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Why is she cosplaying Tiny Tina with an obviously visible cleavage?

Why do you girls do this?
its obviously WIP

you are just jelly your tits arent as nice
Because they want attention? Not that hard to figure out mate.
This is what I'm thinking, at least I sure hope it's WIP. There's so much missing parts of the costume.
Least I'm not a slut.
I really hate girls showing their tits unnecessarily for attention is cosplay, but that doesn't seem like the case here, OP. Look at the cut of that top in the design. That's going to show a bit of cleavage unless you're totally flat chested, and it doesn't look like it'd really work with a binder. Sometimes there's just not much you can do about the boobs.
Because Tiny Tina is literally thirteen-years-old and has a very specific body type that most grown women don't have.

Also, WIP from the looks of things.
Disregard that, I suck dicks, just realised that was a pink panel on the top rather than skin showing. Yeah, unless she's still working on the top, she's just showing tits for attention. Groce.
But Tina has a sort of sweater vest thing going on(note the grey ribbing)+a unisex collared red shirt/sleevless top under it if you actually look closer
if you girls had nice tits you would show them off too
You again? Fuck off! Stop trying to push your 'all cosplayers need to have their tits out' mentality. This board is not for braindead, pussy-starved Jessica Nigri fans, it's for people who actually like cosplay. There are so many other boards for people who like tits.
Christ, i'm almost positive this is a WIP photo, the cleavage isn't even that nice, I honestly don't even notice it. If this isn't a WIP then it's terribly innacurate but hardly worth losing your shit over.

She does have a good face for the character though, I dig it.
If I had nice tits, I'd cosplay as a character that has nice tits.
Even if it's WIP, it's not really right for her to take pics of her cleavage like that, I mean, just in general, best to cover up.

Yeah, kind of agree with this. Work in progress or not she shouldn't be showing off her cleav.
You agree because you're the same poster and it's incredibly obvious.
>>6815184 (OP)
It's not bad. Show less boob and try looking a lot more crazier.


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