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I myself have always enjoyed cosplayers who chose characters and/or series that heavily involve food. What are some of the best cosplaying with food shoots or pictures you have seen?
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This is the only thing in my entire cosplay folder, aside from drinks and tomatoes.

/r/ing a Stocking that has actual expensive sweets and not shitty candy.
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I really want to see some Yakitate! Japan cosplay. I really, really do.
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I'd love to do a Yakitate group someday. Ahhh... if only.
I trained as a pastry chef and I've been genuinely considering doing some Yumeiro Patissiere cosplay and handing out cakes and pastries at a con... Dunno if I'd be recognised though.
>>7009032 (OP)
her character doesn't even heavily involve food she comically ate a potato and some bread in an episode and the fandom has reduced her to nothing but that

Actually, she does have issues with food in canon, and it's not as comical as the anime is making it out to be.
looks like someone hasn't read the manga
That would be super cute, especially if you could get a little group together.
It's been a while since I watched it, but I remember wanting to cosplay one of the Sweets Spirits since their designs are so adorable.
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Yuyuko mauling a watermelon
man this is a really creepy specific request
yeah people blow the LOL POTATO out of proportion.

she likes eating in general
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that's too adorable, I can't handle it
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This image has always bothered me because it looks like her mouth is probably like this.
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... how do you confuse a kuchisake-onna?

It's just how it looks with the watermelon pressed against her face like that.
It makes it look like it is going into her head somehow (or that she has the sides of her mouth slit open, making more watermelon fit in her mouth)
Oh no no I get what you mean, I meant what the image describes at the bottom, the part about "... unless you can find a way to confuse her."
If you say she's so-so looking instead of ugly or cute, she has to stop and think about how to respond, which is your only opportunity to escape.
By being a vague bastard/ taking advantage of the fact that she's the most polite evil spirit ever.
Seriously, one of the ways is to tell her that you're busy and she'll apologize and leave

That's so cute, I wanna date her.
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Thank you.

The more you know, everyone.
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did you not see the episode where she stole meats???
I saw some girl cosplay Sasha and do a full shoot with a fucking potato. I hated it because even like, 2 episodes after being introduced to Sasha, you never see that damn potato again. Yes, she likes food and she talks about food, but she doesn't focus on fucking potatoes. Ugh, stupid.
First impressions are powerful

But why?
Why do people make food this big?

No one can eat that all in one sitting, and since it's icecream you kinda have to, so you either throw it away and waste it or eat it and feel real bloated afterwards. It's like the people who made the food secretly want you to feel bad so they purposely made something that was too big for you so you'd feel bad that you had to throw it out because it's too much, or you eat it all so they don't get upset but then you don't feel good and then it's like god damnit.
Usually, desserts that big are intended to be shared by a couple or group. Not eaten by one person.
True, SnK wouldn't be everywhere if not for that.

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