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Katawa Shoujo General #489


>Image limit changed
>threads capping before 700

Last Thread: >>>/vg/12019394

KSG FAQ: http://pastebin.com/6Z28iW1x
Official Site: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Wp8y08x2
Writebin: http://pastebin.com/8NpPmBHp
Shimmie: http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
KSG Risk/Chess: http://pastebin.com/97aPKfHg
KSG Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=209591864637609999284.0004c74779a1b8accf9ea
First for Miki VN.
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Technical Thrash Metal
first for moot.
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1st for Rincewind
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As I was saying, turkeys...


So what 4LS is really trying to say is...spinoff VN featuring Miki as the protag and art from Mike Inel

You heard it here first, folks, and you heard it from Black Dynamite.

inb4 faggots don't know rincewind
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Watch out guys, don't want to hit that image limit!
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Nth for everyone hating moot
Thanks for your service black dynamite.
>you will never brutally rape moot

Anyone else know this feel?
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Cant you not post images after the limit, or is it just like the post limit, more of a guideline?
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>patient hope will die one day
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1st for Captain Carrot

too many faggots won't
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Feels good.

You simply can't post.
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>Replying to someone earlier in the thread
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>that image
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1st for the patrician

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Vetinari is a mary sue.
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1.41 MB
25th for Hanako.
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The death of rats is awesome

Of course he is. But he is also used to make a point.
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>not Nth for godtier Vimes
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1st for His Grace The Duke of Ankh, Sir Samuel Vimes, Commander Vimes and Blackboard Monitor Vimes.
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>Miki VN

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Does it look okay?
All of your dreams confirmed for coming true, coming Spring 2015.
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Please stop.
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Nobby Nobbs.
>that cranky old hag noze

no stop plz

lips and eyes look good though

back up in your ass with the resurrection
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well, my favorite champion in league would probably be renekton. I really love his q and it works well against minions, but i like his ultimate better against minions
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I like rin

Wrong thread, man.

Jarvan, because his ult.
now that i've successfully changed the topic while going anonymous
im jarvan
im helping
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I prefer more Nobby.
>KSG - Firsts, seconds and thirds edition
I'm pretty upset that I can't report you for underage anymore. Go crawl back into the cesspool of capschat.
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Just read that it was Mike I who approached 4LS to do the animations. Always figured it was the other way around.

Pretty cool.
I don't go to capschat anymore you silly goose
>KSG - Discworld edition
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His ultimate is a hit or miss, can win or lose the fight.
It's more about his voice actor than anything. Probably the only reason to like LoL champs is the voice acting.
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Hmm... I'm conflicted.
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I feel like singing. Give me a song request and i'll sing it to you a piece of it on Vocaroo, if i can.
Or you can like it because
It's fun
that shaco voice actor
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Cold as Ice - Foreigner
something by justin bieber
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Nth for Carrot Ironfoundersson
Child In Time by Deep Purple.
Raining men.
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it's an improvement.
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OK, quick edit for you. Is this better?
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>making KS girls look like 3DPD
Please stop.
Maybe just a tad longer.

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It still looks a bit off. The outlines of the nose seem to be too thick.

It would look much better if someone were to remake that image from scratch in a more 3DPD style.

You guys are hard to please.... sorry to say gentlemen but i have never heard of these songs.
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>KSG, posting pointless images even with the new image limit edition
Somewhere Over the Rainbow please.

Hallelujah. Try to get as close to Jeff Buckley's version as you can.

My challenge to you.
Just do it, man

Or even
Has anyone taken the whole image limit thing to /q/ yet?
here: >>>/q/113097
You >>12037636, you >>12037625 and you >>12037567.

Get to /q/ and get this straightened out. Don't relegate it someone else. Go do it. Now.
I tried.
Thanks bro.
Is there any point in doing Lillys route? I already know the ending.
>there will never be a KSG sings
I don't even like Lilly that much, but the ending scene is very well done and still makes me tear up.

I'd love that. why not?
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One day...
Is there any point in living? I already know the ending.
There has been 2 aborted attempts to organize it.
Really, what's the ending? Where will I die?
>what's the ending?
You die.
Pretty sure I'm going to die alone, by myself. With no one to know I'm dead.
>what's the ending?
You die.
>Where will I die?
Just because you know the ending doesn't mean you know all the little details.
I know where though.
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1.27 MB
Repost from before:

>Your life is a route in an alternate universe Katawa Shoujo-esque VN.
>Post your theme music and ending credits music.
>Also, I do listen to what you guys post.
So why did /vg/ get a neutered image cap?
This seems fun.
Theme music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgC5KqDyZQY
Ending Credits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR6LyP45oNI
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsVyBHJrNQw
Because I have now had the luck of falling for four different lesbians before finding out.
I'm the fucking reverse Misha.
Credits would be silent.
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Narcissu soundtrack.
Wait, what happened to image cap?
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It's not my favorite route but yes. All of the routes are worth doing, even if you know the endings, as long as you don't know which choices to pick for the good ending and what leads up to it. This gives you that sense of Tension. You already know what happens in the good ending but who's to say you'll actually get it? It gives a sense of tension to the routes and makes those moments at the end feel better or worse.

As for the actual story? They're all worth doing at least once. No reason not to if you enjoyed the others.


Good/Neutral end:

Bad end:
Decreased to 250.
Well ain't that fucking swell.
Cheers RAFs. Thanks everyone else.
It's at 250 now instead of 500.


In an attempt to try to save on bandwidth... I don't really follow.
>Ending credits
I have no good end ;_;
Cant think of one.
/v/ here, holy shit you guys.

I posted teeheeheeheehee
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>/vg/ update
Main Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkvXsLGAxqY
Good end:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NslWB3glglU
Neutral end:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLOVJI_NXSM
Bad end:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqppg7uLRw

Jesus Christ, I haven't even seen 5cm./s but I read the plot please forgive me and that song and its title makes me want to cry.
holy shit you guys are pathetic

am surpised you guys aren't 100% insane from talking to the same shit 489 times

Good end

Bad end
which path do I have to take to have anal sex?
>Theme Music

>Good ending

>Neutral ending

>Bad ending
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Who told you we aren't ?
Theme music:

Good Ending:

Bad Ending:
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Spoiler Image, 43 KB

Good End:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atKv1JyQgV8

Neutral End:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbyMOOjJqY8

Bad End: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfF4t9-wpCM
But we are insane.
At least, Stone is.
I probably wouldn't be a route, just the equivalent of Kenji. Thus:

Theme: http://youtu.be/PUxqoH7JDq8

Sounds like you've got some stories to tell, chum.
>Because I have now had the luck of falling for four different lesbians before finding out.

You must be a lesbian in a man's body.

Which makes you... a heterosexual male.
Nah, they aren't anything special, basically pattern of:
>Meet cool girl with similar interests
>Get closer
>Be informed by friend that they're lesbian
It's getting quite old, really.
Finally played through it last night. Got Emi's route. Not even mad because she's the type of girl I would go for in real life. I thought I got the bad ending because I opted to talk to her instead of her mother, but I took the chance with Misha and saved all of it. I don't know what to do now. Fucking feels all over the place now.
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Nice one
what fuck is wrong with u people

ur all a bunch of no life guy
Get out of here reddit.
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>implying I didn't see that image posted here before several times
Who are you quoting?
Doesn't mean it's not reddit shit
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It might be. I don't really care, since I don't even know their website layout.

But keep hating all you want
THEME: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q0M8Zsnt_k

GOOD END: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTCoVZz-AuE

NEUTRAL END: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdEEnmn_6hw

BAD END: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q0M8Zsnt_k
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Emi's route.

Take a few days, then try someone else's route, preferably not her best friend(For example, don't do Emi after Rin, and vice versa, same deal with Lilly and Hanako). I mean, you can, it's just that you might be looking at the other girl the whole time and missing the route you're on because of previous feelings.

Or you could take up some running, or drawing, or writing, hell, whatever you want really.
I can see shitstorms in the future because of your reaction images.
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Fuck up my copypastes.
This is should be BAD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQBb1bs53BQ
I'm pretty much done posting images unless they raise the cap back up. The room should be saved for the art drawn by the drawfags, stuff like that.
Oh, forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.

Anyway, I'm going to run a little bit now. See you guys later
>tfw I will never have a cute, athletic running partner
Thanks for reminding.

My mom found out that I started running after 3 months or so and first thing she asked was that who's the girl I'm running with since I'm always running for so long.

It was cold.
Ooooooo... ouch.
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757 KB
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pshv1xNO-jY
Ending credits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHbwctEs2ds&feature=relmfu
And naturally, I am running alone.
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hahaha faggot
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53 KB
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRfAHKzdS40

Good End: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7x_vWNRS5c

Neutral End: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90d7Vi_MRds

Bad End: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcZhyH-ODd4
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>Tfw you're at that point where a running partner would only be a burden for you, unless its a marathon runner
I would still run with you.

Man, your mom's cool.
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I'd jog with you.
You can start your run early so that you finish your set by the time they show up. Then you can run with them during their set and still get a good workout.

In other words: That feel shouldn't exist.
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good afternoon

they still haven't fixed it... have they? ;_;
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And I'd drag you guys until you either pass out or successfully run my route.
And then I'd treat you some amazing post-workout meal made with my amazing cooking skills.

Actually, that's pretty great idea, buddy.
help us out
That settles it.
I will jog across the Atlantic.
You know what, Laytnor?

You made me want to run over the Baltic countries Finland here and come run with you.
Shamelessly stolen from someone I know who does it.
I had two dinners today.
No ma, i'm BULKING
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111 KB
we /fit/ now?
Oh Jesus oh sweet lordy oh dayum lookit dat booty.

3DPG wouldn't bang
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Alright, I'll bite.


Good End:

Bad End:
Still waiting some singing requests and some feedback, thank you!
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>smashing pumpkins

they were my favourite band back in high school
Theme: http://youtu.be/r3W7koH-isE
Good End: http://youtu.be/vI89J55wZj8
Bad End: http://youtu.be/8Hv0Ldkh_0s
I would love to recommend something bizarre eastern european music, but I know you wouldn't sing it.
>tfw I'm a skinny fuck, eat two meals a day with little to no snacking, and still work out
This can't be good for me, but I don't feel physically sick. Yet.
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My quest for the perfect sports in-ears is finally over: Philips SHQ4000

Pic related.
No sweat, wind or even running into traffic will rip these out of your ears. They sit so deep and tight, you won't hear anything but your heartbeat when putting them on.
Highly recommended (but might kill you since you'll block out every car/train/lions)
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I still prefer my Koss PortaPros.

And your opinion, let me tell you why that's completely respectable.

We wont know until you try.



Can't speak korean/chinese/japanese but i freaking love that song.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
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Holy shit, guys.

I just finished Scissorlips Suzu route.

What the hell, guys.

What the hell.

I thought there was another act coming along. I thought they'd be happy in the end. I thought she'd beat that damn game.

Why, just... why. Fucking why?
There was a choice, remember?

Scissorlips just decided to do the bad end first.
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OK, done. sorry it took so long. I got distracted.

This is the 5th time I'm posting a version(sorry!). Its also the last time. I got what I wanted. Its really hard to try to give 3D features or much realism to anime characters and still have them look good, if this can be called good. If I get a tablet, I'll try and make a realistic portrait from scratch.

Anyway, this is my interpretation of Lilly with 3DPD. Would you still love her?
There IS a good end coming?

Oh thank god.
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>little midget shrinky nose
And she's right off the waifu list
Yes, I would
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good end

bad end

I would, but you're better off getting a tablet.
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Would I still love her? Anon, she's BEAUTIFUL! Well done.

Yes, I would.

Because she's not my waifu.
8/10 would play

theme music:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0umc3NiiMY

this will not be a consistent videogame
>implying she isn't a soulless harpy that would emotionally bleed you and leave your broken husk in a gutter while she purchases houses full of things she'll never use again with the alimony
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Hisao has a bright future ahead of him
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23 KB

can you please do this.. ?


jesus you guys posted fast recently, i go to sleep and you go through like 3 threads

>dat mother3 ost

good taste
That's oddly specific


Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTSUTQcQBH8 (rah rah angst)

Good ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0cfrFaNsn4

Bad ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMklK1bnDVs

I'm sorry dear hanabro, but this is way too odd to me.


Got a bit too close to the mic, but i'd say i did okay.
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don't be that way
it makes for some nice remixes


You gotta remember, Lilly does not have a nose or lips. In fact, I looked really hard to find pictures of her with a defined face, and there are hardly any(and none with the majority of features).

Its the first of its kind AFAIK, so yea, its going to seem weird. But she does look i dunno, human, doesn't she?

Thinking about it, she looks like the most prissy, mary sue human you could imagine. On second thought, you did good, anon.

That's what IRL lilly would look like.
She looks human, yes. The nose is the only problem, she's beautiful besides.
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpuKzpC42Tw

A alternate world were everyone in Yamaku is out to kill you
Winning Battle rating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6gHrlMS938
Losing Battle rating :

Good End:
Save your waifu, kill the rest.

Bad End: Your Waifu dies, or you die.
>implying feels aren't relative
not even KS music has maded the feels return lately
Every girl is different and affects people differently. Your feels will be strongest in the one that matches you best.
Let me introduce you to a good old friend of mine. His name is Joke, I think you will like him
Hey look thats me!

What have you waifu fags been up to recently
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1009 KB

be reasonable

at least try and post results

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32 KB

Holy shit. Why does this make sense?

Fix the nose, anon. Do it. You can't leave it like this.

She must be perfect.
you are not me.

and crapawa shitjo is not a game, either.
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How's the heart been treating you, bitch nigga?
A wonderful, mellifluous performance. Thank you.
See: Clannad + After story
Grave of the Fireflies

I'm sorry.

I'm not into this JRPG Music stuff. It is way too complicated for me. English isn't that fluent with me.
Don't post those.
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If I was going to, I'd start at the beginning.
no thanks, clannad is most bland than lillys route

i dont get it
Whats wrong with that?

Play Narcissu.

Who's the real Hisao?
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57 KB
Dang, dude, calm down!

It's a series of images I posted once or twice that pissed a couple people off.
How's Naruto going?

okay, okay, I'll try to think of something else
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>Mowing my lawn during nighttime

I've lost the control of my life.
I wonder what my neighbors think about me.
i'd kick yer shit fer bein' so dern loud feggit.
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>Mowing my lawn during nighttime

Hah, local newspaper has people whining about that every day, and people whining about those whiners every other.

Makes my day, always. And besides, 22:36 isn't that late.
>mowing the grass at night

I've lived my life not really caring what people think about me.

It's freeing.
>Mowing during the night
You are the WORST type of neighbor.

Alright, fix it how? Tell me and I'll edit it out for you in 15 minutes or less.
Being inconsiderate isn't a virtue, dumbass.
I started living my life like that after KS.

It really is refreshing.
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disregard neighbors
mow lawn to your hearts content
though that is pretty fucking weird
tell me more, i readed the history, iabout plots, i preffer existencial stuff more than a hunt for happiness in life

I don't mind it.
I have nightmares of people mowing their lawn at night .

Just the thought of it scares me, not because it's annoying, but because it's so fucking absurd.
what a cunt
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I used to do this because there's always a lot of bees in my yard, but then it got to the point where I patterns I was making in the grass were retarded and my father got really annoyed about it.

Close the windows then. Lawn mowers aren't even that loud.

Then again, I was doing it at 9PM, it's like, 12 for Laytnor.

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Sengoku Yamaku

The War of the Cripple School

There are 5 clans in the school.

The Emi Clan
The Hanako Clan
The Lilly Clan
The Rin Clan
The Shizune Clan

All of these clans are backed by numerous armies of waifu fags that will give there lives in a heartbeat to see their waifu reach her ambition.

There was always peace between these clans, until one day.

He came, his name was Hisao Nakai.

All of the girls fell in love with him, thus ending the peace in the land, and started a civil war in yamaku.

Our story begins with the sounds of a battlefield...

To be continued.
Oi Vic
Is this what you've taken up to stop drinking? Whatever works, I guess.
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You must be joking. I refuse to believe you kids are so full of yourselves that you think it's not only okay, but even admirable to wake people up with land mowers.
>Not Fighting as a freelancer
Good end
Neutral End
Bad End

Not very cohesive but whatever.
Trips confirms it
Lawn mowers are actually really loud.

people still get boners for series of numbers?
I am amused.
>Fighting for the side whose waifu pays the most
Sounds neat. I can imagine a couple of scenarios that could be both good and bad.

>Be the best freelancer around
>The leaders of the army bid for you to work for them
>One of them offers up a chance to be with they're waifu
>You fuck they're waifu
>They're waifu falls in love with you
>You NTR the entirety of her army
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Why did I fucking laugh out loud at this, I have no idea. High sugar levels probably had something to do with it.
so are faggot licks yhu/
They're probably quite annoyed. I wouldn't mind so long as you didn't bug me about the shit i do. Live and let live.
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>land mowers
>you kids

So full of implications.

My dad is old and busy and I'm allergic to bees that live in my yard. Kill them with raid, they still come back.

Plus, the time I mow is more like late afternoon, at dusk.

Also I don't really give a shit.

I don't find them that bad, especially when you're separated by a brick wall, but that's just me.

Wot u want, m8?
how are you?
Oh shit circlejerk.
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I'm s-sorry, I can't help it.
Well, honestly, I use this beast.
I sound like and look like chainsaw psycho with it.
Its been discussed a bit before but here are the highlights:

>great soundtrack
>Great writing, multiple translations all with very high production values(and different translation styles so high replay value)
>touching story
>A prequel to look forward to that surpasses the original in almost every way .
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1.11 MB

Main Song: http://youtu.be/Ddn4MGaS3N4

Good Ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43EDrLxKAKg&t=0m13s
I'd like the last memory she has of my path to be one of me appreciating and likening her to the greatest qualities music has to offer. It would fit nicely with the general subject-matter I presume my path would have.

Neutral Ending: http://youtu.be/y2lDmEjHpyc
to make a lover understand the meaning of an end
letting go of the moment
the strong belief that your heart will mend
trying to avoid the disappointment

of suddenly being left all alone
like waking up in a foreign country
your language cannot stand by its own
and you're realising Oh God I'm lonely

Bad Ending: http://youtu.be/nxSpuL8P5Ok
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I just assume only an immature person would make an argument for the moving of lawns when people are trying to sleep. Surely it's an assumption but I find it to be a fair one.
I just got mental image of mad Russian running around with that whacking zombies and people to death.

I am amused.
faggot cock of gaylo theft tards of bore
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What time are you doing it? If it's actually late night, then you're a crazy dick and a nutter.

>at dusk

>risking anaphylactic shock
>poor excuse


I'm fine, watching Breaking Bad and getting ready for a trip.
Its not THAT late, but its still dark.

11 PM.
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Quite frankly, I have no idea what you just said.
frank? u eat em god hoh/
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Sup /l/awns. My riding mower's making a loud squeal when I put her in reverse, but only when the blades are down below a certain height. What could be the problem?
what's your poison for today, KSG?
motor oil

Your Flux-Capasitor is broken.
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Because I don't deserve anything better.

It's beer.
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Wear a bee suit, it's not your neighbour's fault you can't be outside like normal people.

Not sure if I'm drinking, but I might have some tea and Bailey's.
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Tea. I'm sick.
It'll be whiskey in a couple hours. Planning to play Narcissu after the girl I was going to watch The K-On Movie with decided tonight was no good.
I don't know, you're fucked.
I think I had enough yesterday.....
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That's pretty bad.

Not enough propane.

>pay for a suit
>for something nobody has complained about

Yeah, nah. If they have a problem, they're free to take it up with me. Until then, I'll continue doing what I do.
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How's the hangover?
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I know what it is.
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Coffee. White.
I'm a simple man.
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Complaining shouldn't be necessary and it's something people don't like to do. I've met people like you before though, I doubt you have the mental capacity to grasp the concept of being truly considerate.
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I can't complain, to be honest. Thankfully I didn't mix shit.
Online bulk order where?

I want to fill a swimming pool.
That's good to hear, dog.
Ja tämäkin Virosta tuotua saatana. Olin laiska ja googletin kuvan.
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>bags of milk
My dawg.

Yeah, you did, you bloody moron.

>ad hominem
>mental capacity

...right, well I've met people like you as well. People who are too scared to get up and just ask a simple question to somebody. I'm reasonable, and I'm not going to bite.

And again, you're completely ignoring that fact that I don't mow at night when people are sleeping.
You don't even need a suit. Just wear some shoes and you won't get stung.
I think I must have missed something. Was Laytnor drunk here yesterday?
Apparently so.

You already know you're doing something wrong, but you think people should just "deal", right? That's a horrible attitude.

Understatement of the century. I'm sure someone has a screencap of his ALLCAPS ANTICS.

We still love him though
For your own sanity, don't dig deeper
My sanity is long lost.
Was it that bad? Just seemed a bit overdramatic if anything.
It wasn't that bad I guess, but it was very clear from the timestamps and content of the posts that he got very drunk, very fast. I'll admit I giggled a bit at him shouting at the Blind Fiancée guy.
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Oh yeah. Drunk and CAPSLOCK.

You're still ignoring what I said. Perhaps you should read it again.

And yes, I do think people should stand up for themselves when something bothers them. I didn't say they should "deal with it", I said they should come deal with me. As in, tell me they're bothered by it and I'll stop. Because as far as I know, it doesn't bother anyone.

Which it doesn't, because I'm not doing it at night. I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to tell you this.
he said he was a wolf

it was pretty dope
>arguing with Patient Hope

I shiggily wiggidy
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Thing is they shouldn't need to tell you, because you should already know. And I think 9PM is way too late to use noisy machinery outside people's houses.

I always knew you were a dick though.
That's hilarious.
Imagine a reaction image of a man laughing.
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Erm, Wolf as in Wolfshiem or real wolf?
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Wolf as in actual wolf.
A real wolf. I also believe he said he'd "fight a dragon-boy" for his waifu, and something about being a tiger reflected from a lion. I haven't watched ToraDora so I can't comment on any of this.
Okay, that's hilarious, to be honest.
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I'm not expecting you to understand but see the picture please.
a real wolf i think he was saying its his power animal por something

NO! That was all drunken symbolism

Hyvää iltaa.
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I disagree. If people are bothered by something, they should stand up for it. And for as long as I've been going about it, nobody has. So either everyone is too scared to say something (which is silly) or nobody is bothered.

>I always knew you were a dick.
Oh you. That'll show me, being told I'm a dick by the guy who resorts to name-calling to back up his arguments.

As in a real wolf, yes. I was really quite something.
Hey Laytnor you were asking yesterday if the Hanako'd guy (myself) is still around.

Yes I'm still around.
Hanako'd guy?
You bacon, bra?
The whole motif of Toradora is Tiger vs Dragon, the hero represents the Dragon and Taiga (obviously) represents the Tiger.
I recolor images to look like Hanako.
Yes I bacon.
>That picture
Wait a second, that's just a bunch of random crap in the comment fiel-
>Name: Lilly Satou
My sides have left orbit, sir.
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The reason I'm calling you a dick is because of your dickish traits, such as mowing the lawn at night not giving a fuck because you're so empowered or whatever. Saying "ad hominem" isn't a get out of jail card.

And no you're not entitled to annoy people just because they haven't actively told you to refrain from it. That's where consideration comes into play.
Great, now i've found my magnifying glass for nothing.
Oh, I thought Hanako'd as in you'd also been involved in a large fire and suffered severe burns.

You're really not that interesting then.
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Stop it.
Don't you STILL "ironically shitpost" from time to time and just say "lol I wasn't serious guys" whenever we call you out on it?

You're doing something wrong. You should know that.
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Do you collect disabilities?
I sometimes joke around seeing how I'm a funny guy but I never shitpost.
Don't be silly.
I collect people

Show me your collection.
Sure, come over sometime.
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Oops, my bad.

What qualifies as worth "collecting"
They don't ask boring questions.

You are interesting. I don't find this boring.
Would you rather collect a deaf or a blind person?
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Good morning/afternoon, /ksg/
Evening, Wall.

Good evening.
Well it's almost midnight. but still. Evening.
mr wall. Had a good nap?
I'd say a blind person. The deaf are all too common.
Lets say you were to get points for how unique you were. A blind would be a five whereas a death would be a 3 at most.
That's... That's grim, dude.
afternoon. Howzit?

Do you see them as objects? where do you keep them?
Good afternoon. How has been your day?
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>Saying ad hominem isn't a get out of jail card
No, that's true I suppose, but I'll call a spade a spade.

>I'm empowered
No, but they should be if they think it's an issue. And so far, it hasn't been. If I see someone doing something I don't like, I politely ask them to stop. I don't see why they can't do this if it's an issue.

And yet again, I'm telling you it's not, unless people have been silently moping over it for years.

>dickish traits
You listed one thing.

>not entitled to annoy people
Never said I was. I did, however, say they're perfectly allowed to come tell me to stop and I'll comply.

And this isn't even taking into account where I live. There's a firestation and a police station right by the street I'm on. I think a mower is the least of their complaints.

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how's it going? well, I hope.


Hanako'd guy, hanako this
>such as

Don't be stupid now.
I didn't run today.

Go ahead and mock me.

I decided to let this week go down the drain and try again next week. It was impossible to run this week, I had way too much things to do.
I know. I said five and then 3. It's not like the word three is difficult to spell or anything. Strange.

That's not important. Don't ask boring questions.
Which week of the schedule would you have been doing?
Only on one.
I was going to let it go too, but I decided to at least run once.

Today I ran again and I'll probably run tomorrow too.

implying my legs won't give up after running 3 days in a row
W3 of B10K.

Yeah, I know. It's even more pathetic.
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Good luck next week, brother. Be sure to push hard. We're right behind you.
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For the sake of argument, just because nobody's saying anything doesnt mean they don't have a problem with it.

You're right, no realistic portrait of Lilly exists, but plenty of portraits of pretty girls exist for reference.
I eagerly await your future work.
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>ad hominem
>not responding to the argument

You're good at this, aren't you. For future reference, name calling and shit slinging doesn't add to your argument.

Regardless, it doesn't matter. You're not going to change what I do, because you're not my neighbor thank god for that.

You can continue to complain about the threads, TF2, not being the king of KSG or whatever it is you do now.
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That's true, and I understand that completely, but I believe that if they have an issue, they can come and talk to me.

Not that it matters though, because way way before this whole "debate" started, I said I don't do it anymore.

I'm done with this topic anyways, it's gone on for much to long and is way off topic.
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Man, 4chan was ruined the day some idiot started parroting ad hominem as if it meant something. You tried to knock the argument off track on a technicality, I called you out on it and you're trying to, yep, get out of jail.

If you really don't care any more feel free to shut the fuck up. You were the one who dragged me into this, I was talking to someone else.
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How realistic is realistic?
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These threads suck.
Why do you say that?
Wh-what's going on... you guys?
What's happening?
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It's been too long.
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Image limit got halved and people are responding to Patient.
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I know right.

They're fighting.

again. I swear, it's like this everyday.
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>dragged me into this
>>12046191 and the fact that you misread half of what I said, especially the point where I mention I don't do it anymore.

I'd really like to know how name-calling and other childish acts further your argument and don't make you look silly, but like I said, this has gone on long enough.

Because they're off topic. And I'll say it was my bad on this one, I should no better than to argue with Patient.

Shitslinging. AKA the usual.
People arguing about anything

Meet the new ksg, same as the old ksg

Please stop adding salt to the wounds.
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Depends on your preference, this is pretty realistic, but obviously not completely so.
But you can use photos as reference and be just fine, so long as you keep your goal in mind.
Patient is the best person in this place if you don't take him seriously.

But u gaiz pls stop fighting.
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Nice try >>12045925 had nothing to do with you, yet it's where you jumped in.

And with that I win again. Think I'll have a rum and coke to celebrate.

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And this is why you always report Patient Hope.
Please don't waste the image cap with reaction images.
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Even better if you read it all in a tsundere loli voice.

I'm sorry Fagets. You're right.

>and with that I win
>still ignoring what I said

Pic related.
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I'm sorry?
There's a skeleton inside us all.
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Good End:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td0IKggMe5A

Neutral End:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hbFAILmRKA

Bad End:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT6OeBeWT8g.
I must say I enjoyed that piece of music. It's been a while.
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Of course, if the last one was too "cutesy" here's a rougher kind of realism

Good End:

Bad End:
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Thank you! That means alot! I didn't use references for that one really, I just drew and erased and redrew, comparing with the original until I was sort of satisfied that this did indeed suit Lilly. I guess I didn't succeed but this sort of thing has definitely not been done for Katawa Shoujo, and I think if I get a tablet, I could do it rightl(I might have to wait a month or so for that). For now, I'll just stick to doing colouring and editing requests for you guys(those doable with a mouse).

Pic related. Korra is usually animated with equal or less detail than Lilly.

Maybe I could try doing this one next, Patient. ;)
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Hello anonymous. I must say I thought you were Stone to begin with. Isn't that funny?
Yeah, I laughed heartily.

it hasn't been that long, hanako'd guy.

and thanks.
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>tfw stone doesn't care if people draw or not anymore
These threads are like a miniature Gaia community. It's actually fascinating, because you guys clearly have nothing to talk about anymore and now just act really really sad.
I'm glad.
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Here's one where the scars go to her neck, since I apparently forgot that.
I'm sorry what?
>implying it's an act
Hello. Thank you for your little commentary. It has really helped the thread.

How are you by the way?
>Tokyo Brass Style - Cruel Angel's Thesis

Fuck man, how appropriate. Finishing NGE as I type. I don't know why I like the OP so much, but I do. In fact, that could be said for the entire thing.
There are fireworks going off outside. Is it some sort of holiday I'm not aware of?

Look at this thread. I'm just pissing in an ocean of piss.
The only reason people are still in here is because this community is the last thing they have to cling to. What normal well adjusted people would participate in nearly 500 generals of a game about cripples?

The KSG attracts people who aren't normal people.
You'd think but this place is normie central.
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I don't know what you're talking about.

So this whole community is a bunch of sadfucks? Someone should tell them to go play another game.
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ah, I didn't notice that, thanks again, then.

you are the one who did the other bacon morishima a couple weeks ago right?

In my mindset, normal doesn't exist.
everybody's fucked up somehow.
Well yeah, I'm waiting for the next game that builds a large community. I did Mass Effect Generals, that turned into a giant shit flinging fest and waifu wars. I did Diablo 3, but then the game got boring and everybody decided just to throw shit. Now I'm in KSG, and well...

You did well son.
Pretty much.

>recursive filtering
Awwwww yeah.
Nah, that wasn't me. I saw it though, and inherently also saw the guy getting pissed off because he was annoyed about it.
stop shitposting wolf

Put your tri- Actually never mind.
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Checking in for the first time in quite a while.

Glad to see nothing's changed....I guess

Still haven't read Emi's route. And Hanako's may be impossible to read for the rest of my life.

Good luck with your endeavors lel, KSG
I've come to believe that only normal people say that to make us broken people feel better.
I feel special. Almost.
Sadfucks is a normie term. Are you a normie?
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hmm? annoyed with what? I don't recall any such thing.
I bet you read every single post.
Why do I still find this image funny?

I got a fucked up ear, Tinnitus, stoopid curly hair, a belly of an old man, shitty endurance, bad looks.

Don't dare call me normal.
What's that, normeister?
With the Hanako'd going on, even though they don't happen often. That might've been somebody else, and I might be remembering it wrong though. I remember somebody else Hanako'd an image one time, then one guy was like "I'm getting pretty annoyed by this," then people started egging him on saying he was "against fun" and shit.
But in comparison to you, there are people that are just normal right? You validated my hypothesis for me by saying you weren't normal.
hey can i join
> I remember somebody else Hanako'd an image one time

Yup, that was me.

Funnily, it was very, very bad shop.

You motherfucker. I can't do anything.

I don't know anymore. seems like everybody sees something "not normal" In them. Is Normal Perfect?
Was that the one a day or so ago?
If you want. What routes have you played?
Sure is discussing Katawa Shoujo in here.
A lot of them tend to be, because you're essentially drawing something in the style of somebody you probably don't know anything about. But then you get a few gems.

I think it was a few days ago. Actually, I think it was the same thread Laytnor asked if I was still around on.
Everything has something about them that is abnormal, but they still fall into the category of normal. It's like quality control, a product may have some minor defects, but it is still fit to be sold, while a huge fuck-up batch will be thrown away.
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Well you spouted the whole "sadfucks, play more games" line.

You are a normie. Even if an ugly one.

I'm tall, handsome, decent endurance, not very good at sports though, was never that great at school and I have crippling social anxiety, zero friends and depression.

Don't dare call me normal.
Yes, of course!
Have you already done any route?
We're all a little Katawa™.
I've already done Lilly's, and I refuse to do any other ones.
What would you like to talk about? I'm trying to start up Emis route but Rin is just so lovely. I look forward to her route.

Which routes have you done?
>discussing katawa shoujo

Awesome gimmick, bro.
I think you just quoted me.
Did anyone save that? I can't remember this shitstorm.
Some people do that. Perfectly natural.
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343 KB
Oh god, here we go.
I'm crippled, have bells palsy, have no friends, social anxiety, depression, and am not attractive.

I can say for sure I'm not normal at all.
Nigga, I'm handsome and athletic, but I'm a 5'6" manlet with no sexual or romantic experience and crippling (lel) social phobia.

Don't dare call me normal.
I'm looking for it in the archive, but I can't seem to find it.

Oh found it.
Bit sensitive snow. Everyone knows you've done more than one route.
i want to fuck cripple girls
dont call me normal
Well okay, that shop was worth getting mad over.
I won't call you normal. You took the wrong message away though.
>a Nichibro
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330 KB

I'm skinny, ugly, I have burn scars over forty percent of my body, I have zero self-esteem, I'm boring and I couldn't have a normal conversation with anyone to save my life.

D-don't call me normal.
hurf a durf
Well even then, he was mad over all of them.
>No, you should leave.
>These edits are starting to get on my nerves.

And that's when he was accused of being against fun.
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417 KB
Why is she so Perfectly crispy?
Because bacon is good.
There's a certain level of crispy you have to be to look grotesque.

She walks that level like a tightrope.
Clever. I love you.

What have i done....?
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254 KB

ah, well disregard those types and continue hanako'ing if you enjoy it, I'll save them

I save all hana, except that one image of her hanging herself, that is one hana image I will never save.
hirghdskghslidgsrhgsidjnv idhgjsilfhgsidhgisdhgsi vidgfhsidghtgrdh
I still wince every time I see that on the shimmie.
When is the last time you fags actually discussed Katawa Shoujo? As in a real, long, serious discussion? Serious question here.
Well I keep it for myself as an instant feels generator for the future. I figure a long time from now, I'm gonna have forgotten about Hanako, and if I look at that picture then it'll all come back to me.

It's like an investment.

However, I do enjoy Hanako'ing images, but lately I haven't had much of a will to. I started it to troll Laytnor, but he ended up actually liking them so I thought why not continue. I liked doing it. Recently, however, I just haven't been seeing it. I look for images that could possibly be Hanako'd, but I just don't see it.
Today I had a long conversation about Shizunes route with another anon that had just finished it.
I can't speak for KSG as a whole because we're not one person.
L-Lilly what a-are you doing?
Y-you're blinf. G-get off the computer.
Not really that long ago, we discuss KS a lot We just get distracted really easy
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208 KB

>You will never stick your dick in a sleeping Suzu's mouth, take a pic of it with her phone, and send it as a picture message to Miki
Well we don't just discuss KS, we also discuss KS-related stuff. This is Katawa Shoujo General, not Katawa Shoujo Discussion.

Please stay. Please.
I'm still young.
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123 KB

Fucking casuals.
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1.13 MB
>Miki will never text you back daring you to ejaculate on her face while she sleeps
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70 KB

I'm the last sane man in an insane world.

Don't you dare call me normal.
Moe desu.

Sup A22.
Yo Laytnor.

I'm still around.

You better still be around as long as I'm still around.
>You will never legit comfort Misha and make her feel SO much better that she convinces Shizune to go bi, and conform to polygamy with you in which both take turns getting fucked by you until you're unable to get hard anymore and Misha calls herself your fat cow and tries to get you to suck milk out of her breast.
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68 KB
Yea or nay; should I go out have a few drinks in the unrelenting rain?
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302 KB
She didn't stay.
I'm the loving, yet misunderstood father of a crippled bitch and a transvestite sissyboy.

Don't you dare call me normal.
wolf why did you change your facebook image? scarred that we can see your picture?

As long as you're gone. go already.
I'm always lurking in the shadows
What do you mean, go meet some friends?
If so then go for it. Nothing like a nice nightwalk, despite the rain.

>Implying A22 exists
That's not very nice.
>Phin just left
>this starts
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2.93 MB
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119 KB
I'm still here, broseidon. Can't find anything to wear. ;_;
Laytnor, I think that... I think you're the hero KSG doesn't deserve, and the one it needs right now. We'll hunt you, because you can take it. You're not our hero, you're a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark night.

Thank you for blessing us with your presence.
Wait, didn't I call being Batman like months ago?
I'm pretty sure Miki wouldn't do that, but goddamn if that doesn't give me a raging boner.

Someone should draw that.
I dunno, did you?
So what does this make Tank?
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187 KB

Bitches can't resist me.

I'm pretty sure I'm not normal.
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76 KB
Isn't he supposed to be Wolverine?
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216 KB
Pretty sure I did.

Everyone just laughed at me though.
Draw what? A girl sending a text?

Little bit of a waste of time.
The Incredible Hulk

So Patient, you hate and want to leave KSG, right? Not trying to imply I want you to leave, just wondering, why don't you?
>Tough motherfucker
>Built like a tank

I was thinking that he wante pic of Hisao receiving text with his cock in Suzu's mouth.
awwwww poor thing
Suzu getting a facial while she's asleep.
Did you go all badass about it saying you're always lurking in the shadows?
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424 KB
I want to want to leave, there's a difference.
Stay classy.
ask thighs, he draws anything
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46 KB


Why do i find this strangely hot?

So, hypothetically, how can we make you want to?
No idea.
Well if Tank gets to be Wolverine, I call dibs on being Deadpool.
I'm pretty sure thighs draws the line at what type of smut he can draw.

Also I think it'd be kind of hard to tell where the cum is unless it was colored.
Attentionwhores love attention, duhh.
>A pretty girl getting a facial
I'm calling Human Torch!
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109 KB
>I'm pretty sure thighs draws the line at what type of smut he can draw.
I'm the Punisher.
Did not mean to trip that.
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340 KB
Now that you mention it, I think Laytnor as Wolverine is more fitting.
Tank is the batman.
It's probably weird because she'd be asleep.
But Tank is Canadian and so is Wolverine.
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424 KB
I'm Aang.
But Laytnor's European.
Bruce Willis from Unbreakable

Why didn't you reply? Didn't you want to talk about KS?
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1.33 MB
>Tank at age 60

Nigga, I'm watching Avatar right now.
it's all right.
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19 KB
Okay idiots, I'm leaving for a few hours, enjoy your stupid super hero game or whatever.

It's not like I really wanted to be batman anyways.
no need to be upset bro.

you can be catwoman.
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34 KB
>eveyone's picking superheroes
>don't know which one I'd like best

I choose Max Payne.

Have fun.
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329 KB
D'awww, we love you too Patient

I- well...

He's right.

What the fuck are we doing?

being abnormal.
Picking superheroes we wanna be.
Nightly circle jerk.


What routes have you done?
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208 KB
Well shit guys, now the KSG dump folder's gonna have a bunch of superheroes.
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27 KB
>patient hope leaving
dibs on smeargle
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208 KB

Just Emi.
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169 KB
I wonder if I could spend my whole time on KSG just reposting shit that was posted in the old threads.

He'll be back.
But is gone for now.
Best route.
But that's just like my opinion, man.
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836 KB
In a way I'm always here as long as you kids are still talking about me.
God, that shoe is terrible.
KSG, why are you still here?

Not asking as a troll, I'm a regular.
You keeping it that way?

Personally i've done two routes already. Hanako and Shizunes. Just starting Emi's.
Because we're here forever.
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164 KB
Daily dose of 2deep4u blah blah
Friendship, the fact that I haven't finished the game yet and want to talk to people at important points.
Little things.
Oh, you'd die without the attention, so you come begging for more even if no one talks about you.
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208 KB

That is the stupidest circular logic I've ever read. If you want to want to be leaving, then of course you want to be leaving, and thus your want to want to leave is satisfied, and thus you can leave.
i want /b/ to leave
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209 KB
I will regret staying up this late next morning. Have to get up early.

Good night KSG. Love you all, see you tomorrow.
It's a mostly cool place where I can talk about anything (inculding katawa shoujo), and it's a nice place to develop my artfaggotry

and Anarkiste
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1.25 MB
You need to post these all at some point. I haven't been saving.
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209 KB
Have a pleasant night
pls no stop
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224 KB

I'm here for you, bro.

By the looks of it, i'll be here forever.
Goodnight. Sorry about the thread.
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For the good times that shine on through the bad ones.
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205 KB
Is Augmata on?
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118 KB
I can dump them now if you want

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597 KB
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20 KB

best footwear
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1.12 MB
>Hanako will never give you a footjob.
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176 KB
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106 KB
I will say, I think Hanako has the best casual clothes of them all.
>Emi will never give you a footjob

0/10. Her shoes aren't that sexy without her legs.
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100 KB
this one is shitty, but whatever

She dresses like a hipster.
Thank god.
Metal does NOT belong down there.

... and those legs aren't that sexy without those thighs...
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83 KB
Especially the hat.
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257 KB

sleep well

And her thighs aren't that sexy without dem hips...
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524 KB
this one isn't really a part of the set, but it fits
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66 KB
Did you say HATS?
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400 KB
I haven't posted this one before I think
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364 KB

Dem hips are nothing without dat waist...
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454 KB
It does look good on her.
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170 KB
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Her waist just isn't that great without her chest... Hanako really does have a perfect pair
I miss Emibros.

...Just kidding!
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83 KB

Not enough art shows off her hips.
sup fluff

u gonna be my fluffer today?
That looks nothing like her.
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988 KB

What's wrong with emi bro's?


dem legs.
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1.34 MB
That all?

Everything in Hanako is perfect. Okay?
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374 KB

Dem shoulders... Dat neck... I just wanna kiss them...
Sorry, I'm not into ERP.
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110 KB
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158 KB

this is g-getting weird, guys...
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461 KB
>tfw less than 40 images away from the limit
We need more Farting Misha.
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89 KB
probably my favourite, expect for that flower
I love it.
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818 KB
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1.15 MB

Dose lipsseriously, why aren't there lips?... Dat face...
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187 KB
>dem lips
>dat zettai ryouiki

Based Magister.
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433 KB

it's true

shoulders are so underappreciated
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159 KB
>ITT: Hanabros inducing boners on themselves
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528 KB
I love her more than any of you do
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848 KB
last one (and worst one)
No fuck you.

Fuck you man.


Hisao does.

I'm finding my own girl. I'll find her one day.

Challenge accepted. I will destroy you in the art of glorious combat.
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292 KB
I guess it can't be helped.
It would be awesome if boners came from Hanako's vag.
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64 KB

S-stop it!

Goddammit anon.
Emibros as in the Steam group. It's dead now, nobody goes there except the admins and one guy who hasn't turned off his computer since KS came out.
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126 KB
hey man I don't point it out when you start typing "redtube"
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185 KB

Perfect pair, >>12055456? Of eyes... you mean, eyes...

You find a real life version of your waifu and everything is perfect...But she has a deep love of 50 shades of grey.

Wat do
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792 KB
could be worse
a lot worse

don't be that way, anon
Let her read. Who gives a shit?
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84 KB
Doesn't matter.

She can be the way she is, I still love her.
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241 KB
g-guys p-please stop!
In that case everything is not perfect. She's not my waifu.
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361 KB
Give her the audio book as read by Gilbert Gottfried.

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237 KB
As long as doesn't bitch at me about it contantly, I'm cool with it.
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63 KB
Good night.
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393 KB

And her hair? I want her to lay her head on my shoulders so I can kiss her head and smell her hair...
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354 KB
Still here?
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41 KB

And underneath that hair...
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Spoiler Image, 92 KB
The one time I change some album artwork.
Do we still agree this is her song?
>Hanako will never give you a hairjob
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45 KB
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25 KB
But that will never happen.
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72 KB

someone screencap this shit...
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46 KB
No. I'm not doing this.
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532 KB

goodnight, anon

I just burst out laughing...

Fuck you.
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92 KB
Good. I didn't want you to anyway.

About to head to sleep actually, sorry bro.
But a man has to get his rest. Keep being awesome!
>1338 songs

Jesus, I only have 550, and 2/5's of it is from soundtracks.
Doesn't matter.
It may give her sexytime ideas.
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47 KB
all right, good night, we'll talk later

that feel when no hanalaugh.jpg
Somebody do that toe to head commentary on Emi please...
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Spoiler Image, 2 KB

Dem prosthetics...
>Dem stumps

Wait to contribute.
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1.9 MB

on second thought, sleep is for the weak.

How has your day been, bro?
Way to contribute anon
'Fraid not.
With the new image limit, the last three pages of VG are going to be dead KSG threads.
Oh, the huge matinee.
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11 KB

I don't think you said that right.
that's disgusting
>People are talking about a character


To be fair, its usually not that interesting.
all right, it's the second last day of holiday so I've been with my family at my grandma's house, we where eating prawns, it's all right, but a lot of work for little food. otherwise I've been drawing/playing guitar/vidya like usual

I've also started reading KS with sound because I haven't done it before, and it feels a lot like the first time I read it. not sure if that is a good or bad thing

tomorrow's the last day of summer, probably gonna spend it on KSG

how about you?
Was it interesting?
Pretty much this.

But seriously, you don't think we visit other boards/generals?

I'm hardly ever in here anymore.
sigh, fine. i'll do it.
File: 1345330661010.jpg-(216 KB, 934x1280, 1326485629087.jpg)
216 KB
I don't
>Vic only replying to namefags

What a suprise.
I always have ksg open when I'm online, i don't go to any other generals, but I go to /v/ and arcanine
Nigger, I have 4,401 songs, and I consider my library to be of an average size.

You have never played KS with sound? I think the soundtrack is pure gold, but that's just me.

I've been singing a lot today. on vocaroo

It's odd, i quite like singing it, but i can't judge myself. I can't tell if people who are close to me saying "You've got a good voice" are lying or not.

Other than that, nothing else really.
>on vocaroo
Show us your prowess.
Well that's fascinating.
Come on, sing Cold As Ice for us
I didn't feel very hard at all throughout any of the routes, and I played them all. Am I weird?
Sing Fuck You by Cee Lo Green
voacaroo link?
I really like innocence and that other piano track, and raindrops and puddles is all right, but I dislike those two Sims-like songs that play all the time.
I see what you mean about judging yourself, I think that's part of the reason I like 4chan
No, not at all
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22 KB
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43 KB
You are different, not necessarily weird
sorry but just woke up, whats the new post/image cap now?
>Fuck You
>Not the version from the Muppets Movie
I suppose so. Some people just don't feel though. Some can't connect at all.
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415 KB

do you still refuse to attempt this?


File: 1345331072642.png-(21 KB, 231x242, 98454764696.png)
21 KB

I have 13506 songs in my winamp playlsit, but oh well

well shit. fuck you tomoko.
And there goes the image cap.
726 posts and 251 image replies omitted.

wait wat
oh ok, but post/reply cap is still 1000 right?
Someone make a new thread then...

There's no cap to post/reply. However, after 1,000 posts the thread will no longer be bumped.

I got the new thread.
Sounds good.

Painful History seems to hit me the hardest.
Sometimes i wish i had started to play piano
just so i could play some of those songs.
Yes. I Do. I can't do that!
This guy, has a manly voice.
post a link in the need thread to some vocaroo

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