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Ok a few questions; it's my first time here.

1) I've never been to any sort of convention but have been really wanting to go, despite the fact I don't know anyone who would go with me. Is it still worth it to go alone?

2) Is it required to cosplay if I go to a convention? If I had to, I would pick something simple(a Pokemon trainer or something) due to my lack of confidence stopping me from going all out. But I'm thinking until I had a good grasp on the scene I wouldn't dress up at all.

3) Relative to my previous question; does generic cosplay equal a bad cosplay? I would assume a ton of people dress as PKMN Trainers/Sora/Inuyasha/etc simply because of how popular they are.

4) Does everyone hook up/get together at a convention? My ex's sister(who I can't go to with these questions) told me a lot of her female friends would bring guys they met at a convention back to their respective hotel rooms and bang it out, then rinse and repeat the other days they were there.

Sorry if these were in the sticky, I looked through it but it seemed to cover cosplay itself rather than the culture of conventions/cosplay and the etiquette.

>I've never been to any sort of convention but have been really wanting to go, despite the fact I don't know anyone who would go with me. Is it still worth it to go alone?
Cons are most fun when going with a group of friends, but you can still have fun alone if you take a big interest in the things to do at the con and are social with other people. Anime cons tend to be a very social and interpersonal experience so you have many opportunities to make friends, especially when cosplaying. Trade show cons like Comic-Con, however, are are less friendly.

>Is it required to cosplay if I go to a convention? If I had to, I would pick something simple(a Pokemon trainer or something) due to my lack of confidence stopping me from going all out. But I'm thinking until I had a good grasp on the scene I wouldn't dress up at all.
You DO NOT need to cosplay to go to a con. It's just what some people choose to do to get into the spirit of thngs or whore for attention.

>Relative to my previous question; does generic cosplay equal a bad cosplay? I would assume a ton of people dress as PKMN Trainers/Sora/Inuyasha/etc simply because of how popular they are.
Generic does not mean bad. However, if your costume is very run-of-the-mill not many people will notice or care about it. You can change this by doing an exceptional job on the costume (most cosplayers who cosplay those things you listed tend to be terrible), having a unique spin on the costume, or being very pretty. Pretty girls always stand out, no matter how simple their costume is.

>Does everyone hook up/get together at a convention? My ex's sister(who I can't go to with these questions) told me a lot of her female friends would bring guys they met at a convention back to their respective hotel rooms and bang it out, then rinse and repeat the other days they were there.
It happens, but no, most people who go to cons don't go there to hook up and fuck. They go there to attend the con.
Thanks, answered everything perfectly. Appreciate it.
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>>6956183 (OP)
Going with friends is infinitely better and cheaper, since you can split the hotel cost. Having a bad con-crew or no con-crew is pretty miserable, though.

Cosplay is optional, but some people do it because it's fun and they feel left out being the normal guy at the giant costume party.

Nothing wrong with generic cosplay. Don't expect to have people gushing over how great you look, but you can expect a few photos for your trouble, and that's often a nice enough feeling to make you want to come back for more.

Just as long as you don't follow up your con trip by posting photos of yourself and being all, "I'M THE GREATEST COSPLAYER EVER" no one will give you any shit.

The sort of people who hook up at conventions are the exact sort of people you wouldn't want to fuck.

We're talking underaged girls, Certifiable crazy (and you never stick your dick in crazy), 40 year old hags who have been going to cons since they were your age, and use the anime con scene like a sort of extension of their filthy bedrooms, enormous hambeasts who think they are experiencing some sort of sexual awakening..

I can understand if you really hit it off with a chick and you get swept up in the moment, but don't go to a con with the express purpose of trying to find some booty to tap. Not only will you set yourself up for disappointment, because you'll have no crew to get you into any parties, but you'll have made yourself one of those creepy shits who thinks every cosplayer is only dressed up to attract pitiful losers.

As for your ex's sister's friends.. Underage girls like to fool around. They'll probably make out or dryhump, but the amount of full-on ponus-in-vagoo sex happening is not that much.
I don't think I'd have the confidence to boast even if I was, plus knowing me I'd be really lazy about my costume. But these are good tips, thanks!


Made me literally lol. That would be a big fear, hitting it off with someone and finding out they're a mature looking 15 year old or something. Idk if I could even pursue anyone, I'd feel so out of my zone at any type of con since I've never been. I have seen the hambeasts though, and as a rule sticking my dick in crazy is never acceptable(as I've done it before with punishing results). I can imagine there being a ton of hambeasts and crazies at conventions. Also my ex's sister and her friends were all Homestuck fans or whatever the fuck that shit is called, so your analysis is probably spot on.
>Also my ex's sister and her friends were all Homestuck fans or whatever the fuck that shit is called

Yeah, Homestuck cosplayers have a marvelous running tradition of being the worst con attendees, if not simply because they smear bodypaint everywhere, then because they are all idiots who think that their cosplay, their fandom, or their community makes it okay for them to sloppily make out with each other in the middle of the halls, or do some depraved shit in public.

They encourage some really gross behavior in one-another.
Ahhhhhhh this would explain why I thought her friends were lesbian and autistic. What other fan bases out there are bad? I'm a huge Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts fan and while I'm not as into anime I do enjoy NaNa(my ex got me into it) and basic shit like Ruroni Kenshin, Trigun and the like

>Toonami tier anime basically

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