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>get bored of /b/ some what like anime go to check out /cgl/ see nothing but.
>Ugly catty lolitas hateing on other ugly lolitas
>overweight cosplayers fat bashing other overweight cosplayers.
>>6821715 (OP)
Welcome to /cgl/!
no shit the fatty hate on here is worse than /b/, at least we can have a chubby thread with only minimal hate.
I am overweight, so it is disheartening. Not all of use are like that though. I actually have a medical condition that affects my weight, but still managing to lose weight. Some people here don't understand that everyone simply overeats, and that weight doesn't magically fall off.

That said, I don't look anywhere near as bad as some of the people they post here...I miss the PT threads honestly...
that not everyone*
OP is a misogykneest.
check priviledge hurdur
yeah I under stand not everyone can lose weight so fast or whatever, but it doesn't mean you have to cosplay a girl who is clearly thin as a stick when you look like the Michelin Man.
I don't though, I also have a pretty small waist. Most of my weight is on my legs (thighs).

Also, does someone cosplaying something out of their "body range" really affect you that negatively? Does it stop you getting on with your life? Can you get out of bed in the morning?

Yeah, I feel really bad for you. These fatties are just ruining your life.
My personal experience with this on here
> I was on here asking for suggestions for a future cosplay thats comeing up soon.
>was wanting to cosplay out of my ''Body range" and was to overweight to cosplay them
>tried sticking up for my self just got sick it and just left.
> I guess I called it on my self knowing how 4chan is...
>4 chan is 4chan no matter what forum your in.
Fatties are pretty groce
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>I actually have a medical condition


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