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Seagulls, have you seen this?


He has contact many women, trying to basically find out if they are "interested" in them, and when they are not he freaks out. He becomes judgemental, sexist and almost delusional. He threaten the girl in the link, saying how he had "guns and knives for people like you". I saw another cosplayer post that he threatened to slander and make up rumours about them if they ever said anything about him. He's a fruit cake. Though, that's not hard to guess by the fact he likes to dress up as a Nazi...
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holy fuck that post

let me guess what's on his okcupid

>I will be the MAN in the relationship
>if you listen to radio bullshit, don't bother messaging me
>I will only date inside my race
>If you've had more than 3 boyfriends, don't bother messaging me
>>6960319 (OP)
A balding, 20-something, nazi enthusiast.. It's a wonder the women aren't tripping over each other trying to get summa dat.
one of these things is not like the other~
Related but unrelated
I actually know quite a few Nazi cosplayers in the Texas area. A majority of them are completely normal, business professional individuals.
And all of them are surprisingly not racist or misogynistic.
What would possess someone to do a nazi cosplay is beyond me.
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Why does it seem like the people who have obvious traits that make them repulsive are always the ones to call men/women shallow/disgusting/slut/douche/etc when they get turned down after... being repulsive?
That was a funny read.
Despite everything horrible they did, fuckers designed one of the classiest, most striking uniform profiles in history.

That's really all it comes down to.
>>6960319 (OP)
Real motherfucking talk:
I hope she reported this guy to the police.

>That's why I keep guns and knives, so I can kill people like you!

That's a legit threat on someone's life. The dude's a mentally unstable neo-nazi with extremist beliefs and he's in a bad place, emotionally.

He's a danger to himself and others and that's good enough to get the police involved.
Nothing is classier than Hugo Boss.
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Kind of hoping he stumbles in here
This guy is a hoot. When I turned him down since I had never met him, he said he was going to hunt me down at a convention and rape and kill me. I really regret deleting the chat after blocking him, I had pages worth of gold from him, now I can only paraphrase.

man whatever happen to free speech. Did you hear about the kid that got arrested for talking smack on LoL?

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