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JJ thread

Nightmare mode: No ancient and far past irrelevant drama
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Who's she cosplaying in this? Or is she just wearing a wig for shits and giggles?

Cute either way.
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Before the was Homostuck there was Hetalia. She's supposed to be genderbent England I'm pretty sure.
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I want an outfit like that
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That's not cosplay.
I see her thighs really aren't as big as everyone makes them out to be. Not a bad thing.
I actually remember when they were dating and everyone thought it was the cutest thing ever
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moar liek dis
>pretend lesbians
>only pretending to kiss

How appropriate
any more photos of her and MF together?
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Its a shame all lesbians want the dick
MF may not really be a lesbian, but at least she actually likes vag and has had sex with women. JJ doesn't even like making out with girls.
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>no cute lesbian relationship will ever last
I miss when JJ was crazy.
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the worst was when Zan and Kelly broke up

i thought they would be the one cosplay lesbian relationship to make it
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>JJ will never look like a shota boy again

nobody ever cosplays shota yaoi anymore now the KH fad is over
Serious question: why does everyone hate MF? I keep hearing she's a terrible person, but no one's ever given a reason when I've inquired other than "SHE'S A FAKE LESBO ATTENTION WHORE!!!"
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The third game's coming out soon, so don't hold your breath.
everyone hates MF?
On here they certainly seem to
She still looks the same, just thinner now. Which honestly makes her better shouta, she was too curvy before.
If you can brave the Homestuck thread and ask about her there, you'll probably be met with a few gtfos but SOMEONE in the thread will tell you whatever MF being an asshole stories they have catalogued away.

If large portions of one of the biggest shitstain fandoms ever have issues with her behavior, you know something's up.
MF looks so different daaamn
also those file names, do you have a folder of JJ or something?
I know, right? Talk about ugly duckling turning into a swan.

Well, at least a swan on the outside.
>also those file names, do you have a folder of JJ or something?

nah just shit I saved off her myspace and livejournal all those years ago
Any more? Anything pre-Homostuck is hard to find besides the small portion of her cosplay she has on DA.
ITT JJ selfposts
I don't think this thread is her self-posting, but I actually think most of the JJ drama that's been coming back on the board since her return is. It's all such old drama that no one cares about except her and the people involved. Either she's doing it to make people feel sorry for her and get more exposure or her old group can hold one hell of a grudge.
Ok JJ. Pls go.
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I miss Sey

where did she go?
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