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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn General

Are you looking for a linkshell or a tutorial on how to play the game? Try the /vg/ authored guide below:


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Gamescom 2012 Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM6bi4RP25o

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta screenshots and concept art: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20120815_553349.html

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYMrFXcqvk4

Official Lodestone website (news and updates): http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/index.html

Crafting, item, and class database: http://www.mooglebox.com/includes/index.php

Disciple of the Land guides: http://www.disciplesoftheland.com/forum.aspx?g=forum&c=1

Item database: http://ffxiv.mozk-tabetai.com/

FFXI wiki: http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page

Follow Hilidbrand on his journey into 2.0! - https://twitter.com/HildibrandXIV

Content guides, census data, and player roster: http://xivpads.com/?-Portal
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You forgot to include naked mithras in your post.
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>mfw this game will finally kill WoW and reign as supreme king of MMOs for the next decade
Every MMO player I know, from the most casual WoWbabby to the autists who still play EQ...takes the very mention of this game as grounds for uproarious laughter.

Have fun selling everyone's favorite joke as a legitimate game.
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>I can't enjoy fun things if other people say it ain't fun!
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>he thinks the game's servers are going to stay live after 2.0 becomes an even bigger ghost town than 4.0
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>he thinks he can read the future with 100% certainty
I played TOR for a bit and can safely say that FXIV is MILES better than TOR is.

The biggest difference being that 14 is trying to fix itself, while TOR is just spewing out more shit.
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>mfw I have been playing FF14 since launch daily and wept tears of joy at the new gameplay video
Where do I go to change my period length in my SE Account?

I want to change the default 30 day to 60 day so I can get legacy.
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I don't know what I'd do without the first batch of posts in every general. Thanks, guys~ It's always fun times
Too late for you, you would have had to do it before June 30th.
While this is pessimistic, it does hold water to an extent. My biggest turn off in the few times I've tried to give FF14 a chance, even worse than all the bugs and garbage UI/server lag...There was barely anyone around. I played for a few weeks, and every time I would go to town and shout "New Player looking for LS". Not once did I ever get a response.

It doesn't help that the few people still around are fanboys of the highest regard. Any form of criticism is met with "gb2 WoW" garbling. It'd be nice to see it do well, but I'm not going to be taking that nosedive again.
So I'm stuck on Aegis after coming back post-server merge and every NA LS I seem to get into never shuts up about their Reddit boards. Just about everyone else is seemingly JP.

Is XIV usually this holed up in weird exclusive cliques or am I just trapped on a crappy server?
It's almost exclusively circle jerks. I tried 4 different servers, the game just doesn't have an active enough population to support the kind of MMO it is.

There is a great LS out there somewhere, problem is finding it. Most of the problems the games has now as far as community goes is the lack of players. Hopefully 2.0 will bring in a lot of new players and more social Linkshells will pop up.

I managed to find a social linkshell on the official forums and so far they've been a great group of guys. They help each other out and don't bitch all the time.
TOR doesn't take two years to add worthwhile content, or let you sell shit faster via menus that make some fucking sense.
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dead game general
>TOR doesn't take two years to add worthwhile content
No, given its trend, it will never release worthwhile content.
Screen shots looking absolutely amazing.
Is it still circlejerking if people only want to play with other dedicated hardcore skilled players?
>saging a general thread
>with an image

Not same guy but
>showing your newfagness

Saging with an image no longer bumps the thread like before. They changed that several years ago.
How's it feel being a shitty newfag?
I luckly thought about FFXIV on that day for some reason and managed to subscribe on the last day that would still guarantee me legacy.

I'm on Durandal and got asked twince in two days to join a LS, just because I had none and was a newbie.

I declined because I currently had no time to play ;_;
Was like a week ago.

Btw, is there a /v/ LS on Durandal?
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Aegis is a hellhole for NA unless you are a goon
I don't know, I would figure knowing that is the antithesis to a newfag. It's more like an ignorant middleagedfag, if anything.
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time to get married!
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Look at that new lighting engine!
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Look at them jumping while on chocobos
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Live gameplay, shitty cam version
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>mfw there actually are people that enjoy this trash
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They're like animals. The owner beats, abuses and spits on them but since food is food they keep coming back for more. The soggy backwater dumpster trash that is FIX will continue to be the main course of ignorant rich kids everywhere. I hope shoveling this frothy filth down your throats is worth it, because together you're bringing the overall quaity of the gaming world down.

You're bringing it down because you're saying, "This is okay." It's okay to shove a funnel inside my neck and force your shit down my throat.

Please shit inside me square enix, I need your fecal matter to coat my innards.
>2D grass

It's over. FFXIV is finished.
I have linkshell I made for poeple who are new to the game on Ragnorak. Just PST Van Wulfen
Apropos LS... anyone on Durandal? ;_;
I don't think anyone said they would actually quit over grass.

There where a few complaints about it, then as per usual the forums where littered with people mocking anyone to dare critique their godsend.
Unless you want all the F2P stuff that we see in the rest.
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subscription confirmed
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>jump on grass to fix it edition
The least you could have done was shop the XIV logo on his hat.
What's a good reason to play this over FFXI?
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for that dude from last thread
Right now? No reason.

When we learn what all will come in 2.0? Maybe, will depend on what we see.
I started playing this sometime in June and I quit a week ago.

It was fun and I wish I was here for the new zones but goddamn MMORPGs are so time consuming.

I loved how Square changed the way NMs work and made them drop Rare/EX instead of items that can be sold. Making it so they pop every 5 minutes makes it much easier to acquire low/mid level gear.

With that said I'm interested to see if Square can bring FFXIV back. I've never seen MMORPG devs try so hard to overhaul a failed game. It's usually much cheaper to just to abandon development or make it F2P.
Holy shit, that is what you all waited for?

THAT is the game you are rewarded with for your faith in SE and paying into a year long beta?

I would be mad as fuck right now if I was foolish enough to had given them any jew gold myself. My condolences.
On the other hand we have Arenadrones waiting 5+ years for something that looks and plays worse than Tera.

>still playing MMOs
i bought it when it was $10 and paid for 3 months after 2.0 was announced. i think i'll be able to live with myself
The world design and dynamic lighting look fantastic, and really bring a lot of life and depth that 1.0 sorely lacked. Also, I love that there seems to be unique casting animations, much better than what's currently in the game

My issues are the lack of 'weight' in the demo. XIV has a very 'grounded fantasy' style and aesthetic to it, one of the few things worth praising about the game. Characters move and animate realistically. In the demo, they seemed to have gotten rid of that; They start and stop on a dime, and the jumping looks...ugh.

Still, I'm really looking forward to see where they go with this. The last few patches in 1.0 have been full of (mostly) fun and interesting content, and the latest boss fight is absolutely brutal. If they can keep up the pace with 2.0, I can see it being one of the better MMOs out there.
finally, an OP with appropriate information in it. One mistake, you said FFXI wiki, OP.
>"XIV is so casual, I know, I've seen people do Ifrit/Moogle!"
Meanwhile in Aurum Vale, Cutter's Cry, The Howling Eye (Hard), Bowl of Embers (Extreme) and Rivenroad (Hard).....
XIV's content has to be some of the hardest content in any MMO I've ever seen. You're right, this game has a nice trend of legitimately challenging content.
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Question: Is this game genuinely worth subbing to? Is there stuff to do? Is it playable?

I played back in alpha, then played the first month and quit, game was so damned broken, even more so than the alpha/beta (they moved the UI serverside rather than clientside).

I have a level 15 Elezen Lancer I've played every now and again when extra bored, but the game now has a sub, so I'm a little curious to see if the game is worth it now.
AV/CC is easier then jerking off in the shower and the only thing difficult about any of FFXIV's boss fights is the 2 second lag and dependency on perfect positioning.

That isn't a good game. That is a shit game with a shit network code that is making things harder then intended.
No. Wait until we see more of ARR before seeing if you should come back for 2.0
>genuinely worth subbing to?
Maybe, but probably not until 2.0.
>level 15
This is why. There's really nothing to do at low levels. With the limited timeframe before 2.0, the best thing you could do is grind up to 50 to get the chance to do the story quests before 2.0 hits. It's actually pretty cool and the To Kill a Raven fight is pretty damn fun.

I guess you play WoW.
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>tfw they are putting off announcing they have to delay the release of A Realm Reborn
>I've done AF runs, I know how easy they are!
>My group COULD beat Garuda, but it's the lag that killed us!
.... and I have no fucking clue what you're basing Rivenroad (Hard) off of, since it's so easy to be in position for his attacks that a handicapped orangutang could do it, it's the rest of the fight that's hard.
I guess you dont realize the people are hating on this game just for the sake of doing it. Very VERY few people actually have legitimate reasons (other than attacking the character of the developer, and minor non-gamebreaking bugs) for hating the game.
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Anyone know if your breasts will jiggle when you jump? This will be a deal breaker for me
there should also be a hip, ass, breasts and multiple breasts sliders
god i hope not

I fucking hope not. Tired of fan service shit. XIV has class, they don't need to ruin it

Yes. I want to make a black female with a big round ass and role play as a crack whore who does tricks for drugs in the slums of Ul'dah
so as I understand it you level as a class and later on you gain the ability to specialize into something else?

like for instance a lancer could specialize into a dragoon? im a little confused
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>XIV has class
Sure, buddy. Sure.
>XIV has class

It had class, then fans complained it wasn't Final Fantasy enough.
>ask a question
>hope to just get a simple answer so i dont have to read a ton of shit
>apparently people are still in the thread but they want nothing more than to keep arguing over tits and ass and fanservice

really need to remember that /vg/ is not somewhere to go for information
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Believe me, I'm not a fan of the new coliseum gear. But for the most part, XIV has a very grounded fantasy aesthetic, with gear designs that look functional, but also aesthetically interesting. One of the few things I really liked about that game at launch
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Yes, you can get a job when a class hits level 30, but you also need a sub class at level 15, the first job quests at the specific class guild tell you which ones you need. Jobs make it so you can only use abilities from the main class, the sub class and an extra class, for example Monk can only use Pugilist, Lancer and Archer abilities. The trade off is worth it because you get a couple of nice stat boosts plus some really useful job specific abilities and also access to your artifact gear which is pretty decent until you can afford Grand Company gear or materia melded gear that can outclass it.
>generic western shit

That's not Final Fantasy. Where are my belts and zippers?
>Calling any game after VI Final Fantasy

There's your problem.
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i hope they stay function, which it looks like, the only stuff to really stray from it is the AF, primal weapons/skirmish weapons, and the new colliseum gear, but everything else seems to have stayed the same
can anyone make a transparent layer version of OP's image?
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To be fair, even most of the traditional Job outfits don't look very practical and would stand out just as much as the shit modern FF characters wear. I just hope they add in more realistic and practical looking armor in ARR, because I detest most of the shit they have added since Tanaka left.

I hope the next round of Job designs look better, they can do better than this.
You have faggy tastes, just sayin'
Thanks for that well thought out and insightful comment.
>don't want fan service
The year is 2012.

There is no excuse for an MMO in this day and age to not have a basic fucking feature.
>basic fucking feature.
Jumping isn't a basic feature.
It's a mechanic for worlds designed around them.
It just so happens that modern MMO's want to design themselves to be more dynamic, so jumping became viable.
Don't act like it should be there just to be there.
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The fan service he's talking about is shit like my image.

Even Everquest, the game FFXI copied from, had jumping. How autistic do you have to be to get annoyed by someone being able to jump up and down.
>implying it has to be a basic feature because others do it

That is why we have a half screen spanning ability hot bar. Shitty quest hubs for EXP. Casualized babby shit that anyone an pick up and beat inside of a week. Enjoy your WoW clone #24453

God knows the fucking story isn't going to save it.
>Jumping isn't a basic feature.

Everquest, the grandaddy of all modern MMORPGs, had jumping as a basic feature. Now shut up

>implying it can't be a basic feature because you personally don't like it

It's here and it's not going away, either deal with it or fuck off.
Are we whining about jumping again? I thought all those faggots gave up a long time ago.
>Everquest, the grandaddy of all modern MMORPGs, had jumping as a basic feature. Now shut up
You didn't even bother to read my actual point.

I'm saying jumping shouldn't be added just because everything else has it. It should be there if the level design complements it.
>no jumping
>finally add jump for the mouth breathers

Truly, you are the best the FFXIV community has to offer.
That's just it though. MMOs have evolved to the point where the world is expected to be dynamic and you're expected to be able to jump around, swim, fall off cliffs, etc.

We're not in 2001 anymore.

>Everyone that supports jumping supports that other garbage

I actually dislike a shitload of the things this game is doing and probably won't be renewing my sub for 2.0 but if you seriously believe jumping makes the game "casualized babby shit" you're a fucking moron.
And it does, it's more than just a simple emote you can jump over objects. Your point is moot, you're basically just whining about its existence.
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>Still whining about jumping being added
>jump is one of the many things they are just copying from other MMOs for the sake of trying to shore up their crippled player base
>they aren't even trying to be orginal anymore, abandoning the more realistic grounded world for retarded 7ft hops
>implying this isn't a prelude to RBR just going to take the safest course of content in the future only slightly modifying what everyone else does

Funny how they focus on just jumping being added because other games had it but they keep quiet on other shit being added because they are staples, especially if they are from other Final Fantasy games? Fucking hypocrites.
I'm not whining about it at all.
I'm pointing out that the idea that:
>There is no excuse for an MMO in this day and age to not have a basic fucking feature.
Is flawed.

I'm fine with X|V having jumping, but the idea that it is required just because it's there in other games misses the point entirely.
Yes, you are in fact whining about it right now since you won't shut the fuck up especially when we stated it will have implications in the game. Now shut up, I'm tired of seeing people complain about this every fucking thread.
> MMOs have evolved to the point where the world is expected to be dynamic
Well, personally, I don't think every world needs to be dynamic. It's not better or worse, just different.
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>cross-counter your post
>discussing the implications and justifications around a feature
>stop it, I'm fucking sick of people not agreeing with me

FFXIV is going to have an incredible community with rabid fanbois like you at its core. Until the servers shut down in 4 months when no one is playing this generic shit lol You don't go from 12k players to anything resembeling game sustaining numbers without a huge surge of new players. The FF name means dick now and with 4.0's already failed reputation this game needed a miracle to survive. Nice to see they flushed it down the drain to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I'm looking at you mouth breather
And your inner /v/irgin is exposed. I see this discussion is going nowhere.
Oh, you can only argue back when someone says Jump and your only response is 'shut up!'? You never gave anyone a chance for "discussion" you retard lol
>someone confuse adding in a feature that is expected these days as fan service
>people point out why it would be a great addition

I can't say I'm surprised, really. Anyone who will continue to bitch about jumping now is either a troll or a retard
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And I'm tired of you guys getting so rabid with any hint of disagreement on the mechanic.

You're basically telling me
>I'm right your wrong! LALALALALA! I can't hear you!
When I have no problem with it being here. You refuse to actually listen.

It's not necessary for a good, fun MMO. But it is for the sort of world popular in today's market.
>implying it is expected

You are either truly that stupid or just being purposely dense if you think an MMO requires a Jump mechanic no matter what in every possible title.
>And I'm tired of you guys getting so rabid with any hint of disagreement on the mechanic.

But the only reason we're even discussing this in the first place is due to people like >>11867991's rabid hatred for jumping. You're no fucking better.
>implying it's not when the vast majority of MMOs do have it

You are either truly that stupid or just being purposely dense if you think people don't expect a feature that is a staple for the genre. Even shitty free to play Korean MMOs tend to have jumping.
I find it utterly hilarious how defensive you SE fanbois get when someone even whispers the word Jump. I used it as an example of how some of teh player's asked for a feature to be added into the game that wasn't there.
>game had no jump and wasn't built for it
>game now gets jump

But when it is something you don't agree with
>game doesn't have breast jiggle
>some players want breast jiggle

Just pointing out your hypocrisy.
>Just pointing out your hypocrisy.

How hilarious when he was pointing out yours.
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How am I not better?

I'm fine with it in the game. It's being designed with a dynamic world in mind. I was just correcting a guy on the idea that jump on its own is necessary because everyone else has it.
And he is right, it's a feature that is expected in 2012. Again, why are you still crying over this?
Except it isn't hypocritical. If anything it would be a biased and an unpopular opinion. I suppose it is difficult to critically analyze other people's critiques when you're so full of SE's cock that you attack anyone who doesn't praise ARR as the next coming of Christ. Dumbass
>ad hominem

Oh boy, this thread is hilarious
Why are we bitching about jumping when there are more pressing issues to be debated such as the grass?
Because we have a couple of autists (or trolls) who like to start this shitstorm every thread.
Because it is a valid complaint and FFXIV diehards get anally ravaged whenever it is brought up.
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u mad?
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Dead game walking.
Let me try to be clear.

>There is no excuse for an MMO in this day and age to not have a basic fucking feature.
There are several reasons why an MMO today can do without jumping. One of the biggest being world design.
That's all I was trying to say.
Do you understand what I'm trying to convey?

I'm not trying to contest the validity of jumping in this game. I'm trying to tell him that there are reasons an MMO in any age wouldn't need jumping. That's it.
While I liked it overall, one thing in the video really turned me off: The movement animations. 1.0 has a really nice set of motion captured animations; When starting and stopping, the characters express weight and inertia, and when changing directions, the characters turn realistically

In that video, they start and stop on a dime, and they use that really shitty 'MMO back pedal' instead of the old animation. I really hope it's just a beta thing
Either an alpha/beta thing, or they turned that shit off along with monster death fading and grass detail level to give their Dells a decent framerate during the presentation.
>. I'm trying to tell him that there are reasons an MMO in any age wouldn't need jumping.

And MMO in any age wouldn't need content either, but they add them in because people want them. This discussion is retarded so let's end it here
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I wouldn't be so cocky, if I were you
I kinda wish they took more unique approaches with 2.0 instead of just doing the copypasta of what's successful in other MMOs. This is how shit like the TORtanic and shitty TERA went down the drain.

God I'm embarrassed for my entire server after seeing that post.
SE fanbois will oppose you until they are blue in the face and no developer has the hangers to tell upper management, "No you see WoW had a very specific blend of features that coupled with its lower system requirements and lack of competition did well only under very precise circumstances. Doing what they did 8 years later is going to make our game generic and forgettable."
>But WoW has 7 million subs. We want 7 million subs. Copy it or you're not getting funding

And thus the cycle of hype, release, disappointment,hope,anguish,depression, and finally be forgotten to the mist of time begins again for yet another MMO title. This genre truly is the worst.
What kind of unique direction would you like anyway?
Fine. Have your last word.

Skillchains, magic bursting and a few other features that were unique to FFXI. Don't get me wrong, there's shitloads of things wrong with FFXI and a lot of features I wouldn't want but there's a few things it did right.

Yeah if 2.0 is the steaming pile of shit I'm expecting it to be, I'm pretty sure I'm down with the MMORPG genre. It's like a situational comedy, once it's been done, no matter how many others ones you've put out - it's going to fail.
The game has self combo based on position and shared super bar.
Oddly enough I share this sentiment. I was super excited for FFXIV. I mean I remember having a fucking fit of joy when playing FFXI when I saw the trailer. I've stuck with it since that abortion of a launch and awkward, Tanaka content purging phase. They promised me 2.0 was going to fix everything. I thought, "Yes finally! They are going back to what made FFXI good."

But no. They just keep breaking my heart and stringing me along. I've spent 2 years playing FFXIV and when I look back I was basically just bidding time until the real game came out. There was very little I truly appreciated in FFXIV as it is.

I was a sucker and wasted 2 years of rime vidya on the nostalgic teat of FFXI's malformed younger brother. FFXI was the only MMO I enjoyed because of its very rough and rewarding style. FFX|V was the last best hoe for another updated MMO to follow that trend. Instead they have fallen victim to WoW number lust and created something utterly devoid of any soul.

I'm done with this genre. It is all rehashed shit and watered down carbon copies of the same fucking game. In a way though it is a good thing. I stopped playing a month ago and I've already made significant headway in my back log. It is the first time I've had memorable fun playing vidya in a long damn time.
> FFXI was the only MMO I enjoyed because of its very rough and rewarding style.

It was rough, but it wasn't rewarding at all unless you were a masochist. The game was nothing more than a piss poor Everquest clone, which itself was the cancer that killed MMORPGs by starting the whole themepark craze
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You expected a game that wasn't unique in the first place to somehow become unique, especially when the first MMO the company made wasn't unique at all? It sounds like you had unrealistic expectations from the beginning.
Combat still isn't where I think it should be in this day and age, but I'll give it a shot. Looks gorgeous.
I enjoyed the 'Us-vs-them' mentality it encouraged. Everything was done as a party and as powerful as you may become, without the other 5 members in your party shit was NOT getting done.

In the end it is less about the X-TREME GRAFFIKS and RETROLOLUANRY GAMEPLAY. More about the feels and memories of defeating criminally brutal odds with friends and strangers alike. CoP was the pinnacle of gaming for me. Pre-patch. I recognize it isn't for everyone and is never going to be as popular as some easier to play games but it gave it heart. Made me feel like I was putting my time into something meaningful. The human connect is just as if not more important then the game itself. If the game doesn't support or encourage party play in such a manner players tend to be more loneristic. More about personal conquest instead of being part of the greater whole.
are there any beastly nms that no one can defeat yet?
>Made me feel like I was putting my time into something meaningful.

Yes, that's what they want you to think. They make MMOs addictive to serve as the carrot on the stick so you keep playing despite not really accomplishing anything.
You know how Final Fantasy fanboys are. I bet they think Yoshi turning XIV into XI-2 would have been better instead of just making the same mistake.
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The difference is there are still a quarter of a million FFXI players who would gladly hop ship to FFXI-2.


15k (That is being generous) current base plus who ever you think you can sucker in with a re-release of a failed MMO game that has nothing new or interesting to offer from what is in market right now.

Clearly they made the right choice on the wild fucking gambit.
Does FF14 have bullshit boss mechanics like FFXI does to make things 'hard'?
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Any word of the gameplay trailer being released in full quality?

What do you consider 'bullshit'?

Almost every single boss has some kind of unavoidable AoE death move that will wipe the entire party for 9999 dmg unless conditions are met. Most of the fights also revolve around positions and proximity to the mob. This is really fun when there is a 2 second sever lag. Often times you will safely skirt a plume and watch it detonate to the side of your screen. Then fall over dead and tractor back into range.
Just weeds out the weak from the strong
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fucking Hildibrand.
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>Playing FFXIV
FFXI has some bullshit fights, I'll give you that. I don't ever want to see something like Chainspell stun/Perfect Defense zergs coming back.
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>"Looks like we're blasting off agaaaaaain!"
Any word on the quest and Leves? Will they get any interesting?

The current leve system sucks ass so badly and is more of a chore.
I'm a WHM, I don't get to use TP.
you obviously care considering you go out of your way to continuously post in the xiv generals
Wait, what so engage to get TP and then disengage and then engage again to get TP? Wow, sure isn't broken.
You fail.
youre an idiot, your regular attacks generate tp, as well as some skills, then you use that tp to use weaponskills
>chocobo mounts
Please don't tell me you still rent them...
New Gameplay vid is up:

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>still can't alt tabbing
>Squeenix can't even fix it crashing
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If you guys don't like jumping then just don't jump.

Remove the keybind when 2.0 comes out. Then you'll be free to get stuck on knee high fences and such and your immersion will remain intact while the rest of us who don't live in the MMO stone age can use it to make getting around less of a pain in the ass.
Actually, if you watch closely on the 2.0 gameplay video, you'll notice that characters can actually walk over those knee-high fences/cliffs. It's already been said that jumping will not actually have any practical purpose.
Lets assume you're not full of crap, it really does end up having no purpose and Square Enix was stupid enough to waste all of their time and resources crafting a brand new world without jumping in mind, completely disregarding criticism from back before 1.0 even launched.

There is still nothing stopping you from unbinding the key if you dislike it.
what? no, you buy your chocobo once you join a grand company
I honestly don't care about whether people jump or not, I'm just letting you guys know not to get your hopes up on jumping being anything more than a gimmicky emote. Yoshi has already said it will have no affect on gameplay.


Very last paragraph.
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do want
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>his arm just flaccid by his own side

He doesn't even try to go for it.

Beta as fuck.
The things you don't see...

That's a futa. He's going for all the marbles.
Where's our gameplay footage I heard we were gonna get thursday
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>People bitching about how everyone should have gotten the white raven earrings for completing the story and how it undertakes it with a hard mode version of the boss.

fucking retards, holy shit. they bitch about anything they can
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I really want to fuck a mithra.
How much gil do you have?

collectors edition for $20 at newegg if anyone is interested
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>Eat my sweaty cunt.

Female Roe looks like a thick elf with no ears. Fucking stupid. People getting what they want makes me so fucking furious, you have no idea. God damn.

>People getting what they want makes me so fucking furious, you have no idea

I have never understood this mindset...

A lot of their philosophy reminds me a lot of .hack- like having entire characters dedicated to crafting, wanting the game world constantly changing and rumors circulating rather than having a set database like WoW or Rift, and trying to make it more like a living breathing virtual world rather than "a video game with a lot of players and everyone doing the same things over and over" with stuff like the housing system and chocobo breeding. I love their views on this, it's how I've felt MMOs should have started evolving long ago.

Honestly I've already gone on record saying I don't think they can pull this off after how bad the original XIV was, but I'm more than willing to eat my words and hand them the monthly fee if they can make this work. All my money forever.
And why is that?

The players have no control over how they look so you can't blame it as people "getting what they want" unless you're bitching about the fact Fem Roes exist in the first place. The issue with this line of thought is that Fem Roes were in the lore from the very beginning, something that once again had nothing to do with "what the players wanted".

You sound like a child that's lashing out at the fact that the Roegadyn aren't a male only race with tails.
>Female Roe looks like a thick elf with no ears.
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>dat oily skin
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Oh god I hope so.

I've wanted the musketeer since forever. Hopefully if they add Arcanist it can job change to summoner, or maybe it could be the debuff centered job that is missing, doubt they will add blue yet and fuck red mage.
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There better be an option for bigger tits SE.
Well yea not huge ones but bigger than what we have now.
Fuck your shit.

Mega Milk or bust.
I would be happy if we get like 4 size options at all. Female hyurans only has 2 sizes and to change it you have to change FACES.
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daily reminder that xiv's character creator options suck
I care, nerd. You don't speak for me.
Yea and for some reason the Miqo'te tits get smaller when using the coliseum gear or bikinis.
Real stupid since they went through the effort to give us fan service yet remove a big aspect from it.
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I'm glad I screencapped this.
>Implying I'm the guy that posted the Mithra picture

Keep on blindly bashing though. Maybe if you do it enough you'll actually hit the right target.

>implying you're not getting defensive because you masturbate to miqo'te
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>Get completely wrecked
You seem to be under the impression I give a fuck about what classification mithra/mi'qote porn falls under.

Go bug the other Anon that cares about it.

I don't care if people think mithra are / aren't furry. Just be consistent. If you call mithra furry then call miqo'te furry. Jeez.
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/d/'s handy guide to identifying furry:

"If it has a snout then get the fuck out."

There. Now stop debating.
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Mithra was more ambiguous about fur due to graphics quality (fuck sources and staff pandering to fans). Miqote however, due to higher graphics quality, is shiny as fuck. They have no fur.
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>"Smoke weed everyday"
mithra have cat snouts, this makes them furry
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You blind, bro?
>first couple of posts
>oh cool game discussion

well anyway anybody on durandal? I want to try skirmish and maybe wrap up the story missions. completed the destroy the transmitter quest 2 in a row the other day which was really fun.
Did you know that Mithra were originally supposed to be a hermaphroditic race?
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>dat feel when you don't care about classifying your porn
>can get erection off anything remotely attractive
>fap to miqo'te and mithras
>give 0 fucks

How's it feel being an insecure faggot?
You mean they aren't futa?
>not ERP as a regular mithra instead of one of a million futas.
So I was looking at the new screens and I noticed. Everything looked so low quality from textures to character models. Whats up with that shit man?
I was hoping of being able to see this game in all its glory on my PC but now it looks like something Id see on a console.
This pic specifically makes the game look like a downgrade. Ill wait till the games comes out to see if it looks better if not SE will probably release a texture pack right?
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>caring about graphics
Looks similar to 4.0 to me, just low resolution screenshots with no AA on it. Trees are pretty ugly but the building itself looks on par. I just want this fucking UI lag and animation lock gone. Along with the game lagging horribly while not even using half of my computer's resources.

2d grass
So if I didn't play before this change, will I be left out of something? I always wanted to get into the game but I heard nothing but bad things. Really hope I didn't screw the pooch on this one
Goobbue mount (already no longer obtainable), I imagine the story quests involving Dalamund and the Empire, etc.
Story quests? Guess I'll need to look up when this goes live and try to play some things before then.
I'd say you have maybe 3 or 4 weeks max.
They ruined the animation so bad. Retarded jumping aside everything is so slidy and floaty. The animation now, locking aside, is top notch. Did they really have to ruin animation completely to fix it? From the video it looks completely shit.
3-4 weeks? We'll be lucky to see 2.0 released this year. Perhaps beta in October (Which will run along side 4.0) or late September.

They /just/ released 1.23a and they've said there'll be a 1.23b as the final patch for 4.0 before they go into fulltime 2.0 work mode, so we've still got a while to go.
Are they not taking 4.0 offline in the.meantime like I had heard then?
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> Subscription Based
When there are more, better, proven methods, why? There are more efficient, more attractive, more agreeable reasons; but they're going to try and justify re-buying a game you've already payed for with the lie of 'maintenance, and updates.' M&U don't require a quarter of the money they used to, and a fraction of the training on the part of the programer as well. Why do you think privately owned servers even work? Because a handful of people with even a clue about what they're doing can do the thing they're wanting you to shell out $10 every month for. Yes, there are people doing what they're asking for hundreds of thousands; if not millions of dollars to do, for free, at no charge.
It does not require the kind of money they want you to think it does, and you're re-buying a product you've already payed for based on miss-information.

Call me a poor fag if it helps you validate being played, but it's a matter of principle.
Who says you have to buy it again?
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they are.
They said there's only going to be around month downtime between 4.0's death and 2.0 coming online.
But private servers invariably suck.
Yeah, I guess they are. I swear they said they'd have the two versions up and running (2.0 beta and 4.0) until they got the Open Beta for 2.0 started, but they must've decided against that.
If they do take 4.0 down, then are they letting all subscribers into the beta?
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You know what, I think I'm starting to understand what kind of people are actually falling for this .
Doesn't sound like it. Just seems like current 4.0 subscribers will get priority in the beta invite list.

To me it sounds like suicide, taking your entire game offline to the general public (including most of your subscribers) for a month~ and giving nothing in return. But who knows what they've got planned or how long it'll actually take.
I doubt I'll even ever play this game again, but private servers do suck.
yea, but the way they're making it sound, 2.0 won't launch till jan in the earliest and beta won't start till Oct in the earliest.

So sounds like either beta will be pretty long or there's some planned time inbetween 4.0 then beta then launch
I understand that, but you do understand that that's not my point, right?
They've never said all. I'm sure there'll be some stress testing.

But yea, current players have priority.
What is your point then?

You said costs have come down and sub models don't make sense. You try to back that up with people running private servers, but private servers are all buggy shit.
You stated my point, but imply a false duality to my statement. Whether or not you enjoy private servers is irreverent, because the fact that they can even function supports the fact that subscription fees are completely unnecessary; and are in fact a waste of your money.
Please try to read more carefully.
>Please try to read more carefully

Fuck off asspained poorfag
Do you even know what irreverent means?
Without googling it that is.
So what model do you prefer?
obviously not what you think it means because the word you were looking for was "irrelevant" you retarded cunt

^see that right there was me being irreverent
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Box Fee + Adds in the launcher and/or optional cash-shop items. So long as the cash-shop items don't break the game mechanically or atmospherically, it's really the best way to go. Especially things like 'XP scrolls', what help you with out actually winning the game for you, are both acceptable and big money makers. You don't need a constant flow of money to make a profit, so long as it rounds out in the black annually.

For reference I present: Tribes Ascend.
Even with it's diminishing player base, it still makes money; and is completely free to play.
Do you not consider ignoring my topic, something I take fairly seriously, in favor of an ad hominem argument irreverent?
Wait wait, SE is charging people to play an INCOMPLETE GAME? The hell.
No bro, they're going to charge when it's released.
The actual hosting and upkeep of servers is pretty cheap, so its easy to just host a private server, but they also want money to keep developing content and for up-keeping a payroll that comes with continuous support of a game. Subscriptions are hardly a "scam". Cash shops are probably a better value for most customers, especially if its kept under check, but the reason cash shops are so popular is because they learned that its actually pretty easy to milk more than 15 bucks a month off the average customer.
Calling private servers buggy shit isn't an ad hominem attack. Stop using words unless you know what they mean. God fucking damn.
I never said it was an out-right scam, just that it tricks you into paying a unjustifiable amount of money; especially when there are indeed better options out there, as you stated.
Calling me an "asspained poorfag'' is and ad hominem.
Please try to read more carefully.
You have access to how much money different games are actually making?
It's available to anyone who wants to google for a few minutes.
I'll admit to some of my information being delectably dated, but it's within at least year of accuracy.
Sounds like you want basic cable instead of premium with no commericials.
Then you are not reading very carefully.

No, it's just an insult.

And that can't be what you were referring to when you said "irreverent" because I posted that after you said it.

You can't be for real. Just tell me now that you're actually this stupid and not a troll. Because you're doing a shit job.
It wasn't what I was referring to, those are two separate posts.
I was getting bored of leveling dragoon and nothing but dragoon. What do you guys think, should I level archer or gladiator? Hell, maybe even conjurer.
choices, choices...
Pugilist/Monk and Marauder/Warrior are pretty fun. Warrior makes farming hilariously easy as well.
What makes farming so easy as a WAR?
Steel Cyclone.

Run around and gather 8 mobs (Max amount able to be hit by AoE attacks), Rampage + Blood Bath + Steel Cyclone. Everything's dead and you're back to full HP.

That's the main reason you'll also see them in such high demand for exp/Spiritbond parties. They destroy those wolves in Natalan.
Why would you want to make FFXIV F2P? I know that maybe in theory it can work with a cash shop but you're only fooling yourself if you think SE won't fuck that up by selling either game breaking items or completely retarded aesthetic items.

Plus, it was the F2P community which utterly ruined Tribes: Ascend and TF2.
going F2P is a terrible idea.

F2P games should be built from the bottom up as F2P games to utilize that business model best
I really wouldn't like to see people being able to buy XP scrolls. You expect a certain amount of experience from a player with a certain level, but this would become insignificant. Of course it depends on how that XP scroll works.
Generally I'm against cash-shops. It feels like cheating to me and I'd probably lose some respect for that player... but that's just my opinion. I don't really want any such connection to the real world. The game should be a closed environment.
Square said they wanted their mmo to be a steady source of income so they can distribute their money to other projects. Has there been any articles claiming that f2p cash shop grants the company steady income? What about mmos that are f2p from the get go? Did they ever get 'recognition' over failed mmos that turned f2p?
F2P games are never steady income.

You have to keep making F2P games and hope one hits it's big or big enough to cover the costs of all the other F2P games you're making.

Because when your F2P is the flavor of the month, it's worth 100x what it cost, but next month, it's worth nothing again.
Well, I just remembered 2 mmos that people claimed to be decent after it went f2p. I barely hear about them since then. Just went to /vg/ catalog and searched for the startrek and dc mmo. I can't find them. Considering they're both well known IPs instead of original IPs...
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I hope you guys like WoW clones

"The current version of Final Fantasy XIV, we feel like the gameplay is like some of the last-generation MMOs," Yoshida told Gamasutra at Gamescom -- a spawn-camping based game straight out of the same EverQuest book Final Fantasy XI was drawn from. Not so for A Realm Reborn; it's post-WoW -- gear and quest-based, with convenient instances and grouping, and a flexible UI."

Also, link to the interview

Maybe I should just go back to FFXI.. or quit MMOs all together. They aren't getting any better, instead they are all becoming alike.
Will still give it a try but meh.
Oh great so the gameplay is going to be basically lock target and spam moves and magic like every other past MMO.
>we didn't notice any latency issues in our betatests!
>1.x where latency is one of the key things they're fixing in ARR
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How do you people manage to stay so calm?
Quest based is what bothers me. I want to xp in parties too/mainly and not run around speaking to NPCs.
that shit is common in every RPG.
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shut your whore mouth
It's common in games where you have a broad variety of diffrent looking weapons.
Non issue.
I'm more concerned about the battle system and how the game in general can keep from just being FFWoW.
A stap.

That's a totally a major draw alright.

>No Musketeer

What the hell SE?

Lol they already took the pages down
So if my uninformed ass joined Aegis but I'm not even level twenty yet, is there something preventing me from deleting and joining Sargatanas or something? Also in the event that this works, what other server(s) would be optimal/acceptable?
>more shitty mages


inb4 faggots going "bbbut we only have two mages!". 1 too many imo. Guess which one.
>The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primals, among which are Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. Yet what is a god to one man is a demon to another, for the city-states of Eorzea see these beings as a grave threat to their collective survival.

>In times immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primals, but also the means to transmute the primals' essences, thus binding them to their will. Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art have been all but lost to the ages.



looks like arcanist class goes into the summoner job, going to hope musketeer comes next
just delete your character and remake

there are other /v/ /vg/ shells if.that's what.you're looking for but I'm not sure which servers they're on besides Chocobros on Saragantas
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my dick

gtfo faggot, no one wants you here.
Alright, thanks
Most of the other /vg/ shells are listed on the googledoc.
It's time to mow the threads. While the posts may be greener in another thread please, and I can't believe I'm saying this, please keep all posts of Final Fantasy XIV's grass to the original thread. Thank you.
fuck you GM, you dont own me.
I have some questions about FFXIV:

I haven't played/heard about the game since it was in beta, so please excuse my ignorance.

1) If I buy the game now, do I get the 're-release' for free or will I have to buy that as well?
2) When is version 2.0 coming out? I couldn't find any info on the official site
3) Are there monthly fees right now? Will there be after 2.0?
4) How much of the game has changed since it's original release. Is it an entirely new game or are there areas that are the same but changed slightly?
1) The re-release is just a patch, so yes, you'll get it free. I'd actually suggest buying it now, even if you don't intend to play right now, you'll have an easy time finding it for much cheaper than when it'll re-release.

2) No one knows. They keep saying 'later this year', but I feel like that's a generous estimation. Beta is 'on track' to begin in November.

3) Yes, $9.99 right now I believe. After 2.0 it'll be 12.99 for 'Standard' which gives you one character per world (so 8 total), 14.99 for the next tier up which is 8 characters per world, and 9.99 if you're Legacy which is the same as the 14.99 but for people who had bought at least 90 days before a certain date (No longer obtainable).

4) All the areas and basic gameplay are still the same. It's the content that was massively changed and added. There are actually things to do now unlike for the first year and a half of the game's life.

Interesting, I might try to find a cheap copy now and see what the game is like these days.
Server Transfers here I come

Fuck this gay server called Masamune, its full of douchebags and retards.
You sound pretty asspained right now, so kindly stay the fuck away from Sargatanas.
So what do you guys think about how SE is marketing this game atm? Do you feel its fine or non existent to the people who are going to matter most for ARR?
Right now? Non-existent.
I'm sure it will pick up the closer we get to 2.0's launch though.
They've just started they're marketing blitz.

So far, I'd say the new logo is kinda meh.

I think the two CGI trailers they've made so far are good. One is definitely that blockbuster feel and the other that FF feel.

And now with gamescom yoshi is doing all the interview rounds and he's making a great impression.

Very un japanesey
I highly doubt they'll spend money for advertising, they're putting all money on people actually returning.
I love the new logo, fits in great with the new UI.
>complaining about clipping
Isn't FFXIV demanding enough?
I actually don't find it that demanding presently.

I think it's okay, not great but what you would expect.

>Very un japanesey
What makes you say that?
I mean the Japanese give press interviews all the time.
>I actually don't find it that demanding presently.
Right now its the only game that I can't run at max resolution and on top of that with the shaders and the like it still doesn't really look that great. Removing clipping would just be too much, they shouldn't force people to buy i7s when they aren't needed.
You don't need a name or a trip.
Visually the game is pretty spectacular.
I mean it probably produces the best screen shots of any MMO on the market.

I don't really mind clipping though, it comes with the territory. Now single player games? That I do mind.
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What does that have to do with FFXIV?
If you don't like names then download 4chan plus and use their function that makes everyone anonymous.
And you don't need to be Anonymous.
It comes with the territory for a raisin.

I'd personally say TERA has better screenshots but I'm not one for caring about screenshots. They might make me interested in a game but they certainly can't hold my interest.
You don't need a name or a trip, you have no reason to identify yourself.
The unreal engine can produce some really shit screen shots imo.

But yeah, I agree with you.
>the unreal engine can produce some really shit screens
>thinks FFXIV graphics are amazing
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There's only one man that can save Final Fantasy and it's not Yoshida.
It'll be better than XIV at least.

Not that that's hard to do.
that's random, you got more?
I'm considering subscribing to FFXIV once 2.0 comes out.

Has much information about the battle system/combat been revealed? If so, what will it be like? WoW or TERA/GW2?
It's a WoW clone with moogles and chocobos.
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>everything that isn't FFXI is a WoW clone
Except I didn't say that.

Cool strawman though.
Not him, that's not a strawman and your original point is retarded. Even if this game's leveling does become quest based, that's not a "WoW clone" aspect, it's a modern theme park MMO aspect which this game needs more of.

>Has much information about the battle system/combat been revealed? If so, what will it be like? WoW or TERA/GW2?

I'm not sure what you mean. GW2's combat is much closer to WoW than Tera. This game will be in the same vain of WoW and GW2. On the flip side you can level up any and all classes on one character.

They originally wanted bosses and other NPCs to have different sections you can target and focus on. Like legs, arm, head, stuff like that. I'm not sure if that is or isn't going to be in 2.0 or it's been scrapped.
>that's not a "WoW clone" aspect, it's a modern theme park MMO aspect which this game needs more of.

And what game are modern theme park MMOs based off of?
>They originally wanted bosses and other NPCs to have different sections you can target and focus on. Like legs, arm, head, stuff like that. I'm not sure if that is or isn't going to be in 2.0 or it's been scrapped.

That's already in the game for the most part. A bunch of mobs (Coblyns for example) have destroyable body parts that give increased/new rewards. The Extreme version of Ifrit basically requires you to destroy his horns or else he'll regen all his HP stupidly fast.
>And what game are modern theme park MMOs based off of?

Yawn, I'm not going to argue with you buddy. If you want to think this game is a WoW clone then be my guest.

Wow... I really REALLY wish I knew this quote a year ago. I would have never of touched this doomed piece of shit. Go fuck yourself SE.
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I play FFXIV for the plot.
You do realize that everyone outside of your little bubble that actually gave 2.0 even the slightest bit of attention see that it's a WoW clone and are dismissing it?

Well enjoy your 5 new subs when ARR launches.
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Covering your ears and screaming does not change reality.
>We wants WoW's audience so we're going to copy everything they did. Please buy our game

>horse mouth

Why not read the thread before embracing your retarded inner SE defense force activation beckon dumbass. This game is shedding everything that made it even the tiniest bit different from, and I mean this, every post-WoW fantasy based game. They are admitting it in plain bold and large font words. We are going to do everything how WoW did it.

Which is such a novel idea! If only someone else had the innovative and daring imagination to copy WoW when making their MMO.... Oh wait let us check the list of dead forgotten titles for the past 5 years.

If I wanted to play WoW I would play WoW. Why SE? Why did your murder this game's only chance at a come back?
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I'm not even a Squaredrone or whatever. I've barely played XIV as it is. I don't see what they're changing else than making questing the backbone of leveling up. Their crafting system, class system, and end game are still much more in depth than WoW's.

A WoW player can only dream of leveling every class and craft on one character.
Quest based leveling which will make the game even more solo oriented than before, Dungeon Finder copypasted straight from WoW, mass instancing making the open world irrelevant and the death of party based grinding outside of instanced boxes. General mass casualization. The list goes on.

>A WoW player can only dream of leveling every class and craft on one character

You do realize that the FF MMOs aren't the only games that let you do this, right? It's going to need a lot more than that to differentiate itself.


>end game are still much more in depth than WoW


WoW made it the "standard" for quests to be the main way to level up.
You're a fool if you think modern MMOs resemble Everquest at all.
WoW is the model all of the modern MMOs follow. Vanilla WoW was an Everquest clone but the game it mutated into is not.
SWG was your text book sandbox MMO. And even then it wasn't that good.

Clearly you never actually played SWG.

>You do realize that the FF MMOs aren't the only games that let you do this, right? It's going to need a lot more than that to differentiate itself.

I never said it was, but as far as themepark MMOs go it's one of the only.

And for the record typing "lel" is a shit response, I don't see how you expect anyone to take you seriously when you say shit like that.

If you think Vanilla WoW is an Everquest clone then you've either never played Vanilla WoW or Everquest.
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Anyone heard anything about great swords being added?
Sauce. Dear god, sauce.
But at the time it was released, sand box MMOs were still a thing. Following your logic it wasn't that unique, you fucking retard.
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>If you think Vanilla WoW is an Everquest clone then you've either never played Vanilla WoW or Everquest.

Congrats buddy. You earned it.
>they were either on the verge of dying or dead
>a major sandbox based with the most famous IP in the world comes out styled after that type of gameplay

It's like no one actually plays MMOs but only talks about them.
Level by camp checking and grinding, dungeons required tanks, dps, healers, and CCers, buffers and debuffers

Level by grinding quests, can level solo, dungeons require only healers, tanks, and DPS.

They're like twins right?
Everquest started the whole themepark bullshit that WoW took and improved upon. It's a fucking clone, even Blizzard admitted it.
I just explained to you the major difference bro.
FFXI is a much closer clone to Everquest than WoW was.

And as the days go on it gets farther and farther from Everquest.
The only major difference you posted was camp grinding unless you're implying WoW doesn't have CC, buffs or debuffs which I'm sure not even you would be retarded enough to think.

WoW ripped all of its ideas and gameplay 1:1 from Everquest and every sane person that knows jackshit about MMOs realizes this. It's not a secret.
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You don't get me bro, but I guess that proves you've never played Everquest. I don't mean buffs and debuffs, I mean a buffer and a debuffer. You know like a Bard.

And leveling by camp grinding instead of questing is radically different. For the later you can solo, the former you can't.
I can say the same to you. Either you didn't play Everquest or you didn't play WoW on release.

Just saying: One of statements is true. World of Warcraft was a direct clone of Everquest, the devs even admitted that playing Everquest took up a great deal of their spare time and they modelled WoW on it. It didn't redefine anything, it just introduced an incredibly large population of Blizzard fanboys to a style of game they were unlikely to play otherwise.

You can argue until you're blue in the face that WoW wasn't a clone but when even the devs themselves say it was a clone you're just making yourself look like an uninformed ass.
You serious? Of course they played Everquest, they were making a AAA MMO why wouldn't they play the biggest title in that genre?

And if you don't see how those aspects are fundamentally different and make a pretty different experience then you'll never get it. I guess you can't or won't until you play a game with more roles than dps, healing, and tanking. Or what it's like to camp check or play a game without leveling by questing.

I'm not saying I want to return to that because I don't. Though I do wish themeparks still had support classes.
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If you think the only reason they played Everquest was so they would know how to make a game in the genre then you're openly showing off how ignorant you are of exactly who WoW's devs were.

And I've played many games like the ones you're describing like FFXI and, surprise surprise, Everquest as well as playing WoW at launch. Cool assumption though. I'm honestly beginning to question if you yourself played Everquest or vanilla WoW because your ignorant and misinformed posts are nearly painful to read.

I'm not sure whether you're a troll or the dumbest motherfucker on the planet but arguing with either is futile so this discussion is over.
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daily reminder ffxiv will never have the aa mithra

Daily reminder that ffxiv will never have subs.
Not who you're talking to but the other guy is actually making points while you're just saying over and over "WoW is a copy of Everquest"

You're not even saying how it is either.
>Gameplay, ideas and design philosophy ripped from Everquest
>Devs were originally members of one of Everquest's top endgame guilds, devoted all of their spare time to playing it
>Openly admit to modelling WoW off of it

His "points" are that Everquest was based on camping instead of quests (which I granted to him because it's true) and that the gameplay is different because EQ had CCers, buffers and debuffers which is bogus because WoW does too. It doesn't necessarily have dedicated classes like Bard to do those things but they are still a part of the gameplay and are used to clear content.

Not even Blizzard hid the fact that it was a clone because there's nothing to hide. Or are you saying you know more about WoW than Blizzard?
>His "points" are that Everquest was based on camping instead of quests (which I granted to him because it's true)

But that right there is a major difference between the games or does leveling not mean anything to you?
Also I find it funny I said all you're saying is "WoW is copy of Everquest" and you start your response with.

>Gameplay, ideas and design philosophy ripped from Everquest
It really doesn't. Leveling grinding is not a gameplay difference, just a time sink difference.
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Saying you were inspired by a game does not mean that you made a clone of it.

I'm not that guy but WoW was never an Everquest clone. WoW was a more casual friendly game and removed a lot of things everquest had in order to make it more friendly. if it were a clone it would have exp debt on death.

Better version of the gameplay video
Camping and killing 10 bears is no different than getting a quest from some jackoff to do the same thing.

If TOR was a WoW clone it would have flying mounts.
I want to be a male miquote.
>Camping and killing 10 bears is no different than getting a quest from some jackoff to do the same thing.
Haha you never did play EQ did you? Do you know what a camp check means? It means you go to a spot you know mobs spawn and litearlly check the last time they spawned with your PARTY.

When you quest in WoW you go, accept the quest, do whatever it asks, and come back to said quest giver. The biggest difference between these two are that 1 requires a party and the other doesn't. That makes for very different game play.

>If TOR was a WoW clone it would have flying mounts.

The engine doesn't allow for flying mounts, but I bet if it did they would have put them in. Either way, SWTOR copies WoW down to the fucking abilities.

Give it up buddy.
I want to fuck a male miqote.
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That depends, will you be a futa fem galka?
I just want consenual missionary position sex between a male and female miqote.
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I'm not saying I'm quitting Mithras, but Femka's have potential for fap.
>2.0 has POTENTIAL!
>ARR will turn everything around!
>every single thread is nothing but bitching and shit posting
>the game is a mirror copy of pretty much everything else on the market
>no one will ever buy a relaunch of an already failed game

Call it trolling but the community both in game and here just screams desperation and fractured faith in product. It would take a godamn miracle for this POS to climb out of the grave.
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but he's not......
you want some cheese with that complaining?
>someone makes an examination

I'm starting to see a trend of people throwing these words around instead of addressing people's posts lately. I mean it always going to come up sooner or later in any extended argument but I'll be fucked if FFXIV threads don't throw that slang around like a blood squirting headless goose.
Most other General threads actually are pretty civilized. They tend to attract more constructive discussion and have a much happier sounding player base. Our threads tend to be a lot of depressing cross-forth with hat is wrong and how they keep screwing everything up.
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>tfw campin with bros and leveling in valkurm dunes is 10x better then 2.0 will ever be
i really dont know why you guys are so mad at this game. its going to be given a 2nd chance and a fresh start. its the first mmorpg thats ever done this. so calm down for once and maybe play it when it comes out before you guys all freak the fuck out?
That took patience and effort anon. Those things are not fun anymore since in a single generation everyone suddenly forgot that working together to accomplish a challenge is gratifying and fun.

It is ludicrous to even suggest anyone can appreciate those kinds of game directions since we must appeal to a wider audience! Let's take the biggest name in MMO and do *exactly* what they have done. This will surely lead to success.
>i really dont know why you guys are so mad at this game

Because I have standards.
Welcome to /vg/ - Irrational Hatred For Video Games.
It's GW2 fags attacking any mmo they find and trying hard not to let other people know that they're GW2 fags so GW2 dont get attacked bad.I'm doing this on purpose.
Because I waited and kept giving SE money like a damned fool in the hopes that 2.0 was going to bring something either New to the Genre or at least go back to what made FFXI fun. They opted for neither and their once in a gamelife opportunity to turn things around is being squandered on the same self destructive direction that following WoW will lead to subs. A way of thinking shared by many many dead MMOs.
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Yeah, it sure was fun spamming throw weapon/auto attack/the occasional weaponskill and relying on non-retarded party members to join in skillchains. The combat got better as you hit 40 or so, but the dunes was not a highlight of the game, especially circa-2004.

FFXIV has marginally better combat, too bad everything else about this game is fucking retarded. 2.0 should fix the disconnections and everything, but fuck I'm pretty fed up with the low drop rates. It's almost as bad as XI, we just need the stupid 4 day lockout timers.

Don't forget most people who play FFXIV are a buncha retards that have no idea how to play the game, but have multiple lv50s.
But then if you made it the other way people would just blow through the content in a day and then there would be nothing left for the players to do.
>Are there areas where you have to use chocobo’s jump to be able to reach?
>Y: We don’t have any place set where you need to use jump to get up. This is not an action game so I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at climbing steps. We have it where you can jump anywhere so even when traveling through the field so I think it’s enjoyable.

>I see, so the jump action was added to enjoy the traveling.
>Y: Yes that is correct.
I don't see the problem people have with this. It's just a nice gimmick. I'm sure though, that people will get bored of it quickly and I cannot spare my spacebar for jump.
If jumping makes you go faster than running then there will be a reason to actually use it.
those who have the xiv will get a realm reborn for free?
Yeah, it's just an update.
I dont think it's 'just' an update. Pretty sure the pdfs said CLIENT distribution. They're gonna shutdown the current servers, transfer the character datas to the new servers and give out downloads to the client. They did mention that the current server structures are inadequate. Prepare your bodies for 10 gigs of stupid slow p2p propietary client download cause of JEWpanese.
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better quality Vid of presentation

You need to jump in order to cross over fences, etc. You can clearly see this in the new gameplay trailer.

Try http://youtu.be/Mos6_mQcR78?t=17m11s
Wait are people actually complaining that FF4.0 is being switched over to quest-based levelling instead of an awful turn-of-the-century style mob grind?

The horror.
Yeah, it makes no sense. It's like battered wife syndrome or some shit.

FFXIV has some qualities about it in it's present state that are great, camp grinding is for damn sure not one of them.

What I think people don't like is that the game will become soloable, but it is presently, just very slowely.
...Is it?

Well, so long as they keep it party-based I don't mind. I don't want to play a single player MMO like every other theme park MMO makes me do.
People are complaining that XIV will not live up to being a unique FF/MMO experience and just copy WoW.

They aren't claiming directly it should be XI-2 in 2012.

But they are claiming they want XI in HD new again like they experienced it in 2003-5
The funny thing is quest based leveling still doesn't prevent doing it with a group. So I don't even see the problem.
Sadly that kind of experience just won't survive in this kind of environment. The games you want it to mirror don't have the numbers they want.

I mean look at the present FFXI. That shit doesn't exist in there now. Even the original Everquest dropped that style of gameplay.

I think the game should allow for solo leveling but the player is rewarded immensely for party based leveling, to the point where it's silly to not level in parties.
It severely discourages it.
And then you get people at level 50 who don't know how to play with parties when it comes time to play all the shit at the end.
>It severely discourages it.
Not inherently, it depends on how they tweak the numbers, if you get bonuses for being in a party with exp chains.

Stop speaking out of your ass.
Fields of Valor didn't discouraged it and it is basically a repeatable quest.
Even with strong bonuses people have a tendency to go with the easiest route to playing, so they don't bother setting up groups. And you see it all the time with this game.

The only reason people partied to grind in XI was because it was nearly impossible to do so by yourself.
I wouldn't have a problem with jumping if there was some variation to it.

Just seeing characters float up and down while they flap their arms in the same way over and over gets old fast, and without an actual reason for it, I'd rather have a toggle.
Following your logic if they put in the system I am talking about they would find parties and group up that way.

The problem with that type of gameplay is that games don't facilitate that in an easy and fluid way.

Think about it, is it easier to put party based leveling with a fluid group finding system or the quick route with solo quest based leveling?

I hope they choose the former and judging what they've done with XIV I can see them doing it.
>I mean look at the present FFXI. That shit doesn't exist in there now.
But it does. The problem now is more instead of parties we have full alliances in FFXI so everyone's a big casual loser.
Well if we're going that route we could just talk about how XI now has a system where yo plow through levels.

But my point was, it's a big difference from where it was at launch.
You didn't argue that point very well, then~

At any rate they already pissed off old FFXI fans enough, I'm sure they'll try to cater to both party and solo play the way that currrent FFXIV does.
>I'm sure they'll try to cater to both party and solo play the way that currrent FFXIV does.

That's the best route to go.
Plus XI fans are ridiculous. They want nothing but an updated XI with prettier graphics.

They're actually very reminiscent to old EQ1 fans.
Oh no, I'm totally fine with a group finder. Anything that makes parties easier.
Is that so wrong?

Currently they have no game which matches the style that XI provided, and even XI itself is nothing like it once was.

When you have a million grind-quest based MMO's available, is one MMO like classic XI so horrible to ask for?
>When you have a million grind-quest based MMO's available, is one MMO like classic XI so horrible to ask for?

There are private XI servers out there, there's a general on /vg/ about it right now!

XI is still alive and kicking. If you want XI then play XI. I don't have a problem with games wanting to retain some of the old, but you can't expect a game to copy the entirety or the majority of a previous version.

I mean honestly, that type of gameplay just isn't mainstream anymore and FF is a mainstream IP.

You guys are in the same position as sandbox players. You won't see a AAA sandbox for a while.
I mean one that is actually updated with working content.
A private server is like a third hand car. There's no guarantee that anything will work right at any given moment and requires an exuberant of time and money just to keep it up and running
>There are private XI servers out there, there's a general on /vg/ about it right now!

Have you looked at it? Do you know how long it took just to get this far?
It still only in a testphase and at peak times there are like 30 people online.

>Wait are people actually complaining that FF4.0 is being switched over to quest-based levelling instead of an awful turn-of-the-century style mob grind?
Yes, I really enjoyed xping in a party. I don't mind quest-based lvling, but I want to be able to xp in a traditional way.

I don't know... I don't think that leveling should be a race. You should be able to experience/venture at lower levels too. I don't feel like XI was a grind when I started playing. I took lots of time and had fun on my way up to 75.
FFXIV is not quite finished yet, but all I did was spam levequest and reached 30 in 3 days. Not once did I have to play with another player. The only challange up to now was the BLM job quest.

Obviously I thought about simply returning to XI, but I feel like it has changed a lot too. Do people still XP in PTs? I keep hearing that you can reach 99 in Abyssea in no time. What do you do there?

>I keep hearing that you can reach 99 in Abyssea in no time. What do you do there?

You literally pay a couple hundred thousand gil to afk. If you actually want to play. you can do Grounds of Valor which is a full alliance of gimps mowing down EP to complete pages.
Sounds like it has indeed changed.
What do people do once they reached 99?

I wonder if my gear (stuff like AF2, AF1+1 and r/e) is still worth anything.
>This is not an action game so I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at climbing steps.

More casual pandering. How typical.

Though it sounds more like a bullshit excuse to justify the blatant laziness of adding a jump and not bothering to add platforming elements to the game. Which is also typical.

Anyone that actually supports this incompetent moron is just as bad as that Starlord faggot on the forums.
You XI players are such a bitter fucking bunch, you know that?
I'm a former and long time FFXI player. I don't have a problem with useless jumping at all. I think of it as a funny gimmick.
That's because we don't have what we like while the rest of the populous gets about 3 MMO's a year with the same general WoW structure.

The closest we get is a half broken private server with around 30 people on at max.
You see content finder/jump/quested leveling to make the game a WoW clone? Okay. Ignore the all the content, then. Because being able to jump and how you level(because leveling in XI was so much better, right?) is what's going to make 2.0 a bad game. OK.
Not that guy, but lvling in XI was fun.
No, it really wasn't. You're being delusional at this point if you think grinding the same mobs over and over and over again for hours on end was fun. It was masochistic. XI players value how much you can grind over how much actual skill you have or they wouldn't be so quick to judge 2.0 without even having seen how difficult the content will be.
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Yes. I would give them all my money if they had done this. I know this is technically their 'new' game but guess what. FFXI had a particular flavor that very few MMOs shared in the past 5 years since most other EQ derivatives died out long before that. FFXI was about to keep players around despite the nightmarish grind and difficulty of day-to-day play. Currently on the market we have... We don't have ANY MMO that really pushes back as hard as FFXI did. Even FFXI today has be casualized and is only a shell of its former self.

They didn't do this because their subs were hemorrhaging. They did it as a last chance money grab from fence sitters because they were positive the bulk of their FFXI base would migrate to FFXIV. Now that people hate FFXIV because it so marvelously failed to appeal to the old school and new alike they are adding more length to FFXI. Desperate to keep their money tree intact while they sort out FFXIV.

People keep saying
>FFXI as it was CAN'T survive in todays market! Everyone wants easier shit
I think that is a whole load of bullshit. You know why? Even if they didn't have a good starting base in the form of previous FFXI veterans but NO ONE. NOOOO ONE has an MMO out that gives players a huge challenge. That has a time investment that excludes those who only play a few hours. That limits their potential subscribers but shit, when you have no competition for the hardcore/old school crowd it will thrive by virtue of being the only avenue to turn too.

SE had a chance to go the safe route and net their old sub base and whatever of this new generation that can appreciate effort/reward game design with FFXIV. It would never be a 'WoW-killer'. Hell I very much doubt it would get beyond their 500k average with FFXI. You know what though? That is still a working model. It would have been positive gain that would last for another 7 years. Instead they cocked up and got WoW-vision. Those greedy shitstains at the top elected to roll the dice yet again and try to siphon off from the success of WoW by emulating everything they do. With obviously ruinous results. This MMO is dead. Fucking dead and I hate SE so much for cashing out like every other godamn developer instead of taking 5 seconds to THINK about how their FFXI fans would feel.

>FFXI don't want that grind aspect back in the game!
Yet again, bullshit. We didn't play that fucker for 7 years and suddenly turn around and go, "GOD I REALLY WISH EVERYTHING WAS EASY NOW! I WAS GETTING TIRED OF PLAYING FFXI SO MUCH THAT I JUST NEVER STOPPED PLAYING."

I would be dancing on the fucking roof if we got FFXI-2. In spirit or direct sequel. I would be perfectly happy if they used a whole new race set but just kept the heavy emphasis on party play and long term goals. Exploration and story line.
Welp, except for WHM and RDM I had fun leveling.

>XI players value how much you can grind over how much actual skill you have
That's just not true

I will wait for 2.0 and test it to see how it turns out, but I'm indeed not sure if I like a quest-based leveling system. Running from NPCs to mobs and back doesn't sound any more awesome.
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>you particular style of game isn't the most popular right now so it should never get made
>It is better for every since game in the genre to be a carbon copy of the only really successful title

Honestly, there were times I enjoyed leveling in XI. Don't get me wrong, the majority of it I was fucking going through the motions, slack jawed, and certain that if we pulled one more fucking Crawler, one more Robber Crab, one more Colibri, I would snap and burn my apartment down, but it had its moments.

The autists that are trembling in impotent rage over how XIV isn't as unforgiving as XI are irrelevant, but to a small extent, correct. XIV should not throw away certain charms its predecessor had in favor of the formula WoW made work, because no one wants another fucking WoW, people will play the original game if they want that.
Holy shit you are actually directly saying our version of fun is wrong.

It is like I'm really on /v/
Do they let you play the game in a window?

FF11 STILL hadn't let you do that by the time I quit. I had to download a program to make it possible.
Yes, there are windowers for FFXIV too though.
I'm not talking about just leveling, I'm talking about nearly everything in that game. There was a VERY low skill cap outside of maybe RDM and SCH. It was more about setup then it was execution. You're fucking delusional if you think XI took skill. It was a grind and nothing more. Nyzul was grindy. Relic was grindy. Salvage was grindy. Dynamis was grindy. Sky was grindy. Sea was grindy. Everything was fucking grindy. You can have a good fucking MMO community without making it nothing but low drop rates and grindy shit.
Both 11 and 14 have windowed modes now.
I wouldn't say the grinding itself was fun in FF11.

But especially in the lower levels and when there were a lot of new people playing, it was fun as hell getting wiped and shit because of bomb tosses or other mischief.

Man I had so much fun leveling in the dunes, qufim, and the jungles. That's when FF11 was the most fun for me, at the lower levels when people didn't take it quite as seriously as endgame. Once I got to endgame, the appeal just died cause of the overwhelming number of autists.
Patience and determination are both skills. No more or less than coordination.

They can be practiced and refined just as much as any other aspect you would call skill. What you personally take from it is on you.
I like the new look, especially after seeing the gameplay video.

I just hope that they either make it a little more solo friendly or they encourage co-operation more because with my job as it is I don't really have time to spend hours looking for dungeon parties.
I think what older XI players are misunderstanding is that people don't want an easier game, they want a more fluid game.

Grinding random mobs isn't that fun, specially when it can take hours to find a group.

But party based leveling IS fun. Having objectives with a little narrative to them IS fun.

Being able to find groups in a timely manner IS fun.
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Not the guy you responded too, but leveling in XI truly was fun. It was not the aspect of grinding mobs endlessly that was fun. It was the aspect of constructing a functioning 6 man party (sometimes with the ideal classes but often time not) and trying to work together to get a decent exp chain flow going, so you could level up together and get out of that hellhole zone together.

It didn't feel like I was playing a game to try and get to the end so I could play the real game, like all MMOs feel like today. It was trying to better yourself as a player and a group and work your way out of the hellish leveling zone only to be presented with seemingly even more impossible odds.

It felt like an adventure and a challenge, and everyone you were playing with was going through it with you. You finished Valkurm Dunes only to have to WALK through several zones to reach Jueno and Qufim Island. Then Kazham, Garliage Citadel, Crawlers nest, and the odds constantly seemed to stack further against you. But it was certainly fun to work as a group to overcome the increasingly difficult challenges.

This sort of environment is non-existent in modern MMOs. Instead it's a big race through everything so you can play with everyone who is already waiting at the end.

Also, we XI players are not all a miserable bunch. I don't mind silly things like jumping or more fanservice (If they go in that direction). And I don't even hate the current state of XIV(aside from obvious 1.0 client issues), although I dislike speedruns and think drop rates in general are too low. But some of us XI fans just watch this thread hopefully because XIV is still our only chance at anything similar to XI for quite some time.
FFXIV has low drop rates AND grind shit.

The community is one of the worst I've ever seen.

FFXI has low drop rates and was 10x grindier

One of the best I've had the privilege of being a part of.

You have to recognize something. The 'Grind' you keep dismissing as a bad thing was what bound that game together. Sure it got tedious at times and burning 6 hours for a SINGLE level may seem like a high cost but it did a few things that MMO's are lacking in their community.

>Sense of long term accomplishment
>Formed close knit Link shells and network of friends across the world
>Reputation was everything so the game weeded out most of the delinquents early on
>Sense of being a part of a greater whole

These things are very VERY difficult to accomplish with a mindset that the game begins at end game. FFXI was about the Journey up and the people you played with. Every other MMO is about capping as quickly as possible to get to the REAL game. To me that is incredibly ironic how you guys keep hounding us for liking the grind up. When all you do is grind at the top on the same few raids and bosses. For all it matters you could just have everyone begin at cap and just have a few doors leading to each event. Players can just stand up outside of them and enter them at their leisure since you seem to think everything before it is irrelevant. Screw a vibrant world that you have the opportunity to explore and traverse while systematically becoming stronger to deal with each new threat. You all want some kind of End Game simulator and to cut out the middle meat completely.

Even if we spend the same 100 hours. You doing straight end game and me just going through the process of leveling up. I think I got much more out of the experience then you would. MMOs should be about the world and your place in it. Not beating the hardest foes as quickly as possible for the best loot constantly.
>You're fucking delusional if you think XI took skill.
First I'm being delusional about fun, now skill. You know, if you wouln't be exaggerating so much all the time I would somewhat agree with you.

It took both, good preparation/gear and skill. You could compensate either with both or more players. I remember doing my first Dynamis. It was a mess, people lacked skill, especially teamwork and good leadership. I later joined a diffrent Dynamis LS and we succeeded with less people.

Nyzul was indeed grindy, due to really bad drop rates, but you didn't get far if you didn't know your job.
This isn't a FFXI thread, this is a FFXIV thread. There is a FFXI thread, why are you talking about another game in this game's general?
I wholeheartedly agree.
Because SE made FFXI. It was largely implied it was going to be a sequel or connected in some fashion. The Races are imported. Their first stab at FFXIV incorporated many things from FFXI. A good portion of their current player base (lol12k) played FFXI.

These two games are and will forever be entwined. You cannot dissociate FFXIV from FFXI. We are speaking about FFXIV's future by showing examples from the past.
Because this is the next FF MMO and we are basically just waiting for information about what the gameplay/content in 2.0 is actually like.

So naturally we take this time of just waiting, and discuss what every likes/dislikes in XIV's predecessor XI, and what he hope to see or not in XIV.
>This is not an action game so I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at climbing steps.

More casual pandering. How typical.

Though it sounds more like a bullshit excuse to justify the blatant laziness of adding a jump and not bothering to add platforming elements to the game. Which is also typical.

Anyone that actually supports that incompetent moron Yoshida at this point is just as bad as that Starlord faggot on the forums.
>casual pandering
Don't you hipster sacks of shit get tired of tossing that god damn word around? just about every boss in the game needs a ludicrous amount of teamwork and timing, High-end gear, especially job weapons are just ungodly amount of requirements to obtain, literally can't do even 25% of the game without taking an entire fucking army with you but "hurr there's jumping so its casual" really, for our sake, and sake of keeping at least some of your fucking dignity, learn the fucking definition of a word before you use it.
>"hurr there's jumping so its casual"


To all you fags that just join a raid for the gear and split after, to the people that add like 100 people to your friends list and never talk to them again after a dungeon.

I pity you all,
>they have jumping but its not used for anything
>More casual pampering
that's exactly what you said nigger, don't reference shit you've never bothered to read yourself.
I fully support jumping. Yoshida not bothering to add platforming elements because little timmy might not be good at it is blatant casual pandering though. It's a destructive way of thinking.

>I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at climbing steps.
>I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at killing bosses
>I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at gaining levels
>I don’t think it’s right to have people feel “I don’t want to do this anymore” for those not good at forming parties

Where does it end?
logical fallacies all day

if anything, by all means, have your jump

not like it adds anything to the gameplay anyway

dashes and rolls, now we're talking
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Silence, mortals!
I don't give a shit about jumping, I do give a shit about people bitching this is game is pampering to casuals when you can't even travel across parts of the map on your own.
I'm already biting my lower lip intensely. I cant make any noises anymore.
Why do people censor their names when they post pictures here?
Are you ashamed of coming to 4chan or something? Then why are you posting a picture here in the first place?
>looking at names, be they "censored" or otherwise, when an ass as glorious as Garuda's is present.

Just had this happen to me. Fun.
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Didn't attach image. Weird.
RIP Valkurm Dunes, since no one levels in you anymore ;_;
>go to official forums to bitch
What do you think they're going to do before 2.0? I mean honestly.
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Welcome to r0, enjoy the power of the Crystal Tools and Tanaka's vision.
Thornmarch is always super buggy for me.

I dc at least once every 5 mog runs or so when I'm there.
just a reminder that theres a song in the dat files that hasnt been used yet

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Is that the theme that played in the into faded in the back?
>JPGames-Frederick: There was much talk about planned content for Final Fantasy XIV 2.0, which content will be there right from the start and which will be implemented later? I’m talking about content such as PvP, Crystal Tower, free companies, free companies housing, chocobo breeding system etc.

>Yoshida: About the Crystal Tower and the chocobo-racing and the free companies, we cannot have this right at the launch, about PvP … we hope to have it at launch but because of all the balancing issues and with me being a hardcore PvP-player we want to make it perfect before releasing. We might have to keep adjusting and because of that we might not make it in time but if that is the case we hope to have it at the latest within a few months after launch and hopefully at the launch. The same thing goes for the housing system, but we hope to have that very soon after launch as well.

No content at launch confirmed.

It's over. ARR is finished.
Played in the intro.
I'm sure they'll have something other than just the new world.
I mean, they wouldn't make the same mistake twice...right?
There'll be quests probably. You can kill x of y with the occasional collection of z drops for a few months in between spamming the old content currently in 1.0.

Nah, this game is fucked.
I wonder if they will find a way to fit in thief and/or ninja. They are pretty iconic classes dating all the way back to the very first game.

They said they wanted the game to be more nostalgic / fan servicey in relation to past games.
You do realize all the current content will still be in the game, right? Being able to do CC/AV/Garuda/Ifrit/Moogle in a new engine will be content enough for me for a while. There's also beastmen strongholds and caravans, hamlet, relics.
And the current content is laughable. Even with the amount of content in the game, that people do less than half of anyway, it's just going to be the same carrot on the stick and fucked drop rates while we wait months for the "miracle patch" that will totally fix everything for real this time guys, 2.1.

Low standards general.
Oh, so your dad works at SE, alright.
No. He's an old banker that doesn't give a shit about video games but I'm sure even he could tell 2.0 is going to be a catastrophe.
There's still Behemoth/Odin, as well as the various other primals in the .dats such as Titan, Leviathen, Siren, etc. which could serve as new content.

Even now, there is hope for XIV.

>all three primals
>chocobo raising
>hamlet defense
>Relic quests

Yeah, sure is no content come 2.0.

As a current player, I'd be concerned were it not for me hardly touching most of this content in my 5 months of playing. They're pretty much porting over all current content, plus a new world with new things to find, etc.

I'm perfectly fine with this. I'd probably not touch the Crystal Tower until the patch after it comes out, too. Just like I did with Garuda/Mog/Aurum Vale/etc

Let's not forget that primals will play differently than they do now. So Garuda's strat isn't going to be the same, nor will Ifrit, nor wil mog.

Also we'll have Arcanist/Summoner to tide us over as well.
Wow, I'm surprised to see there's a thread about FFXIV. I quit such a long time ago and figured it would have died completely by now.

Any chance there are any players from Rabanastre here?
>any players
Nope, we all got our legacy status and quit.
Ah, I'd say that's a shame, but I guess it's to be expected.
The legacy status thing... that's something you only got during the period where you had to pay, right? I quit the month they announced billing would start, so I wouldn't be eligible?
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Sure is fun spamming the same raid all day erry day
Hasn't been relevant for ages other than helping the occasional new player that doesn't already have all his shit capped get his AF gear
>all three primals
Everyone and their mother has already downed Ifrit and Mog, nobody does Garuda
>chocobo raising
Chocobo raising was confirmed in the exact same interview to not be in at launch
>hamlet defense
Absolute garbage and only done for seals.
>Relic quests
Time sink
You mean the two unfinished ones that we have no confirmation will be continued right at launch? Or the current one that won't be in 2.0 at all?
Why are you even in this thread if you're going to continue to be ignorant and completely miss the point of why he brought those up?
You have to pay for a total of three months before the beta for 2.0 starts sometime in the fall, we don't know yet.
You sure played a lot of a game that you don't like.
His "point" was bullshit. Just because he spent the past 5 months in Ul'dah erping getting fucked up the ass by Roegadyn doesn't mean the rest of us haven't plowed through the pitiful amount of content this game has.

I'm afraid XIV won't be surviving once the majority of the current playerbase realizes there's no new content and bails and it fails to attract new players since it has nothing going for it.

No amount of patches will save it when it flops again.

Playing FFXIV does not make me obligated to be a blind drone or to suck SE's cock. A shame a lot of you don't think the same way.
Just because you've poorly paced yourself through the content and have been grinding through it yourself doesn't make your point any more valid than his. I've been playing this game since 1.18 and I look forward to 2.0 and playing all the old content with a new engine. Your bitter attitude isn't shared a majority of the player base like you'd like to think it is. No one's sucking SE's cock here, you're just being a completely bitter ass about your lack of ability to pace yourself.
Oh my mistake. I'm sorry for playing the game instead of spamming emotes and afking in town all day. I promise I won't make that mistake in the future.

I'm sure that's the kind of experience new players are looking for and 2.0 will be a smashing success when it lures in all two of them.
Why do you even fucking playing the game if you hate it so much? Go back to XI if you're so eager to fulfill your masochistic ways. It's fine to be apprehensive about 2.0 but to spout off information like it's the truth makes you come across as a jackass.
I got off the ship ages ago. I'm just standing by and watching it tank.

XIV can never be saved and considering how butthurt and defensive you're getting over this I can tell even your faith in the game is fractured and the only thing you can do is lash out at me and demand I go back to XI, I guess since everyone that thinks differently from you is from there or something.

If you make yourself into a doormat, people will wipe their feet on you.
Your assumptions are baseless is why everyone here thinks you're shitposting, because you are. You aren't contributing to the thread, you're doing nothing but trying to get people to start shit with you. You're acting just as "butthurt" about how bad you think a game that isn't even out is or even in beta. You are the embodiment of /v/, so please, take yourself back there.
What baseless assumptions? The one I got from the interview right out of Yoshida's mouth where he admits this game won't have much content at launch? Or about the content in the current game being shit, drawn from personal experience?

You really shouldn't use terms you don't understand. My only assumption is that this game is borked and I have a myriad of reasons to believe this so even that isn't baseless.

Ironically I'm actually discussing the game while you're getting assdevastated, throwing around words you do not know the meaning of in an failed attempt to sound intelligent and telling me to go back to some MMO I never played or to some other board I've long stopped browsing because my posts are contrary to your worldview and probably shattering it since you long ran out of actual rebuttals.

You are the embodiment of the official forums, so please, take yourself back there.
Just came in these thread but I can say this.
This nigga just burned your ass.
“We looked to World of Warcraft. What they have there is pretty much what most players are used to. We’re using that as a base.”


2.0 is totally not gonna be a WoW clone guys.
How much is the monthly fee? I'm going to start playing this when 2.0 comes out. Every other MMO is either WoW, WoW clone or GW2. And GW2 might be cool at first but i bet it will get boring pretty fast.
I'm okay with this. We're already headed into Azeroth anyway.
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what are the chances that 2.0 is almost as bad as launch?
Think about it this way. 1.0 was in development for 5 years and came out rushed as fuck.

2.0 is essentially a brand new game that has only been in development for 1 year.

All I have to say is if you think 1.0 was rushed you ain't seen nothing yet.

It's funny because the devs themselves said that Primals won't have the same strategies as they do now, which I said in my post. I highly doubt instanced dungeons will play the same as well, but I'm not gonna lie and say that they will be different. You missed my point, though. I said there was content, not fantastic content. I don't enjoy Hamlet/Cutter's Cry myself. Boss fights are what I'm sticking around for, since I think most of them are very well done.

You're pretty retarded for giving SE your money, despite hating the route they're going with this game. Worse than Starlord, actually.

And finally, they're lalafells, not Roegadyn.
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What a fucking joke that guy is.
>nearly 2 years to work

You mean nearly 1 year. It took SE a full year to realize they needed to scrap 1.0.

You make it sound like what they're doing is simple but considering how little time they'll have had to work porting everything over properly, redesigning the world from scratch and re-doing pretty much all of the cutscenes, dialogue, etc. and dealing with innate problems the new engine might suffer from you'd better expect Bethesda tier bugs.
ive fapped to that comic so many times
tfw you will never fuck a dranei
They can still get away with not every content will be released at launch if the PvP is released on that day too. That's how Tera is still alive even though there is very little content.
The game isn't balanced for PVP.

How do they plan on implementing it without fucking up everything?
Yoshida has played Dark Age of Camelot and that's suppose to have the best PvP. So I'm betting he has some kind of idea.
>implying innovation can't be incremental

besides, it was mostly about playing a FF MMO not about playing an original, ground breaking new industry leading MMO
it stems from the unreasonable and baseless belief that jumping somehow makes one faster.
Personally dont really care about the lack of jump but when it arrives, I'll jump like a kid on a bag of pure sugar. I'm gonna look forward to the whiners about 'immersion breaking' getting at me and telling me to stop. Unless I'm in their party and needed to get shit done.

Although, with the tp system change making you start with full bar, if they add like 300 tp requirement for jumps, that would cut down the jump happy fags. Who'd want to start combat with like 600 tp instead of 3000tp because you cant resist bunny hopping on the way to a quest target.
Making everyone start off with full TP is going to be stupid, because that means every DD will start off comboing and the tank is going to struggle even more with keeping hate.
Well, I'm a solo player so I don't really get to experience all the fun party stuff, not that I want to be but I'm terrible at coordinating with other people so anything that needs a high level of cooperation is kind of out of my leage, but i digress, my point is this, Its fairly common knowledge that you don't start hitting the mob right away until tank builds up a bit of hate, holding off your combo is no different from holding off your attack, it's gonna be same people fucking up in the same way, its just gonna be slightly more flashy.
>implying the current retards and the new retards that have been trained with wow understands this or are even willing to cooperate

Always either auto attack retards or full force is ass mouth and vagina from get go. That's what you're gonna get. Brace for it. Yoshi and devs's will NOT be ready for whatever issues the game will throw at them AND the players complaining about it. I'm looking forward to 2.0 and I dont believe it will go smoothly. Not for a second. It's gonna be a trainwreck. Whether the devs and the players can weather through this is the question.
People aren't as stupid as you'd like to think. I get that your opinion is fact and all that, but you really don't seem to have any faith in people playing the game or the team. I very rarely have people so retarded in even the current version that I have to bash them up and down, degrade them, and have the superiority complex over them like you seem to. And even if someone IS that retarded, it's widely accepted that you can boot that person, as they are dragging the whole group down.
> And even if someone IS that retarded, it's widely accepted that you can boot that person, as they are dragging the whole group down.

Not unless the retard is a woman then everyone will whiteknight her ass.

More like this.

Its not like we have anything else to discuss about this pre-alpha besides bitch at other anons.
Any Linkshells in Masamune that take stuff somewhat seriously?

I started working a few weeks ago and my LS is mostly dead on PST nights, and when we try to do stuff (SAT/SUN) we end up failing and people just don't care.

I just want a LS that ignores AF and Ifrit runs ;-; Is that too much to ask?
What jobs do you have?
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All DoW/DoM at 50. BLM(best), WHM, BRD and PLD geared. Miner, Weaver and GSM at 50 and LTW at 39 (trying to get it to 50 this week).

I know I'm no pro/l33t guy and that I don't have the time to go full end-game LS but I know that there should be at least one linkshell on the server that gets stuff done during PST nights and weekends.

Plus I'm tired of helping with AF quests and Ifrit
Anyone playing presently going to change their race/sex?
Female miqote -> male miqote
I'm the kind of guy that loves to look at small races but hate playing them ;_;

So I'm stuck in limbo.
I wish FFXIV had more beast/fantasy like races.
I'll be getting a female Roe alt.
List your BLM gear. We don't really have any problems filling groups usually, but could probably take you in on slow days.
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What about a guy with a gf cybering behind her back with another guy playing as a girl? The gf doesn't even play the game and the guy doesn't know the girl is actually a guy.

Head: Felt Hat of Intelligence INT(T3+T4)
MH: Electrum Specter, M.ACC T3 + INT T4
OF: Aubriest's Allegory
Body: Militia Robe
Legs: Woolen Tights +1, Wise Man T3 + T4
Hands: Boarskin Ringbands of Storms, Sag Might T3 + T4
Feet: Mahogany Pattens, Hell's Fist (x2T3 + T4)

Jewlery is Mage's Earrings + the usual stuff (Spine Chocker, Zircon Bracelts, Zircon Rings) +1

I end up with 374 INT 443 M. ACC and 513 M. Attk w/o food
I was worried about the M. Acc for things like Garuda but even with it I still end up top dmg dealer most of the time. But I always carry a +1 Coral Ring just in case.

And yes, I'm a wuss that doesn't like to try x2 T4
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>adventure time
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Well Shiva is one icy lady.
the joke
(your head)
Although I've never played it, Final Fantasy 11 is my favourite FF gane simply because of the amount of delicious catgirl porn it has produced.
What's your name in game? I know of several linkshells that may be more up your alley.

looks like WoW

Schneizel Alstreim.

What linkshells do you recommend?
Everything probably does to you.
when the fuck is square enix going to releae a HD version of their goddamn gameplay
It's going to be a WoW clone?

Great, I love WoW's gameplay but hate the community.

So looking forward to this.

The game really doesn't play like WoW. There's far more group play required, though that may change with 2.0.

The community is probably just as bad, though. I haven't played WoW since 2008.
FFXIV forever 4.0
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If any of you will be playing GW2 until 2.0 and used to play FFXI, come join us.
I am impressed that they are turning the shipwreck of XIV into a plot device for the relaunch. Hopefully they make out like a boss.
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Yes, I recently came back to the game and that's where I ended up.
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Elvaan is the worst race, Hands down.

At least the female gets a fabulous RSE for 2.0.
So are any of you on Balmung?
Also, does the party for the Ifrit mission have to be composed of the same Grand Company? For instance, I'm considering joining the Twin Adder, but would someone from the Maelstrom or Immortal Flames be able to join me?

Don't have to be from the same GC to do the mission, but there is a bonus to your reward if you're all from the same one.
Thanks, I think I'll just go for completion though. I want these quests done before we get raped by that meteor.
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Trying to get into this game has been a bitch.
Square pulled the game from the online shop so I had to hunt down a physical copy to get going. Everything works though.

How am I doing so far? I wasn't reall sure about which server or town to choose. Rookie's guide said that Excalibur is geared towards newer players, is that true?
Nothing's geared towards new players til 2.0.

There's no difference among servers in terms of being newbie friendly. All servers will have the same spread of people on them.

That said, Bartleby Adrastos of Excalibur is a great guy and you should join his LS.
>taking pic with camera

Can you PLEB any harder?
That's pretty unfortunate. What can I collect until 2.0 comes out that won't be in the new world update? I was really looking to be prepared.

The guide had said something about him, I was going to wait until like level 15 before contacting him. I'll keep that in mind.

Unfortunately you've missed most of the special stuff that won't be available come 2.0, like the Goobbue mount. There are some quests and achievements that'll disappear, too.

Also as a general notice, most people tend to cluster around Ul'dah.
It was a god awful joke. Now fuck off
I just joined FFXIV recently, a few days before Gobbue mount was being patched out. I started spamming levequests to reach 30 quickly. Actually got it in like 3 days and got my mount. Is there anything else that will be patched away soon?
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Anyone else end up playing the game in a tiny window at really low spec?

Most of the time if I'm crafting or gathering or just hunting for drops I put it in a tiny window to lessen the hardware footprint and save screen space.

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It's a really nice looking game and all, but playing in fullscreen is a bitch.
Thanks, seems like I got the most important thing.
why's Fullscreen a bitch
I am, but only because I'm currently at my parents and only have my laptop. I get like 1FPS when moving around Ul'dah.
At home I usually window it, at a slightly lower resolution than fullscreen.
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Two Questions.

1. Why did they make one human hairstyle that rules over all the other ones (See pic).

2. Why are there so many people that think its a good idea to join the game now when 2.0 releases in like 6-8 months with beginner friendly intro, new players and people to level with, new servers, viable ui, and content.
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funny. I have the problem when I play in windowed but no in fullscreen
i don't understand the first question

because FF fans are faggets and Versus is never coming out, Type-0 is never getting localized and XIII-3 is just around the corner

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