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70 KB
Katawa Shoujo General #488

Shitposter Drowning Edition

>post waifu
>post waifu
>post waifu


Last Thread: >>>/vg/12004982

KSG FAQ: http://pastebin.com/6Z28iW1x
Official Site: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Wp8y08x2
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Shimmie: http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
KSG Risk/Chess: http://pastebin.com/97aPKfHg
KSG Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=209591864637609999284.0004c74779a1b8accf9ea
nth for Hanako
men can be raped.
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moot is a jew
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608 KB
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30 KB
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41 KB
>not MOOOOOOOOOOT edition
Yes they can. But not by Hanako.
surprisingly ironic since the pic was chosen at random.
ew you really think I'd ever touch that charred bacon?
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56 KB
We need more of my best friend and my waifu.
So runbros, do you run after waking up or before bed?
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43 KB
O god, my sides
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1.93 MB
here you go, Shizunebros, sorry if it looks retarded
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62 KB
try again
what with this moot thing?

I like it. Face is a little off but not enough to be an issue.
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24 KB
>he thinks im kidding

Doesn't look bad at all, I think it's just the length of the face and maybe the nose that look a little off.
Last thread only let us post 250 images.
He made the image cap 250.
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669 KB

You should get those sides checked, anon.

Also, yes, I agree. Men can be raped. And its not pretty.

Some women have rape fantasies. None actually end up enjoying it when it happens.
Heheh. Boobs.

ruined a perfectly good Hannah dump.
I do it in the morning and the evening.
I run twice a day.
>he thinks his taste is not shit
never even said that, what are you talking about?
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201 KB
>Try making a subtle joke about women having rape fantasies.
>Everyone starts to say men can be raped too.

Alright I fucked that one up. Time for bed.
crapawa shitjo is not a game.
come on man wat u talkin bout
Why is she so ugly?
where does it say i think my taste in women is good
>tfw previous girlfiend wanted to roleplay getting raped
>tfw that was the strangest experience of my life
O wow. I just went full retard. Never mind that
>250 images

This better not be permanent.
>previous girlfriend
>having sex

u normal bro?
File: 1345287566834.jpg-(46 KB, 400x340, shh shh.jpg)
46 KB
I like where this is going
>1000 post limit
>250 image cap

moot does it again
I was at one point.
Not anymore.
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317 KB
never again?
>admitting your taste is shit

Beta as fuck.
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205 KB
>48 posts
>No emi
>No rin
>No misha

Step it up.
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25 KB
Never again.
didn't say that either
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1.08 MB
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184 KB
FINE. have fun
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275 KB
Learn to read between the lines kid, it just might save your life one day.
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23 KB
ill do that when u lrn not 2 put words into ppl's mouths
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208 KB

I know, it's a bad habit I have, think it comes from a lot of practicing drawing persona style animu

moot better fix this
File: 1345287850583.png-(490 KB, 900x685, Lilly doesn't know what t(...).png)
490 KB
>Not even remembering Lilly.
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49 KB
I'm not a big fan of dumping but I'll post a few.
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775 KB
No, do it anyways.
Cute as fuck.
>implying i even put something to be read between the lines
wat r u, autistic or somfin?
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120 KB
Are you illiterate? I said do it anyways.
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330 KB
Okay. Got Clannad on my computer. But i don't want to feel anymore. I'm deliting.
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135 KB
This thread needs more Rin.

At least watch the anime then.
Just leave it!
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183 KB
Why haven't you played Narcissu yet?

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50 KB
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718 KB
Which girls birthday is it next?
I'm currently playing it.
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2.98 MB
Aw yeah, that's awesome. Thanks for drawing and posting it.
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744 KB
Should be Misha in November, I think.
that picture reminds me of bill and ted's excellent adventure.
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103 KB
We'll make it.
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314 KB
Because I'm really bad at actually doing things. Just started my third KS route yesterday and it took me an hour and a half to get to day 3!
Misha in November, I think.
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421 KB
>sorry if it looks retarded
It looks anything but. I love the expression. Great job 2013.
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302 KB
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288 KB
Not enough Rimi in here
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470 KB
>No girls have a December birthday

Oh man, the intro scene to the prequel just blew me away last night.
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60 KB
>not having a July birthday
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90 KB
That's cute as fuck
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41 KB
>the little chibi of Shizune is reading
>she never was much of a reader in her route, Hanako was instead
>stargazing was never touched upon beyond the initial route animation
It still annoys me.
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Not having a October birthday.
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224 KB
that Rin looks like she was ripped right from a stepping fetish image

and I am completely okay with this
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634 KB

shit, thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it

it's fucking past 7am here now, but I'll post a bunch more later tonight
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>enlarge that Shizune art
>those lips
Those are masterfully made. Damn good job.
You have a nice night, 2013.
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764 KB

Men don't choose when they are born.
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569 KB
Haven't seen that one before, nice.

In Rimi-related news, Promiscuity continues to be written. Chapter 6 should be coming fairly soon.
Well I've been here all summer, and I don't think it's too bad.

The soundtrack to this fucking game... Nicol did an outstanding job but I think Narcissu(and especially the prequel) just blow it out of the water.
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102 KB
Yeah, I feel like the faces in general of all of his pictures are really well-done.
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143 KB
Good, this is good
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>that picture.
109/1000 posts
53/250 images

Slow down guys
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769 KB
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63 KB
>you will never be Misha in that picture
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196 KB

This is bullshit.
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72 KB
Lets hope Stone doesn't turn up.
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I really do like that one.
How does that have anything to do with anything.
Shizune's birthday is in may
>mine is may
Shizune is a Taurus
>I am a Taurus
Her birthday is the 6th
>Mine is the 9th

9 is 6 flipped
>also 69

Quality of life significantly improved
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7 KB
>finally pick this back up
>finish Rin's story

oh god I-

I don't even know anymore
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808 KB
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16 KB

We're here bro.
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245 KB
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350 KB
Oh god. That image.
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1.64 MB
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59 KB
Shizune has the best taste in shoes among the girls.
nah, they just don't have a wide selection of styles for shoes for people who are 20 feet tall.
I like Emis.
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630 KB
Bullshit. I love Hanako's Boots
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15 KB
i can neither confirm nor deny.
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396 KB

Dem boots.
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33 KB
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Asking in new thread
>Rin's hips and thighs

what? that sounds interesting as hell to me.
Is it just me or are Shizune's legs disproportionately long?
that's why I asked
Just you
/r/ing sad Kenji all pictures that you have.
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114 KB
>image limit halved
>hey let's dump images guyz!

Because we didn't know.
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327 KB
So I'm sorry to lower the mood a little but I need some suggestions so I don't leave anything out:
If your pet was going to die soon, what would you go do with it in the last few days?
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41 KB

I don't know. If my dog was about to die i'd probably hang out with it a lot more.
Depends how healthy it is. I took my dog up to this nice spot we used to go to. He couldn't really run around though.
Let him sleep in my lap as much as possible.
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181 KB
I wonder if anybody remembers this...
post about it on reddit for le karma
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6 KB
It's just us. Lezard, Akio, and myself, Taro. We're walking down the street when it happens. A group of girls. I start getting nervous, but then remember Akio's advice, "just act normal". I stand up straight and smile. They pass with only a glance at us and I hear them laughing. it stings like nothing else. I think about stopping in my tracks and turning around. That's when I hear it.
"Did you see his arm?"
"You didn't notice it?"
My blood rises and I turn around with a face that sends a clear message, only to find no receiver. They're too far down the street. Who knows, they probably forgot all about it and have bounced onto some other topic. They're not going to suffer with what's going to come back to attack me in my thoughts for the rest of the day.
"Hey, Taro."
"Come on."
I turn back to Lezard and Akio.
"Don't worry about what mindless sluts say." Lezard assures me.
Thanks for replying.
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23 KB
>"Don't worry about what mindless sluts say." Lezard assures me.
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298 KB

I think I enjoyed Rin's the most,
If I were to list it;
1. Rin
2. Lilly
4.Shizune (Great, but fuck, pretty shit ending IMO)

Haven't done Emi's yet so that list might change.

I need the picture of Hisao's class.
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71 KB
My cat was an indoor cat, took him outside for a few hours every day for his last few. He loved it. I figure anything "special" or out of the ordinary for you pet can't go wrong.
not homeboy who posted it but it is my cell wallpaper. It's pretty subtle too.
Come on man. Shizunes ending was good. Actually left me on a happy note.
Be advised I've only done two routes
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400 KB

The art style reminds me of Scott pilgrim vs the world.
Where's the survey results? You're cat's been dead for years now, friend. Get over it.
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334 KB
I remember you.
You mean of Bryan's style? He's made other books and that's not even the name of the first volume.
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372 KB
Very good tip. Thank you.
I'm glad your kitty took to the outside well. That sounds like it would have been nice for him.
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268 KB
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188 KB
is this something we've already been over? I just jumped into the thread.
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540 KB
did someone say post waifu
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1.76 MB
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153 KB
Or post 3?
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204 KB

No, we said image limit has been halved, only post images when absolutely necessary.
Nah dude do whatever the hell you want, hopefully it's not permanent and the only thing it will do anyway is make us go through threads faster.
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464 KB
They sure didn't!
we're only 89 images through.
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89 KB
coincidentally, that is my other cell wall.

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72 KB
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60 KB
I enjoy that.
I'm from the hood, man.
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958 KB
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223 KB
Before the image cap is reached, I asked for two pics the other day. I don't know if this >>>/vg/11987210 was actually completed but I forgot to save the one based on this

yes. me too. Brother.
>I need some suggestions so I don't leave anything out:
heavy implications here bro
Nah, I mean the real hood, not the rap hood, the real hood man.
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296 KB

Yo. The artist was glad to hear you didn't give up on him.
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117 KB

wow, I never really noticed before. Hanako has really awesome footwear.

West coast?
File: 1345291520620.png-(357 KB, 800x600, 1342480524636.png)
357 KB
Hananko would never say that
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447 KB
I'll admit I had my doubts but I knew he wouldn't let me down. Love it

This is the one. Frankly, I think the mouth looks a bit more like a W than the catface 3 but beggars can't be choosers

we in this bitch like we fukkin' a dog or some shit
File: 1345291730049.png-(1.23 MB, 780x2442, 1331111586469.png)
1.23 MB
I bet she wouldn't
Damn... You guys uploaded 70 MB of images in the last thread alone.
File: 1345291814135.png-(178 KB, 355x449, who fucking cares.png)
178 KB
Shizune wouldn't do this either.
put your money in that real estate
What was the interest we were using on omegle? KatawaShoujo or Katawa Shoujo?
so why are you a dog now?
why not just talk here?
because his dog is dying or something. don't be a shitlord. leave the guy alone, goddamn.
It's not edgy enough here.

It's faster.
put your trip back on wolf
Because this is a Katawa Shoujo general. A game.
You discuss the game here, not talk to each other.
my dog is dying or something. don't be a shitlord. leave me alone, goddamn.
I think you'll find everyone here does nothing BUT use the generals as a chat room. The mods don't give a shit, it seems.
File: 1345292588501.png-(2.17 MB, 2065x1656, 23435596.png)
2.17 MB
>You discuss the game here

File: 1345292612199.png-(35 KB, 516x537, 4chanorg.png)
35 KB
It's not 1-on-1 though.
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16 KB
nice point. use the omegle then. I actually really hate when people use this as a social spot rather than a general. real talk
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15 KB
>You discuss the game here
Whoa, so does everyone use wolf's name but a different trip just to drag his name in the mud? I made my post just to call the one guy a shitlord but I guess everyone is doing it
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75 KB
wolf pls
its spelled wolfsheim anyway
ur spelled wolfsheim
no u
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225 KB
Pink triangle on her sleeve
so fanhey joak
Real talk.
It will never be January 2012 again and we will never share our feels, have a serious debate about Hanako's H-scene being rape, share our favourite quotes from the VN, first come up with a name for the dreaded Katawa Dick, try to analyse the paintings in Rin's route, go nuts over the blindfolded h-scene, make jokes about anal and lemons, not realize until someone points it out that Rin was masturbating in the atelier, rage about Shizune's route being terrible, wish there was a Kenji route, or sit at the menu after completing your first, honest route while listening to Wiosna, for the first time ever again.
I don't see it, bro.
File: 1345293268842.jpg-(84 KB, 575x699, complete yayification.jpg)
84 KB
You just had to be there and I'm really grateful I was
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19 KB

It's a phrase from her theme song.

well, to me it's her theme song.
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211 KB
I think i'm going to have to leave these threads for a while.
It was cool at first but something's different now.
I don't know if it's that you're all bored of discussing the game and you just want to argue with each other or if it's filled up with different people from before and i'm one of the few people from before left or something else.
All I know is that things are different now. Or rather, they are the same as 'out there'.
This place was special, it's not any more.
Goodbye KSG, it's been fun.
see ya bro
File: 1345293398099.png-(152 KB, 425x307, Edan.png)
152 KB
theme songs vary from person to person

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I'm considering checking out of here too.
don't make it a big deal. take off. have a good time. we'll be here if you need us

I always think of that.

But there are people that i'd miss.
Looking at you, Punkrock bro.
I know.
So many of them are gone already, though.
I stick around for guys like Yui, Wolf, 2013Hanabro, Butterfly, and RAFS.
Stone has always been 2deep5me.
File: 1345293652423.png-(491 KB, 1000x749, rip in peace misha.png)
491 KB

stone is hella chill. One of the few guys I'd hang out with

I want reddit to leave
File: 1345293683165.png-(700 KB, 1012x1088, 1345155453370.png)
700 KB
Get over yourself. The threads are the same as they've always been.

I know you want some big dramatic send off with tears and champaign but we couldn't give a shit. So people argue? It's still the same.
>So people argue? It's still the same.

But is it rape?
File: 1345293752120.png-(2.82 MB, 1447x2600, ad5289a0f43f1e504f6e8fb7d(...).png)
2.82 MB
Threads are more of the same.

This thread sucks because its Friday and most of us are simply out of steam. We've always had a couple shitty threads between the gems.

So go, you'll be back. And we'll be here.

well him, RAF's, hearts, RFM and Butterfly.

Just kinda see rfm now.
I was glad to have been there.
Rip Januarybros.
Rip that guy who went gay for his best friend after playing KS
Rip Tiananmen square bro
Rip Garrus
Rip Lawyerbros
>Implying I was here for any of that.

We can still talk about that stuff. You just choose not to.
>The threads are the same as they've always been.

But the threads didn't start in May.
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173 KB
>not adding One of the 20

we don't because that was back in the /v/ days. Things were different then
File: 1345293877268.jpg-(29 KB, 175x175, 1293681806465.jpg)
29 KB
Because we didn't have generals before may?
The /v/ threads were honestly worse.
>RIP Januarybros
>implying we're still not around
> You just choose not to.
I would gladly talk about that stuff, but we have very few new players, and we seem to be in constant shitposting/image dumping mode nowadays.
You guys ever noticed Rin probably couldn't hurt a fly? I guess you could say she's armless.
Rip Saviour of KSG
We did, but they weren't like this, so I really don't understand what you mean.
No, there's a lot of nice people here. You just don't see them because they're just like you, not wanting to post while shitposting/dumping is happening.
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you must not have been there
Your puns disarm me with their charm.
Well then bring it up? I rarely see those sorts of topics ignored or swept aside.
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43 KB
That pun was horrible.
An assassin is currently tracing your IP.
On completion of the contract, i'll make sure to pay him hand-somely
I was. They were just like these but more /v/ shitposting.
What did Rin say to the robber? "I'm unarmed!"
unlike us oldfags rite? xD
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I thought the threads back then were fantastic. I wouldn't have made it out alive without those threads
>all dem posts on Valentine's day from the people who managed to get dates
>All those posts of people spending valentine's with their waifus
That was a good day.
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> I wouldn't have made it out alive without those threads
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43 KB
>Shizune loves Hisao
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Spoiler Image, 202 KB
OK, so by some weird magical even you cannot explain, you get your waifu.

She's just as you imaged in real life. Unless you treat her horribly and abuse her, she won't leave you.

The catch? You two must spend the rest of your lives living at 112 Ocean Avenue Amityville

Guys... We have a image:post ratio of 1:2.2... At this rate we're gonna reach the image limit at about 550 posts.

The fuck.

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I was losing my shit over that route. I seriously couldn't believe how dirty A22 did us. Some people started making sense of some stuff and I calmed down.

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Really? Shizunes route is fairly straight forward.
I understand you're jealous that you cannot experience the full glory of KSG, but please don't take your frustration on us, it's not our fault.
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don't be that way anon

come back ;_;

you as well, wolf. though it seems I can not quite sleep, yet.
lol we oldfags xD
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I'm alright with shorter thread turnaround. Threads tend to stagnate around 600 posts anyways. Slough off the old, bring the new to the surface.
How is it any different? The same old shit is till discussed.
that's kinda fucked up, dude

nah, man. That's what I thought. Back then, the route being subtle was the joke. Looking at things in certain ways makes the route look better than to the naked eye. A lot of the time, we're just grasping at straws.
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>Name/trip sucking
so is your thing that you always post that girl?
Your filename led me to expect something I did not receive.
>You will never see Jigoro fucking Lilly with his powerful Alpha cock
It wasn't "same old shit" back then. It was all new shit.
OC pouring in every day, barely any tripfags, only tripfriends, people being nice to each other.
So when would you say it went to shit?
Did you hear it from Instafeels?
The only real point you just made is that there were less tripfags. That's not even really a point.

No, i had seen it posted here a few times.
I like that song.
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I dont see why not, she's cute and it makes posts recognizable when I want them to be
there are worse things here.
Hard to say, somewhere around May maybe.
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But that's not true.
Not him, but I would say after the whole references shit.

We had about 4 threads of nonstop shitposting back to back.
Oh fuck.
That was hell on earth.
> references

well given the circumstances, you're pushing the image cap. It's true that I could probably pick on a more legit complaint than you, but it doesn't make your stuff right
What isn't?
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I still think KSG mansion was the worst. references was just kind of a joke that went on too long and we lost a drawguy because of it.

Some people won't let a joke die
Did 2013 Hanabro post any of the requests yet?
I remember the early threads, when everybody would become insanely mad at posts like these.
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Hi, so I was wondering what Lilly might look like in 3D. I decided to do an edit to see since I couldn't find any fanart by artists better than me trying to do something like that. Consider this a formal request.

It took surprisingly much more work than I thought. Messing with the anime style in *anyway* starkly reduced her cuteness and resemblence to Lilly. Still, I think I've managed to find a balance. Also, I realized the picture I picked wasn't a very good choice for doing this.

But still, I'm gonna keep at it, and would really appreciate feedback. i.e. tell me where to improve, what to redo and how to get more 3D,etc.
Any of what you said.
They're all relevant points, just look at the past few threads.
Unless if you hate OC, but I don't see why you're here if you do.
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The point that we now openly accept and encourage fapfics says a lot.
>This is what sex with your waifu sounds like
Except if your waifu is Shizune
Well here's the very first KSG posted on /vg/ in the middle of February. From what I can see, it's no fountain of original content, as you say. I don't know how you distinguish tripfag from tripfriend, though, so I don't know what you mean by that. However, there are tripcodes out the asshole in that thread, they can't all be awesome people.
There is still tons of OC.
Whoops, forgot the link to archive.
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She looks prissy but I guess that's ok and you've over-used shadows giving the impression of a lot of makeup.

Still, zooming in a window makes her look not that bad.
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I'm not sure I catch your meaning about 3D. You want a stereoscope or something?

I'd already established that I PREFER a thread with a faster turnover
This amount of OC is NOTHING compared to back then.

Someone drew a pretty nice sketch here>>12009217
But we don't all, man.
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Hanabros got mad at anything.

Rinbros were rustled by implied molestation.
>pic related, it made an entire thread go fucking insane
These days, it looks like nothing.
How times have changed.
Still. There is tons of OC.
More like barely any.
Back then there were like four drawfags asking for requests every day, and even more writefags.
I remember that shit.
Laughed my ass of when we first started doing the molestation jokes.

Depends on your definition of "tons".
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I have them, just been hesitating for whatever reason, not feeling super confident about their quality.
well I just hate the nomiya guys because they thing they're so hilarious.
Yeah, he's creepy. Get over it, goddamn
I forgot about him.
Always amusing.
Still. There is tons of OC. We get OC every thread.
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22 KB
I think I'm going to start a new game for the first time since January
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Aw yeah!
One bad fanfiction and one bad doodle hardly count as OC.

And that's not "tons".
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Then I won't mince words: I'm acting in my own self-interest capitalism, ho

Don't mean to be blunt, but if you're trying to make her more realistic, you've gotta redo that nose. It's Michael Jackson small, also its too straight
>that guy who spent his entire Saturday making Nomiya edits

That's dedication.
The champion of KSG.
Who's route?
Thread #4 had barely any OC...
4 bad fanfics and 4 bad doodles does though?
are you trying to prove a point?
I'll just pick random choices and see where I'll end up since I already did all the routes
manly picnic is best route.
Well have fun.
Well I'm hopefully showing people that February threads weren't all that different. But I'm mostly just showing stuff I find interesting in the old threads.
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Even if the fics/art IS bad, this kind of attitude discourages potential writers/artists.
I have no problem with motivation, in that I have none whether someone says something or not, but for fence-sitters, stay positive or keep your piece
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> keep your piece
What is KS+?
Love Despite before the name change
I'm going to need more of an explanation then that.
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Thanks. Hopefully the feels won't be too strong.
you can't really convince the people who were there but it's a valiant effort.
Yeah, I guess it'll always be better cause it's y'know... Nostalgic.
how cool did you think these threads were when you started attending them?
The worse thing that can happen is no feels
People were excited for LD?
Who'd have thought.
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KSG does strike me as the type of group who would have trouble with... rose-tinted glasses.
Pretty cool, actually.
now imagine if everyone thought that but it lasted 2 months.
>OC all day err day
>barely any shitposters
>feels stories everywhere

Rose-tinted, huh...
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I mean, there's hardly a single picture of her that has a defined nose, lips, face structure, etc.

I'm trying to make her, I dunno, realistic. I was wondering what she would look like as a 3DPD.

For example, Korra is a cartoon character. Usually she doesn't have a nose or lips and has huge eyes. Pic related.
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>KSG does strike me as the type of group who would have trouble with... rose-tinted glasses.

You mean like Nomiya?
Well yeah, that's what I was saying.
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1.92 MB
here, Dead Bacon

to contend with black rock shizune

dat delicious black rock shizune
oh. well then yeah
well I would just like more art of her period. I think I was the one who asked for it last time and you just recently posted it, right?
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If I may be so bold: I don't frequent the place any more, but if there's one thing I learned from my time (it seems so long ago) in /a/ and /jp/ is that the surest way to decrease the quality of your board and threads is to... complain about the quality of your threads.

They may actually suck for one nebulous reason or another, but complaining about them is the surest way to make them worse.
>more art of her period
>of her period
>her period
That's... That's pretty disgusting, man.
man you know what I meant. don't be gross, dude
It's well done. I don't really like the subject though.
there had to have been a better way to phrase that entire post
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>learned from my time in /jp/
There's always a better way to phrase everything.
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Mah nigga
I'm saying it's a hodgepodge of words that I had to read several times over to make sense of

That's great and all, but thats not what I'm trying to do, see >>12026174
How in the world does making a new thread ensure new discussion to you? Besides gets.
The same conversations carry over. Nothing changes.
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I think this place became too much for me when this happened.
I nostalgia'd hard looking at the joint challenge.
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>hue hue /jp/ is terrible
but... that was my point.

5 duplicate image posts in a row, jesus christ
>Video catting
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>those threads that turned into Nomiya Time
The Omegle video chats, or the Nomiya guy?
I damn near pissed myself laughing the first time that was posted.

I love it! And I'll reiterate my offer, post properly scanned pictures and I'll colour them for you as you like them.

Also, you guys are complaining about OC but everytime someone makes something, you just ignore them. You guys have zero right to comment on the quality of the threads when all you do is complain.
When you saved a still image as a shit quality gif?
>Every time someone creates something you just ignore them
>The post you were replying to already had two replies.

Full retard.

KSG has always been like that.

>two replies

nigga is you serious?
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Because there's a wealth and depth of color and detail to this freaking omegle screenshot that we're being denied

Woe is us.
Woe is indeed us.

What do you guys think about getting into archaeology or history as a career? Is the best jobs I can get teacher or museum curator?
If you have a passion for it then go for it.
most of the time I post art I get no comments, I take it as a sign I have to stop sucking, it's pretty motivational, really
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IT is the fucking bees knees as long as you're not helpdesk phone jockey.

Why teacher/archaeologist? that sounds dreadful
Well, you could be on the History Channel, I guess.
If you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library
Are there better options?
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110 KB
>History channel

Pick one.
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2.26 MB
No, the only people they let on History Channel are Jerry Falwell ball-lickers and tinfoil-hat wearing schizotypals.

You're a better man than I, salut.
>Less than 100 images left
Don't post in the middle of a discussion.
When the tripfags get in the middle of something, they rarely talk about anything else.
That.... is sadly true actually.
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>never played Katawa Shoujo with sound before
>start a playthrough
>the music doesn't add much, it's bland and lack an identity
>Dandellions with Innocence
>the world is a beautiful place
I'm gonna die in act 4
Are you an archaeologist?
Because I dig you.
the fact of the matter is that you're not posting during prime time.
That's the joke.
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75 KB
>never played Katawa Shoujo with sound before

Why? It just isn't the same.
>Youmu in a sweatervest
I love this design so much.
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11 KB
Le Katawa Shoujo

You cannot rustle me.

I've become peace.
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sweater vests are the best.

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Spoiler Image, 44 KB
I have played all routes, endings and scenes, I just rarely have sound on for anything other than music, and if I turned it on it was always pretty meh
Plenty but the most effective I've seen are government historians and translators or the teacher/archaeologist mix if you really want to be Indiana Jones.
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we reddit now?
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I still love you all
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this made me laugh, in an absurd kind of way.
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Christ. The music is half the game to me?

Did you still feel?
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34 KB
me too
Nurse x Mutou fics fucking where?
yes, very much
I didn't get katawa dick though
>7 months
>still no Nurse x Emi fic

Seriously, what the fuck guys.

This is worse than piss fetish guy, the draw request for Katawas of Symphonia, and Lilly unbirthing Hanako combined

Did we ever find out what happened to this guy?
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I don't think there's enough girls here to make a market for Yaoi
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>I love Rin Tezuka
>"I felt like I had to voic-"
>video hasnt loaded yet
Isn't that a fairly average reaction?
We just talk about it on here. Not youtube.
I only wish I discovered KS earlier, not now when I'm in such a blunted, hollow state. It barely made me feel, had I played it a year ago I would have probably wept and lost my sleep. And I'd probably welcome it. I miss my emotions. I was always so proud that nothing fazed me. KS made me miss those parts of myself. It made me miss being human.
Just finished Shizune's path.

Ranking so far:
>Favorite characterizations so far with Misha as a pair, I felt the ending was a bit weak though.
2. Hanako
>was my second run. Was annoyed by the who'll "I'll be the one to fix you." story again but ended up turning out quiet nice. Dat ending, favorite one so far.
3. Emi
>The whole "wah, let me be the one to help you" story was about to get annoying, thankfully it wasn't resolved in a mary sue kind of way.
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That's surprising. Most people only really get attached to Shizune if she's their first route. I certainly liked the characters. I never expected their relationship to be so deep.

I can't say I agree with you on the other girls though.

Did you get the good end?
I really don't think it is.
I'll be honest with you, Rin is probably the first character I've ever had feelings for (oh god what's wrong with me) but, I dunno if I'd go as far as making a youtube video about it.
As for what he has to SAY, then yes, that's normal.
The way he does it, in my opinion, is a bit over the top.
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I'm going to sleep. Will fix this up and finish it when I wake up...

*evil laugh*

Stay groovy, /ksg/.
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>that image
>action between asterisks
Please don't.
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Hop you're enjoying it
Captcha: ksGiall year I hope
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That is horrifying. Good though.
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well shit

I should take lessons from you
Incidentally, it's 7:30AM here and I need to sleep too.

Sweet dreams.
See you tonight wall.

Sleep is for the weak. wall.

But... we are human after all.
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27 KB
That's great

You plan on doing the whole gang?
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>The whole gang
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OK, I gave her a nosejob. It has to be small or it doesn't resemble lilly anymore. That's the hardest part, she has to remain as distinctly Lilly as possible.
'Spose I can put off sleep for a little bit longer....

Probably will after I'm done with her yeah.
Rin and Emi should be.....interesting.

Give her bright red lips.
I think the nose needs to be longer, not necessarily larger.
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>Zombie Misha
freaky as it should be. zombify the rest of the cast too!
Welp, I'm out.
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Haha, its a small edit so done. Hope I'm not eating up the image limit guys, I'll use imgur if you want.
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I'm thinking this....

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How horrifying.
It's great... it's hard to really comment on as we've never really seen anything like it. Only real complaint is nose looks a tad unnatural. Like a normal nose shrank down. I don't know if you can do anything for that.

Keep posting here. No problem with OC.
3DPD shit right there
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How are you gentlemen today?
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2/10 would dislike again
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Same old. Angry at moot. Angry at tripfags. Angry at ourselves.

How about you?

Feeling tired. Odd.

I feel musical. i feel like singing. I feel like creating a song. But i have no idea what to write a song about.

Also. Got writers block again.
You're waifu
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55 KB
Very tired.
And when I get tired I giggle uncontrollably.
I'm laughing at pretty much everything anyone says.
I feel like a fool.
Bored, with back and shoulder pain...

Yeah, basically the same thing everyday. Also writer's block.
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fuck I'm tired

goodnight guys
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I'm having that feel bro

Got no waifu. Just pretty girls.
Oh, I'm feeling rather exquisite bloody ol' chap god save the queen, eh?

How about you, had your tea and crumpets yet?
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OK, I'll get right on that. I just want to get her as realistic as I can possibly get her. I've never converted anime to realistic mode before so I ask KSG time to time on if I'm interpreting the features right or if it still resembles Lilly.

The reason I did this is because its astonishing that there's almost no fanart of lilly with a nose and only a few with lips and depth in facial features.



Would've liked to get a reason why, but its like they say, if your art evokes any reaction, its doing its job.


Just listening to music, taking a break from playing Narcissu ;_;.
I thought you left ages ago...

Night bro!
Even though it's 4pm here
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46 KB
Goodnight, man.

Keep up the good work.
G-good night

>tfw i just woked up
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317 KB
Goodnight brother...
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3 KB
alright I guess. Anxious about the upcoming semester, but other wise relaxing watch the world magic cup
Later dude.
I just woke up.
your favourite KS girl then
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Oh, to briefly get into the spirit of things.
Goodnight, bro.
You confuse me Akira.
Have a good night, man
Everyone keeps saying about Narcissu. How is it? I might try it next week...
See ya!
I'm well.
Going to go for a run tonight.
End of Week 5.
Might watch some documentaries about transhumanism.
Yeah, I got the good ending. I just got the sense there's an act missing where Misha's real feelings should have been brought to Shizune's attention and resolved. It's as if all of that was just swept under the rug. Mostly because I really like Misha story and have a lot of empathy for her. It's obvious that she' left to travel abroad because of it, which makes me sadder than anyone else's story sice she's the only one left with a broken heart. ;___;

While I really liked Emi and Hanako there's just something about "Oh this girl has issues, I want to be the one to help her despite having my own" stories that ring too close to neckbeard fantasies of how healthy relationships are compared to how they should be.

That's why I like Shizune's the most. They both had issues, but they were attracted to each for what made them unique and wanted to understand each others differences and learn from them and each other rather than be motivated to "fix" each other.

I like that the writers know this and make it vital in both Emi and Hanako's path to learn that fixing isnt't what relationships are about.
Bye Mr. Time Traveller!
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It's very easy to download and install.
night 2013hanabro

If you like depressing stories then you will enjoy it. Characters aren'tt hat great, but it has a solid story.
It's great.
Amazing soundtrack.
Well-written, touching story.
Nice voice-acting (in Japanese of course)
g'night, George Carlin
wolf you hear?
I need respected art to get mad at
aww man, alright see ya
see ya, guy
g'night wolf in sheeps clothing
hes on /v/
Feels. So many feels. And amazing presentation.

Its a free fan-made project just like KS, and a small download so no reason not to try it. http://www.neechin.net/narcissu/

I kind of don't agree, they seem uninteresting at first but you can't help but SPOILER:see them through to the bittersweet inevitable ending even though you know whats coming.. Plus the prequel really does a fantastic job of fleshing out the characters.
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Gentlemen, I must apologize for all that crap yesterday.

You see, working out actually is my main way of stress relief, and for some unforeseen reasons I couldn't go to gym yesterday.

Not only that, but it also came to my realization, that exactly few days and some years ago, my beloved bro-cousin was murdered. Even after all these years, that pure, raw rage comes back.

So I just grabbed a bottle of whiskey I got few days ago and ....I...just snapped. I chugged down most of the bottle in ridiculously small period of time.

I know that its not an excuse for such shitposting and shitting up the thread, but I hope you at least understand that I'm normally not like that.

Anyway, I decided to cut off with the alcohol. I won't go into details, but I don't want to end up like my father.

I sincerely hope I didn't ruin the day/evening/whatever for you, guys. I love these threads too much to intentionally shit them up.
I didn't notice.

Shh... no more words. Just love.
Well get him or something
I don't know what you are talking about.

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It's all right bro. We're cool.
I actually thought it was kind of funny after I realized you were drunk.

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. They were a mix of both boring and irriating for me, although I suppose in their hopeless situation it is to be expected. They were pretty unrelatable too. Still it had a fantastic story and the characters fit in perfectly to the dull atmosphere of it.

Speaking of which, how is Narcissu 2 and how does it compare the original one? I'm thinking of trying that sometime soon, so I may give it a go after I finish Fate/Stay Night.
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>So I just grabbed a bottle of whiskey
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When was this? I didn't notice at all. If anything drink more next time.

just finished it yesterday.

I gotta say, the soundtrack, voice acting really made it memorable. There are some parts of that game that are still burned into my memory. On a scale of 1 to Katawa, the feels were a solid Katawa in half the time flat.
I got 2Katawa!1
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>feels have bee gone for a long time
>cleaning room yesterday
>find a few magazines/books I was reading around January
>remember KS came out then
>remember my first playthrough
>how I tricked myself into Emi's route by being alpha
>how I decided to go through with it instead of saving and trying again for Lilly
>how I cried bitch tears after Lilly's good ending when I realized she was my first waifu and how I'd never meet someone like her at 5 in the morning
>how I got Rin's bad and neutral end before finally getting her good end
>how Hanako reminded me of when I was younger
>how the little things in Shizune's route were the best and made up for the rest of it

I didn't get to finish cleaning because I cried again realizing I won't be able to experience it all for the first time again
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It's weird isn't it. We remember the crushing painful depression that comes after finishing for our first time. Yet we miss it. We'd just like to get that back again. Despite ruining us.
It feels good to feel
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It's okay, but next time choose the best girl.
Get dat dang ol' catharsis.
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Right, so, here is a very rough draft of...ZOMBIE EMI.

I will finish up Shizune tomorrow, then complete the lines on this and colour it too.

SLEEP TIME (for real this time).

Stay groovy, /ksg/.

Naricissu spoilers:
Hmm, I definitely agree they were sort of boring and irritating but it did fit into the narrative. My point was that their story was compelling to read and that there were really great moments sprinkled in there.

The most disappointing aspect for me was that after all that painstakingly gradual buildup, nothing happened between them. At the end, it was just "will you stop me now?" and "hurrdurr do you want to be stopped?".

As for narcissu side 2nd, its a much more hopeful story, with improvements in the presentation. More beautiful music, more people working on it, more beautiful artwork and more story. It ties up almost all the questions of the original. Its different and has more feels(atleast in my opinion).

You should draw the entire cast of KS as skeletons
Whatcha watching, KSG?
Again. Horrifying.
well done.
I liked the part when you told that you love your waifu
ur mum's porno

It does indeed. Being emotionless is good only when there is too much misery to bear.
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>black guy in fedora the instant I turn it on
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You maybe want to read this.

We often only realize what we want till it is lost sadly.

And even then it will still cause problems.

wouldn't it just be skeletons of varying heights?
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T-thanks, guys. I truly consider you my friends, brothers, even.

That's probably better for your own sanity, my friends.
About this.....I regret NOTHING !
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The fuck

This is "The Treachery of Images" by Magritte. It's an oil painting of a pipe with the words "This is not a pipe" at the bottom. The point is that the treachery of images is that pictures are just images of things and not the things themselves, rendering lines like "That is a pipe" incorrect when the truth is "That is a picture of a pipe."

This is not to say Magritte is a bad artist. He's a very good surrealism artist and actually makes good points at some points with his work but this piece is his strangely his most famous and is sitting in a museum somewhere being admired and I find it pretty undeserving.

I wasn't there for it but I'm really happy you're cutting it out of your system. You could replace that with better things.

Fuck that. I'm gone again.
I don't think I could handle a bad end

I agree about cutting out alcohol. The way I see it, my mind is your greatest asset, I don't want to damage it or impair it.
I know that feel. Hanakos god end almost killed me.

They make you stronger. In time.

My mind is my greatest asset*

fuck, the irony...
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Do yourself a favour, never play YMK without a flowchart then.
>he thinks bad ends are bad
>hasn't tried Rin's neutral end
>artist is a smartass
>gets in a museum
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That's different. You've done that through your own actions.

I mean I don't think i'll be able to go through and 100% KS. Deliberately making the wrong choices and having to deal with the endings.
I can't disagree with your post, buddy.
I always was that kind of man who hid secrets and his true emotions behind a smile. But I don't want anyone to understand me, because only I can deal with myself.
I dunno deciding whether or not to listen to Lily without a chart was a pretty intense decision.
we work fast

You wouldn't like Narcissu then.
>implying Narcissu's ending wasn't the good end

I thought it was a good end. I definitely felt a spectrum of feels, anon, not just sad.
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I know what you mean. for one thing I really didn't expect a choice to come up at that point. I feel bad saying I wasn't REALLY listening to her. I had to read back through the text a bit. Took me a bout 5 minutes. I figured Lilly has know her a lot longer than me. I should take her advice. Honestly when it said I started seeing less and less of Hanako I thought I had done wrong. I almost reloaded.

Turns out I got lucky.

Yep, dunno what the original is talking about, it was a beautiful ending.
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Some bad ends tell a lot about the characters though.
Rin's neutral, Shizune's bad and Hanako's bad end tell a lot about the characters themselves.
What happens when she is dissapointed by the one she trusted. What happens when she loses all confidence in herself. What happens when you don't treat her like a normal person.

Characters painted in situations directly perpendicular to the ones you often see.
When falling down, often new perspectives appear.
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Are you serious? They fucking SPOILER:DIED. The shit they said, how they ended it. The stuff they forgoed . The life they couldn't end up living. The voice acting. The dialogues before the end.

It was tragic.
Well said.
I still think it'll be hard.
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I will not deny that.
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4LS confirmed for co-developing Half Life 3
I'm honestly just happy they've got work.
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What did you just say, anon?

You said Half Life 3.

Quick, KSG. What's another word for three?

Triple? Not 4 Not 2 But the thing in between?

He'd hate Symphonic Rain even more. Most of the endings in that were painful to the point where you question which ends were actually "good" or so to speak.

2+1, 4-1, square root of 9.
Third? Tertiary?
Wait a second, what's this?
I thought they all fucking hated each other and vowed never to work together again?
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Bingo, Tertiary.

Now, what is the half life of element 3?

>And even then it will still cause problems.

Just how right you are. It came back to bite me in the ass after helping me to get through the worst points of my life. This feeling of emptiness and loss, inability to be satisfied with anything, taking no enjoyment in things you do. And then it gets worse once you start feeling disconnected from your own being. I still can't get over it. My life's greatest achievement becoming my biggest regret.

Maybe I should start making shitty art so people will suck my dick too. What the hell KSG. Why does one name get so much fucking attention when they go to sleep? For fucks sake.
Yeah why don't you.
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>Oh no, they like a guy who contributes to these threads! how terrifying!

Why do you have to be so buttfrustrated?
you sound upset for some reason
why don't you tell us about it.

You should always wish good night to a man.

Might be his last day on earth.

You're cute when you're jealous
I don't know.
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>implying I don't say goodnight to everyone that says they're going to sleep.
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They've been teasing something for a good while. I think they started doing that about two months ago.

So... why aren't you making art? Sounds like you're saying you have the ability to and you just don't really feel like it.
The half life of Lithium is 838 ms
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838 ms.

MS is also an acronym for...
Li? Isn't that stable unless you have a radioactive isotope?
are you serious

Missing Stars.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis?
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Depends on the isotope.

That's not true, hell a few of them have even said they'd want to work with each other again.

Sometimes things just occur. I've seen anon's with more Night's.
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mega slut
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Who wouldn't want their dick sucked by everyone? I'm just pointing out the cult of personality that surrounds this average drawfag and shitty namefag is fucking ridiculous.

He gets praise for art he hasn't actually shown, the ones he has shown are misproportioned as fuck, he posts off-topic about shitty anime's while avataring. I don't fucking understand it.
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Now you dig it.

Missing Stars is another OELVN project.

And who was a famous art contributor for both Missing Stars and Katawa Shoujo?
>cult of personality
>likable guy that other people dig
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Mike Inel?
You are being a bit of a cunt there, mate.
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What happening?!
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Woah woah.

Mike Inel, he did art for all the main girls. Misha too. He really loves Misha
Happy birthday to me, KSG.

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That he does...

Happy birthday, bro. Have a good one :)
Happy birthday bro. Have a good day!
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Happy B-day.
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You don't even draw or contribute to the threads
fuck off
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No shit. Somewhere along the line KSG fell over the line that separates being friendly/kind and fellatio artistry. It's pretty sickening to see everyone flop over themselves to get this guy off.

There's a difference between liking someone and all but declaring them god overlord of the threads.

Happy birthday.
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Hope you have a good day buddy, we're happy to have you on here!
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Happy birthday, my beloved anon.
>not a tripfag, namefag or avatarfag

Being fat?


Thanks, guys.
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....Being fat?
Being depressed?
Being lesbian?
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You care too much.

Things only matter if you make a problem out of it yourself.

It's just the internet.

Does it matter?


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>declaring them god overlord of the threads.
What the fuck are you on about?
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Drills? Wahaha?
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And we all know drills look good on hands of mechas.

Which sister happens to be missing a hand?
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Are we getting a Stumpfist video game?
Goddamnit, nigga!
Just hit me with some knowledge!
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Image limit?
Yep. Why the hell was it lowered. We've hit the 500 limit multiple times, and almost always went over 250.
Image limit? At 250? I fucking hate moot so much.
I actually can't remember the last time we were under 250.

Bitch here

Shall we make a /q/ thread?
Moot sucks, it can't be helped.


So what 4LS is really trying to say is...spinoff VN featuring Miki as the protag and art from Mike Inel

and fuck this jive-ass image limit
Anyone making a new thread while we complain at? >>>/q/
I'll make one.

I'll believe that when I see some proof. This is too outrageous.
Wanna bet?
seems that I missed some /vg/ update... the post limit for threads has been cut to 650 or less?
Image limit is now 250. It's retarded.

Lets test the post limit.
testubg nire,

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