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Secrets you know about cosplayers or secrets you have of your own.

For a start I know of one girl who used to use a sugar daddy website.
I know this english guy who won't stop shitposting on /cgl/.
You mean you know and English guy.
when I was extremely depressed and suicidal I used my parents' credit card to buy lolita.
no regrets because now I'm in recovery, taking meds, and seeing a counselor. I didn't kill myself because frilly dresses gave me something to look forward to.
I deliberately made a friend's cosplay unflattering because she refused to pay me for time and materials and didn't let me know this 'til the day before the costume was finished.
I also was the one who called her boyfriend when she tried to cheat on him with a mutual friend at one of my parties.
>>6988512 (OP)
Know this one constantly embarrassing himself like this - http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2jb34p2&s=5

Crossplays and takes 'sexy'/provocative photos of self.

Runs an illegal business (Maid Cafe) in Melbourne, that doesn't pay the workers, doesn't pay tax, is on a student visa, and doesn't have any food safety certification.

Has expressed desire to bring harm to pretty and popular cosplayers and photographers or anyone with talent, such as acid in the face, or losing a limb, citing it is an unfair advantage for them to have talent, wishing punishment onto them to somehow level the 'playing field'.

Is just the butt of every joke in the community.
The girls in my local lolita community have cleaned up their image a lot.

But I remember the days when they were all openly crazy dramahounds. Now they are just in the closet about it, so when they tell people they never even look at /cgl/, I laugh to myself.
Nearly six years ago I tried to kill myself two time. Having a counselor did nothing for me, I was even admitted in a psychiatric clinic. My life savior is lolita fashion. Since then, my life is decked in frills that protect me better than anyone did before. And each time I read/hear someone hating on lolita fashion and culture it hurt hard in my heart. I feel that nobody in my local comm and in my family/friends get how much it count for me, but I don't want them to feel awkward by explains them such depressing thoughts.
My best friend and I ALWAYS "accidentally" cosplay stuff that goes very well together, while her beta boy friend dosnt. I'm pretty sure she wants him to be a cuck as she is constantly making us take pictures together infront of him that make it look like we are (still) a couple. Pretty sure he has no idea whats on her mind.
>I love every second of it
Also I'm pretty sure she has s monster rape fantasy. Shes always suggesting I dress up as creatures and got really REALLY excited when I did and was in character "stealing" her at a con. She also wont stop looking at bad dragon and thinks I dont know it.
>I'm a freak and wish I had snagged her when I had the chance, but secretly prefer it this way, since shes a universal 9/10 and love the secret corruption in her.

I've got problems. But thank you cosplay gods, you make this so much easier.
i have a clumsy, gross-looking fat friend who is awful at sewing and has a habit of accidental panty shots/nip slips because like i said she's really clumsy

but i encourage her to keep cosplaying because i like seeing her embarrass herself, it's really hilarious and never gets old
I know of few girls from my comm that they sell their underwear online at myusedpantystore...and get quite a lot money for it.
I'm looking at the site right now.
How much money do they usually get for selling their underwear?
I would definitely do this for some extra money, but it'd be my first time doing something like this. Seems worth a try, at least.

Sage for no contribution!
I've thought about it before.
wow you're a bitch
I charge everyone staying in my hotel room a little extra so that I don't actually end up paying anything for the room.

I feel like this is somewhat fair though, considering it's my name on the room and my credit card. All liability comes right back to me. Or maybe that's just what I say to sleep at night.
No, I think that's right. You're liable for the shit they do.
A girl known as 'Abipop' cheated on her boyfriend with this guy I work with, she pretends to be all innocent and such but shes real nasty, its not the only time shes cheated because a friend of mine go accidental video footage of her with another guy.
I was coming in here to post this. I find it disgusting and I would never do it as I have respect for myself.
For the past 4 years I've bee playing mind games with this guy who really likes me, everytime we meet at a con (twice a year) we fuck a few times and when I leave I cut contact with him but he continues to try to build our relationship to be something more. Then when the con time comes around again I'll start talking to him to get laid again.
God that was painful to watch
>/lolitas with daddy issues

And then they wonder why no one respects them
that is actually terrifying.
>Crossplays and takes 'sexy'/provocative photos of self.

Is it bad that i kinda want to see?
Yes anon, yes it is.

he's like 5/10 at best.
>if you have issues of any kind you deserve no respect
Tsk tsk- we all have issues anon, not everyone is controlled by them however.
I let my friends make bad choices for their cosplays because I don't want to sound like a know it all and be telling them how to do things all the time, even though I have more experience.
It's called issues because we have problems with things we should not, and act accordingly.
Disliking and keeping distance? Ok. Disrespecting? Yeah, no, you are just trying to rationalize your acting like an asshole.
I think this is something I'd like to do, except it's difficult to stay anonymous. Guys usually go for ones where the girls post pics of their faces, not just body.
While you're scamming, can you grab me some items? I think I want a new pair of shoes and a petti.
That's what turned me away from it. Kinda makes me sad. I can't photoshop at all, either.
I know they have a reddit based one and some girls don't show their face. That's where I thought about going.
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Sorry if I don't respect 25+ year old girls with no discipline wearing baby dresses anon- respect is earned.

We've got an ongoing discussion about selling used panties for fucks sake, need I say more?

You just answered your own debate point, "...problems with things we should not...". It's not like I go out of my way to let them know anon, I just think you're pitiable, end of story.
So I guess you don't have any 'issues' then. You're just a ray of fucking sunshine in a world full of crazy bitches.
I'm a bit of a goody two-shoes myself, but I'd love to get in on this.
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Okay, Miss Perfect Anon-sama. So, you're better than everyone else.
Ok anon, one last time cause apparently you can't for the love of fuck read correctly.

This was me>>6989005
Notice the words WE ALL and CONTROL

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're all very sweet and innocent-spaghetti-like when you're not cosplaying.
>implying I am that anon
I'm just following this thread and you sound kind of pretentious. Everyone has problems and you can't always keep it together, no one is perfect.
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Then I'll rephrase since everyone seems to be suddenly riding my ass about it- your having issues is not the problem, it's your using it as an excuse to act like an entitled child.

>waaahhh I do things I know I shouldn't be doing because I have issues
When you use stolen cards do you take precautions? Like go to shops outside of where you live, and dressing to blend in?
Also PIN numbers?
>paypal fraud scam
do tell please
testing if I am banned for a bit.
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All these deleted posts.
It's cool anon, I get what you mean.
testing if i'm banned.
We seem to be in the clear
I hope... :/

My secret? I cosplay for halloween because that's how I meet friends.
Now there's a smart anon- I do the same.
>>6988512 (OP)
I can top Op's friend, I used Fling and Craigslist. Fakes, fakes everywhere.
>that full archive feel.
Not too smart... i exhausted all my ideas... but I'm plus sized. I thought about Sailor Pluto or Marceline (from adventure time) , but I don't wanna be made fun of.
Biggest drama of the century, years in the making, aged liked a fine wine, evidence everywhere, the potential to ruin someones life for eternity.

And we are keeping it secret because the fallout would hurt other people.
I want to know! Don't tease me like this, anon!
That's terrible! I always thought she was so nice. Anymore drama surrounding her?
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Your mom aged like fine wine.


Girly girls (as not all girls are the same) like lace and frills by nature, it has nothing to do with "daddy issues". I have zero daddy issues but wearing pretty dresses feels amazing and has nothing to do with the men in my life whatsoever.
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I couldn't sit through that. Not happening. No.
I don't know if Laika/rundevinrun still tripfags here any more, but whatever
She's cheated on her boyfriend about 5 times. That I know of.
With 3 different dudes.
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You mean the Volpin stuff?
Look at you having a little fit because nobody understands you.
Maybe you should quit acting like a cunt. I'm not even a Lolita. Yet you've really proved yourself to be one judgemental little bitch.
Oh Jesus Christ, you can't just say that and then not explain. Now I'm going to assume Volpin cheated on his wife with Yaya Han or something.
I never understood this fucking stigma that doing sexual stuff for money means you have no self-respect. I think I have more self respect than anyone I know because I'm confident and accepting of my body and sexuality. And if someone else wants to be accepting of my body as sexuality as well, cool. And if they want to fucking PAY me for that too, that's just fucking awesome.

Not trying to do the whole 'muh empowerment muh vagina' thing, but there's something special about a dude requesting your 'heavenly used panties' for $150. That's a pretty big ego booster there. Some dude will spend money on something I wore for an hour or so. It almost makes me feel like a celebrity. This shit I wouldn't even give to someone ends up giving me more money than any job I ever had.

I get that you think it's disgusting, and I'm not trying to change anyone's views or opinions. Hell, if every girl did this shit, I would have a much harder time selling my undies. So more for me. However, I am trying to explain that not everyone in the sex industry doesn't have self-respect. I love what I do, I'm extremely happy with who I am, and if someone wants to pay me for shit that involves my sexuality, why the fuck not?

tl;dr your morals aren't the only morals, and self-respect is relative
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>I never understood this fucking stigma that doing sexual stuff for money means you have no self-respect.
Because if you truly respected yourself you wouldn't want to sell your body to complete strangers for the sake of money. Your body would be worth MORE than someone else's money.
You are being bought and sold like a piece of meat and you don't even give a fuck.

I don't know how to feel about the whole panty thing, but how hard up does someone have to be to sell their dirty panties to some closeted pervert. People 'think' it's disgusting because it fucking is. The whole principle is someone getting off on a stranger's used garments. That would be like someone walking into a public bathroom and taking out the used maxi pads in there because they saw some hot girl dispose of them. Oooo it has her period and cum stains on the pad and it still smells, MmmmmMMmm~*~
>morality is subjective tho
Give me a break.
Darmok and Jilar at Tenagra?
Some of us don't actually have a problem with people getting off on our body. The only person who should really have to love and respect me is my fucking self. And I do. And if people chose to treat me like a 'piece of meat' then that's their issue. Not mine. And you use 'piece of meat' as if I'm an escort or prostitute or something. I take pictures of my vagina and send my underwear to people. I can definitely understand that it's very similar to prostitution, the sex industry is the sex industry after all. However, if I'm a piece of meat, I must be a pretty fucking special ass steak if people want to pay money to see pictures of said steak and purchase the paper it comes wrapped in.

I get what you're saying, I really do. And I understand that you're tying to get me to see how 'gross' it is that people desire a girl's bodily fluids with your maxi-pad reference. However, if someone wanted to buy my used maxipad, I wouldn't have an issue with it. I couldn't actually sell that though, it's illegal to ship that stuff for good reasons.

I am comfortable with my body and I respect myself. I am comfortable with sending people little favors like that because I'm just the type of person who can do that happily. I don't do this to search for a man or someone to ~*truly love and respect me*~ because, again, my self respect is the only real respect that matters in this world.

I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but not every girl gets off cam and cries about her life and how no one respects her because she shows her tits off online.
Except if their morals aren't the only morals, the same thing applies to you. Just understand most people don't get you and move on.
>And you use 'piece of meat' as if I'm an escort or prostitute or something.
Considering you said that you don't 'get the whole stigma of people doing sexual stuff for money,' I thought it was pretty clear we were talking about an encompassing idea of money in exchange for sexual favors which does include prostitution, stripping, escorting, selling used panties, etc.
>I take pics of my vagoo and send my underwear to people
So this is personally motivated and you're upset that people find you a whore with no self-respect. Well sorry, but I think you should have known before you gotten into this line of 'work.' Not everyone is going to find what you do respectable or special. That's just a reality that you're going to have to come to terms with. And as you said, "Your morality is not my morality."
Honestly having sex for money to me is disgusting because it can harbor diseases. That's basically the only reason. It just seems dirty and most times it is.
You're just as bad as a street walker, stop trying to justify it.
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Darmok and Jalad on the Ocean.
>special ass steak
One does not weigh value on a scale of maggots, the preferred system of measurement my dear lady is that of tigers...
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Temba, his arms wide.
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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was forcing my opinion on others. I just wanted to through out my views for the sake of conversation.

Yeah, I said that what I do is similar to prostitution. Hell, I'll go ahead and say it is prostitution. However, trying to put the selling of photographs on par with sucking some dude's dick for 20 bucks is a little bit of a stretch.

And I never said I was upset. I again reiterate that I am simply giving a different viewpoint to this topic. I don't ever try and convince someone that my views are the right views and I apologize if I came off that way. It's totally fine if you feel what I do is wrong, gross, immoral, sinful etc. I just wanted to express that it is definitely possible for people to have self-respect in a feild where a stigma of no self-respect is widely believed.

Streetwalkers have to actually put dicks in their mouths and butts and get diseases and face violence and death daily. I have already expressed that I understand what I do is technically on par with prostitution. I'm not trying to justify what I do, but simply clarify what I actually do. And if you feel that what I do is really the same thing, that's fine. I am agreeing with you on that. But again, selling photos and letting people sniff my undies is a different ball-park than being a literal prostitute. There's a reason why what I do is legal and actual prostitution is illegal.

I'm probably just stupid but I have no idea what you just said.
>>6988512 (OP)

You must be new here.
I'm out of metaphors. I only just started watching TNG on BBC America, and I caught that episode twice. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra" was stuck in my head for days.
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>maggots eating steak
>maggots are creeps that buy your shit
>you're the steak
>weigh value
>weighing ounces of steak
>system of measurement
>symbolic for your own personal value
>symbolic for real men
>they're not eating you
>the end
FYI: sex work of any kind isn't selling your body. You keep your body as your own. It's selling a service. Unless you think that every single manual laborer who uses their muscles and every single model is "selling their body" too this logic literally makes no sense.

No problem, I'm just glad to derail the thread from MUH GINA problems.
Ohhhh, okay, I see what you're saying. Yeah that makes sense. I guess I cater to the 'maggots.' Probably because I don't use my body to find mates or respect from males. I see what you're saying.

However, maggots actually want to pay me. Tigers just want to fuck me. I prefer money to sex personally.

I am the cam-girl 'prostitute' who has been discussing self respect in this thread. I can see what you're saying and understand. We all chose to 'sell ourselves' in some way. There is a stigma attached to sexual selling though. So while this may be a valid point, it is still seen very differently through most people because of the nature of the service. So while this may make perfect sense to you and I, it's not going to work for other's viewpoints.

I also wonder if men would be treated the same as women in the same position.
Oh God, my voice is just like his...
I hope you are trolling us, you monster.
>tigers want to fuck me
sure they do anon, sure they do...

There seems to be a lot of that attitude going around, at what point in your lives did some of you girls start to develop this sense of I don't need no man, I can have anything I want from them anyways.

Again, not arguing that you need a man but I'm sensing so much man hatred coming from that post.
Hatred? More like a misplaced sense of validation-seeking insecurity that literally nobody on cgl gives an actual fuck about.
Sugar baby/escort myself. I'm not at all debating the stigma, I just hate that so much of the stigma is due to faulty reasoning (like "you're selling your body"). I'm not likely to change anyone's mind but I will always speak up against that.
What do you mean?
I love girls who have confidence and can keep calm even when offended, and since people are paying to have your used undies you must be hot.
Sounds like a keeper.
Wow, you sure showed me girl. Godamn.

I wish these idiots didn't exist, you don't deserve their money, you're obviously a fucking mad slut and I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole, let along your panties.
>let along
Oh you...
*let alone
You must be new to this, most of the girls on /cgl/ are average at best- even chubsters can sell their panties to other chubsters.
As a board, we really have a talent for making everything about selling panties.
...you realize I was agreeing with you and that I'm not pantychan, correct?
Oh I don't hate men, it has nothing to do with that. I have a boyfriend who I live with who is very supportive and caring. We've been together for over a year now, and I have no problems with men at all.

I guess I did kinda come off as a strong black woman who don't need no man. But to be honest...I really don't need a man. I do love my boyfriend very much, but validation from a guy isn't something I actively search for in my life. Feeling confident and happy with who I am is just much more important to me than the acceptance of others. I know it's totally played out and annoying to hear, but seriously. It comes from the love of myself, not the hatred of others.

>I can have anything I want from them anyways

I simply found something I am good at and happy doing that proves very successful for me. They get my undies and I get money. It's a transaction, not an entitlement man-hatred issue.

This was a very interesting topic to discuss, it's nice to have constructive arguments without just being called names as if that is even mildly deterring.
I once had an experience with a /cgl/ celebrity in which said person chimed in with a snide remark while I was speaking to someone else. The story would most likely confirm the notions of that person's detractors. However, I've never shared it for fear that it could have all been a misunderstanding on my part.
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>I simply found something I am good at and happy doing that proves very successful for me.
>taking photos and selling used panties
.....lol. Well I'm glad you've found your special talent in life pantychan. Sounds like an accomplishment to be proud of.
Awe, thanks friend. I was hardly offended by the way, I have heard MUCH worse. At least the people of /cgl/ can form a constructive argument and form valid points. But thanks though, it's nice when people realize that my statements come from simply wishing to put out a different viewpoint as opposed to talking shit on anyone who disagrees with me.

You caught me, I'm a chubby!! And also, this isn't about a 'muh curves' thing. I just happen to appeal to a certain demographic and I market myself with that. And for what it's worth, I have been dieting and working out, and I am down 30lbs! Halfway there!
Yeah, because working as a bricklayer, gardener, babysitter, panty selling and everything else that require little to no knowledge and experience is so degrading desu
I'll have to admit, if you're honestly working your ass off in terms of dieting and exercise then there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, however, we'll all simply have to agree to disagree on the subject of stigmas.
Hahhaa, well thanks! I know you meant that sarcastically, but I really am proud that I found something I am good at. I'm not going to sit here and act like this is a huge accomplishment, because you're correct. It's not. But it is a great feeling to know I can do something I am happy with and good at.

I do have other talents which I have made a bit of a career out of as well. I am utilizing the sex industry career to help fund the 'ultimate career goal' in the future. That career involves a lot of starting cash and it's difficult to get in to. Camming and selling shit has been a real blessing to me. I am not cut out for retail or food service and I have some health problems that don't really make it possible for me to work a standard 9-5 or even go to school. I know it's totally silly to say 'prostitution saved my life" but to be honest, it really is like that haha. I'm so glad I was able to find something I can enjoy that I'm good and and quite successful in.

Lame, sorry, but I just wanted to get that out there.
>putting a bricklayer, gardener, and a babysitter in the same sentence as an internet whore
Lol nope.jpg
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>mfw I wish my brothers were stronger than this
Thanks! I do like being a big girl, but in order to fit in to a lot of the clothing and shit I would like, I need to lose weight. I'm not being a fat-enabler or anything, being fat is unhealthy and denying it is delusional.

I still want to remain my thick and voluptuous self, my curves make me feel sexy. However, overweight is overweight, it's time for a change! And I don't want to end up as a stick thin cardio girl. I want to stick with the big spenders in my chubby-chaser demographic who helped me through getting started in this career anyway.

And we can totally agree to disagree on the subject. Without that stigma, everyone and their mom would be camming and selling undies. With all the competition, I'd only be able to sell my undies for like $20 bucks a piece! The horror, it makes me shudder!
Panty-chan self-respecter here, I agree with you.

Lol I sit on my fat ass all day and people pay me to show my tits off. To compare that to people who work hard like that is very silly. Selling yourself in the sex industry is much different than selling yourself in another industry.
Obviously the first 3 require more work, but I can see where they're going with the thought. Most entry-level positions at any job require little to know skill or critical thinking, so the accusation that jobs such as selling panties are low because they don't require skill or aren't anything to be proud of is kind of silly. Plenty of jobs don't. The issue people have with it isn't just that it involves low skill, but mainly that it's sexual in nature. People just need to be more honest with their criticism.
*no, oops
It's exactly the same.
Flipping burguers is equally as degrading, according to your logic. In all of these, you're using only your time and a little amount of physical work. It's only ever non-degrading if you had to study for it! Or develop a skill!

If you were born with said skill and needed no practice, it's degrading as well, because you are selling what you were born with.

And if you think "being an internet whore" is more degrading, I will need a through explanation on why, but it must not contain any form of "because whores are gross lel" or logical falacies.
not same anon but I'm jumping in to say that I've personally "flipped burgers". Then again, it's more like "Hey anon, do everything." I kid you not, as a minimum wage employee, your job isn't just to flip burgers, it's whatever the fuck the supervisors come up with on the spot so they themselves work less.

At one point I was working really short shifts cause they didn't want to pay me a lot but in the small time span, they'd have me cooking, cleaning the dining area and working the counter basically almost all at once.

I'm a guy btw and I'm really fit but holy shit is it a lot of nasty work and yes, it feels degrading as hell, specially when you know you're the smartest person in the building and I was at least 5 years older than most of my co-workers but I needed the doe.

I hated it, quit the job after 6 months and I'd rather starve to death than work fast food ever again. So to answer the question, which is more degrading? Definitely flipping burgers as opposed to cam-whoring/panty selling...then again, as a man, I don't have the luxury of those options do I?
Sometimes there'd be a fourth task- cleaning the bathroom. As in, once you're done with the bathroom, go back to cooking anon.

Oh did we run out of cleaning shit? You'll just have to make due anon.

Btw, I payed for my cosplay with money from that shitty job- sure wish someone would buy my used underwear for $150 bucks, that's more than I make in a week's worth of work.
I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. I never worked on anything (we don't have the summer job thing in my country, if you are not piss poor you leave schoolm straight to college without ever looking for a job until you have your diploma) so I had no idea what it was like.
I'm from Mexico, the northern part known as la frontera or "the frontier", that's the shitty part where there's only ranches, narcs and a bottle of tequila to drown your sorrows.

Most people would consider me fortunate to have had even that shitty job cause otherwise I know where I'd be- working construction or at the maquila factories that are usually owned by Americans.

That's right ladies, that's called real work, something you'll never have to do in your entire life. The only other option we have is to join the military and be used as cannon fodder for uncle sam.
No-one can explain, no-one will. The shitstorm would be way too big.
hahahaha did you really quote her saying vagina and change it to vagoo
are you twelve or
>being this much of a cunt
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ikr, wtf man.

Does rebeccablack save deleted posts?
Geeze, I feels like everyone in the Melbourne community is on today.


Or you could have checked yourself too.
Your posts give me confidence!
I'm really new to this whole panty-selling thing... Do you just sell yours based on who comes to your cam sessions, or do you do it all separately?
I'm unsure of exactly where to start here. I made an account on the site Anon posted earlier, but I just feel like maybe I won't get anywhere?

I guess I'm simply just asking for "tips and tricks", haha.
I know of a guy who was sleeping with another cosplayer when they met at cons for a year or two, basically in love with each other, until she found out he had a girlfriend the entire time
I had a guy from a forum try to get with me at a con, turned out he was also banging a girl from said forum that he was trying to get me friendly with. Tried to keep us both from figuring it out by telling each of us that the other was "super religious" and didn't like talking about sex. He isn't a cosplayer exactly but certainly a frequent congoer so I always wonder who else he's tried that on.
Looks like people are looking for love in the wrong places- I never would have never thought about picking up girls at cons.
It isn't exactly love they're looking for. Large gathering of young people who usually don't live anywhere near the con, with a very hyper "anything can happen" atmosphere. Leads to a lot of hookups.
Question: What is the general rule for when something like >>6991736 that happens.

Albeit the lying of course, as in, who gets dibs on the guy if he seems available to your entire group?
nothing wrong with a little friendly competition
>wants to be an aidoru
>aidoru's aren't even supposed to have boyfriends
>let alone cheat on them
woah was this recent?
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I've seen how you ladies compete "friendly".
I've known the girl "plus-pretty"
since before she started the tumblr.
The girl is not a lolita in any way, nor does she own a lolita coord. she just admires the fashion from afar while knowing little to nothing about it.
on her personal blog, its obnoxious to see her "triggered" so easily by "cis-scum" and she lately just decided she was agendered after years of saying she was cis. anyone she disagrees with she calls a "rape enabling-cis scum" looks like someone's hopped aboard the tumblr crazy train.

I fucking hate my life.
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Listen to me anon, you need help- you're in deep.

Perhaps a pilgrimage into the mountains will do you good.
they met here on cgl actually and it pretty much became a LDR except he also had a local gf
Darling... your doomed. A pilgrimage isn't gonna save you.
Though... i did find it oddly cute. In a creeper way.
What the fuck did I just watch.

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