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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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>Go to local fair, expect to find nothing interesting, go just because too many time to waste.
>Everything goes just as expected, nothing interesting to be seen
>Suddenly, catch a glimpse of something precious.
>Watch closer. It's a mihni replica of one of Mana-sama's guitars, and it's price has gone down to 18 €.
I don't even have a face. I just stopped breathing when I saw it and squeaked so hard everybody started to look at me.

Also, something that happened a while ago!
>Go to con in not a very impressive costume.
>Last year you went to that same con in not impressive costume that no one took photos of.
>This year everybody is taking photos and a girl from last year con recognized me and stopped me to tell me I was looking pretty.

Share you moments sheagulls!
A voice actor liked my costume so much, she asked me for a picture in the middle of her Q&A session when I came up to the mic
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>Be shy and alone in a new city.
>See on /cgl/ someone will be attending a convention.
>Seems nice. Send him an email. Make tentative plans to meet up.
>Plans fall through. I don't attend the convention.
>Forget about it and go to another convention.
>Still shy and alone.
>See the guy I had originally emailed, but didn't think about contacting for this convention.
>"Hey I know you from the internet!"
>He recognizes me.
>New friends. Made my convention.

I know you'll read this and I wanna say thanks again for making my weekend so much better. I hope I'll see you at both conventions this year!
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> Sakura Con 2008
> me and my army bro are dressed for the Con Tomorrow
> We arrived Thursday and register
> we get into costume and decide to head to Gameworks for happy hour and pizza
> My buddy is Ken and I'm Ryu
> we share a pitcher of beer
> we hog the Street Fighter machine for 3 hours straight.
> eating pizza, drinking beer and playing as every street Fighter character
> we amass a crowd behind us who cheer us on
> our faces when
>be at a con dressed as a character from a spin off of a series
>meet a group of people cosplaying characters from the original series
>try and strike up conversation and pose for pictures with them
>they treat me like a leper
>meet a different group from the same series
>hit it off really well
>form a group with them
>fast forward about six months
>a group cosplay picture we did from the series gets lots of attention from the publisher on social media
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>Dressed in TF2 cosplay with a friend last year
>Walk around and see a group of bronies
>The little girl of their group is dressed like 'Derpy'
>Compliment them on their cosplay and praise the little one for her cosplay as well
>Exchange pleasentries for a moment
>Take our leave
>A small hand grabs my sleeve from behind
>It's the little girl and she reaches into her handbag and pulls out two envelopes for me and my friend
>Hand written letters telling us she hopes we're having fun.
>I still have the note with me to this day.

Needless to say, I d'aaaawwww
My kokoro cannot handle the kawaii
God I love sweet cosplayers who give out things related to their cosplay. I've gotten mini muffins from a Derpy, rainbow-colored candy from a Rainbow Brite, Dalek cupcakes from a Doctor, and a customized mini Mintberry Crunch cereal box from a Mintberry Crunch.
>I don't know why those examples are all food
Homestuck has a grey mailwoman character too, some of them do mail exchanges where they accept in-character letters from cosplayers and randomly hand them off to people cosplaying the recipient. Gosh why is every fandom so cute.
>go to first few cons
>see cosplays of obscure characters
>day made
>start cosplaying
>cosplay obscure characters
>make others' day
>Otakon 2011
>put together half decent Cheryl Heather Mason cosplay
>zero recognition until the Silent Hill meetup
>everyone knows who I am
>Avianna runs up to me in her punk!Dahlia cosplay, gives me a hug, and compliments my bargain basement cosplay

The meetup was super fun too. God, I miss going to Silent Hill meetups.
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Was this the letter? I've gotten one from a Derpy cosplayer before too...
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No, it was a simple hand written letter.
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Oh man, that's even cuter
And I'm done. This is the cutest shit.
Th-This letter... T_T

>Otakon a few years ago
>Travis Willingham was a guest
>Badge image was Roy Mustang
>Wore Roy Mustang cosplay
>Kid sees me (9-10 y/o)
>Jaw drops
>Looks at badge
>Looks back at me and points
>Ear to ear grin
>Mom grabs arm and drags him off
>No fucks given mom
>Kid keeps smiling

Simple little moment but it made me feel warm and fuzzy. But I can only imagine how you'd feel receiving that letter. My heart can't take all this!
Oh god, I d'awwwwwwwd
I think that's the only time when I'd be okay with a MLP cosplay.
All the fuzzies.
Kid related stories give me the hnggs.

I have same feels when a little girl comes up to me and tells me that I look like a princess whenever I'm in lolita.
>ALA 2012, CGL meetup
>the biggest turnout yet, somewhere around 75 ppl
>we all start to sing as a group
>Bohemian Rhapsody
>get cleared out by security afterwards because the whole hotel can hear us

That was a fucking amazing moment.
That is by far the best feeling.
>Meet 2 girls dressed as my waifu at one con
>Both obviously want the D
>Almost give in
>Stay true to my waifu and ignore 3dpd temptresses
>dressed as Mark from Harvest Moon
>giving out Moon Drop flowers to random people all day
>give a flower to an elderly lady passing me by outside on my way back to my hotel
>biggest smile ever from the lady

I didn't even think about whats I was doing at the time, but after she beamed at me it made my day.
Feels good, doesn't it?

The Otakon I went as The Bride (in the Bruce Lee jumpsuit), I was waiting in line for angela's handshake and autograph session, and as I got close to the front of the line, Katsu suddenly noticed me and yelled "WHOOOAAAA, Kill Bill! Kill Bill!" so loudly that the girl at the head of the line jumped and dropped her stuff. Once I made it to the table he alternated between excitedly saying "sugeeee" to his staff and trying to come up with something to say to me in English; eventually he just gave me a a thumbs-up and a "Very niiiiice!" I was so happy and flustered I almost forgot to shake Atsuko's hand... d'oh.
if D stands for "Douchebag" then yeah maybe
>Not knowing what "the D" means
Oh man, this feel... I've had a couple young girls come up to me and ask if I'm a real princess when I'm in cosplay as Rapunzel. It surprised me and made my heart hurt with the sweetness, so much so that after the first couple times I went out and bought a bajillion mini crab clips so now all the flowers in my braided wig can be unclipped and given to little girls so I can say "and now you're a princess too!" :)
HNNNNNGH that's adorable. And a super cute idea.
T-thank you! :)
I don't know what it is, I just feel a real obligation to be nice and not ruin kids' impressions of princesses when in cosplay. I'm just trying to not ruin their dreams by being one of those princess cosplayers who smokes and swears while in cosplay.
Are you guys dating yet?

I have a similar story.
>otakon 2012
>day one, a guy is walking around by himself with an iPod speaker blasting Disney songs and singing along
>see him again day 2
>guy has maybe like 10 people all singing and following him
>day 3
>he has maybe 30 people with him now
>decide to join
>singing "be a man" from mulan on repeat
>more and more people join
>at least a hundred people at this point
>walk the streets of Baltimore singing
>after last song, crowd is cheering
>2 dudes lift him up in the middle
>chanting "otakon! otakon!"
>guy is talking about how we made his convention the best one ever and stuff
>cheering gets out of control and we get broken up by staffers
Usually Sundays at a con are always the sad day since you're leaving and everything is closing early and it's time to go back to real life for a while, but that was a great day.
At my last con (which was the second one I've been to) I dressed as Quote (from Cave Story). I threw it together the night before the con, so my antennas were crooked and I didn't even have a weapon. I wasn't expecting any attention, but I got my picture taken at least 10 times, and people would walk up to me just to tell me it was awesome I was representing the game.

It felt really good, and next time I'll put more effort into my costumes.
I was down by the fountains when the BE A MAN train came rolling through, it was fucking AMAZING
>crossplaying as suzaku
>missing my ledouche (only person I knew in that state) because they bailed the week before the con due to money trouble
>couldn't cancel the flight and had already bought my tickets
>feeling pretty bored and lonely and like I just wasted a ton of money
>overhear a group near me freaking out
>look over and see a c.c and euphie in artbook dresses
>c.c is flipping out because their entire hem has fallen and necklace keeps breaking and wants to change
>euphie is on the verge of tears because her wig is killing her and she doesn't want to take off the dresses
>always carry a miniature sewing kit and safety pins with me in my holster

>"Can I assist you ladies?"
>sit on floor beside c.c's skirt
>hand-hem 6 meters of skirt in 30 minutes
>give her a safetypin for her necklace
>give euphie some bobby pins for her wig
>finish my duties and go to leave
>they grab me by the arms and take me for lunch and we end up spending the entire weekend together
>been two years and we have hung out every con we can since then

IRL lol'd
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She was just a little girl...
It figures that Ledouche would abandon poor Suzaku.
This really isnt a Good CON story since it happened on Halloween but it was cosplay related
I was wearing Luka's Sandplay of the Singing Dragon dress for a halloween ball room dance event and on the way home my mom and I stopped by the store to get some milk. I didnt want to get out of the van but my mom got me out. We walked around getting the things we needed and as we where heading towards the cashier a little girl and her mom asked me for a picture. I said I was happy too and took a picture with the little girl. they really didnt ask me who I was or anything but i was glad to make a little girl smile
th-that's such a cute story
Does anyone have any stories of meeting their gf/bf at a con or meetup?
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AN 10'
>cosplaying from bleach
>girl wanted my photo, I was her favorite character
>say sure, takes picture and on her way.
>see her again at bleach photo shoot the next day,she was cosplaying as well. So we chat a bit.
>head home end of Sunday
>Friend I went with was looking for pictures of our costumes over the weekend.
>See the picture the girl took
>message her
>find out were both from the same town, asks if I want to come over for drinks and video games. Excited ot have someone who cosplays live near them.
>Said yes, and three months later we're dating
>have been ever since, and doing all sorts of fun cosplays.
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Haha... reading that just now made me feel better after a downer of a weekend, so thank you too. Hope I see you around.
this thread gives me warm fuzzies
You expect proper grammar from Derpy?
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At a recent convention, I was working one of the vendor booths (well... Funimation's booth, so I guess it's a vendor booth), and I told a friend I'd go get one of his Gurren Lagann DVD's signed by Kyle Hebert while I was there. I missed my chance to get them signed because I completely forgot about it, and was kind of annoyed.

After the dealers room closed this guy came up to the booth and we were talking for a bit, and somehow Gurren Lagann came up in the conversation, and this guy does the best Kamina impersonation I've ever heard. So I was like "holy shit, that's really goo-" and then I noticed his nametag.

I had been talking to Kyle Hebert without even realizing it. I managed to get the stuff signed, and it was just really fucking cool.
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Nope because I'm too busy spilling my spaghetti about it every time I think of it. And again in these threads, where he's read it multiple times.

Gotta clean that stuff up. It's gonna get all over my costume.
I think I have the same one for these threads every time. I proposed marriage to Ikuko Itoh (creator of Princess Tutu) while cosplaying as Neko-sensei. She rejected me and I sulked off with my bouquet. God I wish my friend wouldn't have failed at recording it.
>be huge fan of local artist
>see her after con on the way to the train station
>find out we live like 2 miles apart from each other
>she suggests sharing a car for future conventions
>do so
>one of my best friends now
>met a gazillion other amazing artists thanks to her

Thank you anime & manga convention god
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So I was in the dealer's room checking out the BTSSB booth when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there were two Japanese ladies. I thought they wanted a picture, but one of them introduced the other as Hiro Usuda and said she worked on Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4 as a CG illustrator. I thanked for her work on the series and we talked to each other through her translator for a bit. She then took some pictures and after bowing several times they left. She came back a minute later with a business card and gave it to me with both hands and like a proper gentleman I took it with both hands, looked at it for a bit and bowed. It was one of the greatest con experiences of my life as you can tell by the big shit-eating grin I have on my face.
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Having the entire F/Z team that came to AX last year sign this poster (and the reactions that followed once they realized what they were signing).

Then shipping it off with a friend to have Jouji Nakata sign it too. Rikiya even signed on his character's crotch??? (he was really sweet, he noticed my cosplay and wrote a cute little note about Sola-Ui on something else he signed). I am so grateful to own such a terrible item. Now I'm looking for something equally awful to have Kazuhiko Inoue sign at this AX.

That's disgustingly adorable. Actually, this entire goddamn thread is disgustingly adorable.
I always make sure to watch what i do when in costume. From Mario to Salem from army of two when ever i play a good guy ill make sure to be nice to kids and always limit what i say so i dont drop an fbomb. Havent tried cosplaying a bad dude but if i do imma act like the nicest evil dude ever.

>Best moment for me happened at Wondercon 2013
>Cosplaying with my friend Who is over 6ft tall as the two guys from army of two
>Walking around artists alley area making second pass of the day
>One of the Ladies who illustrates for a comic stops my friends and asks the two of us if we can take a picture with her kid. we of course say yes
>Little kid pops out from behind table dressed up as ryu
>Super excited to meet us says that we are his favorite characters from his brothers game
>Was scared to talk to us because of the masks we wore
>As we talked before the photos we explained that we wore the masks for protection and because it scared the bad guys
>kid poses with us. mom feels bad that she cant get everyone in the shot because of my friend who's a giant.
>tell friend to kneel
>kid kneels down with us
>picture finally comes out.
>kids warface is priceless
>mom thanks us profusely get stopped for the rest of the aisle.
>Kids now are willing to talk to us because we arent mean
>them feels when every kid in that aisle cosplayed from a video game and every pic had the funniest faces from the kids.
>Even though i was overheating under everything involved in the cosplay and the two facemasks it was worth it.

Fyi i recommend you take breaks if you will be covered head to toe. that woulda been something nice that i didnt do.
>AX 2012
>Exploring Artist Alley with a friend
>Print catches eye
>Realize its from a doujin work that I love to pieces
>Didn't even realize the artist was coming to AX
>Silently fangirling but can't work up courage to talk to them since both people at the table looked busy
>Half way down the aisle I suddenly decide that I need to talk to him and walk straight back to the table
>Tell him I love his doujin work
>Apparently first person to tell him this all con
>Offers me the print for free
>I say no but he insists so I take it anyways
>Mentions me in his after AX journal that I was the sweet girl who loved his doujin work

Only thing that would have made it better was if I cosplayed from that series that day but alas.
>Friend and me are cosplaying Tim Drake and Damian Wayne (Robins 3 and 4 *Steph doesn't count*)
>We run into a Joker and Riddler and sort of motion at each other and just make a few jokes in passing with them and go on our merry way.
>Later my group of friends head to the hot tub
>Two Face and Riddler, also out of costume, come in.
>I notice Two Face's hair from early and recognize them. Say hey we were the Robins.
>Add "Please don't tell our dad that we're out here doing this. He's such an ass sometimes."

Really, it's these dorky little moments that make me have nice memories.
>Steph doesn't count
But your dad is dead.
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>At AX a number of years ago, find out as I was there that Seiji Mizushima is a guest. (Didn't pay attention to GoH that year)
>He was director for Generator Gawl and Oh! Edo Rocket, two of my favorite series ever and I just happened to be cosplaying Seikichi from Oh! Edo Rocket.
>Manage to find the first disc of Generator Gawl, go to one of his autograph sessions
>Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE around me has FMA stuff to be signed
>Get up to front, hand him the DVD, he half-heartedly grabs a pen, freezes, stares at the cover, and gets SUPER EXCITED (I was later told he really loves Generator Gawl).
>Then his wife starts tugging on his sleeve, shouting, "IT'S SEIKICHI!! IT'S SEIKICHI!!!"
>He looks up and goes, "SEIKICHI!!!!!!!" And his wife pulls out a camera so we can get pictures together

>A couple years later he came to Fanime
>Wore Seikichi again and also made the outfit Seikichi wears in part of the opening
>We get pictures together again
>Ask him lots of Oh! Edo Rocket questions at his panels
>My friend, who was translating for him, says I made him think Oh! Edo Rocket was super popular in the states, hahahaha, whoops.

Little makes me as happy as geeking around with creators who truly love their work. I want him to come to another convention I'm attending so I can have an excuse to cosplay Sora's beast form.
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>AX 2009
>Go to Anime Singled Out because /cgl/
>Oh shit it's Zal
>Walk up to the front
>Manage to use what little knowledge I have to make it to the finals
>Zal asks "I'm on the road to Viridian City. If you could be any Pokemon, what would you be and why?"
>Think about what Pokemon are in the Viridian Forest.
>Answer with "Metapod, because he's got the only move that matters"
>Zal can't breathe, Ai-Honey hardbushing, crowd goes crazy.
It was a kind of you-had-to-be-there moments. I've yet to find any video of it.

>SDCC 2011
>Challenge JNig to a Sexichu photoshoot-off
>Can't find her and she hasn't contacted me
>Screw it, it's hot in this convention center, get into Sexichu anyways
>Change in the car in the parking basement and head back up
>Get 7 interviews
>Extremely good cosplayers are asking for their photo with me and get the joke
JNig and I eventually did our shoot for charity, but for a brief moment I felt like I knew what it was that amazing cosplayers go through.
You can take your shit tier Batgirl. Oh wait, she doesn't exist right now. Pretty much the only good thing that's come from New 52.

Nope, but Damian is now.
Kyle Hebert is such an insanely cool guy.
at one convention, my friend was dressed in lolita and there was this family having brunch in the restaurant at the hotel. the dad and this little girl walk up to us and the little girl tells my friend that she likes her princess dress. then my friend tells the little girl that she likes her dress too and the girl starts doing these cute spins to make her dress twirl. we d'awwwwd all over the place.
Good things from New 52? Let's not go crazy here.
That's adorable!
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>"Metapod, because he's got the only move that matters"
I need to shake your hand
A god among mon.
>>"Metapod, because he's got the only move that matters"
Fuck, I owe you a beer.
I have a couple of cute stories. I'll share my favorites.
>Dragoncon, I'm dressed as Coraline and I have the doll as a prop
>All day I have kids and their parents ask me for pictures.
>Kids are all adorable and sweet.
>Get mobbed by five of them and their Mom.
>Smile and pose and when the pic is done the littlest one tugs my sleeve.
>I kneel down and she leans in and whispers to me "Your doll is the Other Mothers SPY!"
>I pretend to be surprised and I thank her for telling me.
>She gives me a really serious look and says "Be careful Coraline" and leaves with her family.
>I stand there and just go to goo on the inside at the cuteness.
I read this in a Jamican accent
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I ran into a Grunkle Stan at Fanime while dressed up as Uncle Chan.

Hilarity ensured
My god, it's beautiful
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It was Sunday around 4:30 pm and I was on the second floor of the Doubletree hotel shooting some pics of my friends' Kuroshitsuji shoot. After it was over, one of my friends told me to take a look at a glass door. I take a peek and see this fat guy on a chair with this fat black lolita (who was wearing a godawful coord btw) bouncing up and down on his lap. I was still in my Naked Snake cosplay at the time and had my cardboard box with me so I did what Snake would do and crouch-walked with the box over me right up to the glass door to take a better look. And that's when I noticed the weirdest fucking thing. There were two more people on fucking desktops surfing the web as if nothing was fucking happening. I also noticed that all the dudes were wearing black shirts so they might have been con staff. At that point I planted my box right outside the glass door and watched for a good 30 seconds. I knew I needed photographic evidence so I called out to my brother for the camera. Unfortunately, it turned out there was some sort of opening in the room since the black lady heard me and turned around. I was like "Oh shit, alert mode activated." I bolted out of there and down the stairs still underneath the cardboard box just like in a Metal Gear Solid game. I found out later that con staff sent patrols out after me, but I managed to escape by going outside. And that's how I probably got a lifetime ban to AnimeNext by catching a possible staff member being dryhumped by a fat black lolita.
My Metal Gear story isn't as awesome, but I'll try.

> doin EVA and Naked Snake with bf
> mybodyisready, literally I spent months beforehand working out so I'd pull it off.
> Spend the whole con hearing cries of "SNNNAAAAAAKE!!" and "TIME PARADOX!!"
> end up hiking up a hill off location from the con site for photos, find an area with lots of tall grass and a creek next to a highway
> photographer wants us to do some romantic photos, we're awkward AF because the traffic is distracting so he starts acting like a 1940's Hollywood film director for the lulz to get us to loosen up.
> bf looks at me, yanks down my coveralls to my waist, and launches forward for face wrestling. Photographer is going to town.
> Cars going by start honking and cheering, people passing by on foot to get to con are clapping and whistling.
> march back to con with bf, singing Snake Eater at the top of our lungs
> bunch of randoms join in
> we eventually stop singing bc we're tired, hear other people down the road picking it up, then some others down a ways from them.
> mfw people burst into a musical number in real life and it memetically spread a half kilometer radius around the con.
> Snake with a cardboard box
You literally have zero imagination, do you?
Few Snakes do (outside of that one guy who did Ga-Ko camo). Have yet to see a Snake with a cardboard box that was actually from one of the games.
Nigga you hilarious
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I'm so happy I actually have a recent story for these threads now.

This past Naka-kon, I cosplayed a Gastly gijinka, but due to staff duties going a little long, I only wore it for the dance party. The next day, the temperature was pretty decent so I wore my Phoebe cosplay and walked around with Gastly on my back like a psuedo backpack. As I walk to my room, I hear a girl shout "I love your Gastly!" I say thanks and when I start walking again I hear her say, "I need like 10 of those," and the guy she was with saying she didn't need multiples of everything. It made me chuckle. Moments after that, I get stopped by a Red cosplayer and we have a nice talk and take pictures.

That Sunday, I wear Phoebe for the whole day and attend a Pokemon panel. Coincidentally, the Red from the day before sat behind me and after the panel asked for more pictures. A Professor Elm and Nurse Joy that I ran into in a different cosplay also stopped to chat with us and we stood there for an hour or two geeking out over miscellaneous Pokemon stuff and taking pictures.

Really though, this whole con was made of awesome moments for me. People never recognize Phoebe (probably because she's a random Elite 4 member and not important to the story), but people at Naka were constantly stopping me or calling out "Phoebe." People really loved my Gastly too and I met a lot of people because of it.
Not knowing what sarcasm is.
I know, right? There are tons of box designs in Sons of Liberty and MGS3, but no one puts them on the box when they cosplay Snake with a box.


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