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What's the typical procedure for obtaining Comicon tickets. SDCC 2014 will be the first time I'll finally be able to go. I imagine tickets for then will go on sale sometime soon.
>>6982343 (OP)
Figure out when the tickets go on sale and have your computer ready at least half an hour beforehand. Then hope you can grab them fast enough, since they sell out in like 5 seconds. This was my experience from 2011 at least. My family had 5 computers out and didn't manage to get tickets.
Vendors/reviewers/companies often get first pick (and they buy dozens each) due to being veteran attendees.
You've got to hit "Purchase" when they open sales on the dot or miss out.
Just don't and let a fan who went last year go, you prick.
you can't be serious. People who went this year get priority registration anyway silly.
Find a fat neckbeard who is attending
Follow him to his hotel
Kill him with one knife cut to the throat
Skin him
Wear him.
Practice your fat guy voice.

You can now attend Comic-con. No one will notice the stench because you are cosplaying as a fat guy and they are supposed to smell terrible.
They went on sale in february this year iirc
bump for experiences
Easiest way? Buy it straight up for $250-300. Yeah, you're paying some scalper double but it's seriously the easiest way. Craigslist is flooded with tickets at the con. If you want your name on the ticket it's a bit more for a comp pass (unregistered) but you don't need your name on it. All that matters is that the badge holder is the right color. They don't check names and I've only been checked once for my badge being an actual one. I even saw guys selling their badge holders so people with one days could go the rest.

If you want to pay face value then you have to be lucky. They sell out in about 1 hour. I've held up pretty well in the past few years.
>>6982343 (OP)
open up the internet and do the world time and watch that like it tells the time of the second coming of jesus. as soon as its the time you click and pray like you never have before.
Actually that was open to the public. Pre-sale (People who went in 2012) Got first dibs back on August of last year.

Also Staffer buddy told me expect tickets to be available between November and February.

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