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File: 1375321116359.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, Orange_Is_The_New_Black_S01E07_Kiss(...).jpg)
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Does anyone know what these weird seams on the Orange is the New Black scrubs are called?
>>7009399 (OP)
looks like either a mock felled/flat felled (I always forget which one has the fold on the outside) with a top stick down the middle OR a coverstitch with a top stitch down the middle.
Those are flat felled seams. You stitch the seams wrong-sides together, then press and trim down the side that will be encased, then turn under the longer seam and top-stitch it down. It adds a lot of stability and structure.
ngl it would be cheaper to buy this uniform
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Oh good there's already an OITNB thread.

How do I fake having meth teeth?
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>mfw I heard Rilo Kiley playing in the commercials for this show

Was it any good?
The show or Rilo Kiley?
The show was really good, I think. Second season isn't even going to be filmed until sepetmber though.
dentures bruh
The show, I'll have to watch it now.
File: 1375326326560.jpg-(7 KB, 216x176, BenNyeToothStain.jpg)
7 KB
Holy shit I had no idea these existed. Thanks man.

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