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1.91 MB
Katawa Shoujo General #490

Moot's a pretty cool guy. Piss everybody off, and doesn't afraid of anything. edition

>Image limit changed
>everybody's mad
>you're mad
>he's mad
>we all mad

Last Thread: >>>/vg/12035762

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second for wolf is a faggot.
nth for Hanako
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Spoiler Image, 84 KB
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Every Rin is Best Rin
no wolf is a dog
he changed his profile picture
nth for Moot being a nigger.
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nth for bike shorts
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I might actually use reaction images this thread
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200 KB

more hanalilly
>wolf changed his facebook picture
>Hanako and Lilly attend Hisao's funeral.jpg
>Lilly attends her husband's funeral with Hanako.jpg

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43 KB
Think we'll get to 500 before monday?
I'd think so.
With the image cap id say yes
>green eyes
>purple eyes

Whoever made this picture is a dumb motherfucker.
It's in the official artbook.
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57 KB
Well then. I guess we better discuss Katawa Shoujo.
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Least favourite character, and why?
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>Implying its not Manly Picnic result.
>Implying Manly Picnic isn't the only true route.
>discuss katawa shoujo

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164 KB
No, only pictures
Shitzune because she's a bitch and no one calls her on her rude behavior.
I wanted to at least yell at her so hard when she closed the door at poor Rin's face.
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Rin cause she's uninteresting and her route is boring.
Jigioro. He's the only person I've met in game that is actually an arse.

If we're talking about the girls then it'd have to be Misha.
I know that.
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Also I'm going to the bookstore in about 20 minutes. Any recommendations?

I reply to everyone.

Sing some more!
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Emi and Lilly
because they're less interesting and deep than the others
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87 KB

This is wrong in so many levels...
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Oh dear
What about some good old Asimov?
that's just like, your opinion man.
That's a good reason to hate someone definitely. Or is this a bad attempt to rustle the other guy that hates Shizune?
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Life of pi.
A pretty girl recommend it to me.
Look, man. I just don't find her interesting, that's all. And when I played her route, I got bored. If you wanna hate me because we have differing opinions, then that's your problem.
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Anything by Terry Prattchet or H.P Lovecraft. Also good is the Princess Bride.

I've just realised that I don't read anywhere as much as I used to. I need to fix that.
Alice if you wants something KS related
Ender's Game and Ender In Exile.

Recently read them, they were very good.
>list of rules
>second rule is to break the rules
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39 KB
Fugitive Pieces
How German Is It
The English Patient
Under the Volcano
General of the Dead Army
Midaq Alley
No Great Mischief
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Lilly because "LOVE ME FOREVER!" "LOL seya!"
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Hemingway/Kafka/Carver. Short stories. Plenty of them.
People have said Life of Pi is good too so check that out.

You could also take a stab at Murakami with Kafka on the Shore or Norwegian Wood.

Foundation trilogy if you want sci-fi.
It's edgy bro. You wouldn't understand, fucking sheep.
Shizune. Bitch needs to chill.
perdido street station great book if you're into the genre
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I don't usually listen to this kind of stuff, okay yes sometimes i do. I had no idea what to pick.

But i need to be judged. Judge me.

More girls in naked aprons.

>foundation trilogy
Best sci-fi series ever
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223 KB
Mah gaijin.
we must have cold as ice or some itaots
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I kind of stop reading come summer time because when I read, I usually do so in bed or when I've got time with nothing to do, but in the summer I always end up crashing on the couch.
Oh you.

Writing these all down, will check them out if they're in stock. Any others?
I can't say if it was good or not. I really enjoyed it though.
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1.43 MB
>List of rules
Any Lovecraft.

Preferably the Tales of H.P Lovecraft since that has all of his classics.
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>One Hundred Years of Solitude
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So, I was shown this the other day.
It can be explained with the phrase: Because Japan

Lilly. She's a little too generic for my tastes, [spoilers]but she's still a lovely girl and is a perfectly acceptable waifu.[/spoilers]
I blame vidya for my lack of reading. But I've managed to catch up a little while I've been on holiday, away from my laptop and ps3
I'll second Hemingway/Kafka/Murakami. I actually just recently made a large bucket list of classic novels that I never got around to reading, so that whenever I pass by my library I just go in, pick up something on the list, and cross it out as I read through it. Been fun so far.
I bid thee farewell.
The Gods Themselves by Asimov
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, of course. All 6 of them.
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you have a pretty good voice, I think it would be very good for punk rock with a little practice, but you need to be more passionate

I'm getting drowsy, so you have my permission to sleep

good night anarkiste, good night ksg

I love you all
Well, I didn't want supper anyway.
See you
Why boner?
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Spoiler Image, 265 KB

Sleep well bro. I don't know if i can start doing the thing. That is a problem for tomorrow.

Today i sleep.

Good night to you, KSG.
get a sad salmon or whatever it's called in english too, it's really good
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Does anybody have the coloured version of this?
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... what in blue fuck is that?
You will never tenderly swap egg yolks with your waifu.

I've been playing less and less videogames as the summer progresses. It'll probably pick back up again in the fall.


Alright, cool. Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone!

Oh shit, I forgot about that. Thanks Faggot.
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1.54 MB
Vic, if you liked Hemingway, try out the work of Raymond Carver.
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Best I can do.

Thank you!
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629 KB
>There was never a Hanako singing scene.
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You know, you sound kinda like Artyom.

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I dunno if I should come back to KSG general after watching a guy watch his close friend die in my Japanese Bugmen shows.
>Katawa Shoujo General General
that's suprisingly accurate, actually
How do you spoiler words?
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131 KB
Requesting formal renaming.
Doing this can keep us going for years
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she probably has a beautiful singing voice


Take out the x

I doubt it.

Ctrl + S with 4chanx.

I second this.
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Hearing your Waifu's voice would ruin your internal commentary of her though.
She probably sounds like Nyanners,
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What do you think she would sing?
Why is there no fanart of Hanako singing?
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2.05 MB
Through the fire and the flames we carry on
inb4 Disco Inferno
Probably something obscure
I remember when I thought of asking Nyanners to read off some of Hanako's line back when there was only the demo.

Then I realized how retarded that was.
there is an edit of her holding an MS Paint microphone somewhere.

I bet she'd sing sweet lullabys to her children if she had anyway
J-pop shit, ala Mio's K-on! songs
10/10. Im a Metalfag.
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Anon pls.

Something sweet, slow and melodious.
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Wait tank since when do you save KS images?
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Fuck yeahaa

Nigga you wat. K-On is J-Rock. Though I do agree, she probably would sing some of Mio's songs.
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Yeah there is.

Oh nevermind.
>people posting my colorings

Gives me dat fuzzy feel every time.
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>implying Dragonforce is good metal.
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I remember one, 'put on a happy face' or soemthing, though i can't seem to find it in my folder

hmm, what would she sing, indeed?

I can see Emi singing some of Yui's songs
it's the hardest, at least
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35 KB
I'm sorry, I don't know much about japanese music and it sounded pretty pop-ish to me

>Please don't say you are lazy
>kjsjadkjdask crazy
your colorings are bad and you should feel bad
Dont start shit. For me music is like women. Everyone has there own taste and im not gunna be a dick about it.
I totally agree.

Dragonforce is shitty and the only reason for listening to it is if you hate good music

We /mu/ now
>In before Hanako actually sings Kamen Rider themes all the time
I mean they probably showed her some Tokusatsu while she was hospitalized in a scare chance the Riders and Sentai would give her hope
>wolf in charge of knowing his shit
>implying good metal
But you dont agree.
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588 KB
In all seriousness I can see her in beach house.
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>anon in charge of being new
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82 KB
Is there a women who is the equivalent of ITAOTS?
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90 KB
>doesn't like stoner
>liking metal
>any year
Stop starting shit.
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755 KB

she would sing something nice like this
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175 KB
J-pop and J-rock are just like Pop and Rock in the West, obviously.
>Hanako singing the Kamen Rider Black RX Theme

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29 KB
Why is it always ITAOTS?

Jeff sings way too loudy to be hanako anyhow.
well, I guess. Sludge is also fun tier metal. As a whole, I tend not to enjoy it. /mu/ recommended Christian Mistress and I liked that.

It's not sludge or stoner, but just a thing worth mentioning
This is why i have 1/4 of the amount of friends now then i did 2 years ago.
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97 KB
This is lovely
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47 KB
I said I was sorry
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228 KB
So you lost 0 friends?
Shits not funny
>not liking Iron Maiden and black Sabbath
Having finished every route I looked through the library and was surprised I'd gotten Lilly's bad route. I thought her leaving for Scotland was a good bittersweet ending that fit the tone of the route really well. That life is constantly changing and that Hisao and Hanako need to be able to live their own lives without depending on Lilly.

So what happens in the good route? She's still summoned to Scotland by her parents, right? Because it'd be stupid as shit if that didn't happened due to some unrelated decision Hisao makes. Does Hisao go after her on the airport and go full "RIRRY I LUV U DUNT GET ON THAT PLANEU!!"?
If so I prefer my ending.
Katawa shoujo 2.

in the style of muv luv unlimited/ Alternative
I was a normalfag 2 years ago. I barely even talk to the friends i have now.
>implying she wouldn't sing Rumba

why should I like those shit bands?
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128 KB
>You will never go to karaoke with Hanako
>You will never try and do a drunken duet of Iris
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20 KB
>Not appreciating a wide variety of music
>Any year
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329 KB
Got it. The female version of this
KS2 in the style of shut the fuck up
it's the last thing you said
I too prefer the ad ending
It's cool, I just wanted to clarify.

Have you listened to any of their other sons or do you not really care about it?
>in the style of Clannad
He goes to the airport to talk with her, he goes HNNNNNNNG before reaching her, wakes up on an hospital, spend some time there

then suddenly lilly appears and she goes LOL JK SCOTLAND SUCKS ANYWAYS RIGHT
No. He has a heart attack in the airport before she sees him but because someone just had a fucking heart attack in the middle of an airport she find out anyway and stayed cause he was dying. Then he says 'I'm sorry for not being there for YOU and you save your realtionship AND Akira's with her bf
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134 KB


>not this
Step it up nigga.
is that your disability
do we get custom characters now
File: 1345334809895.jpg-(40 KB, 558x545, mfw3.jpg)
40 KB

>mfw that dango bullshit

it was just adding anther reason for not liking nagisa.
File: 1345334830867.png-(1.13 MB, 800x598, I don't feel ripped off. (...).png)
1.13 MB
Whoa, really? That sounds dumb as heck. I'm not even mad, anymore
I listened to some band called Osaka Ramones or something, it was pretty cool, sounded like Ramones with Yui on vocals, but in general, i don't really care for japanese music
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202 KB
Fuck you. I bet you watched the shitty dub dango version.
You actually can. Chrsit.
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481 KB

You have shit taste then since it seems like you have no problem with the undisputed worst ending but you hate on the best one.
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118 KB
>dango bullshit
>mfw I forgot to take of the name from a couple of days ago
>Pretending to be Stone
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358 KB

:C not bad
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76 KB
I personally think she'd sing something like this, since we've decided to talk about K-On

>undisputed worst ending
>not being emi's bad ending or shizune's good ending

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145 KB
That was fun.
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622 KB
>Disliking Dango

hell no, dango and nagisa were shit. Seriously, goody 2 shoes characters with nothing special about them are annoying as hell. Tomoya made that anime.
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145 KB
>i luv u 5evr
>brb scottland
>nevermind, I luv u 6EVR
>dango bullshit

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