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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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How do you plan your con schedule /cgl/? I am going to my first con (Anime Expo) that I intend to attend events/panels at in about 2 weeks and I'm looking at the schedule and I'm just so... overwhelmed.

Tips and tricks to getting the most out of the schedule without stressing? GO!
I'd like to be *in* that girl, if you know what I mean. :)
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903 KB GIF

I think for a straight girl I like girl kisses way more than I should
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>>6925943 (OP)
It's funny cuz isn't that where they all say "Hey, let's kill ourselves!" in the movie Suicide Club?
I'm 31, now let's see the back

Yeah, it is. For some reason I don't have the 1st part of the gif set where she says 'HEY WHY DON'T WE ALL KILL OURSELVES!' (to which they respond 'yeah! i'm in!')

Anyway, any tips...?
>>6925943 (OP)
I make a list with the name of the panel/etc., where its located, and the start-end times.

It's all sorted by day, and next to the day, I write what my outfit is for that day.

I just write everything/anything I wanna go to, then if things overlap, I'll start deleting off stuff. I also put down the exhibit hall/swap meet/karaoke hours.

Then print it all out and take it. It's usually only 1-2 pages. So I just look at it and see what's next to do.


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