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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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Not sure how many people here are in both hobbies, but has anyone else ever noticed...

Cosplayer says they're a lesbian? Vast majority of the time they're straight. If they really do like girls, chances are they're bisexual. Even the cosplayers loudest about being lesbians date men... while still saying they're lesbians, he's just ~the exception~. A lot of the time, cosplayers are very awkward with their girlfriends. You can practically tell just by looking at them that they're not really into it.

Lolita says they're straight? A large portion of the time they're not. I've met at least six girls at meet-ups with girlfriends that they're clearly over the moon for... while still saying they're straight, she's just ~the exception~. And it's not like a desperate hambeast type of thing either, four out of the six are above average even by normal people standards, and watching them be all cuddly and cute at meet-ups with their girlfriends makes me super jelly, not gonna lie. You can just see the love radiating out their pours and it's almost disgusting.
I am in support of the null hypothesis. I think your sample size is too small to make any generalized statements like that.

in other news, I always wonder if their sexual interest is in the girls or just the clothes they wear.


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