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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL (Full Images)

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File: 44 KB, 400x372, badtouch.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
6807363 No.6807363 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6813060


Creepy cosplay photographer thread? Creepy cosplay photographer thread.

Who should we be watching out for, folks? And yes, Toronto, we know about Tom. Don't make this one about him.

>> No.6808646
File: 864 KB, 1478x1004, DSC_0201.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here...

>> No.6808655
Quoted by: >>6815176

>Toronto, we know about Tom. Don't make this one about him.

Damn it cgl, you had one job

>> No.6809090
Quoted by: >>6809231

So is the message here that Tom is the guy in the article and the only creeper who takes photos?

>> No.6809231

He might not be the only one, but he's the grandfather of all pervy photographers. He's everything you should avoid in a photographer

>> No.6809238
Quoted by: >>6814807

I'm new in the Atlanta area, so anyone I should look out for here would be appreciated.

>> No.6809242
Quoted by: >>6813899

Anyone is Southern California that I need to watch out for? There are lots of people with cameras, so avoiding the bad ones should not be that bad once I know who they are.

>> No.6809251
Quoted by: >>6809272

There is a photographer who kept looking for my page for sometime and began looking for me at the cons and events I attend. I don't know if he's a creeper though, I didn't feel comfortable but I was wondering if anyone here maybe knew more about him? I don't know much about him.

There's a group of local younger girls who seem to often be near him, do photoshoots with him, and they all carpool with him to events. We mistakened him initially as one of the girls' parents or something.

>> No.6809259
Quoted by: >>6815922

There was a photographer at Ohayocon who asked for my picture. This being my first con and I as naive as I am I agreed. We sat there for like an hour and after it was all said and done I'm pretty sure the whole time he was trying for panty shots. I gave him my card, and I never received the photos which makes me think even more so it was all pervy shots. I feel dumb for not realizing beforehand, but the joke's on him because I never wear skirts without some shorts.

>> No.6809267

Random asshole photographer at AX I met, maybe 2008 - asked for a picture of me and my two friends (we were all in matching costumes), so we all lined up and smiled, arms around each other.

He showed us the picture - all smiling and shit - and he'd cut me out of the picture entirely. I can understand not wanting to get a picture of a full group, but how stupid do you have to be to A) cut off someone so it looks like there's a phantom arm hanging over the middle person's shoulder and B) show them the picture afterwards? What a creep. Wish I knew who he was, besides "weeb weirdo."

>> No.6809272
Quoted by: >>6809280 >>6809482

Your post is so vague without location or naming names that this could be anyone.

Honestly, male photogs being in their 30s-40s and doing shoots with much younger girls can just be a coincidence of demographics. DSLRs (particularly full-frame) and good lenses cost a fair bit of money, so you're unlikely to see those being carried by photogs in their 20s. Cosplayers at animu events are usually in their early teens to late 20s, averaging out around 16-24. Unless a photographer is doing something specifically creepy, like grooming teenagers for girlfriend material, taking sexual/fetish photos of underage girls, or other weird shit, I don't think the age difference alone is enough to brand someone a creeper. The guys at cons keep getting older and the girls keep getting younger.

>> No.6809280
Quoted by: >>6809807

I made it vague purposely to segue into explaining a bit more about him, and bringing up a name if someone was more curious about it. He is a So Cal photographer, though I don't know how popular he is.

I don't think the age different brands people as a creeper either. It's certain questions though that specifically are pertaining to your body and then seeing his interaction and types of shoots with other girls that piqued my interest. Like I said, I don't know much about him but I am qilling to explain more if needed, the little I know/observed.

>> No.6809482

That is the unfortunate side of photography. It takes years, if not decades to be good at your craft and camera equipment is thousands and can start running into the tens of thousands when all is said and done.

The average age of the pro photographer is with snow on the top, which means 50-60+ years old. Which means that by default, cosplay photographers are some of the youngest photographers in that hobby.

So while cosplay photographers are in general about 10 years older than the cosplayers, and can be much older (Like good old Jerry is getting close to 80 and Dale is getting close to 95, you SoCal'ers should know these guys since they wont be around much longer), in general they are around 30 years younger than the general photography community.

>> No.6809485
File: 25 KB, 354x400, avellone.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

>that feel when you live in toronto
>that feel when you will never perv on /cgl/ feet like tom, because he simultaneously blazed the trail before you, and terrified all potential qts

Fuck you Tom. They'll never accept me now.

>> No.6809496
Quoted by: >>6812915

I was told that (at least in the Toronto area) a lot of photographers are pretty awkward. Apparently there's one that would do ninja flips and acrobatics while he takes pictures to impress girls. I think his pictures are actually pretty good though.

>> No.6809772

Names people. We need names. None of this vague bullshit.

>> No.6809798
File: 87 KB, 798x1200, 919952_635848383095899_1115128211_o.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6809806

>> No.6809806 [DELETED] 


I've never really liked Pridemore attitude to begin with, but wow, this photo...she really thinks she's hot shit huh?

>> No.6809807
Quoted by: >>6812903

Drop his name. I'm sure you'll find out whether he's harm or not by how much /cgl/ talkes about him.

>> No.6812875

I see this guy on the Southern California convention circuit that is so creepy that other photographers dislike him. What is his name?

>> No.6812903
Quoted by: >>6813050

But how accurate can that be. /cgl/ hates on most photographers regardless if the stuff being said is true or not. I mean look at what happened to the guy who took Jnigs picture.

>> No.6812915
Quoted by: >>6812932 >>6813289

>Apparently there's one that would do ninja flips and acrobatics while he takes pictures to impress girls.

I hope you actually mean while he's taking the pictures, not in between shots because that would be amazing.

>> No.6812921
Quoted by: >>6812932 >>6812990


>> No.6812932
Quoted by: >>6813289

I hope so too.

The first name that came to mind from that article.

>> No.6812938

What about Australian photographers? I feel like anyone who gets talked about here is someone to stay clear of, and thankfully, the few photogs I am friends with never get mentioned here and take decent shots.

I don't follow threads from my own country very much, but that's how it looks to me.

>> No.6812990
Quoted by: >>6813001 >>6813029


This a million times. He builds shrines to his favorite cosplay girls in his mansion

>> No.6813001
Quoted by: >>6813280

Requesting more details on LJinto.

>> No.6813029

Wh.......what? Shrines?

>> No.6813050

Just drop the motherfucking name.

>> No.6813060


I'm a dude. lol I don't have to worry about that. In fact I think I would take it as a complement if some chick was like that. But I also find clingy stalker chicks to be hot. :3

>> No.6813280


He's a odd guy, he covers his face anytime someone trys to take a pic of him. He buys famous cosplayers really really expensive gifts and dinners so he can be best friends with them and has a shrine to Jessica Nigri all he talks about is how hes really good friends with her. He buys all her prints. He has given Riddle's Messy Wardrobe gifts worth thousands of dollars. He hates other photographers that steal his spotlight and talks shit about just about everyone. He got really fat so he doesnt like to do photoshoots in convention areas anymore instead he brings famous underage cosplayers back to his hotel room to do shoots in his bathroom and bed. He will love you if you are blonde.

>> No.6813288
Quoted by: >>6814599

Ljinto has also wept real tears about not being able to take famous cosplayers photos because they were shooting with a better photographer. He hates Ackson and Anna Fischer

>> No.6813289

In between shots apparently. I haven't see it in person but I would love to.

>> No.6813329
Quoted by: >>6813914 >>6815176

Can anyone fill me details about this Tom guy?

>> No.6813333

yeah, a lot of my cosplay friends room with LJinto now just because he pays for the room and buys them gifts...I'm jelly yeah, but I know that he just wants to get in their pants and it creeps me out that they go along with it for the cheapies and photos. He's also a really flakey photog and only pays attention to you if you're famous

>> No.6813354
File: 57 KB, 228x514, 20938402urio.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6813395

Avoid LJinto

>> No.6813392
Quoted by: >>6813427 >>6813452


Yaya Han does this alot. LJinto takes her entire entourage out for dinner just to talk to her and then picks up the 2000 dollar bill

>> No.6813395
Quoted by: >>6813427

Oh I have run into him then. I had no clue it was him. I saw him at Dragoncon and Katsucon. Didn't seem like he wanted to be talkative to me, though I am sure it is because I am a guy. Completely ignored me and interrupted my photo shoot just to talk to the cosplayer about his photo shoot or wanting to do one, I really don't remember what was said. Though I do remember him turning down another girl over the chance to shoot with IchigoKitty at Katsucon.

>> No.6813427
Quoted by: >>6813560

From what I know of LJinto:
- super possessive of cosplayers he enjoys shooting. If someone else tries to hijack them for photos/video, he sometimes takes it out on the cosplayers themselves by bitching at them.
- bought a cosplayer a car???
- covers entire restaurant bills for people

Personally, I'm really uncomfortable with people using gifts as a way of exerting power over others. It basically says "accept this or it would be rude, but now you owe me." I get the impression that Lionel Lum used to do this with props, and got pissy when he would lose female cosplayers' attention once they got boyfriends. There was some conflict over that a year or two ago.

>> No.6813452
Quoted by: >>6813493 >>6813564

How the hell you guys know about this? What does he do for a living besides being a con photographer?

>> No.6813493


no one knows he doesnt tell anyone about his personal life but hes at a con every weekend it doesnt seem like he works often

>> No.6813513
Quoted by: >>6813516

Holy shit. I actually know this Tom guy. I met him at AnimeXtreme, and the owner introduced him to me as a model builder and "professional Coldplay photographer". It feels so odd to read this stuff about him, because when we were introduced I talked to him for a bit about how I was really interested in Cosplay, and one day wanted to try it myself. He added me on Facebook shortly after and frequently posts his shots, after seeing them I kind of backed off of the idea of doing Cosplay myself for the time being, because of the type of shots he took. I was supposed to join in to his model building group, but I never did (luckily, I suppose now).

>> No.6813516
Quoted by: >>6813590

*cosplay, not Coldplay. Goodness. I'm on my phone.

>> No.6813525

Here in Germany there is the guy who constantly messages every girl he finds to ask her doing barefoot shootings with him, because that's apparently his fetish or something. His whole gallery is full of this shit.

>> No.6813535
Quoted by: >>6813580

There is an awful photographer who is black and has a speech problem in the Washington DC area. He was very rude to my friends and taped us without asking. When he asked if he could take my picture, I told him no, but he still did.

Are there less creepy cosplay photographers in the Washington DC area that have more than just a point and shoot?

>> No.6813560

I like Lionel though, he builds sweet props and takes a lot of fun and free photos. I can kinda vouch for the boyfriend attention thing since he sometimes comes onto you then shrugs it off as a joke. He's pretty harmless though and is very active in the community, fun to shoot with.

>> No.6813564
Quoted by: >>6813575 >>6813578

as I said before, some of my cosplay friends hang with him, and I've actually seen him come up out of the blue and present them with outrageous gifts like surprise, what. I wouldn't know how to feel if he did that for me, would be so awkward and pressured

>> No.6813568

can we also talk about photogs that were fun to shoot with or recommend?

>> No.6813572
Quoted by: >>6813587

Does anyone know how EBK is doing? I haven't heard about him for a while. I enjoy getting shots from him since he takes like a buttload, but he's not very social.

>> No.6813575
Quoted by: >>6813599

It's beyond me that the cosplayers who received the gifts from him are not freaked out by him and actually joins more photo shoot with him.

>> No.6813578
Quoted by: >>6813583 >>6813610

Did anyone go as far as sleeping with him?

>> No.6813580
Quoted by: >>6813596


>> No.6813583

I really hope not

>> No.6813587
Quoted by: >>6813622


EBK really isn't that bad, albeit a bit awkward. He's actually pretty nice and he's been known to tell off pushy/rude photographers who bother cosplayers during his shoots.

>> No.6813590


lmao professional Coldplay photographer

>> No.6813596

jkid usually gives you a card and is pretty nice though

>> No.6813599

I feel like my friends just put up with him and shrug it off just because he's got nice photo gear, sigh

>> No.6813610
Quoted by: >>6813616


No, LJinto has no interest in actually fucking these girls but he just wants to peel off their skin and put it in a plastic box for him to treasure

>> No.6813616


>> No.6813622
Quoted by: >>6813633

LOL WRONG. EBK is horrible.

I used to talk to him at cons since he always took my picture, especially back when no one knew me. This to him apparently meant that I wanted the D, and he started harassing me ever since about whether I was single, via phone, FB, email, coscom, in person, you name it. He would hit on me constantly.

I didn't want to bitch him out because he's so well known I was afraid he'd talk shit about me to other cosplayers. I decided the better course of action was to spread the word to other girls that he was a creep.

>> No.6813633

wow, I didn't know he was like that. He always came off as non-intrusive when I've interacted with him, then again, I'm always with groups.

I wouldn't worry too much about him "spreading word" since I don't think he's that assertive in the community

>> No.6813641

Cosplay photographer here, I notice some trends here:

1. These people don't make an effort to socialize and connect with others, ESP cosplayers and other photographers.
2. These people are possessive and treat cosplayers as if they were in a relationship, which means they get jealous of other photographers and treat them as enemies.
3. These photographers use photography as a means to get into a relationship, and when things don't go their way, they can't deal with it socially.

>> No.6813661
Quoted by: >>6813675

I don't get these `professional` photographers. All they ever shoot is sexy women and nothing else.

>> No.6813675
Quoted by: >>6813697


This is 6813641 here, I am no "pro" Cosplay photographer here, but I am definitely that level. Not all of us photographers are like that, big or small, tall or short, men or women, I photograph them all. All I care about is if I am having fun photographing them and they are having fun with my shoots. That's all I care about, you won't see me doing shoots with Jnig, her tuff with her Cosplay photographer taught me to avoid her like a plague in future cons.

>> No.6813697

it really depends on the photographer though since there are a ton of great ones I've worked with out there. We're pretty much just talking about the more extreme ones. Some of the ones I really like working with are Soulfire photography, Ger tsk, daniel gray and lionel. Always a blast with them

>> No.6813899

gamefan123 is the first that comes to mind. No sense of/regard for personal space, tends to get waaaaaay too up close and personal without asking.

I went to the same school as him and found out then how bad he can get, and occasionally have the misfortune of running into him at cons. I was amused to learn that he already had a reputation within the SoCal cosplay comm

>> No.6813914


That picture pretty much sums his photography skills up, but then there's all the drama he spews on his fb on an almost daily basis, and all the shit he pulls at cons and cosplay meet ups... There's an infograph out there I saved but it's not on my laptop (it's on my external and I'm far too lazy to search).
Long story short;
- takes foot fetish photos in public with absolutely no shame
- has been known to take fetish pictures of underage girls including handcuffs, being "stuck" in "glue", tied up, ect.
- is a total babby about people talking about him on here and anywhere else, constantly complains that he's so much better than us for whatever reason
- owns two shitty-ass DSLR's he uses on full-auto mode, with no concept of framing, lighting, or editing whatsoever
- dumps hundreds of pictures of the same damn cosplayer/pose instead of selecting a couple of his best shots
- is a general creeper 35 year old who shouldn't even be talking to underage girls at cons let alone taking pictures of their bare feet and posting them on fetish sites without their knowledge

>> No.6813932

Wait, is this the same dipshit who showed up here many months back, and had a total fucking meltdown? He acted entitled as fuck, I hope some angry dad blows his balls off with a shotgun some day.

>> No.6813954
Quoted by: >>6814024 >>6815104

Why arent there more FEMALE cosplay photographers?

>> No.6814024
Quoted by: >>6814030

because being a photographer is already established as the easiest way to get cosplayer pussy

>> No.6814026

lol, if you dont want a gift? DONT TAKE THE GIFT.

People dont give shit for free. what planet have you people been living on?

>> No.6814030
Quoted by: >>6814539 >>6814556

Or because being a photographer takes skill and women don't have the ability to actually acquire skill in a hobby that doesn't involve attention whoring.

>> No.6814537

Wow, reading this I'm glad the Ontario/Quebec circuit doesn't seem to have many creepers except for a few socially awkward photogs and this aforementioned Tom guy; never met him to my knowledge, but I've seen some of his shots and whatever wasn't about a creepy fetish looked like shit.

>> No.6814539

OP here. Get the fuck out.

>> No.6814556


what about Jessie Pridemore?

>> No.6814599


Aside from LJinto, any sauce of Acksonl and Anna Fischer? For Acksonl, it seems a little bizarre to me that someone would spend his pitiful savings from working at McD's just to fly around the country and shoot dancing videos of cosplayers...

>> No.6814610
File: 124 KB, 639x960, do you even into lighting.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

this pic sums up the quality of most of his work

>> No.6814617
Quoted by: >>6814626

Tom = everage?

>> No.6814626

Flipping burgers is a lucrative business


>> No.6814645

Google money funds his hobby

>> No.6814652

Sup Paixingcai. You mad still because he rejected your shit cosplay?

>> No.6814676
Quoted by: >>6814767

And surprise surprise, Tom is whingeing about this on fb again. Funny, for someone who "never goes on 4chan", he knows an awful lot about the threads on here.

>> No.6814683
File: 62 KB, 425x640, 2104247.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6814706 >>6814728

taking fanservice pics = auto creeper?

who are the GOOD photographers?

>> No.6814706

I knew some people who think like that but for things like that, that who costume is fanservice. That would make anyone taking a picture of that cosplayer a creeper.

I really never understood how taking those photos would make someone a creeper if the girls are willing to do it. I mean, what does that make the girls?

As for the photogs known as creepers, they have the personality and act the part just fine before what they shoot comes into play.

>> No.6814728
Quoted by: >>6814746

She has a nice butt, but the photographer really should have done a side or 3/4 shot since the girl has no defined waist. Not that it looks bad, but could be better.

>> No.6814746

Agreed. Maybe a change of pose. It is very awkward with her hand by her side.

>> No.6814767
Quoted by: >>6814791


>> No.6814791
File: 107 KB, 640x675, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

Do you want the comments as well? I'm on my phone so Id have to do multiple caps. But I don't mind. I didn't post what you responded to, but I did post about actually meeting him.

>> No.6814799

Me thinks Ackson has become a poorfag. Why isn't he going out and about at cons anymore?

>> No.6814807

Neko7 or whatever he is called. He is based out of Alabama but he has been known to try and get pervy shots. Sometimes he even asks you to pose in that way though most girls have the common sense to say no. People think it is because he has a foreign accent that he doesn't know any better but the dude is a professor for one of the schools in Alabama, the one that runs Kamicon.

>> No.6814808

Maybe he realizes that the steadycam fad is over now.

>> No.6814813
Quoted by: >>6814849

Be my guest

>> No.6814816
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1281725920625.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

There is only one thing to call men who go to cons and go to great lengths to get pervy pictures of female cosplayers...


>> No.6814825
Quoted by: >>6814842

Maybe tired of doing it. When he started, there wasn't many people doing videos. I mean heck, this past Katsucon, there were 30+ people with Steadicam and doing videos. Originality slowly fades in the community because people see it makes your popular.

>> No.6814842
Quoted by: >>6814855

His quality started dropping anyway, and I think that one dancing/lipsyncing video from Katsucon with IMT got a fair amount of shit for being "boring."

>> No.6814849
File: 89 KB, 640x600, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

I'm skipping the kind of irrelevant ones he doesn't respond to or in, there's a total of 5 caps worth, but ill post less. To sum it up, they essentially say things like "why would people go so far to make you look like a perv?" And "just ignore them, you're a good photographer"

>> No.6814854
File: 122 KB, 640x702, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]


>> No.6814855
Quoted by: >>6814937

Majority of any cosplay music videos are boring.
It is the same repetitive thing made by someone else. Insert catchy pop song, pan from bottom corner across the cosplayer to a different corner. Repeat several times from different corners and angles. Throw it in slow-mo, bam, there you have at least 50% of "CMVs" out there.

The lipsync songs are just annoying because it is always what is hip or something over done. I'll make a man out of you, Gangnam style, and pretty much any other over done karaoke song.

>> No.6814858
File: 101 KB, 640x664, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]


>> No.6814864
File: 99 KB, 640x635, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]


>> No.6814870
File: 101 KB, 640x711, image.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6815176 >>6816472


>> No.6814871
Quoted by: >>6814933

Even though the lens length would change how the picture looks, what the hell is he trying to achieve? An unflattering angle, gonna make her legs look long or oddly shaped (fat as some people like to think), and most likely overblown sky background.

>> No.6814933

He has a foot fetish, try and guess why he wants the photos

>> No.6814937

Yeah, I only ever really liked a few, and those included practically no stupid dancing/lip syncing. People who attend conventions are just an awkward crowd to begin with, the CMVs get pretty boring to watch after a while.

>> No.6815104

Most con going girls are in cosplay and it gets awkward to carry both a bulky camera and wear an elaborate outfit. I try to do both though and often include a pocket or some in-character bag for my camera so its out of the way.

>> No.6815109
Quoted by: >>6815126 >>6815146

Who is this?

>> No.6815126


Who's asking?

>> No.6815146
Quoted by: >>6815164

Why not just scroll through the thread and find out. There are enough replies to figure it out.

>> No.6815164
Quoted by: >>6815176

Read the whole thread, still don't know where to find his profile

>> No.6815176

Read these, tells you and shows you.

It isn't that hard.

>> No.6815453
Quoted by: >>6815957

You know he doesn't actually work at McD's, right?

>> No.6815837


I find it hard to believe he spends that much on dinners

>> No.6815857

LJinto j took a bunch of New York cosplayers out to dinner tonight I am pretty jellin bout it

>> No.6815922

How is it naive to let someone take your picture?

>> No.6815957
Quoted by: >>6815986

How would I know otherwse? His profiles literally say "I work full time at McDonald's."

>> No.6815984


be more famous

>> No.6815986
Quoted by: >>6816002

learn to sarcasm, cunt. He works for Disney

>> No.6816002

Calm down, asshole. Thanks for gracing us with your fancy insider knowledge, we're all so impressed and want to be you SO BADLY.

>> No.6816472


Ugh dude needs to learn how to English.

>> No.6816494
Quoted by: >>6816984


>> No.6816499

do tell!

>> No.6816984


no important cosplayer a bunhc of losers. Dia Umister Stardustshadow LousyItachi Heyhailo Dr Tang

>> No.6817017
Quoted by: >>6817110

FYI, the article posted is about a Norcal cosplay creeper who's notorious for singling out "moe asian girls." We have a secret fb group about him and all his shenanigans.

>> No.6817107

Tom is everage on deviantart, right?

Goddamnit why is there always one creepy foot fetishist making the rest of us look bad.

>> No.6817110

Who is this??

>> No.6817228

LJinto for sure. Creepiest fucker around. I don't just mean photographers, I mean regular con-goers period. When a so-called photographer openly talks about how much they masturbate to the girls they take pictures of you stay well the fuck away.

EBK used to be bad. He's mellowed out recently. He's still not someone you want to spend any time with and his pictures still suck.

Everybody from the Europe scene is terrible and creepy.

Kyle's gotten creepier. He used to be really sweet. Now he's got that dirty uncle vibe.

>> No.6817321

i actually like LJinto's pics though

even if he does abuse photoshop

>> No.6817329
Quoted by: >>6817339


What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is disgusting!! LJinto has been contacting me trying to get me to do an Emma Frost photoshoot with him should I not do it? I'm kinda uncomfortable now

>> No.6817339


Don't listen to this anon because they are full of shit.

>> No.6817345
Quoted by: >>6817532 >>6817659

LJinto is a total creep. He stalked R1ddles for months and showed up to her house while she was having trouble with her husband with a car for her filled with tvs and anime dvds. He calls her his ex and hates anyone who associates with her becase she's his 'enemy'.

>> No.6817367

>Everybody from the Europe scene is terrible and creepy.
I beg to differ.

>> No.6817377

What about Ed Schultz ...? He's also from Toronto, and I got a mega creeper vibe from him at AN 2012.

Also his 'photography' sucks.

>> No.6817532
Quoted by: >>6817553 >>6817652


Can anyone confirm if this is true?

>> No.6817553
Quoted by: >>6817617

Only three people could confirm this is true unless she had friends over or spilled the beans to someone.

>> No.6817617


>> No.6817652


I can confirm. My name is Anonymous so you can trust me.

>> No.6817659

>> filled with tvs

Anime dvds, yeah I will give that.
Filled with tv's? You fucked up there.
Thats Paixingcai shit talking ljinto because he rejected her photo at a con a while back because it looked like literal shit.

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