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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Who's all going to Otakon? I'll most likely be there by myself, so anybody that would like to meet up would be awesome! Also, costumes that you'll be wearing during Otakon.
Are you hot?
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I'm working on Haman and at some point my boyfriend has to buy fabric for Char.

He hasn't done it yet, so there is no way I am making that helmet out of Worbla in four months.
>>6847388 (OP)
OP here. I'm going as Deadpool, still need a couple things though. Sadly I will not be making much of my costume. I may actually do that when I do my Red X costume though.
OP, I am also going by myself, so we should meet up. I have many costumes that are either put together or in progress, but I don't know which ones to bring/finish. My options are:

Rivaille from SnK. If I fail with the 3D gear, I'm going to bring cleaning supplies
Maou from Maou-sama
Lucifer from Maou-sama (okay, this one I haven't started yet at all)
Kagami from Sasami-san
The Batter (four eyes interpretation) from Off
Zacharie (creepy not cute mask) from Off
Ritsuka from Loveless
Kevin from Ed, Edd, and Eddy
I think Ritsuka or Zacharie would be cool. How would we possibly meet up though? I would enjoy that, just not totally sure how.
Going along on my own, scared I might get mugged/overheat during the day.
Still gotta buy my badge too.
>tfw when you don't feel your sewing skills are up to par for your anime or jrpg dream cosplays
>three western fandom cosplays it is

be kind, fellow seagulls, i'll be thematically appropriate someday
If you wanna hangout together at the con, I wouldn't mind one bit. We just gotta figure out a way to meet up.
we can always exchange contact information through a throwaway email or something. Alternatively, we can just set up a time and place to meet on one of the days. I have met other seagulls that way at cons before. I have never been to otakon, though, so I can't choose a good meet up place being unfamiliar with the area..
If I manage to finish everything on time my plans are as follows:
Day 1- Ushiromiya George (Umineko)
Day 2- Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi) and I'm changing into Sonia Nevermind (SDR2)
Day 3- Mondo Oowada (Dangan Ronpa)

Would really love to see some 07th expansion fans or Dangan Ronpa fans, obviously.
That'd be nice! It's my first time going too so I'll be a little confused at where to go and such. Do you have an e-mail address?
OP here. Anyone who would like to possibly meet up at Otakon this year, send me an email.
catrathats@yahoo.com is my email for now.
We can talk for a bit and that will determine whether I give you my number or not.
Also, a heads up, I have never been to Otakon, so we can share the fun of the confusion together.
Kay? Kay.

Are you guys OK with doing a meetup at night time? There's usually one around 10pm meeting somewhere.
I just emailed OP, but if anyone wants to contact me, I put my throwaway in the email field. I am >>6849273 for reference
I would really enjoy meeting new people by any means. Seeing as I will be alone.
As long as I don't get mugged! How much are taxis usually?

I'll drop a mail
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So far this seems to be like what I'll be doing for Otakon. I for sure want to make Cook and Koizumi. Clover is already made, I'm just going to fix a few things up. I might add one more thing, but I'm not sure!
I'll be going with my boyfriend who is all big around here. I'll be Panty Anarchy, Sally the Ragdoll, and maybe I'll romp around in some lolita?
I don't mind meeting up with new people. See you all there~
The meetups will be in the convention center and we can just stand there and chill or just move somewhere. Not sure yet.Not sure how much are the taxis but if you're close to the con center, it's easier to follow the large groups of people walking to and from there
My hotel is about a 10-min walk from the con, so a taxi would be best for me if it's late. Not really a problem though!
will you upload your captain cook cosplay anywhere? I'm making one myself this fall and would love to see it
Of course! I'll probably post my progress here and tumblr.
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I'll be doing for sure:
JH William III's Batwoman and Diana from League of Legends

I have to decide between Tannis from BL2 or Misaka from SNK.

Excited for the meet. I can't wait to get plastered.
Blah. The friends I always room with turned out to be backstabbing bitches who ditched me as a friend for some reason (I don't even know why). The only other friends I have are guys who pack at least 4 people in their rooms.

So, I didn't even save up for Ota this year like I normally do.


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