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/cgl/ culture and helpful links:

/cgl/ general: http://pastebin.com/2E2BmDDc
Taobao: http://tinyurl.com/agpq53z
Lolibrary: http://lolibrary.org/
Hello Lace: http://hellolace.net/

Above you'll find links to our pastebin with information concerning the board and its unique culture and even more links with information about wigs, ordering, and a plethora of other cosplay/lolita-related things.

No biting, kicking, tearing other lolita's dresses, and keep your arms and legs inside at all times. Be nice to each other, ok?

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Can we stop with this shit now?

Internet "burlesque" gijinkas at SDCC
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>>6991492 (OP)

So fucking glad someone else said something about this. I can't stand knowing that the anorexic chick in white ( who is suppose to be god damn reddit ) is going to be representing the cosplay community on the scifi channel with that cosplay heros show.

I'm fucking ashamed. The only reason she is getting her own show is because she is on Chris Hardwick's dick.

Fuck her, google Chole Dystrake on tumblr for her nudes.
She's one of the people on the show that hasn't made any of her costumes. She commissions everything or half asses like this with a corset+accessory.
google and facebook are both pretty busted bitches
I wish there was a fat harry man as tumblr and every time anyone addressed him as he he would go into a fit of rage about pronouns and assumptions and how zhe is a beautiful proud transethnic German chiwawa asexual queer androgen and also a troll from homestuck.
>the REAL internet
top lel that would be fucking amazing.

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What do you think that this show is actually Yaya's show?
How do you feel that cosplaying has been becoming more mainstream?
Do you feel that it is right for Yaya to take cosplay and have it be on TV? And be more known all around?

Personally I liked it better when no one knew what cosplay was.
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Never seen the husband or the kid. Wonder how they must feel or why she doesn't tell people.
To keep them from getting caught up in all the shittalk that goes on here...? Even when the rumors are true, seems pretty obvious that she'd want to keep family out of it.
That's a true story actually. Major shit went down between her and Twinkle and Lindze years ago.
I dare someone to ask their stupid blog what Riki's role was on X-Men: First Class. Going to be funny to see how much she lied about her resume yet again

I've noticed that Yaya basically mirrors herself after Lindze. It's like she wants so badly to be white or something. Their Facebook pages look almost identical.

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Does anyone have any examples of lolitas going into a more historical route?
The fashion obviously has roots in a historical fashion, but I really like the certain pictures where they go full out to make themselves fit in with a certain time period.
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Oh... damn

I really thought it would be awesome for me

As much as I love IW, I'm not a big fan of the stained glass craze, so the print isn't doing much for me. I just notice it's always OP dresses I have a hard time fitting the bust for, the waist is never an issue. My chest measurement literally sits on the the usual max, and while I technically fit, they'd never be comfortable. JetJ stuff is torture for me to browse :c

Sage for irrelevant rant, post more beautiful historic fashion please~
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, anon :(

Having a hard time finding coords I'd call fully 'historical' in my folder...
Twenties is kind of hard to emulate in lolita, unless you go for a robe de style kind of look, though. I mean, skirts didn't really poof up until the New Look, which is why 50s lolita is much more common.
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True. I could see it working for aristocrat, though? Maybe something like pic related, or VM's mermaid skirts.

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Sexy cosplay thread
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I used to party with her at cons she's posted old cosplays from her highschool days she's just a chubby chick who likes anime and videogames

are her boobs real?
not sure really but when I met her way back she was really thin so I'm thinking it was the weight gain. Wouldn't surprise me though if they aren't seeing as how every cosplayer now a days has fake tits

Anyone know her name?

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Old thread is autosaging.

Talk about new releases, purchases, accessories, shoes, etc.
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Not counting the shipping, I'd ask for maybe 20-40%, maybe a bit more,, depending on whether the stains come out. If they don't, that's on an offwhite print and extremely noticeable, so that's a pretty major flaw.

That's odd too. When I shopped at Bodyline I gave them the dress I wanted, then they went away somewhere and came back with a new item in a plastic bag. There's no changing room though, so there's literally no way to see what an item would look like on you.
I think they do, but this was more of a case of "lol bodyline is just shitty" and they refused to do anything for her so she avoided buying anything else from them ever.

Funnier part of it is that she was a pretty serious Lolita at the time and would never stoop to buying from them (this was a while back when they were mostly a cheap costume store and not putting out decent Lolita basics) but she was buying a cheap costume for a club night or something.
oooh, did you buy it from that one leaving lolita post with 100+ items? I was debating that skirt too.

Also I don't think that print should run, but use a clean kitchen sponge just in case.
The law in everywhere I've heard of specifically states that you are entitled to a cash refund, a replacement, or a repair, regardless of store policies, and if a store tells you they can't give you a refund in such a case, they are breaking the law. Again, though, I dunno about Japan, and I know not many Japanese people like complaining about faulty goods, so I can see how Bodyline would easily get away with doing stuff like that even if it's illegal.

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I think Ardella makes a great Powergirl...but Precious just took the title.
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Precious is in her late 20s right?
Early or mid.. are you really going to try to say she looks old? even for an extremely low light low quality picture, she looks great.

She looks, about 28 I would guess.
She looks like octomom
Lolol. This thread. I have C breasts and with two bras, one being a huge push up bra and two silicone inserts I can make my breasts look like that as well.

Lrn2Boob Magnify instead of calling 'implants!!' Not everyone is Yaya or JNig...

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Less bitching, more quality photos and chat this time.

What are you guys working on? Got any WIPs to share?
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Got a question in regards to cosplaying/crossplaying Chihiro. Now, obviously Chihiro is a boy and I am a girl, so I fully intend to bind and reduce my curves, but I'm wondering what to do about makeup? He fully passes for female in DR, so should I go for typical female character makeup? Or make an attempt to make myself look a little more boyish?
I think that if you stick with simple nude looking makeup, you'd look great.

However, don't skimp on fake eylashes and circle lenses. He has very moe and big eyes, and his eyelashes do stand out.
Just don't do the crazy wide eyes stare that one Chihiro cosplayer does.
That girl doesn't even like HS?
I'd say go for very natural makeup- subtle brown eyeshadow and brown lashes or mascara instead of black, and a sheer of nudish pink for lips.

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Semi-cosplay related, but can we have a Japanese culture/Lolita/Cosplay/Weeabooism in the media thread?

Instances of which include when the lolita and kodona boyfriend that went on Snog, Marry, Avoid, the shy Mori girl who's style was butchered on Hotter than my daughter, and even stretching to include that mini doc that was done on wolfaboo's where they all sat around slashing each others arms to drink their blood and the mother just thought they were being hip and rebellious.
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you mean this?
so Rune got asked to be in it too
Just imagine that sassy black bitch on TV representing all lolitas
and then her blog as she gets pissy that she was "misrepresented"
we're clearly misrepresented, this whole documentary is a "lol look at those freaks" laughing stock.
why volunteer?
What's your issue with Rune? Just wondering, I always thought she seemed really nice.

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I wanna cross play as Utena, and I have a question.
Since in the show, she has a prince's uniform. To cross play her correctly, would i need a sailor fuku?
Up to you. I'd just go with the prince uniform personally.
She does wear the Ohtori Academy school uniform for, like, two episodes, and she has the Rose Bride dress and a couple other dresses throughout the series. Honestly, though, even if she wears men's attire, the character is female, and I thought the was what is important?
>>6991207 (OP)

She wears a modified version of the male's uniform.

Why would you wear a skirt?
anon wants to cross play a female character that dresses like a boy ergo they want to be a male utena wearing girl clothes

basicllly theyll look like a retarded utena

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Didn't see an ita thread anywhere, so ita thread?
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I could maybe agree with you on the first two but... if you're defending that last one, I have to majorly question your taste and ability to judge an ita.
Is this an Evonby from that really bad Harry Potter fanfic cosplay?
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I-is it wrong I kinda like this?

It's not a lady dwarf cosplay or lolita, but is looks kinda cool.
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her halloween costume.
this is the one from hot topic I think

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Recently I started disliking a trend I've been seeing become the norm.

I'll be looking through random cosplayer's progress pictures and instead of seeing progress I see things like:
"Oh my friend is airbrushing my suit and her husband is making the cast mold for my armor"
"I don't know how to work with latex so I am having the boots, gloves, and headpiece made by a friend"
any combination of that.

How do others feel about this? I'll accept I am in the wrong for thinking this kind of craftsmanship is a faux pas but it just seems so false to call in your cosplay or professional friends who specialize in some art. We used to do all this stuff ourselves and learning how to was the enriching experience.

What do you do if you don't have those connections? I guess you just make it yourself but you'll just be compared to someone who had 3 other people working on their cosplay.
It's like when some singer starts off well enough composing all or at least most of their music and then increasingly relies on established singers to feature in their music so they can stay relevant or on top.
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Been having problems posting and I saved my post in oneNote, which apparently automatically pastes the text as a PNG... Fucking weird.
At least they're crediting said friends for their efforts, not saying I DID ALL OF THIS.

I personally don;t have an issue with people seeking out help from friends for cosplay things, as longs as the friends are rewarded and credited.
In my cosplay group, we all have different strengths so we all help out on each others' cosplays and try to help each other work on the skills we want to improve. For example, I enjoy doing fiddly details involving handsewing, such as sewing things onto shoes but I suck at prop making. So I often do the fiddly parts of people's cosplays in return for them helping me with my props.
[citation needed]
How about you stop caring so much about people playing dress-up OP?

Most of the people in this hobby dress up for fun; Not to show off how good they are at making shit.
Showing how good you are at making things to play dress up is the name of thr cosplay game.

Its not just a casual costume party at a friend's house. For some it is competition, business , personal pride, and also, yes, fun.

Some definitely do want to be recognized for their skill, which is actually numerous esoteric and difficult skills, because that is a nice reward for their hard work and dedication.

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ITT: Pricing questions

I started whittling/carving one of these. If I make it a habit, how much should I charge for them? The wood is free.
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Go back to /a/ faggot.
People buy a lot of useless shit though. Since this is essentially anime merch of a new/getting-popular series, and hand-carved which takes a lot of time, I think someone'd buy it for some sort of amount.

I might give some out to fellow cosplayers of the series (if any exist when I go to a con) but not to random fans.
I'd pay around $7 for one if it was a keychain. You'd probably need to make it smaller in order to do that--probably like 2"?

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Hey /cgl/. I'm planning a last minute cosplay- pic related-and was wondering how I would go about applying the fake blood onto the dress so that it looks as realistic as possible. I've cosplayed before but never had any experience with fake blood/dirt.

Also general help thread?
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I've got some new shoes for an outfit, and was wearing them around and breaking them in today; the toes fit nicely and they're quite comfortable BUT the back edge is pretty tall and is rubbing against my heel and making it red (and if I wear them too long will definitely blister). Is there something I can put against it to stop the rubbing, or should I try cutting the back of the shoe, or what?

It's for a gijinka so it's not like the shape of the shoe really matters, I'd just like something that can stay snug on my foot since the rest of the shoe is slightly too big.
Look for moleskin pads or if you can't find those band-aids work too. Look in the outdoor section, people use moleskin for breaking in hiking boots.
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is it.. possible to buy the fabric tights are made of by the yard?

I need to have my legs/upper body (arms, shoulders, part of my chest) colored and i'd rather use tights, but I dont know what to do about my upper body since I want it all to be the same color.
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necrobumping this thread
can any of you lovely ladies help me with a problem? my good friend asked me to make these armor pieces for him, but since i don't play skyrim and am not familiar with what these are, all i have to go on is this awful picture, I tried typing in skyrim armor, but all i got were unrelated pics :/ if anyone has good info/references i will be forever in debt
Its the studded armor, just google "dovahkiin armor skyrim" and youll find it. Also there an actual help thread guys, use that from now on for questions like this.

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Make-up thread, because I didnt see anyone

We all now how important sunprotection is. How do you deal with it? It mostly wont protect longer than an hour, but just reapplying it? Over your foundation and powder? Im thinking about that since weeks
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I use powder foundation, personally. It's a bit more difficult to find the right color match, but the coverage is good, and I love it on my oily skin. Mac makes a good one, but I use L'Oreal True Match Natural.
>Just want to have good skin or even "good-looking" skin :(
Stop using foundation that breaks you out then. You sound like you've fallen into the have acne->cover it up with makeup->makeup makes you break out->wear more makeup->break out more cycle. Seriously, just try wearing a tinted moisturiser or BB cream for a little while if you feel you NEED to wear something, something that doesn't break you out, and your skin will improve. BB cream and concealer is generally plenty for everyday wear.
Anyone got tips for night-time looks for girls with young-looking faces? I've been wearing makeup almost every time I go outside for a couple of years now (concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara blusher, powder, shimmery eyeshadow in neutral, tones if I'm doing something special), and while I like the way I look with it on, I'm just so bored of doing basically the same thing every time. Years of lolita means my makeup is always focused on looking cutesy and playing up my youthful features, and I have no idea how to do a more mature look for going out without looking like a little girl who got into mommy's makeup bag. Honestly, I'm not sure I can pull off "sexy" with my face, but just something a little darker/more mature would be a nice change of pace. So uh, yeah. Help, please?
>eyeshadow in neutral, tones if I'm doing something special
ugh, omit that comma there.
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this shit is gold in a bottle. I've used it for months and I rarely wear make up at all and get tons of compliments on my skin. Shrank my blackheads/pores and cleared up my acne.

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