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can we have a "'characters that aren't normally cosplayed well'-cosplayed well" thread?
That manga had so many panty shots.
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>that face
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what's wrong with her face? the suit is spot on
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this isn't a very good cosplay(missing the bonnet and the hair color is off) but its still a beautiful wig and the girl is cute. you see too many chunky people cosplay tokyo mew mew
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does anyone have any good pokemon protag cosplays? you never see any of those(pre-BW)
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not the same anon but Asuka has a different type of face, the chin is too weak and her lips are too...prominent(?)
this cosplayer has a more suited face imo

>>6813771 (OP)
perfect mew Ichigo
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Now, when you say protag. . .
Wig is good, the face could be different
Legs need to be thicker, over all good though
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is she supposed to be Pudding?
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This face and this suit: >>6813842
>>6813771 (OP)
>oh wow a cute Ichigo
>limp ass wig

I need more of that Kish now.

While the wig is shit, she's adorable and probably the closest to Ichigo's age
No, too European pretty

Auska needs to look more like a bitch
>too european
Asuka is fucking German you dolt
I don't think that they meant she was too European, more that she needed to look like a European bitch. I took it as she was too err... friendly looking? Too sweet, I guess.
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I'm always weirded out when I remember how old the characters of Tokyo Mew Mew are, given how often their underwear is on display.
if you mix their two faces together i think itd be an excellent asuka
oh my goodness she's perfect
Yay, Tokyo Mew Mew's in this thread! I haven't seen mention of it in a long while. I cosplayed Purin to a con ages ago but wouldn't say I cosplayed her well, unfortunately.
She is literally Asuka. Wow
Asuka is German
Are you new to life?
>more suited face
ew no
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IMO 8ree would be the best asuka
too bad shes a hipster who only does easy cosplays
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DC is kinda underrepresented, considering how easy the costumes are
Yes I know, basically what other anon said. She's a very cute Asuka, but not bitchy looking enough. She's more like the sweet farm girl in the rural village of Europe.
God dammit this cosplay upsets me, I lvoe Yellow so much but it is just so off the rails of her appearance just. No.

I think she'd make an adorable Yellow with a fuller and more blonde wig and an outfit that didn't look like a poorly sewn sundress.
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I'm a bit surprised /cgl/ never mentioned Glitterati

I'd love someone to do these two some justice
>>6813771 (OP)
Am I the only one that noticed her teeth seem a big...Odd? Maybe it's just the angle or something.
oh my gosh, i would love to see these both done so much justice.
Nope, not just you. It's the angle that makes her teeth look bigger too
Okay, cool. I think they should have thought about it a bit more before taking the photo. I still think she is cute and stuff (especially those smaller pics at the bottom where she's pulling a face). It's just a tad off-putting.
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Speaking of which, has there been any attempts to do riptide crew?


No what are you doing.
Asuka's only a quarter German.
I always played as this duo!
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lots of Emilias but I've never seen Bodie cosplayed well.

Miss Aubrey seems to be a popular choice.

Yeah, Miss Aubrey's becoming a little TOO popular lol

>I've never seen Bodie cosplayed well.
I'm pretty sad about that
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passable Bodie?

This is actually the only Bodie I've ever seen
It's anime. Characters rarely look like their real race you dolt.
I've still not seen a Yoko Ritona that is genuinely good. Cosplayed often? Yes. Cosplayed WELL often? Fuck no.

Your standards must be retarded.
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Most Rozen maiden characters falls into this. Mostly due to fabric choice. No an expensive porcelain doll would NOT have a dress made out of plain cotton.
you clearly have not purchased clothing from bjd companies. bitches use cotton the same as AP or baby and they charge as much.
BJD =/= real classic porcelain doll
they're supposed to be BJDs though.
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But the Rozen Maidens aren't regular BJDs, they are supposed to be jointed old classic european porcelain dolls, which often used high quality fabrics in their clothing.

The point is that the Rozen Maidens are very expensive made porcelain dolls, and making their clothing in plain ass cotton just makes them look bad, because they don't look expensive anymore.
They were made in the Victorian era. BJDs are modern.
Source on when they specifically said BJD and not just doll?

Just curious.
I don't think it's ever said, but heavily implied. It's a fucking magical doll that comes to fucking life. Their clothes are gonna be top shelf tier quality.
I've only seen a little bit of Rozen Maiden, but didn't the one in red say her dress was expensive silks or something when the kid tried to touch her?
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Everyone who cosplays her insist on being heavily photoshopped.
>all of japan
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this is probably the best one i've seen
Yeah, no.
Is there an unshooped version?
no, and its been around for so long i dont think you could find a source.
but the facial structure really looks like chii
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another one with tons of shoop but i like it because she look metallic

i wish more people would try to look this metallic with miku
>the facial structure
>as if that isnt shooped to death like everything else in the picture
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why are koreans so much better looking than japs?
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I never understood why people go nuts over this Chi, her hair is brown, her eyes are too small and you can hardly see her dress due to the overuse of ps.
She's a cute girl but she doesn't look like Chi at all.
fuck i didn't expect that to be a gif; it scared the shit out of me
i'm pretty fond of Korean men myself , but some japanese men are still hot
Plastic surgery.
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Does that actually count as cosplay though?
why not? SOMEONE had to dress him and style his wig
But it's from the movie. That's like saying RDJ is cosplaying Tony Stark/Iron Man from the comic in the Iron Man movies because someone constructed his costume.
So much this. South Koreans get the most cosmetic surgeries done in the world per capita.
There's so much shoop her finger even looks drawn on. Is Chi really that fucking hard to pull off naturally?
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Personally, I like this Chii a lot.
Her face has the expression of someone walking in on her while she's taking a huge shit.
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her DA says she was 19 so she isnt too close to ichigo's age(12)
Still shooped, but less than most. Props on that.
Why is her bow red?
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Yeah, I've given up on the idea of a perfect Chii.
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yes, this is the midget people talk about
now I didn't know that, this is one of the few cases where anime girls look older for their age, I thought that she was like 15 or something.


Is she the famous rapunzel cosplayer with the freckles that everyone spazzes about?
How tall is she? She looks tiny
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there was this one cute Chii cosplayer who had these really anime-looking eyes, does anyone have her pictures?
She was nearly perfect
Bjds have modern clothing made of modern materials. The Rozen Maiden dolls were made in the Victorian era and resemble French style fashion dolls (which did have ball joints and were strung). French fashion bebes usually wore fairly expensive silk, in various forms (satin, taffeta, velvet, etc)
IIRC it's actually the other way around, she's 3/4 German and 1/4 Japanese.
Regardless, she is Eurasian.
Is she wearing the little girl costume from the Disney Store?
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>little girl costume from the Disney Store
is she like 4'8"?? she's very cute
I don't think they fail because of fabric choice, but i do agree that from all the rozen maiden dolls there's not a single cosplay of them I've enjoyed
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Then have some Momo. By far the best Yoko I've ever seen.

>puffy ponytail
>perfect boots, with the right slouch, no high-heels, correct zippers
>belt is correct, not some "good enough" Hot Topic shit
>bracelets are thick and not loose
>actually has a gun that isn't made out of cardboard and tape
>lower string on top is red
>socks aren't hot pink or transparent
>has safety glasses
>shorts aren't too long or high
She managed to hit all the things many Yoko cosplayers miss.

The only thing I don't like about the costume is that I feel the neckwarmer is too long and bulky. Also whoever is doing these shoots needs to fucking stop amping the saturation up to 11, but that's the photo, not the costume.


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