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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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/cgl/ secrets thread?
Ita tendencies, horrible things you did at cons, and basically everything else welcome here.
Pic unrelated
I had sex with a hot guy at con while I was still with my old bf. He was dressed as Kamina which fit my Yoko, while my beta bf cosplayed simon.
It's hot as hell in Georgia, and I often don't wear blouses.
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MtF crossplayer, had to use the bathroom. Men's bathrooms smelled like shit, so I tried to see if I could pass and use the women's.
Got a lot of compliments on my height, but I couldn't respond because of man-voice. They ended up asking if I was mute, and I just kind of nodded.
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Fucking priceless.
I miss one tripfag already and she's only been gone for a few days... I stalked all her posts and I've posted in another secret thread about her. I'm obsessive.
> MtF crossplayer
> MtF
> crossplayer
That… doesn't really resolve confusion. Who were you cosplaying as?
PirateToaster? Is that you?
No, Stormy.
>some nobody
Sup Stormy.
I believe in that context, the implicit "transsexual" is not appended and "crossplayer" has been used instead.
I also stalk nia but she's always posting so I don't have to miss her.
This is the part where you pretend to sweep in, flattered and flustered, and talk yourself into coming back, right? >Weeeeell, ok! If it's for a fan! I didn't know anyone would even miss me, tee hee!
Ah. That explains everything.
Stocking, regular outfit.
I was stoned as hell at Frill.
I think I've seen her post in a thread or two since a couple days. You're a horrible stalker.
I like to trip Homestuck cosplayers.
Why would she? She hasn't even been gone. Stalker chan is just stupid and doesn't know how to stalk properly.
When i get overwhelmed with all the lolita rules and ita proclamations to the point of feeling worthless for wanting to wear my apron jsk, I listen to the last minute or so of Killing In the Name.
>fuck you i won't do what you tell me
>fuck you i won't do what you tell me
and then i feel better
That's hilarious, and do whatever you want anon. Aint no seagull gonna tell you what to do.
Okay I guess I just missed her somehow. Stop telling me how to stalk properly.
I love black and white lacemonsters... I feel bad for admitting that
I've been with my boyfriend for about a year, however since we live a couple of hours away we don't spend that much time together. Lately I've been noticing he has a little bit of a beta complex
>still holds grudges about being bullied at school
>can't have a grown up conversation
>gets butt hurt when something he likes gets critized
All this has been putting me off little by little.
It also doesn't help when you're aware how much of a grown up he is.
Sounds so much like my boyfriend. We've been dating 2 years and I can't believe I'm only just noticing it. Damn you long distance. I'm pretty sure it's going to be over between us soon.
Sounds just like my ex. It took him having a kid to grow up at all, after dropping out of jobcorps and college.
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I just moved to Georgia and I'm having a hell of a time finding any cosplayers or lolitas in my area.
Sorry to hear that Anon. Will you be the one to end the relationship? Or are you just waiting for it all to fade like me?
Sigh... this just reminded me how he talk about wanting to have kids. Only recently I confessed to him I wasn't into the whole idea of being a parent and he seemed a bit crushed.
How did you guys break up?
what part?
GA cosplayer here as well
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Lawrenceville. I absolutely regret not moving closer to Atlanta [well, I'm not too too far. It's just a hassle].
Honestly, I'm probably going to end it soon. Part of me wants to just let if fade but I'm just getting sick of his behavior now. We're good as friends, just not as a couple.
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This is the best drawing I've ever done.
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Okay, first meetup ever.

>Be walking outside with small portion of comm
>Hot as fuck outside
>Heavy ass clothing and makeup starts to get to me
>Realize everyone is wearing a wig but me and I'm the only one complaining
>Realize how strong these women are and get a massive female hard on for their dedication to fashion
>Spill my guts out
>Girls give me annoyed glare
>Confused until boyfriend who was with me at the time points out that there is a shit fuck of people to our left

...I am so, SO sorry.

Forgive me for being a clueless, awkward mess.
He always wanted to be in an off-again on again relationship, so he broke up with me alot just to get back together days later. The last time he pulled that shit was the day before my highschool prom so I took a cute girlfriend and had to hear him bitch about never going to prom. So I never took him back and he had a kid a year later.
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You can get better man, I believe in you!
That's just asking to trip one of them the wrong direction someday and get covered in grey.
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I have a convention plus Artist Alley in two months to prepare for, and I haven't lifted a finger to start a damn thing because of Animal Crossing.
That's kawaii as fuck... Nice job! And I need a lot of practice anon
I always wanted to buy my friend lolita since she's a hard worker but doesn't have extra money due to School. However I hadn't bought any yet and I didn't want her to be the first in my small town to own lolita clothing/ be a Lolita.
I've moved now, so I'm going to buy her some brand when I can.
Do you feel regret?
I love Homestuck but act like I don't to everyone.
I know that feeling. Though, I've just been hiding it from a select few people I know.
>> lolita community
>> full of drama, power hungry lolitas
>> absolutely hate it but pretend to be all friendly with everyone

Not the only one though!
This was going to be my confession, anon.
I keep hoping someone at my loli meets will bring it up so I don't feel so bad about enjoying it.

I'm like the reverse of this. My comm is lovely, nearly no drama, but oh my God I want to be friends with everybody so badly and I'm way too afraid of coming on too strong and weirding people out. It doesn't help that I'm an aspie, so I'm already super anxious of being weird or accidentally rude at meets and shit.
I'm a 24 year old virgin and I've never even kissed a girl. Last year at a con a girl asked me to dance with her and held my hands but I got scared and ran away. I don't think I can do this anymore, guys.
There is no reason to feel bad about liking homestuck. It's well written, and at times beautifully drawn/animated.when it isn't well written, Hussie is making fun of somebody.
Liking the vocal minority of the fandom/stuckaboos is another story.
Were you smoking weed in the hotel?

Not sure if I'm offended or impressed.
I fear that my loli comm would treat me like an idiot whenever the conversation moves to anime or anything Japanese. I just never got into it and I don't understand the conversations so I just smile and nod and mimic others' reactions so they won't know how lost I am.
I think the problem is that even the really cool fans get lumped with the stuckaboos.
I love lacemonster headbands. They're so puffy and cute!
You can't smoke weed in a hotel you stupid fuck.
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> I'm an aspie
Were you actually diagnosed by a professional? If not, fuck off, you attention whore.

I don't pretend I don't like the community but I'm not openly hostile to them. I'd rather just not be bothered, especially online where if they act like a bitch and you point it out, they just resort to "u mad" and act like they were trolling all along.
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You shouldn't, but no one gaf

I once said to a girl that I liked her cosplay and listened to her for like an hour to have sex with her teehee
YOU might not be able to...
This just in, but a "professional" opinion is almost as valid as someone who's entire knowledge of psychology comes from Wikipedia.

Sometimes more valid, sure. But sometimes less even.

Psychologists are the snake oil merchants of modern times.

Yes, I was. I don't understand people who claim to have illnesses they haven't been diagnosed with.
Why so aggressive? I'm genuinely curious.
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Dear sweet lord. Well done OP, sounds like you dodged a bullet. Hope prom was way more fun than it would've been with this asshat!
My friends and I dress like normal fags/"preps": J. Crew, Lacoste, basic normal people clothing.

We all frequent 4chan and /cgl/ and BTB and make fun of people who wear lolita at our college who look like lace monsters or just ita as fuck.

>girls wearing thigh-high shiny boots with a stiletto heel
>girls wearing bodyline and claiming it's brand
>girls who wear their normal hair and don't even style it
>girls who wear loud and messy makeup with their lolita, like kuro lolitas wearing gyaru-tier makeup with blue eyeshadow
>girls who wear Lime Crime
>girls who try and pass off a ModCloth dress as lolita
>girls who complain about being posted to /cgl/
>girls who wear lolita to parties where it definitely doesn't belong (live indie concerts where everyone else is in jeans and a shirt, parties with DJs and vodka and electrohouse)
>girls who wear lolita to class
>girls who wear pettis but don't know how to walk gracefully in them
not that anon, but i was told to fuck off repeatedly for as you call it, "attention whoring" by friends and family when i insisted something must be wrong and i needed help until i got to someone who correctly diagnosed me.
Before that doctor I had been prescribed no fewer than three medications that fucked with my head that i did not need. (bipolar, add,ect)
Hans Aspergers tested on males exclusively, so the females who would have muddled up the precious data are pretty much fucked.
Please don't judge.
I don't blame you. If the members of the fanbase who you know in real life are annoying or have no self-control it's perfectly acceptable to do this. I've done this at numerous cons with all kinds of fandoms. Sometimes it's just necessary for your mental health.
Kiss my doctorate-bearing ass.
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You're a bully and a piece of shit, and someday a pissed-off lolita is going to beat you to within an inch of her life with a melty moon bag containing a brick.
I cosplay at half the cons I go to, but to this day I have never cosplayed as an anime character.

That's the only one I have because nothing ever happens to me, every time I go I feel completely alone until someone talks to me about my costume. I'd go with groups but I have no friends who like this stuff, and I don't want to join a group because I'm really insecure and pessimistic so I worry that either everyone will be kind of a dick, there'll be a "that guy" or I'll be "that guy." It's getting to the point where I'm only going to panels or the game room when I'm not eating. I guess that's a confession, sorry for bitching.

Oh also:

>be normalfag
>get to know everyone, not just people with my same interests

>cosplay kids all stick together
>all wear really shitty closet cosplays but expect to be praised to high heavens
>lots of skinnyfats to regular fats
>a few anorexics that are still skinnyfat
>they all try to sexy up their costumes
>all look flabby and gross, even the skinnies
>awkward as fuck IRL and smelly
>stay the fuck away

>learn about my normalfag friend's hobbies
>turns out some of them do cosplay
>their cosplays are 10x better than the ones the asshole lifeplayers wear
>they only wear them to cons but they put a shitton of effort into their few cosplays vs. just putting together random shit to make a new cosplay every week
>work out at the gym so they're not skinnyfats and they can actually look fucking amazing in their cosplays
>cosplays are accurate and not extra "sexy"
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>My face when you obviously don't have a degree in anything if you can say that with a straight face

Stay ita! If you're a weirdass, a liar, or knock into people with a petticoat all the time, people will talk about it.

There are some people that do lolita and cosplay well. They aren't dicks about it and don't try and shove it in everyone's faces 24/7, like during class and meals. They also don't try and force it into parties. It's awkward as fuck to see someone try and drink keg beer from a teacup.
My fucking god people, POT. BROWNIES. They taste delicious, have the same effect, and you don't get smoke everywhere that irritates my eyes under my contacts and smells like an illegal substance and it gets all in my clothes so now the police dogs are gonna rip my balls off as well.
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okay, I've never come on to this board but I need you guys to answer something for me. This is not a troll thread, I'm legitimately curious to your thoughts. So I ran across this Cosplay Deviants thing, and I gotta know. Is this a cheap way to get nerds to give them money for a form of smut or do people legitimately like dressing up, taking most of it off and pose naked.
should I just make this it's own thread or does it belong here?
Did you mean to post a real thread? If so, misfire.
You should make a new thread.
I'm sorry that I'm the first one to tell you, but a lot of people are able to smoke under the radar. We just know how to cover it up.

And you can cry about how you smell it on all these dirty hippies.,,but those of us who really care to cover it up don't get caught, You wouldn't be able to discern us from the rest of the crowd, sorry.
I wish you would have gotten arrested.
I know they exist, it's just that I never get that luck and it smells like the fucking Mystery Machine everywhere these people go.

captcha: clear gonsif
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If you look at internet aspies, every first one is a self-diagnosed, pity seeking attention whore seeking to justify their failings by claiming illness. Life does not work that way. Having a PD doesn't excuse you, it only explains your flaws so you can better cope with them and try to not let them influence your life. And assburgers is ADD of today, in any case. It's misdiagnosed so much it loses all meaning. You may just be awkward and not very witty and voilà, you're a member of the proud for nothing aspie tribe. Not only that, but there was a huge fucking mistake in describing the patients as having average to above the average intelligence. That harmful myth, tirelessly perpetuated by aspie wannabes, is the reason people are so ready to accept it. Face it: Asperger's is just mild autism, but autism still. It means its sufferers are unimaginative, slow of wit, barely capable of anything but routine, and just not very bright in general. So when I see someone declaring themselves to be aspies OTI, I ask if they're actually diagnosed. If no, then they're just attention whores who can't get a life; if yes, then they're just retards and it's no surprise they have no friends because nobody interesting wants to be friends with an autist. Seriously, seek a better diagnosis.
I hide my power level. Thank god because my college has some massive weebs. I see a few girls that wear cat ears and/or tails every. fucking. day.
I'm sorry but once you're over the age of 16 and you wear that shit out in public there's just something wrong with you.
> implying I'm a lolita

So other people being awkward or acting weird somehow justifies you being an asshole? Go back to seventh grade.
Or vaporize. With so many non rude options to get high I now think that people who smoke pot in the presence of non participants are assholes. I don't mind you getting high- I just don't want to smell it.
Dear lord, at college?

Poor Anon.

We basically have:

>the shitty Lolitas that would have called themselves Goths or emo a few years ago
>Homestuck kids, holy shit
>cosplay kids

I made a joke in class about my dwarf wizard being a "otherkin elf" and some otherkin girl with catears went off about how that's offensive to otherkin.

>not knowing the history of the term
>not realizing it was originally used by people who thought they were elves
>being tumblr enough to call it misappropriation when I used it even though it was misappropriation on the furry's part to use it at all

I ignored her and she shut up eventually.

>talking about weirdasses privately with my friends
>being an asshole
>forgetting what board you're on

Good job. It's okay to talk about itas anonymously when you don't know them online, with other people you don't know, but not okay to talk about it IRL with friends when you do know them?
Umm...no. No,

Oddly enough, I'm actually remarkably imaginative and creative with slightly above average intelligence. So either my doctor is wrong, or I'm an anomaly. Or you're wrong.

At my college, there's this girl who wears a long, tangled as fuck grey/silver wig. My friends and started joking around that it was Sephiroth cosplay, but yeah. It was definitely a cosplay wig.
Your doctor is wrong. That happens, especially with people in psy profession. As I said, Asperger's gets misdiagnosed a lot, because people, even shrinks, have no idea what mild autism is like. Unless you're not unlike Chris-chan, autism isn't the best go-to explanation for awkward behaviour. And maybe you don't need a diagnosis at all: some people just have life problems, and they don't come from a single source. If you find trouble living normally, don't think you're the only one. Sometimes, there's no diagnosis for having less than perfect personal life.
And that's why they took Aspergers out of the DSMV.
>>6920021 here
Really? I've seen a girl with a nasty white wig on my campus. Are you in Ohio by chance?
I honestly have a terrible face for cosplay and my body shape isn't that great either, I just try my very best on each costume to make it as good as I can make it. I still know that I will never be a good one b/c of my face. It kinda sucks, but I love the hobby so much I can't stop.
I love ageplay looking prints.
I adore Dreamy Baby Room, Toy Fantasy, Toy Parade, all of them.
I want to dress myself in nothing but sugary sweet, over the top, pastel vomit. I keep telling myself to try classic but I just don't care for classic or gothic.
I don't have a sewing machine. I don't know how to use one. I hand sew or buy all my cosplays.
I act nice to other cosplayers then laugh at how they look with my friends.
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also I like the white eyeliner on the bottom lash line, applied like pic related.
Are you me? ;~;
I love making costumes but I hate having to wear them, but I wouldn't want to make them for anyone else.
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People tell me they love my coordinates and some people even say I'm an inspiration to them. This comes as a huge surprise to me because I think they're mediocre to decent, nothing amazing to deserve all this praise.

I'm afraid people just say that because I'm skinny and wear brand.
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I like to wear diapers under my gowns and dresses.

Whenever someone finds out, I tell them it's for convenience because of how big or poofy the dresses are, and they always seem to buy it because, hey, it makes sense.

But I'm secretly kinda getting off on being diapered in public without anyone knowing. Also, I'm super into age-play, so I'm mostly like how >>6920087 feels with the whole babyish colors and prints thing.
Just wear bloomers over them, no one will know or find out.

Also calling bs because if anyone found out they wouldn't accept such a lame excuse.
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Smoking weed in a hotel is way easier than you might think. I do it all the time, as long as you smoke in the bathroom with the fan/ shower on no one has to know. We went as far as keeping two bongs and half an oz. in our hotel room and nobody fucked with us.

Well when I cosplay, I tend to wear costumes that are most certainly not stall friendly.
I love all the pastel "ageplayish" looking prints too, anon and I also enjoy wearing classic. It's so funny looking at my wardrobe because it's like, Toy Parade, Milky Planet, Sugary Carnival, BAM florals and gates. AP's cute little mascot characters are just too adorable, I love rainbow colors, and I don't even care.
Do you actually put them to use or just wear them?
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Well... sometimes I do...
Dis feel but in NC >:
/cgl/ please don't hit me but...
>this year will be my first cosplay.
>pokemon genderbend
>half of it is closet cosplay
I don't know, I feel horrible.
Can I get any opinions on this or tips to not look like an idiot?
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Imagining a girl in a frilly lolita dress actually carrying 2 pounds of shit under that puffy skirt gives me feels.
and then it smudges all over your but and the smell...and the E. coli... and what if it leaks on your brand and...

Don't closet cosplay.
And which character is it?

Whoa whoa. I don't mess them. Only wetting.
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But it's only the shorts so...

It's Brock.

I feel like I need to go to the church of /cgl/ and repent
and the piss is all over your brand and then you're all soggy and it falls down your leg and shit my god girl

I'm sorry I'm in a "lol let me come up with random nasty shit" mood
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Sometimes I go to Craiglist hoping to build up the courage to find a sugar daddy.
However I'm too much of a coward to reply to any post.
I'm in the same shameful boat, Anon. I've had a couple replies, but I'm always terrified to meet them in person and chicken out.
> searching for sugardaddies
> on Craiglist
Um, yeah. Don't do that.
You virgin guys are gross. Stop thinking you'll find a girl who'll like you here.
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I sincerely hope you find your prince charming one day who will accept your curious interests. If it wasn't for the anonymous nature of this board I'd offer myself as I find the image you create extremely appealing to the point where I might want to help you change out of a soggy pair.
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Hey, everybody starts some where. And it seems you've researched your character well. My first cosplay was a closet TCC-tan(no make-up derp face, un-styled wig) and my next will be alternatives of Miku, TF 2 and Mio, all ridiculously overdone, but I don't care, I'm doing them as well as I can for the love of the character.
Illuminate me please
It also doesn't help the fact that I live in a town tiny as fuck
Gaaah, thank you anon ;_;
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Thanks! I'm always surprised how many people I talk to on 4chan are supportive and encouraging for this kind of stuff.
Come on? Searching for sponsors on Craiglist? You must be either desperate or clueless.
I think closet cosplay gets a bad rap around these parts it doesn't really deserve. An inaccurate, poorly put together closet cosplay is no worse than an inaccurate, poorly made handmade or commissioned cosplay. Not all closet cosplayers are doing it to be lazy; some characters just wear suits or trenchcoats or baseball caps or other things that a person could conceivably already own, or could more easily find than create. If a cosplayer's heart is in it, there's still effort involved; I've spent months scouring thrift stores and malls for the perfect piece for a future cosplay.

Someday, ninth Doctor jacket, someday.
I'm the only remotely alternative dressing person at my college. I dress in gothic lolita, and have this one girl follow me around in classes hoping to be picked for group activities with me. She has a cheap $50 corset made out of some crappy red and black satin that she wears over the same twilight shirt every week. She gushes over my outfits - tells me she will mug me for my shoes, pretty much mock-glares at me and tells me she's sooo jealous. Her mum won't let her buy new shoes without permission and looking at them first. This girl is over 18...the fuck...
> ninth Doctor
So you're at least an 8.5, right?
This! I started out with thrift/closet cosplays a few years ago and I'm working my way up to gradually more complex props and sewing. For now, Homestuck and My Little Pony. Someday, Final Fantasy and Tron.

My girlfriend's thrown a loop in my perfect system by talking me into a Star Wars cosplay for Dragon*con, but it works on paper.
>perfect system
That was... not on purpose
Aaah, thank you anon!
Oh god, original OPM looked awful.

Dear god. How do you not feel bad?
Like, do you not even a little bit?!?
I'm new to /cgl/, what does that mean?
What do you expect from a whore?
One-Punch Man
Why would she feel bad?

Damn, son. Did you read the story?

She had sex with some guy because he was hot, when she did still have a boyfriend.
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are you really
Did you forget where we are?

In doing so, she has admitted to being a terribly undesirable partner.

Someone that isn't to be trusted with anything important.
It in a way proves being vastly more immature than someone for being "beta", as you might say.
It is unfair to the other person in the relationship. Unless it is open, which it is implied not to be, then she is saying she needs more whilst expecting herself to be enough for her partner.
Dishonest people aren't desired in any culture that I know of.
etc, etc.
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She didn't sell her boyfriend's house while he wasn't looking. She just had sex with a guy because he's hot. Seriously, chill.
I am a sugar baby/sex worker. And no, you definitely shouldn't be looking on Craigslist, christ's sake.
Where should I be looking?
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Where did you find yours?
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Do you cosplay when "at work"?
There are tons of sites. The most reputable are seekingarrangement.com, sugardaddie.com, whatsyourprice.com, misstravel.com, and ashleymadison.com. I've used SA and WYP.

SA and SD are strictly for sugar arrangements, though you will run into guys trying to get sex for free on every site. WYP is a dates-for-money thing- they offer a price, you accept or deny for a first date only. What happens after that is up to you. Miss Travel is strictly a travel dealio, and Ashley Madison is for cheating husbands but some SD material is on there.

If you are really interested and want to educate yourself, stalk the "sugar baby" tag on tumblr and for the love of god do a lot of research before asking stupid questions/jumping into a "date" and getting yourself killed.
Bahaha no! But both of my SDs are aware of my cosplay.

Oh, and I got one from SA and one from WYP, which are the only two sites I've used so far.
Don't worry anon. Most aspies are creative and imaginative. The people on here can't seem to believe the fact that not every aspie is a lolcow.
Magina chan, pls go.
>If you look at internet aspies, every first one is a self-diagnosed, pity seeking attention whore seeking to justify their failings by claiming illness
And here's the shocker - most of the self-diagnosed losers are actually right. It's only teenage girls who claim to be Aspies for attention, men usually don't do it for attention since they can't get any from it anyway.
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I can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely this stupid.
Enjoy having no job.

Actually I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. As part of my study programme I could choose from many vocational humanitarian subjects as well. I had psychology for one semester, 4 hours a week. I can say with a certainty that I know way more than a random piece of shit like you, and probably more than the average "psychology student" on 4chan.
Also, I didn't stop studying yet, fyi, I'm not stopping until I get my CS doctorate.

Not that it isn't already worth much more than your shitty doctorate.
I don't wear panties under my bloomers
your an faggot
Don't you fucking dare call me a mangina.

Every day I have a dream about what's it like to be a female.

Just today I dreamed about going to McDonalds. I ordered a cheeseburger and a Cola. The fat lady at the country intermediately asked if I want a Diet Cola. And when I said no, some guy took the Cola she gave me and drank it.

Almost all the tables we're filled with men, and I was relatively attractive. I could feel their stares, looking at me, undressing me with their eyes. I went to the table with the least men - just two guys. One of them looked like a Beta nerd. He immediately asked me to be his girlfriend. Politely, I decided to ignore it and pretend he wasn't there. When I wanted to enjoy my meal (which suddenly turned from a cheeseburger to a healthy meal of rice and lean meat), the other guy, who was sitting next to the nerd and bullying him, started bothering me. Apparently I caught his attention by not replying to his "friend".

He literally put his hand in my mean and grabbed some of it with his filthy hands, saying "eaaaaat biiiiatch!". And then he threw it on my hair. Nobody else came to my help. I guess he was too Alpha for the rest of the men there. I tried to stop myself from crying, and I just silently ate my meal with teary eyes, ignoring his chauvinistic comments regarding my female body. And the worst thing is that I also felt a bit attracted to him, because he was good looking, and I had low self esteem from all the bullying he did, so my douchebag shield was at extremely low levels.

I quickly finished my meal and ran away.

And then I woke up. It was one of the worst dreams I had. Any guy who tells me that "hurr durr being a girl is like playing on Easy Difficulty!" is a misogynistic prick. I can't imagine what it would be to deal with shit like that every day, to accept that as a mundane part of my life. I thoroughly checked my white straight male privilege after I brushed my teeth.
*put his hand in my meal

>look gaiz I had psych for one semester
>I no soooo much

Fuck off. I don't even like psych but you sound like an arrogant twat. Oh, and spoiler alert: nobody really believes Freud anymore.
o-O-ooOh, really? man that really reked my shit

we've had exactly one lesson regarding the entirety of Freud's work and our lecturer made it obvious that it's bullshit


but bullshit
>be a decently attractive girl
>get some cleavage going on
>stream League of legends on twitch dot tv
>earn more cash than a doctor

How is being a girl not playing on easy mode?
The entire system is rigged so you'll have it easy.
*fat lady at the counter

Man, I cannot even type properly... that's just how distraught I am.

Wow, tell me more about your one semester date with psych and how you know ~everything~ about it including the entirety of DSM-IV then.
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A tumblr hero.
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Oh look, aspies with hurt feelings. I'm really sorry replying to me took time from making breakthroughs in arts and sciences. You could have done so much in that minute and a half.
> Most aspies are creative and imaginative.
Autists are definitely neither creative nor imaginative; that's part of the definition. Aspies are autists. More than that, assburgers doesn't even exist, it's not recognised as a valid diagnosis anymore. Therefore, you're an idiot. Seriously, do you really believe that there exists a condition a severe form of which makes you functionally retarded, but a mild form assures you a genius? No, fucking really? You aren't living in a fairy tale.


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