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A glitch in our spam filters caused a number people to be erroneously banned around 3:00AM ET. Said glitch has been fixed and all bans lifted. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Here's a dozen or two from Day One
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>>6952323 (OP)
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I forgot to mention that in the picture before this post, the green part within the mouth could extend outward.
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You will hear about this EVA a lot, so here is how it looks like.
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This Titan had music from the show playing the whole time.
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Sorry for some pictures being slightly blurry.
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So many SnK cosplayers - only found one Sasha with potato.
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Sorry for the super-blurry picture.
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The people who made Hotline Miami love showing off cosplays. These two will probably make it onto their twitter page eventually.
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>loading sideways
>aspect ratio

Fix that, shitnerd
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Yeah, that's about it so far. Need to get ready for Day 2.

Feel free to dump in your own pictures now or later.
What are you even on about
No surprise there.. Terrible Wii Fit trainers with poorly applied and sealed body paint.
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that looks like deoderant caked under her arms instead of body paint
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Fuck yeah, Wakfu cosplay!

Everyone is like 3 years late, but I don't care!
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>>6952323 (OP)
Honestly, this was pretty legit
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I can't wait to see a dozen of these guys fucking around with the obligatory dozen Deadpools that you find at every con.
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K-Project or something. I know nothing about this except for what people have told me about how good the plot is and how it has yaoi overtones or something
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Rotate and resize your photos before posting, faggot.

Well as long as the person wearing the suit is relatively tall... Also its good to see a titan or two to balance out the rest of the SnK cosplayers. I wantes to see a armored titan, but I only found an eren titan.
Not the poster but they're rotating fine for me, get a better browser.
Why should people have to go hunting for browser plugins because you can't rotate and resize your shitty raw photos?
All of them, except these two >>6952488 >>6952477 are rotated.

advance wars bros were too cool
Nope. You're just looking at 4chan auto-rotating most of the thumbnails.
I'm not using the 4chan plug-in.
None of the photos except for >>6952488 are sideways.

Click on the fucking thumbnails. Most of them are sideways.
No dude.
None of them are sideways.
Stop shitposting.
Different anon, they are sideways for me too.
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All my shitty unfitness..the best I could do in one month..going to be working it harder the rest of this year for 2014

Also this pretty awesome prop made by my friend makes up for how stupid I look I guess~
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More pictures of things
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speaking of ax where are they guys from katawa shojo?
i heard they would be in artist ally -i looked everywhere but couldn't find them.
please size and edit your raw digital photos before posting them 4chan.
i would also like to know this!
Funny because the Deadpool who started those fucking around videos is apparently cosplaying a Titan during AX.
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i saw him
>Dirty Bubble cosplay
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fuckin brock
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I'd like to know too but I know they're selling KS Artbooks over at table C44 in the AA.
Speaking of which, me and Mr Freeman are cosplaying as Kenji tomorrow.

I'll post my pictures later tonight! Gonna treat myself to an In-and-Out first though.
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my favorite for the whole convention
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This is actually pretty good, but what the hell, couldn't the Link afford a wig?
Whenever i see a really great group like this where they all have amazing costumes and the other members have great wig, I just assume something happened, like they forgot it or it got damaged in travel. I highly doubt the other two would put so much effort into their outfits and not have their link wear a wig! (assuming they were all together)
Yeah, I was thinking that too. Such a shame though; they all fit the part pretty well. Not that common for a group of cosplayers.
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From what I remember, they were, but I can't confirm.

Day 2 dump incoming. My feet are absolutely killing me.
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This man also had a stuffed chicken not pictured.
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Taking pictures at AX always felt like a game of Pokemon Snap.
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seriously Vampy? Those fucking shoes for Ranma? wtf
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Outside of the lobbies are usually carts of ice cream and bacon hot dog sellers.

So watching about half a dozen of them simultaneously run away from the presence of police men like they were shooting, come back a few minutes later like nothing was wrong, and then run away again was hilarious.
that looks so poorly made

Alright, I'm exhausted. Been walking, posing, and standing over ten hours every day for the past three with two more to go.

That's it from me for now.

I can imagine he put loads of effort in to that costume, but a little posture wouldn't go amiss, son.
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>mfw seeing 5 Mexican hot-dog vendors running away from the police
I'm in fucking LA alright
I saw that, what the fuck happened with that..saw police running the. I heard a bang and everything stopped
Also, doesn't compare to what happened to me and my friend on day zero at night..

>other friend got off at the wrong stop far from the hotel
>we walk out to meet him halfway
>see a fight between 2 bums
>lady bum is grabbing onto guy bum yelling "HELP STOP HE'S GOT ME CALL THE POLICE"
>goes on for like 5 mins
>suddenly car comes speeding through
>another minute goes buy and another car comes around the corner fast running over the curb and breaking off his hubcaps
>homeless lady is by herself now running to people saying "CALL THE POLICE HELP HELP HELP"
>we leave the area because she was coming towards us

IIRC, street dogs are technically illegal to sell in LA due to some BS regulations.
I think I found the place where all the ice cream carts come from. It's up Pico, like a half mile from the convention center. I saw a bunch of them just roll on out from this one ice cream store and when I passed by it was more guys in carts who were filling them up from inside. And yes, it was the latino area.
hey holmes
you know what we do to snitches right?

Respect their decision to be responsible members of the community?
wow your a piece shit
so their buying cheap ice cream and selling it at a higher price?

and let me guess none of them have a vendor license and some might not even be legal in the staes
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Ill upload a couple that I found cool. I missed the /cgl/ meetup on Friday though, so maybe Saturday.

This guy was incredible
>U gon get Raped by Eva unit 01.jpeg.
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Anyone know what series this is from?
There were some pics taken anyway
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q t 3.14s
boku no hearts
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IDGAF I am fucking going tomorrow.
see you fuckers there. Look for the fatty in this dress (but black) and a sun hat. Feel free to wave but I will be too busy taking back my second favorite con from the hands of scumbags.

... but no really I will most likely be all alone and far too lame to talk to anyone. So yeah, do wave.
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He's so cute when he isn't molesting.
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bretty gud
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Samurai Girls
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I saw him as well, and about 3 other colossal titans but he was the biggest one.

"nobody listens to titan-sama"
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A good group
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Pretty chill sub-zero
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Best gundam
Did anyone get a pic of the only guy I saw that cosplayed as One-Punch Man?
So many blurry pictures...
So what's the word for the /cgl/ meet-up on Saturday?
2pm outside the West Hall Entrance from what I believe
0/10 would not accidentally kill Lalah with.
I think I finally know how Adam sessler felt during E3

>carrying around my bug ass BRS cannon
>picture posing
>sleeping only for a few hours
>back to the con
>stand in line for things for about 4+ hours a day all together
>filling my body with about 200-500 calories for the entire day
I know how you feel too
>Go to con with just my bag and camera
>Come back with a a poster tube full of stuff, several artworks sticking out of my bag, t-shirts and and fuckhuge Nendoroid for my friend
Thank god for the godly In-&-Out burger I had after it
Is there an in and out near the con?
Dat Roshi. Perfect.
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Unfortunately not, I just nabbed it on the ride home. There's a Five Guys only a 20 min walk away but it's no I-&-O

Here's the LWA cosplayers from the panel along with some TRIGGER staff and Megumi Han. The PR guy was a total bro and gave a few of us some massive LWA and Shiny Chariot posters, they're fucking awesome.
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me and the grill

>tfw dont know how to pose
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is there a seagull meetup today at AX?
that fucking eva pose. like it's a family photo.
oh wait, it is.
Shit I thought the 8pm meetup was on fri. Oh well easier for me since I'll be out there already for the valcaloid gathering as well.
Anyone like taking pictures of large crowds? I enjoy looking through them later.
i don't mind the ice cream carts at all. it's the hot dog carts that emit heat, smoke, and hot dog smell.
Protip: don't take pictures underwater.
In the past?
I need to see video of this shit
everyone better fucking throw money at that kickstarter they are gonna do to fund more LWA
I almost bought a hotdog today, but was suddenly taken over with the sense that there was no guarantee this hotdog would not make me sick

did I do good?
i don't know how good the actual hot dogs are, i was just talking about the cart and its distracting, yummy-smelling emissions. I was planning to buy one too, just to tide me over for a while, but instead I bought some tacos from a mexican food truck. It wasn't a fancy themed food truck, it was just a regular cafeteria-style food truck/cart at the corner where the Metro Blue Line stops.

btw, there was also a truck parked nearby, halfway between the metro stop and Panzer tank selling a hotdog + chips + drink for $6. i would've gone there but i just wasn't feeling hotdogs that day.
Anybody has photos of the Gyaru fashion show?

How did it go? How was the turnout?
>tfw I was at the Kush Expo instead of this
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I know I will be doing
Speaking of which, here's the swag I've picked up so far
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this should do
there's a timelapse of day 1 in south lobby showing the swarm of people.
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Dumping what I have. Don't have a lot since I only came for the free hall badge.
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>>6952323 (OP)
Dat XIV Warrior
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And I'm done. Didn't see much cosplay from older shows, but there sure was a fuckton of Attack on Titan. Here's to next year.
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My favorite of the day
these are pretty damn cute.
best in show
...what do you mean its a poster
Does anyone have any of Kaname so far?
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That Blaze is cute.
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Thanks! There's a nice Where's Waldo? feel to them.

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