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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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OC reaction image making time!
Create a caption for the image above, post your own images. Or caption any image in the thread, whatever.

Starting with a random tumblr image.
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Didnt see an ita thread.
I found the Moitie ita on daily lolita


Apparently she is french
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>Broach is just a less common spelling. It's still correct. Christ.
Uh, no. Brooch and broach are two completely different words. Look it up in a dictionary. Broach is like raising a diffcult subject to someone, or something to do with ships veering suddenly. Brooch is a decorative pin/clasp that you wear.
it happened multiple times, when people told her the comments weren't funny and her replies were bitchy she whined and gave a generic IF U DONT LIKE IT DONT LOOK tantrum
captcha hey jjustop
still think they're doing it for the sake of comfort and not trying to make a statement. manapyon knows her shit.
It's an accepted term/synonym in American English.
And a Brit dictionary that says the same:

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(Pic unrelated because I'm lazy to look up a Ita pic)

Heard that there's so much that happened between Lolita communities, anyone got some?
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Gurl shoulda slapped her with yo hair.
I was about to hit her with my parasol when she suddenly get bored and leave. We still don't why
>"But you're dressed up in alice dresses of course it's cosplay!!!11!"

motherfucker what.
I can't find that comment. What's his username?

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Less bitching, more quality photos and chat this time.

What are you guys working on? Got any WIPs to share?
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This would be so perfect if it weren't for the eyebrows!

WHAT A PITY it was so good.
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Still my favorite

Um... why? If you're going to pick a crossplaying Junko at least choose the one that actually looks good.
I see Junkos wearing the wrong tie for the version they're cosplaying all the time and it's driving me so fucking crazy. They might have been reversed in some character design artwork, but they were never like that in the game

It is possible but she wouldn't have a period anymore and she'd look shitty as hell like terminally ill.
Still it's a good thing to base the weight of the characters on even if it's a bit unrealistic.

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>Special Snowflake cosplays in a nutshell

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/cgl/ == tumblr
The guy who wrote that probably used to go to conventions 10 years ago and just saw a bunch of random cosplay blends online
*cue sad trombone sound*
It's sad because it's true. They are usually the ones with the worst egos to match.
Do you even know what is nerd culture? Let alone a nerd?
Big Bang Theory and "I'm a girl, I play video games so watch out boys xD"?

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7 months gone and we're getting to the best part of the year now with more cons happening. Still left to go this year:

>Manchester MCM Expo 20 July
>London Anime Con 20/21 July 20-21
>Hyper Japan 26/28 July
>Tokonatsu 2-5 August
>AyaCon 16-18 August
>ONECon 24/25 August
>CamCon 31 August
>Alcon 5-8 September
>Scotland MCM Expo 7 September
>J-Con 20/21 September
>Play Expo 12/13 October
>MCM London 25-27 October
>Doki Doki 9 November
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Chances are there will be a meet before one of the parties, probably on Friday at 6 or 7 depending on what's going on at the time.
I would love to hang out with you anon
B-but I'm very shy so please be kind ;~;!!!
i've never been to a parties/raves/whatever they call them at cons before. can anyone give me an idea of what they're like and what the general dress code is?
They're like a year 8 school disco and the dress code is whatever the fuck.
Depends on the party but dress code is normally anything unless specified but never wear a big or impractical costume. Like >>6981301 said, School disco with alcohol. Doesn't mean the're not fun.

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With the convention being less than a week away, I think we need to start an SDCC General thread.

Who's going? What are you wearing? Any panels you're looking forward to? Any drama to be had?

The /cgl/ gatherings will be held outside on the stairs inbetween halls C and D every night at 8pm for maximum seagull exposure. People have panels or stuff to do some nights, so if you can make it one night, awesome, and if you can't make it another night, that's awesome too. Here's a topdown view of the map of the meetup location: http://goo[spoiler].gl/maps/[/spoiler]HA74q

Are your wallets ready?
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Repost from another thread, but:

>We figured we'd have a Fallout meetup at 5pm on the staircase between C and D on Saturday. Be there or be a profligate.
Where is everyone?
At the con.
Awwwwwwwww shit t-minus 8.5 hours for day 1
What day? Because cosplay meetups there don't particularly work very well I'd imagine. They would probably want to meet BEHIND the convention center.

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Dream Dress Thread! Post your dream dresses
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They certainly didn't skimp on the fabric, it looks so full
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Not even a lolita but I still desperately want this dress. So annoyed I didn't decide to jump in on the preorder.
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I'll find you one day, baby.

I've been eyeing the pink JSK. I wish someone would hurry up and but it, I don't know how long it will be before I cave.
It wasn't on the last sale either, so it's been sold out long ago. I got the black/gold JSK, I love the print, I would love the skirt in another colour too.
How much was it just out of curiosity? And where'd you find it?

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It's time /cgl/. Time for larp pics
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AATP releasing a Halloween series complete with witch's hat, in the dead of summer? Interesting move. Discuss!
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They have started invoicing and in the e mail it says not to make more orders but to let them know by e mail.

At same time they say they won't take reservation items by email.

Personally i panicked, i wanted the hat most of all, placed an order just for that as soon as the reservations opened and the site was lagging. Then i placed an other for a jsk ii. And on the next day a fellow seagull emailed me asking to order for them so i placed a third order.

I just got my invoice for my first two orders, so i sent them an e mail asking if it is possible to combine my orders.

No idea when i will hear back. I'm fusing they'll want to sent the hat on its own. But I'm hoping they'll send the dresses together.
OK so as soon as they were back up I placed an order for jsk II. Yesterday an email from Sana arrived telling me my shipping address was garbled. I wrote an email to Baby stating my shipping address.
No response yet.
How fucked am I? I know people that have been blacklisted for less.
USE JAPANASE! Just use japanese! Do it. It works.
Tocco is going to fuck you and throw you onto the blacklist
J-just sent them an e-mail on broken jap. I am already panicking.

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Help thread!
The old one has hit its bump limit! >>6924649
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Did you even watch the short? She worked at a pet shop

Also don't use your fucking hair. It will look like crap 99% of the time
Her hair has too much volume and style, you need a wig

Her uniform is salmon pink with red bows

She's a waitress, watch the 2 min preview

Using your hair will look like shit 99.9% of the time you cosplay. Don't be cheap, invest in a nice wig.
Yeah, but I read the concept art was for her waitress uniform. She mentioned she was really great at getting fired, so I imagine she's had a lot of jobs.

Where would I get such a fluffy wig? I've noticed that wigs look like crap about 60% of the time, too.
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wow i can't wait for tons of girls to wear this and call it lolita, thanks natzilla

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I have a shameful problem, does any other fems have this? i need advice! I have some dark hairs growing on my chin, I know.... should i just pluck or is this bad? stress! thanks for your help
>>6981290 (OP)
its just a few hairs but still annoying
I don't have the problem myself, but my mom does, and she just plucks them everyday. She has menopause and it's normal for women to grow hair on their chins during it, but I'm not sure what could be causing your problem. Usually it has something to do with hormones, like not having enough estrogen, or having too much testosterone. If it really bothers you, you could see a doctor.
yeh its probably that. people use to say to me i looked quite boyish, thanks
As far as I can tell, it's pretty normal to have the occasional odd facial hair show up. I have a couple that show up on the right hand side of my chin. If they bother you enough, talk to a doctor to see if it's a hormone/medical issue. Otherwise you can either just keep plucking them, use nair hair removal cream for your face, or get laser hair removal.

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I recently got myself a DSLR in anticipation for a trip to Africa at the end of the year, however before then I'm heading to a couple of cons and thought it might be a good opportunity to take up cosplay photography.

Previously my photography experience has been limited to mostly wildlife photography and at previous cons I've only ever taken quick snaps with my phone camera.

Does anyone have any tips for someone new to cosplay photography? I know at the very least white balance will be important with the con lighting.
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hardly anyone actually knows what hdr is, it's just a buzz phrase to make them sound 1337
Person who made that tries to tell others what to do and they're using an outdated entry-level DSLR. Go figure they don't understand fill.
>canon d400
oh wow i missed that

my sides
gear fags detected
So you think an entry-level DSLR from seven years ago with a processor three generations below what is in current iPhones is a good tool for someone to use while lecturing others on how to be a better photographer?

You can get a second hand 5D for less than a new 700D. There's no excuse for anybody who thinks that much of their ability to be using a camera like that still.

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Hey /cgl/ any tips or sites on where can i get eren's titan hair wig? I am thinking of cutting my hair myself but I cant find any good sites on hairdressing techniques.
A little help please?

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Daily lolita thread anyone ? I'll start

I don't like the horns. At all. This outfit would have been more into the mory style with waved bob of something like that. Anyway, the coord is fine by itself, it would be less plain with a little bit more of gold accent (to go with the tassel)
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Mori is meant to be simple...
I think anon wanted to say "plain" as "polished". Mori is wilder than lolita, and need more work to look at the same time simple but well put
Needs a bit of makeup, but I think it's cute.
Also, I love the picture on the left. Does anyone know the title or the artist?
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>into goth before lolita
>daily lolita post comments are all "tone down the make up! It's too dark for lolita!"
>trends change and suddenly comments are now "your make up is too subtle, needs more drama."

And there's a reason I stopped posting to Daily Lolita. Can't please everyone ever and I'd rather just please myself.

lolita makeup seems to be dewy, soft, etc, in a way that toned down more severe makeup isn't. this with the brown looks a little bit 90's to me - it's not bad but in comparison to other lolita makeup. basically i'm saying it's too american, i think. sounds kind of stupid but makes sense maybe?

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