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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Anybody watching this thread and loving how it backfired?

Also love how many girls are like
> I'd be happy if lolita events stopped happening at 'otaku' 'anime' conventions -laiferr
yet 95% of lolita fashion shows, panels and tea parties happen at anime cons?
A lot of people in that thread are forgetting that Baby designs lolita clothing for lots of anime. I think that makes lolita fashion pretty anime-related.
wow, are they serious? where the hell else is anything going to happen?
She might as well say "I'd be happy if we never talked or did anything ever again"
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This is a disappointment and I just found out about this today too. I am very sad this is happening. I've heard there are two lolita panels this year, but this year no indie lolita fashion show. I was looking forward to going to Otakon before I start grad school. Now Otakon has made up my mind and I'm not going.

Pic related from 2010 Otakon Indie Lolita Fashion Show.
I don't think many know that Baby designs lolita clothing. I didn't know, I lurk lolita threads (not a lolita) but I've not heard of this before.
It's more anime related then the K-Pop, and Korean drama panels I've seen. I just it seems silly especially since the Lolita Fashion shows are packed every year. The Indie Lolita Fashion Show is extremely popular and I am sad to see that it won't be going on this year. It's honestly one of my favorite parts of the convention. I mean looking at the pannel line up I can see at least 5 things that will have an extremely limited audience.

I am hoping they'll bring it back next year if enough people voice their disappointment.

>not many people know that Baby designs Lolita clothing
I was thinking this. I only go to CT Con, but I can safely say a lot of non-anime stuff gets in. I'm thinking specifically of Burlesque panels and stalls selling pocket knives.

(not complaining about the burlesque panel or anything- I'm going to it anyway. Just saying a lot of things that are in no way related to anime are in conventions.)
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>all those asspained lolitas in the egl thread
Hmm maybe the lolitas who did the fashion show were a pain in the ass for Otakon stafff? Perhaps?
I think you forgot a couple words or you misread my post.
God laiferr is always such a dumb cunt.
Carla for sure, but I know the ladies who took over the show for the past two years or so were nothing but sweet and cooperative in my experience.
Holy hell that was just a cluster fuck. Yeah, I meant many people know that baby designs lolita clothing for anime.

Pardon that horrible post, I can't english today.
Fuck it. No more posting for me. I'm done.
I have always thought that a large Lolita presence at anime cons was weird, weebish and incongruous.
I have always thought that con only lolis (who never wear the fashion outside if a con- no matter how perfect or how ita they look) are just cosplaying as a loli.
I don't care about if someone is or is not a "real" Lolita but I just don't think that cons should be bullied into catering into something that they don't want to present.
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TBH, the lolita fashion shows are the only panels at otakon I go to and basically the only reason I still go besides seeing other lolita I know / shopping indie brands.

I'll be attending the two lolita panels (lolita 101 and lolita shopping), but I'm wondering how big of a room they will get and if the lack of a fashion show will mean that they will be packed.
I had a though, if we won't get an Indie Lolita fashion show at Otakon what if we arranged things to try and get it at another East coast convention? I know that the one at Otakon is organized by Charm City Lolitas so how about a con near that like Katsucon? I am thinking about suggesting it to the community but i am not sure how they would react.


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