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Hey, this is my first "real" cosplay and I did a test run of it at the cherry blossom festival - got a surprising amount of photo requests, compliments, etc. Now my question - do you guys have any suggestions for me, besides getting a wig and putting on makeup?
>>6791858 (OP)
I can't even tell what you're supposed to be.
It's Asahina Aoi from Dangan Ronpa
shes Aoi Asahina from Dangan Ronoa

get a better fitting jacket, maybe? You definitely need a wig though, and the icing on the cake would be the contacts
>>6791858 (OP)
wgi wig wig wig wog wig wigwigo
looks good for a first time though
Your shorts are missing the white lining and symbol so you should work with some bias tape to add that. The track jacket is a bit off. It needs to be a little bit shorter and more fitted. The white lining isn't in the right place(just one stripe down the arm) or missing(white stripes at the pocket opening) and the collar should be a lot bigger (for some reason all their collars are crazy in that game). Bad angle to make judgements off of btw.
it's because the dangan is the in right now and not many people in murrica have done it yet
maybe I'm just being a dick but I don't find "costumes" like this very interesting. you're just putting on commonly found articles of clothing on. Not knowing this particular anime, I would simply assume this is just your usual sportswear.
My suggestions cosplay something that is not plain clothes.

If I had a nickel for every cheap suit-wearing cosplay wannabe claiming to be Dr. Who...
Definitely needs some make-up dude - Remember Aoi is very fit, so she'll need a bit of facial conturing to avoid looking too soft. Plus upper liner, contacts, etc would be good. And a wig!
Actually, my eyes are naturally blue! So contacts would be overkill.
Yeah, I forgot to mention I'd be making those modifications. The jacket's fit was more a stylistic choice of my own, personally - and since I have a large chest it's hard to get smaller ones that actually work (I'd rather not have one that I can ONLY use for cosplay, I'm poor v__v)
Good thing I don't cosplay to be "interesting." I cosplay for fun and for making friends and causing smiles. The detractors aren't important.
poor doesn't go with cosplaying. Maybe get a job?
>Good thing I don't cosplay to be "interesting." I cosplay for fun and for making friends and causing smiles. The detractors aren't important.
Then why the hell are you asking us for feedback
Ohhh you're the one venting about getting compliments and ppeople acting nice to you in the vent thread?
if you're poor then cosplay isn't really a fitting hobby because it eats a lot of money for fun but if you really want to then get a proper stable income

aside from learning make up and wig styling you need to learn how to pose and find your best face/body angle durrr
you're not being a dick but dude who cares if its not interesting to you I'm sure she's doing it because she likes it
Because that's not feedback?
...Okay, thank you. I know it eats a lot of money, but I like not spending more money than I absolutely must. To me, figuring out how to make stuff on a budget is kind of an extra challenge.
Yeah, I guess I should have found a "gush" thread?
she did ask for feedback durr
dear op: don't make a thread all about yourself, ever

you are asking for trouble

make a general feedback thread, let others post in it, then post yourself- you'd learn this if you were here long enough

tl;dr: lurk moar
You look unwashed and gross. Your hair is greasy as fuck and your skin is bumpy and uneven. Get a wig and learn how to use makeup. And wear tights. Your legs are not the kind that can go without them.
Yo it's the guy in the hoodie from CBF and I want to give you a few pieces of advice about posting on /cgl/ since it seems like you recently discovered this place. First off what >>6792405
I'm going to echo in spades. If you want feedback, look for a feedback thread or another thread that is centered around selfposting. Making threads about yourself usually attracts the worst people on the board luckily you've been getting more suggestions than sneers.

I do think that many of the suggestions you have received concerning ways the costume can be improved are being met with justifications rather than taken into consideration. You ask us for feedback, we provide feedback then you tell us why you can't follow through with the suggestions. I'm not saying listen to everyone and do what they say but it does come across as a bit insincere and feels like you're not listening to what is said. The thing about characters in simple clothes is that you have to nail all the details or else you will be dismissed as someone wearing plain clothes as opposed to a person cosplaying. If anything else having your clothes be properly fitted goes a LONG way with having a flattering costume. We understand that cosplaying is expensive but with a bit of research certain modifications can be made a lot cheaper than you expected


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