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This probably doesn't deserve its own thread but need some quick advice since I need to get this done asap. So general vocaloid thread as well, dumping images i have from google and some i saved from here.

So I'm going to cosplay mikuo, I can fix up most the parts perfectly fine, got everything done, except the sleeve things vocaloids wear. I've seen some fanart done without them so not sure if i should even bother. So just asking if you guys think i should add them on, and if so how do i go about making them?

pic was only one i had on my computer.
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You must be 18+ to use this website.
>implying im not.
but i'm sure it was totally worth your time to drop by just to say that.
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I honestly wouldn't recognize you immediately as Mikuo without them.
Usually they're made out of some sort of leather/vinyl. I think any sort of black material would work, really. Except satins and things, those are too thin.
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>that flat skirt
>sleeves not attached together
>seam in front of lace
>doesnt know how a body works
>that face shop
>the visible black string holding up the white thing on skirt
>fucked up hands

this is such a shitty replica i cant even hold in my laughter
Well i meant they usually have that weird detail stuff, whatever the fuck it is. Not entirely sure. And my girlfriend and friends are cosplaying as other vocaloids so I'm doing it for her, might be a little more obvious and i don't want to fuck up a major part..
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Oh, the little buttons and things on the sides?
Hm. The online-bought ones seem to have some kind of reflective plastic stuff for those, or it's just a giant sticker on black that's attached to the sleeve.

You really just need a lot of shiny squares/rectangles in those sorts of colours. I think the hardest part would be making sure they don't fall off.

I don't completely recommend getting coloured duct tape and cutting out the shapes, but if you direly need to do that..

Also! I don't think you'll need to wash the sleeves all that much (as long as you take them off before eating), so that'll give you more things to work with.

I don't really know what else to do, sorry man.
Yeah its cool. thanks for the advice. The store bought ones look pretty lame as well. only seen a couple ones i thought were pretty good, but theres no way in hell im going to be building one of those soon. Probably just going to get a black sleeve with teal outlined, then make a gray patch and make it up like a lid.
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>mfw a "Hold, Release (Rakshasa & Corpses)" Miku
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Just make the sleeves. You could probably get enough material from remnants of the upholstery section at a fabric store.

Best bet to do the panel quickly without ordering one would be cutting out squares and rectangles from the nicer scrap booking papers from hobby stores or cutting out craft foam and coating it with something like wood glue or mod podge to get a sheen.

I personally like the fancy LED panels, but I don't know if you'd want to drop the money on them.
bump for more ideas,

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