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What do your parents think about cosplaying, cons, etc?

Do they respect what you do? Do they think it's really weird?
Nigga, I'm 24. I don't give a fuck what my parents think.
>>6997531 (OP)
She got used to be dressing weird to school. She just thinks cons are better places to wear costume.
I really need to get a wheelchair and bring her one day it would be fun ^3^
My mom makes fun of it but doesn't mind it.
"you and your japanese cartoon costumes"
They know about it. I don't walk around wearing costumes outside the con or anything like that, I feel I have two separate lives I live and I don't let one spill over into the other. That doesn't revolve around my life anyway.

I do have some stuff on Facebook like pix from cons, a few of my cosplays but it's mostly my mom who has an issue with it. She thinks it's weird and that I need to "grow out of it" and that they compare it to children wearing costumes. I'm doing well in school and I'm 21 so I don't know what her problem is. The sooner I graduate and leave home, the better.
Mom seemed to enjoy it, she even helped with some of the body painting. She is the artsy type.
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Mom tells me it's not important when ever I tell her what costume I am going to make, checks up on me while I am making it and doesn't show much of a reaction when it's done other than 'mmhmm, i see'.
When other people see it and seem very impressed, she stands back looking/acting all proud of me.
Once my mom didn't want me to make a Davy Jones costume because she thought the tentacle beard reminded her of snakes. She hates snakes. Didn't want it in the house. Other than that she never interfered with my work.
My parents help me with my stuff. I don't have a job because I'm a loser.
My mum and dad are both businesspersons, and they think it's a great venue to squeeze money out of teenagers. They help me set up online sales for cosplay / trendy tumblr stuff on eBay.
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Athens Athens STEM major for 10 years
I'm 24. My dad accompanies me to Otakon and he even cosplays as the Sniper from TF2. You can find pictures of him online at various websites, actually.

My mom just kinda rolls her eyes at the both of us, but she knows how important it is, especially to my dad, since it's like the one vacation he takes a year.
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My parents actually sat me down a couple of months ago and told me they wanted me to give up lolita fashion and be more "normal".

I'm 21 years old and have always bought everything lolita myself. I've bought my own clothes since 7th grade, but now that it's 'weird' and I'm comfortable wearing it publicly it's an issue.

I obviously told them no. I'm an full time college student with a full time job, and I'll dress how I please. They got pissed because they still try to micromanage my life even after kicking me out last year.

11 more months until I'm in the National Guard and don't have to deal with them anymore. If the state is paying for my college and paying me an additional $200+ a month, I can pay for health insurance, a car, and my housing expenses. It's as simple as that.
That sounds awesome, I'd love to cosplay with my dad, but he'd never be up for it
My dad thinks cosplay is a waste of money and doesn't understand why I need more than one costume. He likes to help me make stuff though, when I don't talk about the cost of everything, haha
I wear lolita as well, my parents never really minded, though my mom is really glad I don't wear pink. Dad thinks it costs a bit too much, but he still tells me I look nice. My parents used to be a bit quirky when they were young too, so they're pretty accepting of all the weird stuff I do.
I'm nearly 30 and I started cosplaying after I moved out. My dad doesn't seem to care, but he does think literally every con I go to is a-kon because one time I asked him to meet me for lunch when I was in town for it.

My mom died right before I really started. The only time I ever mentioned it to her was when I was going to buy some fabric. She just gave me one of those mom glares, like "that is really dumb but you aren't hurting anyone so I guess I can't stop you"

Honestly sometimes I wonder what she would say if I could tell her all about it now...
They think my costumes are cool, but keep saying that cosplayers past the age of 16 are "weirdos'.

But fuck them. I'm 20, living on my own, and can make my own decisions.
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>wearing loli in public
Literally as bad as juggalos
My mom thinks it's great. She helped me with my first project (it was a coat), and then got mad when I told her I wanted to remake it.
Her mother and grandmother were seamstresses, so she's grown up around this kind of stuff. She's really not good with terms and methods though, so she just kind of supports it on the side.

My dad.. did like it (he's dead now..).
We won free passes to a comic convention a few months ago, and the entire time, he kept asking me why I wasn't cosplaying (I mostly do anime, I'm not that into comics).
The main thing he didn't get was why I needed more than one outfit for a character.
When I first started cosplaying, my mother hated it and told me it was a waste of time and money. Then other family members and friends found out and complimented my work and told my mother how creative her daughter is. She now acts super supportive in front of anyone who will listen to her, but when alone, she just rolls her eyes.
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Since I only cosplay once or twice a year, my parents don't give a shit about it the rest of the time.
Yeah, they know I spend upwards of $500 for a convention and maybe a bit more for a costume, but it's a twice-a-year hobby for me. They've said things to me about my spending before but they know it's not a weekly (or hell, even monthly occurrence). They know how unreasonable they'd sound if they gave me massive shit for that. I'm 21 and most people around here in my age group are out at the bar every weekend blowing upwards of $50 or getting themselves knocked up with babies that can cost a good 8k a year.

And I know the whole "hurrdurr but your parents don't give a shit about other kids, they give a shit about you" argument, but still. It's just really not a destructive hobby. Neither is lolita. Which I can only afford very rarely.
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I'm 23 and have been cosplaying and going to cons since I was 13.
My dad doesn't approve and has thought that it's a phase for the last decade. He's slightly less angry about it now because for the last 4-5 years my interests have been more comics than anime, since he read comics as a kid. Regardless, he still doesn't really approve. Then again he doesn't really approve of anything I do and I'm a fucking PhD student.
He's the type of parent who wanted to do something (law school) and just cannot be satiated unless their kid does exactly that.
Even though I'm an adult, it's frustrating that he thinks such a major part of my life is complete bullshit. Frankly, it's highly insulting that he insists it's fad and that I need to grow up or I'll be a complete failure, which I'm clearly not.

My mom has always been really supportive though.

Opposite for me. My dad just cares that I keep my grades up. Which they are
I'm not too sure what my mom thinks...she worries about me spending so much time on costumes, but I've always been a super awesome student so there was nothing to complain about really besides the "money I spend" which isn't that much since it's only a 4 times a year thing and I don't go too far.

So at first she was weird about it, but then she got super supportive when my stuff got good feedback.

last year she put 2 of my costumes on our Christmas card without telling me....I WTFd at her so hard.
Mom buys me wigs and fabric for birthday/Christmas, and she gets super excited seeing how much love and effort I put into my outfits/making new friends. Scuba diving is her hobby so I think she knows that sometimes the things that catch our attention don't always make sense to others. She's always super impressed with the stuff I make. Not her cup of tea but she knows it makes me happy.
My old man thinks its cool as long I pick up at the cons and/or get a lot of photos with cute cosplay girls.
He thinks I am just in it for the girls and hes half right.
My dad was the one who first introduced me to cons many years ago and he really loves the idea of being around so many people that share your "uncommon" interests.

My mom on the other hand thinks it's all just a huge waste of money. She still doesn't understand why you would need to go to con for more than one day, nevertheless every year. To her, it's like "If it's the same things they sell, same things to do and the venue doesn't change, why do you need to see it more than once? Just go hang out with your friends for free somewhere else."
Then for cosplay, she honestly thought my boyfriend and I were the only people who make their costumes and were just wasting our money/effort when we could just "buy them like everyone else." She thinks a little better of it now after I showed her WIPs from my friends and other cosplayers I like.
I had that standard middle school stint where I was really into stuff like Naruto and my parents knew but I don't think they knew I liked anime to the extent that I do. I don't come off as a 'weeaboo' nor do I talk about it really.
But, the first time I cosplayed, I wasn't home for them to see. My mom however heard that anime conventions were for furries and she thought that I was a furry and that I was going to get in some fursuit that I don't even own and yiff there. (I'm not even joking) So she was being really strict and I didn't understand why until she told me when I got back.
After I got back and explained to her what it actually was, she lightened up a lot about it. I then went to another convention and she was so proud of my cosplay and my parents were both happy and took pictures and were really lenient.

I don't think they really understand, but they know it's my hobby and something I enjoy.
My dad drove me to an anime con meeting and saw a ton of furries outside (Con/Meet/Something nearby). He confused my mascots with furries and went over and talked to them while I was in the meeting. Months later my dad took me to a fur con.

My dad knows the difference between cosplay and furry, he knows I'm just a cosplayer. He's a furry, even had me make him a costume. Now I escort my dad to furcons. I'm the gay dar to keep pops safe.

My mom is willing to help me whenever I ask, but as I am still new to sewing ao my stuff looks okay but not great. Whenever she sees an imperfection in my work she says something along the lines of "how much would it cost just to buy that..?" It's very discouraging. Oh well, at least she isn't trying to be mean or hate on my stuff. Maybe when I get better she'll even think it's neat.
my mom thinks its really great, im lucky to have her as a mother
shes really supportive of it and actually likes some of the stuff at cons she always says she wants to go to one too one day
my dad used to be really against cosplaying, and even anime in general. being the only son, he expected me to play baseball just like he did, and be all buff and get the ladies, but instead i'm skinny, watch anime, and browse the internet. although, one day, he saw me watching cowboy bebop, and he actually sat down and enjoyed it with me. ever since then, he's gained alot of respect for anime and japanese culture in general. Today, he's supportive of me, and encourages me to meet some cute girls at cons I go to.
because cowboy bebop is awesome
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I don't even know what to feel about this post.
at this point they just like anything that gets me out of my room for a few days
Part One

I told my parents about the conventions I go in the DC area around 2008. My dad did not care as long as I'm safe and he was interested in some of the things I do. My mom fully supported me going to these conventions.

Now come 2011, my dad suddenly out of the blue does not support me going to conventions anymore. My mom still does, but it's my dad. Later on after graduating from college in late 2012, he told me I should be more "serious" about my lige and that "the age of animation is over". Basically, when he mention "serious" he wants my life to consist of work, television, and socializing with people I don't relate to instead of work, play, and going to the seasonal convention. And as for "the age of animation is over", he does not want me to watch any anime as a adult anymore: He rather has me watch the dime a dozen crime/legal/murder/medical dramas/sitcom/reality garbage on TV.

Even though I tried to explain that a people a lot old me go to conventions he said: "I understand, but you don't have to do what other people do". Which means "I understand, but I don't care. You can do whatever you want as long as it's "normal" for me" So trying to convince him is a waste of time and breath, as he is somewhat of a brickhead.

Part two:
Three key things you need to know.
1. My mother is a african-american, my father is immigrant nigerian-american. My father is currently a workaholic, only watches television, and socializes with people I can't relate in parties.
2. I used to live alone with my grandad from 2012-2013 I support him with his basic needs, he pays the rent and I get to attend conventions without my dad's interference. That changed because my grandad needed a dedicated place to live. That forced me to move in with my dad's house again.
3. I'm male and unemployed. I have a BA degree and currently in a intensive course to get a marketable skill in Linux so I can get a actual job. Currently moving out is not a option until I save at least 5,000 dollars. But even if I get a job my dad will invoke some sort of "my family my rules" despite the fact that I was raised mostly by my mother.
>>6998782 (You)
That blows, man. More people need to start telling college graduates (graduating in the fall with a BA) that as soon as one starts going to college, get an internship or something so you have experience in whatever field you're aiming for.

That's the big thing right now that's keeping most people from having decent jobs: experience we were supposed to get while finishing college in 4 years.
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My dad's a reclusive slav who thinks I'm a genius and that anyone who crosses me deserves death, and my mom has balls of iron steel. My dad's usually busy but could care less what I do as long as I'm not pregnant by a guy who isn't white or asian. He seems relieved that I'm still on my way to becoming a wizard.

My mom tries to get me to go out and buy manga and pony stuff just so I leave the house. She wants to take me with her grocery shopping and stuff. I can wear a pair of huge shitty headphones blaring terrible weaboo jpop music and follow her around the store and she won't even be fazed. I got a job a year after I graduated (last year), so I've been trying to spend at least 80% of my money on them. I might save up and take them to a con. My mom might actually enjoy it, and I can't imagine they would think any less of me for wearing costumes considering my regular clothes consist of OTKs, skirts and baggy-ass tops versus the jeans-with-shirt-and-sometimes-a-crotch-length-sundress garb typical of my area.
Problem is that they pull this experience bullshit because they're too damn cheap to hire people. With the great recession, businesses lost access to easy credit. Then they realize they can make more profit by intentionally understaffing people.

If you have the experience, you still need connections to get the job as 90% of jobs in public already have a internal candidate or a connection! How do you get connections? You network which is fucking useless unless you like booze or getting punched in the face figuarely by people who don't want to help.

Sadly, people need a college education and a certifiable course of a marketable skill to get a actual job in Western World.
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I'm really not so sure of my parents right now. It's always very up and down with them. Sometimes they're proud, like when my mom tells me she likes that I put my creativity into more things besides art (I'm halfway through a four year program with a BFA in a drawing/painting concentration); additionally, in the fall I was interviewed for a cosplay I did at a pretty big con and when my dad saw the video he thought I looked nice and that I was really enjoying myself, in his words, and that made him happy. But then there are moments like this summer when my dad told me suddenly that I wasn't allowed to go to Otakon because "it's a waste of money, you went the last two years, you don't need to go again" all said in a very unnecessary, derogatory tone.

They're both very traditionally conservative and usually find the whole hobby to be stupid and a waste of time and money. As it stands I'm doing very well in school, maintain two jobs during the summer and the semester (one being a job for my university and the other a job I've been at for four years now, just a different location close to my college) and I'm nearly 21 with a good head on my shoulders so I'm not really sure why they don't just let me continue to spend my money and gas money on going to cons and making cosplays for myself, especially when I'm home for the summer Otakon is really the only thing I go to (most of the cons I like/are close to me are when I'm in school 3.5 hours from home). I'm more annoyed with myself that I chickened out of really trying to talk it through with them but I suppose I'm tired of the fighting that results and I don't want to be verbally reminded that despite the good person I try to be, this is apparently something that disappoints them.

I really hope that they let me stay in my apartment this summer as I'll still have the lease from this August to next so that I'll have a little more freedom. It saddens me that I have to think that way but hey. Gotta grow up sometimes I guess.

there's a whole mess of typos and lots of run-ons; my apologies, feeling sleepy
that's all right, anon. we all are.
Now you know my >feels

Nothing stranger than telling a stranger "Stop hitting on my dad."
I'm 20 years old and live with my Dad. I go to college part time and work part time/full time. He doesn't charge me rent because I'm still a student, but that will change if we get into a bigger house. I do pay my own bills though (car insurance, cell phone, etc.)

He's is very supportive of it. He helps my friends and I make our props. As a gift for my senior year in high school, he brought me to Sakura-con with some friends and he got all excited about it. He was blown away at the huge crowds and lit up whenever he saw a character he recognized. He even mused over cosplaying Maximus one of these days. He likes to see all the photos of my cosplays and any videos that I appear in.

My mom, not so much. She refuses to let my siblings watch anime (save for Pokemon) and she doesnt like to talk about it. I never bring up cosplay around her because I think she researched the darker side of cosplay and cant see anything good coming out of it. I also think she's bothered by the fact that I crossplay and it's not a "normal" hobby that "normal" people partake in. She did put one of my cosplays on the Christmas card though, but I feel like she had to force herself to do it. My grandma is also very judgmental and I think it rubs off on her.

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