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As Dark As My Soul Default Fuuka

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL (Full Images)

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File: 1016 KB, 300x450, tumblr_mlnriyEM1X1qzh9h5o1_r1_400.gif [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
6816478 No.6816478 [DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

CGL can we just kill this asshole he is so rude to other cosplayers and believes himself to be all high and mighty when his cosplays are utter bullshit.


>> No.6816483
Quoted by: >>6816489

Fuck off, the guy's a dick, sure, but honestly who fucking cares.

>> No.6816485
File: 731 KB, 640x853, tumblr_mm1ncksYpV1qzh9h5o2_1280.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816488 >>6816878

This is his "quality" cosplay
It's mostly photoshop
dafuq bro

>> No.6816486

Wif a butt liek dat he can do wateva he wants huehuehue

>> No.6816487
Quoted by: >>6816511

While I agree he's a douche,cgl isn't the personal army you can summon to take this douche down. Probably leave it in the homestuck thread.

>> No.6816488

LOL is that tie photoshopped in!?

Because if it is...Oh my God.

>> No.6816489
File: 226 KB, 473x604, Screen Shot 2013-05-05 at 12.41.11 AM.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816514

I know but no one deserves to be told off by an asshole with no skill at all.

>> No.6816493

holy shit reading some of his tumblr posts right now. what a horrible person.

>> No.6816495
File: 587 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjxanaFp931qzh9h5o1_500.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816504 >>6816560

oh god

>> No.6816504

Lol dat photo shop smoke

>> No.6816506

Are his Jake glasses circular?

>> No.6816511

Agreed, people HATE Homestruckers already. Put him in one of those threads and people will probably trying to bring him down a peg or two.

Either that, or, idk spread the word about what an asshole his is and people will start to ignore him/avoid him.

>> No.6816514

Damn, who pissed in his Cherrios?

>> No.6816517

he's like the 4ng31 of homestuck

>> No.6816524

This is part of the problem with a circle-jerking fandom like Homestuck where people seem to worship anyone remotely photogenic. Their posts go viral in a day and they get huge egos. Don't create more bridezilla cosplayer morons by putting anyone decent-looking on a massive pedestal.

>> No.6816540

I'll beat his ass down
Which cons does he go to?

>> No.6816560


Also mother of shits what is wrong with those fucking fins.

>> No.6816561
File: 101 KB, 338x265, tumblr_mdmxy9eX9N1qi5jga.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816750

he's a pretty shit cosplayer but when i go to his blog i see him saying shit to butthurt tumblrbabbies that a lot of people on /cgl/ would agree with so

>> No.6816564
Quoted by: >>6816573

I honestly can't tell if this is a FtM or just a boy with a verrryy tiny Adam's Apple. What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.6816573

Probably shops it out, either on purpose or accidentally.

>> No.6816574

His nose is huuuuuuuuuuuge.

>> No.6816580
Quoted by: >>6816586

Is this butthurt vendetta? He seems like a self-satisfied little prick allright but why are you wasting your attention on him? Just move on, people like this aren't worth the time.

>> No.6816583
Quoted by: >>6816591

lol what a faggot. what's its tumblr.

>> No.6816586
File: 788 KB, 841x1459, dramu.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816590

Are you kidding? It's been so dry around here without Assley and PT dramu. I, for one, am in favor of this.

>> No.6816590
File: 132 KB, 500x281, nice.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816609

Oh right, forgot where I was for a moment. Carry on.

>> No.6816591
Quoted by: >>6816594

Its posted by op

>> No.6816594

oh lmao. Didn't see it in the catalog.
Is it really cosplaying if it's all photoshopped on

>> No.6816601
File: 28 KB, 311x311, 1285465487657.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

>homestuck cosplayer
>surprised that he's a douche

>> No.6816609
File: 27 KB, 390x260, codeJim_in_Season_4.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]


>> No.6816614
File: 12 KB, 100x74, 1348299341353.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

This faggler lives in Texas. What the fuck.

Also, typical fag stereotype 'I'm gay, a model, fashion designer, and I tell it how it is. Deal with it or fuck off'.

>> No.6816622
File: 527 KB, 488x750, shitstain.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816625

Oh god I just realized it was THIS guy. Forgive my slowpoke, /cgl/.

>> No.6816625
Quoted by: >>6816649

is that fucking electrical tape

>> No.6816649
File: 1.96 MB, 960x1280, fix your shit.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816717

Those fucking shiny shitty armsocks. From the looks of it, someone needs to send him a good armsock tutorial. I love how he goes on about how SEWING TALENT IS IMPORTANT but he can't even hide goddamn seams.

>> No.6816717
File: 21 KB, 177x200, yeurk.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816764

>Painted black sidechops
>White wig

>> No.6816722 [DELETED] 


>> No.6816723
Quoted by: >>6816778


>> No.6816724

he is sexy

>> No.6816731

fuck yeah is it hs/b/ time again?

>> No.6816748

tumblr is making #shitjake his official tag so tag everything you post about him

>> No.6816750

the shit he says is wrong and cgl doesn't agree with it too.

>> No.6816764

I think the black sidechops are supposed to be cheekbones w/ shading.
I don't like it either anyhow.

>> No.6816778
File: 18 KB, 338x371, huge faggot.jpg [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]
Quoted by: >>6816787

is this actually him? lol@ that long barbell in his septum.

>> No.6816787

holy fuck there's no way that septum is sitting at the sweet spot, did this idiot actually pierce his cartilage?? hahahahaha i hope his nose falls off

>> No.6816789


everyone reblog this lets make it viral

and no I'm not kinomatika I just wanted to link to the latest version

>> No.6816793

haha wow even homestuck-is-a-sin is against this guy's shit

>> No.6816812
Quoted by: >>6816877 >>6816889

Woah. Holy shit. This kid is fucking crazy.

>> No.6816815
Quoted by: >>6816847

hahah he changed is personal info on his blog. it used to say "I'm better than you"

he's panicking

>> No.6816846

jesus christ the whatevachild tag is gold right now

>> No.6816847
File: 407 KB, 320x240, good-good.gif [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]


>> No.6816854

I don't get this kid. He thinks he's a cosplay elist, and "cosplays hard"...Yet, he puts minimal effort into what he does and has literally photo-shopped symbols and shit on his shirt...Like, wth? Since when does a good cosplay make horns the night before out of construction paper, or just crappily fabric paint on something...OR USE ELECTRICAL TAPE TO MAKE A DETAIL ON THEIR PANTS?

And then to top it all off, actually calls cosplayers that put time and effort into the costumes to get the best and most accurate results idiots for wasting their time? I just...I don't even...I can't even...

I serious hope this phaggot is reading this thread and re-evaluating his life, what he says and how he cosplays because, seriously...What the fuck?

P.S. He is not that attractive.

>> No.6816875
Quoted by: >>6816923


god dammit, why do we get all the crazies?

>> No.6816877
Quoted by: >>6816883


What >>6816812 said. Jesus Christ, I'm no SJW by any stretch of the imagination, but those replies made me fucking cringe. He's such a batshit tryhard.

>> No.6816878

Are those... carrots?

>> No.6816883

that's what bothers me the most. I could find his douchebaggery funny if he was actually a good cosplayer or if his jabs were in any way clever. He really just comes accross as a desperate wannabe

>> No.6816889

>i am young and cute and feminine looking
Hahaha oh wow no to all of those, you silly boy.

>> No.6816917
Quoted by: >>6816934

You guys realize that by spreading this around he's just getting the attention that he wants, right?

>> No.6816923
File: 159 KB, 470x360, 1181564498729.png [Show reposts] Image reverse search: [iqdb] [google]

Maybe we can get one of the other crazies we have to go after him.

>> No.6816934

If by attention you mean a fuck tonne of hate, yeah sure he wants it. Who wouldn't?

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