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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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Can we get some League cosplay in hizzle
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Missyeru love?
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>>6780420 (OP)
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I want those lips wrapped around my erect cock.
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oh yay, lyper coming to shit on everything. Go away.
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I like some of the LoL design, and this is not even a thread about the game. I was kidding, don't get on your high horses.

I was bumping the damn thread.
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Bumping with irrelevant content. That's what we call shitposting son.

???? Not the person who posted said image, but this is a lol thread, and they posted relevant cosplay?
>>6780420 (OP)
I really dislike that Sona's wig.
I like that she made it floaty, but why are the yellow tips so blunt?
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Ah I just started playing and was hoping to see some cosplays! Has anyone ever cosplayed Zyra? I'd love to see a cosplay of her.
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God this one is horrible. Look at Zyra, this doesn't even look like her. Zyra has purply thorns on her legs not a bunch of flowers and leaves ripped from fake flowers from walmart and hot glued to a bra and panties. Zyra also doesn't have her butt hanging out like that. Its fully covered in the game. This girl is an attention whore and I am sick of seeing her cosplay everywhere.
She's not particularly good at accurate cosplays. You should see the Taric she made. I fucking cringed my heart out.
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Here it is. She literally pre-bought the armor, and put a bunch of tinsle and shit on the edges.
those poor cape holes
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The cape holes are understandable, since the chinese splash art has them. But the rest? Fucking unforgivable.
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oh god. enough with the LoL/Dota competition.
Great, Dota2 players.. you're the most l337 gamers ever. Give yourself a fucking gold star. We get it. Now shut the hell up. No one cares.

we all know Starcraft2 is superior
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I'm not seeing anything against Warhammer, wink wink


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