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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

I'll be spending the night answering questions/listening to feedback this coming Sunday. Don't know what a PMQ is? It's detailed towards the end of this news post.
Simply, it's the opportunity to ask me any questions you'd like, provide feedback, complain, et cetera until I fall asleep or jump off a bridge.

If you can't make it Sunday night and have a question/comment, feel free to send it to moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT.

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Would /cgl/ ever Itasha their car? There is a Corolla that is decked out in Utena decals here in town. I saw it twice, once at a local con and just yesterday on the road coming home from work?
I totally would.
I've wanted too do this to my car ever since I saw those Hatsune Miku cars at AX 2011. Sadly I do not have enough funds... Or a car.
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I would if I was rich. Have two cars; one formal normal car, the other being the fun car, all decked out like Catbus.
I would totally Drive a Catbus anytime if I could and all the time if I had one. Bitches love the Catbus.
pfft, my normal car would be the catbus
>>6832640 (OP)
There is a working tow truck where i live that looks like tomater.
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I spotted this car when I was walking in Akihabara back in March of this year.
A car like that in Japan and a car like that in the West are completely different.
The west is so stuck up
Its not a matter of being 'stuck up', it's a matter of what the common cartoon style is. In the West, if you had something like Simpsons decals all over your car, people would generally think 'cool', whereas you would be thought a freak if it were anime decals because of the anime nerd stereotype in the West. I don't know how Japan views Western cartoons, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were the opposite. The point is, anime is a bigger and more commonplace part of Japanese culture than it is in Western cultures.


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