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ITT: LGBTQIA cosplayers
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Don't forget about the right of our pedophile brothers, you bully!
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You can literally tell how those girls played all those games / watched those shows just from the poses and acting.
$10 says it takes at least forty pictures before an actual lesbian is posted.
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dont be homphobe
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This would be hot if that girl's face wasn't so creepy.
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>>6930419 (OP)

Does anyone even know what the letters stand for anymore? Good god this community is fucking awful.
>Thinking is hard!
So, is it offensive if I create an "ITT: Straight cosplayers" thread?

Serious question, I'm really curious.
Why girls go gay.
Not offensive, just politically incorrect
how the fuck is it politically incorrect? It is the definition of equal. If we have a gay thread, we have a straight thread. This is why the gay/queer/fag or whatever they are calling themselves now community is so fucking hypocritical. They don't want equality, they want people to favor them. They want people to side with them. If you don't believe their bullshit and overly PC she crap they start throwing insults. I love they they cry stop the bullying, but they are way more vicious than any straight person.
So she could make the thread on /pol/ on it wouldn't be deleted?
Dunno, I don't go to /pol/

What you're saying is what logic dictates, but politics aren't logic-based
If you exclude the majority or the 'powerful' group, nothing happens (gay bars, women only gyms, etc.)
But if you exclude a minority (ITT: Straight cosplayers) you're 'oppressing' them
This. Thank you.
As a guy, that sort of face is a huge turn on. When a girl you fancy makes that face at you, you know fun things are about to happen.
That's stupid.

So, then it is also wrong to make a "white cosplayers only" thread though there are "Mexican cosplayers only" and "black cosplayers only" thread?

How dumb...
Yep, also politically incorrect.

Of course it's dumb, but that's the world we live in
But it is so highly offensive

Liberals must be morons to think this is fair
wait, are you saying straight cosplayers are the minority or do you just suck at phrasing?
Sucks at phrasing
Few people actually believe in this stuff, but it's a posture that's needed to avoid being tagged as being sexist or whatever

I meant that you'd be excluding a minority -LGBT- by only allowing straight cosplayers
but if they really wanted to be equal they wouldn't give a shit. Gays are such drama queens.
yeah, they're kissing so they can't possibly have ever played DoA

the game that everyone and their mother and their goldfish has played
no, just redundant and unnecessary
Women are great drivers though!

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this thread
That is... Definitely not right.

How is that anything like straights/whites/men/etc not being capable of doing anything?
That is taking the box completely away from one of the people and putting the other two on an even higher pedestal.
because everyone is not starting out on even ground. we don't live in a nice egalitarian utopia where everyone gets to be treated equally. some people are fighting an uphill battle against metric shittons of hate and prejudice and other disadvantages, IN ADDITION to all the normal day-to-day life problems that straight, white men also have.
I'm all for equal rights, but you can't take away someone's rights to even the situation
No see, this is the problem. You still think that if some other group of people gets something and you don't get it too, you're somehow being cheated, even if it's something you don't need. Like straight people not having their own pride parade, for example.
Good point. It's only when it goes into actively taking away from individuals to give to others, like Affirmative Action, that it becomes a problem.
I don't care for parades or anything of the sort, in fact, where I live there aren't any, what I do care for is having my rights violated while trying to favor a minority.
I wouldn't mind if a woman was picked for a job over me if she's better qualified, but I'd mind if she was chosen for the sole reason of being a woman

>inb4 sexist
Replace 'woman' for any minority/oppressed group of your liking if you wish
isnt it LGBTQIAARO now?
Yeah, the white, straight male is majorly discriminated against.

Here's some sexism for you.
At my old place of work, a highly qualified man was denied a secretary position he applied for because "it's a woman's job. A man can't be a secretary because its a woman's job."
The women who were hiring didn't want a man there because they not only wanted some girl to talk to, but they found it "gross" for a man to try and be a secretary.

If the sex roles were change, a woman would sue.

Meanwhile, some racism:
At my high school, there was this black kid who would bully people constantly and had been suspended at least 8 times already.
He badly beat up a white boy I knew at one point, and the white boy got expelled for "beating up a black kid" when he never even struck back. The black kid didn't so much as have a scratch on him.
The black boy got suspended for one week.
Hello, fucked up school systems!

I hear similar cases all over America, where white kids get the blame because the school is too scared of being sued to do anything proper to the child of race.

Same with sexism - they're too scared of getting sued.
>Yeah, the white, straight male is majorly discriminated against.

I laffed in the hopes that you are joking.

>He badly beat up a white boy I knew at one point, and the white boy got expelled for "beating up a black kid" when he never even struck back. The black kid didn't so much as have a scratch on him.
The black boy got suspended for one week.

This happens all the time and has nothing to do with race. Merely retarded zero tolerance policies and casting blame all the round in fear of being sued by parents who have raised nothing but sweet little angels or so they claim.
A lot of the time it has nothing to do with being qualified and more to do with knowing the right people.
He got suspended, sure, but to EXPEL the kid who was the one beat up?
A tad on the majorly unfair side of life, wouldn't you say?

"Zero tolerance" is bullshit. Never truly enforced how they claim.
Yeah, but you get the point
No, equality to liberals would be the big one getting cut in half for oppressing the little one by his height. And the middle one would blog about it and shame other middle ones if they did not agree with cutting the big one just because he's taller.
I like you
Just to make it clear, since many libturds don't realize it - liberalism of today has got exactly nothing in common with the Classical (ideal) conception of Liberalism, the one that was actually worth dying for.

"Liberalism" of today is just a nicer way to call "communism" since 1st world libturds tend to be prejudiced (and discriminating, because, lel, why not be a fucking hypocrite all the time?) against Russians and Chinese, and commies in general, since they're the bad guys in the media. Even though that they themselves are nothing more than commie zombies (zombie is the best word to describe someone unable to think individually, who can only parrot what their Marxist "humanitarian" academia tells them to).

They even think that everyone who isn't a libturd is a "conservative", "Nazi" or whatever "right-wing" political adjective they can come up with.


^This is the epitome, the basic mantra, of communism.

>If you're not a feminist, you're a misogynist.
>If you don't like Obama, you're a racist.

>i cannot see the irony in this statement
>le vague response 30 seconds in

What statement are you talking about?
I reeeeeeally like you.
Watch out, liberals are going to claim "THAT IS WHAT CONSERVATIVES DO, NOT LIBERALS!!1"
I don't understand this thread?
How can we tell if the cosplayers are not straight?
Why does it matter if they're not straight?

Maybe we should just have a cosplayers making out and groping each other thread. That's what this seems like.

This thread is stupid.
>complaining about "commie zombies" when anyone who doesnt agree with you is a libturd

It is just generally liberals who disagree
Not ALL the time, just normally.
Not wrong with what a cognitive bias is, sorry.
I just mean that he isn't just totally saying that if you disagree, then they're automatically libturds
Are you fucking kidding me?
>when anyone who doesnt agree with you is a libturd
Nowhere in my post did I say that.


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