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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Hello, /cgl/. Picture related; it is me. As you can see, I am aging man and I have many features which would make me unsuitable for dressing up as a young person in one of your hot, new series of today. As someone who greatly enjoyed "classics" such as Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing and Akira, however, I am curious as to whether you could pinpoint some characters that would not be *too* strange for me to dress up as.

Thanks in advance,
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>>6920024 (OP)

It works.
If you grew that beard out you could pass as Alan Moore.
Do this or I'll hunt you down. It's too perfect. Wonderful excuse to wander around while drinking too.
I want /g/ to leaf.

Don't bully /cgl/, it's not their fault they don't know shit about freedumb.

I'd like to interject...
Ox king from dragonball
Oh look, another /g/uy guy for pics to oggle
King Bradley from fma
Makarov from fairy tail
Genryuusai from bleach
Master Roshi from bleach
Monkey d garp from one piece
>not using open source patterns for costumes
It's like you hate freedom, /cgl/.
Derp meant dbz

Lolita here, and filthy crossboarder.

I thought everyone knew this meme
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how about pierrot le fou?
You guys are idiots for replying seriously to this
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> Stallman asking /cgl/ for cosplay advice
ehhh....i don't know who this guy is; i just like pierrot le fou
wait that was a bebop character
I like that movie
You should be greasy Sesshoumaru.
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I'm pretty sure that's Stallman
>>6920024 (OP)
You know, if I ever run into RMS at another con, I'm going to suggest this.
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Cosplay as Gentoo
Just because its open source dosnt mean its free
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Cyan from FF6
Haha, oh wow. That's an awesome gif.
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>>6920024 (OP)
>Gundam Wing
>>6920024 (OP)
Have you considered installing gentoo?
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You could always cosplay as Ed Kramer and attend dragon con
Hey, GW is technically a classic. It's over 10 years old. But i know what you mean when someone says 'classic' and they can only think of 'Wing' and none of the other older Gundam series.
Guys, that is Richard Stallman.


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