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The weebs of the North-East of England today are in tears of woe for their favourite convention has once again cancelled.
For those that don't know, Nemacon is a con that's ran by a thief, liar and conman.
Also on their committee is a serial rapist,

After last year's shenanigans about their owner stealing from charity and constantly lying about paying them back they cancelled. Their entire team split but sometime earlier in the year he built a new team. With weebs, Rapists and drug addicts.

Now, today, finally. They admit defeat.
Over the course of the last few weeks or months there's been questions, a lot of questions as to what went on last year, why it happened and what was planned to rectify this.
NOPE. Questions dodged. Excuses.

Today, it goes under.
Today, /cgl/ we party like its NINETEEN NINETY NINE.
Or just fist pump casually with a half-arsed "yay" in response. That works too.
Where does it say it's been cancelled. I've been on their website and facebook page and all seems normal (well apart from deleted posts about the money going missing on the facbook page).
People who have bought tickets have been contacted about refunds.

also, i wish i could be more excited about this, but I can't even rise up any hatred. It's sort of like putting down and old, crippled dog who once upon a time probably deserved a bullet in the skull but now is sort of just pathetic,
Thanks for the info. I wonder what story they will peddle this time. Last week they seemed very sure that NEMAcon was going to run, so I wonder what changed...
Because all the pressure sort of exploded on them, the guy'll say it's cause of his personal stuff (his girlfriend's in hospital and been ill for a while, she's up the duff)

There's been a lot of questions about the charity fiddling last year and heavy criticism as to the way the questions were handled in the last week or 2 but the posts get deleted and brushed under the carpet very quickly.
They basically spent the money on lolita brand items for his girlfriend, tv's, play station 3, new iphone and war hammer. It was all over BTB's awhile back when a secret was made about the event. In the end the manager admitted where he spent the money and the thread got hidden by the BTB's staff.

He also tried to blame his original staff team. He would change his mind every week on who to blame for the missing charity money and when BTB's caught him up he shut up for awhile or so it seemed. However he was asked constantly where the money went after this by concerned con goers. Again he dodged questions and began to blame his ex staff team.

He then began to higher a team full of teenagers and creepers because no one else wanted to work with him. It is a huge shame. Nemacon started as a con full of good staff full of heart with the best intentions, as soon as the manager got caught out for withholding the money and not letting the staff see the book’s filled with the incomings and out goings, the original staff team called him out then all left and started a new con. It is sad really that it went this way but it was the con goers who kept pushing the manger to tell the truth. He plain just could not keep his story straight. Yeah his girlfriend is apparently ill ATM due to her pregnancy but that is only a recent event. She was the one being nasty as fuck to people on the day of the con, her attitude was laughable really. So if Nemacon is finally finished I will be happy. HOWEVER he still needs to give the money BACK to the charities but I doubt he will, he has no morals or self respect. If he wanted to give the charity the money he would have done it by now.
A girl on facebook private messaged him about the event. The manager got cocky so she publicly posted it and then many many many people complained about his attitude, so maybe that is why Nemacon is finished. Maybe he's finally realized no one will forgive him until he gives the money back to the chairities. So I am guessing he would sooner keep all the money instead of giving it back.

I for one hope the con dies. This guy is on job seekers and claming the con is non profit yet he's kept all the money. Isn't that against JSA law/rules? This guy is just an idiot so I am not surprised his previous staff team all left.
> Rapist on the committee YEAH MAYAN.
Doing themselves many favours in trying to redeem their name XD
The excuses for the trouble with the money ranges from a frozen paypal account to the cheque falling in battery acid.

what's this about a rapist?

Part of the Nemacon staff, a certain Mr. Richard Chung has a reputation of rape.
As well as more general physical and mental abusive to women
>>6795103 (OP)

Any more news?
I heard a rumor someone had reported him to Town Hall and the gazette so maybe that's why it's cancelled?
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New NemaCon logo me thinks
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I believe this is an accurate summary of NemaCon's treatment of the NE community.
>cheque falling in battery acid.
Please tell me they used this excuse.
yes they did
Nemu isn't the kind of guy who would give a reach around.

Yeah but for the local weebs who worship the very mention of Nema as if it were a sacred word are getting buttfucked hard.
Its a case of "scream until you like it" in the words of a certain Blackie Lawless.

Anyone else, they would be trying to attain favours by such methods but, 90% of the north east knows better,

There's been no official announcement but people are finding out one way or another,
I suppose this is what happens when you try to host anything in that shithole Middlesborough.

Most places in the NE south of the Tyne are utter shitholes
>Most places in the NE south of the Tyne are utter shitholes
Most places in the NE north of the Tyne are utter shitholes. The whole place need sfucking nuking.

Not surprised that Nema's dead again. The reboot was announced with fuck all to support it, it took ages to get a website back up - and event that was just a blurry as fuck .jpg. All that was ever announced was 1 guest, a hetalia fan panel and MOTHER FUCKING BEYBLADES! YEAH!

The central area around Newcastle is alright, in comparison to how utterly bad it is in say, Sunderland. URGH. :(

Sunnycon's self limited by keeping to Sunderland.
Least Onecon is gonna get some more attention with Nema dying out (again) though. The guys who stopped Nema flopping last year are on that team.
>Sunnycon's self limited by keeping to Sunderland
I really don't understand why there isn';t a con in Newcastle. Newcastle's close enough and has bigger/better venues. You'd arguably get more people because Newcastle's not a complete craphole like Sunderland, so more people from outside the NE would be likely to come while still retaining the Tyne-Wear area communities.

Tucky is a hardcore Mackem. No way he'd even think of taking his baby outside Sunderland despite there being no places bigger than what they're currently at there.

Newcastle would be an ideal place for a con or even Sunnycon itself.
Unless shock horror, they erected something bigger. Much bigger. Wouldnt that be something.

Aye, even so, the pull power in Newcastle is much higher than Sunderland.
You'd be surprised what Newcastle lacks. And what other options can provide. And the cost-effectiveness of said solutions.

What a load of wank. Most NE cons are going down hill any way. Don't go blaming it on individuals. To those people, grow the fuck up and get a life.
Cons are for the anime/manga fans to have a good time and enjoy themselves. They don't need to hear your shitty slander about people.
Confirmed for butthurt nemastaff
>Unless shock horror, they erected something bigger. Much bigger. Wouldnt that be something.
That would be something. I'm assuming this is either some new venue that's going to come somewhere down the line (because that sort of stuff should be public knowledge) or you're just talking about some form of temporary structure like marquees - possibly in addition to a regular building?

A venue being cheaper in Sunderland than a comparable one that holds the same number of people Newcastle is not really surprising. I can imagine venues in Sunderland would be a bit more willing to go out of their way too since they'll need the trade more. The point isn't so much about the venue, more that a potential Newcastle con would have just as much pull for people in the NE as one in the Sunderland/Middlesborough ones but with the addition of further pull for people outside the NE, because Newcastle is a major city and nationally has a considerably better reputation than the other NE locations.

>Don't go blaming it on individuals.
I think we're well in our rights to blame it on individuals when they've been utter shitcunts and generally incompetent. What other reason is there for Nemacon failing than the actions of certain individuals? Should we blame magic pixies conspiring with Bob Geldof to rape every attendees bumhole with cucumbers?

Nah, not all NE cons steal from charity and try to botch an attempt of covering it up.
Least Sunnycon in only it second year despite the amount of shit organisation, trounced everything else that's come up here convention wise.
Just goes to show, a convention in the ultimate shithole of the North East that's still finding it's legs can still outperform other cons up here and also potentially compete with other cons nationally if given the right guidance.
>Nema Dead
God bless this thread and all it stands for
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>Should we blame magic pixies conspiring with Bob Geldof to rape every attendees bumhole with cucumbers?
This is what every con needs.


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