing.
    >It always works from behind
    No, it doesn't.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)17:09 No.2100241
    I think he meant backstab headshot.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:10 No.2100271
    >Alt fire headshot from the back for any perk
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:13 No.2100454
    You should have clarified that, the difference between hitting his head from the back and his body is that you can continue to do the latter one to kill him, but can't with the first.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)17:18 No.2100762
    >One guy from /vg/ liked to just use the Hunting as a trashcleaner though, so if you can master that timing you're going to rape everything.

    I've been playing around with this for the last few days, I've been forced to use it as I've had several teams who simply could. not. fight. so I ran out of AA12/Pump ammo fairly quickly. The trick to using it is movement and trajectory.

    Depending on how the zeds are organized there are certain spots you want to be when you shoot. For example, typically when you have lots of smaller specimens you want to jump and aim down. Try shooting the hunting a few times and learn the trajectories for the bullets, once you have it memorized you'll instinctively move to the best angle to fire from hitting as many pellets as possible.

    Practice on testmap6p for a while before you start doing it in game because it is _very_ expensive.

    oh and one last thing, don't use alt fire all the time single shot can easily dispose of most things.
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)17:21 No.2100920
    Just added "Testmap6p" to LDE maplist.
    I'm holding off on lil big clot kitchen due to serious exploits in the map.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:28 No.2101329

    As for scrakes, while a good zerk can dispatch them quite easily, the hitbox can be a bit shitty, and even the best zerk is gonna fuck it up every now and then. That's why your best bet for scrake removal is a HC/Xbow Sharpshooter. Even a LAR/M14 Sharp is prolly better at it than a Zerk, so as always it's best to communicate with your team beforehand to figure out who is killing the Scrakes and FPs.

    My group of 4 rl friends is the following (Sui/HoE):

    I play Firebug until wave 6, where I switch to HC/Xbow Sharp (sometimes LAR/M14 depending on map). The rest of the team is Commando, Demo, Support, Support.

    So it's Demo on FPs and assisting with trash every now and then, and Commando+2x Support on cleaning duty. I play Firebug up to wave 6 because before Scrakes show up, Bug is just complete fucking rapemode, and pretty much noone else has to fire a single shot and can save up dosh.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:31 No.2101515

    Forgot to add: and myself on Scrake duty.

    It's a pretty balanced team imo for most maps; we tend to not kite very much, though; unless in an emergency linebreak situation.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:33 No.2101635
    I generally use the Alt-shot for close Bloats, Husks, SC/FP and for the reload-cancelling if it's getting hot.
    Wish the magnum only weighed 3 Blocks, the only viable side-sidearm is the Katana.

    What noone told you and I only realized again after reading
    's post:
    On the harder difficulties, a decision has to be made whether to kite or to camp and the Zerk is really god at the first task while pretty useless (with a few exceptions as a doorstopper) at the other, so keep that in mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)17:39 No.2102003
    thanks, i know. One of the friends i play the most with always went zerker when i went support wich resulted in me defending the group while he was doing whatever he was doing. Wich is quite annoying when he's the only one you're on voicechat with.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)18:09 No.2103639
    >"The flinched animation is when they are standing upright and looking around dazed and confused"

    That's just another stun animation. the flinch animation is a slight twitch backwards and only lasts a fraction of a second.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)18:21 No.2104391
    Yeah, I already complained about that image, there are a few things wrong with it.
    If you don't provoke the Scrake after the first flinch though, it actually lasts for ~2 seconds or even a bit more, it's just that he breaks out of the flinch state if anything shoots him.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)19:14 No.2107606
    I was browsing for tutorials yesterday and I came across this.
    And I'm pretty sure the person who made that picture is also this person.
    color me impressed. shame it doesn't have many views.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)19:37 No.2108927
    The actual info was mostly extracted by ScaryGhost from the tripwire-forums though.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)19:40 No.2109161
    Not that anon but have you ever played with her? she used to have a KF server and she's pretty good. There's a whole set of info pictures she made.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)19:52 No.2109845
    That info picture about the different class roles is probably by her? That info was one of the main discussions in the last thread (or the one before that?).
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)19:56 No.2110135
    No .Look at the style of ones she made and compare it to the other ones. She didnt make the class ones. If someone still has her on steam they should tell her she should post the rest of the pictures.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/19/12(Mon)20:37 No.2112760
         File: 1332203859.png-(291 KB, 500x1509, Adventure Floor.png)
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    Need to get back into KF. I miss being the go-to guy in my circle of friends.

    But for some reason my game won't let me host properly - just refuses to let friends join the server.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:43 No.2113117
    Just pick one of the dozen 0/6 servers?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:45 No.2113236
    Ah right, I forgot: KF has problems joining non-dedicated servers if you try to do it via steam, the friend list-game info will show something like "Server does not respond" and you can't join either - In that case, just join over the IP, that works out.

    If that isn't your problem, it has to be port related, can't imagine anything else.
    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 03/19/12(Mon)20:48 No.2113459

    I'll try that next time. Steam doesn't seem to get along with it at all.

    I got 4 lvl6s, then just stopped playing. Feels bad, man. Wanted to get everything else to 6 except for Firebug
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:56 No.2113940
         File: 1332204967.jpg-(207 KB, 1280x800, 2012-03-17_00006.jpg)
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    Only The Dead Can Know Peace From This

    I killed almost every fp and scrake lvl 6 support btw
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:12 No.2115008
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    You know, I kind of like how they actually tried to do something with the boots instead of just getting rid of them entirely.

    S'kinda neat.


    Armor absorbs 70% of an attack instantly. Even a shred of armor can save you from being one-hit by a particularly powerful attack (like one of the FP's swings while kiting him). So basically, past like, wave 3 or four I get it if I haven't already.

    Since a main Commando, though, I almost always have it by then because I spawn with an AK and even on Suicidal I can buy ammo for AK and/or a bullpup by the end of the first wave.


    I love Scary, he comes up with good stuff - because he actually pulls about the code to figure out how all this stuff plays together and tests it.

    He's got some interesting vids at:

    I'm not too big on the wacky loadout ones, but the ones with killing scrakes and FPs are neat.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:29 No.2115979
    I wonder where one can get the updated version of the KF SDK, the one I got is lacking files for the new weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:49 No.2117056
    Ports? UPNP port mapping has to be enabled in KillingFloor.ini to work.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:57 No.2117487
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    Shit sucks.

    I was playing a game of suicidal westlondon the other day, everyone else dies first wave, everyone quits. Two people join 2nd wave, they die, they dont quit. 3 more people join third wave, they all die within SECONDS and then they all quit. Fucking 3rd wave was torture to finish but fuck if Im dying on the third damn wave. Then I quit, weslondon attracts fucking idiots. Doom2 is probably the same.

    <-- Joined wave eight or so and found this poor guy, super-polite. Wish I hadnt died...
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)22:55 No.2120712
    Found some interesting server mutators I'm gonna try em out tomorrow morning.

    What a badass, damn
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)22:58 No.2120851
    sharpshooter here and once i get the crossbow just cover my back i got this

    Pop Pop watch all those scraps drop
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/19/12(Mon)23:02 No.2121073
    I don't get the appeal of w London. Personally I think the map is fucking hideous. Small, boring layout, awful colors, horrid lighting (too bright in some places, too dark in others), lots of smoke, no doors, manages to be open and crowded at the same time, etc. I'd rather play hospital horrors than that shitty map, at least it has good atmosphere to offset the bad design.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)23:38 No.2122826
    Ive always wanted to hole up in the basement area of westlondon, not that stupid office area though. It would be fun to have to need a player or two on flashlight duty, support obviously.

    And dont talk shit about my beloved hospital horrors.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)02:07 No.2129925
    As a sharp, magnum or HC? Also, dual or not?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)02:15 No.2130272
    HC definitely. Magnum has a longer reload and smaller mag size, making it all around worse than the HC.
    And stick to a single gun instead of dualies. You can aim much better with the ironsights, and having two guns doesn't increase your ammo capacity so you're really just wasting ammo.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)02:44 No.2131395
    the anti-dual wielding movement is in full force

    The handcannon should only be dual wielded, its iron sights are shit but no one cares because of the dps they looked up online. The handcannon is a sidearm for when shit goes down and you can no longer focus on scrakes, and when shit goes down, you dont need accuracy, the gorefasts are right there. You need lots of bullets.

    If you want to help with trash, get an off-perk gun that does that.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)02:56 No.2131864
    Except that's wrong, retard.
    I personally can use the HC ironsights just fine, and I'm sure anyone who actually uses them for more than a few games without switching to dualies will too. And a competent sharp can take out zeds faster with consistent headshots than a spray and pray dual wielder will.
    Besides, what are you going to do when there isn't a scrake or FP around, just sit around on your ass? You can't do anything with duals since you can't aim them for shit.

    >If you want to help with trash, get an off-perk gun that does that.

    Like what? A sharp with a crossbow doesn't exactly have a lot of choices in sidearms you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:09 No.2132272
         File: 1332227366.jpg-(225 KB, 1024x640, Schneider and FP.jpg)
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    >HC should only be dual wielded

    But it only fits into an Xbow loadout. If you're taking it as an "oh shit" weapon what the fuck are you doing when you're not hitting scrakes, FPs, husks, or sirens with bolts? Sitting on your hands? Trying to clumsily hit things with your dualies?

    One handcannon lets you deal with things that aren't your big targets without crippling your ability to actually hit them.

    >when shit goes down, you dont need accuracy

    A Sharp always needs accuracy. Aside from reload speed your perk bonuses do *fuck all* if you do not hit in the head.

    If you want the ability to protect yourself when things get close go LAR/M14. The M14 does a third more damage per round, has more capacity, has a sight for firing from the hip and a better RoF.

    >If you want to help with trash, get an off-perk gun that does that.
    >Instead of using a pistol with all your perk bonuses, grab a (likely expensive) off-perk weapon to be a pale imitation of another class

    Why would you do that.
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/20/12(Tue)03:16 No.2132478
    I can see someone with competent aim being able to use the dual HCs very effectively. Honestly after you've played KF a shitload aiming from the hip is actually not that difficult. I personally see duals or non as a taste call, and leave it at that. I like using two of them, because of the bigger clip size, being able to take out trash quickly should my team fail me, and lets face it, just for the sake of having two bloody great handfuls.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:29 No.2132934
    >Why would you do that.

    Because I do not play SS, ever.
    >> Straxus !3UsA1tiYFI 03/20/12(Tue)03:34 No.2133094
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    >doing well in a solo game for practice
    >game freezes for a solid 10 seconds or so
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:50 No.2133538
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    Ive gotten a RED SCREEN twice and died. Just redness, until you die. think it has something to do with the scrake

    <<^^ and not the good kind of red screen
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:54 No.2133632
    As sharpie, do I really undermine my team that much by using bolt-action rifle instead of the higher-tiered guns, just because I get much better accuracy with it and I really love its feel? Or should I try to improve my accuracy with the other weapons?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:11 No.2134064

    You mean the modded in hunting rifle?

    Can't say, I don't know it's full specs really, but you can kind of use it in tandem with the LAR and I remember it doing decently against scrakes (never shot a FP with it, can't compare there).

    Seemed decent enough. But it was basically a weaker crossbow - though hell, it might outshine the crossbow on suicidal and HoE because Scrakes and FPs have resistance SPECIFICALLY to the crossbow (and modded guns probably fall under the "everything else!" resistance which is only 50% - worse off than the LAR or M14, but better than the Xbow's pitiful 35%)
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:14 No.2134135
    Er, I meant LAR, sorry. The lack of sleep is starting to have its effect on me.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:26 No.2134402
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    Like that it sounds more like a support specialist weapon.

    Speaking of which,

    >mfw level 6 support with combat shotgun+AA12
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:32 No.2134546
    >Always getting fucked up in random pubs by Scrakes and Fleshpounds.
    >Realize Crossbow is amazing, especially so since I play Sharpshooter.
    >Headshotting Scrakes and Fleshpounds all day.

    I like to go single Handcannon with it. Double HC is sort of alright to pull out if you get surrounded, but with good awareness you can generally do better with a single one before they even get close.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:34 No.2134593
    Is the .44 Revolver any good?

    I fucking love the sound it makes but I imagine small magazine+long reload makes it kinda shitty.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:37 No.2134653
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    >go Support
    >do alright, but not as good as other Support players
    >they clear out crowds easily, I suck at getting multiple specimens in one shot
    >go Commando
    >do okay, I guess
    >go Sharpshooter
    >completely destroy anything I see within a 50-mile radius and keep my team alive while they remain oblivious to the absence of Scrakes, Fleshpounds, and Husks

    I don't get it, I'm a horrid sniper in every other FPS I ever played. What changed here? I'm not complaining, mind you, I do find it quite enjoyable. It just bugs me, is all.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:39 No.2134718
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    I wondered if you might, but guessed you would have just said LAR. Heheh.

    So! The LAR is actually an awesome weapon. IT, along with the M14, make up one of the ideal loadouts for a Sharp - especially on Suicidal/HoE.

    As a level six sharpshooter you can stun scrakes with a LAR headshot. You can kill them with four to five shots of this, during which they cannot do a damned thing and this any scrake on any difficultly so long as you're level six.

    It also one-shots sirens and husks (and everything below that!) if you hit the head. It can do amazing damage to the FP because it's much faster to reload between shots than the Xbow and doesn't have it's damage so drastically reduced (you'd be doing roughly half the damage an Xbow would per shot - and you can shoot a lot fucking faster)

    Of course, it's not *quite* as amazing for lower level sharpshooters but it's still a very solid choice.

    It's a cheap weapon that can dish out amazing amounts of hurt in the right hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:39 No.2134723
    Against AI it's fairly easy to headshot. There's also the fact that Scrakes and shit move fairly slowly and in a predictable manner before enraging.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:40 No.2134737
    Try holding the police station inside, it's pretty similar to bedlam just with slightly longer sight on the long direction, needs two sharps though, one for the side.
    I've found that the best camping spot, if you don't want to kite.
    So much hate and bad sharps.
    If you actually ARE competent enough, 9mm becomes the goto choice for aimed headshots, you can save the dual HC ammo for crawler invasions other emergency situations, especially when reading
    >what the fuck are you doing when you're not hitting scrakes, FPs, husks, or sirens with bolt
    I doubt you played much as a HoE sharp, yoyu don't even have enough XBow ammo to do all of that with bad spawning patterns, even when hitting everything 100%, shoot sirens with the dualies, stalker/bloat/gore/clots with the 9mm, Husks are best dealt with by switching to the XBow and insta-stun via bodyshot.

    If you can't headshot everything in sight from the hip in emergency situations, don't talk shit about them weapons.

    Can you stun/skill scrakes? (Lvl 6 sharp with the bolt-action) That's still a sharp's bread and butter.

    Things are comparatively slow in KF, they also mostly walk down corridors and you have a non-moving scope.

    50-mile radius does sound like playing on hard/Mountainpass though, so perhaps you want to try doing that on HoE Bedlam to get things into perspective.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:43 No.2134812
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    It's basically a slightly cheaper HC.. but it's ammo cost actually make it more expensive, IIRC.

    The ORIGINAL IDEA behind it was it's a 2-block weapon that can fit into a large variety of off-perk loadouts... but they're currently bugged in game and weigh 4 blocks despite the trader description saying it should be 2-block.

    So.. no, they're not any good. They might be worth having if they could be carried as a nice little off-perk sidearm, but they can't. For the same space you can get far better ones.


    Maybe it's because specimens don't tend to move around a lot unless they're *pissed*, heh.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:45 No.2134882
    People tend to forget that the XBow has a 4x Bonus to headshots, so you're looking at
    140 * perkbonus * 0.5 * 2 vs 300 * perkbonus * 0.35 * 4, which evaluates to 140 vs 420 damage, that's really not "roughly half"
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:54 No.2135118
    Ah, thanks for reassuring (that the right word? not sure) me. Going to focus on it then.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:09 No.2135543
    If you aren't lvl 6 yet, find SOME fast way to deal with scrakes to help the team, people mostly expect the sharp to do it without raging.
    On hard, just headshot him till it blows apart with the M14, on Suicidal you can stand in the front, headshot him slowly till he rages at you and then do the rest of the damage.
    If you manage to shoot him while he's preparing to swing at you, your damage should be enough for a 1-time flinch so you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:10 No.2135553
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    But it is. Assume you're a level 6 Sharp. You're on suicidal/HoE. You're staring down a FP.

    The FP has a modifier that makes him take only 35% of your crossbow bolt damage. If you shoot him in the face you're going to do 1008 damage.

    Now say you tried to shoot him with the LAR. He has a modifier that makes him take 75% damage from M14/LAR shots. A level 6 sharp with a LAR will do 672 damage on a headshot before this modifier - 504 after.

    Bam. You just did half of what the Xbow Sharp did and you can probably get a few more shots off before he reloads, aims, and fires again.

    Now I was off on Scrakes as I forgot they only had a .5 modifier (half damage) on suicidal/hard so you'll still hit for 1440 damage which is pretty damn hard and better than 672 (the scrake has no resistance to the LAR) but it's still almost half of what the Xbow Sharp does and once more you can probably get more shots off in the time he'll be reloading.

    While Xbow has a nice damage bonus, those two assholes? They don't give a fuck about your bonus on the hardest difficulties.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:11 No.2135596
    I use the M14 for those guys, though I don't like using it that much so my main weapon is the LAR. Currently level 3, almost 4.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:15 No.2135686
    does difficulty garner more damage/experience?

    is it more beneficial to try and level my zerk in normal or hard if he's level 3?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:21 No.2135887
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    And yet I seem to be the only SS in every game I play that knows how to play the damned class. I see retards running around with fucking bullpups and dual-wielding handcannons. Or worse, they have the M14. Just.....fuck. I'm not saying I'm anything special, but every single SS I see in this game can't be fucking arsed to kill one damned Scrake or anything. Even my best mate, who's amazing at this game, says I'm the only person he trusts to keep those fuckers at bay. God, people suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:23 No.2135938

    Zeds have more health on higher difficulties so in a manner of speaking, yes, you do get more experience/damage simply because you have to do more to make them stay down.

    You should be good on normal/hard, though scrakes might prove a problem since you can't stun them with alt-fire from the fireaxe or claymore until level 5+ unless you hit them from behind.

    Which means you're going to need people to get his attention so you can start backstabbing him. Not piss him off, just get him to start moving towards them so he'll ignore you.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:23 No.2135958
    Right, forgot about the special 0.75 modifier on LAR/M14, had it as 0.5 in my mind.
    I've had _enough_ runins with FPs/Scrakes on HoE though, it's a matter of range provided by the stationary spot, the closer the better for LAR/M14.
    While rattling all of these numbers is nice, I've got enough actual experience using 3 bolts to kill 2 scrakes myself, especially if you master his wonky hitboxes during stun it's extremely if you shoot the second bolt as soon as the reload finishes.
    >Bam. You just did half of what the Xbow Sharp did and you can probably get a few more shots off before he reloads, aims, and fires again.
    Ok, now try to kill a FP by yourself when he's coming down the hallway, especially when your LAR isn't fully loaded, now what?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:24 No.2135997
    Yeah, pretty much the reason I almost exclusively run Sharp myself, I've had games with 3-4 of them on Biotics HoE and not one of them could kill Scrakes reliably, it was painful to see.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:28 No.2136093
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    >that feel when you play a commando and become a human turret, taking out garbage left and right like the janitor you are

    >that feel when you can't play any other class now because they require precision and you are too used to tapping M1 like a schizo
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:33 No.2136242
    You run out of ammo doing that on HoE, do that as detox.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)05:54 No.2136879
    If you continuosly attack scrakes with the katana on the face, they won't be able to attack you. This works up to hard. Don't even try it on suicidal.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)06:00 No.2137031
    I've seen so many zerkers who still try that or can't do it correctly from the front with the axe, Zerk really became the Easymodo perk with the changes.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:22 No.2146849
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    >That feel when you've always been a commando and have rarely used the full auto setting, instead decapitating the trash while expending fewer rounds with each passing day

    >That feel when a friend suggested I go Sharpshooter since I always aim for headshots anyway

    >That feel when I do alright as a sharpie but I end up switching back to commando because I miss the ammo capacity, despite the appeal losing its shine so now I tend to stay commando because I feel its my job and no longer my passion

    I just don't feel right or useful as the other classes.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:48 No.2147809
    Youre probably an awesome commando, and as soon as you try out going SS, fucking trash starts edging in everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:49 No.2147848
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    >that feel when finally support-6
    now i need to decide what to level up next
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:52 No.2147937
    That's why a good SS does trash cleaning and doesn't sit around with an XBow.

    Gameplay-wise, I'd suggest Zerker, they are the three most fundamentally different perks.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)12:06 No.2148458
    >two level 6 perks
    >medic level 4
    do you even heal
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:13 No.2156604
    Playing commando once in a while is really so relaxing, you don't have to aim too well, can't really fuck up things and lead the killcharts if you get off of that
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:52 No.2161739
    >lv4 medic
    >All dose low level classes
    >Two lv6's

    Christ, heal your teammates. My first lv5 was medic and I got to it without ever even being the class. Lv6 medic takes eons to get though.

    Also play as more classes than just 2. You're just kicking yourself in the head by getting only two classes to lv6. Because now, you're gonna want to level up the other ones, but you're going to end up playing as SS or Support because you want to win.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:53 No.2161828
    eons? it took me a few days at best.
    Here's a tip.
    Try playing on suicidal/hoe kite maps


    Go to departed/aperture and just let a zerker block a door while you spam heal.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)16:58 No.2162163
    Well I never play as medic. So it takes me a long time. But lv5 took no time at all. It's kind of silly how they designed the levels for it.

    medic lv5- 25k healing points
    medic lv6- 100k healing points
    x4 more

    most classes lv5- 3.5m damage dealt
    most classes lv6- 5.5m damage dealt
    x1.57 more
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:01 No.2162347
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    >mfw I have a medic most of the time so I rarely need to heal teammates
    I obviously do heal my teammates when I need to if it's level 4. it's not like its level 0 or anything.
    >Also play as more classes than just 2. You're just kicking yourself in the head by getting only two classes to lv6. Because now, you're gonna want to level up the other ones, but you're going to end up playing as SS or Support because you want to win.
    Because that totally happened while i was leveling up support and had SS-6, right. No. I'm going to level up the classes I want to level up, because that's how I play the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:02 No.2162430
    Does this game get updated with new weapons regularly? I haven't played it in a few months, it was fun but it got old really fast because everyone used the same weapons, and played the same maps over and over.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:05 No.2162592
    The fun imo comes with meeting new people and beating all maps on HoE in a legit way. Just yesterday I've seen some guys abuse several maps by exploiting the flamethrower in safe positions, makes me puke.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:05 No.2162604
    TWI is rather slow with the updates but they are making new ones as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:06 No.2162659
    Too fast already, every time it updates the game(or rather the community) turns to shit for a month
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:08 No.2162758
    how to handle FP on HoE with LAR/M14 ?

    get 10 headshot really quick ?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:09 No.2162854
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:10 No.2162906
    Gl with that on most maps though, you'll have to step into crawlers, gores and sirens.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:10 No.2162935
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:12 No.2163053
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    >constable briar
    >shit tier
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:13 No.2163064
    >shit tier
    >Commando Chicken
    >Factory Worker Aldridge
    Yeah, nah, you're a wanker.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:15 No.2163187
    Yeah, the other day I was playing with 5 other people in biohazard. Four guys were using some kind of exploit in one of the traders, they were insulting each other and whatnot. I was playing bro-op with some dude I didn't even know, killing shit outside, he was a commando so I tried my best to leave all the stalkers for him, we healed each other and teamed up to take the big ones. Eventually the exploiting jerks died and it was just that bro and me against the last fucking wave. We kited that motherfucker like there was no tomorrow. It was fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:15 No.2163203
    B-but I like the pyro
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:15 No.2163226
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    >not liking briar

    The fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:17 No.2163302
    >walking all the way from couch room down to the bottom trader
    yeaaaa no.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:19 No.2163456
    >lee baron not being in eldergod tier
    >mr foster not also in god tier
    atleast they gets some recognition
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:20 No.2163483
    Fucking noob, it's not that hard to keep something alive at the end of the wave.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:20 No.2163493
    >going from zerker back to support
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:29 No.2164065
    You're still faster than most other classes at 15/24 compared to 15/15, they could really change that bit, perhaps supports would stop going rambo then.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:31 No.2164173
    still not SANIC enough for me
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:35 No.2164416
    >Play medic to level 5
    >Switch to SS because why not
    >Spend most of my time either running to people and healing them or looking at people with half health wishing I could use a medic gun
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:39 No.2164639
    >Going through HoE Abusementpark games
    >Exploiters everywhere
    >Think back to that time playing with random lvl 4-5 teams, fighting for survival on suicidal and sometimes succeeding

    Fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:40 No.2164701
    I don't think he says that you can't do it in the alloted time, he's just too lazy to do so.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:46 No.2164996
    >playing zerker after always having played support
    >go back to support
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:51 No.2165295
    Since they added new weapons, I'm confused on where many weapons fit in.

    If you guys could help:

    Revolver/Dual Revolver
    M4 /w nade lawnchair
    Husk Launcher
    Combat shotgun (I don't see the purpose, since the normal shotun is better all around except for firing speed)

    and pre update:

    Chainsaws (not pat, not spawn with&sell)

    Thanks, I just can't figure out how these weapons are supposed to be used and which situations they're better to take than others.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:52 No.2165343
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    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:57 No.2165641
    >no dr gary glover
    but he's so YELLOW
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:57 No.2165653
    Pat/Off perk

    Wiping out large crowds and stunning scrakes
    Holding doorways
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:58 No.2165697
    Is the pyro in killing floor like the ghastly gibus wearing guys in TF2 or what?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:58 No.2165727
    even more so.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:59 No.2165743

    It IS the TF2 players
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:04 No.2166014
    >Pat/Off perk
    I have no idea what you're talking about, how's the claymore used on the patriarch? And is it something a medic would be carrying around or what?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:06 No.2166145
    Claymore does a better job against Pat than the chainsaw (imo anyway)

    Faster, silent, higher move speed, hs multiplier, etc
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:20 No.2166830

    M4M203 is pretty good for the Commando
    Combines the M4 and the M79 at the weight of the M4, it's just rather expensive

    Combined with the SCAR, it allows the commando to do a bit of damage to Scrakes and Fleshpounds when necessary, and also allows them to quickly wipe out a group of lights when their rifle just won't be fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:23 No.2167001
    It's an unreedemable piece of trash. You need a demo just to buy it in the first place and it has a reduced clip size. Also once you fire the grenade you're stuck reloading for like two seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:25 No.2167080
    >Biotics HoE
    Coming in 4th wave as a Commando, actually getting money without asking for a change.
    One guy is obviously afk, I wonder if we should kick him but we decide to let him stay because of the added challenge.
    No one welds the front doors, the supports stay around the barrels, demos too lazy to shoot.
    The supports actually know about the nade combo on FPs, one of them buys an axe for scrakes.
    Around the 7th wave, the sharp actually starts missing some of his shots, now I realize that he's actually firing his Xbow from the hips, because we're rocking house anyway.
    When the medic sees double FP, he actually runs to the front blocking them while I run around them to keep the trash at bay.
    We actually die close to the end of the 10th wave because the sharp now tries to to shoot the scrakes with his 9mm instead of the XBow in close range, but good times were had.

    These are the games that make me come back again and again, sometimes you just meet that random group where everything flows together.

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:27 No.2167180
    Hip-shooting LAR for crawlers, let the sirens stay alive together with the scrakes, husk don't hit you when you're standing atop of stuff and they have to shoot upwards.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:27 No.2167198

    >Revolver/Dual Revolver

    Like a weaker, cheaper HC. But it's not cheap enough to justify purchase over the better in every aspect HC. It might be worth it as a sidearm if TWI ever fixes the weight bug and makes it take the 2 blocks that only one of them is supposed to take up.


    It's like a stronger axe! Only it weighs six blocks, so it doesn't fit into the Katana/LAR/Axe combo and so basically doesn't get used because that is a extremely good loadout for a zerker.

    >M4 /w nade lawnchair

    It's basically the M74 with halved ammo and some ability to defend yourself but you have to shell out an ungodly sum of money to get it. It's generally not a good idea to get this. It doesn't do your demo job any better - just makes you more capable of keeping trash off, but then that's your team's trash-sweeper's job.

    >Husk Launcher

    A heavy-hitting, long range weapon for the firebug. Can be useful in that it stuns scrakes, but largely not worth it because firebugs are trash sweepers - being able to soak a group in fire is better than plinking away lighting things up with the Husk Launcher 9/10.

    >Combat shotgun

    The CS is basically useful as a weapon akin to the hunting shotgun - it can put out a lot of hurt in a short span of time and reloads slowly. The problem is the HS does this job better and you want your shotgun that isn't the HS to be something you can easily use on trash. Which is to say, not this.


    The LAW was crap before but now it's pretty decent. Ultimately, though, it's for use only against the patty - a demo with GLs, good use of nades and pipes can kill a *lot* more with the LAW than a LAW demo.

    >Chainsaws (not pat, not spawn with&sell)

    Pretty much worthless. It doesn't get the speed bonus.

    And that's a killer.


    This fucking fucker has been useless since day one.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:27 No.2167204

    I buy it every time I play commando, and it still gets commando buffs, just not launcher buffs
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:28 No.2167273
    He's the kind of guy who kills the last Zed because he can get to the bugged trader fast while you're 5-10 seconds too slow when doing it the legit way.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:30 No.2167385
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    >with the LAW than a LAW demo.

    Hurk. That should just be "than a LAW demo."

    I cannot brain today.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:34 No.2167626
    LAW stuns scrakes though, if your Sharp isn't too reliable or you have a horde of 2-3 incoming, it can help out a lot.

    I don't get the use on the Patty though, Long-range you don't actually hit often enough to make it matter and the GL's DPS should be a lot better when he's closing in.
    So why do so many people use it other than the achievement?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)18:44 No.2168218
    Also it does kill Gorefasts/sirens/husks in one hit with quite a large radius of doing so. Which would take 2 shots of a nade launcer to do with less radius.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:27 No.2170551
    LAW is probably the most fun weapon to use in the whole game. SCHWSSSsss BOOM >zeds go flying

    IJC M99 and FAL are good too.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:47 No.2171532
    SOME of the benefits.

    When used by a commando the damage bonus applied to the normal M4 does not apply to the M4 203, however, it does feature less recoil and larger magazines. It has a lower ammo pool than the commando variant, costs more, and loses the ability to toggle fire mode to semi automatic due to the under-slung M203 grenade launcher it features. It also lacks the red dot sight the other variant features.

    You can do more damage to a crowd with a bullpup or ak. I cant imagine why anyone would use this shit gun. I cant even stand the other m4, which really is just some sad attempt to make the commando a sharpshooter by forcing us to use semi automatic for what I can only assume to be superior accuracy. If it isnt more accurate then its only benefit is to speedily dish out 600 less damage per clip than an ak, likely hitting less targets.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)19:52 No.2171768

    The GL's better, yeah, I was just saying it's one of those situations where the LAW is a much worse option - and on really open maps, like Farm, the LAW can be better for sniping the Patriarch whereas the GL requires a lot of guess work in trying to arc the nades just right.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:03 No.2175507
    >Now teaching people how to deal with Sc/Fps as support on Tide's server, playing testmap
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:07 No.2175768
    Haven't played in awhile. Is demo still nerfed to shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:10 No.2175913
    I'd say that he's still pretty damn strong, especially with pooled money for pipes.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:53 No.2178236
    How useful is a medic in terms of tanking? or is tanking a situation that should just never come up, even with shitty spawns?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:13 No.2179282
    If an FP is raging, can I just go all out on it as any class, or will it prolong the rage or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:15 No.2179342
    once he hits one person he stops raging, it's better to let zerker/medic tank the hit and then recuperate. (assuming you have no demo)
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:15 No.2179378
    I think it stops raging after hitting someone, so you could reignite his rage there.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:18 No.2179505

    Yeah, he stops raging if he successfully gets within melee range and swings - whether or not he actually connects.

    You basically you're cleared to go all in until he gets close to someone at which point you need to stop shooting immediately or risk him re-raging from the damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:33 No.2180249
    I think Ive hit the ol fp with an axe while he's swinging at me and it doesnt reignite his rage, so its probably okay to shoot at it until its done with its swing animation.

    Its dumb to swing at it though, swinging stops you a bit and might help hurt you, so dont do what I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)22:36 No.2180369
    Doing more than (700 I believe?) damage in 2 seconds will rage him. Axe alt fire does just below that. However if just one more person adds to your damage he rages. Shooting him is never a good idea during rage sequence unless there is someone on your team who can do enough damage to easily finish them off in 1-2 shots.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:20 No.2182612
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    Waaaaaay less than that.

    The FP rages under these circumstances:
    - He's seen a player for longer than 15 seconds and hasn't gotten to swing at them
    - He takes more than 320 damage in a 2 second period

    He can't however, enter a rage state from within a rage state so any damage done to him while raging won't do anything. It's only after he gets close and swings (ending the rage state) that it's a bad idea to shoot him once more.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:28 No.2182934
    >- He's seen a player for longer than 15 seconds and hasn't gotten to swing at them
    I thought this is universally reset once his swings, I mean he resets this meter for all players, not just the one he swong at? Swinged? Swang.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:29 No.2182984
    yes it is.
    also another thing to keep in mind is that it is not exactly 15 seconds. The last 5 seconds is random. It could be 10 seconds or 15 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)01:21 No.2188093

    It is universal, my apologies if I implied it wasn't.

    You can - if there's nothing to hide behind or no one is dancing in and out of his swings - reset the rage timer by tossing a grenade at him.

    Just don't land it at his feet. You want to get him to activate the "run the fuck away from grenades" state, as this changes state and as a result makes the frustration timer reset.

    Only works so long as you have grenades, of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:17 No.2192018
    i know about hipshooting LAR
    >keep sirens alive
    what than how am i supposed to kill the scrake
    >husk don't hit you when you're standing atop of stuff and they have to shoot upwards.
    thats nice and all but doesn't help when i have to fend of a group
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:25 No.2192297
    >what than how am i supposed to kill the scrake
    I thought you were talking about kiting, that's when you want to leave scrakes/sirens alive till the end, sometimes you end up with 7 scrakes and 10 sirens but that's very killable with the LAR and axe when there's nothing else left.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:28 No.2192382
    true but i prefere to dispose of sirens and scrakes as fast as possible before someone is stupid and gets themselves killed because of them
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:40 No.2192737
    360, not 320
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:43 No.2192830
    >playing some KF yesterday
    >lvl 4 support, friend plays as commando
    >do okay for the first two rounds
    >a guy joins
    >totally bro tier medic
    >doesn't say anything the whole game
    >is unhumanly good
    >healing our group, plus some retard berserker who runs off slaying zeds
    >healing shots over half the map
    >always has dosh to share
    >carries a shotgun to drop to newly joined players
    >play 3 games, win all
    >says "good game guys"
    >didn't even get his steam name

    Here's to you, bro medic. Game on, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:50 No.2193031
    You can use "View Players" in the steam overlay while playing KF, it has a list of players you've recently gamed with.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)03:55 No.2193181
    He's a bot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:53 No.2194706
    Can I have some general tips for playing the classes?

    If I'm demo, what exactly is my roll besides pooping pipes and shooting nades at mobs? My lauchers seem to do crap versus the big guys at low level, should i even bother going after them?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)04:58 No.2194845
    don't bother with scrakes, they resist explosives.

    bother with FP if no SS is on it or if situation calls for it.

    also l2stack : throw grenades and shoot your GL to make them explode, learn to not blurr vision of sharp shooters everytime and learn to spend ammo intelligently.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:01 No.2194921
    >don't bother with scrakes, they resist explosives.
    That's an old myth and wrong, as can be seen in the game code
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:05 No.2195049
    Watch this for fleshpounds:
    Depending on your team, sometimes the LAW can be better, as it stuns scrakes, which can be a bigger problem than fleshpounds.
    Learn to place your pipes in a way that stray bloats won't trigger them, most of them should be to where your front pulls back to. You may also want to protect them from sirens by setting them behind solid objects (walls/corners etc.)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)06:50 No.2198162
    Its a useful myth though, scrakes can be dealt with without explosives and usually without raging them. Explosives should be reserved for emergencies/close quarters FPS
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)07:46 No.2200091
    I just had the opposite experience last night. Had a medic who was fine for the first game but in the second he flew his true colours and turned out to be the one thing I hate almost as much as troll players: the Perk Nazi.

    This dude would not shut the fuck up about players "stealing his heals", telling the zerker not to bother welding, and complaining when someone spent dosh on off-perk weapons.

    I seriously wonder why people like that even bother with multiplayer. Surely they just spend the whole time pissed off at someone.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:28 No.2201268
    I believe that in his own, slightly misguided way (other than the "stealing heals" comment), he's trying to teach the team how to become better - I'm always slightly miffed when a lvl 6 support just throws a ton of grenades at a FP while arming his AA12, in the belief that something will come out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:41 No.2201546
    You do know lvl6 support has +120% nade capacity and +50% nade damage bonuses, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)08:49 No.2201803
    I also know that a good shot with the HS to make the FP actually stop and not dodge the nades is what makes the support so powerful, your point?
    When 2-3 Supports aren't able to kill a single fleshpound without taking damage, they are just bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:00 No.2202080
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    >play on hard
    >don't shoot scrake ill solo them
    >attack a scrake
    >level 6 commando opens fire
    if you don't know how the game works atleast listen
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:03 No.2202160
    One of the reasons I only go for suicidal/hoe nowadays, if a group is shitty they'll get wiped by the first few scrakes.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)09:32 No.2203001

    My bad. Checked KF Wiki quickly instead of digging through the forums. Yeah 360 - Scaryghost is a more reliable source than the wiki.

    >Learn to place your pipes

    This is an important one. A good demo will place his pipes in fallback points so when the front gets over run - or an FP or Scrake comes raging through, the threat will either be turned to flesh confetti or severely damaged.

    A well placed pipe or two can save your team mates from injury or death, or the whole team from a wipe.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:53 No.2209602
    >a lvl 6 support just throws a ton of grenades at a FP while arming his AA12, in the belief that something will come out of it.

    Well if he's tossing them down a hall in biotics that belief is likely well founded. But I imagine you mean a more open map where it's actually possible for them to dodge.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:23 No.2210586
    If no one actually shoots the FP, he can and will dodge even 10 grenades, which will proceed to do as much damage combined as 1-2 of them to his feet when he's rooted.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:27 No.2210730
    I have a level 6 support and I would love to learn how to deal with fps the way you explained instead of pumping him full of aa12 slugs and praying.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:30 No.2210830
    Come to I'll show you
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:57 No.2211824
    The idea is pretty basic: if throw nades he walks around them, but if you piss him off he stops moving. So toss nades at his feet and immediately shoot him. He'll just stand there until they go off.

    If he's already starting the rage animation then it's too late to throw nades unless you're holding a launcher which you can use to set them off early.

    If he's raged and attacking someone he'll ignore the nades so try to put them down in the path that your poor teammate is backpedding along.

    Zerkers and medics with some armour left make good FP bait if your team has good communication.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:00 No.2211949
    Note that
    's advice doesn't implicate a premade team with voice communication, it can work out in random pubs as well if the players know what they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)16:26 No.2218736
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:32 No.2222378
    Awesome strategy. Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:38 No.2222721
    Another hint: Grenades also explode when they're in range of another explosion, you can create chain reactions that way -
    Throw _1_ nade (if you throw more, he'll already start dodging), shoot him, throw another 2-3 nades to his feet while he's raging so all of them explode at once, the FP will be dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:34 No.2232773
    Is there a specific way you should switch weapons? I find it so annoying when I'm using a medic gun and a LAR and having the LAR come on when I press 3 and need to heal someone
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:17 No.2235005
    Well, I just went OCD on that problem because it was really annoying ages ago, so I'll just paste part of my user.ini:

    Backspace=getWeapon KFMod.Single | getWeapon KFMod.Dualies | getWeapon KFMod.AA12AutoShotgun | getWeapon KFMod.MP7MMedicGun | getWeapon KFMod.Axe

    MouseWheelDown= getWeapon KFMod.Deagle |getWeapon KFMod.BenelliShotgun | getWeapon KFMod.DualDeagle | getWeapon KFMod.AK47AssaultRifle | getWeapon KFMod.Winchester | getWeapon KFMod.Revolver

    MouseWheelUp= getWeapon KFMod.DualDeagle | getWeapon KFMod.Bullpup | getWeapon KFMod.Shotgun | getWeapon KFMod.M79GrenadeLauncher | getWeapon KFMod.MAC10MP | getWeapon KFMod.MP5MMedicGun

    Mouse4=getWeapon KFMod.Knife | getWeapon KFMod.Machete | getWeapon KFMod.Katana

    T=getWeapon KFMod.Crossbow | getWeapon KFMod.M14EBRBattleRifle | getWeapon KFMod.SCARMK17AssaultRifle | getWeapon KFMod.Flamethrower | getWeapon KFMod.LAW | getWeapon KFMod.Boomstick | getWeapon KFMod.Chainsaw | getWeapon KFMod.M32GrenadeLauncher

    I just manually split up the weapons in a way that all viable setups never use two weapons of the same key (slight exception with the pistol).
    (Backspace is mapped to caps lock, T is mapped to F, if the keys look funky)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:35 No.2239090
    Helped a lot, thanks
    >> Tide !!vKeuj+V2CUM 03/21/12(Wed)23:35 No.2242201
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    Gentlemen, I come here today with a challenge
    This weekend I'm looking for the best players /vg/'s got, going to try and tackle bioticslab-lightsout. The map is completely dark save for a few fires, glowsticks, and neon signs. It's going to take some serious coordinating to beat it. I need the following

    A level 6 commando
    A level 6 firebug
    2 Level 6 Support
    A Level 6 SS
    A Level 6 demo

    The support specialists will be in charge of general trash clean up, and welding doors. You will be expected to use the pump/combat shotgun for their flashlights.

    Firebug will keep lanes lit as well as clean out trash. The firebug must also make careful use of his nades, if a bunch of gores hug us we need them to break free and get back into position.

    Commando will help the support specialists and in general make sure no one gets raped when they go to weld, heal, etc.

    SS job is simple, take out scrakes/husks/sirens. The difficult part will be firing under flashlight/fire so practice a bit.

    Demo will need to kill FPs and serve to prevent zeds from getting anywhere near us if possible. If you excel in defense and have pretty good eyesight this is for you.

    I may possibly add a medic to the list, I'm not sure yet.

    General rule for all jobs, make sure you pick up the slack of your teammates. Heal people who are busy, supports take out FPs if the demo is busy, Commando needs to help welders a bit, etc etc.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys think, for now I'm going to sleep.

    May also do candlesmoke if this is a failure.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:56 No.2248712
    I have a question about Support. I'm only level 2, and I'm usually at the front of the lines slaughtering scrakes and fleshies, but sometimes my team mates will tell me to stay back. I just wanted to know if I'm doing this whole thing right, because I'm usually shooting at point blank with a hunting shotgun.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:02 No.2248949
    This game sucks.

    Crappy, boring weapons.
    Reptetive gameplay.

    Its basically GRINDIN: DA GAME
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)02:06 No.2249085
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)03:01 No.2251173
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    >lvl 4 zerker
    >last hard map achievement left to get is aperture
    >carry the team through a couple near wipes
    >wave 7, last one alive
    >get down to ~10 zeds
    >round a corner into a fucking triple siren spawn, can't see shit through the wailing, insta-dead

    well fuck, that was just bad luck. I'll find another game

    >aperture again, zerker again, team is pretty decent
    >we have a few rough spots but get to wave 10 fairly easily
    >wave 10 is a motherfucker, end up the last one again with over a hundred zeds
    >kite the fuck out of them til there's about 10 left
    >fleshpound + husks on my ass, need to get down a tight stairway ahead
    >see a siren coming up it, fuck it I'll take a hit and drop down past her

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)04:20 No.2253704
    i don't play HOE so my advice may not be the best but when i play support i'm all purpose first line of defence (that is when there isn't a zerker running around)
    probably just people being mad you're sweeping kills
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)05:47 No.2256170
    Easy to know: If you get damaged, you are too far in the front, you need to leave enough space for the zeds to run through so you can get covered by your teammates.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)05:55 No.2256396
    I don't think it would be that hard, especially with the IJC for 1hit scrakes (so ban it for this challenge, please?) and supports who know what they're doing. I'm pretty sure I can play the Commando part and just shoot everything according to their health bars. Don't know how much time I've got this weekend though.
    The biggest problem will probably related to the dynamic lighting and the resulting framerate, 2 support lights + firebug make for terrible slowdown, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:38 No.2257497
    New to this game and I like the Commando weapons a lot but I'm not entirely sure what a Commando's role in the game is. It seems like every other class is better at killing
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:35 No.2258845
    Ok, just did a solo testrun as a 1stwave firebug -> commando for the rest, got to wave 7 and would probably have survived if i didn't lose my armour nading the FP.

    I've found that, at least in my solo adventure, it's easier to play this like KF-Waterworks: Don't stay on the middle lane but pull back to the right corner, if you weld that door in the window-room it will stay unattended and you can concentrate fire.

    I do wonder if it's possible to let someone (demo, for example) stay inside the room for more range, will try that out later.

    For the perk setup, I'd switch mid-round: Demo is a bit of a moneywaster early-on, so go dual firebug up to scrakes.
    Then, switch one medic in for a Bug, he'll have to help with Husks and of course do a lot of blocking.

    Depending on whether it's safe to be in the room or not, a LAW demo could be very helpful.

    Now that I think about it, FPs are probably easier in the corner than in the middle for one reason: They are faster than Sirens and will probably come early enough to get one nade explosion in while the sirens are still around the corner, on Suicidal Nade-> HSG->Nade->Jumping HSG into the head are enough to kill him so that should be pretty doable.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:36 No.2258884
    Go for headshots with the AK, you'll outkill pretty much anyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:40 No.2258985
    oh sure, most classes can deal more damage to the big guys, but nothing (possible exception of a good pyro) can outkill you on the small ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:41 No.2259002
    that feel when you accidently call firebug a pyro and now you feel like an idiot
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:43 No.2259050
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    bwaaaka, bwaaaaaka.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:58 No.2267226
    Can't totally disagree, for a good portion of the players it's a game for achievement hunting and getting lvl 6s.
    People say that you're learning about the game while you're leveling to the high levels, which is why using an instant-solution like ATMA (or whatever it's called) is bad -
    Someone who jumped into suicidal as a cheated lvl6 will arguably be better skill-wise after playing for 20 hours than someone who used the same time to level himself on normal and hard games,
    if he actually listens and watches other people play.

    I personally dislike multiplayer cheaters of all kind, so feel free to flame away.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:29 No.2268187
    I've got over 200 hours already and I can't imagine trying to play this just for 'chieves. I've had more fun getting bulldozed on wave 8 with a bunch of nubs than I ever do with a well-oiled team coasting through on top kills.

    That moment when the two survivors are standing back-to-back in the middle of the street, down to the 9s and waiting for the healjuice counter to reach 50 when the last few specimens keel over? It really doesn't matter what happens in the next wave, how many kills I've got or how much closer I am to my next ding, that game has already been everything I wanted it to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:31 No.2270729
    wave 8 is a good wave to die on. There's still that chance you could make it, could beat the patty etc.

    But dont start that whole "failing is fun" bullshit. If we wipe on wave 4 or 5, the team fucking sucks and should be playing on an easier dif. People who play to lose are cancer, the game should be challenging, and if its too easy, there is always a higher difficulty, since no one masters HoE.

    >better skill-wise
    >jumps into suicidal
    >20 hours
    >if he actually listens

    No, and I fucking hate you. You have no idea what skill means. He cant be better, if he needs a 6 to survive, a level 0 can do suicidal if they are good at the game. If they need a level six, then it is a handicap.

    More damage helps them, but I just played some game on icebreaker suicidal and saw some level 6 commando fire his scar at a scrake and die TWICE. He didnt switch to another gun, he reloaded his scar, and probably sold his ak. I was playing commando as well and due to the general ineptness of the team I had to kill some scrakes (I killed more than the sharp) but I didnt die. I also saved that guy a few times from scrakes, and thanks to people like me that actually learned how to play, he wont learn and will continue to be an entitled bottom feeder. You think someone who cheats their levels listens and learns? No, they insult the team and rage quit like little kids, which is what they are. Youre speaking in theoreticals, the person you described doesnt exist in real life. And any good natured gamer would realize that there are more hard servers, and sucking is desirable. So wanting high levels as a handicap for suicidal is retarded. Better to be a level 1 on normal or hard. Its so fucking pointless to cheat. Its purely misleading and greedy.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:35 No.2270904
    The Commando's role is to basically kill off all of the trash, AKA the clots, gorefasts, and crawlers. Everyone fighting a Flesh Pound? Ignore it, just focus on protecting your team mates from all of the other crap that's going after them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:37 No.2270965
    >No, and I fucking hate you
    >But dont start that whole "failing is fun" bullshit. If we wipe on wave 4 or 5, the team fucking sucks and should be playing on an easier dif.

    I like you, add me on steam!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:44 No.2271297
    I'm reinstalling this atm, haven't played in a long time at all. If I remember right I had Sharpshooter at level 6, but everything else at like level 1 or 2 or something, should I dive straight back into hard as a SS or should I do something else?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:51 No.2271593
    Ha. No one adds me because Im a dick, they add me because Im boss. Im the guy who solos six player wave 4 because everyone died, then lets a clot chew him out while spewing loads emone. Why would I want shitty players on my friends list?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:53 No.2271696
    ha lol xD you're so alpha plz teach me halolha
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:05 No.2272254
    Because I'm the guy who actually carries teams on HoE as the sharp, killing both trash and scrakes mostly alone?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:06 No.2272302
    What a predictable response.

    Have you considered whether being alpha is really synonymous with being good at videogames? Does anyone think that videogames are alpha? Your mockery makes no sense. Are you saying I should be terrible at videogames, or are you saying that you like to suck? Whats your point?

    Youre mockery isnt very clever and leaves much to be desired.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:08 No.2272373
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:13 No.2272616
    Ah alright. I always went for an M4 and it just felt like supports with shotguns just outDPS'd me both in the trash stuff and the tougher things
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:25 No.2273175
    The M4 is not a very good weapon, replace it with the AK, add Scarm later if you get the money.
    In close range, supports will always outDPS you, you can a lot better with the midrange, especially stray crawlers etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:27 No.2273274
    I don't think you're that much of a dick, bad players have to be told that they're bad.
    Soloing wave 4 is really nothing special, about 9-10 it gets difficult.
    You're also a bit fast on the judgement of my skills, but I guess we'll never see the conclusion on that.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:33 No.2273540
    I didnt realize you posted your steam name, came off as sarcastic.

    Im already friends with you, youre great.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:41 No.2273958
    guys, i have a question:
    my server list is pretty fucked up, i can't filter, i think i used to be able to, is this occuring to anyone else?
    trying to click a specific server, list keeps scrolling, having to wait again...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:20 No.2275796
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    please tell me your steam name is FainZ
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:33 No.2279836
    >finally hit level 3 Support
    Oh my god I can finally use TWO shotguns this is the best thing ever
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:53 No.2281039
    Pump/Hunting can pretty much accompany you to the end of time, there are a few awesome tricks you can do with the HSG.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:56 No.2281193
    its not synonymous, and being good at video games is not alpha. I'm not calling you alpha, I was saying your trying to act alpha by saying
    >i'm a boss
    >I can solo and waste everyone's time
    you can be good, just don't act like a dick
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:16 No.2282284
    How do I level up SS? I find that there are never enough specimens by the time they get close and I'm using shotgun shells on 1 gorefast or zed
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:46 No.2284217
    Best solution for these problems is always to try a harder difficulty, it's about right when the group gets almost overrun regularly - more stuff to kill for you!
    Try to learn how to stay at the front line while not taking damage and still killing things; It's all about weaving back and forth, sometimes sprinting a few meters to shoot that pesky husk, sometimes running backwards from that gorefast.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:15 No.2289208
    Is there ever any reason to use the Combat Shotgun over the Pump?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:16 No.2289248
    If you've got the DOSH for it, and you are suddenly on FP detail, maybe. And you're running low on grenades.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:25 No.2289813
    Yes, holding less frequented sides, where peak damage becomes more important and sustained damage less - backdoor offices, side of biotics etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:56 No.2291479
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    Medic's 4 scurbs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:59 No.2291665
    Just wanted to let you guys know, at GDC the President of Tripwire told me that there is new content and events on the horizon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:00 No.2291754
    You sound like you're...about 16?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:01 No.2291806
    That's the joke.
    Why is there always someone who thinks they're smart for not understanding sarcasm?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:03 No.2291886
    I can't decipher that name and I was speaking 1337 before the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:04 No.2291949


    I'm just waiting on the next summer event so I can get my damn Steampunk Foster. I've met the requirements for the Punk'd achievement but it remains locked.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:05 No.2291985
    Heinrich Himmler
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:08 No.2292170

    Steampunk Scully looks better than I thought he did. Granted I didn't get a good look at the only one I saw ingame.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:10 No.2292270
    >sarcasm by acting like a 16 year old without any sign that he's faking it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:30 No.2293308
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    The thing is you have many, many more bullets than supports. Supports can do your job - they can do the Sharp's job too - but they're just not as good at either role as a dedicated Sharp or Commando. Supports exist to fill in the gaps. If a team gave all trash duty to the support he'd rather quickly run out of shotgun shells.

    At level six, the minimum amount of bullets you can have with a pair of assault rifles (Assuming you start the wave full - which is cheap as piss) is 750 rounds.

    That is a LOT of dead specimens.


    Not really. It works better as a replacement for the HS as it can do spike damage with a really long reload like the HS. But it's not quite as good in that role.

    But since it does the same damage per shell as the Pump, with less in the mag, and more time to reload (1 sec vs. 0.66 sec) it's just not a good replacement.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)20:42 No.2293907
    Combat/Hunting/Axe is very viable if you want to clear the gorefasts around that Scrake while raging him, so you can flinch him with the Axe and finish with the Hunting (no, this isn't sarcasm but a very real situation).

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