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Do I need to wear bloomers?

I just wear soffe shorts or some shit
>>6966023 (OP)
If your dress is a bit on the short side, its recommended.
Speaking of bloomers, where can I get relatvely cheap (but good/cute) ones?
Anna house
You should always wear bloomers or at least something over your butt, be it a pair of shorts or cute lolita cotton bloomers.
- Going up stairs
- Wind
- Getting out of cars
- Picking things up off the ground if you drop them
- Unexpected situations you might not plan for happening.
>Unexpected situations you might not plan for happening.
Ugh. Especially this. As soon as you get used to having bloomers on all the time, you will end up forgetting when you haven't worn them, and end up flashing everyone by mistake because you think "it's okay, my ass is covered!"
whats the big deal?

not like most people wear bloomers or shorts under their dresses and skirts these days
Thanks Anon.

I take it Bodyline bloomers aren't that great?
It's nice to have them though. I've had times where I've worn a dress, not even a short one, and got caught by the wind and had to and had to grab my dress from flying up. Also it gives you a nice sense of security that if something does happen, your ass/crotch won't be on display(because accidents happen and some people are assholes)
Absolutely necessary for brolita

Outgoing women check your passport often, so to speak
Quite possibly the most stupid question ever, but when they say waist s is 12"-18" they mean that is a flat measurement and you need to double it right?
I've never owned a pair, but I've heard from several people that they're rather scratchy!
Most people aren't wearing really fluffy skirts that have a tendency to get lifted by passing items or wind accidentally. Petticoats hold it out and away from you so it's not like a normal skirt where people can't easily look up under there when you are on stairs etc.

Also older women twice have stopped to compliment me on my outfit and then started lifting my skirt up to see if i had a petticoat on underneath. It was startling. Glad I had bloomers on.
good, I'm not the only one. I've been doing this for 8 years and I still just wear soffie shorts.
The all-cotton ones from Bodyline are nice enough, but they're no longer as good a deal as they used to be.
bloomers are mad easy to rig up out of a pair of shorts & elastic, if you know basic sewing
I wear jojo's bizarre advenure pants instead when I wear lolita. If people get a look up my dress then at least they get to see faces of fabulous men. It also looks hilarious when I wear them with nice socks.
jesus christ, where do I buy those? I-I want to accidentally flash people with fabulousness too...
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I got mine while in Japan, I'm not sure where else you can buy them. I got the more cheap part 2 boxers when I know you can get the more expensive ones that have a design for each part. I wasn't going to post by butt originally but here you go. I much prefer these over bloomers when wearing lolita.
I wear spandex shorts under any short dress that I have. It's useful when it's super windy.
>dat filename
Thanks! i'll have to look out for these in the future!
personally, I think wearing bloomers has a couple of factors that go into it. for one, is it cold? and the second, what's your body shape? the second one isn't as important as the first. also bloomers may give you extra puff to your petti, if you want/need it.
Wear bloomers! You can get them for $16.50 including shipping off etsy. You can't be that cheap.
If it's hot, I wear boxer shorts, like what dudes wear. Rest of the time, I wear little short poofy bloomers. I only break out fleecy ones in the Winter.
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Why don't you try losing about 50lbs first you fat cow. Fuck, what is with this sudden influx of fatties wearing shit not made for them? I remember old /cgl/ when we actually had progress and /fit/ threads. It's like this new generation just flat out gave up.
I just wear bike shorts, way better than bloomers
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seriously guys.
kind of on topic, how do you care for you bloomers? dry clean?
machine wash, if you can't machine wash them, then they suck
well what about ironing them? my steamer's broken, which sucks.
That sounds lovely.
why would you need to iron them? no one is supposed to see them.
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I love it when you misfire anon on me, MISFIRE ALL OVER THREAD! hnnngh!
All cotton ones are cute- long though. Good for an oldschool look.

No they're made for people with 12 inch waists. Duh fatass
I had an amazing pair from bodyline that were soft and made from really nice cutsew material with chiffon ruffles. Too bad my dog chewed a hole in them just yesterday. Life's shit.

sage for no contribution.
Bloomers are super easy to make too if you wanna give a shot at sewing. You could make two pairs for less than twenty bucks.

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