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Guys, I know we don't like Jnig, but I seriously love this...I think it is funny and stuff.

I'm so confused.
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imo it's the same type of gag over and over again. Her making some weird face with some dude propping most of the funny factor, and of course tits.
To me that's not humor.
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>>6818964 (OP)
>Guys, I know we don't like Jnig
Only the fatties in /cgl/ dont like her
i almost thought Nicholas Cage's face was photoshopped onto hers when i looked at this quickly. oh my god.
I think there are plenty of people who don't like her now that she's committed copyright infringement and blamed the photographer for getting called out on her shit.
that's not even a good shoop idk why people post this so much
>Her making some weird face
She always makes them on her candid pictures, I'm thinking she's trying to hide her butterface.

Oh god, J-Nig fans are now as bad as Miyu fans claiming every bad picture is a shoop.
She has a sixhead, admit it.
its not a shoop.......

I'm not a fan, I don't have a much of an opinion on her either way. She has a large forehead, and that's still a shoop.


Yes it is, it's very easily noticeable (like why she has what appears to be a wrinkle in that bald spot, which wouldn't be the case were it real)


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