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Has anyone on /cgl/ ever received any drawings of themselves from either friends or other fans?
>>6961546 (OP)
shit man, that's so endearing
Essentially the artist was fed up with artist drawing cosplayers as anime characters and wanted something to show them as a normal person in cosplay
Yes. I'm naked though and my tits in the picture are a lot bigger than they actually are.
It's a fast scribble, so he didn't put in a lot of effort, but it still made me feel weird.
Anonymous guy as well, but definitely no one I know in real life.
think you may have dropped your pic
I did have one guy draw me when I was younger, he drew me with big tits and fluffy lips, it was really perverse and made me uncomfortable

Some artists exaggerate facial and body features, sometimes to the point of caricature. It may be his style, though making the model naked or uncomfortable is not okay.
We've had two drawings of us. Both were pretty cute! We weren't naked in either of them though haha.

They were not especially well drawn. Pretty flattering yet unflattering all at once.
Oooh I have, he gave me big tits and a thigh gap that could fit a honeydew. I'll upload when my phone stops being a bitch.
C'on people post examples
Years ago at like Animazement I was dressed as RoseBride and a dude was just standing there with a hotel notepad.
A few minutes later he gave me a little sketch of myself in costume. I still have it on my shelf.
I received a hugeass (as in 3 + m) ink drawing of me peeing from some artist.
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Guess I'll go first in order to get more pictures posted.

This was given to me at AX this year,
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people really love my lsp, most call it their own idea though...

>Lumpy Space Princess in anime girl style made by me
>ib4 people post random pictures of characters and claim its fanart of them.

You know, just like Harley's Joker
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I have a few, this one probably being the most cgl related.

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is this you SM? I don't know what many trips look like so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
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One day I randomly found this drawing of me on the internet.

I was quite pleased.
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omg. I love you. I know this isn't the thread for fangirling and shit but..you're perfect ;A;
Yay Seattle based cosplayers!
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Oh my god Teddie yes cute!
I have no shame and let my friends use me as exercise sometimes, if they want to I don't mind. Nobody has used my cosplay yet.
A quick sketch my buddy did
ahhh! thanksss!

Nope. At the time that was taken I was Idaho based, now I live in California. I just really like Seattle cons!
Well I mean people able to go to cons in the area, it makes me happy recognizing people on here haha
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I'll share too just because the art style is adorable.
That is really cute uwu
What show is it based on?
Well, the one sitting in the white dress is an original design ice fairy by one of us. The mermaid is Aquamarine by Tukiji Nao's artbook. Black hair is Yuuko from cover of volume 13 (I think that's the volume). Red wings is Ai from Princess Ai. It was just all 4 of us in various costumes. Sadly, I can't remember who drew it for us or I would link to their dA or something.
Ah okay, I was gonna say that one looks like Yuuko but it's super cute!
unless I asked, no.
I do make drawings of others quite often, but am usually to embarrassed to send it to them.
Almost every occasion I've worn my homestuck cosplay I've received a picture from someone and I don't even go to gatherings. It's a sweet gesture.

Has never happened in any of my superior anime costumes, though. Disappoint. Maybe it has to do with fandoms?
Back when Hetalia wasn't super popular, a kid on DA send me a drawing she'd done of my Rev War England. It was MEGA AWFUL and I don't have it, but I must've D'awww'd for hours.
Recently someone asked if they could sketch my Eridan (I admit the photog did a great job on the shot) but I have yet to see anything.
Not of me, but I've had close to a dozen or so pieces drawn/painted of one photo I took a few years ago and a few of others.

I'd post some but I need to stay anon to avoid alienating anybody who hates this place.

You can't bring something like that up and not post it.
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Only stuff from the drawfag threads that we used to have.

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