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I'm joining the military soon. I'm going to be in basic and miss Otakon and Gencon. Any other currently active military cosplayers/congoers? Tell me about your experiences? Did you keep cosplaying when you had free time during AIT? Meet any other cosplayers/congoers/fans of a particular series while you were in?
I've seen, every now and then, a military BDU at conventions. I imagine they'd prefer to go plainclothes or cosplay though.

There are lots of weeaboos in the military, especially AF and Navy where more tech jobs are. Getting leave time synched up to conventions can be difficult, though. And good luck making costumes if you live in barracks
I'm a 35P/Crypo-Linguist and my AIT will last about a year. From what I understand we'll have weekends to ourselves? If that's the case, spending at least a day or two at a con shouldn't be too difficult.

You might have to earn privileges over the course of weeks or months before they'll let you fly out to a con for a weekend. After basic, most people want to party and do stupid shit. They've tried to clamp down on that by loosening the leash gradually
Ait you have NO freedom. At least with medical. 11 pm curfews at Fort Sam for AF. Not sure how it is for linguists, but once you graduate you're pretty much living in a decent dorm and I haven't got my sewing machine yet from the movers, but there seems to be enough room to sew. It's more getting leave to GO is the issue. Where I'm stationed at, there's quite a few, (Bay Area) but you could end up in Mt Home where there's three little ones. It's all a matter of luck. (This is if you can't get leave and just go Saturday and Sunday)
The BDUs are mostly tacticool faggots who can't actually join because of their aspergers. So they get airsoft guns and surplus uniforms. No self respecting military member would wear a uniform at a con. Not to mention it's not really allowed, and you want to get out of it as soon as the duty day is over anyways.
Your school is in Monterrey, I think. But you'll mostly be studying.
depends on when you went to AIT for Medical my friend :P I think I was the last class to go through with over night passes and stuff at Fort Sam. Of course I went in the dead of winter so the con scene was dead but yeah.

>>6891589 (OP)
I've kept cosplaying. I've been out of AIT for two years now and I've kept cosplaying when I can. It's just like any other job where you can do your own personal stuff in your free time. Might have to shift some stuff around from time to time but it's doable.

I haven't met very many cosplayers in the Army, but I've met a few. And the odd looks from my chain of command when they find my costumes/props when doing room inspections is always a little embarrassing and hard to explain but they never really fuck with me more than a little joke here and there about how weird I am because they're all old school army and think we all have to be gruff and tough :P.
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>No self respecting military member
That would imply that welfare whores have anything resembling self-respect. If you faggots are willing to pace around at the local mall in uniform so people will acknowledge you, you are just as likely to do it at a con.
there will always be the hurrdurr look at me types who will go everywhere in uniform just for acknowledgement.

but i can confirm that like, >>6896886 I want to gtfo of my uniform as soon as I get off at the end of the day. The only exception is when I'm short on time and I'll go grab a bite to eat like that but There's no way in hell I'd wear it to a con.
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It's actually against the rules, unless you live near a training base. The tech schoolers HAVE to wear their uniforms any time they're off base so the instructors can tell if they're acting the fool. Do you live in San Antonio?
I've been intending to enlist in the USMC in the near future. (Tanker. Tfw I'm a guy and can't cosplay Girls und Panzer uniforms without being comical.)
Had the brilliant idea of collecting military uniforms from different anime while I'm in, since I'd at least know how to keep them looking sharp and prim and wear them with proper posturing.

Thinking Full Metal Alchemist's Amestrian military uniforms, but not sure what else since I just thought of it a day ago.
If you live on a base, then you HAVE to wear your uniform where ever under duty hours. You nasty civilian.
FMA mililtary uniforms suck ass.

Depends on the location. In USEUR it's actually suggested you not where your uniform off post regardless of duty hours unless you're on a specific 'mission' outside of post limits. Reasons being domestic terrorism is ridiculous in Yoorup.

I might coincide my pre-deployment leave with Otakon this year, but unfortunately living in Germany it's the best I can do. Yes there is a German anime convention scene but I know enough German to hail a cab and order a beer.

One thing I can say about cosplay is my dedication to prop making is pretty much gone with the severe limitations. Any costume work I c an do is very basic sewing and lots of alterations.


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