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Image Limit reached, what did you take a picture of anon?
>>6957746 (OP)
May as well link to the old thread while it's up: >>6952323 →
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You know who!
holy shit I'm in this one
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I saw a pretty good Late but Lucky alice cosplay. I tried to stop her but she kept walking...it was pretty loud. Anyone get a picture of her?
shit, wrong reaction gif
did anyone get pics of Sachie's Sumia cosplay?
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Did anyone catch the Binbougami-ga cosplayer on day 3? I didn't get a chance to snap a pic.
feels good doesn't it?
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>that feel when drunk as fuck shouting at people and carrying them bridal style
how the fuck can you afford to get drunk at AX? at the lounge 21 its like 8 bucks a drink. did you go there drunk already?
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>be Soto
>pregame with friends on the drive over to AX
>stop by a 76
>drink peach flavored anti-freeze (Four Loko)
>fill up a big Monster can with Sailor Jerry

Do you even bridal style bro?
Does anyone have any pictures of harukakka ("I want" Haruka) ? I passed by one but I was on the way to do a photoshoot for my friends so I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her.
There were some Shaman King cosplayers walking around, apparently they had a group, but anyway they made me really happy and excited which I haven't been about anime or cosplay since fucking high school or something asinine like that. Also some of the Monsters University cosplay was cute.
There was one really good Kisuke klip-kloping around, did anyone get him?
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anyone get a picture of me? i was cosplaying homura, my shield lit up, i got my picture taken quite abit it would be nice to see some up.
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Is this you?
Can't really tell if it's lit up or if it's just the lighting in the photo.
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no but thanks! i was moe homura day 1 (late at night day 2) and normal one day 4, haha plus my shield didn't look that nice
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Captain Caution!
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Did anyone get pics of the boba fett wearing a top hat and Assassins Creed gauntlets on day 2?
>rush a cosplay as some dude from my favourite rpg
>expect people to not know who you are
>that feel when a few people recognized who you are
>that feel when more people recognized you at the last day
>that feel when the people in the series you're cosplaying in can be counted with one hand, and you get pretty fucking stoked when you somehow met them

this was a good year.
I wanted to take some pictures of butts, but some girl noticed me "looking" before I even thought to look and gave me a dirty look, so I was in too shit of a mood to do anything really.
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Seriously though. I didn't even think about looking at it until I was already "caught".
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That's it from Day 4 for me now.

Had a great time at AX. I took 700 photos in the end.

Overcrowded as fuck though. Staff was cockblocking left and right as usual.

My feet are completely fucked.
would you mind uploading some folders? missed day 1-3
actually nevermind threads are still up from day 1-2
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I'll upload more photos later on. Eventually, I'll just image dump an entire thread of them.

I thought I would never see Red Ranger at AX this year, but then he shows up last day. Sorry for blur. Huge crowd around him.
Fuck. Yes. Lightning Saix. Best Zoid ever.
did anyone get a photo of the Chiho cosplayer with the tray of McDonald's?
Do I spy with my little eye nipple

Oh crap. I took the photo, and I didn't even notice that.
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I'll upload my photos tonight after I give them a blast through Lightroom. Absolutely loved the convention, weather was perfect all weekend and I got and saw loads of stuff I wanted to see, damn shame I didn't see my hero Animeweeblord though.

Little Tokyo was a blast too, delicious Korean BBQ.
>weather was perfect all weekend
Get out, satan
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I was in a suit for every day aside from Sunday and it was just the right temperature with a little bit of wind blowing. Still got an accidental sunburn on my arms though, whoops.
Some post all the JOJO cosplays form Anime Expo 2013 pls
ilu Hanyaan :3
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More of the lolita meet. Sorry if they come out sideways, I'm on my phone.
that looks kinda high to be a nipple
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Sweet lolitas
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Of all the pics I took, I really liked the ones in the game room.

Partly because of the background sets everywhere, but mostly because it wasn't as crowded as everywhere else.
areola but totally. but aside from that she's alos a cutie. unf.
It's probably because her tits are way smaller then the breast size on the shirt suggests (because it's padded).
Who is this character?

Tira from Soul Calibur.
Got any more from this toku meetup, by any chance?
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>Be into little brown girls
Why is she so perfect /cgl/? Also, where's the cosplay from?
She's obviously padding
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More from the gaming room sets.
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So kawaii.
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I remember when I was posing near her one time for a picture - that she told people who asked what she was cosplaying from that she was a 'rabbit'

She probably was cosplaying from something, but I wouldn't know. I have some pictures of her I'll upload in this thread later on tonight.
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That was me.. Found it myself right afterr I posted.
Anyway, it's XNFE from Black Rock Shooter, cosplayer is AoiKatori

Thanks man
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I don't have too many.
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I wonder how many of those people had to buy belt extensions. My DX Wizard driver barely fits around my waist, and even then, it squeezes me so tight I can't stand to wear it. But I guess that's what happens when you buy a $120 kid's toy.
Holy shit I wish i didnt miss this. Its so cool but so creepy.
Idolm@ster, not sure of the character.
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Hibiki Ganaha.
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Uploaded mine. Every picture I took across all four days.

Hahahahahahahaa oh my god fuck you the weather was flawless. It's been consistent 100's across the board where I'm from so this weekend was super nice.
Thanks for taking our pic anon
do you have a pic of the classic lolitas? there were only like 5 or 6 at the meet I think.
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Anyone have pics from the Valve gathering and TF2 stuff?
I do, but I won't be able to get them up until later.

Chick in the middle is pretty hot. More?

No problem man. You two were the best Mario Bros I saw at the Expo!
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I can't stop laughing at this one.
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I'm still waiting for all the pictures of my roommate's ass to show up online.
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I think this cosplay was really well done.
did you take any yourself?
Of her ass? It was in my face all day, I don't need pics. I'm just waiting to be amused by everyone else's. They all thought they were being so sneaky taking them.
Good lord, this looks awful...
I want video of that guy walking around, it was god damned amazing.
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She was fine with it. One guy asked her to sit on his lap for pics though, and she was like "no" that was pretty much the extent of it.
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Have him trying to get down a disabled escalator
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>thinking he's wrong.
Watching him get out of the game room was fun too. He had to hand the helmet to someone else, grab the top of the doorframe with his hands, crouch down, and kind of shuffle under it, all the while hanging onto the frame.
personally I hate this thing. It was so inaccurate and poorly proportioned. Not to mention the dude threw a huge stink for not winning anythign
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anybody got pics of pic related (left)? she's a friend and she wants to see them
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This Vi was pretty amazing
What did he do? For not winning
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She posted it herself. The attention whore is strong in this one.
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I would let her fist me anytime
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what the fuck...
are you kidding me...
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it was only a matter of time

uneducated here. what's rageworthy about this? what are they cosplaying?
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There is no need to be upset
Are they going to take down the titans with their stripper powers?
Showing too much skin.
I wouldn't call it rageworthy, I think its pretty sad

Probably because they're half-assed "sexy" cosplays.
Good lord, those heels...
Eh, still better than Jessica Nigri
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Same asian girl did a crappy yoko cosplay in a white version of those boots
While I definitely agree that it's fairly disproportionate and makes my eye twitch a bit, you gotta give him some credit for his skill for what he did make and his amazing mobility for being 8+ft tall. asdflasjdfwaofjwf he had friggin' moving fingers on those hands!!
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They are characters from Attack on Titan. It's a series about humanity being trapped in a walled city by giant humanoid monsters called Titans.
So, these characters and almost all of the named cast are members of the military tasked with fighting back the titans. These two girls have taken the uniform they wear and decided to make it much much more revealing than it actually is.
just imagine a titan in stripper heels
just imagine it
tfw I was debating doing it but decided against it because she looked sub 18 years
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They pretty much took an already form fitting costume, and turned it into a whore version with ridiculous shoes. The characters are suppose to be acrobatic and be able to maneuver with full heavy gear up walls to kill Titans. The girl on the right is doing this character, which if they had stuck to doing normal versions, they would have looked fine and you know, still "hot"
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Problem is that they aren't even hot to begin with and skimpy cosplays are pathetic in their shamelessness and laziness. They make a mockery of another's passionate hobby. I usually hate the main floor because it's a huge circlejerk. Well, maybe not, cause if it were a real circlejerk, I'd be getting off.
>damn shame I didn't see my hero Animeweeblord though

i saw him. he looked miserable. he was rude. i prefer watching him on video over talking to him.
>no abs
why do people even try
Denmark pls

I think it's fine to put your own spin on a character.
Yeah. That's why I had hot in quotations since it's subjective opinion. I personally don't mind skimpy costume if you know, the character is already in something skimpy to begin with. Like the Lucy cosplayer above in the bandages. Yeah you can say she's being an attention whore, but at least she's actually cosplaying something that make sense.
What did we do?
Really the only appropriate physique for SnK cosplay is for them to be military fit.

So, all SnK cosplayers should go do bootcamp. At least, it'd be really cool if they all went and did boot camp and got super fit for it.
fine, next time I'll just wear a Mikasa wig and go in the nude. It'll be my porno spin on Attack on Titan.
Putting a spin on a character is fine, but not so much when it doesn't make sense.
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>being this fkn srs

Guise lets all just get wasted and have fun
> all SnK cosplayers should go do bootcamp. At least, it'd be really cool if they all went and did boot camp and got super fit for it.

>getting super fit
>boot camp
in shape isn't super fit
>needlessly sluttifying a costume to get more attention
>original character do not steal
Not everyone's a tertiary like you, fag.

That's what ALA is for, brotozoa
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Just make sure you have abs.

Reminder that this is canon. Aforementioned Mikasa has no fucking excuse.
Well, all I know is the military people I've met are pretty fit, so I assumed that boot camp would at least be a good start.

I know nothing about exercise though, so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

are you really this jealous of the attention their getting?
A fit Mikasa cosplayer needs to cosplay this. Seriously, it'd be hilarious to see a Mikasa fighting a Titan in this outfit.
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Bro, it's not everyday you can get drunk and carry shitty cosplayers

Do it when you can
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>jealous of the attention
9 of those replies to the picture are negative, who would be jealous of that?
>Yeah you can say she's being an attention whore, but at least she's actually cosplaying something that make sense.
That's a painfully shallow excuse as there are cuter, more restrained outfits for Lucy. That bitch didn't even have the helmet to complete the outfit.

I fucking hate bitches and whores.
this, if you want to be LOL BOOBS, choose a damn character that IS LOL BOOBS, dont slut up someone else
go fuck yourself, prude
only a stupid prudish cunt would give a shit
>are you really this jealous of the attention their getting?
Is this some kind of slut defense mechanism? I'm frustrated at the lack of respect they're giving to the original source content. If you give a shit about a show enough to cosplay it, do it justice. Don't use it as a platform to attentionwhore. It's disgustingly transparent to any real fan.

8/10 if you're trolling. Got me hot and bothered.
need better pix
Bitches and whores be coming out of the woodwork lol.
Ironically, a lot of the active military fit guys I have known have had quite a pot belly. Even at their most fit for PT and the like, they still had a round shape.
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So, how many cocks did she suck during AX?
I guess the ones I've met have been really into fitness anyway, so it's kinda not applicable.

What ever. I still think it's be cool to see really in shape people cosplay from SnK.
Did you forget you're on /cgl/?

Not enough.
because he points out the truth? Shut the fuck up
Those leg things make her legs look disgustingly short. How unfortunate.
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being a faggot sure feels great guise
I'm the anon from >>6959265
Like I said, I don't mind skimpy costumes. Panty, Poison, Nami, Queen's Blade, several bikini/swimsuit versions of characters. it really doesn't bother me.

Taking a existing character, one that isn't really overtly skimpy or sexual t begin with, and throwing them into a skimpy outfit. I guess it kind of bugs me the same way stuff like some of cosplay deviants sets do. Like that cringe worthy Yotsuba set they did.
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>Got me hot and bothered.
>tfw no pics of me and my friend
I gained like 10lbs back just so my stomach would look fat enough ;_;
Im pretty upset i missed the fighting character meetup on day 3, apparently it was pretty unorganized though. Went as Dan Hibiki if anyone here has pics for the first 3 days
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>lack of respect they're giving to the original source content

do you also object to muscly men in meguca cosplays? isn't that sexualizing the content?
so baaaad
o god that got me xD
Different anon, but I feel like the difference there is that Mandokas and the like fall more under crossplaying than making the outfit more revealing.

I think this is more comparable to the Pokemen or something like that.

Do either of them bother me? A little. Do I feel like it's sort of unnecessary for anyone to make a costume more revealing? Sure.

I guess I personally just don't get the thought process behind it. I'm just not sure if it's an attention thing or what.
ah u basturds xD
>omg I cant believe people took pictures of my ass! cosplay =/= consent! Why do men subjectify me?!

i'm not sure why this was deleted, but it's a valid complaint.

This year there were 3 panels exclusively about cosplay =/= consent. It really felt unnecessary.
So did she bring Alli Harvard or what? They were supposed to cosplay Chii and Freya for day 1 I think but she just wore Catherine for day 1 and 4 instead. Anyone know what happened? So disappointed.
It depends on what it is and how it's worn. If they've butchered an outfit to make it more revealing, then of course I would object. If they're doing it out of some ironic cynicism I would also object out of principle. If they really do like the character and want to dress up as her, I encourage it.

Sex/gender doesn't matter. What matters is the intent of assuming that persona. The problem is that for a lot of the skimpy outfits, there is no "becoming" of the character. It's just "look at my tits lol oh and i watch anime nerd4lyfe".

I don't know if my opinion is unpopular or not, but I just hate that shit. And I hate that shit because I love my hobby. It also might be that I don't care for 3D at all. I appreciate cosplay in a "2.5D" aspect much like I do anime figures.
How'd she make her tatas look so amazing?
>This year there were 3 panels exclusively about cosplay =/= consent. It really felt unnecessary.
That shit is the stupidest thing ever. AniConji had that shit all over the place too. The very people they want to target are not the ones going to these fucking panels and for everyone else, they're preaching to the choir.
it was probably because bringing that topic up is basically asking /r9k/ to show up and start whining about how the feminist hivemind wants to castrate all men
Consent isn't needed to take pictures
They're not attractive at all, but what about them is "bad"
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A pic of me with some sailor scouts
Looking for pictures of my Jacket I wore on Thursday. Damn shame I didn't get to wear it more, but the mask combined with the jacket was killer in the heat.
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This domon had music from the show playing wherever he walked ^^ made my day
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Eva guy. I am still amazed he could get through a normal sized doorway.
did anyone get pics of any classic lolitas? i saw a few of them around but they were always gone when i got up the courage to ask for a picture
TemjinTBW, I thought you would resurface eventually. so did you end up going to AX. I was not able to in the end.
>done right
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Its too bad you couldn't make it, though even if you did I dont think we would have gotten the chance to meet. A combination of my foot injury, 3 hour long judging/masquerade meetings and UPS messing up alot of my outfit pretty much trapped me in the west hall for the whole day.
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No con is truley complete without a cardboard mecha costume or two!
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Zeros. These guys did an awesome show during the masquerade halftime.
I see. Did you get to meet the EVA in costume?
I can't understand why this bothers people so much. Maybe it's because I'm a guy and find this hot.
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I won best Intermediate craftsmanship. This was my first time competing at a con that did that kind of ranking system so I dont think i had enough wins at other cons to compete in a higher level. Its only my second costume though so hopefully I can change that.

I did meet the EVA guy and he was pretty cool though by the time i met him he had lost his voice. I was kinda disappointing he didn't win anything but by the time he was in judging he had been in the suit for two days and it had gotten pretty banged up thanks to a spill he took on a escalator and just general wear and tear. I think the judges held that damage against him tbh.
I hate when I'm looking through all the galleries and con reports and I see a bunch of awesome cosplays of things that I love that I completely missed. AX is huge, but it's still super frustrating.

Luna's true final form
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I didn't get to do a shoot with him since I was stuck in judging and he had a shoot with some EVA girls at the same time :( I really want some shots with other robot costumes and its disappointing I didn't get any at AX despite all the other mecha costumers.

Here was an Eureka and Anemone I managed to catch.
I'm glad you won.

yeah, I heard he didnt win anything. Bummer. What category was he competing in, do you know?
Ouch, how bad was it? The fact that it was on an escalator makes me shiver...
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I managed to win a ticket for the Gundam Unicorn directors signing during his panel and gave it to these guys so they could get another signature on the Haro they had that was covered in signatures. Was supper happy to see a Gundam Unicorn group ^^
That's awesome! Is that KamilleBanana in the Banagher costume?
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I have no idea what category he was in. I was there when he feel and I hit the emergency stop right away cause I was worried his costume would get caught in the mechanism. I think this made it worse though since he had to crab walk down the escalator though with mine and a few other passerby's help since there was not way to get it moving again.

Caught a Gene Starwind as well :o
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Well, let's start with Mami
>that hat
>that "corset"
>those boots
>the skirt
>neck area/ribbon
>lack of socks
>lack of gloves
>what the hell is going on with those sleeves?
>no soul gem anywhere

>no wig
>those shoes
>no effort on tights
>costume is ill fitted
>no make up
>paper cut out shield
>no soul gem anywhere
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Not sure. I dont really know alot of the cosplay community since I am kind of a social media dinosaur.

A really good Aisha cosplayer as well :o
what the heck did she do with her feet?
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Haman and Judou! I was surprised at how much Gundam cosplay there was since I almost never see any in Florida.
removed them, of course.
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A DBZ group I caught on the last day :)
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I'm sad I didn't see you dude... oh well. Fantastic cosplay anyway!

Did anyone see this Link and Navi shouting HYAAA and HEY LISTEN down the corridors on Saturday? Got a giggle out of everybody.
original "baaad" anon, all of this, plus mami's wig, the poor craftsmanship on both skirts and homu's everything, and they're both just so wrong for the characters that it hurts. i don't find either of them ugly even, and i know it's hard to look animu, but they just don't fit the parts. also if that girl has glasses why did she not go with moemura? it would have looked a bit better.

they look like they had fun though, that's all that really counts i guess.
Slightly off topic but, besides here, cosplay.com, and r/cosplay, where else would/should I look to find AX photo albums?
try the AX tag on Tumblr, you could also try Deviant Art but I've never had much luck with DA
A for effort.

D- for execution.

Evas are supposed to be tall, lanky and skinny as hell. This unit is massively disproportionate with thunder thighs and Popeye arms. He made the Eva thick like his body, and not skinny like the actual designs. He needs to stop being so butthurt because his costume is far from perfect.
Oh, they were so cute! It was amusing, at least until that annoying skinnyfat 'batman' started trying to join in.
Then they ran into another link and it was cute again.
Look, I think it's amazing. Personally, if you can tell someone put their heart and soul into a build, then what does it matter if the proportions aren't 100% accurate? Dude wanted to be cool and build an Eva. If I did Eva P-5, would you bitch at me because I didn't chop off my arms and sprout a second set of legs?
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Flickr works too

Wish I was still in LA right now... stuck in Minneapolis waiting for a pilot and I'm just hearing news about Toronto being flooded to hell and back. Why can't AX have a Day 5?
I hear ya. I live in LA and im having some post con depression. Had such a great time. Now its boo real life and back to work tomorrow
Yes. Do it right or not at all.
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At least I got some great stuff out of it and saw some fantastic things, not to mention meeting some amazing people (and new ones!)
Little Tokyo was great too.
What's your costume?
>twenty minutes away from convention center
>didnt get to go ax

all of my sad emoticons
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You couldn't catch a bus or something? Or did you have work or something?
Speaking of amazing people, the president of Trigger was such a nice guy, shame not many people came to the LWA cosplay meet to see him.
that microskirt. someone please tell me they got a photo of her ass.
>Nobody can ever make mistakes ever. Everybody has to be perfect their first try. Nobody can ever learn.

Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?
Who is this anyways?
Insane Black Rock Shooter. Cosplayer is Vensy.
It looks fucking fantastic. Nitpicking over details like that is pointless. Critique is one thing, but nitpicking is another.
Would you also like him to be 34 stories tall?
It's actually Black Rock Shooter Beast
Was there any good Tiger and Bunny cosplays this year? I know it was more of a 'last year' anime in terms of popularity, but I always enjoy seeing the superhero/mech suits people do from that series. (I did meet a really funny Tiger cosplayer though, I'm so sad I couldn't work up the courage to flirt with him a little.)
Ahhh, my mistake. But yes, I'm surprised there aren't already upskirts of that.
No i know the character, i have the figma was wondering who the cosplayer was.
Thanks, was she with huke or with GSC that costume is fantastic with the LEDs

>so dissapointed i couldnt get huke to sign my BRS artbook featuring beast
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Does anyone have any pics of the Eva cockpit that was constructed? I really wanted to see it but I never got a chance.
Did anyone catch any pics of the Volibear cosplayer?
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Yeah I enjoyed those stages as well, great for photos.
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Awesome photos man, appreciate it

Thank you! Awe damn, that looks so cool I wish I could have seen that. I only got to go on Saturday and didn't even realize that had it until after I left. Shucks.
This was the same one that was at Fanime Right?
they also stuck a UNSPACY emblem on the side for Macross but I don't think that really works that well with it

I know I saw you, you were a legit Dan. I didn't get any pictures though :(
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I didn't get the completed one but damn this was cool.
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>EVA Provisional Unit Mk.5... activate!
They had to have a staff member take the side off for people to get into it, it's a pretty neat thing.
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Best photobomb from my camera.
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did anyone see this guy crossplaying? i think he was a maid.
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Just felt right to get a picture of these two together.
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here's a larger image of him.
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hell yeah, motherfucker
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This is the hero cosplayers deserve. She had her number on her cart and handed out small cards with her number and the tools she had.
>String / Needle
>Hot Glue Gun
>Hair Pins
>Wig Brush
>Permanent Pens
>Wire / Pliers
>Super Glue
>Duct Tape
>Acrylic Paint

There's also instructions to "Please Remember to pass this card on to anyone you meet having issues with their cosplay."
Was she charging, or just accepting tips?
Also, wasn't there a station that did exactly this in the games room?
Oh god this guy..it was the funniest/saddest thing I saw on day 4 in the evening with him.

>come outside of gaming hall with friend to see him walking across without his helmet
>stop and look because it looks pretty funny to see a small human head with that massive thing
>he looks really tired and annoyed
>keep going to a bit
>look back to see him trying to go into the elevator (I think he was too tired to go up stairs/escalator)
>stop to look because I wanted to see if this massive fucker could actually fit
>he can't
>me and my friend start laughing a little
along with a crowd that is forming to look
>person asks for a picture
>he jus says "ummm" not saying no but you can tell he is too tired and doesn't want one especially without his mask
>everyone starts taking pictures any way
>he is stuck in the middle of a crowd of picture takers with the most miserable look on his face.

>life after evangelion.avi

Me and my friend were still laughing a bit at this whole situation but we both felt pretty bad for him at the same time.

I think I got a picture and small video of him ill upload them a bit later.
>not helping him
>just standing there laughing
c'mon man...
That's funny and all but you're a dick
It doesn't say "Free" on it but I'm pretty sure she was doing it for nothing in return. And I actually never found the cosplay repair station.
it was in the very back left side of the game room
The BRS didn't even know who she was cosplaying
That's the worst.
Beaver Boys with a friend
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Considering there was nothing we could do to really help, and in the end it's not like it couldn't just walk away if he REALLY wanted to or just said "no pictures please" he did none of that.

If you want to talk about dick..talk about whoever cosplayed as the dude from "free"

He was a total douche talking to me and my friend when we has some questions. One of those faggots that acts like a dick when you don't get everything right when taking to him.
God damn sachie do something about your terrible skin before you go to cons. You aren't going to fulfill your dream of being a youtube idol at this rate.
I know, right. (Shiny Chariot copslayer here.) Our Lotte, Sucy, and other Akko all had other cosplay obligations they had to go to during it, but it was really cool when we all got together for the panel and fan event.
This was my first AX and I had a blast. The Trigger/LWA stuff was definitely the highlight of my con. Trigger prez and Good Smile guy were so nice. And Megumi Han is literally the most adorable thing in existence. Plus I had a lot of fun with cosplaying with the other girls. I can't wait to find more pictures of our little (witch) group.
I will have to agree. Proportions are way off but I will give points for sheer size and his mobility and the moving fingers.

Why are we allowed to nitpick some random costumes but we can't critique that one costume that everyone says is awesome?
Requesting the wreck it ralph group from saturday if anyone saw them. theres a few pictures on tumblr but none with the felix as well
>>6957746 (OP)
Anyone have pictures from the idolm@ster gathering on friday?
about fucking time her costume was posted. too bad we can't see her legs.
lol jealous fatty. you know she can just use makeup/foundation/lighting for her videos right?
A small request, but anyone take a picture of Yamato Hotsuin? I forgot to take a self shot. :(
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I was expecting gods gift to asses, but that's ok too I guess.
oh god what is this a meme or somethign?

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